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Resume Les expériences ont porté sur des lapins repartis en deux groupes parallèles — un groupe étant traité avec des aéroions négatifs en concentrations moderées (n = 10 – 40.000; n+ = 1.000) et l'autre sans aéroionothérapie (témoins). Par rapport aux animaux témoins (pas exposés aux aéroions),on a enregistré,sous l'influence de l'aéroionothérapie, que: (1)il y a une tendence de normalisation de la motilité spontanée, deprimée par une alimentation contenant un excès de cholestérol(0,3 g/kg/jour); (2) la lipémie et la cholestérolémie sont restées à un niveau plus bas chez les animaux alimentés au cholestérol; (3) la lipémie et la cholestérolémie, de même que l'iode thyroïdien, sont restées aux valeurs voisines de celles normales,chez les animaux nourris avec un excès (20 mg/kg/jour), de substances antithyroïdiennes naturelles (provenant du chou).
Groups of rabbits were exposed to negative air ions of moderate concentrations (n = 10 – 40,000; n+ = 1,000) while others served as controls. (1) When rabbits were fed a cholesterol-rich diet (0.3 g/kg/day)causing reduction of motility in the control animals, their motility was normalized under air ion treatment. (2) The blood cholesterol and lipid levels of rabbits on a cholesterol-rich diet were lower with air ion treatment than in controls.(3) When rabbits were fed a diet with thyroid blocking agents from cabbage the blood cholesterol and lipid levels and the thyroid iodine content remained unchanged with air ion treatment.

Zusammenfassung Gruppen Kaninchen wurden mit negativen Luftionen in mässigen Konzentrationen (n = 100 000 – 40 000; n+ = 1 000) behandelt, während andere als Kontrollen dienten. (1) Die durch Fütterung von cholesterinreicher Diät (0,3 g/kg/Tag) verminderte Motilität der Tiere wurde unter der Luftionenbehandlung normalisiert. (2) Der durch Fütterung von cholesterinreicher Diät erhöhte Blutcholesterin- und-fettspiegel fiel durch Luftionenbehandlung ab. (3) Der durch Fütterung von strumipriven Substanzen aus Kohl erhöhte Cholesterin- und Fettspiegel im Blut und verminderte Jodgehalt der Schilddrüse wurde durch Luftionenbehandlung nicht beeinflusst.

Résumé Les auteurs ont isolé plus de 700 souches de bactéries lactiques à partir de raisins, de moûts, de vins de diverses origines et à différents stades de conservation. Ils étudient ici 253 souches de bacilles hétérofermentaires, dans le but d'établir une classification simple et un catalogue permettant un repérage facile des souches.Il est commode de classer les souches d'après la fermentation des pentoses, en raison de la netteté de ces tests, alors que parfois ceux appliqués à d'autres sucres ont des caractères moins tranchés. On retrouve alors la classification qui avait été déjà donnée par Vaughn, Douglas et Fornachon en 1949.Les bacilles pentoses négatifs (26 souches) forment l'espèce Lactobacillus fructivorans. Ceux qui font fermenter seulement l'arabinose (4 souches) ou seulement le xylose (155 souches) correspondent respectivement à Lactobacillus desidiosus et à Lactobacillus hilgardii. L'espèce Lactobacillus brevis comprend les bacilles pentoses positifs (68 souches).
A study of two hundred and fifty strains of lactic acid bacteria
Summary The authors have isolated more than 700 strains of lactic acid bacteria found in grapes, musts and wines of various origins and at different states of conservation. They study in this work 253 strains of heterofermentative bacilli in order to work out a classification and a catalogue allowing easy identification of the strains.It is convenient to classify the strains from the fermentation of pentoses, on account of the accuracy of these tests, tests on other sugars having sometimes less specific characters. The results are consistant with the classification already established by Vaughn, Douglas and Fornachon in 1949.Pentose negative bacilli (26 strains) constitute the species Lactobacillus fructivorans. The ones which ferment only arabinose (4 strains) or only xylose (155 strains) correspond to Lactobacillus desidiosus and Lactobacillus hilgardii. The pentose positive strains (68) belong to the species Lactobacillus brevis.

Absence of the vas deferens is a rare cause of male infertility, associated with mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR) gene in about 80% of cases. Only limited published data are available concerning the correlation between genotype and reproductive tract abnormalities observed in this disease: presence or absence of seminal vesicles and parts of the epididymis, symmetrical or asymmetrical lesions, testicular volumes. We screened 47 patients for the 13 most common CFTR mutations on the cystic fibrosis gene and for the 5-thymidine variant of the polythymidine tract of intron 8. Renal, scrotal and transrectal ultrasonography was performed in each patient to explore the testes and reproductive tract. All patients presented absence of the ampullae of the vas deferens. Forty patients presented bilateral absence of the vas deferens and 7 presented unilateral absence of the vas deferens. At least one mutation of the cystic fibrosis gene was present in 64% of cases: 47% had the ΔF 508 mutation and 63% had the 5T allele. No mutation was detected in seventeen patients, including 3 patients with unilateral renal agenesis and 3 patients with unilateral absence of the vas deferens. No differences were observed for seminal vesicles and symmetry of vesicular and epididymal abnormalities between patients with or without CFTR gene mutations, but epididymal abnormalities were significantly more frequent in the group without mutation (p=0.01). Testicular volumes were significantly lower in the patients without mutation or with the 5T allele only, than in the patients with at least one CFTR gene mutation: 10.7±4.1 ml versus 15.1±4.5 ml, respectively (p<0.001). In conclusion, in cases of isolated absence of the vas deferens, there is no difference in sperm duct abnormalities between patients with or without CFTR gene mutation. These results suggest that other genetic or environmental determinants are required to explain a common pathogenesis for these malformations. The decreased testicular volume of patients without CFTR gene mutation or with the 5T allele only suggests the existence of an unidentified secretory or mixed factor involved in these forms of absence of the vas deferens.  相似文献   

A Laberge  P M Bernard  L Bernard 《CMAJ》1988,138(9):824-826
To estimate the incidence of fracture of the proximal end of the femur in people aged 50 years or older living in the Quebec area in 1971, 1976 and 1981 we determined the number of admissions for such fractures to the 15 acute care hospitals in the region. From 1971 to 1981 the number of fractures increased by 71%; the increases for those aged 75 to 84 years and 85 years or over were 98% and 118% respectively. The variation is only partly explained by changes in sex and age distribution of the population; the incidence rates also increased. Among men aged 75 to 84 years the incidence rate per 1000 person-years rose from 2.63 in 1971 to 5.22 in 1981, an increase of 98%; the corresponding figures for men aged 85 years or more were 9.76 and 16.91, an increase of 73%. Among women aged 75 to 84 years the rate rose from 7.28 to 8.81, an increase of 21%; the corresponding figures for women aged 85 years or more were 20.40 and 24.27, an increase of 21% and 19% respectively.  相似文献   

A. Mirimanoff 《Protoplasma》1953,42(2):250-260
Résumé Le présent travail expose quelles sont les réactions de la cellule végétale lorsque cette dernière est soumise à l'association d'un toxique et d'un « mouillant » (Netzmittel).Les variables sont: la nature de la cellule végétale, celle du toxique et celle du mouillant.Alors que les mouillants cationiques, eux-mêmes toxiques, exercent une simple action additive, les mouillants anioniques révèlent dans de nombreux cas une synergie de toxicité. Celle-ci se manifeste surtout avec les champignons et les bactéries Gram+, les végétaux supérieurs se montrant indifférents. Cette synergie varie également avec la structure moléculaire du mouillant.Les mouillants non ioniques peuvent au contraire exercer une action antagoniste, c'est-à-dire diminuer la toxicité.Ce dernier phénomène se produit dans certains cas à la suite d'une réaction chimique entre le mouillant et le toxique; la nature de la cellule est alors indifférente. Dans d'autres cas, il y a absence de réaction chimique et le phénomène ne se produit qu'avec certains types de cellules (champignons surtout).La nature chimique du toxique joue, dans la synergie, un rôle moins important que dans l'antagonisme.Des hypothèses sont formulées pour tenter d'élucider le mécanisme des cas de synergie et d'antagonisme.  相似文献   

Nawal El Ansari 《Andrologie》2008,18(2):127-130
Kallmann syndrome (KS) is a rare, heterogeneous disorder consisting of congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, associated with anosmia (or hyposmia) and other clinical manifestations such as mirror movements, and renal, urological and neurosensory disorders. The presence of anosmia with micropenis in boys is suggestive of the diagnostic of KS. In KS, the GnRH neurons do not migrate correctly from the olfactory placode to the hypothalamus during development and olfactory bulbs also fail to form, leading to anosmia. Mutations in KAL1 which encodes Anosmin-1, are responsible for the X-linked form of KS. Anosmin-1 is normally expressed in the brain, facial mesenchyme, mesonephros and metanephros. It is required to promote migration of GnRH neurons into the hypothalamus. It also allows migration of olfactory neurons from the olfactory bulbs to the hypothalamus. The loss of function mutations in FGFR1 “fibroblast growth factor” were identified in 2003 as a cause of autosomal forms of this disease. An additional autosomal cause of Kallmann syndrome was recently identified by a mutation in the prokineticin receptor-2 gene (PROKR2) (KAL-3) and its ligand prokineticin 2 (PROK2) (KAL-4). Mutations in these genes induce various degrees of olfactory and reproductive dysfunction, but not the other symptoms seen in KAL-1 and KAL-2 forms of KS. Neuropilin2, which has an important role in migration of GnRH neurons, is a recent candidate gene for KS. The authors describe the genetic features and recent findings of KS, necessary to understand this disease.  相似文献   

Résumé Avant d'entrer en contact, les surfaces de fusion des processus palatins subissent des modifications. Certaines cellules épithéliales superficielles deviennent turgescentes, alors que d'autres conservent un aspect dense et aplati, elles se lysent et éclatent. Des noyaux semblables à ceux des assises profondes se retrouvent en surface, paraissant migrer vers le bourgeon antagoniste. Des projections filamenteuses apparaissent, quelques unes établissant un contact avec l'épithélium opposé, d'autres restant seulement sous forme d'expansion. Ces observations sont concordantes en microscopie photonique et en microscopie électronique à balayage.
Modification of the medial epithelium of the palatal shelves of mice at the prefusion stage. A light and scanning electron microscopy study
Summary The fusion surfaces of the palatal processes are modified before coming into contact. Several superficial epithelial cells become hypertrophied, undergo lysis and burst, whereas others remain flattened and densely stained. Nuclei, similar to those localized in deeper layers are found on the surface and seem to migrate towards the opposite process. Filamentous projections appear and some establish a linkage with the opposite epithelium, whereas others expand freely from the surface. Light microscope observations agree with scanning electron microscopy findings.

Sans résuméReçu par la rédaction le 30.X.1953.  相似文献   

An outbreak of diphtheria occurred on the North Shore of the St. Lawrence River at the beginning of September 1974. It started with the death of an 18-year-old forest worker Sept. 5, spread over a vast area of the North Shore and lasted until the end of October that year. Eleven strains of toxigenic Corynebacterium diphtheriae intermedium, type K were isolated. Eleven of the 12 patients had characteristic diphtheritic pharyngitis with pseudomembranes. Preventive measures, set forth immediately after the third case was declared, included the following: (a) daily surveillance of all contacts, (b) isolation or preventive hospitalization of persons with all types of pharyngitis, (c) mass vaccination of all susceptible persons and (d) search for healthy carriers of the germ. No strains of toxigenic C. diptheriae were isolated from patients preventively hospitalized or from the 1235 individuals among whom carriers were sought. Among the main characteristics of this epidemic, the mean age of the patients (17 years), their mobility and their habits are factors that could have made it almost uncontrollable. It is also remarkable that this outbreak occurred in such a scattered population of adolescents, in 82% of whom the Schick test was negative.  相似文献   

Digestion by restriction enzymes has been carried out on polymerase chain reaction products of the mitochondrial DNA control region of round sardine (Sardinella aurita) samples coming from the Eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea. The results show i) that, though the habitat is continuous, there is no gene flow between the two basins where two genetically differentiated groups can be recognized, ii) that each basin is genetically homogeneous and, iii) that the haplotypic diversity in the Mediterranean is between two and three times smaller than that observed in the Atlantic. These results can hardly be explained by a recent colonization from the Eastern Atlantic. This suggests that, for S. aurita and some other species, the Mediterranean Sea is genetically little influenced by the Eastern Atlantic.  相似文献   



To assess prospectively on objective and subjective parameters functional outcomes of prostatic thermotherapy by radiofrequency (Prostiva?) on urinary discomfort and sexual life in the treatment of uncomplicated symptomatic and resistant to drug treatment benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH).

Patients and methods

Patients with eligibility criteria for this treatment published by HAS have been treated in our urology unit. They were called at one month for a clinical examination and analysis of objective data (maximum urine flow [Qmax], post-voiding residual, international prostate score symptom [IPSS]). They were contacted in December 2009 and submitted to a questionnaire on urinary symptoms (IPSS), quality of life (question 8 of IPSS), assessment of sexual function (IIEF, DAN SEX) and subjective assessment of treatment (Likert score).


From December 2006 to January 2009, 20 patients (median age: 63 years) were treated with Prostiva?. Four patients had acute retention of urine in the immediate postoperative needing a urinary catheterization in emergency. We made a systematic evaluation of all patients at one month and in December 2009. The median follow-up was 20.6 months (12?C37 months). There was a significant improvement of IPSS (?6.7 points; IC95= [?10.3; ?3.1]), an improvement of sexuality functions, quality of life data, and a sense of global improvement of urinary symptoms (+ 1.8 = improved on the Likert score). Four patients were considered as failures: three patients resumed drug therapy, one patient received a prostate resection.


Our single centre study performed in selected patients according to the criteria of HAS consolidated the results of published studies. Results were positive on urinary symptoms, with a low morbidity and a positive subjective evaluation on symptoms. It demonstrated the safety of thermotherapy on patients?? sexuality and even better, the positive impact of the treatment on erections and satisfaction relations.  相似文献   

Résumé Nous avons montré, à l'aide d'actinomycine tritiée, que cet inhibiteur pénètre en quantité égale dans les cellules de planaires adultes qui ne régéénèrent pas en présence de fortes concentrations (50 g/cm3) et dans celles de jeunes planaires qui peuvent former un blastème en présence d'actinomycine D, malgré l'inhibition de nouvelles synthèses d'ARN qui en résulte. Chez les jeunes, le taux de pénétration de l'antibiotique est comparable dans les noyaux des cellules indifférenciées qui participent à la formation du blastème et dans les noyaux des cellules différenciées. Les noyaux à nucléoles dissociés ne sont pas plus radioactifs que les noyaux où le nucléole est seulement appauvri en granulations. La radioactivité diminue uniformément dans toutes les cellules si les animaux sont remis en élevage dans l'eau. La radioactivité cytoplasmique observée est probablement due à la nature des fixateurs qui favorisent la rétention de molécules non liées.Nous pouvons conclure que les noyaux de toutes les catégories cellulaires présentent la même perméabilité à l'actinomycine. Celle-ci est présente dans les cellules de régénération des jeunes qui édifient cependant un blastème où le taux de synthèse des protéines est au même niveau que dans une régénération normale.
On the action of actinomycin D on the cellular differentiation during the regeneration in Planarians
Summary 3H actinomycin inhibitor of RNA synthesis enters equally cells of adult planarians which never regenerate when applying the drug at high concentration (50 g/cm3), and young planarians which can form a blastem in the same solution; regeneration occurs despite of the inhibition of new RNA synthesis which ensues.Ultrastructural histoautoradiographs of newly hatched Planarian tissues show that this drug enters equally nuclei of undifferentiated cells which make up the blastem of regeneration and whose nucleoli are not dissociated, and nuclei of differentiated cells whose nucleoli are very often dissociated. The radioactivity is very often located upon heterochromatin. After return of the animals into water, radioactivity becomes reduced evenly in all cells.The cytoplasmic radioactivity that we have observed probably depends on the nature of fixatives which favour the retention of non linked molecules.We can conclude that the nuclei of all cells have the same permeability to actinomycin D, whatever the state of morphological differentiation. The inhibitor is present within the regeneration cells of young Planarians which build a blastem wherein the rate of protein synthesis is at the same level as in normal regenerating tissues.

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