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林木基因组学研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
林木基因组学研究进展迅速。结构基因组学方面,已构建了近40个主要造林树种的遗传连锁图谱,在不同树种中定位了30余个重要的数量性状位点,在部分树种中开展了基因组比较和综合图谱构建研究,杨树的全基因组测序已经完成,桉树的全基因组测序正在进行。功能基因组学方面,已分析了主要造林树种多种组织的转录组EST序列,对林木次生生长与木材形成、开花和抗寒性的形成等过程开展了功能基因组学研究。另外,探讨了林木基因组学研究的发展趋势,以期为我国林木基因组学研究提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

小麦的比较基因组学和功能基因组学   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
小麦是异源多倍体植物,具有大的染色体组,并且基因组中重复序列所占比例较高,这些特征限制了小麦基因组研究的进展。比较基因组学方法为运用模式植物进行小麦基因组学研究提供了一个操作平台。功能基因组学的研究集中于基因组中转录表达的部分,基因功能的确定是功能基因组学研究的主要内容。对比较基因组学在小麦基因组研究中的应用和小麦功能基因组学的研究内容和方法进行了综述。  相似文献   

叶恭银  齐易香  朱家颖  方琦  王磊 《昆虫知识》2011,48(6):1553-1558
金小蜂不仅是重要的昆虫天敌资源,还是理想的模式生物。2010年1月15日,3种金小蜂(丽蝇蛹集金小蜂Nasonia vitripennis、吉氏金小蜂N.giraulti和长角金小蜂N.longicornis)的基因组在《科学》上发表。这一事件标志着金小蜂研究"后基因组时代"的开始。金小蜂基因组测序完成后,科学家们就利用生物信息学、比较基因组学、功能基因组学等方法,基于基因组平台,在进化遗传学、发育生物学、神经生物学、行为学等领域开展了系列研究,取得了重要进展,国际著名杂志《昆虫分子生物学》和《遗传》还以特刊的形式进行刊载。本文就金小蜂基因组学相关研究取得的进展予以扼要概述,并探讨其研究方向和发展前景。  相似文献   

燕麦分子育种研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
燕麦是一种主要生长在温带冷凉地区的粮饲兼用作物,近年来燕麦的营养价值和降低胆固醇特性的发现使人们认识到燕麦及其制品是一种健康食品,促进了燕麦产业发展,对燕麦品种培育提出了更高要求。在此背景下,现代生物技术与常规育种技术结合是满足这一需求的重要途经。本文综述了国内外燕麦分子育种方面的研究进展:(1)我国燕麦种质资源的收集与遗传多样性研究。我国的燕麦种质资源收集工作起始于20世纪50年代,迄今收集并保存了5282份燕麦种质资源。对这些资源的遗传多样性分析研究表明,国内的燕麦种质资源中内蒙古和山西的资源多样性最高;(2)利用各种分子标记构建燕麦遗传连锁图谱研究;(3)一些重要农艺性状的QTL定位研究以及全基因组关联分析研究。包括产量、含油量、β-葡聚糖含量、蛋白质含量、抽穗期、抗病基因、抗冻性等重要农艺性状;(4)标记辅助基因组选择技术在燕麦中的应用;(5)燕麦遗传工程育种研究进展。同时,本文将国内的主要研究进展与国外相关的最新研究成果进行了比较,并对当前分子育种中存在的问题及今后的研究方向进行了探讨,希望能为今后通过生物技术手段培育燕麦新品种提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

郭长奎  于静  罗淑萍 《生命科学研究》2009,13(4):366-369,376
靶位区域扩增多态性(Target Region Amplified Polymorphism,TRAP)是基于PCR的新型分子标记,并已广泛应用于动植物的研究中,主要在种质资源的鉴定评价、遗传图谱的构建、绘制基因组转录图谱、重要的性状标记、比较基因组学、亲缘关系和遗传多样性等方面取得了进展.现就TRAP的原理以及在动植物中的应用研究做一综述.  相似文献   

短柄草(Brachypodium distachyon)株型矮小,易于种植栽培,生长周期短,自花授粉,容易繁殖。另外,短柄草基因组比较小,易于转化,与小麦具有比较近的亲缘关系,是理想的草类特别是禾本科模式植物。近年来,短柄草的研究工作在细胞遗传学、基因组学、比较基因组学、植物-病原菌相互作用、功能基因组学等研究领域取得了许多进展,包括完成了Bd-21全基因组的测序工作、构建了T-DNA插入突变体库、用遗传学的方法首次研究短柄草基因的生物学功能等。本文综述了近年来特别是2009年以来短柄草的研究进展,并对未来的研究工作做了展望。  相似文献   

哺乳动物经过长期进化,使其基因组在结构和功能上存在着明显的差异,构成了表型进化的基础。随着人类、部分哺乳动物基因组测序的完成,以比较基因组学为主要研究手段的哺乳动物进化研究应运而生,从而为在基因组水平上深入认识哺乳动物进化关系、揭示生命的起源和进化提供依据。对比较基因组学的主要研究方法进行了综述,进而探讨其在哺乳动物进化研究中的应用,并对哺乳动物比较基因组学的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

功能基因组学研究概述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
21世纪是生物时代和信息时代,基因组学的研究已从结构基因组学转向功能基因组学,功能基因组学时代对于基因功能的研究也由单一基因转向大规模、批量分析。对功能基因组学及相关学科的概念作了概述,综述了功能基因组学的研究内容与方法,主要包括应用差异显示反转录PCR、基因表达序列分析(SAGE)、微点阵、蛋白质组学和生物信息学等方法来研究基因组表达概况、基因组多样性和模式生物学等。  相似文献   

全基因组关联分析(genome wide association study,GWAS)是利用全基因组范围内筛选出高密度的分子标记对所研究的群体进行扫描,分析扫描得出的分子标记数据与表型性状之间关联关系的方法。GWAS的出现为全面系统地研究基因组学掀开了新的一页,目前主要应用于人类疾病复杂性状的分析,已鉴定出大量与人类复杂疾病或数量性状相关的遗传变异,成为研究人类基因组学的关键手段。在植物基因组中的研究应用虽刚刚起步,但也取得了良好的效果,应用GWAS发掘植物复杂数量性状基因、为植物分子育种提供依据已成为国际植物基因组学研究的热点。然而,GWAS的结果还存在一些问题,并非早期预测和想象的那样简单。现针对GWAS的特点,对其在人类基因组和植物基因组中的应用及其未来发展进行综述。  相似文献   

基因组学研究随着模式生物基因组全序列测定的完成由结构基因组学阶段发展到功能基因组学阶段,基因组学成为当今最为活跃、最有影响的前沿学科.以结构基因组学的研究成果为基础,功能基因组学中各学科因其原理不同及其关键技术的特点和优势,具有各自的应用范畴和发展趋势.功能基因组学不断渗透入现代科学的各领域,促成了适用于不同研究目的新兴学科的诞生.  相似文献   

Current molecular characterization of ex situ plant germplasm has placed more emphasis on cultivated gene pools and less on exotic gene pools representing wild relative species. This study attempted to characterize a selected set of germplasm accessions representing various Avena species with the hope to establish a reference set of exotic oat germplasm for oat breeding and research. The amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique was applied to screen 163 accessions of 25 Avena species with diverse geographic origins. For each accession, 413 AFLP polymorphic bands detected by five AFLP primer pairs were scored. The frequencies of polymorphic bands ranged from 0.006 to 0.994 and averaged 0.468. Analysis of molecular variance revealed 59.5% of the total AFLP variation resided among 25 oat species, 45.9% among six assessed sections of the genus, 36.1% among three existing ploidy levels, and 50.8% among eight defined genome types. All the species were clustered together according to their ploidy levels. The C genome diploids appeared to be the most distinct, followed by the Ac genome diploid A. canariensis. The Ac genome seemed to be the oldest in all the A genomes, followed by the As, Al and Ad genomes. The AC genome tetraploids were more related to the ACD genome hexaploids than the AB genome tetraploids. Analysis of AFLP similarity suggested that the AC genome tetraploid A. maroccana was likely derived from the Cp genome diploid A. eriantha and the As genome diploid A. wiestii, and might be the progenitor of the ACD genome hexaploids. These AFLP patterns are significant for our understanding of the evolutionary pathways of Avena species and genomes, for establishing reference sets of exotic oat germplasm, and for exploring new exotic sources of genes for oat improvement.  相似文献   

乳酸菌基因组学研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
乳酸菌广泛应用于食品发酵工业中,其中有些菌种是重要的益生菌。目前,对乳酸菌的研究已从最初的形态学研究进入到了分子水平的研究。乳酸菌全基因组测序研究已在全球展开。乳酸菌基因组研究有助于揭示乳酸菌的遗传和代谢机制,加速重要益生功能基因的挖掘,同时为乳酸菌的应用提供众多可能性。本文就乳酸菌基因组研究的概况、重要乳酸菌基因组、乳酸菌的功能基因组以及比较基因组进行了综述。  相似文献   

Nutritional benefits of cultivated oat (Avena sativa L., 2n = 6x = 42, AACCDD) are well recognized; however, seed protein levels are modest and resources for genetic improvement are scarce. The wild tetraploid, A. magna Murphy et Terrell (syn A. maroccana Gdgr., 2n = 4x = 28, CCDD), which contains approximately 31% seed protein, was hybridized with cultivated oat to produce a domesticated A. magna. Wild and cultivated accessions were crossed to generate a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population. Although these materials could be used to develop domesticated, high-protein oat, mapping and quantitative trait loci introgression is hindered by a near absence of genetic markers. Objectives of this study were to develop high-throughput, A. magna-specific markers; generate a genetic linkage map based on the A. magna RIL population; and map genes controlling oat domestication. A Diversity Arrays Technology (DArT) array derived from 10 A. magna genotypes was used to generate 2,688 genome-specific probes. These, with 12,672 additional oat clones, produced 2,349 polymorphic markers, including 498 (21.2%) from A. magna arrays and 1,851 (78.8%) from other Avena libraries. Linkage analysis included 974 DArT markers, 26 microsatellites, 13 SNPs, and 4 phenotypic markers, and resulted in a 14-linkage-group map. Marker-to-marker correlation coefficient analysis allowed classification of shared markers as unique or redundant, and putative linkage-group-to-genome anchoring. Results of this study provide for the first time a collection of high-throughput tetraploid oat markers and a comprehensive map of the genome, providing insights to the genome ancestry of oat and affording a resource for study of oat domestication, gene transfer, and comparative genomics.  相似文献   

Molecular mapping of cultivated oats was conducted to update the previous reference map constructed using a recombinant inbred (RI) population derived from Avena byzantina C. Koch cv. Kanota x Avena sativa L. cv. Ogle. In the current work, 607 new markers were scored, many on a larger set of RI lines (133 vs. 71) than previously reported. A robust, updated framework map was developed to resolve linkage associations among 286 markers. The remaining 880 markers were placed individually within the most likely framework interval using chi2 tests. This molecular framework incorporates and builds on previous studies, including physical mapping and linkage mapping in additional oat populations. The resulting map provides a common tool for use by oat researchers concerned with structural genomics, functional genomics, and molecular breeding.  相似文献   

水稻所在的稻属(Oryza)共有24个左右的物种。由于野生稻含有大量的优良农艺性状基因, 在水稻遗传学研究中日益受到重视。随着国际稻属基因组计划的开展, 越来越多的稻属基因组序列被测定, 稻属成为进行比较、功能和进化基因组学研究的模式系统。近期开展的一系列研究对稻属不同基因组区段以及全基因组序列的比较分析, 揭示了稻属在基因组大小、基因移动、多倍体进化、常染色质到异染色质的转化以及着丝粒区域的进化等方面的分子机制。转座子的活性以及转座子因非均等重组或非法重组而造成的删除, 对稻属基因组的扩增和收缩具有重要作用。DNA双链断裂修复介导的基因移动, 特别是非同源末端连接, 是稻属基因组非共线性基因形成的主要来源。稻属基因组从常染色质到异染色质的转换过程, 伴随着转座子的大量扩增、基因片段的区段性和串联重复以及从基因组其他位置不断捕获异染色质基因。对稻属不同物种间基因拷贝数、特异基因和重要农艺性状基因的进化等研究, 可揭示稻属不同物种间表型和适应性差异的分子基础, 将加速水稻的育种和改良。  相似文献   

To examine the genomic structure of Avena macrostachya, internal transcribed spacers, ITS1 and ITS2, as well as nuclear 5.8S tRNA genes from three oat species with AsAs karyotype (A. wiestii, A. hirtula, and A. atlantica), and those from A. longiglumis (AlAl), A. canariensis (AcAc), A. ventricosa (CvCv), A. pilosa, and A. clauda (CpCp) were sequenced. All species of the genus Avena examined represented a monophyletic group (bootstrap index = 98), within which two branches, i.e., species with A- and C-genomes, were distinguished (bootstrap indices = 100). The subject of our study, A. macrostachya, albeit belonging to the phylogenetic branch of C-genome oat species (karyotype with submetacentic and subacrocentric chromosomes), has preserved an isobrachyal karyotype, (i.e., that containing metacentric chromosomes), probably typical of the common Avena ancestor. It was suggested to classify the A. macrostachya genome as a specific form of C-genome, Cm-genome. Among the species from other genera studied, Arrhenatherum elatius was found to be the closest to Avena in ITS1 and ITS structure. Phylogenetic relationships between Avena and Helictotrichon remain intriguingly uncertain. The HPR389153 sequence from H. pratense genome was closest to the ITS1 sequences specific to the Avena A-genomes (p-distance = 0.0237), while the differences of this sequence from the ITS1 of A. macrostachya reached 0.1221. On the other hand, HAD389117 from H. adsurgens was close to the ITS1 specific to Avena C-genomes (p-distance = 0.0189), while its differences from the A-genome specific ITS1 sequences reached 0.1221. It seems likely that the appearance of highly polyploid (2n = 12-21x) species of H. pratense and H. adsurgens could be associated with interspecific hybridization involving Mediterranean oat species carrying A- and C-genomes. A hypothesis on the pathways of Avena chromosomes evolution during the early stages the oat species divergence is proposed.  相似文献   

Rice is an important crop and major model plant for monocot functional genomics studies. With the establishment of various genetic resources for rice genomics, the next challenge is to systematically assign functions to predicted genes in the rice genome. Compared with the robustness of genome sequencing and bioinformatics techniques, progress in understanding the function of rice genes has lagged, hampering the utilization of rice genes for cereal crop improvement. The use of transfer DNA (T‐DNA) insertional mutagenesis offers the advantage of uniform distribution throughout the rice genome, but preferentially in gene‐rich regions, resulting in direct gene knockout or activation of genes within 20–30 kb up‐ and downstream of the T‐DNA insertion site and high gene tagging efficiency. Here, we summarize the recent progress in functional genomics using the T‐DNA‐tagged rice mutant population. We also discuss important features of T‐DNA activation‐ and knockout‐tagging and promoter‐trapping of the rice genome in relation to mutant and candidate gene characterizations and how to more efficiently utilize rice mutant populations and datasets for high‐throughput functional genomics and phenomics studies by forward and reverse genetics approaches. These studies may facilitate the translation of rice functional genomics research to improvements of rice and other cereal crops.  相似文献   

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