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The genus Uroleucon, and the related genus Macrosiphoniella, represent a large Tertiary radiation of aphids, with a total of about 300 species distributed throughout the world, primarily on host plant species in the family Asteraceae. A molecular phylogenetic study was conducted to identify major clades within Uroleucon and to address the cladistic validity of current subgeneric categories, the evolution of host plant associations, the age of origin, and intercontinental movements in this genus. The seventeen study species included members of the three major subgenera of Uroleucon, species from Europe and North America, one member of Macrosiphoniella, and two outgroups. Data consisted of DNA sequences for three mitochondrial regions and the nuclear gene EF1alpha, for a total of 4287 sites. Nodes supported strongly in both parsimony and maximum likelihood analyses suggest that: (1) Nearctic Uromelan are a monophyletic group branching near the base of the genus and not related to European Uromelan, (2) the New World subgenus Lambersius is possibly monophyletic but is not a tightly related group and is not closely related to other North American species, and (3) Nearctic members of subgenus Uroleucon are a closely related monophyletic group not allied with Nearctic Uromelan or Lambersius. Instead they represent a separate colonization by an Old World ancestor, as they are nested within a strongly supported clade containing European members of both subgenera Uroleucon and Uromelan. Neither of these subgenera is monophyletic. Molecular clock calculations, based on calibrations of mitochondrial divergences from other insects, suggest that Uroleucon + Macrosiphoniella is a relatively recent radiation, probably no more than 5–10 million years old. Although largely confined to Asteraceae, this clade did not radiate in parallel with its host plants. Rather, lateral movement between lineages of Asteraceae must have occurred repeatedly.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of carabid beetles in the genus Pamborus (Coleoptera: Carabidae), which is endemic to Australia, was studied using one nuclear (phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase) and two mitochondrial (16S ribosomal RNA and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5) gene sequences, with a cladistic analysis of morphological data. Fourteen species that were morphologically distinguishable were used as ingroup taxa, and Maoripamborus fairburni from New Zealand was assigned as the outgroup. Simultaneous analysis of three gene sequences resulted in well-resolved trees that were largely consistent with the cladogram generated from the morphological data. Based on a clock-like tree calibrated to the New Zealand-Australia/Antarctica split 85 million years ago, it was estimated that extant Pamborus differentiated after the Oligocene, primarily since the mid-Miocene with the onset of a more arid climate and forest fragmentation in Australia. The ancestral Pamborus may have been small, whereas medium to large Pamborus species with exaggerated male genitalia constitute derived groups and are now dominant.  相似文献   

Notothenioids represent an adaptive radiation of teleost fishes in the frigid and ice-laden waters of the Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica. Phylogenetic hypotheses for this clade have resulted primarily from analyses of mtDNA gene sequences, and studies utilizing nuclear gene DNA sequence data have focused on particular sub-clades of notothenioid fishes. In this study, we provide the first phylogenetic analysis of notothenioids using both mtDNA and nuclear gene sequences for a comprehensive sampling of all major lineages in the clade. Maximum parsimony and Bayesian analyses of aligned mtDNA genes, an aligned nuclear gene (S7 ribosomal protein intron 1), and combined dataset containing the mtDNA and nuclear genes resulted in phylogenies that contained the previously identified Antarctic and High Antarctic Clades. There were areas of agreement and disagreement between different datasets and methods of phylogenetic analysis, and the phylogenies resulting from the nuclear encoded S7 ribosomal protein intron 1 sequences were considerably less resolved than those inferred from mtDNA gene sequences. However, we anticipate increased resolution of the notothenioid phylogeny from future analyses that sample DNA sequences from several nuclear genes.  相似文献   

We sequenced mitochondrial (cytochrome b, 12S rRNA) and nuclear (IRBP, RAG1) genes for 17 species of the Old World murine genus Mus, drawn primarily from the Eurasian subgenus Mus. Phylogenetic analysis of the newly and previously available sequences support recognition of four subgenera within Mus (Mus, Coelomys, Nannomys, and Pyromys), with an unresolved basal polytomy. Our data further indicate that the subgenus Mus contains three distinct 'species groups': (1) a Mus booduga Species Group, also including Mus terricolor and Mus fragilicauda (probably also Mus famulus); (2) a Mus cervicolor Species Group, also including Mus caroli and Mus cookii; and (3) a Mus musculus Species Group, also including Mus macedonicus, Mus spicilegus, and Mus spretus. Species diversity in Eurasian Mus is probably explicable in terms of several phases of range expansion and vicariance, and by a propensity within the group to undergo biotope transitions. IRBP and RAG1 molecular clocks for Mus date the origin of subgenera to around 5-6 mya and the origin of Species Groups within subgenus Mus to around 2-3 mya. The temporal pattern of evolution among Eurasian Mus is more complex than that within the Eurasian temperate genus Apodemus.  相似文献   

Species of Pseudocorynosoma are North and South American acanthocephalans that use waterfowl as definitive hosts and amphipods as intermediate hosts, whereas species of Andracantha occur in fish-eating birds with a worldwide distribution. Pseudocorynosoma and Andracantha were originally described as Corynosoma (now restricted to endoparasites of marine mammals). Morphologically, Andracantha is distinct from other genera of Polymorphidae in possessing 2 fields of spines on the trunk, whereas Corynosoma and Pseudocorynosoma have a single field. A recent phylogenetic hypothesis based on morphological characters suggested that Andracantha is closely related to Corynosoma, whereas Pseudocorynosoma was of uncertain phylogenetic position within the Polymorphidae. To test the systematic affinities of these 3 genera, we sequenced 2 nuclear genes (SSU and LSU ribosomal DNA) and 1 mitochondrial gene (cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1; cox 1) of species representing Corynosoma, Andracantha, and Pseudocorynosoma and analyzed the data, including available sequences of other polymorphids. Maximum parsimony (MP), maximum likelihood (ML), and Bayesian analyses of the combined (SSU + LSU) sequences and the concatenated data of 3 genes (SSU + LSU + cox 1) placed Andracantha as the sister taxon to Corynosoma with robust support values. All analyses also showed that Pseudocorynosoma is an independent lineage that does not share a common ancestry with Andracantha and Corynosoma. These phylogenetic hypotheses suggest that birds were the ancestral hosts of polymorphids and that the association of Corynosoma with marine mammals represents a subsequent episode of colonization.  相似文献   

Abstract.  A previous study had identified an African and an Asian race of the Old World screwworm fly, Chrysomya bezziana Villeneuve (Diptera: Calliphoridae), based on the 3' terminal 279 basepairs (bp) of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. The current study improved the phylogeographic resolution of cytochrome b for this species by characterizing more of the gene (the 3' terminal 715 bp) and by sampling more geographical populations, including Oman, Iran, Hong Kong and the Indonesian islands of Sulawesi and East Sumba. Strong support was found for recognizing an African race, but not for a monophyletic Asian race. The cladistic and genealogical relationships among the Asian populations were complex. There was sufficient genetic homogeneity throughout separate regions (mainland Asia and each Indonesian island) to suggest that there are no reproductive barriers within each region that might necessitate the production of more than one strain for control by the sterile insect technique (SIT). Primers were designed for the amplification by polymerase chain reaction of two nuclear loci, the highly conserved elongation factor-1α gene and the less conserved white gene, and the preliminary results indicated that these genes showed the same pattern of small-scale regional variation as cytochrome b . The cytochrome b haplotypes are useful markers for identifying the geographical origins of any emerging infestations of the species: the absence of Indonesian and African haplotypes in the Middle East demonstrates that the large-scale transport of livestock is not spreading Old World screwworm.  相似文献   

A combination of nuclear (beta-fibrinogen intron 7; 938 bp) and mitochondrial (cytochrome b; 1045 bp) DNA sequence data analyzed with model-based phylogenetic methods yields a hypothesis of barbet and toucan relationships supported by high Bayesian posterior probabilities and several synapomorphic indels in the nuclear intron data. The basal topology differs from previous morphology and mitochondrial DNA sequence based hypotheses, but is consistent with DNA-DNA hybridization results. The mitochondrial DNA sequence data provide resolution at the tips of the tree, but when analyzed alone, yield a different basal topology than the combined data. However, the basal nodes in the mitochondrial-based tree have little statistical support. Combined data analysis produced strong statistical support at basal nodes and a relatively simple geographic structure. Barbets from each of the three tropical regions are monophyletic, but the Old World barbets are paraphyletic. The African and New World clades are sister taxa, and the Asian clade is basal. This geographic structure indicates that similarities in plumage, voice, and behavior between Gymnobucco and Calorhamphus are convergent. The data are not conclusive, but suggest paraphyly of the New World barbets. Only 4% of the Bayesian posterior distribution unites Semnornis with the other New World barbets.  相似文献   

We used mitochondrial/nuclear gene sequence analyses to determine the historical relationships of the endemic species of Todus (Aves: Todidae) from the Caribbean. We collected 1920-bp of nucleotide sequence data from the mitochondrial genes cytochrome b, ATPase 6, ATPase 8, and 591-bp of the single-copy nuclear gene c-mos for all Todus species and representatives of their outgroup taxa (Hylomanes, Barypthengus, Chloroceryle, Ceryle, and Galbula) to reconstruct the evolutionary history (via parsimony and maximum likelihood) of the five Todus species. The substitution rates among the mitochondrial genes were found to be much higher than the substitution rate for the c-mos gene, consequently resulting in higher substitutional saturation for the mitochondrial genes. When we applied weighting schemes to account for the variance in substitutional heterogeneity among the genes then parsimony and likelihood analyses both demonstrate that the genus Todus is monophyletic and closer to the Hylomanes and Barypthengus genera than the Chloroceryle and Ceryle genera. The mitochondrial-gene trees and nuclear-gene trees both show similar results, thus providing support for the relationships among the taxa from loci within two independently evolving genomes. The nuclear gene c-mos was found, therefore, to be a viable nuclear gene candidate for resolving intermediate and deep divergences.  相似文献   

The tuco-tucos [Ctenomys) are subterranean rodents that are widespread in southern South America. On the basis of its 60 living species, Ctenomys is one of the most speciose mammalian genera and displays great chromosomal variation. In order to study the mode of speciation in Ctenomys and to evaluate the role of chromosomes in cladogenesis, it is essential to generate an accurate phylogeny of the genus. From such a phylogeny it should be possible to identify particular species lineages worthy of further study. Following the success in 1998 of Lessa & Cook in generating a phylogeny of 10, mostly Bolivian, species from mitochondrial cytochrome b sequences, we sequenced a further 18, mostly Argentinian, species. By combining our datasi't with that of Lcssa & Cook's we were able to confirm six species lineages within Ctenomys. These lineages correspond well to taxonomic groups suggested on the basis of morphology and biogeographv. At least two of the species groups (the Boliviano-Matogrossense and Chaco) arc very variable chromosomally, and are worthwhile systems to examine the possibility of chromosomal spec iation. While, in general, multiple specimens of the named species did form monophyletic groups on the basis of the cytochrome b analysis, there were some exceptions. Thus, C. bergi and C yolandae did not form separate clades in the phylogenetic analysis, nor did C. roigi and C. dorbignyi. The molecular analysis was also very informative with regards species designations for C. boliviensis and related forms.  相似文献   

Following (1) the large-scale molecular phylogeny of seed plants based on plastid rbcL gene sequences (published in 1993 by Chase et al., Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 80:528-580) and (2) the 18S nuclear phylogeny of flowering plants (published in 1997 by Soltis et al., Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 84:1-49), we present a phylogenetic analysis of flowering plants based on a second plastid gene, atpB, analyzed separately and in combination with rbcL sequences for 357 taxa. Despite some discrepancies, the atpB-based phylogenetic trees were highly congruent with those derived from the analysis of rbcL and 18S rDNA, and the combination of atpB and rbcL DNA sequences (comprising approximately 3000 base pairs) produced increased bootstrap support for many major sets of taxa. The angiosperms are divided into two major groups: noneudicots with inaperturate or uniaperturate pollen (monocots plus Laurales, Magnoliales, Piperales, Ceratophyllales, and Amborellaceae-Nymphaeaceae-Illiciaceae) and the eudicots with triaperturate pollen (particularly asterids and rosids). Based on rbcL alone and atpB/rbcL combined, the noneudicots (excluding Ceratophyllum) are monophyletic, whereas in the atpB trees they form a grade. Ceratophyllum is sister to the rest of angiosperms with rbcL alone and in the combined atpB/rbcL analysis, whereas with atpB alone, Amborellaceae, Nymphaeaceae, and Illiciaceae/Schisandraceae form a grade at the base of the angiosperms. The phylogenetic information at each codon position and the different types of substitutions (observed transitions and transversions in the trees vs. pairwise comparisons) were examined; taking into account their respective consistency and retention indices, we demonstrate that third-codon positions and transitions are the most useful characters in these phylogenetic reconstructions. This study further demonstrates that phylogenetic analysis of large matrices is feasible.  相似文献   

A 650-bp portion of the nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer region was sequenced in 47 species of Pinus, representing all recognized subsections of the genus, and 2 species of Picea and Cathaya as outgroups. Parsimony analyses of these length variable sequences were conducted using a manual alignment, 13 different automated alignments, elision of the automated alignments, and exclusion of all alignment ambiguous sites. High and moderately supported clades were consistently resolved across the different analyses, while poorly supported clades were inconsistently recovered. Comparison of the topologies highlights taxa of particularly problematic placement including Pinus nelsonii and P. aristata. Within subgenus Pinus, there is moderate support for the monophyly of a narrowly circumscribed subsect. Pinus (=subsect. Sylvestres) and strong support for a clade of North and Central American hard pines. The Himalayan P. roxburghii may be sister species to these "New World hard pines," which have two well-supported subgroups, subsect. Ponderosae and a clade of the remaining five subsections. The position of subsect. Contortae conflicts with its placement in a chloroplast DNA restriction site study. Within subgenus Strobus there is consistent support for the monophyly of a broadly circumscribed subsect. Strobi (including P. krempfii and a polyphyletic subsect. Cembrae) derived from a paraphyletic grade of the remaining soft pines. Relationships among subsects. Gerardianae, Cembroides, and Balfourianae are poorly resolved. Support for the monophyly of subgenus Pinus and subgenus Strobus is not consistently obtained.  相似文献   

A molecular phylogenetic analysis of the genus Phytophthora was performed, 113 isolates from 48 Phytophthora species were included in this analysis. Phylogenetic analyses were performed on regions of mitochondrial (cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1; NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1) and nuclear gene sequences (translation elongation factor 1alpha; beta-tubulin) and comparisons made to test for incongruence between the mitochondrial and nuclear data sets. The genus Phytophthora was confirmed to be monophyletic. In addition, results confirm that the classical taxonomic grouping as described by [Waterhouse (1963)] does not reflect true phylogenetic relations. Phytophthora species were redistributed into 8 clades, providing a more accurate representation of phylogenetic relationships within the genus Phytophthora. The evolution and transition of morphological, pathogenic, and reproductive traits was inferred from the cladogram generated in this study. Mating system was inferred to be a homoplasious trait, with at least eight independent transitions from homothallism to heterothallism observed.  相似文献   

A phylogeny of the genus Gammarus Fabricius, 1775 was constructed using DNA sequence data from the mitochondrial genes COI and 16S, and the nuclear genes 18S and 28S. Both parsimony and Bayesian analyses were conducted on separate and combined data partitions. The Bayesian phylogeny from the combined analysis was selected as the preferred phylogenetic hypothesis. The hypothesis supports monophyly of the genus Gammarus, paraphyly of the European-North American Gammarus, and monophyly of the Asian Gammarus. The Asian clade was further split into a southeastern group and a northwestern group. The dramatic climate change following the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau was probably the most important factor in triggering the diversification of southeastern and northwestern groups. The genus Sinogammarus is invalid and should be part of the genus Gammarus.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among Syndermata have been extensively debated, mainly because the sister-group of the Acanthocephala has not yet been clearly identified from analyses of morphological and molecular data. Here we conduct phylogenetic analyses on samples from the 4 classes of Acanthocephala (Archiacanthocephala, Eoacanthocephala, Polyacanthocephala, and Palaeacanthocephala) and the 3 Rotifera classes (Bdelloidea, Monogononta, and Seisonidea). We do so using small-subunit (SSU) and large-subunit (LSU) ribosomal DNA and cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (cox 1) sequences. These nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences were obtained for 27 acanthocephalans, 9 rotifers, and representatives of 6 phyla that were used as outgroups. Maximum parsimony (MP), maximum likelihood (ML), and Bayesian analyses were conducted on the nuclear rDNA(SSU+LSU) and the combined sequence dataset(SSU+LSU+cox 1 genes). Phylogenetic analyses of the combined rDNA and cox 1 data uniformly provided strong support for a clade including rotifers plus acanthocephalans (Syndermata). Strong support was also found for monophyly of Acanthocephala in analyses of the combined dataset or rDNA sequences alone. Within the Acanthocephala the monophyletic grouping of the representatives of each class was strongly supported. Our results depicted Archiacanthocephala as the sister-group to the remaining acanthocephalans. Analyses of the combined dataset recovered a sister-group relationship between Acanthocephala and Bdelloidea by parsimony, likelihood, and Bayesian methods. Support for this clade was generally strong. Alternative topologies that depicted a different rotifer sister-group of Acanthocephala (or monophyly of Rotifera) were significantly worse. In this paraphyletic assemblage of rotifers, the relative positions of Seisonidea and Monogononta to the clade Bdelloidea+Acanthocephala were inconsistent among trees based on different inference methods. These results indicate that Bdelloidea is the free-living sister-group to acanthocephalans, which should prove key for comparative investigations of the morphological, molecular, and ecological changes accompanying the evolution of parasitism.  相似文献   

Feng J  Han D  Bauer AM  Zhou K 《Zoological science》2007,24(7):656-665
Gekkonid geckos, representing more than 85 percent of the gekkotan genera, are found on all major land masses and almost all oceanic islands in the tropics and subtropics. Intergeneric relationships of the Gekkonidae have been far more difficult to resolve than those among other gekkotan families. Our data set consists of a large number of complete mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene sequences and partial nuclear C-mos gene sequences for 33 genera of geckos, two genera of pygopods and two genera of eublepharids. Maximum parsimony (MP) and maximum likelihood (ML) trees were generated based on unweighted analysis using PAUP 4.0b10. Bayesian inference (BI) analyses trees were generated by MrBayes 3.0B4. All phylogenetic trees supported the monophyly of Gekkonidae with great confidence. The 12S data and combined data (12S and C-mos) place Sphaerodactylus deeply within gekkonine geckos, whereas Teratoscincus+Pristurus are the sister group of the remaining gekkonids. However, it is known that 12S may be positively misleading when dealing with older divergences. Therefore, the conflict between the results in this study and the latest conclusions based on C-mos points to the need for future focus on the phylogenetic position of both Sphaerodactylus and Teratoscincus.  相似文献   

The phylogeography of Coreoperca whiteheadi was studied using sequences from the mitochondrial cytochrome b (cytb) gene and first intron of the S7 ribosomal protein gene. The reciprocal monophyly mitochondrial cytb and nuclear sequences strongly suggest that C. whiteheadi has significantly reduced gene flow between populations and may be in the process of speciation. Phylogenetic analysis revealed phylogeographical structuring into two major clades (highly supported by bootstrap analysis) corresponding to the two regions divided by Nanling-Wuyi Mountain Range. Subsequent nested clade analysis confirmed this structure. The results suggest that Nanling-Wuyi Mountain Range represents a major phylogeographic barrier for C. whiteheadi. Six evolutionarily significant units of C. whiteheadi were designated from the genetic analysis for conservation and management.  相似文献   

Recently, sequences from two nuclear genes (exon 6 of the dentin matrix protein 1 gene and intron 7 of the beta-fibrinogen gene) and one mitochondrial gene (cytochrome b gene) were used independently in an attempt to resolve phylogenetic relationships within the neotomine-peromyscine complex. Although these studies provided testable hypotheses regarding this group of rodents, the affinities of certain tribes and genera remain uncertain. To elucidate these relationships, the three data partitions were tested for heterogeneity and then concatenated according to conditional data combination and total evidence approaches. Support was found for five clades, four of which correspond to well recognized tribes (the Neotomini, Peromyscini=Reithrodontomyini, Baiomyini, and Tylomyini). Recommendations are made regarding the recognition of Ochrotomys as a tribe of its own, the Ochrotomyini, paralleling other recent findings. The Peromyscini, Baiomyini, and Ochrotomyini are unresolved in relation to each other, but as a whole are sister to the Neotomini. The Tylomyini is basal to all clades. It appears that combined data from the nuclear and mitochondrial genes (analyzing all three partitions simultaneously) resulted in the best phylogenetic hypothesis regarding the complex.  相似文献   

Times of divergence among the three tribes included within the subfamily Phyllostominae were estimated using a Bayesian approach to infer dates of divergence based on mitochondrial and nuclear sequence data. The subfamily Phyllostominae is particularly attractive for such analysis, as it is one of the few groups of bats to have fossil specimens. Our molecular time analyses suggest that diversification among tribes and genera of phyllostomine bats occurred during the Early to Mid-Miocene, and was coincident with diversification events in two co distributed taxa: Caviomorph rodents and New World monkeys.  相似文献   

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