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Nod1, an Apaf-1-like activator of caspase-9 and nuclear factor-kappaB.   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Ced-4 and Apaf-1 belong to a major class of apoptosis regulators that contain caspase-recruitment (CARD) and nucleotide-binding oligomerization domains. Nod1, a protein with an NH2-terminal CARD-linked to a nucleotide-binding domain and a COOH-terminal segment with multiple leucine-rich repeats, was identified. Nod-1 was found to bind to multiple caspases with long prodomains, but specifically activated caspase-9 and promoted caspase-9-induced apoptosis. As reported for Apaf-1, Nod1 required both the CARD and P-loop for function. Unlike Apaf-1, Nod1 induced activation of nuclear factor-kappa-B (NF-kappaB) and bound RICK, a CARD-containing kinase that also induces NF-kappaB activation. Nod1 mutants inhibited NF-kappaB activity induced by RICK, but not that resulting from tumor necrosis factor-alpha stimulation. Thus, Nod1 is a leucine-rich repeat-containing Apaf-1-like molecule that can regulate both apoptosis and NF-kappaB activation pathways.  相似文献   

Apaf-1 and Nod1 are members of a protein family, each of which contains a caspase recruitment domain (CARD) linked to a nucleotide-binding domain, which regulate apoptosis and/or NF-kappaB activation. Nod2, a third member of the family, was identified. Nod2 is composed of two N-terminal CARDs, a nucleotide-binding domain, and multiple C-terminal leucine-rich repeats. Although Nod1 and Apaf-1 were broadly expressed in tissues, the expression of Nod2 was highly restricted to monocytes. Nod2 induced nuclear factor kappaB (NF-kappaB) activation, which required IKKgamma and was inhibited by dominant negative mutants of IkappaBalpha, IKKalpha, IKKbeta, and IKKgamma. Nod2 interacted with the serine-threonine kinase RICK via a homophilic CARD-CARD interaction. Furthermore, NF-kappaB activity induced by Nod2 correlated with its ability to interact with RICK and was specifically inhibited by a truncated mutant form of RICK containing its CARD. The identification of Nod2 defines a subfamily of Apaf-1-like proteins that function through RICK to activate a NF-kappaB signaling pathway.  相似文献   

PYPAF3 is a member of the PYRIN-containing apoptotic protease-activating factor-1-like proteins (PYPAFs, also called NALPs). Among the members of this family, PYPAF1, PYPAF5, PYPAF7, and NALP1 have been shown to induce caspase-1-dependent interleukin-1beta secretion and NF-kappaB activation in the presence of the adaptor molecule ASC. On the other hand, we recently discovered that PYNOD, another member of this family, is a suppressor of these responses. Here, we show that PYPAF3 is the second member that inhibits caspase-1-dependent interleukin-1beta secretion. In contrast, PYPAF2/NALP2 does not inhibit this response but rather inhibits the NF-kappaB activation that is induced by the combined expression of PYPAF1 and ASC. Both PYPAF2 and PYPAF3 mRNAs are broadly expressed in a variety of tissues; however, neither is expressed in skeletal muscle, and only PYPAF2 mRNA is expressed in heart and brain. They are also expressed in many cell lines of both hematopoietic and non-hematopoietic lineages. Stimulation of monocytic THP-1 cells with lipopolysaccharide or interleukin-1beta induced PYPAF3 mRNA expression. Furthermore, the stable expression of PYPAF3 in THP-1 cells abrogated the ability of the cells to produce interleukin-1beta in response to lipopolysaccharide. These results suggest that PYPAF3 is a feedback regulator of interleukin-1beta secretion. Thus, PYPAF2 and PYPAF3, together with PYNOD, constitute an anti-inflammatory subgroup of PYPAFs.  相似文献   

PYRIN-containing Apaf-1-like proteins (PYPAFs) are a recently identified family of proteins thought to function in apoptotic and inflammatory signaling pathways. PYPAF1 and PYPAF7 proteins have been found to assemble with the PYRIN–CARD protein ASC and coordinate the activation of NF-κB and pro-caspase-1. To determine if other PYPAF family members function in pro-inflammatory signaling pathways, we screened five other PYPAF proteins (PYPAF2, PYPAF3, PYPAF4, PYPAF5 and PYPAF6) for their ability to activate NF-κB and pro-caspase-1. Co-expression of PYPAF5 with ASC results in a synergistic activation of NF-κB and the recruitment of PYPAF5 to punctate structures in the cytoplasm. The expression of PYPAF5 is highly restricted to granulocytes and T-cells, indicating a role for this protein in inflammatory signaling. In contrast, PYPAF2, PYPAF3, PYPAF4 and PYPAF6 failed to colocalize with ASC and activate NF-κB. PYPAF5 also synergistically activated caspase-1-dependent cytokine processing when co-expressed with ASC. These findings suggest that PYPAF5 functions in immune cells to coordinate the transduction of pro-inflammatory signals to the activation of NF-κB and pro-caspase-1.  相似文献   

ASC is an activating adaptor for NF-kappa B and caspase-8-dependent apoptosis   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
ASC is a pro-apoptotic protein containing a pyrin domain (PD) and a caspase-recruitment domain (CARD). A previous study suggests that ASC interacts with Ipaf, a member of the Apaf-1/Nod1 protein family. However, the functional relevance of the interaction has not been determined. Here, we report that co-expression of ASC with Ipaf or oligomerization of ASC induces both apoptosis and NF-kappa B activation. Apoptosis induced through ASC was inhibited by a mutant form of Caspase-8 but not by that of Caspase-1. The PD of ASC physically interacted with Caspase-8 as well as with pyrin, the familial Mediterranean fever gene product. Caspase-8 deficiency rescued mouse fibroblasts from apoptosis induced by ASC oligomerization. Pyrin disrupted the interaction between ASC and Caspase-8, and inhibited both apoptosis and NF-kappa B activation induced by ASC. These findings suggest that ASC is a mediator of NF-kappa B activation and Caspase-8-dependent apoptosis in an Ipaf signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Nod1 is an Apaf-1-like molecule composed of a caspase-recruitment domain (CARD), nucleotide-binding domain, and leucine-rich repeats that associates with the CARD-containing kinase RICK and activates nuclear factor kappaB (NF-kappaB). We show that self-association of Nod1 mediates proximity of RICK and the interaction of RICK with the gamma subunit of the IkappaB kinase (IKKgamma). Similarly, the RICK-related kinase RIP associated via its intermediate region with IKKgamma. A mutant form of IKKgamma deficient in binding to IKKalpha and IKKbeta inhibited NF-kappaB activation induced by RICK or RIP. Enforced oligomerization of RICK or RIP as well as of IKKgamma, IKKalpha, or IKKbeta was sufficient for induction of NF-kappaB activation. Thus, the proximity of RICK, RIP, and IKK complexes may play an important role for NF-kappaB activation during Nod1 oligomerization or trimerization of the tumor necrosis factor alpha receptor.  相似文献   

Fas ligand (FasL) has been well characterized as a death factor. However, recent studies revealed that FasL possesses inflammatory activity. Here we found that FasL induces production of the inflammatory chemokine IL-8 without inducing apoptosis in HEK293 cells. Reporter gene assays involving wild-type and mutated IL-8 promoters and NF-kappaB- and AP-1 reporter constructs indicated that an FasL-induced NF-kappaB and AP-1 activity are required for maximal promoter activity. FasL induced NF-kappaB activation with slower kinetics than did TNF-alpha, yet this response was cell autonomous and not mediated by secondary paracrine factors. The death domain of Fas, FADD, and caspase-8 were required for NF-kappaB activation by FasL. A dominant-negative mutant of IKKgamma inhibited the FasL-induced NF-kappaB activation. However, TRADD and RIP, which are essential for the TNF-alpha-induced NF-kappaB activation, were not involved in the FasL-induced NF-kappaB activation. Moreover, CLARP/FLIP inhibited the FasL- but not the TNF-alpha-induced NF-kappaB activation. These results show that FasL induces NF-kappaB activation and IL-8 production by a novel mechanism, distinct from that of TNF-alpha. In addition, we found that mouse FADD had a dominant-negative effect on the FasL-induced NF-kappaB activation in HEK293 cells, which may indicate a species difference between human and mouse in the FasL-induced NF-kappaB activation.  相似文献   

The PYRIN-CARD protein ASC is an activating adaptor for caspase-1   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
The PYRIN and CARD domains are members of the six-helix bundle death domain-fold superfamily that mediates assembly of large signaling complexes in the apoptotic and inflammatory signaling pathways. Here we show that the PYRIN-CARD protein ASC functions as a caspase-1-activating adaptor. ASC interacted specifically with procaspase-1 via CARD-CARD interactions and induced its oligomerization. Consistent with these results ectopic expression of full-length ASC, but not its isolated CARD or PYRIN domain, with procaspase-1 induced activation of procaspase-1 and processing of pro-interleukin-1beta in transfected cells. Substitution of the PYRIN domain of ASC with an inducible FKBP12 oligomerization domain produced a molecule that can induce caspase-1 activation in response to stimulation with the oligomerization drug AP20187, suggesting that the PYRIN domain functions as an oligomerization domain, whereas the CARD domain functions as the effector domain in the caspase-1 activation pathway. Furthermore stable expression of an isolated CARD of ASC in THP-1 cells diminished interleukin-1beta generation in response to pro-inflammatory cytokines. These results indicate that ASC is involved in the caspase-1 signaling pathway by mediating the assembly of a caspase-1-inflammasome signaling complex in response to pro-inflammatory cytokine stimulation.  相似文献   

The PYRIN domain is a recently identified protein-protein interaction domain that is found at the N terminus of several proteins thought to function in apoptotic and inflammatory signaling pathways. We report here that PYPAF1 (PYRIN-containing Apaf1-like protein 1) is a novel PYRIN-containing signaling protein that belongs to the nucleotide-binding site/leucine-rich repeat (NBS/LRR) family of signaling proteins. The expression of PYPAF1 is highly restricted to immune cells, and its gene maps to chromosome 1q44, a locus that is associated with the rare inflammatory diseases Muckle-Wells syndrome and familial cold urticaria. To identify downstream signaling partners of PYPAF1, we performed a mammalian two-hybrid screen and identified ASC as a PYRIN-containing protein that interacts selectively with the PYRIN domain of PYPAF1. When expressed in cells, ASC recruits PYPAF1 to distinct cytoplasmic loci and induces the activation of NF-kappaB. Furthermore, coexpression of PYPAF1 with ASC results in a potent synergistic activation of NF-kappaB. These findings suggest that PYPAF1 and ASC function as upstream activators of NF-kappaB signaling.  相似文献   

The CED4/Apaf-1 family of proteins functions as critical regulators of apoptosis and NF-kappaB signaling pathways. A novel human member of this family, called CARD12, was identified that induces apoptosis when expressed in cells. CARD12 is most similar in structure to the CED4/Apaf-1 family member CARD4, and is comprised of an N-terminal caspase recruitment domain (CARD), a central nucleotide-binding site (NBS), and a C-terminal domain of leucine-rich repeats (LRR). The CARD domain of CARD12 interacts selectively with the CARD domain of ASC, a recently identified proapoptotic protein. In addition, CARD12 coprecipitates caspase-1, a caspase that participates in both apoptotic signaling and cytokine processing. CARD12 may assemble with proapoptotic CARD proteins to coordinate the activation of downstream apoptotic and inflammatory signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Death receptors are a subfamily of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor subfamily. They are characterized by a death domain (DD) motif within their intracellular domain, which is required for the induction of apoptosis. Fas-associated death domain protein (FADD) is reported to be the universal adaptor used by death receptors to recruit and activate the initiator caspase-8. CD95, TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL-R1), and TRAIL-R2 bind FADD directly, whereas recruitment to TNF-R1 is indirect through another adaptor TNF receptor-associated death domain protein (TRADD). TRADD also binds two other adaptors receptor-interacting protein (RIP) and TNF-receptor-associated factor 2 (TRAF2), which are required for TNF-induced NF-kappaB and c-Jun N-terminal kinase activation, respectively. Analysis of the native TNF signaling complex revealed the recruitment of RIP, TRADD, and TRAF2 but not FADD or caspase-8. TNF failed to induce apoptosis in FADD- and caspase-8-deficient Jurkat cells, indicating that these apoptotic mediators were required for TNF-induced apoptosis. In an in vitro binding assay, the intracellular domain of TNF-R1 bound TRADD, RIP, and TRAF2 but did not bind FADD or caspase-8. Under the same conditions, the intracellular domain of both CD95 and TRAIL-R2 bound both FADD and caspase-8. Taken together these results suggest that apoptosis signaling by TNF is distinct from that induced by CD95 and TRAIL. Although caspase-8 and FADD are obligatory for TNF-mediated apoptosis, they are not recruited to a TNF-induced membrane-bound receptor signaling complex as occurs during CD95 or TRAIL signaling, but instead must be activated elsewhere within the cell.  相似文献   

Molecules that regulate NF-kappaB activation play critical roles in apoptosis and inflammation. We describe the cloning of the cellular homolog of the equine herpesvirus-2 protein E10 and show that both proteins regulate apoptosis and NF-kappaB activation. These proteins were found to contain N-terminal caspase-recruitment domains (CARDs) and novel C-terminal domains (CTDs) and were therefore named CLAPs (CARD-like apoptotic proteins). The cellular and viral CLAPs induce apoptosis downstream of caspase-8 by activating the Apaf-1-caspase-9 pathway and activate NF-kappaB by acting upstream of the NF-kappaB-inducing kinase, NIK, and the IkB kinase, IKKalpha. Deletion of either the CARD or the CTD domain inhibits both activities. The CARD domain was found to be important for homo- and heterodimerization of CLAPs. Substitution of the CARD domain with an inducible FKBP12 oligomerization domain produced a molecule that can induce NF-kappaB activation, suggesting that the CARD domain functions as an oligomerization domain, whereas the CTD domain functions as the effector domain in the NF-kappaB activation pathway. Expression of the CARD domain of human CLAP abrogates tumor necrosis factor-alpha-induced NF-kappaB activation, suggesting that cellular CLAP plays an essential role in this pathway of NF-kappaB activation.  相似文献   

PYRIN-containing Apaf1-like proteins (PYPAFs) are members of the nucleotide-binding site/leucine-rich repeat (NBS/LRR) family of signal transduction proteins. We report here that PYPAF7 is a novel PYPAF protein that activates inflammatory signaling pathways. The expression of PYPAF7 is highly restricted to immune cells, and its gene maps to chromosome 19q13.4, a locus that contains a cluster of genes encoding numerous PYPAF family members. Co-expression of PYPAF7 with ASC results in the recruitment of PYPAF7 to distinct cytoplasmic loci and a potent synergistic activation of NF-kappa B. To identify other proteins involved in PYPAF7 and ASC signaling pathways, we performed a mammalian two-hybrid screen and identified pro-caspase-1 as a binding partner of ASC. Co-expression of PYPAF7 and ASC results in the synergistic activation of caspase-1 and a corresponding increase in secretion of interleukin-1 beta. In addition, PYPAF1 induces caspase-1-dependent cytokine processing when co-expressed with ASC. These findings indicate that PYPAF family members participate in inflammatory signaling by regulating the activation of NF-kappa B and cytokine processing.  相似文献   

Apoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing a C-terminal caspase recruitment domain (ASC) is an adaptor molecule that has recently been implicated in the activation of caspase-1. We have studied the role of ASC in the host defense against the intracellular pathogen Listeria monocytogenes. ASC was found to be essential for the secretion of IL-1beta/IL-18, but dispensable for IL-6, TNF-alpha, and IFN-beta production, in macrophages infected with Listeria. Activation of caspase-1 was abolished in ASC-deficient macrophages, whereas activation of NF-kappaB and p38 was unaffected. In contrast, secretion of IL-1beta, IL-6, and TNF-alpha was reduced in TLR2-deficient macrophages infected with Listeria; this was associated with impaired activation of NF-kappaB and p38, but normal caspase-1 processing. Analysis of Listeria mutants revealed that cytosolic invasion was required for ASC-dependent IL-1beta secretion, consistent with a critical role for cytosolic signaling in the activation of caspase-1. Secretion of IL-1beta in response to lipopeptide, a TLR2 agonist, was greatly reduced in ASC-null macrophages and was abolished in TLR2-deficient macrophages. These results demonstrate that TLR2 and ASC regulate the secretion of IL-1beta via distinct mechanisms in response to Listeria. ASC, but not TLR2, is required for caspase-1 activation independent of NF-kappaB in Listeria-infected macrophages.  相似文献   

Activation of NF-kappaB by FADD, Casper, and caspase-8   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Fas-associated death domain protein (FADD), caspase-8-related protein (Casper), and caspase-8 are components of the tumor necrosis factor receptor type 1 (TNF-R1) and Fas signaling complexes that are involved in TNF-R1- and Fas-induced apoptosis. Here we show that overexpression of FADD and Casper potently activates NF-kappaB. In the presence of caspase inhibitors, overexpression of caspase-8 also activates NF-kappaB. A caspase-inactive point mutant, caspase-8(C360S), activates NF-kappaB as potently as wild-type caspase-8, suggesting that caspase-8-induced apoptosis and NF-kappaB activation are uncoupled. NF-kappaB activation by FADD and Casper is inhibited by the caspase-specific inhibitors crmA and BD-fmk, suggesting that FADD- and Casper-induced NF-kappaB activation is mediated by caspase-8. FADD, Casper, and caspase-8-induced NF-kappaB activation are inhibited by dominant negative mutants of TRAF2, NIK, IkappaB kinase alpha, and IkappaB kinase beta. A dominant negative mutant of RIP inhibits FADD- and caspase-8-induced but not Casper-induced NF-kappaB activation. A mutant of Casper and the caspase-specific inhibitors crmA and BD-fmk partially inhibit TNF-R1-, TRADD, and TNF-induced NF-kappaB activation, suggesting that FADD, Casper, and caspase-8 function downstream of TRADD and contribute to TNF-R1-induced NF-kappaB activation. Moreover, activation of caspase-8 results in proteolytic processing of NIK, which is inhibited by crmA. When overexpressed, the processed fragments of NIK do not activate NF-kappaB, and the processed C-terminal fragment inhibits TNF-R1-induced NF-kappaB activation. These data indicate that FADD, Casper, and pro-caspase-8 are parts of the TNF-R1-induced NF-kappaB activation pathways, whereas activated caspase-8 can negatively regulate TNF-R1-induced NF-kappaB activation by proteolytically inactivating NIK.  相似文献   

Apoptotic protease-activating factor-1 (Apaf-1), a key regulator of the mitochondrial apoptosis pathway, consists of three functional regions: (i) an N-terminal caspase recruitment domain (CARD) that can bind to procaspase-9, (ii) a CED-4-like region enabling self-oligomerization, and (iii) a regulatory C terminus with WD-40 repeats masking the CARD and CED-4 region. During apoptosis, cytochrome c and dATP can relieve the inhibitory action of the WD-40 repeats and thus enable the oligomerization of Apaf-1 and the subsequent recruitment and activation of procaspase-9. Here, we report that different apoptotic stimuli induced the caspase-mediated cleavage of Apaf-1 into an 84-kDa fragment. The same Apaf-1 fragment was obtained in vitro by incubation of cell lysates with either cytochrome c/dATP or caspase-3 but not with caspase-6 or caspase-8. Apaf-1 was cleaved at the N terminus, leading to the removal of its CARD H1 helix. An additional cleavage site was located within the WD-40 repeats and enabled the oligomerization of p84 into a approximately 440-kDa Apaf-1 multimer even in the absence of cytochrome c. Due to the partial loss of its CARD, the p84 multimer was devoid of caspase-9 or other caspase activity. Thus, our data indicate that Apaf-1 cleavage causes the release of caspases from the apoptosome in the course of apoptosis.  相似文献   

The adaptor protein, apoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing a caspase recruitment domain (ASC), connects pathogen/danger sensors such as NLRP3 and NLRC4 with caspases and is involved in inflammation and cell death. We have found that ASC activation induced caspase-8-dependent apoptosis or CA-074Me (cathepsin B inhibitor)-inhibitable necrosis depending on the cell type. Unlike necroptosis, another necrotic cell death, ASC-mediated necrosis, was neither RIP3-dependent nor necrostatin-1-inhibitable. Although acetyl-YVAD-chloromethylketone (Ac-YVAD-CMK) (caspase-1 inhibitor) did not inhibit ASC-mediated necrosis, comprehensive gene expression analyses indicated that caspase-1 expression coincided with the necrosis type. Furthermore, caspase-1 knockdown converted necrosis-type cells to apoptosis-type cells, whereas exogenous expression of either wild-type or catalytically inactive caspase-1 did the opposite. Knockdown of caspase-1, but not Ac-YVAD-CMK, suppressed the monocyte necrosis induced by Staphylococcus and Pseudomonas infection. Thus, the catalytic activity of caspase-1 is dispensable for necrosis induction. Intriguingly, a short period of caspase-1 knockdown inhibited IL-1β production but not necrosis, although longer knockdown suppressed both responses. Possible explanations of this phenomenon are discussed.  相似文献   

The apoptosis-associated speck-like protein (ASC) is an unusual adaptor protein that contains the Pyrin/PAAD death domain in addition to the CARD protein-protein interaction domain. Here, we present evidence that ASC can function as an adaptor molecule for Bax and regulate a p53-Bax mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis. When ectopically expressed, ASC interacted directly with Bax, colocalized with Bax to the mitochondria, induced cytochrome c release with a significant reduction of mitochondrial membrane potential and resulted in the activation of caspase-9, -2 and -3. The rapid induction of apoptosis by ASC was not observed in Bax-deficient cells. We also show that induction of ASC after exposure to genotoxic stress is dependent on p53. Blocking of endogenous ASC expression by small-interfering RNA (siRNA) reduced the apoptotic response and inhibited translocation of Bax to mitochondria in response to p53 or genotoxic insult, suggesting that ASC is required to translocate Bax to the mitochondria. Our findings demonstrate that ASC has an essential role in the intrinsic mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis through a p53-Bax network.  相似文献   

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