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Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is characterized by the presence of neuropathological lesions containing amyloid plaques (APs) and neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) associated with neuroinflammation and neuronal degeneration. Hippocampus is one of the earliest and severely damaged areas in AD brain. Glia maturation factor (GMF), a known proinflammatory molecule is up-regulated in AD. Here, we have investigated the expression and distribution of GMF in relation to the distribution of APs and NFTs in the hippocampus of AD brains. Our immunohistochemical results showed GMF is expressed specifically in the vicinity of high density of APs and NFTs in the hippocampus of AD patients. Moreover, reactive astrocytes and activated microglia surrounds the APs and NFTs. We further demonstrate that GMF immunoreactive glial cells were increased at the sites of Tau containing NFTs and APs of hippocampus in AD brains. In conclusion, up-regulated expression of GMF in the hippocampus, and the co-localization of GMF and thioflavin-S stained NFTs and APs suggest that GMF may play important role in the pathogenesis of AD.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated that glia maturation factor (GMF), a brain specific protein, isolated, sequenced and cloned in our laboratory, induce expression of proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines in the central nervous system. We also reported that the up-regulation of GMF in astrocytes leads to the destruction of neurons suggesting a novel pathway of GMF-mediated cytotoxicity of brain cells, and implicated its involvement in the pathogenesis of inflammatory neurodegenerative diseases. In the present study, we examined the expressions of GMF in triple-transgenic Alzheimer’s disease (3xTg-AD) mice. Our results show a 13-fold up-regulation of GMF and 8–12-fold up-regulation of proinflammatory cytokines tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), interleukin-6 (IL-6), IL-1β, interferon gamma (IFN-γ), and chemokine (C–C motif) ligand 2 (CCL2) and C–X–C motif chemokine 10 (CXCL10/IP-10) mRNA as determined by quantitative real-time RT-PCR in the brain of 3xTg-AD mice as compared to non-transgenic (Non-Tg) mice. In conclusion, the increase in GMF and cytokine/chemokine expression was correlated with reactive glial fibrillary acidic protein positive astrocytes and ionized calcium binding adaptor molecule 1 (Iba-1)-positive microglia in 3xTg-AD mice.  相似文献   

Alzheimer’s disease (AD), a progressive neurodegenerative disorder and the most common form of dementia and cognitive impairment is usually characterized by neuritic amyloid plaques, cerebrovascular amyloidosis and neurofibrillary tangles. In order to find out the pathological protein expression, a quantitative proteome analysis of AD hippocampus, substantia nigra and cortex was performed and the extent of protein expression variation not only in contrast to age-matched controls but also among the understudied regions was analyzed. Expression alterations of 48 proteins were observed in each region along with significant co/contra regulation of malate dehydrogenase, lactate dehydrogenase B chain, aconitate hydratase, protein NipSnap homolog 2, actin cytoplasmic 1, creatine kinase U-type and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. These differentially expressed proteins are mainly involved in energy metabolism, cytoskeleton integration, apoptosis and several other potent cellular/molecular processes. Interaction association network analysis further confirms the close interacting relationship between the co/contra regulated differentially expressed proteins among all the three regions. Elucidation of co/contra regulation of differentially expressed proteins will be helpful to understand disease progression and functional alterations associated with AD.  相似文献   

Late onset Alzheimer’s disease (LOAD) etiology is influenced by complex interactions between genetic and environmental risk factors. Large-scale genome wide association studies (GWAS) for LOAD have identified 10 novel risk genes: ABCA7, BIN1, CD2AP, CD33, CLU, CR1, EPHA1, MS4A6A, MS4A6E, and PICALM. We sought to measure the influence of GWAS single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and gene expression levels on clinical and pathological measures of AD in brain tissue from the parietal lobe of AD cases and age-matched, cognitively normal controls. We found that ABCA7, CD33, and CR1 expression levels were associated with clinical dementia rating (CDR), with higher expression being associated with more advanced cognitive decline. BIN1 expression levels were associated with disease progression, where higher expression was associated with a delayed age at onset. CD33, CLU, and CR1 expression levels were associated with disease status, where elevated expression levels were associated with AD. Additionally, MS4A6A expression levels were associated with Braak tangle and Braak plaque scores, with elevated expression levels being associated with more advanced brain pathology. We failed to detect an association between GWAS SNPs and gene expression levels in our brain series. The minor allele of rs3764650 in ABCA7 is associated with age at onset and disease duration, and the minor allele of rs670139 in MS4A6E was associated with Braak tangle and Braak plaque score. These findings suggest that expression of some GWAS genes, namely ABCA7, BIN1, CD33, CLU, CR1 and the MS4A family, are altered in AD brains.  相似文献   

Amounts of glutamate metabolizing enzymes such as glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH), glutamine synthetase (GS), GS-like protein (GSLP), and phosphate-activated glutaminase (PAG) were compared in prefrontal cortex of control subjects and patients with Alzheimer disease (AD). The target proteins were quantified by ECL-Western immunoblotting in extracts from brain tissue prepared by two different techniques separating enzymes preferentially associated with cytoplasm (GDH I and II isoenzymes, GS, and partially GSLP) and membrane (GDH III, PAG, and partially GSLP) fractions. Amounts of all listed enzymes were found significantly increased in the patient group compared with controls. Some links between the measured values were observed in the control, but not in the AD patient group. The results may suggest for the pathological interruption of regulatory relations between distinct enzymes of glutamate metabolism in brain of AD patients.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence suggests that the conversion of Aβ peptides to soluble, neurotoxic polymers is the key event in the development of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Moreover, interactions between Aβ peptides and neuronal membrane lipids likely play a vital role in developing the neurotoxicity associated with AD. The aim of this study is to assess whether lipid matrix of neuronal membranes is affected by the accumulation of Aβ peptides in double transgenic mouse model of AD expressing both mutant human β-amyloid precursor protein (APP) and presenilin 1 (PS1). We apply high pressure liquid chromatography with an evaporative light scattering detector to compare levels of cholesterol, galactocerebrosides, and phospholipid subclasses simultaneously in cortex samples between AD double transgenic mice at 4 months of age when Aβ production and amyloid plaque deposition is just beginning and at 9 months, when there is advanced Aβ levels and plaque deposition compared to age-matched wild-type (B6/SJL) mice. Both cholesterol (CL) and phospholipids (PL) are significantly lower in 9-month-old AD mice than the same age of B6/SJL mice. Among PL subclasses, phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), phosphatidylserine (PS) and phosphatidylcholine (PC) are selectively reduced in 9-month-old AD mice. The molar ratios of CL to PL in 9-month-old AD mice (1.19 ± 0.27) were significantly higher than those of 9-month-old B6/SJL mice (0.81 ± 0.08). In keeping with decreased levels of PL, there are also significant reductions of very long-chain n-3 fatty acids (docosahexaenoic acid) and n-6 fatty acid (arachidonic acid) in 9-month-old AD mice. On the other hand, ratios of total n-6 to total n-3 fatty acids were significantly higher in 9-month-old AD mice than in the same age of B6/SJL mice. Taken together, our present data support a role for the interactions of amyloid-β peptide and neuronal membranes in the subsequent development of AD. Special issue article in honor of Dr. George DeVries.  相似文献   

Early-onset Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients present a different clinical profile than late-onset AD patients. This can be partially explained by cortical atrophy, although brain organization might provide more insight. The aim of this study was to examine functional connectivity in early-onset and late-onset AD patients. Resting-state fMRI scans of 20 early-onset (<65 years old), 28 late-onset (≥65 years old) AD patients and 15 “young” (<65 years old) and 31 “old” (≥65 years old) age-matched controls were available. Resting-state network-masks were used to create subject-specific maps. Group differences were examined using a non-parametric permutation test, accounting for gray-matter. Performance on five cognitive domains were used in a correlation analysis with functional connectivity in AD patients. Functional connectivity was not different in any of the RSNs when comparing the two control groups (young vs. old controls), which implies that there is no general effect of aging on functional connectivity. Functional connectivity in early-onset AD was lower in all networks compared to age-matched controls, where late-onset AD showed lower functional connectivity in the default-mode network. Functional connectivity was lower in early-onset compared to late-onset AD in auditory-, sensory-motor, dorsal-visual systems and the default mode network. Across patients, an association of functional connectivity of the default mode network was found with visuoconstruction. Functional connectivity of the right dorsal visual system was associated with attention across patients. In late-onset AD patients alone, higher functional connectivity of the sensory-motor system was associated with poorer memory performance. Functional brain organization was more widely disrupted in early-onset AD when compared to late-onset AD. This could possibly explain different clinical profiles, although more research into the relationship of functional connectivity and cognitive performance is needed.  相似文献   

Multiple genetic variants may contribute to the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. We have analyzed polymorphisms in 9 genes to determine whether particular combinations would contribute to this risk. The genes were APOE, LDLr, CST3, CTSD, TNF, BACE1, MAPT, STH, eNOS, and TFCP2. Three risk groups for the disease were identified. Risk group I was younger, was heterozygous for the CST3 (GA), CTSD2936 (AG), TNF -308 (AG) genetic variants. Risk group II was older, was homozygous for the −427 APOE promoter polymorphism (TT), and heterozygous for the MAPT deletion and for the STH variant (QR). Group III had both the youngest and oldest subjects, were heterozygous for the −863 (AC) and −1031 (CT) TNF promoter polymorphisms. All three groups carried the APOE 4 allele and were heterozygous for both BACE1 polymorphisms. The control groups were carriers of the APOE 3 allele and were homozygous for the BACE1 genetic variants. C. N. Randall, S. N. Morris, A. D. Winkie and G. R. Parker—STAR students. C. N. Randall, D. Strasburger, J. Prozonic, S. N. Morris, A. D. Winkie, G. R. Parker, D. Cheng and E. M. Fennell contributed equally to this study. Special issue article in honor of Dr. George DeVries.  相似文献   

Biochemistry (Moscow) - The incidence of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) increases significantly following chronic stress and brain ischemia which, over the years, cause accumulation of toxic...  相似文献   

Prolyl endopeptidase (PEP) is believed to inactivate neuropeptides that are present in the extracellular space. However, the intracellular localization of PEP suggests additional, yet unidentified physiological functions for this enzyme. Here we studied the expression, enzymatic activity and subcellular localization of PEP in adult and aged mouse brain as well as in brains of age-matched APP transgenic Tg2576 mice and in brains of Alzheimer’s disease patients. In mouse brain PEP was exclusively expressed by neurons and displayed region- and age-specific differences in expression levels, with the highest PEP activity being present in cerebellum and a significant increase in hippocampal but not cortical or cerebellar PEP activity in aged mouse brain. In brains of young APP transgenic Tg2576 mice, hippocampal PEP activity was increased compared to wild-type littermates in the pre-plaque phase but not in aged mice with β-amyloid plaque pathology. This “accelerated aging” with regard to hippocampal PEP expression in young APP transgenic mice might be one factor contributing to the observed cognitive deficits in these mice in the pre-plaque phase and could also explain in part the cognition-enhancing effects of PEP inhibitors in serveral experimental paradigms.  相似文献   

Modern society is characterized by the ubiquity of stressors that affect every individual to different extents. Furthermore, experimental, clinical, and epidemiological data have shown that chronic activation of the stress response may participate in the development of various somatic as well as neuropsychiatric diseases. Surprisingly, the role that stress plays in the etiopathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) has not yet been studied in detail and is therefore not well understood. However, accumulated data have shown that neuroendocrine and behavioral changes accompanying the stress response affect neuronal homeostasis and compromise several key neuronal processes. Mediators of the neuroendocrine stress response, if elevated repeatedly or chronically, exert direct detrimental effects on the brain by impairing neuronal metabolism, plasticity, and survival. Stress-induced hormonal and behavioral reactions may also participate in the development of hypertension, atherosclerosis, insulin resistance, and other peripheral disturbances that may indirectly induce neuropathological processes participating in the development and progression of AD. Importantly, stress-induced detrimental effects as etiological factors of AD are attractive because they can be reduced by several approaches including behavioral and pharmacological interventions. These interventions may therefore represent an important strategy for prevention or attenuation of the progression of AD.  相似文献   

The study of sporadic Alzheimer’s disease etiology, now more than ever, needs an infusion of new concepts. Despite ongoing interest in Alzheimer’s disease, the basis of this entity is not yet clear. At present, the best-established and accepted “culprit” in Alzheimer’s disease pathology by most scientists is the amyloid, as the main molecular factor responsible for neurodegeneration in this disease. Abnormal upregulation of amyloid production or a disturbed clearance mechanism may lead to pathological accumulation of amyloid in brain according to the “amyloid hypothesis.” We will critically review these observations and highlight inconsistencies between the predictions of the “amyloid hypothesis” and the published data. There is still controversy over the role of amyloid in the pathological process. A question arises whether amyloid is responsible for the neurodegeneration or if it accumulates because of the neurodegeneration. Recent evidence suggests that the pathophysiology and neuropathology of Alzheimer’s disease comprises more than amyloid accumulation, tau protein pathology and finally brain atrophy with dementia. Nowadays, a handful of researchers share a newly emerged view that the ischemic episodes of brain best describe the pathogenic cascade, which eventually leads to neuronal loss, especially in hippocampus, with amyloid accumulation, tau protein pathology and irreversible dementia of Alzheimer type. The most persuasive evidences come from investigations of ischemically damaged brains of patients and from experimental ischemic brain studies that mimic Alzheimer-type dementia. This review attempts to depict what we know and do not know about the triggering factor of the Alzheimer’s disease, focusing on the possibility that the initial pathological trigger involves ischemic episodes and ischemia-induced gene dysregulation. The resulting brain ischemia dysregulates additionally expression of amyloid precursor protein and amyloid-processing enzyme genes that, in addition, ultimately compromise brain functions, leading over time to the complex alterations that characterize advanced sporadic Alzheimer’s disease. The identification of the genes involved in Alzheimer’s disease induced by ischemia will enable to further define the events leading to sporadic Alzheimer’s disease-related abnormalities. Additionally, knowledge gained from the above investigations should facilitate the elaboration of the effective treatment and/or prevention of Alzheimer’s disease.  相似文献   

Receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) is a receptor of the immunoglobulin super family that plays various important roles under physiological and pathological conditions. Compelling evidence suggests that RAGE acts as both an inflammatory intermediary and a critical inducer of oxidative stress, underlying RAGE-induced Alzheimer-like pathophysiological changes that drive the process of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). A critical role of RAGE in AD includes beta-amyloid (Aβ) production and accumulation, the formation of neurofibrillary tangles, failure of synaptic transmission, and neuronal degeneration. The steady-state level of Aβ depends on the balance between production and clearance. RAGE plays an important role in the Aβ clearance. RAGE acts as an important transporter via regulating influx of circulating Aβ into brain, whereas the efflux of brain-derived Aβ into the circulation via BBB is implemented by LRP1. RAGE could be an important contributor to Aβ generation via enhancing the activity of β- and/or γ-secretases and activating inflammatory response and oxidative stress. However, sRAGE–Aβ interactions could inhibit Aβ neurotoxicity and promote Aβ clearance from brain. Meanwhile, RAGE could be a promoting factor for the synaptic dysfunction and neuronal circuit dysfunction which are both the material structure of cognition, and the physiological and pathological basis of cognition. In addition, RAGE could be a trigger for the pathogenesis of Aβ and tau hyper-phosphorylation which both participate in the process of cognitive impairment. Preclinical and clinical studies have supported that RAGE inhibitors could be useful in the treatment of AD. Thus, an effective measure to inhibit RAGE may be a novel drug target in AD.  相似文献   

Biochemistry (Moscow) - Alzheimer’s disease is the most common age-related neurodegenerative disease. Understanding of its etiology and pathogenesis is constantly expanding. Thus, the...  相似文献   

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