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Conclusions Mycorrhizal fungi increase the rate of phosphate uptake by roots (P inflow) over a range of soil P levels even when mycorrhizal growth increases no longer occur. It is likely that the fungi play a direct part in uptake and translocation of P to the roots. V.A.M. effects on nodulation and N2 fixation are largely indirect, probably resulting from improved P nutrition and growth at low soil P levels. Work on inorganic cation nutrition is much less advanced, but it is already clear that there are interactions between P nutrition and cation uptake which may also be indirect. The pattern of N assimilation (N2 fixation vis-à-vis NaNO3 or (NH4)2SO4 uptake) may modify cation/P interactions. Further work is required to distinguish cause and effect and to clarify the role played by V.A.M. fungi.  相似文献   

百脉根基因工程研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牧草基因工程是近年来国内外研究的热点之一.针对农杆菌介导百脉根遗传转化原理、影响农杆菌介导百脉根遗传转化的重要因素、转基因技术在百脉根的生物固氮、抗逆性和品质改良以及生产可食性疫苗等方面的研究进行了全面综述,并就百脉根基因工程研究今后的主要发展方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

Summary Ecological trade-offs between growth, reproduction and both condensed tannins and cyanogenic glycosides were examined in Lotus corniculatus by correlating shoot (leaves and stem) size and reproductive output with chemical concentrations. We found that cyanide concentration was not related to shoot size, but that condensed tannin concentrations were positively correlated with shoot size; larger plants contained higher tannin concentrations. Both tannin and cyanide concentrations were depressed when plants produced fruits. Defense costs change as plants mature and begin to reproduce. These trade-offs indicate that cost of defense chemical production cannot be predicted merely on the basis of molecular size, composition or concentration.  相似文献   

Summary The carbon to nitrogen balance theory was examined for a legume, Lotus corniculatus L., which allocates carbon to nitrogen fixation. N-fixation can influence the ratio of carbon to nitrogen in legumes by providing nitrogen in nutrient-poor habitats, and by consuming carbon for support of symbiotic N-fixation. L. corniculatus clones (genotypes) were grown under two levels of nitrogen fertilization: a treatment which suppressed nodulation with fertilization and a treatment which received no additional fertilization. These plants relied solely on symbiotic N-fixation. Plants which supported symbionts had lower biomass and lower tannin concentrations than fertilized plants; this appears to be a result of the large carbon demand on N-fixation. Plants supporting symbionts often had relatively lower protein concentrations than fertilized plants. Cyanide concentration was influenced by plant genotype but not by nitrogen source. Although symbiotic N-fixing plants were smaller, they had three times the reproductive output of fertilized plants.  相似文献   

We determined the effects of zeatin (ZEA), isopentenyl adenine (2iP), kinetin (KIN), benzyladenine (BA), and thidiazuron (TDZ) on seed germination, elongation of seedling shoots and roots, frequency of regeneration, and the number of regenerants per seedling in Lotus corniculatus L. Sterilized seeds were cultured in vitro on Murashige and Skoog (1962) medium containing 3% sucrose, 0.7% agar, and various cytokinins (0, 0.08, 0.22, 0.35, 0.80, 2.20, and 3.50 μM). After 30 days, seedlings were transferred to cytokinin-free medium for another 60 days. All cytokinins stimulated the rate and percentage of seed germination at least twofold in optimum concentrations; TDZ and ZEA were the most active, followed closely by BA, whereas KIN and 2iP stimulated germination in higher concentrations only. Elongation of shoots and roots was strongly inhibited at the lowest TDZ and BA concentrations, whereas ZEA, KIN, and 2iP exerted moderate, dose-dependent inhibition. The frequency of regenerant-producing seeds was highest on ZEA and BA, whereas the greatest number of regenerants per seedling was found on TDZ. It is concluded that the culture of seeds on cytokinin-containing media, followed by transfer to cytokinin-free medium, is a suitable procedure for rapid production of a large number of uniform regenerants. The presumed role of particular cytokinins is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract Differential rates of fermentation and energy production have been implicated in the response of plant species to extended root anoxia. This study describes the metabolic response to anaerobiosis of waterlogging-tolerant birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) and waterlogging-sensitive alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Studies were carried out on glasshouse-grown plants subjected to root anaerobiosis in nutrient solution. Rate of fermentation, as estimated by CO2 evolution, declined significantly upon anaerobiosis in both species but was proportionally less, relative to the aerobic control, in trefoil. Another indicator of carbon flux through glycolysis, the concentration of glucose-6-phosphate, was also significantly lower in trefoil roots relative to aerobic controls. Both species showed significantly increased root exudation of K+, sugars and andno-N, especially during the first 2 d of root anaerobiosis, indicating changes in membrane selective permeability. The energy status of roots subjected to anaerobiosis declined sharply in both species but trefoil roots maintained higher ATP/ADP ratios for up to 4 d of anaerobiosis. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that increased fermentation activity maintains a more favourable root energy status. This higher energy status may facilitate survival by maintaining crucial root activities, such as maintenance of membrane stability.  相似文献   

Membrane damage as a result of dehydration was studied in Lotus corniculatus L. cv. Carroll seeds which had been pregerminated for 0, 12, and 24 hours prior to dehydration. During reimbibition, desiccation-tolerant (0- and 12-hour) seeds leaked relatively low quantities of all solutes (total electrolytes, potassium, phosphate, sugar, amino acid, and protein). Desiccation-sensitive (24-hour) seeds leaked higher levels, but evidence of selective permeability remained. Membrane damage was not manifested as a complete removal of the diffusion barrier, although its permeability properties were dramatically altered. Consequently, the plasmalemma was not ruptured or torn by the dehydration treatment, but a more subtle structural alteration occurred.  相似文献   

Summary Lotus comiculatus L. is a widely cultivated, outbreeding, leguminous forage crop. Seventy-one plants, most of which were tetraploid, were regenerated from calli derived from a single protoplast. Their morphological and agronomic traits were evaluated and compared with those of the seed-produced population. The variances of most of the traits in the protoplast-derived (protoclonal) population were smaller than those of the seed-produced population. Mean values of all the traits of the protoclonal population shifted significantly towards lower values. However, new phenotypic variants with higher values than those of the plant initially used for protoplast isolation were also observed. Plants with less hydrocyanic acid (which has a toxic effect on cattle) than the initial plant were obtained in the protoclones. Generally, the pollen fertility of protoclones was significantly low compared with the seed-produced plants. This seems to be partly due to the occurrence of abnormalities in chromosome structure during protoplast and/or callus culture, as suggested by the formation of univalents, lagging, and fragment chromosomes and bridges at metaphase I and anaphase I and II of the regenerants. The changes in chromosome structure, however, did not induce any malformed morphologies.  相似文献   

Abstract Field flooding of established alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) for up to 12 d resulted in a significant increase in alcohol dehydrogenase activity (ADH) and an increase in the Km of ADH in both species. Root concentration of ethanol increased throughout the flooding regime in alfalfa roots. No ethanol was detected in any trefoil root samples. Alfalfa plants which had shoots removed 5 d prior to flooding accumulated significantly higher levels of root ethanol and showed flooding injury sooner, indicating a significant effect of shoots on development of flooding injury. Alfalfa and trefoil plants grown in the greenhouse were flooded and ethanol in the transpiration effluent was trapped and measured. Alfalfa transpired measurable quantities of ethanol which peaked just prior to development of shoot injury symptoms. No ethanol was detected in the transpiration effluent from trefoil shoots. Flooded roots of both alfalfa and trefoil excreted ethanol but alfalfa roots synthesized more total ethanol and retained a larger proportion in the roots than did trefoil. While the ethanol accumulation response in alfalfa and trefoil are consistent with the ethanol ‘self-poisoning’ hypothesis of flooding injury, the very small quantities of ethanol found in these roots still raises questions as to its absolute effect in the plant.  相似文献   

Although the patterns of starch metabolism in taproots of alfalfa(Medicago sativa L.) and birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatusL.) have been characterized, little is known regarding the activitiesof starch-degrading enzymes in taproots of these species. Ourobjective was to determine how defoliation influences starchdegradation and activities of amylases in taproots of alfalfaand birdsfoot trefoil. In Exp. 1, amylolytic activities andstarch concentrations in taproots of defoliated and undefoliatedplants were compared on days 0, 3, 7, 10, and 14 after defoliation.Taproot starch concentrations declined in defoliated plants,while increasing in taproots of undefoliated plants. Exoamylaseactivities in taproots of defoliated plants did not change withdefoliation, while endoamylase activities increased 2-fold indefoliated alfalfa and 50% in defoliated birdsfoot trefoil plantswhen compared to undefoliated plants. In Exp. 2, activity andisoform complement of amylases were monitored during seedlingdevelopment. High endoamylase activity was found in taprootsof both species at all samplings. In contrast, exoamylase accumulatedin taproots of alfalfa, but not birdsfoot trefoil, in a patternsimilar to starch accumulation. As in Exp. 1, defoliation increasedendoamylase, but not exoamylase activity in taproots of bothspecies. Taproots of both species contained one major and twominor endoamylase isoforms, but the electrophoretic mobilityof these isoforms differed between species. Activities of allisoforms, as indicated on starch-gel blots, increased in responseto defoliation. These results indicate that defoliation increasesactivity of taproot endoamylases, whose activity is associatedwith taproot starch degradation. Key words: Starch degradation, alfalfa, birdsfoot trefoil, enzymes  相似文献   

Abstract 1. Plant growth and chemical defence compounds in four Lotus corniculatus genotypes exposed to factorial combinations of ambient and elevated carbon dioxide, and herbivory by caterpillars of Polyommatus icarus were measured to test the predictions of the carbon/nutrient balance hypothesis.
2. Shoot and root biomass, allocation to shoots versus roots, and carbon-based defence compounds were greater under elevated carbon dioxide. Pupal weight of P. icarus was greater and development time shorter under elevated carbon dioxide.
3. Herbivory decreased shoot growth relative to root growth and production of nitrogen-based defence (cyanide). Young leaves contained more defence compounds than old leaves, and this response depended on carbon dioxide and herbivory treatments (significant interactions).
4. Genotype-specific responses of plants to carbon dioxide and herbivory were found for the production of cyanide. Furthermore, maternal butterfly-specific responses of caterpillars to carbon dioxide were found for development time. This suggests the existence of genetic variation for important defence and life-history traits in plants and herbivores in response to rising carbon dioxide levels.  相似文献   

Lentz  Kendra A.  Cipollini  Donald F. 《Plant Ecology》1998,139(1):125-131
The independent and interactive effects of light and simulated herbivory on growth and biomass allocation in the endangered emergent sedge, Scirpus ancistrochaetus Schuyler, were examined in a 15-week common garden experiment. Light level was manipulated through the use of shade cloth to attain shading levels of 0%, 30%, 63% and 90%, while herbivory was simulated by reducing plant height by 50% six weeks into the experiment. Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) of final total (shoot + root) plant mass, leaf width and root to shoot ratio (R:S) indicated overall significant effects of both light and the interaction of light and clipping. Means of these variables decreased with decreasing light level. Furthermore, means of these variables were generally higher for clipped plants than unclipped plants in 0% shade, while they tended to be lower in clipped plants in all other levels of shade. Maximum leaf height was also significantly affected by light. Leaf height was similar in all treatments for the first 11 weeks. For the last four weeks of the experiment, however, leaf height was lowest in plants grown in 0% shade, highest in plants grown in 63 and 90% shade, and intermediate in plants grown in 30% shade. Clipped plants tended to be taller than unclipped plants at lower levels of shade, while the opposite was true at higher levels of shade, although effects were marginally significant. Both light and the interactive effect of light and clipping were important determinants of growth of S. ancistrochaetus in this experiment and therefore may be important influences on its distribution within and among pond habitats.  相似文献   

Summary Somatic hybrid plants were produced by fusion of birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus) cv Leo and L. conimbricensis Willd. protoplasts. Birdsfoot trefoil etiolated hypocotyl protoplasts were inactivated with iodoacetate to inhibit cell division prior to fusion with L. conimbricensis suspension culture protoplasts. L. conimbricensis protoplasts divided to form callus which did not regenerate plants. Thus, plant regeneration from protoplast-derived callus was used to tentatively identify somatic hybrid cell lines. Plants regenerated from three cell lines exhibited additive combinations of parental isozymes of phosphoglucomutase, and L. conimbricensis-specific esterases indicating that they were somatic hybrids. The somatic chromosome number of one somatic hybrid was 36. The other somatic hybrid exhibited variable chromosome numbers ranging from 33 to 40. These observations approximate the expected combination of the birdsfoot trefoil (2n=4x=24) and L. conimbricensis (2n=2x=12) genomes. Somatic hybrid flowers were less yellow than birdsfoot trefoil flowers and had purple keel tips, a trait inherited from the white flowered L. conimbricensis. Somatic hybrids also had inflorescence structure that was intermediate to the parents. Fifteen somatic hybrid plants regenerated from the three callus lines were male sterile. Successul fertilization in backcrosses with birdsfoot trefoil pollen has not yet been obtained suggesting that the hybrids are also female sterile. This is the first example of somatic hybridization between these two sexually incompatible Lotus species.Formerly USDA-ARS, St. Paul, Minn, USA  相似文献   

Summary A rapid procedure for introducing foreign genes inLotus corniculatus based on the induction of hairy roots byAgrobacterium rhizogenes was developed. Expression of chloramphenicol acetyltransferase and neomycin phosphotransferase II was revealed in transgenic plants. Southern blot hybridization was used to confirm the genetic transformation. The transgenic plants looked normal and did not show any morphological modification compared to the seed grown plants.  相似文献   

Galactomannan, a water-soluble heteropolysaccharide, was isolated from the seed of Far-Eastern population of ground honeysuckle Lotus corniculatus L. (yield, 1.65%). Analysis of this galactomannan showed that is consists of D-mannose and D-galactose residues (molar ratio, 1.22:1). Its aqueous solutions were characterized by specific rotation [alpha]D = +84.10 and characteristic viscosity [eta] = 559 ml/g. Analysis of this heteropolysaccharide using chemical and enzymatic procedures, as well as IR- and 13C-NMR spectroscopy, showed that its main chain comprises 1,4-beta-D-mannopyranose residues, 95.5% of which are substituted at C-6 with single residues of alpha-D-galactopyranose.  相似文献   

Lotus corniculatus has been transformed byAgrobacterium tumefaciens harbouring therolABC, rolAB, and 35S-rolC constructs. Growth, shoot and root morphology, cytokinin and auxin concentrations in the shoots, chlorophyll content in the leaves, nodulation and nodule nitrogenase activity of clonal progenies of selected transformants, in which the transferredrol sequences were proved, were compared with control plants. The most striking alterations were observed in the 35S-rolC transformants (dwarfism, shoot and root branching, shorter internodes, delayed nodule formation, decreased nitrogenase activity, reduced content of leaf pigments) in comparison with either therolAB, rolABC, or controls. TherolAB androlABC transformants were very similar to the control plants in their morphology as well as in most other traits measured.  相似文献   

Lotus corniculatus L. and Lotus glaber Mill. are warm-season legume species adapted to many kinds of environmental stress, including flooding conditions, whereas other popular forage legumes, like alfalfa or white clover, cannot thrive. This study evaluates the relationship between root aerenchyma, water relations and leaf gas exchange and the differential tolerance to soil flooding of L. corniculatus and L. glaber. Adult plants of these species, established independently in grasslands mesocosms, were subjected to 40 days of early spring flooding at a water depth of 6 cm. Both species presented constitutive aerenchyma tissue in the roots. Under flooding conditions, this parameter was 26.2% in L. glaber and 15.3% in L. corniculatus. In addition, flooded plants of L. glaber presented a leaf biomass 47.5% higher above water while L. corniculatus showed a leaf biomass 59.6% lower in the same layer, in comparison to control plants. Flooded plants of L. glaber maintained the stomatal conductance (g s) and transpiration rate (E) for 25 days, although these parameters reduce slightly to 40–60% in comparison to controls after 40 days of flooding. In this species, a reduction in photosynthesis (A) in flooding conditions was detected only on the last day of measurement. In L. corniculatus, the same parameters (g s, E and A) were affected by flooding since day 18 of treatment, and values reached 25–40% in comparison to control plants after 40 days of flooding. Flooding did not affect above-ground biomass in L. glaber; while in L. corniculatus, above-ground biomass was 35% lower than in control plants. Our results confirmed that L. glaber is more able to cope with flooding stress than L. corniculatus, even in the presence of natural competitors. On the whole, this experiment provides information that can aid in the identification of anatomical and physiological parameters associated with flood-tolerance in this forage legume species, with economic potential for the agricultural areas subject to periodic flooding.  相似文献   

The effect of successive applications (0 to 4) of fosetyl-Al on the growth of mycorrhizal (M) and nonmycorrhizal (NM) onion plants and on the residual quantity of the fungicide in the root was studied for 6 weeks under growth chamber conditions. Fosetyl-Al was applied as foliar spray at a concentration of 3 mg ml–1. The successive applications of fosetyl-Al did not affect the dry mass of root or shoot of M plants. NM plants sprayed only once with fosetyl-Al had a higher root mass than plants sprayed 0, 2, 3 and 4 times. The quantity of phosphorous acid, the only residue detected, was positively correlated with the number of fosetyl-Al applications. It showed a positive partial correlation coefficient with the shoot (r=0.41) and the root dry mass (r=0.40) of NM and M plants.Contribution no 344, Station de recherches, Agriculture Canada, Sainte-Foy.  相似文献   

A novel O-methyltransferase catalyzing the transfer of the methyl group of S-adenosyl-L-methionine to the 8-hydroxyl group of flavonols was purified about 1200-fold from Lotus flower buds, by precipitation with ammonium sulfate and successive chromatography on columns of Sephadex G-100, S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine--Agarose, hydroxyapatite and Polybuffer ion exchanger. The enzyme exhibited strict specificity for position 8 of 8-hydroxyquercetin and 8-hydroxykaempferol, a pH optimum at 7.9, a pI value of 5.5, an Mr of 55 X 10(3) and required Mg2+ and SH groups for activity. The Km values for 8-hydroxykaempferol and S-adenosyl-L-methionine were 1.3 microM and 53 microM, respectively. The data obtained from substrate interaction and product inhibition studies are expected for a steady-state ordered bi-bi mechanism, with 8-hydroxyflavonol binding before S-adenosyl-L-methionine followed by the release of S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine and 8-methoxyflavonol. An alternative mechanism that may also fit the data is the mono-iso Theorell-Chance with the inverse binding sequence and an isomerization step of the free enzyme.  相似文献   

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