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Defining the organization of endocytic pathway in multinucleated skeletal myofibers is crucial to understand the routing of membrane proteins, such as receptors and glucose transporters, through this system. Here we analyzed the organization of the endocytic trafficking pathways in isolated rat myofibers. We found that sarcolemmal-coated pits and transferrin receptors were concentrated in the I band areas. Fluid phase markers were taken up into vesicles in the same areas along the whole length of the fibers and were then delivered into structures around and between the nuclei. These markers also accumulated beneath the neuromuscular and myotendinous junctions. The recycling compartment, labeled with transferrin, appeared as perinuclear and interfibrillar dots that partially colocalized with the GLUT4 compartment. Low-density lipoprotein, a marker of the lysosome-directed pathway, was transported into sparsely distributed perinuclear and interfibrillar dots that contacted microtubules. A majority of these dots did not colocalize with internalized transferrin, indicating that the recycling and the lysosome-directed pathways were distinct. In conclusion, the I band areas were active in endocytosis along the whole length of the multinucleated myofibers. The sorting endosomes distributed in a cross-striated fashion while the recycling and late endosomal compartments showed perinuclear and interfibrillar localizations and followed the course of microtubules.  相似文献   

Catalase has been localized immunocytochemically with anti-bovine catalase in long thin filament structures in aerobic type I fibers in the skeletal muscles of normal and genetically dystrophic hamsters. The filaments range in length from 1 to 60 micron, are orientated regularly along the long axis of the fibers, and also seem to surround and project from muscle nuclei. The enzyme thus appears to be more prominent in the sarcoplasmic reticulum than in peroxisomes, and in this situation is suitably placed for destroying toxic hydrogen peroxide which may be continously generated in aerobic fibers.  相似文献   

Calcium sparks in skeletal muscle fibers   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Baylor SM 《Cell calcium》2005,37(6):513-530
Ca(2+) sparks monitor transient local releases of Ca(2+) from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) into the myoplasm. The release takes place through ryanodine receptors (RYRs), the Ca(2+)-release channels of the SR. In intact fibers from frog skeletal muscle, the temporal and spatial properties of voltage-activated Ca(2+) sparks are well simulated by a model that assumes that the Ca(2+) flux underlying a spark is 2.5 pA (units of Ca(2+) current) for 4.6 ms (18 degrees C). This flux amplitude suggests that 1-5 active RYRs participate in the generation of a typical voltage-activated spark under physiological conditions. A major goal of future experiments is to estimate this number more precisely and, if it is two or more, to investigate the communication mechanism that allows multiple RYRs to be co-activated in a rapid but self-limited fashion.  相似文献   

M-protein was isolated from chicken pectoralis muscle and shown to be relatively homogeneous by the criterion of high-speed equilibrium ultracentrifugation. A sample of the protein was rotary shadowed with platinum and examined by electron microscopy. M-protein appears to be elongated with a length of 360 Å and a width of 41 Å to give an axial ratio of 9:1. These results are compatible with the suggestion that M-protein is a component of the M-filaments in the M-band of skeletal muscle myofibrils.  相似文献   

Myosin types in human skeletal muscle fibers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
By combining enzyme histochemistry for fiber typing with immunohistochemistry for slow and fast myosin a correlation between fiber type and myosin type was sought in human skeletal muscle. Fiber typing was done by staining for myofibrillar ATPases after preincubation at discriminating pH values. Myosin types were discriminated using type specific anti-rabbit myosin antibodies shown to cross-react with human myosin and were visualized by a protein A-peroxidase method. Type I fibers were shown to contain slow myosin only, type IIA and IIB fibers fast myosin only, and type IIC fibers both myosins in various proportions. When muscle biopsies from well-trained athletes were investigated essentially the same staining pattern was observed. However, rarely occurring type I fibers with high glycolytic activity were detected containing additional small amounts of fast myosin and occasional type IIA fibers had small amounts of slow myosin. Based on the observation of various fiber types in which slow and fast myosin coexist we propose a dynamic continuum of fibers encompassing all fiber types.  相似文献   

Summary By combining enzyme histochemistry for fiber typing with immunohistochemistry for slow and fast myosin a correlation between fiber type and myosin type was sought in human skeletal muscle. Fiber typing was done by staining for myofibrillar ATPases after preincubation at discriminating pH values. Myosin types were discriminated using type specific anti-rabbit myosin antibodies shown to cross-react with human myosin and were visualized by a protein A-peroxidase method. Type I fibers were shown to contain slow myosin only, type IIA and IIB fibers fast myosin only, and type IIC fibers both myosins in various proportions. When muscle biopsies from well-trained athletes were investigated essentially the same staining pattern was observed. However, rarely occurring type I fibers with high glycolytic activity were detected containing additional small amounts of fast myosin and occasional type IIA fibers had small amounts of slow myosin. Based on the observation of various fiber types in which slow and fast myosin coexist we propose a dynamic continuum of fibers encompassing all fiber types.  相似文献   

Chloride currents were measured in short lumbricalis fibers of toads (Bufo arenarum) with voltage and patch clamp techniques. For the availability of chloride currents we applied a double-pulse technique in voltage-clamped fibers. When the test pulse was preceded by a positive prepulse, the initial current was larger than with a negative prepulse and exhibited a different rate of decline to its steady-state value. At the single-channel level we found that in most of the experiments with symmetrical 110 mM NaCl solutions, two levels of conductance, 20 ("small channel") and 360 pS ("maxi channel"), occurred with the highest probabilities. The openings of the maxi channels were more frequent at potentials close to 0 mV, whereas for the small channels the openings were at negative potentials. In contrast with the results with the macroscopic currents, a change of 2 orders of magnitude in the pH, from 7.3 to 5, had only minor effects on the channels' conductance. As with some other anion channels, the selectivity of the channels described here is low, the p(Cl)/p(Na) ratio being 1.9 and 3.7 for the small and maxi Cl(-) channels, respectively. The behavior of these Cl(-) channels with a relative high Na(+) permeability could contribute to the relatively low resting membrane potential of the lumbricalis fibers measured in the standard 110 mM NaCl solution.  相似文献   

Human skeletal muscle fibers seem to share most of the same interrelationships among myosin ATPase activity, myosin heavy chain (MHC) phenotype, mitochondrial enzyme activities, glycolytic enzyme activities and cross-sectional area (CSA) as found in rat, cat and other species. One difference seems to be that fast fibers with high mitochondrial content occur less frequently in humans than in the rat or cat. Recently we have reported that the type of MHC expressed and the size of the muscle fibers in humans that have spent 11 days in space change significantly. Specifically, about 8% more fibers express fast MHCs and all phenotypes atrophy in the vastus lateralis (VL) post compared to preflight. In the present paper we examine the relationships among the population of myonuclei, MHC type and CSA of single human muscle fibers before and after spaceflight. These are the first data that define the relationship among the types of MHC expressed, myonuclei number and myonuclei domain of single fibers in human muscle. We then compare these data to similar measures in the cat. In addition, the maximal torque that can be generated by the knee extensors and their fatigability before and after spaceflight are examined. These data provide some indication of the potential physiological consequences of the muscle adaptations that occur in humans in response to spaceflight.  相似文献   

Interaction between satellite cells and skeletal muscle fibers   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Single myofibers with attached satellite cells isolated from adult rats were used to study the influence of the mature myofiber on the proliferation of satellite cells. The satellite cells remain quiescent when cultured in serum containing medium but proliferate when exposed to mitogen from an extract of crushed adult muscle. The response of satellite cells to mitogen was measured under three situations with respect to cell contact: (1) in contact with a viable myofiber and its basal lamina, (2) detached from the myofiber by centrifugal force and deposited on the substratum and (3) beneath the basal lamina of a Marcaine killed myofiber. The results show that satellite cells in contact with the plasmalemma of a viable myofiber have reduced mitogenic response. Since inhibiting growth may induce differentiation, I tested whether satellite cells proliferating on the surface of a myofiber would fuse. Although the satellite cell progeny were fusion competent, they did not fuse with the myofiber. To determine whether fusion competence of the myofiber changes with time in culture, embryonic myoblasts were challenged to fuse with myofibers that had been stripped of satellite cells and cultured for several days. The myoblasts fused with pseudopodial sprouts growing from the ends of the myofiber, but did not fuse with the original myofiber surface. These results indicate that contact with the surface of a mature myofiber suppresses proliferation of myogenic cells but the cells do not fuse with the myofiber.  相似文献   

Furosemide-inhibitable components in unidirectional cation fluxes have been identified in frog skeletal muscle. In sodium loaded muscles, placed in sodium-free rubidium lithium media, furosemide (1 mM) inhibits partially rubidium and lithium influxes as well as potassium and sodium outfluxes. The furosemide-inhibitable components were found to depend on the presence of ouabain. They were greatly diminished in sodium-free magnesium media and were present in chloride-free nitrate containing media. The dependence of furosemide-inhibitable sodium efflux on internal sodium content was also described.  相似文献   

After a contracture response, skeletal muscle fibers enter into a state of contractile refractoriness or inactivation. Contractile inactivation starts soon after membrane depolarization, and causes spontaneous relaxation from the contracture response. Here we demonstrate that contractile inactivation continues to develop for tens of seconds if the membrane remains in a depolarized state. We have studied this phenomenon using short (1.5 mm) frog muscle fibers dissected from the Lumbricalis brevis muscles of the frog, with a two-microelectrode voltage-clamp technique. After a contracture caused by membrane depolarization to 0 mV, from a holding potential of -100 mV, a second contracture can be developed only if the membrane is repolarized beyond a determined potential value for a certain period of time. We have used a repriming protocol of 1 or 2 s at -100 mV. After this repriming period a fiber, if depolarized again to 0 mV, may develop a second contracture, whose magnitude and time course will depend on the duration of the period during which the fiber was maintained at 0 mV before the repriming process. With this procedure it is possible to demonstrate that the inactivation process builds up with a very slow time course, with a half time of approximately 35 s and completion in greater than 100 s. After prolonged depolarizations (greater than 100 s), the repriming time course is slower and the inactivation curve (obtained by plotting the extent of repriming against the repriming membrane potential) is shifted toward more negative potentials by greater than 30 mV when compared with similar curves obtained after shorter depolarizing periods (10-30 s). These results indicate that important changes occur in the physical state of the molecular moiety that is responsible for the inactivation phenomenon. The shift of the inactivation curve can be partially reversed by a low concentration (50 microM) of lanthanum ions. In the presence of 0.5 mM caffeine, larger responses can be obtained even after prolonged depolarization periods, indicating that the fibers maintain their capacity to liberate calcium.  相似文献   

The present study was initiated to investigate GLUT-1 through -5 expression in developing and mature human skeletal muscle. To bypass the problems inherent in techniques using tissue homogenates, we applied an immunocytochemical approach, employing the sensitive enhanced tyramide signal amplification (TSA) technique to detect the localization of glucose transporter expression in human skeletal muscle. We found expression of GLUT-1, GLUT-3, and GLUT-4 in developing human muscle fibers showing a distinct expression pattern. 1) GLUT-1 is expressed in human skeletal muscle cells during gestation, but its expression is markedly reduced around birth and is further reduced to undetectable levels within the first year of life; 2) GLUT-3 protein expression appears at 18 wk of gestation and disappears after birth; and 3) GLUT-4 protein is diffusely expressed in muscle cells throughout gestation, whereas after birth, the characteristic subcellular localization is as seen in adult muscle fibers. Our results show that GLUT-1, GLUT-3, and GLUT-4 seem to be of importance during muscle fiber growth and development. GLUT-5 protein was undetectable in fetal and adult skeletal muscle fibers. In adult muscle fibers, only GLUT-4 was expressed at significant levels. GLUT-1 immunoreactivity was below the detection limit in muscle fibers, indicating that this glucose transporter is of minor importance for muscle glucose supply. Thus we hypothesize that GLUT-4 also mediates basal glucose transport in muscle fibers, possibly through constant exposure to tonal contraction and basal insulin levels.  相似文献   

Direct action of the cardiotonic bipyridine milrinone on thecross bridges of single fibers of skinned rabbit skeletal muscle wasinvestigated. At 10°C and pH 7.0, milrinone reduced isometric tension in a logarithmically concentration-dependent manner, with a55% reduction in force at 0.6 mM. Milrinone also reducedCa2+ sensitivity of skinned fibersin terms of force production; the shift in the force-pCa curveindicated a change in the pCa value at 50% maximal force from 6.10 to5.94. The unloaded velocity of shortening was reduced by 18% in thepresence of 0.6 mM milrinone. Parts of the transient tension responseto step change in length were altered by milrinone, so that the testand control transients could not be superimposed. The results indicatethat milrinone interferes with the cross-bridge cycle and possiblydetains cross bridges in low-force states. The results also suggestthat the positive inotropic effect of milrinone on cardiac muscle isprobably not due to the drug's direct action on the muscle crossbridges. The specific and reversible action of the bipyridine on muscle cross bridges makes it a potentially useful tool for probing the chemomechanical cross-bridge cycle.


Calsequestrin (CS) is the low-affinity, high-capacity calcium binding protein segregated to the lumen of terminal cisternae (TC) of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). The physiological role of CS in controlling calcium release from the SR depends on both its intrinsic properties and its localization. The mechanisms of CS targeting were investigated in skeletal muscle fibers and C2C12 myotubes, a model of SR differentiation, with four deletion mutants of epitope (hemagglutinin, HA)-tagged CS: CS-HA24NH2, CS-HA2D, CS-HA3D, and CS-HAHT, a double mutant of the NH2 terminus and domain III. As judged by immunofluorescence of transfected skeletal muscle fibers, only the double CS-HA mutant showed a homogeneous distribution at the sarcomeric I band, i.e., it did not segregate to TC. As shown by subfractionation of microsomes derived from transfected skeletal muscles, CS-HAHT was largely associated to longitudinal SR whereas CS-HA was concentrated in TC. In C2C12 myotubes, as judged by immunofluorescence, not only CS-HAHT but also CS-HA3D and CS-HA2D were not sorted to developing SR. Condensation competence, a property referable to CS oligomerization, was monitored for the several CS-HA mutants in C2C12 myoblasts, and only CS-HA3D was found able to condense. Together, the results indicate that 1) there are at least two targeting sequences at the NH2 terminus and domain III of CS, 2) SR-specific target and structural information is contained in these sequences, 3) heterologous interactions with junctional SR proteins are relevant for segregation, 4) homologous CS-CS interactions are involved in the overall targeting process, and 5) different targeting mechanisms prevail depending on the stage of SR differentiation. protein-protein interactions; oligomerization; intracellular sorting  相似文献   

Measurements were made of the intensity autocorrelation function, g(2)[tau], of light scattered from intact frog muscle fibers. During the tension plateau of an isometric tenanus, scattered field statistics were approximately Gaussian and intensity fluctuations were quasi-stationary. The half time, tau 1/2, for the decay of g(2)[tau] was typically 70 ms at a scattering angle of 30 degrees. The decay rate, 1/tau 1/2, of g(2)[tau] varied roughly linearly with the projection of the scattering vector on the fiber axis. 1/tau 1/2 was greater during the tension creep phase of tetani of highly stretched fibers, but was roughly independent of sarcomere length during the tension plateau. g(2)[tau] measured during rest or on diffraction pattern maxima during isometric contraction were flat with low amplitudes. These results are consistent with a model of a 200-mu m segment of an isometrically contracting fiber in which scattering material possesses relative axial velocities of 1-2 mu m/s accompanied by relative axial displacements greater than 0.1 mu m. The slow (1-2 mu m/s) motion of one portion of the fiber relative to another observed under the microscope (500X) during isometric contraction is consistent with the light-scattering results. Structural fluctuations on the scale of the myofibrillar sarcomere which may arise from asynchronous cycling of cross-bridges must involve relative axial velocities less than 3 mu m/s or relative axial displacements less than 0.05 mu m.  相似文献   

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