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Transformation of cells by src -like kinases leads to altered cell morphology associated with the disassembly of focal contacts and concomitant increase in tyrosine phosphorylation of pp125(FAK) x p56(lck) is a lymphocyte-specific member of the src family of protein tyrosine kinases that associates with cell surface glycoproteins such as CD4 and CD8. It phosphorylates and activates pp125(FAK) and increases its autokinase activity, thus pretreatment of pp125(FAK) with protein kinase C (PKC) markedly attenuates its phosphorylation and activation, suggesting a potential regulatory pathway of pp125(FAK) activation in focal contacts. p56(lck) further phosphorylates and activates actin binding protein (ABP-280; filamin) and controls its association with cell surface receptors such as beta-2 integrins, actin filament cross-linking, and possibly lipid membrane insertion.  相似文献   

Actin-binding protein (ABP-280; filamin) is a phosphoprotein present in the periphery of the cytoplasm, where it can cross-link actin filaments, associate with lipid membranes, and bind to membrane surface receptors. Given its function and localization in the cell, the hypothesis that it serves as a substrate for p56lck, a lymphocyte-specific member of the src family of protein tyrosine kinases associated with cell surface glycoproteins is considered. The results suggest conformationally-induced regulation of filamin (ABP-280).  相似文献   

Inhibition of p56(lck) tyrosine kinase by isothiazolones   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lck encodes a 56-kDa protein-tyrosine kinase, predominantly expressed in T lymphocytes, crucial for initiating T cell antigen receptor (TCR) signal transduction pathways, culminating in T cell cytokine gene expression and effector functions. As a consequence of a high-throughput screen for selective, novel inhibitors of p56(lck), an isothiazolone compound was identified, methyl-3-(N-isothiazolone)-2-thiophenecarboxylate(A-125800), which inhibits p56(lck) kinase activity with IC50 = 1-7 microM. Under similar assay conditions, the isothiazolone compound was equipotent in blocking the ZAP-70 tyrosine kinase activity but was 50 to 100 times less potent against the catalytic activities of p38 MAP kinase and c-Jun N-terminal kinase 2alpha. A-125800 blocked activation-dependent TCR tyrosine phosphorylation and intracellular calcium mobilization in Jurkat T cells (IC50 = 35 microM) and blocked T cell proliferation in response to alloantigen (IC50 = 14 microM) and CD3/CD28-induced IL-2 secretion (IC50 = 2.2 microM) in primary T cell cultures. Inhibition of p56(lck )by A-125800 was dose- and time-dependent and was irreversible. A substitution of methylene for the sulfur atom in the isothiazolone ring of the compound completely abrogated the ability to inhibit p56(lck) kinase activity and TCR-dependent signal transduction. Incubation with thiols such as beta-ME or DTT also blocked the ability of the isothiazolone to inhibit p56(lck) kinase activity. LC/MS analysis established the covalent modification of p56(lck) at cysteine residues 378, 465, and 476. Together these data support an inhibitory mechanism, whereby cysteine -SH groups within the p56(lck) catalytic domain react with the isothiazolone ring, leading to ring opening and disulfide bond formation with the p56(lck) enzyme. Loss of p56(lck) activity due to -SH oxidation has been suggested to play a role in the pathology of AIDS. Consequently, a similar mechanism of sulfhydryl oxidation leading to p56(lck) inhibition, described in this report, may occur in the intact T cell and may underlie certain T cell pathologies.  相似文献   

The lymphocyte-specific tyrosine protein kinase p56lck is abundantly expressed in L3T4+ (CD4+) and Lyt-2+ (CD8+) T-lymphocytes, where it is predominantly phosphorylated in vivo on the carboxy-terminal tyrosine residue 505 (Y-505). Upon exposure to activating signals (mitogenic lectins, antibodies to the T-cell receptor), the p56lck expressed in normal cloned murine T-cells is modified into a product which migrates at approximately 59 kilodaltons on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels and which possesses several amino-terminal serine phosphorylations. The changes in both mobility and amino-terminal phosphorylation can be reproduced by known activators of protein kinase C (4 alpha-phorbol 12 beta-myristate, dioctanoylglycerol), suggesting that this signal transduction pathway (or related pathways) mediates at least part of these events. Interestingly, agents raising intracellular calcium (such as A23187) cause the appearance of several of these amino-terminal phosphorylation changes but do not cause the pronounced shift in electrophoretic mobility. These data suggest that at least two serine kinase systems are implicated in the alterations of p56lck associated with T-cell activation and that the lck gene product plays a critical role in normal T-cell physiology.  相似文献   

Doublecortin (DCX) is a microtubule-associated protein that is specifically expressed in neuronal cells. Genetic mutation of DCX causes lissencephaly disease. Although the abnormal cortical lamination in lissencephaly is thought to be attributable to neuronal cell migration defects, the regulatory mechanisms governing interactions between DCX and cytoskeleton in the migration of neuronal progenitor cells remain obscure. In this study we found that the G(s) and protein kinase A (PKA) signal elicited by pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide promotes neuronal progenitor cells migration. Stimulation of G(s)-PKA signaling prevented microtubule bundling and induced the dissociation of DCX from microtubules in cells. PKA phosphorylated DCX at Ser-47, and the phospho-mimicking mutant DCX-S47E promoted cell migration. Activation of PKA and DCX-S47E induced lamellipodium formation. Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide and DCX-S47E stimulated the activation of Rac1, and DCX-S47E interacted with Asef2, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Rac1. Our data reveal a dual reciprocal role for DCX phosphorylation in the regulation of microtubule and actin dynamics that is indispensable for proper brain lamination.  相似文献   

p21-activated kinase (PAK) 2, a member of the PAK family of serine/threonine protein kinases, plays an important role in physiological processes such as motility, survival, mitosis, and apoptosis. However, the role of PAK2 in resistance to chemotherapy is unclear. Here we report that PAK2 is highly expressed in human breast cancer cell lines and human breast invasive carcinoma tissue compared with a human non-tumorigenic mammary epithelial cell line and adjacent normal breast tissue, respectively. Interestingly, we found that PAK2 can bind with caspase-7 and phosphorylate caspase-7 at the Ser-30, Thr-173, and Ser-239 sites. Functionally, the phosphorylation of caspase-7 decreases its activity, thereby inhibiting cellular apoptosis. Our data indicate that highly expressed PAK2 mediates chemotherapeutic resistance in human breast invasive ductal carcinoma by negatively regulating caspase-7 activity.  相似文献   

Polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1) plays essential roles during multiple stages of mitosis by phosphorylating a number of substrates. Here, we report that the atypical protein kinase Rio2 is a novel substrate of Plk1 and can be phosphorylated by Plk1 at Ser-335, Ser-380, and Ser-548. Overexpression of Rio2 causes a prolonged mitotic exit whereas knockdown of Rio2 accelerates mitotic progression, suggesting that Rio2 is required for the proper mitotic progression. Overexpression of phospho-mimicking mutant Rio2 S3D but not the nonphosphorylatable mutant Rio2 S3A displays a profile similar to that of wild-type Rio2. These results indicate that the phosphorylation status of Rio2 correlates with its function in mitosis. Furthermore, time-lapse imaging data show that overexpression of Rio2 but not Rio2 S3A results in a slowed metaphase-anaphase transition. Collectively, these findings strongly indicate that the Plk1-mediated phosphorylation of Rio2 regulates metaphase-anaphase transition during mitotic progression.  相似文献   

Rho-associated kinase (Rho-kinase/ROCK/ROK) is a serine/threonine kinase and plays an important role in various cellular functions. The cAMP-dependent protein kinase (protein kinase A/PKA) and protein kinase C (PKC) are also serine/threonine kinases, and directly and/or indirectly take part in the signal transduction pathways of Rho-kinase. They have similar phosphorylation site motifs, RXXS/T and RXS/T. The purpose of this study was to identify whether sites phosphorylated by Rho-kinase could be targets for PKA and PKC and to find peptide substrates that are specific to Rho-kinase, i.e., with no phosphorylation by PKA and PKC. A total of 18 substrates for Rho-kinase were tested for phosphorylation by PKA and PKC. Twelve of these sites were easily phosphorylated. These results mean that Rho-kinase substrates can be good substrates for PKA and/or PKC. On the other hand, six Rho-kinase substrates showing no or very low phosphorylation efficiency (<20%) for PKA and PKC were identified. Kinetic parameters (K(m) and k(cat)) showed that two of these peptides could be useful as substrates specific to Rho-kinase phosphorylation.  相似文献   

The functional association of NPM1 with Aurora kinases is well documented. Surprisingly, although NPM1 is a well characterized phosphoprotein, it is unknown whether it is a substrate of Aurora kinases. We have found that Aurora kinases A and B can phosphorylate NPM1 at a single serine residue, Ser125, in vitro and in vivo. Phosphorylated-S125-NPM1 (pS125-NPM1) localizes to the midbody region during late cytokinesis where it colocalizes with Aurora B. The overexpression of mutant (S125A) NPM1 resulted in the deregulation of centrosome duplication and mitotic defects possibly due to cytokinesis failure. These data suggest that Aurora kinase B-mediated phosphorylation of NPM1 plays a critical role during mitosis, which could have wider implications in oncogenesis.  相似文献   

Postsynaptic density-95 is a multidomain scaffolding protein that recruits glutamate receptors to postsynaptic sites and facilitates signal processing and connection to the cytoskeleton. It is the leading member of the membrane-associated guanylate kinase family of proteins, which are defined by the PSD-95/Discs large/ZO-1 (PDZ)-Src homology 3 (SH3)-guanylate kinase domain sequence. We used NMR to show that phosphorylation of conserved tyrosine 397, which occurs in vivo and is located in an atypical helical extension (α3), initiates a rapid equilibrium of docked and undocked conformations. Undocking reduced ligand binding affinity allosterically and weakened the interaction of PDZ3 with SH3 even though these domains are separated by a ~25-residue linker. Additional phosphorylation at two linker sites further disrupted the interaction, implicating α3 and the linker in tuning interdomain communication. These experiments revealed a novel mode of regulation by a detachable PDZ element and offer a first glimpse at the dynamic interaction of PDZ and SH3-guanylate kinase domains in membrane-associated guanylate kinases.  相似文献   

MCM2-7 proteins form a stable heterohexamer with DNA helicase activity functioning in the DNA replication of eukaryotic cells. The MCM2-7 complex is loaded onto chromatin in a cell cycle-dependent manner. The phosphorylation of MCM2-7 proteins contributes to the formation of the MCM2-7 complex. However, the regulation of specific MCM phosphorylation still needs to be elucidated. In this study, we demonstrate that MCM3 is a substrate of cyclin E/Cdk2 and can be phosphorylated by cyclin E/Cdk2 at Thr-722. We find that the MCM3 T722A mutant binds chromatin much less efficiently when compared with wild type MCM3, suggesting that this phosphorylation site is involved in MCM3 loading onto chromatin. Interestingly, overexpression of MCM3, but not MCM3 T722A mutant, inhibits the S phase entry, whereas it does not affect the exit from mitosis. Knockdown of MCM3 does not affect S phase entry and progression, indicating that a small fraction of MCM3 is sufficient for normal S phase completion. These results suggest that excess accumulation of MCM3 protein onto chromatin may inhibit DNA replication. Other studies indicate that excess of MCM3 up-regulates the phosphorylation of CHK1 Ser-345 and CDK2 Thr-14. These data reveal that the phosphorylation of MCM3 contributes to its function in controlling the S phase checkpoint of cell cycle in addition to the regulation of formation of the MCM2-7 complex.  相似文献   

Open reading frame 45 (ORF45) of Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) causes sustained activation of p90 ribosomal S6 kinase (RSK), which is crucial for KSHV lytic replication, but the exact functional roles remain to be determined. To characterize the biological consequence of persistent RSK activation by ORF45, we screened known cellular substrates of RSK. We found that ORF45 induced phosphorylation of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4B (eIF4B), increased its assembly into translation initiation complex, and subsequently facilitated protein translation. The ORF45/RSK-mediated eIF4B phosphorylation was distinguishable from that caused by the canonical AKT/mammalian target of rapamycin/ribosomal S6 kinase and MEK/ERK/RSK pathways because it was resistant to both rapamycin (an mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitor) and U1026 (an MEK inhibitor). The rapamycin and U1026 doubly insensitive eIF4B phosphorylation was induced during KSHV reactivation but was abolished if either ORF45 or RSK1/2 were ablated by siRNA, a pattern that is correlated with reduced lytic gene expression as we observed previously. Ectopic expression of eIF4B but not its phosphorylation-deficient mutant form increased KSHV lytic gene expression and production of progeny viruses. Together, these results indicated that ORF45/RSK axis-induced eIF4B phosphorylation is involved in translational regulation and is required for optimal KSHV lytic replication.  相似文献   

Estrogenic compounds can activate protein kinase C (PKC), which is a calcium and phospholipid‐dependent serine/threonine kinase. In the present study, we investigated the role of 17β‐estradiol (E2), diethylstibestrol (DES), and bisphenol A (BPA) in the phosphorylation of substrate by PKCα using the matrix‐assisted laser desorption/ionization time‐of‐flight mass spectrometry. The level of phosphorylated peptide was low in the absence of phosphatidylserine (PS). Moreover, reduction of phosphorylation ratios was identified in the presence of diacylglycerol (DAG) and Ca2+ or PS and Ca2+ after adding E2, DES, and BPA. However, no change in phosphorylation ratios was found in the presence of DAG and PS. Addition of E2, DES, and BPA also had no influence on the phosphorylation reaction of substrate by cell or tissue lysate samples. Our study suggests that E2, DES, and BPA can bind to the C2 domain of PKCα but have no effects on the phosphorylation reaction of substrates in the presence of DAG and PS. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biochem Mol Toxicol 23:318–323, 2009; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/jbt.20294  相似文献   

Classical mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases are activated by dual phosphorylation of the Thr-Xxx-Tyr motif in their activation loop, which is catalyzed by members of the MAP kinase kinase family. The atypical MAP kinases extracellular signal-regulated kinase 3 (ERK3) and ERK4 contain a single phospho-acceptor site in this segment and are not substrates of MAP kinase kinases. Previous studies have shown that ERK3 and ERK4 are phosphorylated on activation loop residue Ser-189/Ser-186, resulting in their catalytic activation. However, the identity of the protein kinase mediating this regulatory event has remained elusive. We have used an unbiased biochemical purification approach to isolate the kinase activity responsible for ERK3 Ser-189 phosphorylation. Here, we report the identification of group I p21-activated kinases (PAKs) as ERK3/ERK4 activation loop kinases. We show that group I PAKs phosphorylate ERK3 and ERK4 on Ser-189 and Ser-186, respectively, both in vitro and in vivo, and that expression of activated Rac1 augments this response. Reciprocally, silencing of PAK1/2/3 expression by RNA interference (RNAi) completely abolishes Rac1-induced Ser-189 phosphorylation of ERK3. Importantly, we demonstrate that PAK-mediated phosphorylation of ERK3/ERK4 results in their enzymatic activation and in downstream activation of MAP kinase-activated protein kinase 5 (MK5) in vivo. Our results reveal that group I PAKs act as upstream activators of ERK3 and ERK4 and unravel a novel PAK-ERK3/ERK4-MK5 signaling pathway.  相似文献   

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