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Marinetti CJ 《Plastic and reconstructive surgery》1999,104(4):1153-62; discussion 1163-4
One of the weak points in face lifts is their failure to fully correct the ptosis of the labial commissures. This article illustrates a new technique to optimize this commissural repositioning in face lifts by using the muscular balances of the lower half of the face. There is, in effect, a third type of muscular balance, which acts on the commissural modiolus and is created by the opposing forces of the levator muscles (notably the zygomaticus major and the levator anguli oris) and the depressor muscles (principally the depressor anguli oris). Rarely a purely cutaneous problem, labial commissural ptosis is more a part of mediofacial ptosis affecting the entire soft tissue. I have used the malar subperiosteal face lift technique, the only approach that allows the centrofacial features to be lifted as a whole block, since late 1996 and have treated a series of more than 30 patients affected with mediofacial ptoses involving the malar eminences, the nasolabial folds, and the labial commissures. Retensioning the levator muscles was combined with wholesale subperiosteal release of the depressor muscles, notably the depressor anguli oris. Patient follow-up has lasted between 6 and 20 months. In all instances, this use of the lower facial muscular balances allowed optimal repositioning of the labial commissure. In particularly outstanding cases, unilateral release of the depressor muscles was used to correct facial asymmetry at the level of the lip commissures and thereby restore harmony and alignment. In 10 of our cases, this slackening of the depressor muscles was also used in conjunction with a peripheral face lift; the resulting heightening of the commissures was, in these cases, perhaps less spectacular, but it invariably contributed to the rejuvenation of the face.  相似文献   

The philtrum in the lip has an important aesthetic significance and is a mark of individual distinction. For patients who have undergone cleft lip surgery, the construction of the philtrum is crucial for restoring a normal appearance to the upper lip. A total of 13 patients with unilateral cleft lip nose deformities were treated for the creation of a philtral column between January of 1998 and February of 1999. Eight of the patients were male and five were female with an age range of 10 to 40 years old. The scar on the philtral column is excised and a full-thickness incision is made down to the orbicularis oris muscle and mucosa. The medial and lateral muscle flaps are then exposed and split into two leaves. The two leaves of each muscle flap are sutured together to create a vertical interdigitation. Any excess skin is not excised but rather closed with 7-0 nylon. The follow-up period ranged from 6 to 15 months, with an average of 10 months. Ten of 13 patients were satisfied with their good surgical results. Two had fair results. One patient experienced a widening of the scar and no improvement in the philtral column. A possible cause for this lack of improvement was a partial disruption of the interdigitated muscle flaps due to the early active movement of the muscle before wound healing. In conclusion, the advantages of this procedure include the creation of an anatomically natural philtrum through preserving the continuity and function of the muscle, sufficient augmentation of the philtral column by the vertical interdigitation of the muscle, relief of skin tension, and no donor-site morbidity.  相似文献   

An active depressor septi muscle can accentuate a drooping nasal tip and shorten the upper lip on animation. We have found that dissection and transposition of the depressor septi muscle during rhinoplasty can improve the tip-upper lip relationship in appropriately selected patients. Although the anatomy of the depressor septi muscle has been described, the anatomic variations of this muscle have not been previously reported. The goals of this study were two-fold: (1) to define the anatomic variations of the depressor septi muscle using 55 fresh cadaver dissections and (2) to develop a clinically applicable algorithm for modification of this muscle during rhinoplasty in those patients with a short upper lip and/or tip-upper lip imbalance. Fifty-five fresh cadavers were dissected, and the anatomic variations of the depressor septi muscle were recorded. Three variations of the depressor septi muscle were delineated: type I inserted fully into the orbicularis oris (62 percent); type II inserted into the periosteum and incompletely into the orbicularis oris (22 percent); and type III showed no, or rudimentary, depressor septi muscle (16 percent). Sixty-two patients over a 4-year period (from 1995 to 1999) were identified preoperatively with a hyperactive depressor septi diagnosed by a descending nasal tip and shortened upper lip on animation. These patients underwent dissection and transposition (not resection) of the paired depressor septi during rhinoplasty with improvement or correction of the tip-upper lip imbalance in 88 percent of cases. The anatomic study, surgical indications, rationale for the operative technique, and clinical cases are presented. Dissection and transposition of the depressor septi is a valuable adjunct to rhinoplasty in patients with a type I or II muscle variant.  相似文献   

A microform cleft lip has three major components: (1) a minor defect of the upper vermilion border with loss of the mucocutaneous ridge; (2) a narrow ridge of tissue, resembling an exaggerated philtral column extending to the nostril sill; and (3) a deformity of the nostril. To attain the muscle continuity without an external scar on the upper lip, the author introduced a new method for the correction of a microform cleft lip deformity using vertical interdigitation of the orbicularis oris muscle through the intraoral incision to create the philtrum. Through the intraoral incision, a full-thickness incision is made down to the mucosa and the posterior portion of the muscle. Then, the remaining portion of the muscle is dissected. The medial and lateral muscle flaps are also detached from the oral mucosa and completely exposed and split into two leaves. The upper leaf of the lateral muscle flap is sutured to the dermis on the philtral dimple and base of the upper leaf of the medial muscle flap. Two leaves of each muscle flap are sutured together to create a vertical interdigitation to increase the thickness of the philtral column and to provide continuity of the muscle. A total of 12 patients with microform cleft lip were treated between August of 2001 and October of 2002. Seven of the patients were male and five were female, with an age range of 1 to 43 years. The follow-up period ranged from 6 months to 15 months, with an average follow-up of 9 months. The results of vertical interdigitation of the muscle were examined. All patients were satisfied with their results. The orbicularis oris muscle provided continuity and preserved good function. In all cases, the operation scar was not visible on the depressed philtral groove on the cleft side. Correction of cleft lip nasal deformity was performed in four patients and alar base advancement was performed in two patients. The advantages of the proposed procedure include the creation of an anatomically natural philtrum without an external visible scar through the intraoral incision, preservation of the continuity and function of the muscle, and sufficient augmentation of the philtral column by the vertical interdigitation of the muscle.  相似文献   

Oral incompetence following composite reconstruction of total and subtotal lower lip defects without any functioning lower lip muscle is a difficult problem for reconstructive surgeons. The authors retrospectively reviewed the use of a novel bilateral temporalis suspension technique for oral incompetence following lower lip reconstruction over a 10-year period. The timing of the reconstruction, cause of the defect, period of follow-up, and any complications were noted. Three cases of lower lip resuspension using bilateral temporalis flaps and fascia lata grafts were performed from 2000 to 2010. Two cases were secondary to burn trauma and one was from ballistic trauma. All patients underwent traditional means of reconstruction using free microvascular composite tissue transfer with and without fascial slings. All three patients presented with persistent lower lip incompetence. The average interval between the initial reconstructive operations and the resuspension operations was 1.6 years. All patients achieved dynamic oral competence at the first postoperative visit. At a mean follow-up of 3.6 years, all patients had maintained lower lip function. Dynamic lower lip resuspension with bilateral temporalis flaps and fascia lata grafts is an option for refractory lower lip drooping following total and subtotal loss, especially after conventional static reconstruction and without any functional orbicularis muscle. CLINICAL QUESTION/LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Therapeutic, V.  相似文献   

A unilateral gate-flap technique consisting of a nasolabial island flap is presented for the reconstruction of defects in the lower lip after excision of large, laterally located epidermoid tumors. The amount of healthy tissue resected is optimal. The reconstructed lower lip retains sensation and muscle function and is continent with a satisfying appearance. Temporary flap edema and a vermilion notch at the apex of the flap are both avoidable problems. This method may be used in selected patients with large advanced epidermoid cancers of the lower lip.  相似文献   

A case of functional support for distant flap reconstruction of the entire lower lip and mandibular symphysis following resection of an aggressive recurrent basal cell carcinoma of the lip is presented. Resection of the entire lower lip and mandibular symphysis includes loss of the orbicularis oris and attached muscles of the modiolus as well as the buccinator and masseter muscles. Without the support of these muscles, control of saliva as well as solid and liquid food is lost and articulation is hampered. In this case, fasciae latae strips attached to distally transected temporalis muscle tendons were tunneled bilaterally into the lower lip and chin area, which had been previously reconstructed with deltopectoral and pectoralis major musculocutaneous flaps.  相似文献   

Closure of plantar defects with local rotation flaps was studied in 10 patients with 11 plantar defects. Ages ranged from 15 to 66 years, and the average defect was 3.0 X 3.6 cm. Two patients were diabetics. Etiology was variable and included trauma, tumors, and breakdown in patients with anesthetic plantar surfaces. Plantar flaps were designed superficial to the plantar fascia based on the proximal plantar subcutaneous plexus blood supply. Sensation was provided by including the medial calcaneal nerve territory within the flap and by performing a limited intraneural dissection of the medial and lateral plantar nerves. Flaps were medially based, although laterally based designs are also possible when sensation is absent. The follow-up period averaged 20.8 months. Patients with normal sensation preoperatively had full sensation postoperatively and were able to bear weight on the flap without limitation. There was minor breakdown in one patient with incomplete sensation. One patient developed a hematoma. Sensate plantar flaps can be designed superficial to the plantar fascia. These flaps are durable and allow normal weight-bearing on the reconstructed surface.  相似文献   

Large, full-thickness lip defects after head and neck surgery continue to be a challenge for reconstructive surgeons. The reconstructive aims are to restore the oral lining, the external cheek, oral competence, and function (i.e., articulation, speech, and mastication). The authors' refinement of the composite radial forearm-palmaris longus free flap technique meets these criteria and allows a functional reconstruction of extensive lip and cheek defects in one stage. A composite radial forearm flap including the palmaris longus tendon was designed. The skin flap for the reconstruction of the intraoral lining and the skin defect was folded over the palmaris longus tendon. Both ends of the vascularized tendon were laid through the bilateral modiolus and anchored with adequate tension to the intact orbicularis muscle of the upper lip. This procedure was used in 12 patients. Six patients had cancer of the lower lip, five patients had a buccal cancer involving the lip, and one patient had a primary gum cancer that extended to the lower lip. Total to near-total resection (more than 80 percent) of the lower lip was indicated in six patients. In two other patients, the cancer ablation included more than 80 percent of the lower lip and up to 40 percent of the upper lip. A radial forearm palmaris longus free flap was used in all cases for reconstruction of the defect. Free flap survival was 100 percent. At the time of final evaluation, which was 1 year after the operation, all patients had good oral continence at rest (static suspension) and had achieved sufficient oral competence when eating. Ten patients were able to resume a regular diet, and two patients could eat a soft diet. All patients regained normal or near-normal speech and had an acceptable appearance. The described refinement of the composite radial palmaris longus free flap technique allows the reconstruction of the lower lip with a functioning oral sphincter; the technique can be recommended for patients who need large lower lip resection. It provides functional recovery of the reconstructed lower lip synchronizing with the remaining upper lip.  相似文献   

Massive facial defects involving the oral sphincter are challenging to the reconstructive surgeon. This study presents the authors' approach to simultaneous reconstruction of complex defects with an advancement flap from the remaining lip and free flaps. From January of 1997 to December of 2001, 22 patients were studied following ablative oral cancer surgery. Their ages ranged from 32 to 66 years. Nineteen patients had buccal cancer, two patients had tongue cancer, and one patient had lip cancer. In all cases, the disease was advanced squamous cell carcinoma. Nine patients underwent composite resection of tumor with segmental mandibulectomy, and seven patients underwent marginal mandibulectomy. Cheek defects ranged from 15 x 12 cm to 4 x 3 cm, and intraoral defects ranged from 14 x 8 cm to 5 x 4 cm in size. One third of the lower lip was excised in nine patients, both the upper and lower lips were excised in 10 patients, and only commissure defects were excised in three patients. An advancement flap from the remaining upper lip was used for reconstruction of the oral commissure and oral sphincter. Then, the composite through-and-through defect of the cheek was reconstructed with radial forearm flaps in 13 patients, fibula osteocutaneous flaps in five patients, double flaps in three patients, and an anterolateral thigh flap in one patient. The free flap survival rate was 96 percent, and only one flap failed. With regard to complications, there were two patients with cheek hematoma, six patients with orocutaneous fistula or neck infection, and one patient with osteomyelitis of the mandible. All but one patient had adequate oral competence. All patients had an adequate oral stoma and could eat a regular or soft diet; two patients could eat only a liquid diet. For moderate lip defects, immediate reconstruction of complex defects took place using an advancement flap from the remaining lip to obtain a normal and functional oral sphincter; the free flap can be used to reconstruct through-and-through defects. This simple procedure can provide patients with a useful oral stoma and acceptable cosmesis.  相似文献   

A review of 35 cases of asymmetric crying facies   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A review of 35 cases of asymmetric crying facies: Congenital asymmetric crying facies (ACF) is caused by congenital hypoplasia or agenesis of the depressor anguli oris muscle (DAOM) on one side of the mouth. It is well known that this anomaly is frequently associated with cardiovascular, head and neck, musculoskeletal, respiratory, gastrointestinal, central nervous system, and genitourinary anomalies. In this article we report 35 ACF patients (28 children and 7 adults) and found additional abnormalities in 16 of them (i.e. 45%). The abnormalities were cerebral and cerebellar atrophy, mega-cisterna magna, mental motor retardation, convulsions, corpus callosum dysgenesis, cranial bone defect, dermoid cyst, spina bifida occulta, hypertelorism, micrognatia, retrognatia, hemangioma on the lower lip, short frenulum, cleft palate, low-set ears, preauricular tag, mild facial hypoplasia, sternal cleft, congenital heart defect, renal hypoplasia, vesicoureteral reflux, hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, congenital joint contractures, congenital hip dislocation, polydactyly, and umbilical and inguinal hernia. Besides these, one infant was born to a diabetic mother, and had atrial septal defect and the four other children had 4p deletion, Klinefelter syndrome, isolated CD4 deficiency and Treacher-Collins like facial appearance, respectively Although many of these abnormalities were reported in association with ACF, cerebellar atrophy, sternal cleft, cranial bone defect, infant of diabetic mother, 4p deletion, Klinefelter syndrome, isolated CD4 deficiency and Treacher-Collins like facial appearance were not previously published.  相似文献   

Associated anomalies in asymmetric crying facies and 22q11 deletion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Congenital asymmetric crying facies, a minor congenital anomaly due to unilateral absence or hypoplasia of the depressor anguli oris muscle, is associated at times with major congenital anomalies. A large number of asymmetric crying facies cases with chromosome 22q11 microdeletions have presently been reported. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis for 22q11 deletion was performed on 8 infants with asymmetric crying facies. Five of our patients had at least one associated systemic anomaly. Two of 5 patients had conotruncal heart disease (Cayler cardiofacial syndrome). In three of the affected infants, we failed to reveal additional congenital malformation. The 22q11 deletion was present in only one patient. This baby had congenital hypoparathyroidism, severe neonatal hypocalcaemia and tetralogy of Fallot. We suggest, a 22q11 deletion should be excluded not in all cases but in cases with Cayler cardiofacial syndrome and in ACF associated with additional congenital anomalies.  相似文献   



Squamous cell carcinoma is one of the most common malignant tumors of the skin and oral mucosa. However, squamous cell carcinoma involving near total upper and lower lip and oral commissure is rarely seen in the English literature. Simultaneous reconstruction of the upper and lower lips has been inconclusive and presents a challenge to the surgeon. We report such a case and outline our simultaneous reconstruction with local flaps. To the best of our knowledge this has never been reported.

Case presentation

A 73-year-old Thai woman presented with a large rapidly growing squamous cell carcinoma involving the upper lip, lower lip, left oral commissure and left cheek. En bloc resection of upper lip, lower lip, left oral commissure and buccal region was performed. Left radical neck dissection and right modified neck dissection were performed. Reconstruction of the upper lip with a left nasolabial-cheek cervicofacial rotational-advancement flap and right cheek advancement with perialar crescent flap was performed. The lower lip was reconstructed with bilateral labiomental advancement flaps.


Squamous cell carcinoma can grow rapidly and spread along the orbicularis oris muscle and across the oral commissure to the opposite lip. In advanced cancer, multimodal treatment is necessary. No gold standard in the reconstruction of both upper and lower lips has been established. We report the case of an advanced squamous cell carcinoma involving both the upper lip, lower lip, left oral commissure and buccal area and simultaneous reconstruction with local flap coverage that, to the best of our knowledge, has never been reported.  相似文献   

Anatomy of the mandibular branches of the facial nerve.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In operative dissections of mandibular branches of the facial nerve, we identified certain branches below the inferior border of the mandible in all cases. These usually supplied the depressor labii inferioris and mentalis muscles, though infrequently the branch to the depressor anguli oris was also below the mandible. At least 3 nerve branches were identified in all dissections. The clinical applications of this include the necessity to identify and protect these nerve branches during operations in the submandibular triangle, as well as when incising the platysma muscle or removing fat from over the body of the mandible in a face-lift procedure.  相似文献   

Sensory reinnervation in microsurgical reconstruction of the heel   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Six sensory reinnervation techniques were carried out in 10 patients who underwent reconstruction of the weight-bearing surface of the heel by microsurgical free-tissue transfer. The techniques include the use of neurovascular island flaps, neurosensory flaps, sensory nerve grafts to skin flaps, coaptation of the sensory nerve to the motor nerve of the muscle flaps, direct sensory nerve transfer, and sensory nerve graft transfer. In all patients, some sensation developed, characterized by sensation to light touch, to dull objects, to pinprick, to pain, and to tickling. Three patients developed the ability to distinguish sharp from dull objects and the sensation of pain. The remaining seven had the sensation of touch to various mechanical stimuli. In nine patients, the sensation is located in the weight-bearing surface of the reconstructed heel. Five patients bear weight on the reconstructed surface at least 6 hours per day. Three participate actively in sports. Split-thickness skin graft-muscle flaps were more prone to breakdown than skin flaps. Full-thickness skin flaps appear necessary for the production of pain sensation and the more discriminating sensations. Preliminary results suggest a functional benefit after sensory reinnervation.  相似文献   

Bilateral vermilion flaps for lower lip repair   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A more natural reconstructive procedure of the lower lip using bilateral vermilion flaps was applied in five patients with excellent results. The vermilion defects were about two-fifths to three-fifths. In three patients, the vermilion defect was repaired using bilateral vermilion flaps alone. In the remaining two patients, a narrow horizontal lip defect was repaired by bilateral vermilion flaps and a subcutaneous V-Y advancement flap of the lower lip. A single vermilion flap or bilateral vermilion flaps are considered to be of great value for vermilion reconstruction because of the inherent elasticity and common anatomic unit. The postoperative scars are not remarkable at all. A long and narrow horizontal lip defect (perhaps within 1.5 cm downward from the vermilion border) may be effectively repaired by the combination of vermilion flap(s) and a V-Y advancement flap without sacrificing any additional healthy tissue.  相似文献   

A functional neotongue following total glossectomy requires both soft-tissue bulk and reconstruction of muscle function. We used innervated transverse gracilis musculocutaneous flaps to reconstruct total glossectomy defects in eight patients. The obturator nerve to the gracilis muscle was approximated to the hypoglossal nerve to reinnervate the gracilis muscle by using microsurgical technique. The cutaneous paddle of the gracilis flap easily supplies sufficient bulk to replace the total glossectomy defect. Follow-up of patients ranged from 3 to 47 months. All patients were able to resume oral feeding. Electromyographic studies performed on one patient showed reinnervation of the flap with active elevation of the posterior pharynx. Ultimately, seven patients died because of recurrence of their disease. The innervated gracilis musculocutaneous flap may benefit patients who have a total glossectomy by allowing them to achieve a more functional recovery.  相似文献   

Four glands of the house sparrow, chicken and turkey were examined histologically and for their content of amylase. These were the external and intermediate mandibular glands, the maxillary gland and glandula anguli oris of the sparrow and the anterior and posterior mandibular, maxillary and anguli oris glands of the chicken and turkey. Amylase was determined by a starch substrate slide method and by biochemical assay. General morphology and mucopolysaccharide staining are described. All four glands of the sparrow demonstrated significant amylolytic activity by the assay. In the external mandibular and anguli oris glands this activity could be traced to mucous and seromucous cells of origin by means of the starch substrate slide procedure. None of the glands of the chicken or turkey displayed significant amylolytic activity.  相似文献   

Landes CA  Kovács AF 《Plastic and reconstructive surgery》2003,111(3):1029-39; discussion 1040-2
This study reports on the extended use of the commissure-based buccal musculomucosal (CBMM) flap. Large lip defects and medium-size intraoral defects have the general problem of being too large for primary closure to avoid a major functional and aesthetic impairment. Elaborate free flaps, such as axial flaps, although excellent in large defects, may not provide mucosa-equivalent sensitivity, motility, volume, and texture to replace lost tissue with a similar kind of tissue. A total of 60 flap procedures were performed with bilateral and unilateral flaps up to 7.5 x 4 cm in size. The partial and total upper and lower vermilion, gingivobuccal sulcus, floor of the mouth, lateral tongue margin, oropharynx, and hard and soft palates were reconstructed. Partial necrosis was seen in four flaps; all patients recovered with good oral function in speech and swallowing, good aesthetics, and prosthetic rehabilitation if necessary. The donor site could be closed primarily. In flaps with dorsal advancement, the mucosal excess above and below was closed, creating two small dog-ears. Facial expression and mouth opening returned to normal after less than 2 months. The parotid duct had to be marsupialized in large flap preparations, but this did never provoke stasis or infection. The two-point sensitivity of the flaps was, on average, equal to that of the nonoperated mucosa in intraindividual correlation, and the flaps lost, on average, 15 percent of their original size. In the authors' estimation, the results indicate a reliable and technically easy option for intraoral, medium-size defect reconstruction that yields sensitivity and facilitates the rehabilitation of oral function in speaking and ingestion.  相似文献   

A study was performed to analyze the results and final outcomes of bone reconstruction of the lower extremity. Twenty-six patients presented with type IIIB open fractures, nine with type IIIC open fractures, and 15 with chronic osteomyelitis. Seven patients underwent primary amputation, and reconstruction was attempted for 43 patients. The mean bone defect size was 7.7 cm (range, 3 to 20 cm). Bone reconstruction was achieved with conventional bone grafts in 16 cases, in association with either local (13 cases) or free (three cases) flaps. Vascularized bone transfer was performed in 24 cases, with either osteocutaneous groin flaps (10 cases), soleus-fibula flaps (12 cases), or osteocutaneous lateral arm flaps (two cases). For three patients, bone reconstruction was performed with a technique that combines the induction of a membrane around a cement spacer with the use of an autologous cancellous bone graft. Infections were observed to be responsible for prolonged hospital stays and treatment failures. The cumulative rates of sepsis were 4.6 percent at 1 week after injury and 62.8 percent at 2 months. Vascular complications were also related to infections and were responsible for four secondary amputations. One patient asked for secondary amputation because of a painful nonfunctional lower limb. Bone healing occurred in 37 of 43 cases, and the average time to union was 9.5 months, with an average of 8.7 procedures. The mean lengths of stay were 49 days for conventional bone grafts and 62 days for vascularized bone grafts. All of the 50 patients were able to walk, with an average time of 14 months. All of the patients with amputations underwent prosthetic rehabilitation. Patients mostly complained about the reconstructed limb (62.8 percent). Joint stiffness was present in 40 percent of the cases. Other long-term complications were pain (nine cases), lack of sensation (five cases), infection (five cases), and pseudarthrosis (one case). However, all of the patients with successful reconstructions preferred their salvaged leg to an amputation. Of 41 patients who were working before the injury, 26 returned to work.  相似文献   

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