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鸟羽显微鉴定技术及应用的研究及展望   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
鸟羽显微鉴定即使用光学显微镜和电子显微镜对经适当处理的鸟羽材料的细微结构进行观察,发现不同物种鸟类羽毛的显微结构差异,主要根据显微镜观察到的鸟羽上独特的结构差异,结合宏观的鸟类分类系统知识,从而达到鸟类物种区分、鉴定、识别的效果.通过介绍国内外鸟类羽毛显微鉴定的研究现状与进展,对鸟羽鉴定技术存在的问题及解决方法进行探讨,并在此基础上对鸟羽显微鉴定的应用前景进行分析,以期进一步提高、拓展和完善鸟羽显微鉴定技术的应用.  相似文献   

鹭科鸟类分类及系统学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于鹭科鸟类的生态学,形态学,羽毛角蛋白凝胶电泳,scnDNA杂交及线粒体Cytb序列分析等研究,对鹭科鸟类的分类学及系统学研究现状进行综述,提出了鹭科鸟类分类中目前存在争议的问题及系统学研究中的不足。  相似文献   

中国鸟类的DNA分类及系统发育研究概述   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
鸟类分类是鸟类学其他研究领域的基础,近年来分子技术的发展,以及计算机技术的应用为鸟类分类学和鸟类系统演化研究提供了新的研究手段,给传统的系统分类研究带来了新的机遇.Tautz等于2002年首先提出运用DNA序列作为生物分类系统的主要平台,即DNA分类学(DNA Taxonomy).而Hebert等于2003年则首次提出了DNA条形码(DNA Barcoding)的概念,并对其物种分类和鉴定意义予以肯定,建议利用线粒体细胞色素C氧化酶亚单位Ⅰ(COI)的特定区段来做DNA条形编码的基础.在鸟类DNA分类方面,国内学者应用线粒体基因Cut b,COI,c-mos,c-myc,12s rRNA,16s rRNA,ND2,ND3,CR,RAG-1以及核基因myoglobin introⅡ等不同片段对很多类群进行了分类探讨和系统发育研究.但是主要集中在鸡形目及雀形目鸟类.中国是鸟类多样性极其丰富的国家,近年来很多亚种、种及以上分类阶元依然存在问题,因此,中国鸟类物种的分类地位、系统发育与演化关系等依然有很多问题等待深入研究.目前国内基于COI的鸟类分类及系统发育研究有了一些报道,但是真正的DNA条形码工作尚需继续、深入地开展.  相似文献   

石油污染物通过自然泄漏和各种人类活动进入生态环境,对鸟类的生存产生影响。本文综述了国内外有关石油污染物对鸟类所产生的影响、受污染鸟类及其栖息地的清洁修复技术的研究现状以及发展趋势。现有研究发现,石油的毒性和石油对羽毛结构与功能的破坏是石油污染影响鸟类的主要原因。石油污染不仅对鸟类有直接的致死作用,而且能产生许多慢性危害,包括引起鸟类溶血性贫血、使其免疫能力下降、降低羽毛的保温和防水能力等。对鸟类栖息地中的石油污染进行及时清理并开展对受污染鸟类的清洁修复工作,是减轻石油污染对鸟类影响的重要手段。我国作为石油消费大国,关于石油污染对鸟类影响的研究与国外相比滞后,亟需在石油污染对鸟类的短期和长期影响、受污染鸟类及其栖息地的清洁修复技术等方面开展更多的研究。  相似文献   

山东天宇自然博物馆郑晓廷、中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所周忠和与徐星研究员等通过分析山东天宇自然博物馆的化石,发现11件早期原始鸟类标本后肢上长有羽毛的明显迹象。研究人员对这些早期鸟类后肢羽毛或皮肤结构的进行了仔细观察和对比研究,确认这些鸟类后肢羽毛的存在证实了早期鸟类演化过程中曾存在一个与似鸟恐龙相似的四翼阶段,并且后肢羽翼也具备协助飞翔的气动功  相似文献   

<正>鸟类是自然界十分繁盛的一个生物类群,历史上曾有过许多生物学家尝试对这个复杂的类群分门别类,比如亚里士多德、李时珍。早期的分类都是以直观的外部形态特征为依据,相同的个体划为一个种,相似的种被分在一个属,相似的属归入一个科,18世纪以前科学的生物分类基本如此,这反映了当时人们对鸟类的认知水平。这个时期全球进行了大量的标本采集和新物种定名,鸟类分类研究成果集中体现在了Checklist of birds of the world这套巨著中,为后世进行鸟类研究奠定了基础。在这个分类系统中,骨骼、肌肉、鸣管、羽毛、喙形等形态特征被  相似文献   

中国鸟类种数的最新统计   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
自1863年R.Swinhoe首次发表中国鸟类名录以后,国内外学者对我国鸟类进行了大量研究,并对其分类与分布作了系统总结.在国内,郑作新教授最早对我国鸟类的分类与分布进行全面综合性研究,在他的几本著作中,对我国鸟类的种数进行了分析和总结(Cheng,1987;郑作新,1976;1994,2000).  相似文献   

薛泊宁  张雁云  董路 《生物多样性》2021,29(6):843-4231
人们对动物体色的研究由来已久。作为一类让生物呈现出多变色彩的重要色素, 类胡萝卜素可以在鸟类的羽毛、鸟喙和皮肤等体表组织中沉积, 产生红、橙、黄、粉、紫等颜色。类胡萝卜素不能在鸟类体内合成, 需从食物中摄取, 进而在体内完成吸收、运输、代谢和沉积等一系列过程, 才能用于羽毛着色。与类胡萝卜素着色相关的生理及遗传调控机制一直备受关注, BCO2SCARB1CYP2J19等影响类胡萝卜素在鸟类羽毛中着色的关键基因, 推动了对羽色遗传调控机制的深入认识。本文介绍了鸟类可利用类胡萝卜素的主要类型和基本特征, 综述了类胡萝卜素着色相关的生理过程以及调控基因研究的最新进展, 旨在增加对鸟类羽毛中类胡萝卜素着色过程和相关遗传机制的理解。  相似文献   

鹦鹉是具有超凡魅力的鸟类,其羽毛和学习能力使它们成为备受追捧的宠物.近年来,大量的非法贸易对鹦鹉原生种群的生存造成了严重威胁.为了减少贩运活禽的运输困难,走私者经常选择鸟蛋来运输,这也给物种的形态学鉴定带来了困难.本研究以北京海关缉私局查获的97枚鹦鹉蛋为材料,探讨了基于线粒体基因Cyt b,CO Ⅰ,12S rRNA和16S rRNA四种条形码的鹦鹉物种识别率,根据现有的参考数据库,81%的鹦鹉蛋能鉴定到物种水平,19%的蛋只能鉴定到科或属的水平.本研究同时对GenBank中鹦形目现有的线粒体基因条形码序列及其全基因组数据进行了全面统计与分析,发现目前GenBank中只有77.33%的物种具有线粒体基因Cyt b,CO Ⅰ,12S rRNA和16S rRNA的相关序列信息,参考数据库中mtDNA序列的缺失,为其物种的准确识别造成了很大阻碍.本研究以期通过对参考数据库中鹦形目鸟类mtDNA条形码的统计与评估,为相关执法部门以及检验鉴定机构提供一定参考.  相似文献   

鸟类资源信息微机管理系统是将先进的微机技术应用于鸟类标本及有关资料的管理。为鸟类分类区系的研究及有关地区(省、地、县)的鸟类资源情况提供快速、准确而有效的咨询服务。因而为鸟类分类区系的研究工作以及鸟类标本资料的管理提供了先进的科学管理手段。 本系统以郑作新(1976)编著的《中国鸟类分布名录》为鸟类的分类系统进行科学的编码,建立了中国鸟类分类的名录代码库(FLDM.DBF)从而使系统包含了分布于我国各地有记录的所有鸟类资源的名录,共计有21目、81科(4亚科)、1176个种。(数据库中补入了未被录入1976年出版的《中国鸟类名录》而为昆明动物研究所收藏的新纪录10种)。  相似文献   

Dinosaurs with fossilized filamentous integument structures are usually preserved in a highly flattened state. Several different feather types have been described on this basis, but the two-dimensional preservation of specimens during fossilization makes the identification of single feather structures difficult due to overlapping feather structures in vivo. Morphological comparison with the diversity of recent feather types is therefore absolutely vital to avoid misinterpretation. To simulate the preservation process, a cadaver of recent Carduelis spinus (European siskin) was flattened in a printing press. Afterwards, the structure of the plumage was compared with the morphology of a single body feather from the same specimen. In comparison with the single feather, the body plumage of the flattened bird looked rather filamentous. It was almost impossible to identify single structures, and in their place, various artefacts were produced. The investigation of plumage in a specimen of the Mesozoic bird Confuciusornis sanctus reveals similar structures. This indicates that flattening of specimens during fossilization amplifies the effect of overlapping among feathers and also causes a loss of morphological detail which can lead to misinterpretations. The results are discussed in connection with some dubious feather morphologies in recently described theropods and basal birds. Based on recent feather morphology, the structure of so-called proximal ribbon-like pennaceous feathers (PRPFs) found in many basal birds is reinterpreted. Furthermore, the morphology of a very similar-looking feather type found in the forelimb and tail of an early juvenile oviraptorosaur is discussed and diagnosed as the first feather generation growing out of the feather sheath. Thus, the whole plumage of this theropod might represent neoptile plumage.  相似文献   

The aim of this experiment was to study the relationship between feather pecking and ground pecking in laying hens and the effect of group size on feather pecking behaviour. Hisex White hens were kept in floor pens in group sizes of 15, 30, 60 and 120 birds, each with four replicates. Behavioural observations were performed at four different ages and focused on the number of feather pecks and aggressive pecks, both given and received. The part of the body pecked and the location of the bird was recorded as well as the number of pecks made to the floor, feeder and drinker.The results showed that most feather pecking activity occurred in the largest group size (120 birds) and there was some evidence of an increasing frequency of aggressive pecks with increasing group size. The parts of the body which were targets for feather pecking varied depending on the location of the bird giving the peck and the bird receiving it. When looking at the behaviour of individuals, birds doing a lot of feather pecking also showed more ground pecking.  相似文献   

Parasites and other symbionts are crucial components of ecosystems, regulating host populations and supporting food webs. However, most symbiont systems, especially those involving commensals and mutualists, are relatively poorly understood. In this study, we have investigated the nature of the symbiotic relationship between birds and their most abundant and diverse ectosymbionts: the vane‐dwelling feather mites. For this purpose, we studied the diet of feather mites using two complementary methods. First, we used light microscopy to examine the gut contents of 1,300 individual feather mites representing 100 mite genera (18 families) from 190 bird species belonging to 72 families and 19 orders. Second, we used high‐throughput sequencing (HTS) and DNA metabarcoding to determine gut contents from 1,833 individual mites of 18 species inhabiting 18 bird species. Results showed fungi and potentially bacteria as the main food resources for feather mites (apart from potential bird uropygial gland oil). Diatoms and plant matter appeared as rare food resources for feather mites. Importantly, we did not find any evidence of feather mites feeding upon bird resources (e.g., blood, skin) other than potentially uropygial gland oil. In addition, we found a high prevalence of both keratinophilic and pathogenic fungal taxa in the feather mite species examined. Altogether, our results shed light on the long‐standing question of the nature of the relationship between birds and their vane‐dwelling feather mites, supporting previous evidence for a commensalistic–mutualistic role of feather mites, which are revealed as likely fungivore–microbivore–detritivore symbionts of bird feathers.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis of noninvasively collected bird feathers is of growing importance to avian ecology; however, most genetic studies that utilize feathers make no mention of the need to verify their species of origin. While plumage patterns and collection location often are indicative of species identity, broad‐scale feather collections may require definitive species identification prior to analysis. Genetic species identification has been applied to noninvasively collected samples from a wide range of taxa but, to date, these techniques have not been widely used on bird feathers. Here, we develop and test a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)‐based technique for identifying eastern imperial eagle (Aquila heliaca) samples among a vast number of noninvasively collected feathers. Species identification is accomplished by amplifying a fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I gene, then digesting that fragment with a restriction enzyme. The resulting species‐specific restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) are easily visualized by gel electrophoresis. We tested this PCR‐RFLP assay on over 300 individuals that had been genetically identified from noninvasively collected feathers and demonstrated that the assay is both reliable and robust for DNA of low quality and quantity. The genetic methods of species identification used to develop this assay can readily be applied to other bird assemblages, making them particularly relevant to a broad range of future avian research.  相似文献   

The distribution of feather mites (Astigmata) along the wing of passerine birds could change dramatically within minutes because of the rapid movement of mites between feathers. However, no rigorous study has answered how fine‐tuned is the pattern of distribution of feather mites at a given time. Here we present a multiscale study of the distribution of feather mites on the wing of non‐moulting blackcaps Sylvia atricapilla in a short time period and at a single locality. We found that the number and distribution of mites differed among birds, but it was extremely similar between the wings of each bird. Moreover, mites consistently avoided the first secondary feather, despite that it is placed at the centre of the feathers most used by them. Thus, our results suggest that feather mites do precise, feather‐level decisions on where to live, contradicting the current view that mites perform “mass”, or “blind” movements across wing feathers. Moreover, our findings indicate that “rare” distributions are not spurious data or sampling errors, but each distribution of mites on the wing of each bird is the outcome of the particular conditions operating on each ambient‐bird‐feather mite system at a given time. This study indicates that we need to focus on the distribution of feather mites at the level of the individual bird and at the feather level to improve our understanding of the spatial ecology of mites on the wings of birds.  相似文献   

The effects of age and external factors on preen gland morphology and feather lipid concentrations in layer fowl (Gallus domesticus) have not previously been described. This work examines how floor substrate, whether a bird is feather pecked or not, and age influence both gross and histological morphology. Furthermore, the effects of age, beak trimming and floor substrate on feather lipid concentration (mg lipid per g feathers) are investigated. Neither absolute nor relative preen gland weight were reliably affected by floor substrate or feather pecked status. However, these parameters were strongly affected by changes in bird age and related body weight changes. The microstructures of the gland also increased consistently with age. Feather lipid concentration generally increased with age. Feather lipid was strongly influenced by the presence or absence of a dustbathing substrate. Of all the parameters tested here, the age and growth of the bird had the greatest effects on preen gland development. Feather lipid concentration is also influenced by age, and by the presence or absence of a dustbathing substrate.  相似文献   

The ability of feathers to perform many functions either simultaneously or at different times throughout the year or life of a bird is integral to the evolutionary history of birds. Many studies focus on single functions of feathers, but any given feather performs many functions over its lifetime. These functions necessarily interact with each other throughout the evolution and development of birds, so our knowledge of avian evolution is incomplete without understanding the multifunctionality of feathers, and how different functions may act synergistically or antagonistically during natural selection. Here, we review how feather functions interact with avian evolution, with a focus on recent technological and discovery-based advances. By synthesising research into feather functions over hierarchical scales (pattern, arrangement, macrostructure, microstructure, nanostructure, molecules), we aim to provide a broad context for how the adaptability and multifunctionality of feathers have allowed birds to diversify into an astounding array of environments and life-history strategies. We suggest that future research into avian evolution involving feather function should consider multiple aspects of a feather, including multiple functions, seasonal wear and renewal, and ecological or mechanical interactions. With this more holistic view, processes such as the evolution of avian coloration and flight can be understood in a broader and more nuanced context.  相似文献   

The effect of rearing conditions on feather pecking and reaction to frustration was studied in two lines of laying hens. From commercial rearing conditions (large group, no mother hen), seven birds from a high feather pecking line (HC birds) and eight birds from a low feather pecking line (LC birds) were used. From semi-natural rearing conditions (small group, mother hen present) seven birds from the high feather pecking line (HN birds) were used. Feather pecking behaviour of HC, LC, and HN groups was recorded for 30 min. After that, each bird was food deprived and trained to peck a key for a food reward in a Skinnerbox. After training, each bird was subjected to a frustration session in a Skinnerbox, where the feeder was covered with Perspex. Three HC birds showed severe feather pecking, compared with one HN bird and zero LC birds. Differences in reaction to frustration were found between birds from different lines, but not in birds from different rearing conditions. LC birds tended to put their head in the feeder more frequently than HC birds over all sessions. Although limited, this study indicates that rearing conditions influence feather pecking, but not reaction to frustration.  相似文献   

M. G. Day 《Journal of Zoology》1966,148(2):201-217
Qualitative analysis of the gut and faeces contents of stoates and weasels is complicated by the lack of readily identifiable bone fragments, teeth, feathers, etc., of mammalian or avian prey. Often the only evidence of such prey was hair or feather fragments. Since the bulk of food taken by stoats and weasels was from these two food classes, the problem of qualitative analysis resolved itself into that of identifying these hair and feather fragments.
By using the scale pattern, cross-section and medulla type, it was possible to construct a key which would identify guard hairs of small mammals of the generic level. Feather identification was based on the structural variations to the down barbules of coverts. Using such criteria a key to the main bird orders was devised.  相似文献   

Feather mites (Astigmata: Analgoidea and Pterolichoidea) are among the most abundant and commonly occurring bird ectosymbionts. Basic questions on the ecology and evolution of feather mites remain unanswered because feather mite species identification is often only possible for adult males, and it is laborious even for specialized taxonomists, thus precluding large‐scale identifications. Here, we tested DNA barcoding as a useful molecular tool to identify feather mites from passerine birds. Three hundred and sixty‐one specimens of 72 species of feather mites from 68 species of European passerine birds from Russia and Spain were barcoded. The accuracy of barcoding and minibarcoding was tested. Moreover, threshold choice (a controversial issue in barcoding studies) was also explored in a new way, by calculating through simulations the effect of sampling effort (in species number and species composition) on threshold calculations. We found one 200‐bp minibarcode region that showed the same accuracy as the full‐length barcode (602 bp) and was surrounded by conserved regions potentially useful for group‐specific degenerate primers. Species identification accuracy was perfect (100%) but decreased when singletons or species of the Proctophyllodes pinnatus group were included. In fact, barcoding confirmed previous taxonomic issues within the P. pinnatus group. Following an integrative taxonomy approach, we compared our barcode study with previous taxonomic knowledge on feather mites, discovering three new putative cryptic species and validating three previous morphologically different (but still undescribed) new species.  相似文献   

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