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Ecosystems are often arranged in naturally patchy landscapes with habitat patches linked by dispersal of species in a metacommunity. The size of a metacommunity, or number of patches, is predicted to influence community dynamics and therefore the structure and function of local communities. However, such predictions have yet to be experimentally tested using full food webs in natural metacommunities. We used the natural mesocosm system of aquatic macroinvertebrates in bromeliad phytotelmata to test the effect of the number of patches in a metacommunity on species richness, abundance, and community composition. We created metacommunities of varying size using fine mesh cages to enclose a gradient from a single bromeliad up to the full forest. We found that species richness, abundance, and biomass increased from enclosed metacommunities to the full forest size and that diversity and evenness also increased in larger enclosures. Community composition was affected by metacommunity size across the full gradient, with a more even detritivore community in larger metacommunities, and taxonomic groups such as mosquitoes going locally extinct in smaller metacommunities. We were able to divide the effects of metacommunity size into aquatic and terrestrial habitat components and found that the importance of each varied by species; those with simple life cycles were only affected by local aquatic habitat whereas insects with complex life cycles were also affected by the amount of terrestrial matrix. This differential survival of obligate and non‐obligate dispersers allowed us to partition the beta‐diversity between metacommunities among functional groups. Our study is one of the first tests of metacommunity size in a natural metacommunity landscape and shows that both diversity and community composition are significantly affected by metacommunity size. Synthesis Natural food webs are sensitive to meta‐community size, i.e. the number of patches connected through dispersal. We provide an empirical test using the aquatic foodweb associated within bromeliads as a model system. When we reduced the number of bromeliad patches connect through dispersal, we found a clear change of the foodweb in terms of population sizes, beta diversity, community composition and predator‐prey ratios. The response of individual taxa was predictable based on species traits including dispersal modes, life cycle, and adult resource requirements. Our study demonstrates that community structure is strongly influenced by the interplay of species traits and landscape properties.  相似文献   

The fragmentation of agricultural landscapes has a major impact on biodiversity. In addition to habitat loss, dispersal limitation increasingly appears as a significant driver of biodiversity decline. Landscape linear elements, like ditches, may reduce the negative impacts of fragmentation by enhancing connectivity for many organisms, in addition to providing refuge habitats. To characterize these effects, we investigated the respective roles of propagule source composition and connectivity at the landscape scale on hydrochorous and non-hydrochorous ditch bank plant metacommunities. Twenty-seven square sites (0.5 km2 each) were selected in an agricultural lowland of northern France. At each site, plant communities were sampled on nine ditch banks (totaling 243 ditches). Variables characterizing propagule sources composition and connectivity were calculated for landscape mosaic and ditch network models. The landscape mosaic influenced only non-hydrochorous species, while the ditch network impacted both hydrochorous and non-hydrochorous species. Non-hydrochorous metacommunities were dependent on a large set of land-use elements, either within the landscape mosaic or adjacent to the ditch network, whereas hydrochorous plant metacommunities were only impacted by the presence of ditches adjacent to crops and roads. Ditch network connectivity also influenced both hydrochorous and non-hydrochorous ditch bank plant metacommunity structure, suggesting that beyond favoring hydrochory, ditches may also enhance plant dispersal by acting on other dispersal vectors. Increasing propagule sources heterogeneity and connectivity appeared to decrease within-metacommunity similarity within landscapes. Altogether, our results suggest that the ditch network's composition and configuration impacts plant metacommunity structure by affecting propagule dispersal possibilities, with contrasted consequences depending on species' dispersal vectors.  相似文献   

Understanding what drives biodiversity patterns across scales is a central goal of ecology. Both environmental gradients and spatial landscape structure have been found to be important factors influencing species distributions and community composition, and partly reflect the balance of underlying deterministic and stochastic community processes. In some systems, environmental gradients and spatial connectivity are intertwined in that steep environmental gradients serve as boundaries on species movements and impose environment‐derived complex spatial structure to metacommunities. Mountainous landscapes are prime examples of this, and recent theory has linked principles of geomorphology, environmental gradients, and spatial structure to make predictions for resulting community patterns. In this context, we examine variation in taxonomic and phylogenetic ant diversity patterns along a geographic transect spanning > 5000 m in elevational range in the Hengduan mountains of southern China. We found that environmental gradients dominate variation in both alpha and beta diversity in this landscape, with alpha diversity strongly declining with elevation and beta diversity driven by elevational differences. However, within an elevational band spatial connectivity predicts beta diversity better than geographic distance. Our findings deviate from theoretical predictions in several ways, notably alpha diversity is monotonically declining and within‐band beta diversity is invariant with increasing elevation. The discrepancies between theory and observation may be explained by differences in the Hengduan landscape from idealized fluvial landscapes, such as a lack of a mid‐elevation peak in connectivity, as well as evolutionary limits on the source pool of species available to populate metacommunities at different elevations. The latter is supported by variation in phylogenetic community structure with elevation. Our results demonstrate the power of conceptual, statistical, and theoretical frameworks that integrate the roles of environment and spatial structure in metacommunities, but that additional work is needed to bridge the gap between abstract theory and real systems.  相似文献   

A key challenge for community ecology is to understand to what extent observational data can be used to infer the underlying community assembly processes. As different processes can lead to similar or even identical patterns, statistical analyses of non‐manipulative observational data never yield undisputable causal inference on the underlying processes. Still, most empirical studies in community ecology are based on observational data, and hence understanding under which circumstances such data can shed light on assembly processes is a central concern for community ecologists. We simulated a spatial agent‐based model that generates variation in metacommunity dynamics across multiple axes, including the four classic metacommunity paradigms as special cases. We further simulated a virtual ecologist who analysed snapshot data sampled from the simulations using eighteen output metrics derived from beta‐diversity and habitat variation indices, variation partitioning and joint species distribution modelling. Our results indicated two main axes of variation in the output metrics. The first axis of variation described whether the landscape has patchy or continuous variation, and thus was essentially independent of the properties of the species community. The second axis of variation related to the level of predictability of the metacommunity. The most predictable communities were niche‐based metacommunities inhabiting static landscapes with marked environmental heterogeneity, such as metacommunities following the species sorting paradigm or the mass effects paradigm. The most unpredictable communities were neutral‐based metacommunities inhabiting dynamics landscapes with little spatial heterogeneity, such as metacommunities following the neutral or patch sorting paradigms. The output metrics from joint species distribution modelling yielded generally the highest resolution to disentangle among the simulated scenarios. Yet, the different types of statistical approaches utilized in this study carried complementary information, and thus our results suggest that the most comprehensive evaluation of metacommunity structure can be obtained by combining them.  相似文献   

Lakes and their topological distribution across Earth's surface impose ecological and evolutionary constraints on aquatic metacommunities. In this study, we group similar lake ecosystems as metacommunity units influencing diatom community structure. We assembled a database of 195 lakes from the tropical Andes and adjacent lowlands (8°N–30°S and 58–79°W) with associated environmental predictors to examine diatom metacommunity patterns at two different levels: taxon and functional (deconstructed species matrix by ecological guilds). We also derived spatial variables that inherently assessed the relative role of dispersal. Using complementary multivariate statistical techniques (principal component analysis, cluster analysis, nonmetric multidimensional scaling, Procrustes, variance partitioning), we examined diatom–environment relationships among different lake habitats (sediment surface, periphyton, and plankton) and partitioned community variation to evaluate the influence of niche‐ and dispersal‐based assembly processes in diatom metacommunity structure across lake clusters. The results showed a significant association between geographic clusters of lakes based on gradients of climate and landscape configuration and diatom assemblages. Six lake clusters distributed along a latitudinal gradient were identified as functional metacommunity units for diatom communities. Variance partitioning revealed that dispersal mechanisms were a major contributor to diatom metacommunity structure, but in a highly context‐dependent fashion across lake clusters. In the Andean Altiplano and adjacent lowlands of Bolivia, diatom metacommunities are niche assembled but constrained by either dispersal limitation or mass effects, resulting from area, environmental heterogeneity, and ecological guild relationships. Topographic heterogeneity played an important role in structuring planktic diatom metacommunities. We emphasize the value of a guild‐based metacommunity model linked to dispersal for elucidating mechanisms underlying latitudinal gradients in distribution. Our findings reveal the importance of shifts in ecological drivers across climatic and physiographically distinct lake clusters, providing a basis for comparison of broad‐scale community gradients in lake‐rich regions elsewhere. This may help guide future research to explore evolutionary constraints on the rich Neotropical benthic diatom species pool.  相似文献   

Landscape connectivity can increase the capacity of communities to maintain their function when environments change by promoting the immigration of species or populations with adapted traits. However, high immigration may also restrict fine tuning of species compositions to local environmental conditions by homogenizing the community. Here we demonstrate that dispersal generates such a tradeoff between maximizing local biomass and the capacity of model periphyton metacommunities to recover after a simulated heat wave. In non‐disturbed metacommunities, dispersal decreased the total biomass by preventing differentiation in species composition between the local patches making up the metacommunity. On the contrary, in metacommunities exposed to a realistic summer heat wave, dispersal promoted recovery by increasing the biomass of heat tolerant species in all local patches. Thus, the heat wave reorganized the species composition of the metacommunities and after an initial decrease in total biomass by 38.7%, dispersal fueled a full recovery of biomass in the restructured metacommunities. Although dispersal may decrease equilibrium biomass, our results highlight that connectivity is a key requirement for the response diversity that allows ecological communities to adapt to climate change through species sorting.  相似文献   

Synthesis Metacommunity theory aims to elucidate the relative influence of local and regional‐scale processes in generating diversity patterns across the landscape. Metacommunity research has focused largely on assemblages of competing organisms within a single trophic level. Here, we test the ability of metacommunity models to predict the network structure of the aquatic food web found in the leaves of the northern pitcher plant Sarracenia purpurea. The species‐sorting and patch‐dynamics models most accurately reproduced nine food web properties, suggesting that local‐scale interactions play an important role in structuring Sarracenia food webs. Our approach can be applied to any well‐resolved food web for which data are available from multiple locations. The metacommunity framework explores the relative influence of local and regional‐scale processes in generating diversity patterns across the landscape. Metacommunity models and empirical studies have focused mostly on assemblages of competing organisms within a single trophic level. Studies of multi‐trophic metacommunities are predominantly restricted to simplified trophic motifs and rarely consider entire food webs. We tested the ability of the patch‐dynamics, species‐sorting, mass‐effects, and neutral metacommunity models, as well as three hybrid models, to reproduce empirical patterns of food web structure and composition in the complex aquatic food web found in the northern pitcher plant Sarracenia purpurea. We used empirical data to determine regional species pools and estimate dispersal probabilities, simulated local food‐web dynamics, dispersed species from regional pools into local food webs at rates based on the assumptions of each metacommunity model, and tested their relative fits to empirical data on food‐web structure. The species‐sorting and patch‐dynamics models most accurately reproduced nine food web properties, suggesting that local‐scale interactions were important in structuring Sarracenia food webs. However, differences in dispersal abilities were also important in models that accurately reproduced empirical food web properties. Although the models were tested using pitcher‐plant food webs, the approach we have developed can be applied to any well‐resolved food web for which data are available from multiple locations.  相似文献   

Connectivity is critical to the maintenance of biodiversity in fragmented landscapes, but its effects differ depending on the arrangement of linkages within a habitat network. Additionally, heterogeneity in habitat quality within the habitat network can alter patterns of diversity at local and regional scales in the metacommunity. Using a controlled experiment we examined the interactive effects of habitat connectivity, network form (linear vs square), and habitat patch quality on a moss‐inhabiting microarthropod community. We fragmented moss habitat while controlling for habitat loss, and altered habitat patch quality by regulating moisture conditions in landscapes differing in patch arrangement. Habitat patch quality had a significant effect on patterns of species richness, extinction, abundance and biomass. The effects of network form on diversity were strongest in heterogeneous landscapes. Gamma and beta diversity were greatest in continuous and linear landscapes. However, linear habitat networks showed marked patch specific edge effects that were detrimental to diversity under heterogeneous conditions. We provide direct evidence that habitat network structure impacts species community properties through mass effects, that are most evident when heterogeneity in habitat patch quality is present within the network. We conclude that habitat quality at the individual patch level and the distribution of high‐quality habitat within the network are important factors affecting biodiversity in metacommunities.  相似文献   

The spatial insurance hypothesis predicts that intermediate rates of dispersal between patches in a metacommunity allow species to track favourable conditions, preserving diversity and stabilizing biomass at local and regional scales. However, theory is unclear as to whether dispersal will provide spatial insurance when environmental conditions are changing directionally. In particular, increased temperatures as a result of climate change are expected to cause synchronous growth or decline across species and communities, and this has the potential to erode the stabilizing compensatory dynamics facilitated by dispersal. Here we report on an experimental test of how dispersal affects the diversity and stability of metacommunities under warming using replicate two‐patch pond zooplankton metacommunities. Initial differences in local community composition and abiotic conditions were established by seeding each patch in the metacommunities with plankton and sediment from one of two natural ponds that differed in water chemistry and species composition. We exposed metacommunities to a 2°C increase in average ambient temperature, crossed with three rates of dispersal (none, intermediate, high). In ambient conditions, intermediate dispersal rates preserved diversity and stabilized metacommunities by promoting spatially asynchronous fluctuations in biomass, especially between local populations of the dominant genus, Ceriodaphnia. However, warming synchronized their populations so that these effects of dispersal were lost. Furthermore, because the stabilizing effect of dispersal was primarily due to asynchronous fluctuations between populations of a single genus, metacommunity biomass was stabilized, but dispersal did not stabilize local community biomass. Our results show that dispersal can preserve diversity and provide stability to metacommunities, but also show that this benefit can be eroded when warming is directional and synchronous across patches of a metacommunity, as is expected with climate warming.  相似文献   

Habitat connectivity and dispersal interact to structure metacommunities, but few studies have examined these patterns jointly for organisms across the aquatic–terrestrial ecotone. We assessed metacommunity structure and beta diversity patterns of instream benthic invertebrates, riparian carabid beetles (Order: Coleoptera; Family: Carabidae) and riparian spiders (Order: Araneae) at fifteen sites in a river‐floodplain system. Sampling took place over a three‐year period (2010–2012) in the Rhine‐Main‐Observatory LTER site on the Kinzig River, central Germany. This allowed disentangling the combined influence, and temporal variability, of habitat connectivity (i.e. between aquatic and terrestrial) and dispersal ability (i.e. between spiders and beetles, and aerial and aquatic dispersing invertebrates) on the dominant paradigms structuring these metacommunities. We found mostly consistent differences in the manner that metacommunities were structured between groups, with lower levels of variability explained for beetles compared to the other groups. Beetles were consistently structured more by turnover than nestedness components, with greater beta diversity than expected by chance and a minor spatial compared to environmental signal emerging with variance partitioning. Conversely, spiders and benthic invertebrates had lower beta diversity and greater nestedness than null expectation, and a clearer spatial signal controlling metacommunity structure. Our results suggest varying levels of mass effects and species sorting shape river‐floodplain metacommunities, depending on habitat connectivity and dispersal ability. That is, greater connectivity and lower fragmentation along the river compared to the terrestrial zone promoted mass effects, and differences in overall dispersal ability and mode (i.e. active and passive) for instream and riparian communities shifted paradigms between mass effects and species sorting.  相似文献   

Species distribution in a metacommunity varies according to their traits, the distribution of environmental conditions and connectivity among localities. These ingredients contribute to coexistence across spatial scales via species sorting, patch dynamics, mass effects and neutral dynamics. These mechanisms however seldom act in isolation and the impact of landscape configuration on their relative importance remains poorly understood. We present a new model of metacommunity dynamics that simultaneously considers these four possible mechanisms over spatially explicit landscapes and propose a statistical approach to partition their contribution to species distribution. We find that landscape configuration can induce dispersal limitations that have negative consequences for local species richness. This result was more pronounced with neutral dynamics and mass effect than with species sorting or patch dynamics. We also find that the relative importance of the four mechanisms varies not only among landscape configurations, but also among species, with some species being mostly constrained by dispersal and/or drift and others by sorting. Changes in landscape properties might lead to a shift in coexistence mechanisms and, by extension, to a change in community composition. This confirms the importance of considering landscape properties for conservation and management. Our results illustrate the idea that ecological communities are the results of multiple mechanisms acting at the same time and complete our understanding of spatial processes in competitive metacommunities.  相似文献   

  1. Aquatic ecosystems are biodiversity hot spots across many landscapes; therefore, the degradation of these habitats can lead to decreases in biodiversity across multiple scales. Salinisation is a global issue that threatens freshwater ecosystems by reducing water quality and local biodiversity. The effects of salinity on local processes have been studied extensively; however, the effects of salinisation or similar environmental stressors within a metacommunity (a dispersal network of several distinct communities) have not been explored.
  2. We tested how the spatial heterogeneity and the environmental contrast between freshwater and saline habitat patches influenced cladoceran biodiversity and species composition at local and regional scales in a metacommunity mesocosm experiment. We defined spatial heterogeneity as the proportion of freshwater to saltwater patches within the metacommunity, ranging from a freshwater-dominated metacommunity to a saltwater-dominated metacommunity. Environmental contrast was defined as the environmental distance between habitat patches along the salinity gradient in which low-contrast metacommunities consisted of freshwater and low-salinity patches and high-contrast metacommunities consisted of freshwater and high-salinity patches.
  3. We hypothesised that the α-richness of freshwater patches and metacommunity γ-richness would decrease as freshwater patches became less abundant along the spatial heterogeneity gradient in both low- and high-contrast metacommunities, because there would be fewer freshwater patches that could serve as source populations for declining populations. We hypothesised that low-contrast metacommunities would support more species across the spatial heterogeneity gradient than high-contrast metacommunities, because, via dispersal, low-salinity patches can support halotolerant freshwater species that can mitigate population declines in neighbouring freshwater patches, whereas` high-salinity patches will mostly support halophilic species, providing fewer potential colonisers to freshwater patches.
  4. We found that α-richness of freshwater mesocosms and metacommunity γ-richness declined in saline-dominated metacommunities regardless of the environmental contrast between the freshwater and saline mesocosms. We found that environmental contrast influenced freshwater and saline community composition in low-contrast metacommunities by increasing the abundances of species that could tolerate low-salinity environments through dispersal, whereas freshwater and high-salinity communities showed limited interactions through dispersal.
  5. Freshwater mesocosms had a disproportionate effect on the local and regional biodiversity in these experimental metacommunities, indicating that habitat identity may be more important than habitat diversity for maintaining biodiversity in some metacommunities. This study further emphasises the importance in maintaining multiple species-rich habitat patches across landscapes, particularly those experiencing landscape-wide habitat degradation.

Pathogen persistence in host communities is influenced by processes operating at the individual host to landscape‐level scale, but isolating the relative contributions of these processes is challenging. We developed theory to partition the influence of host species, habitat patches and landscape connectivity on pathogen persistence within metacommunities of hosts and pathogens. We used this framework to quantify the contributions of host species composition and habitat patch identity on the persistence of an amphibian pathogen across the landscape. By sampling over 11 000 hosts of six amphibian species, we found that a single host species could maintain the pathogen in 91% of observed metacommunities. Moreover, this dominant maintenance species contributed, on average, twice as much to landscape‐level pathogen persistence compared to the most influential source patch in a metacommunity. Our analysis demonstrates substantial inequality in how species and patches contribute to pathogen persistence, with important implications for targeted disease management.  相似文献   

A 5‐year time series of annual censuses was collected from a large floodplain lake to determine how dynamics of the local fish community were affected by changes in hydrological connectivity with the surrounding metacommunity. The lake was disconnected from the metacommunity for 1 year prior to our study and remained disconnected until 3 months before our third annual census, when a flood reconnected the lake to the metacommunity. We determined how changes in connectivity affected temporal dynamics of (1) local community composition and (2) the population composition, condition, and growth of catfish, to shed light on how immigration of other species might affect local population dynamics. Before reconnection, the community was likely shaped by interactions between the local environment and species traits. The reconnection caused significant immigration and change in community composition and correlated with a significant and abrupt decline in catfish condition, growth, and abundance; effects likely due to the immigration of a competitor with a similar trophic niche: carp. The community was slow to return to its preconnection state, which may be due to dispersal traits of the fishes, and a time‐lag in the recovery of the local catfish population following transient intensification of species interactions. The dynamics observed were concordant with the species sorting and mass‐effects perspectives of metacommunity theory. Floods cause episodic dispersal in floodplain fish metacommunities, and so, flood frequency determines the relative importance of regional and local processes. Local processes may be particularly important to certain species, but these species may need sufficient time between floods for population increase, before the next flood‐induced dispersal episode brings competitors and predators that might cause population decline. Accordingly, species coexistence in these metacommunities may be facilitated by spatiotemporal storage effects, which may in turn be regulated by flood frequency.  相似文献   

Dispersal in heterogeneous ecosystems, such as coastal metacommunities, is a major driver of diversity and productivity. According to theory, both species richness and spatial averaging shape a unimodal relationship of productivity with dispersal. We experimentally tested the hypothesis that disturbances acting on local patches would buffer the loss of productivity at high dispersal by preventing synchronized species oscillations. To simulate these disturbances, our experimental assemblages involved species that self‐organized in isolation under three inflow pulsing frequencies, where hydraulic displacement and nutrient loading affected assemblage diversity and composition. At steady‐state, the emerging isolated assemblages were connected at three levels of dispersal creating three metacommunities of different connectivity. Consistent with theory, as dispersal increased, species richness in the metacommunity declined; productivity however remained high. This occurred because the most productive species in our study (which dominated the isolated patch of intermediate inflow pulsing frequency) dominated all three patches (low, intermediate and high inflow pulsing frequencies) after dispersal commenced in our metacommunities. This experimental result provides empirical support for the mechanism of spatial averaging. Furthermore, disturbances, in the form of localized pulsed inflows, prevented population oscillation synchrony caused by homogenization. Overall, our observations suggest that localized environmental fluctuations and the identity of species seem to be more influential than dispersal in shaping the diversity and composition of phytoplankton assemblages and stabilizing productivity.  相似文献   

In experimental metacommunities with marine benthic microalgae, we tested whether heat stress changes effects of connectivity and habitat heterogeneity on metacommunity structure and functioning, by manipulating a simulated heat wave, dispersal frequency and a light intensity gradient. We found that all measures of mean local and regional diversity and community biomass significantly declined after the heat wave and showed no sign of recovery. Additionally, dispersal decreased diversity and increased dominance in both the heat stressed and control communities. Together the heat wave and high dispersal frequency induced a dominance shift by spreading a temperature tolerant but low yielding species from its source patches with low light intensity across the metacommunity, an effect that increased with time. Although different species became dominant at high dispersal frequency with and without the heat wave, the shift towards a temperature tolerant species was not sufficient to maintain total community biomass. Thus, short‐term disturbance may cause longer‐term loss of ecosystem function due to dominance shifts in the composition of communities. This study illustrates the importance of employing multispecies approaches when attempting to predict responses of communities to environmental changes.  相似文献   

The negative impact of urbanization on biodiversity can be buffered by blue (e.g., rivers, ponds) and green (e.g., parks, forests) spaces. However, to prevent biodiversity loss and reduce the risk of local extinctions, blue and green spaces need to be connected by corridors, so that organisms may disperse between sites. Landscape connectivity affects local community composition and metacommunity dynamics by facilitating dispersal. The goal of this study was to test the relative roles of pond environmental properties, spatial structure, and functional landscape connectivity on differentiation of invertebrate metacommunities in urban ponds in the city of Stockholm, Sweden. We characterized functional connectivity as blue connectivity (distance to water bodies), green connectivity (land use), and combined blue-green connectivity. We estimated functional connectivity by using electrical circuit theory to identify dispersal corridors. Interestingly, while circuit theory is often used in single-taxon studies, this method has rarely been applied to multiple taxa forming a metacommunity, as we have done in this study. Indeed, our study contributes toward an increased focus on the role of dispersal at the metacommunity level. We determined that functional connectivity was the most important factor in explaining community differentiation, with the local environment contributing comparatively little, and spatial structure the least. Combined blue-green functional connectivity had a major influence on structuring urban pond communities, explaining 7.8% of the variance in community composition across ponds. Furthermore, we found that increased functional connectivity was associated with an increase in the number of species. In summary, our results suggest that to preserve biodiversity in urban ponds, it is important to enhance functional connectivity, and that open green spaces could augment blue corridors in maintaining functional connectivity in urban pond metacommunities. To generalize these findings, future urban biodiversity studies should compare how functional connectivity affects metacommunities across multiple major cities.  相似文献   

Understanding the regional dynamics of plant communities is crucial for predicting the response of plant diversity to habitat fragmentation. However, for fragmented landscapes the importance of regional processes, such as seed dispersal among isolated habitat patches, has been controversially debated. Due to the stochasticity and rarity of among‐patch dispersal and colonization events, we still lack a quantitative understanding of the consequences of these processes at the landscape‐scale. In this study, we used extensive field data from a fragmented, semi‐arid landscape in Israel to parameterize a multi‐species incidence‐function model. This model simulates species occupancy pattern based on patch areas and habitat configuration and explicitly considers the locations and the shapes of habitat patches for the derivation of patch connectivity. We implemented an approximate Bayesian computation approach for parameter inference and uncertainty assessment. We tested which of the three types of regional dynamics – the metacommunity, the mainland‐island, or the island communities type – best represents the community dynamics in the study area and applied the simulation model to estimate the extinction debt in the investigated landscape. We found that the regional dynamics in the patch‐matrix study landscape is best represented as a system of highly isolated ‘island’ communities with low rates of propagule exchange among habitat patches and consequently low colonization rates in local communities. Accordingly, the extinction rates in the local communities are the main drivers of community dynamics. Our findings indicate that the landscape carries a significant extinction debt and in model projections 33–60% of all species went extinct within 1000 yr. Our study demonstrates that the combination of dynamic simulation models with field data provides a promising approach for understanding regional community dynamics and for projecting community responses to habitat fragmentation. The approach bears the potential for efficient tests of conservation activities aimed at mitigating future losses of biodiversity.  相似文献   

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