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Improving the end-use quality of wheat is a key target for many breeding programmes. With the exception of the relationship between glutenin alleles and some dough rheological characters, knowledge concerning the genetic control of wheat quality traits is somewhat limited. A doubled haploid population produced from a cross between two Australian cultivars ‘Trident’ and ‘Molineux’ has been used to construct a linkage map based largely on microsatellite molecular makers. ‘Molineux’ is superior to ‘Trident’ for a number of milling, dough rheology and baking quality characteristics, although by international standards ‘Trident’ would still be regarded as possessing moderately good end-use quality. This population was therefore deemed useful for investigation of wheat end-use quality. A number of significant QTL identified for dough rheological traits mapped to HMW and LMW glutenin loci on chromosomes 1A and 1B. However, QTL associated with dough strength and loaf volume were also identified on chromosome 2A and a significant QTL associated with loaf volume and crumb quality was identified on chromosome 3A. A QTL for flour protein content and milling yield was identified on chromosome 6A and a QTL associated with flour colour reported previously on chromosome 7B was confirmed in this population. The detection of loci affecting dough strength, loaf volume and flour protein content may provide fresh opportunities for the application of marker-assisted selection to improve bread-making quality.  相似文献   

Doubled haploid lines (n=160) from a cross between wheat cultivars Cranbrook (high dough extensibility) and Halberd (low dough extensibility) were grown at three Australian locations. The parents differ at all high- and low-molecular-weight glutenin loci. Dough rheological parameters were measured using small-scale testing procedures, and quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping procedures were carried out using an existing well-saturated genetic linkage map for this cross. Genetic parameters were estimated using three software packages: QTLCartographer, Epistat and Genstat. Results indicated that environmental factors are a major determinant of dough extensibility across the three trial sites, whereas genotypic factors are the major determinants of dough strength. Composite interval mapping analysis across the 21 linkage groups revealed that as expected, the main additive QTLs for dough rheological properties are located at the high- and low-molecular-weight glutenin loci. A new QTL on chromosome 5A for M-extensibility (a mixograph-estimated measure of extensibility) was detected. Analysis of epistatic interactions revealed that there were significant conditional epistatic interactions related with the additive effects of glutenin loci on dough rheological properties. Therefore, the additive genetic effects of glutenins on dough rheological properties are conditional upon the genetic background of the wheat line. The molecular basis of the interactions with the glutenin loci may be via proteins that modify or alter the gluten protein matrix or variations in the expression level of the glutenin genes. Reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography analysis of the molar number of individual glutenin subunits across the population showed that certain conditional epistases resulted in increased expression of the affected glutenin. The epistatic interactions detected in this study provide a possible explanation of the variable genetic effects of some glutenins on quality attributes in different genetic backgrounds and provide essential information for the accurate prediction of glutenin related variance in marker-assisted wheat breeding.  相似文献   

Genetic variation among 78 irrigated bread wheat genotypes was studied for their nutritional value and baking quality traits as well as some agronomic traits. The experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design with three replicates under normal and terminal drought stress conditions in Kermanshah, Iran during 2012–2013 cropping season. The results of combined ANOVA indicated highly significant genotypic differences for all traits. All studied traits except grain yield, hectoliter weight and grain fiber content were significantly affected by genotype × environment interaction. Drought stress reduced grain yield, thousand kernel weight, gluten index, grain starch content and hectoliter weight and slightly promoted grain protein and fiber contents, falling number, total gluten and ratio of wet gluten to grain protein content. Grain yield by 31.66% and falling number by 9.20% attained the highest decrease and increase due to drought stress. There were negative and significant correlations among grain yield with grain protein and fiber contents under both conditions. Results of cluster analysis showed that newer genotypes had more grain yield and gluten index than older ones, but instead, they had the lower grain protein and fiber contents. It is thought that wheat breeders have bred cultivars with high grain yield, low protein content, and improved bread-making attributes during last seven decades. While older genotypes indicated significantly higher protein contents, and some of them had higher gluten index. We concluded from this study that it is imperative for breeders to pay more attention to improve qualitative traits coordinated to grain yield.  相似文献   

The content of specific proteins such as high-molecular-weight glutenin subunits HMW-GS 5+10 and low-molecular-weight glutenin subunits LMW-GS KS2 in wheat mill streams of extra-strong Kachikei 33 wheat was quantified by SDS-PAGE and 2D-PAGE. The mill streams showed varied quantities of HMW-GS 5+10 (0.077 to 2.007 mg/g of mill stream), LMW-GS KS2 (0.018 to 0.586 mg/g of mill stream) and total protein (9.42% to 18.98%). The contents of these specific proteins in the mill streams were significantly correlated with the SDS sedimentation volume and the mixing properties, which are respective indices of specific loaf volume and dough strength. The contents of these specific glutenin proteins in the mill streams were therefore found to be significantly important for improving the dough quality suitable for bread and Chinese noodles. Accordingly, we present here the application of this information to the development of an effective method for producing mill streams with high quality and yield that are suitable for instant Chinese noodles.  相似文献   

The maximum rate and duration for grain dry matter (DM) and nitrogen (N) accumulation were evaluated in 194 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) from a cross between the two French wheat cultivars Récital and Renan. These cultivars were previously identified as having contrasting kinetics of grain DM and N accumulation. Grain protein composition was analysed by capillary electrophoresis (CE), which enabled quantification of the different storage protein fractions (-gliadins, -gliadins, LMW glutenins, HMW glutenins, and each of their subunits). Correlation analyses revealed that DM and N accumulation rates were closely correlated and repeatable over several years, which was not the case for DM and N accumulation durations, and that protein composition was primarily influenced by the N accumulation rate. This was particularly true for the LMW-glutenins and the -gliadins, the most abundant protein fractions. A genetic map of 254 molecular markers covering nearly 80% of the wheat genome was used for quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis. A total of seven QTLs were found. Five QTLs were significantly associated with the kinetics of DM and N accumulation, and two of them also influenced protein composition. Two QTLs affected only the protein composition. One major QTL explained more than 70% of the total variation in HMW-GS Glu1B-x content.  相似文献   

小麦贮藏蛋白与小麦品质性状的关系及研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
邓志英  田纪春 《生命科学》2003,15(4):233-237,210
小麦贮藏蛋白尤其是谷蛋白与醇溶蛋白的组成及所占比例是影响小麦加工品质的主要因素。本文对近年来国内外小麦蛋白亚基和小麦品质性状的研究现状进行了综述,同时介绍了小麦品质性状的遗传规律及其与品质的关系。  相似文献   

H Ma  G R Hughes 《Génome》1995,38(2):332-338
The genetic control of resistance, expressed as restricted lesion development in seedling plants, to septoria nodorum blotch of wheat was studied under controlled environmental conditions, using the parental, F1, F2, F3, BC1F1, and BC1F2 generations of crosses of Triticum timopheevii-derived resistant durum lines S3-6, S9-10, and S12-1 with the susceptible durum cv. Sceptre. The seedling resistance of these three resistant sources, derived from T. timopheevii (PI 290518), was monogenically controlled. The chromosomal location of the resistance gene identified was determined by crossing the complete set of 'Langdon' - 'Chinese Spring' D-genome disomic substitution lines with S12-1. Tests of the F1 and F2 generations of each cross indicated that only chromosome 3A was associated with resistance. Therefore, the resistance gene is considered to be located on chromosome 3A and has been designated temporarily as SnbTM.  相似文献   

The phenotypic manifestation and genetic control of embryo lethality observed in crosses between common wheat and rye were studied. It was found that crosses between common wheat and inbred self-fertile rye lines L2 and 535 gave rise to ungerminating grains, in which the development and differentiation of the hybrid embryo are arrested. Study of the degree of embryo development in the hybrid grains obtained by crossing common wheat varieties with inbred rye lines L2 and 535 showed that genotypes of the parents affected the ratio between undifferentiated embryos of various sizes. Analysis of this trait was performed by test crosses according to a novel pedigree program with the use of interlinear hybrids and a set of fourth-generation hybrid recombinant inbred lines. Rye line L2 was shown to bear the Eml (Embryo lethality) gene, which terminates the development of the hybrid embryo in amphihaploids. The suggestion of complementary interaction between wheat and rye genes during formation of a n ew character in wheat-rye F1 hybrids is discussed. A method of detecting an allele not complementary to the rye Eml allele in wheat is proposed. The proposed test program allows appropriate study of the system of wheat and rye genes involved in complementary interaction in the genotype of a distant hybrid.  相似文献   

土壤肥力对小麦籽粒蛋白质组分含量及加工品质的影响   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15  
研究了基础土壤肥力对小麦籽粒蛋白质组分含量变化及加工品质的影响。结果表明,高肥力土壤栽培的小麦比低肥力土壤栽培的小麦,其籽粒蛋白质及各组分含量都显著提高,但清蛋白和球蛋白占总蛋白含量的比例为低肥力土壤高于高肥力土壤,而醇溶蛋白和麦谷蛋白为高肥力土壤高低肥力土壤;低肥力土壤栽培的小麦籽粒醇溶蛋白开始形成的时间比高肥力的早,高肥力土壤栽培小麦的籽粒醇溶蛋白和麦谷蛋白含量的提高主要源于灌浆后期合成的快,高肥力土壤垢小麦湿面筋含量,沉降值,吸水率,面团形成时间,稳定时间,断裂时间和评价值均显著或极显著高于或长于低肥力的。  相似文献   

Methods to assess the quality and performance of protein microarrays fabricated from undefined protein content are required to elucidate slide-to-slide variability and interpolate resulting signal intensity values after an interaction assay. We therefore developed several simple total- and posttranslational modification-specific, on-chip staining methods to quantitatively assess the quality of gel element protein arrays manufactured with whole-cell lysate in vitro protein fractions derived from two-dimensional liquid-phase fractionation (PF2D) technology. A linear dynamic range of at least 3 logs was observed for protein stains and immobilized protein content, with a lower limit of detection at 8 pg of protein per gel element with Deep Purple protein stain and a field-portable microarray imager. Data demonstrate the successful isolation, separation, transfer, and immobilization of putative transmembrane proteins from Yersinia pestis KIM D27 with the combined PF2D and gel element array method. Internal bovine serum albumin standard curves provided a method to assess on-chip PF2D transfer and quantify total protein immobilized per gel element. The basic PF2D array fabrication and quality assurance/quality control methods described here therefore provide a standard operating procedure and basis for developing whole-proteome arrays for interrogating host-pathogen interactions, independent of sequenced genomes, affinity tags, or a priori knowledge of target cell composition.  相似文献   

The endosperm starch of the wheat grain is composed of amylose and amylopectin. Genetic manipulation of the ratio of amylose to amylopectin or the amylose content could bring about improved texture and quality of wheat flour. The chromosomal locations of genes affecting amylose content were investigated using a monosomic series of Chinese Spring (CS) and a set of Cheyenne (CNN) chromosome substitution lines in the CS genetic background. Trials over three seasons revealed that a decrease in amylose content occurred in monosomic 4A and an increase in monosomic 7B. Allelic variation between CS and CNN was suggested for the genes on chromosomes 4A and 7B. To examine the effects of three Waxy (Wx) genes which encode a granule-bound starch synthase (Wx protein), the Wx proteins from CS monosomics of interest were analyzed using SDS-PAGE. The amount of the Wx protein coded by the Wx-B1 gene on chromosome arm 4AL was reduced in monosomic 4A, and thus accounted for its decreased amylose content. The amounts of two other Wx proteins coded by the Wx-A1 and Wx-D1 genes on chromosome arms 7AS and 7DS, respectively, showed low levels of protein in the monosomics but no effect on amylose content. The effect of chromosome 7B on the level of amylose suggested the presence of a regulator gene which suppresses the activities of the Wx genes.  相似文献   

为了解67份美国材料的遗传多样性及其醇溶蛋白亚基对品质性状的影响,利用酸性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(APAGE)技术进行醇溶蛋白谱带分析,测定了面团流变学特性及理化品质。结果表明,在67份美国材料中共分离出1332条谱带,49种不同迁移率类型的谱带,大部分谱带具有多态性。单个材料谱带总数变异幅度为13~28。谱带数在α、β、γ、ω4个区的分布存在较大差异。没有发现电泳谱带完全相同的材料。GS值变异范围0.54~0.90,平均值为0.731。在GS=0.607水平上,聚类分析将这67份材料分为6类。49条不同迁移率的谱带中有17条谱带与36项品质性状的相关性达到显著或极显著差异。6条谱带(迁移率为49.6、56.2、56.7、62.2、79.4、86.8)与湿面筋含量、蛋白质含量和沉淀值呈正相关,而迁移率为60.5的谱带与之呈负相关。11条谱带(迁移率为26.5、42.0、49.6、52.5、56.2、56.7、62.2、64.1、72.0、79.4、86.8)与面团稳定时间、面团形成时间、延伸面积等面团流变学特征呈正相关,而迁移率为34.4、47.5、49.0、60.5、69.4、85.4的6条谱带则与之呈负相关。说明供试材料间存在着丰富的遗传多样性以及与优质品质相关的谱带,为进一步利用这67份种质资源和优质小麦品种的选育提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

The present study is an application of an approach recently developed by the authors for describing the structure of the hydrocarbon chains of lipid-bilayer membranes (LBMs) around embedded protein inclusions ( Biophys. J. 79:2867-2879). The approach is based on statistical mechanical integral equation theories developed for the study of dense liquids. First, the configurations extracted from molecular dynamics simulations of pure LBMs are used to extract the lateral density-density response function. Different pure LBMs composed of different lipid molecules were considered: dioleoyl phosphatidylcholine (DOPC), palmitoyl-oleoyl phosphatidylcholine (POPC), dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DPPC), and dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine (DMPC). The results for the lateral density-density response function was then used as input in the integral equation theory. Numerical calculations were performed for protein inclusions of three different sizes. For the sake of simplicity, protein inclusions are represented as hard smooth cylinders excluding the lipid hydrocarbon core from a small cylinder of 2.5 A radius, corresponding roughly to one aliphatic chain, a medium cylinder of 5 A radius, corresponding to one alpha-helix, and a larger cylinder of 9 A radius, representing a small protein such as the gramicidin channel. The lipid-mediated interaction between protein inclusions was calculated using a closed-form expression for the configuration-dependent free energy. This interaction was found to be repulsive at intermediate range and attractive at short range for two small cylinders in POPC, DPPC, and DMPC bilayers, whereas it oscillates between attractive and repulsive values in DOPC bilayers. For medium size cylinders, it is again repulsive at intermediate range and attractive at short range, but for every model LBM considered here. In the case of a large cylinder, the lipid-mediated interaction was shown to be repulsive for both short and long ranges for the DOPC, POPC, and DPPC bilayers, whereas it is again repulsive and attractive for DMPC bilayers. The results indicate that the packing of the hydrocarbon chains around protein inclusions in LBMs gives rise to a generic (i.e., nonspecific) lipid-mediated interaction which favors the association of two alpha-helices and depends on the lipid composition of the membrane.  相似文献   

Wheat and barley are the major temperate cereals, being used for food, feed and industrial raw material. However, in all cases the quality may be limited by the amount, composition and properties of the grain storage proteins. We describe how a combination of biochemical and molecular studies has led to an understanding of the molecular basis for breadmaking quality in wheat and feed quality in barley, and also provided genes encoding key proteins that determine quality. The control of expression of these genes has been studied in transgenic tobacco plants and by transient expression in cereal protoplasts, providing the basis for the production of transgenic cereals with improved quality characteristics.  相似文献   

Goncharov NP  Efimov VM 《Genetika》2003,39(11):1474-1483
An amendment to the catalog of chromosome location of genes in Russian wheat cultivars was constructed with the published data of the recent decade. The results of chromosomal localization were summarized and analyzed by methods of multivariate statistics. Chromosomes critical for 40 quantitative traits under study proved to cluster according to their homeology, i.e., by homeological groups. The hypotheses providing an explanation for this finding are considered. It is suggested that quantitative traits are similarly controlled by genes located on homeological chromosomes in common wheat, making it possible to isolate a limited number of major genes for each particular quantitative trait.  相似文献   

Ionizing radiation damages DNA and also induces oxidative stress, which can affect the function of proteins involved in DNA repair, thereby causing repair of DNA damage to become less efficient. We previously developed a mathematical model of this potentially synergistic relationship and applied it to γ-ray exposure data on the radiation-resistant prokaryote Deinococcus radiodurans. Here, we investigate the effects of radiation quality on these processes by applying the model to data on exposures of D. radiodurans to heavy ions with linear energy transfer (LET) of 18.5–11,300 keV/μm. The model adequately describes these data using three parameters combinations: radiogenic DNA damage induction, repair protein inactivation and cellular repair capacity. Although statistical uncertainties around best-fit parameter estimates are substantial, the behaviors of model parameters are consistent with current knowledge of LET effects: inactivation cross-sections for both DNA and proteins increase with increasing LET; DNA damage yield per unit of radiation dose also increases with LET; protein damage per unit dose tends to decrease with LET; DNA and especially protein damage yields are reduced when cells are irradiated in the dry state. These results suggest that synergism between oxidative stress and DNA damage may play an important role not only during γ-ray exposure, but during high-LET radiation exposure as well.  相似文献   

Summary Genetic mapping of polymorphic C-bands allows direct comparisons between genetic and physical maps. Eleven C-bands and two seed storage protein genes on chromosome 1B, polymorphic between Langdon durum and four accessions of T. dicoccoides, were used to study the distribution of recombination along the entire length of the chromosome. Recombination in the short arm was almost completely restricted to the satellite, two-thirds of the arm's length from the centromere; the Gli-B1 gene was found to be tightly linked to the telomeric C-band. In the long arm, the distal 51.4% of the arm accounted for 88% of recombination; the proximal half of the arm accounted for the remaining 12%. While the amount of crossing-over differed significantly between the four T. dicoccoides 1B chromosomes, there were no significant differences in the relative distributions of crossing-over along the chromosome. Consequently, the genetic maps obtained from the four individual T. dicoccoides chromosomes were combined to yield a consensus map of 14 markers (including the centromere) for the chromosome.  相似文献   

Copper is reported to promote and prevent aggregation of prion protein. Conformational and functional consequences of Cu(2+)-binding to prion protein (PrP) are not well understood largely because most of the Cu(2+)-binding studies have been performed on fragments and truncated variants of the prion protein. In this context, we set out to investigate the conformational consequences of Cu(2+)-binding to full-length prion protein (PrP) by isothermal calorimetry, NMR, and small angle x-ray scattering. In this study, we report altered aggregation behavior of full-length PrP upon binding to Cu(2+). At physiological temperature, Cu(2+) did not promote aggregation suggesting that Cu(2+) may not play a role in the aggregation of PrP at physiological temperature (37 °C). However, Cu(2+)-bound PrP aggregated at lower temperatures. This temperature-dependent process is reversible. Our results show two novel intra-protein interactions upon Cu(2+)-binding. The N-terminal region (residues 90-120 that contain the site His-96/His-111) becomes proximal to helix-1 (residues 144-147) and its nearby loop region (residues 139-143), which may be important in preventing amyloid fibril formation in the presence of Cu(2+). In addition, we observed another novel interaction between the N-terminal region comprising the octapeptide repeats (residues 60-91) and helix-2 (residues 174-185) of PrP. Small angle x-ray scattering studies of full-length PrP show significant compactness upon Cu(2+)-binding. Our results demonstrate novel long range inter-domain interactions of the N- and C-terminal regions of PrP upon Cu(2+)-binding, which might have physiological significance.  相似文献   

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