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甘薯(IpomoeabatatasLam.)成熟花粉为二细胞型,在授粉后萌发之前生殖细胞分裂形成精细胞。仍在花粉粒中的两个精细胞大小和形状基本相似,细胞质中含丰富的质体和线粒体。细胞质DNA特异荧光显示精细胞及产生它们的前细胞———生殖细胞中均含有丰富的类核。一对精细胞中类核的数量无明显的差异。精细胞中存在两种形态类核,大而荧光强的类核可能为质体类核,而小的荧光弱的类核为线粒体类核。双亲或父系质体遗传在被子植物中是少数,本研究结果为旋花科的除牵牛属和打碗花属外又提供了新的一属具这种遗传方式的细胞学证据。  相似文献   

打碗花生殖细胞,精细胞及卵细胞中的细胞质类核   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
已有不少超微结构的资料阐明被子植物双亲和单亲母系质体遗传的细胞学基础。近年应用DAPI荧光染色的方法,可快速地从检测质体DNA存在的状况确定被子植物中具双亲遗传潜能的种。从质体的类核存在与否判断质体遗传方式为母系遗传或双亲遗传与已有的遗传分析结论基本一致,只有少数种类是矛盾的。DAPI荧光技术可以认为是研究细胞质遗传机理的一个重要手段。我们曾证明旋花科牵牛属植物生殖细胞、精细胞中存在细胞质类核,确定其具双亲或单亲父系质体遗传的潜能,并用RFLP技术进一步确定其为质体父系遗传型。本研究证明旋花科的打碗花属生殖细胞、精细胞和卵细胞中细胞质类核存在的状况与牵牛属的相似,提供了打碗花可能在质体遗传上与牵牛属 具相同的遗传方式的资料。  相似文献   

牵牛属质体DNA的父系遗传   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
利用限制性片段长度多态性(RFLP)技术研究了牵牛属(Pharbitis)植物质体DNA 的遗传方式。结果表明,在牵牛(P. nil)×大花牵牛(P. limbata)和大花牵牛×牵牛中,质体DNA 为父系遗传。在大花牵牛×牵牛中,质体DNA还有可能为双亲遗传。研究证明牵牛属为被子植物中具有质体父系遗传方式的第三个属。牵牛属质体父系遗传机制尚不清楚,作者认为母系质体及其DNA 在受精后的释稀、排除和/或降解可能是质体父系遗传的基础  相似文献   

王百合及兰州百合细胞质遗传的细胞学研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
描述了王百合(LiliumregaleWils.)及兰州百合(L.davidiDuch.)质体和线粒体在生殖细胞及精细胞中的分布和细胞质中DNA的状况。在刚形成的王百合的生殖细胞中含有少量的质体和大量的线粒体。当生殖细胞游离在营养细胞质中时,质体在生殖细胞中完全退化消失。DAPI荧光技术进一步证明,在成熟花粉、花粉管中的生殖细胞及其分裂形成的两个精细胞中无任何细胞器DNA。兰州百合在小孢子分裂时质体严格地极性分布,造成了刚形成的生殖细胞中即无质体。兰州百合、麝香百合(L.longiflorumThunb.)及其杂种的RFLP分析,也证明兰州百合质体是单亲母系传递的。虽然在不同发育时期的生殖细胞及精细胞中可以观察到线粒体,但在雄配子体时期它们的DNA已降解,因此雄性线粒体不能被传递至后代。研究结果提供了百合属的这两个种质体和线粒体具母系遗传方式的细胞学证据,并阐明父系细胞质不能作为遗传传递的机理。  相似文献   

牵牛花受精前后卵细胞质体和线粒体及其细胞质DNA的变化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
应用透射电镜研究了圆叶牵牛(Pharbitispurpurea (L.) Voyght)和大花牵牛(P. lim bata Lindl.)卵细胞在受精前和受精后质体和线粒体的变化。观察到卵细胞在受精前高度液泡化,在核周及卵细胞周围的薄层细胞质中有质体和线粒体。质体含1~2 个较大淀粉粒。线粒体多呈环形或杯状。卵细胞受精后,细胞质增多,质体的数量也明显增加。质体基质变得更加浓厚,并且普遍含有嗜锇的球体。合子中线粒体丰富,但缺乏卵细胞中那种环形或杯状线粒体,多呈圆形。细胞质DNA检测的结果表明,卵细胞质DNA荧光有大小和形状不同的两类,它们在细胞中随机分布。一类较大,呈环状,可能是线粒体中的DNA显示的荧光;另一类小的点状荧光,可能大多是质体DNA荧光,前者比后者多。卵细胞受精后,细胞质类核发生变化,表现在数量上明显地比受精前少。研究揭示了牵牛花合子中细胞质DNA 减少的现象,说明了母系质体DNA 在受精后可能被降解,提供了母系质体不传递到后代的可能机制。  相似文献   

应用电镜和DNA的DAPI荧光检测技术研究了菜豆小孢子/花粉发育中质体和线粒体及其DNA存在的状况。观察表明:在小孢子分裂时质体全部分配到营养细胞中,初形成的生殖细胞已不含质体。线粒体和质体的DNA在花粉发育中也先后降解,生殖细胞从刚形成时发育至成熟花粉时期这两种细胞器DNA均不存在。研究结果为菜豆质体母系遗传提供了确切的细胞学证据。遗传分析的研究曾确定菜豆质体为双亲遗传,与对本研究结论不同的原因  相似文献   

迎红杜鹃 ( Rhododendron mucronulatum Turcz.)的成熟花粉为二细胞型 ,精细胞在花粉管中形成。花粉管中的两个精细胞及与营养核之间互相联结 ,形成雄性生殖单位。两个精细胞的细胞质中均含有丰富的细胞器 ,包括质体、线粒体、小泡及微管 ,内质网和高尔基体稀少。具正常结构的精细胞质体在切面上多呈环形或哑铃形 ,内膜不发达 ,基质电子密度高。线粒体为球形或棒状 ,基质电子密度较低。 DNA特异性荧光染色显示 ,生殖细胞及精细胞中均含有大量类核 ( nucleoid) ,两个精细胞中的类核数量无明显差异。结果证明了杜鹃精细胞中存在大量具 DNA的可遗传细胞器 ,为杜鹃属植物的双亲细胞质遗传方式提供了细胞学证据。  相似文献   

牵牛属细胞质遗传的细胞学研究胡赞民,胡适宜(北京大学生命科学学院、北京10087)牵牛花质体遗传是属于单亲母系还是双亲遗传目前存在细胞学与遗传学证据的矛盾。为了弄清这一属(pharbitis)植物细胞质遗传的方式,本研究用此属的两个种,大花牵牛(p....  相似文献   

超微结构的研究证明,豌豆(Pisum sativum L.)生殖细胞自形成直至成熟花粉时期,始终存在少量质体和较多的线粒体。DNA 荧光的观察表明,在发育早期的生殖细胞中不含细胞质DNA 类核,但在成熟花粉的生殖细胞中有许多的类核。在花粉离体萌发过程中,随着花粉管的生长,生殖细胞中的类核逐渐降解。在花粉培养24 h 后,生殖细胞的类核全部消失。研究结果确定了豌豆质体母系遗传的细胞学基础,支持遗传分析及RFLP研究的结论,阐明了过去在细胞学上认为是双亲遗传的判断不正确的原因  相似文献   

天竺葵生殖细胞和精细胞在发育中,始终存在质体和线粒体。在精细胞中,质体的体积大、数量多、具基质浓厚和切面上多为呈现的特点。线粒体在生殖细胞和精细胞中没有差异,体积较质体小得多,球形或杆状,边缘染色较深。在卵细胞中质体的含量比线粒体丰富,这两种细胞器的结构形态与精细胞的有明显的差异。细胞的质体多呈不规则的棒状和含淀粉粒。线粒体比精细胞的大2-3倍,许多为环状。DNA荧光的检测证明了在生殖细胞、精细胞  相似文献   

The organelle DNA in generative cell and its behavior during spermatogenesis in Pharbitis limbata and P. purpurea were observed by epifluorescence microscopy stained with 4',-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI). In these two species, the generative cell is long and thin in which a great amount of cytoplasmic DNA is present. Most pairs of sperm cells are isomorphic, in which one end is obtuse and the other is elongate, but in a few pairs dimorphi sperms are present. The nucleus is located at one end of the cell. A lot of cytoplasmic DNA are distributed randomly throughout the cytoplasm. The size of organelle nucleoids and their fluorescence intensity are different in a sperm cell. The features of generative cell and sperm cell, and behavior of cytoplasmic DNA are similar in P. limbata and P. purpurea. The obvious differences between them are that the size and fluorescence intensity of organelle nucleoids in P. purpurea are respectively smaller and weaker than in P. limbata. The results showed that morning glory has potential of biparental or paternal cytoplasmic in heritance. Isomorphism and dimorphism of sperms, and the relationship between the ratio of nucleus and cytoplasm in sperm cell and the plastid biparental inheritance are discussed.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure and cytoplasmic DNA in the egg cell and zygote of Pharbitis purpurea, (L.) Voyght and P. limbata Lindl. which were studied with electron microscopy and DNA epifiuorescence microscopy. The egg cell before fertilization was highly vacuolated with only a few cytoplasmic plastids and mitochondria. Plastids were spherical and/or rod- shaped containing 1 ~ 2 large starch grains. Most of the mitochondria were cup and/or circular. The cytoplasm in the zygote was much more abundant than that in the egg cell. The number of plastids and their electronic density were greatly increased, in most of which containing osmiophilic bodies. The mitochondria were rich and spherical-shaped in the zygote. Two types of cytoplasmic DNA nucleoids were detected in the egg cell, the more abundant one being big and circle-shaped and the other dot-shaped. Only dot-shaped nucleoids were present in the zygote. The content of nucleoids in the zygote was much less than that in the egg cell. Authors propose that some cytoplasmic DNA may degenerate after fertilization. The ultrastructural characteristics of the egg cell and the reduction of cytoplasmic DNA in the zygote may related to the mechanisms of plastid unipaternal inheritance in Pharbitis.  相似文献   

Three novel homeobox genes, PKn1–3 (Pharbitis knotted-like), were isolated from Japanese morning glory (Pharbitis nil Chois, strain Violet). A sequence analysis showed that these genes belong to the knotted class-1 gene family and that PKn3 has a relatively unique sequence. All PKn genes are expressed in shoot apices, stems and roots, but not in cotyledons. Transformed tobacco with PKn1 or PKn2 displayed leaf shrinkage and a dwarf phenotype, while the ectopic expression of PKn3 gave no altered phenotypes. In situ hybridization showed that PKn3 is up-regulated in developing leaf primordia and that this expression becomes restricted in the basal region of young leaf blades, which is reminiscent of the expression pattern of the class-2 knotted gene, NTH23. These data suggest that these Pharbitis homeobox genes participate in the differentiation in shoots and suggest a unique function of PKn3 in developing leaves. Received: 16 October 1999 / Revision received: 30 November 1999 / Accepted: 11 January 2000  相似文献   

山东牵牛属植物的核型研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
牵牛属(PharbitisChoisy)植物山东有3种,即牵牛P.hederacea(L.)Choisy、裂叶牵牛P.nil(L.)Choisy和圆叶牵牛P.purpurea(L.)Voist。裂叶牵牛的染色体数目已有报道[1~3],但未见核型报道,牵牛和圆叶牵牛均未见染色体数目及核型报道[4~6]。笔者对这3种植物的染色体数目及核型进行了比较研究,旨在为该属植物细胞分类学的系统研究积累资料。1材料与方法实验材料采自山东千佛山牵牛、裂叶牵牛和圆叶牵牛的种子,常规根尖压片,每种植物观察100个细胞。核型分析按李懋学等[7]报道的标准,核型不对称性按Stebbins[8]的分类方法。…  相似文献   

Abstract Flowering of Pharbitis nil after an inductive dark period is greatly influenced by far-red (FR) irradiation during the preceding light period. The response to FR is rhythmic in otherwise constant conditions, and the period of the oscillation is approximately 12 h (i.e. semidian). The rhythm also appears to operate under daily light-dark cycles. The expression of this novel rhythm depends on the time from the beginning of FR pretreatment to the onset of the inductive dark period. The cotyledons are the site of response to both the pretreatment and inductive darkness, and both these conditions must be perceived by the same cotyledon.  相似文献   

用从短日诱导及非诱导的日本牵牛子叶中提取的蛋白质分别免疫兔子,所得到的抗血清对诱导及非诱导子叶蛋白质进行双相免疫电泳。有22—24种高白质得到鉴定。首次发现有二种蛋白质在16小时暗期诱导后消失。没有新的特异性蛋白质在诱导过程中形成。  相似文献   

五爪金龙和圆叶牵牛对某些除莠剂的反应   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
五爪金龙Ipomoeacairica和圆叶牵牛Pharbitispurpurea是华南地区重要的草质藤本杂草。 6 5× 10 - 6以上浓度的 2甲 4氯和 36 0× 10 - 6以上的 2 ,4 -D丁酯完全能使圆叶牵牛种子不能萌发 ,幼苗致死。叶片喷洒 6 50× 10 - 6以上浓度的 2甲 4氯及 36 0 0× 10 - 6以上浓度的 2 ,4 -D丁酯能杀灭五爪金龙和圆叶牵牛成熟植株。分别在茎干基部注射 1ml的 2 ,4 -D丁酯、“恶草灵”和“毒莠定”能较彻底地灭除五爪金龙。  相似文献   

After photoperiodic induction of Pharbits nil seedlings with two expanded cotyledons byshort day, the changes of protein in cotyledons or in shoot apex were investigated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis technique and electron, microscopy respectively Electron microscopicobservation shows that a kind of spherical electron-dense bodies appears in vacuoles of the apical meristem. Change of protein patterns also observed in the cotyledons. The number of basicprotein bands increased from eight in the untreated control to ten in the induced cotyledons, andthe number of, buffer-soluble protein bands increased from ten in the untreated control totwelve in the induced cotyledons. Authors suggest that the appearence of new protein bandsand electron-dense bodies is probably related to gene expression in the induction process ofphotoperiod of Pharbitis.  相似文献   


Photoperiodic effect on mitotic activity of buds from dwarf Pharbitis has been analyzed. No significant differences in mitotic activity were found in plants grown under long days or diurnal (24 h) light break photoperiodic treatments. Differences in both mitotic activity and flowering were seen in plants subjected to diurnal short days, bidiurnal (48 h) short days, or bidiurnal short days with light breaks. An elevation of mitotic activity occurs in plants grown in bidiurnal photoperiodic treatments compared to diurnal treatments. The differences in mitotic activity of buds, both vegetative and floral, seem to indicate that both phytochrome and light effect on an endogenous rhythm influence meristematic activity. Also, the extended dark period of a bidiurnal short day enhances both mitosis and flowering.  相似文献   

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