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We compared the cytotoxic activities of dietary epoxylignans and their stereoisomers and found (?)-verrucosin, which is (7S,7′R,8R,8′R)-7,7′-epoxylignan, to be the most cytotoxic epoxylignan against HeLa cells (IC50 = 6.6 μM). On the other hand, the activity was about a factor of 10 less against HL-60. In this research on the relationship between the structure and cytotoxic activity of (?)-verrucosin 13, the 7-(4-methoxyphenyl)-7′-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl) derivative 60, for which the activity (IC50 = 2.4 μM) is three times greater than (?)-verrucosin 13, was discovered. The induction of apoptosis by caspase 3/7 was observed upon treatment with the (?)-verrucosin derivative.  相似文献   

A new depsidone 1′-chloropannarin has been isolated from the lichen Argopsis friesiana Müll. Arg. and synthesized by chlorination of pannarin. A revised structure of pannarin, and notes on the chemical constitution of Argopsis friesiana Mill. Arg. A. megalospora Th. Fr., are given.  相似文献   

Brazzein is a sweet-tasting protein isolated from the fruit of West African plant Pentadiplandra brazzeana Baillon. It is the smallest and the most water-soluble sweet protein discovered so far and is highly thermostable. The proton NMR study of brazzein at 600 MHz (pH 3.5, 300 K) is presented. The complete sequence specific assignments of the individual backbone and sideehain proton resonances were achieved using through-bond and through-space eonneetivities obtained from standard two-dimensional NMR techniques. The secondary structure of brazzein contains one α-helix (residues 21—29), one short 3_(10)-helix (residues 14—17), two strands of antiparallel β-sheet (residues 34—39, 44—50) and probably a third strand (residues 5—7) near the N-terminus. A comparative analysis found that brazzein shares a so-called 'eysteine-stabilized alpha-beta' (CSαβ) motif with scorpion neurotoxins, insect defensins and plant γ-thionins. The significance of this multi-function motif, the possible active sites an  相似文献   

Brazzein is a sweet-tasting protein isolated from the fruit of West African plantPentadiplandra brazzeana Baillon. It is the smallest and the most water-soluble sweet protein discovered so far and is highly thermostable. The proton NMR study of brazzein at 600 MHz (pH 3.5, 300 K) is presented. The complete sequence specific assignments of the individual backbone and sidechain proton resonances were achieved using through-bond and through-space connectivities obtained from standard two-dimensional NMR techniques. The secondary structure of brazzein contains one alpha-helix (residues 21-29), one short 3(10)-helix (residues 14-17), two strands of antiparallel beta-sheet (residues 34-39, 44-50) and probably a third strand (residues 5-7) near the N-terminus. A comparative analysis found that brazzein shares a so-called 'cysteine-stabilized alpha-beta' (CSalphabeta) motif with scorpion neurotoxins, insect defensins and plant gamma - thionins. The significance of this multi-function motif, the possible active sites and the structural basis of themostability were discussed.  相似文献   

Early biotechnology (BT) had its roots in fascinating discoveries, such as yeast as living matter being responsible for the fermentation of beer and wine. Serious controversies arose between vitalists and chemists, resulting in the reversal of theories and paradigms, but prompting continuing research and progress. Pasteur’s work led to the establishment of the science of microbiology by developing pure monoculture in sterile medium, and together with the work of Robert Koch to the recognition that a single pathogenic organism is the causative agent for a particular disease. Pasteur also achieved innovations for industrial processes of high economic relevance, including beer, wine and alcohol. Several decades later Buchner, disproved the hypothesis that processes in living cells required a metaphysical ‘vis vitalis’ in addition to pure chemical laws. Enzymes were shown to be the chemical basis of bioconversions. Studies on the formation of products in microbial fermentations, resulted in the manufacture of citric acid, and chemical components required for explosives particularly in war time, acetone and butanol, and further products through fermentation. The requirements for penicillin during the Second World War lead to the industrial manufacture of penicillin, and to the era of antibiotics with further antibiotics, like streptomycin, becoming available. This was followed by a new class of high value-added products, mainly secondary metabolites, e.g. steroids obtained by biotransformation. By the mid-twentieth century, biotechnology was becoming an accepted specialty with courses being established in the life sciences departments of several universities. Starting in the 1970s and 1980s, BT gained the attention of governmental agencies in Germany, the UK, Japan, the USA, and others as a field of innovative potential and economic growth, leading to expansion of the field. Basic research in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology dramatically widened the field of life sciences and at the same time unified them considerably by the study of genes and their relatedness throughout the evolutionary process. The scope of accessible products and services expanded significantly. Economic input accelerated research and development, by encouraging and financing the development of new methods, tools, machines and the foundation of new companies. The discipline of ‘New Biotechnology’ became one of the lead sciences. Although biotechnology has historical roots, it continues to influence diverse industrial fields of activity, including food, feed and other commodities, for example polymer manufacture, biofuels and energy production, providing services such as environmental protection, and the development and production of many of the most effective drugs. The understanding of biology down to the molecular level opens the way to create novel products and efficient environmentally acceptable methods for their production.  相似文献   

The fatal autosomal recessive disease cystic fibrosis (CF) is caused by mutations in the gene which encodes the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR). Many of these disease-causing mutations, including the deletion of F508 (F508) which accounts for approximately 70% of the disease alleles, occur in one of the two consensus nucleotide binding sequences. Peptide studies have directly demonstrated that the N-terminal nucleotide binding sequences bind adenine nucleotides. Structurally, circular dichroism spectropolarimetry indicates that this region of CFTR assumes a -stranded structure in solution. The F508 mutation causes a diminution in the amount of -stranded structure and a concomitant increase in the amount of random coil structure present, indicating that either the mutant peptide has a different native structure or that the conformational equilibrium is shifted toward a more disordered form. Furthermore, the mutant peptide is more sensitive to denaturation, indicating that F508 is a stability, or protein-folding mutant. Here we review these results and discuss their implications for interpreting the behavior of F508in situ and for the rational design of new CF drugs.  相似文献   

We study computationally a family of β-hairpin peptides with systematically introduced chiral inversions, in explicit water, and we investigate the extent to which the backbone structure is able to fold in the presence of heterochiral perturbations. In contrast to the recently investigated case of a helical peptide, we do not find a monotonic change in secondary structure content as a function of the number of L- to D-inversions. The effects of L- to D-inversions are instead found to be highly position-specific. Additionally, in contrast to the helical peptide, some inversions increase the stability of the folded peptide: in such cases, we compute an increase in β-sheet content in the aqueous solution equilibrium ensemble. However, the tertiary structures of the stable (folded) configurations for peptides for which inversions cause an increase in β-sheet content show differences from one another, as well as from the native fold of the nonchirally perturbed β-hairpin. Our results suggest that although some chiral perturbations can increase folding stability, chirally perturbed proteins may still underperform functionally, given the relationship between structure and function.  相似文献   

Resin particles (diameter 45–75 μm) were labelled with 90Y, suspended in a glucose/dextran solution and infused into the kidneys of 3-month-old pigs (tumour model). Both kidneys of each animal were embolized with particles, but only one with active (90Y loaded) particles and the other, for comparison, with inactive particles. The organ measurements showed < 1% of injected activity in bone, bone marrow, liver and lung compared to > 99% retention by the kidneys. Only minimal shunted activity was found in blood (<0.27%) and urine (<0.07%). There was a clear shrinkage of the 90Y-treated kidneys with a reduction in weight of up to 50%. Histologically, the ischaemic lesions (infarcts and atrophy) were clearly more pronounced and extensive in the 90Y-embolized kidneys than in the non-radioactive embolized kidneys. Furthermore, severe arterial wall changes and fibrotic necrosis due to radiation damage were observed in the 90Y-treated kidneys. It is concluded that with intra-arterially applied particles a dose of about 100 Gy is sufficient to completely destroy tissue-specific structures. Complications due to acute necrosis or inflammatory reactions were not observed, and there were no shunt related alterations seen in the liver or lungs. The 90Y-loaded resin particles are considered suitable for a super selective intra-arterial radioembolization.  相似文献   

Physiological data are needed for life history studies on krill, and as parameters for input into energy budgets and models. In conjunction with moult and growth data, these may also prove useful for assessing the fishable biomass of krill. Here, the development of physiological concepts in experimental krill research is briefly evaluated, with emphasis on the gaps to be filled. Krill growth is very flexible, as well as strongly temperature and nutrition dependent. The polar Antarctic krill Euphausia superba grows as fast as the boreal species Meganyctiphanes norvegica, at least during the first 2.5 years, and the species are comparable in terms of physiological plasticity. Accordingly, as krill appear to adjust quickly to specific laboratory conditions, short-term experiments are essential if field conditions are to be reflected as closely as possible. Furthermore, direct comparisons between laboratory experiments and swarming studies in the field are advantageous. For these, M. norvegica is particularly well-suited, as swarms can be followed over longer times and more easily than in E. superba. For example, processes of moult and reproduction were found to be highly coordinated in swarms and populations of Northern krill. For this species a conceptual model of reproduction was developed based on a combination of short-term laboratory observations coupled with field data on moult and ovary stages. In further physiological experiments krill should be studied as groups when swarming. Using proxies, that is applying physiological and/or biochemical methods side by side, is a promising way to enhance the reliability of life history data.  相似文献   

Recent work on the domain organization of the thylakoid is reviewed and a model for the thylakoid of higher plants is presented. According to this model the thylakoid membrane is divided into three main domains: the stroma lamellae, the grana margins and the grana core (partitions). These have different biochemical compositions and have specialized functions. Linear electron transport occurs in the grana while cyclic electron transport is restricted to the stroma lamellae. This model is based on the following results and considerations. (1) There is no good candidate for a long-range mobile redox carrier between PS II in the grana and PS I in the stroma lamellae. The lateral diffusion of plastoquinone and plastocyanin is severely restricted by macromolecular crowding in the membrane and the lumen respectively. (2) There is an excess of 14±18% chlorophyll associated with PS I over that of PS II. This excess is assumed to be localized in the stroma lamellae where PS I drives cyclic electron transport. (3) For several plant species, the stroma lamellae account for 20±3% of the thylakoid membrane and the grana (including the appressed regions, margins and end membranes) for the remaining 80%. The amount of stroma lamellae (20%) corresponds to the excess (14–18%) of chlorophyll associated with PS I. (4) The model predicts a quantum requirement of about 10 quanta per oxygen molecule evolved, which is in good agreement with experimentally observed values. (5) There are at least two pools of each of the following components: PS I, PS II, cytochrome bf complex, plastocyanin, ATP synthase and plastoquinone. One pool is in the grana and the other in the stroma compartments. So far, it has been demonstrated that the PS I, PS II and cytochrome bf complexes each differ in their respective pools.Abbreviations PS I and PS II Photosystem I and II - P 700 reaction center of PS I - LHC II light-harvesting complex II  相似文献   

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