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Double-hearted embryos were produced by whole-embryo culture of chick embryos which were microsurgically cut through the tissue of the anterior intestinal portal at the 1- to 6-somite developmental stage, at the time when the cardiac primordia have not yet fused in the bulboventricular region. The cultured embryos were removed from an incubator usually at the 7- to 10-somite stages of development, and then spontaneous electrical action potentials and/or contractions were optically recorded simultaneously from both the right and left half-hearts, using a 10 X 10- element photodiode matrix array together with a voltage-sensitive merocyanine-rhodanine dye (NK 2761). At the 7- to 8-somite stages, spontaneous action potentials were detected from bilateral prebeating half-hearts or sometimes from one half-heart. In each half-heart, the first spontaneous beating was often observed in the half-heart of the 9 somite embryos. In the beating half-hearts regular activity was always observed, while in the prebeating half-hearts at the 7- to 8-somite stages, both the regular and irregular rhythms of action potentials were detected, and the incidence of occurrence of regular activity significantly outnumbered that of the irregular rhythm. The heart rate in the left half-heart was faster than that in the right half-heart in the great majority of the prebeating and beating double-hearted embryos.  相似文献   

Pacemaking areas in the early embryonic chick hearts were quantitatively assessed using simultaneous multiple-site optical recordings of spontaneous action potentials. The measuring system with a 10- X 10- or a 12 X 12-element photodiode array had a spatial resolution of 15-30 microns. Spontaneous action potential-related optical signals were recorded simultaneously from multiple contiguous regions in the area in which the pacemaker site was located in seven- to nine-somite embryonic hearts stained with a voltage-sensitive merocyanine-rhodanine dye (NK 2761). In the seven- to early eight-somite embryonic hearts, the location of the pacemaking area is not uniquely determined, and as development proceeds to the nine-somite stage, the pacemaking area becomes confined to the left pre-atrial tissue. Analysis of the simultaneous multiple-site optical recordings showed that the pacemaking area was basically circular in shape in the later eight- to nine-somite embryonic hearts. An elliptical shape also was observed at the seven- to early eight-somite stages of development. The size of the pacemaking area was estimated to be approximately 1,200-3,000 micron2. We suggest that the pacemaking area is composed of approximately 60-150 cells, and that the pacemaking area remains at a relatively constant size throughout the seven- to nine-somite stages. It is thus proposed that a population of pacemaking cells, rather than a single cell, serves as a rhythm generator in the embryonic chick heart.  相似文献   

Pituitary lactotrophs in vitro fire extracellular Ca2+-dependent action potentials spontaneously through still unidentified pacemaking channels, and the associated voltage-gated Ca2+influx (VGCI) is sufficient to maintain basal prolactin (PRL) secretion high and steady. Numerous plasma membrane channels have been characterized in these cells, but the mechanism underlying their pacemaking activity is still not known. Here we studied the relevance of cyclic nucleotide signaling pathways in control of pacemaking, VGCI, and PRL release. In mixed anterior pituitary cells, both VGCI-inhibitable and -insensitive adenylyl cyclase (AC) subtypes contributed to the basal cAMP production, and soluble guanylyl cyclase was exclusively responsible for basal cGMP production. Inhibition of basal AC activity, but not soluble guanylyl cyclase activity, reduced PRL release. In contrast, forskolin stimulated cAMP and cGMP production as well as pacemaking, VGCI, and PRL secretion. Elevation in cAMP and cGMP levels by inhibition of phosphodiesterase activity was also accompanied with increased PRL release. The AC inhibitors attenuated forskolin-stimulated cyclic nucleotide production, VGCI, and PRL release. The cell-permeable 8-bromo-cAMP stimulated firing of action potentials and PRL release and rescued hormone secretion in cells with inhibited ACs in an extracellular Ca2+-dependent manner, whereas 8-bromo-cGMP and 8-(4-chlorophenylthio)-2'-O-methyl-cAMP were ineffective. Protein kinase A inhibitors did not stop spontaneous and forskolin-stimulated pacemaking, VGCI, and PRL release. These results indicate that cAMP facilitates pacemaking, VGCI, and PRL release in lactotrophs predominantly in a protein kinase A- and Epac cAMP receptor-independent manner.  相似文献   

Pacemaking dysfunction (PD) may result in heart rhythm disorders, syncope or even death. Current treatment of PD using implanted electronic pacemakers has some limitations, such as finite battery life and the risk of repeated surgery. As such, the biological pacemaker has been proposed as a potential alternative to the electronic pacemaker for PD treatment. Experimentally and computationally, it has been shown that bio-engineered pacemaker cells can be generated from non-rhythmic ventricular myocytes (VMs) by knocking out genes related to the inward rectifier potassium channel current (IK1) or by overexpressing hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide gated channel genes responsible for the “funny” current (If). However, it is unclear if a bio-engineered pacemaker based on the modification of IK1- and If-related channels simultaneously would enhance the ability and stability of bio-engineered pacemaking action potentials. In this study, the possible mechanism(s) responsible for VMs to generate spontaneous pacemaking activity by regulating IK1 and If density were investigated by a computational approach. Our results showed that there was a reciprocal interaction between IK1 and If in ventricular pacemaker model. The effect of IK1 depression on generating ventricular pacemaker was mono-phasic while that of If augmentation was bi-phasic. A moderate increase of If promoted pacemaking activity but excessive increase of If resulted in a slowdown in the pacemaking rate and even an unstable pacemaking state. The dedicated interplay between IK1 and If in generating stable pacemaking and dysrhythmias was evaluated. Finally, a theoretical analysis in the IK1/If parameter space for generating pacemaking action potentials in different states was provided. In conclusion, to the best of our knowledge, this study provides a wide theoretical insight into understandings for generating stable and robust pacemaker cells from non-pacemaking VMs by the interplay of IK1 and If, which may be helpful in designing engineered biological pacemakers for application purposes.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of sinoatrial node (SAN) dysfunction in heart failure (HF) remain unclear. We hypothesized that impaired rhythmic spontaneous sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) release (Ca(2+) clock) plays an important role in SAN dysfunction in HF. HF was induced in canine hearts by rapid ventricular pacing. The location of pacemaking sites was determined in vivo using computerized electrical mapping in acute open-chest preparations (normal, n = 3; and HF, n = 4). Isoproterenol (Iso, 0.2 μg·kg(-1)·min(-1)) infusion increased heart rate and shifted the pacemaking site to the superior SAN in all normal hearts. However, in failing hearts, Iso did not induce superior shift of the pacemaking site despite heart rate acceleration. Simultaneous optical recording of intracellular Ca(2+) and membrane potential was performed in Langendorff-perfused isolated right atrium (RA) preparations from normal (n = 7) and failing hearts (n = 6). Iso increased sinus rate, enhanced late diastolic Ca(2+) elevation (LDCAE), and shifted the pacemaking sites to the superior SAN in all normal but in none of the HF RAs. Caffeine (2 ml, 20 mmol/l) caused LDCAE and increased heart rate in four normal RAs but in none of the three HF RAs. Iso induced ectopic beats from lower crista terminalis in five of six HF RAs. These ectopic beats were suppressed by ZD-7288, a specific pacemaker current (I(f)) blocker. We conclude that HF results in the suppression of Ca(2+) clock, resulting in the unresponsiveness of superior SAN to Iso and caffeine. HF also increases the ectopic pacemaking activity by activating the I(f) at the latent pacemaking sites in lower crista terminalis.  相似文献   

Investigations of the electrophysiology of crustacean cardiac ganglia over the last half-century are reviewed for their contributions to elucidating the cellular mechanisms and interactions by which a small (as few as nine cells) neuronal network accomplishes extremely reliable, rhythmical, patterned activation of muscular activity-in this case, beating of the neurogenic heart. This ganglion is thus a model for pacemaking and central pattern generation. Favorable anatomy has permitted voltage- and space-clamp analyses of voltage-dependent ionic currents that endow each neuron with the intrinsic ability to respond with rhythmical, patterned impulse activity to nonpatterned stimulation. The crustacean soma and initial axon segment do not support impulse generation but integrate input from stretch-sensitive dendrites and electrotonic and chemically mediated synapses on axonal processes in neuropils. The soma and initial axon produce a depolarization-activated, calcium-mediated, sustained potential, the "driver potential," so-called because it drives a train of impulses at the "trigger zone" of the axon. Extreme reliability results from redundancy and the electrotonic coupling and synaptic interaction among all the neurons. Complex modulation by central nervous system inputs and by neurohormones to adjust heart pumping to physiological demands has long been demonstrated, but much remains to be learned about the cellular and molecular mechanisms of action. The continuing relevance of the crustacean cardiac ganglion as a relatively simple model for pacemaking and central pattern generation is confirmed by the rapidly widening documentation of intrinsic potentials such as plateau potentials in neurons of all major animal groups. The suite of ionic currents (a slowly inactivating calcium current and various potassium currents, with variations) observed for the crustacean cardiac ganglion have been implicated in or proven to underlie a majority of the intrinsic potentials of neurons involved in pattern generation.  相似文献   

Pituitary lactotrophs fire action potentials spontaneously and the associated voltage-gated calcium influx is sufficient to maintain high prolactin release. Here we studied the role of hyperpolarization-activated cation channels in pacemaking activity, calcium signaling, and prolactin secretion in these cells. A slowly developing and hyperpolarization-activated inward current was identified but only in a fraction of lactotrophs. The current was blocked by ZD7288, a relatively specific blocker of these channels. However, the pacemaking activity increased in ZD7288-treated cells independently of the presence of this current. This in turn facilitated voltage-gated calcium influx and transiently stimulated prolactin secretion. Sustained ZD7288 application in concentrations that are commonly used to block the hyperpolarization-activated cation channels inhibited hormone release at elevated intracellular calcium concentrations. Agonist and Bay K 8644-stimulated prolactin release was also inhibited by ZD7288, indicating that this compound attenuates the exocytotic pathway downstream of calcium influx.  相似文献   

Genetically modified mice are popular experimental models for studying the molecular bases and mechanisms of cardiac arrhythmia. A postgenome challenge is to classify the functional roles of genes in cardiac function. To unveil the functional role of various genetic isoforms of ion channels in generating cardiac pacemaking action potentials (APs), a mathematical model for spontaneous APs of mouse sinoatrial node (SAN) cells was developed. The model takes into account the biophysical properties of membrane ionic currents and intracellular mechanisms contributing to spontaneous mouse SAN APs. The model was validated by its ability to reproduce the physiological exceptionally short APs and high pacing rates of mouse SAN cells. The functional roles of individual membrane currents were evaluated by blocking their coding channels. The roles of intracellular Ca(2+)-handling mechanisms on cardiac pacemaking were also investigated in the model. The robustness of model pacemaking behavior was evaluated by means of one- and two-parameter analyses in wide parameter value ranges. This model provides a predictive tool for cellular level outcomes of electrophysiological experiments. It forms the basis for future model development and further studies into complex pacemaking mechanisms as more quantitative experimental data become available.  相似文献   

In the adult, the heart rate is driven by spontaneous and repetitive depolarizations of pacemaker cells to generate a firing of action potentials propagating along the conduction system and spreading into the ventricles. In the early embryo before E9.5, the pacemaker ionic channel responsible for the spontaneous depolarization of cells is not yet functional. Thus the mechanisms that initiate early heart rhythm during cardiogenesis are puzzling. In the absence of a functional pacemaker ionic channel, the oscillatory nature of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3)-induced intracellular Ca2+ signaling could provide an alternative pacemaking mechanism. To test this hypothesis, we have engineered pacemaker cells from embryonic stem (ES) cells, a model that faithfully recapitulates early stages of heart development. We show that InsP3-dependent shuttle of free Ca2+ in and out of the endoplasmic reticulum is essential for a proper generation of pacemaker activity during early cardiogenesis and fetal life.  相似文献   

Early (E9.5-E11.5) embryonic heart cells beat spontaneously, even though the adult pacemaking mechanisms are not yet fully established. Here we show that in isolated murine early embryonic cardiomyocytes periodic oscillations of cytosolic Ca(2+) occur and that these induce contractions. The Ca(2+) oscillations originate from the sarcoplasmic reticulum and are dependent on the IP(3) and the ryanodine receptor. The Ca(2+) oscillations activate the Na(+)-Ca(2+) exchanger, giving rise to subthreshold depolarizations of the membrane potential and/or action potentials. Although early embryonic heart cells are voltage-independent Ca(2+) oscillators, the generation of action potentials provides synchronization of the electrical and mechanical signals. Thus, Ca(2+) oscillations pace early embryonic heart cells and the ensuing activation of the Na(+)-Ca(2+) exchanger evokes small membrane depolarizations or action potentials.  相似文献   

Pacemaker activity of the heart is generated by a small group of cells forming the sinoatrial node (SAN). Cells of the SAN are spontaneously active and generate action potentials with remarkable regularity and stability under all physiological conditions. The exact molecular mechanisms underlying pacemaker potentials in the SAN have not yet been fully elucidated. Several voltage-dependent ion channels as well as intracellular calcium cycling processes are thought to contribute to the pacemaker activity. Hyperpolarization-activated cation channels, which generate the If current, have biophysical properties which seem ideally suited for the initiation of spontaneous electrical activity. This review describes recent work on several transgenic mice lacking different cardiac HCN channel subtypes. The role of If for normal pacemaking and sinus node arrhythmia as revealed by these genetic models will be discussed. In addition, a new mouse line is described which enables gene targeting in a temporally-controlled manner selectively in SAN cells. Elucidating the function of HCN and other ion channels in well-controlled mouse models should ultimately lead to a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying human sinoatrial arrhythmias.  相似文献   

In electrophysiological experiments with a preparation of the isolated Helix pomatia brain, a study was made of the effect of pulsed irradiation with high-energy electrons (20 MeV) on membrane potentials and pulse activity of "silent", pacemaking and postsynaptic neurons. It was shown that after irradiation with 150 and 300 Gy (dose rate 5 Gy/s and pulse frequency 50 Hz) "silent" neurons retain their excitability. Pacemaking neurons responded to radiation by a drastic increase in spontaneous pulse activity followed by its transfer to a clipped then to an irregular one. At the same time, the discharge frequency increased in the postsynaptic neurons.  相似文献   

Atrial fibrillation is the most prevalent arrhythmia, but the mechanisms by which it develops are not clear. Recently, over 90% of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation was found to be located inside the main pulmonary veins (PVs). We found that single cardiac myocytes isolated from the main PVs of rabbits generate spontaneous action potentials (SAP). We therefore assayed the electrical characteristics of these cardiomyocytes. Among the diverse ionic currents identified were INa, ICa,L, IK1, IKr, IKs, Ito, IKsus, Incx, Ipump, IKH and ICl,Ca. In contrast, IK1 was minimal, IKs could be detected only in the presence of 10 μM forskolin, and we were unable to detect If and ICa,T, the most important currents for pacemaking activity in sinoatrial node cells. To identify the main cause of SAP, we developed a model that can explain the electrical properties of these cardiomyocytes. After reconstructing the ionic currents based on experimental observations, we were able to use our model to successfully reconstruct the characteristics of the SAP of PV cardiomyocytes. The simulation showed that the major currents contributing to pacemaking depolarization were ICaL, IKr, a background current and Na+–K+ pump current. Deactivation kinetics of IKr was one of the major determinants of the rate of pacemaking depolarization. The steady state inactivation of Ito was shifted to the negative voltage and the activity of Ito was minimal in the range of the SAP. The major currents for the repolarization were IKr and Ipump. The amplitude of most currents in these cardiac myocytes was small and no currents did not exceed 30 pA during the SAP, indicating that slight activation of other inward or outward currents will have profound effects on the SAP. To our knowledge, this report is the first to show the simulation of SAP of PV cardiomyocytes. This model may help to study on the electrophysiological basis of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation originating from PVs.  相似文献   

Pacemaking by HCN channels requires interaction with phosphoinositides   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Hyperpolarization-activated, cyclic-nucleotide-gated (HCN) channels mediate the depolarizing cation current (termed I(h) or I(f)) that initiates spontaneous rhythmic activity in heart and brain. This function critically depends on the reliable opening of HCN channels in the subthreshold voltage-range. Here we show that activation of HCN channels at physiologically relevant voltages requires interaction with phosphoinositides such as phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PIP(2)). PIP(2) acts as a ligand that allosterically opens HCN channels by shifting voltage-dependent channel activation approximately 20 mV toward depolarized potentials. Allosteric gating by PIP(2) occurs in all HCN subtypes and is independent of the action of cyclic nucleotides. In CNS neurons and cardiomyocytes, enzymatic degradation of phospholipids results in reduced channel activation and slowing of the spontaneous firing rate. These results demonstrate that gating by phospholipids is essential for the pacemaking activity of HCN channels in cardiac and neuronal rhythmogenesis.  相似文献   

Treatment of malignant tumors with interferon (IFN) is in some patients accompanied by serious neurological side effects. The present study assessed neurophysiological changes in spontaneous EEG activity, visual-evoked cortical potentials (VEPs), and brainstem auditory-evoked potentials (BAEPs) during IFN-gamma or IFN-alpha therapy in 9 patients. In addition, blood pressure, heart rate and body temperature were monitored. In all sessions under IFN, the latency of the P100 component of the VEP was shortened as compared to baseline conditions. IFN also reduced latencies of BAEP components, and diminished amplitudes of the spontaneous EEG activity within the alpha and beta frequency band. These latter effects were somewhat less consistent than those on VEPs. The major neurophysiological changes appeared to be similar for IFN-gamma and IFN-alpha. The results are in accord with an excitatory effect of IFN on central nervous activity. The magnitude of changes excludes a neurotoxicity of IFN-gamma or IFN-alpha at the doses used in this study.  相似文献   

Previous histological studies showed that in addition to a sinus node, an atrioventricular (AV) node, an AV bundle, left and right bundle branches, birds also possess a right AV‐Purkinje ring that is located in the atrial sheet of the right muscular AV‐valve along all its base length. The functionality of the AV‐Purkinje ring is unknown. In this work, we studied the topology of pacemaker myocytes in the atrial side of the isolated chicken spontaneously contracting right muscular AV‐valve using the method of microelectrode mapping of action potentials. We show that AV‐cells having the ability to show pacemaking reside in the right muscular AV‐valve. Pacemaker action potentials were exclusively recorded close to the base of the valve along its whole length from dorsal to the ventral attachment to the interventricular septum. These action potentials have much slower rate of depolarization, lower amplitude, and higher diastolic depolarization than action potentials of Purkinje (conducting) cells. We conclude the right AV‐valve has a ring bundle of pacemaker cells (but not Purkinje cells) in the adult chicken heart. J. Morphol. 277:363–369, 2016. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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