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Previously, we reported a zebrafish iroquois gene, ziro3, and its expression during early embryogenesis (Mech. Dev. 87 (1999) 165). In the present study, we have isolated two novel zebrafish iroquois genes, ziro1 and ziro5, homologs of mouse Irx1 and mouse Irx5, respectively. The expression of both genes is initiated in dorsal neuroectoderm and mesoderm during gastrulation. Later, their expression appears in the central nervous system (CNS), excluding the telencephalon and most of the diencephalon. ziro1 expression is complementary to that of ziro3 in the notochord and later in the gut. In contrast, ziro5 expression mostly overlaps with that of ziro3. Interestingly, all three iroquois zebrafish genes are expressed in the notochord while only Irx3 is active in the mouse notochord. Their expression in later stages of embryogenesis was also compared.  相似文献   

Neuropilin (Nrp), a cell surface receptor for class 3 semaphorins and for certain heparin forms of vascular endothelial growth factors, functions in many biological processes including axon guidance, neural cell migration and angiogenesis in the development of the nervous system and the cardiovascular system. To understand the role of neuropilins in zebrafish embryogenesis, we have cloned three zebrafish neuropilin homologues, nrp1b, nrp2a and nrp2b. Based on synteny, zebrafish nrp1b and the previously cloned nrp1a are orthologous to human nrp1, and zebrafish nrp2a and 2b orthologous to human nrp2. We have characterized the expression patterns of these four zebrafish neuropilin genes in wild type embryos from the beginning of somitogenesis to 48 h post-fertilization. Zebrafish nrp1a is expressed in the neural tube including telencephalon, epithalamus, cells along the axonal trajectory of the posterior commissure and the medial longitudinal fascicle, hindbrain neurons, vagus motor neurons and spinal motoneurons. Zebrafish nrp1b is expressed in the nose, the cranial neural crest cell (NCC) derived tissue underlying the hypothalamus, endothelial precursors and the trunk and tail vasculature. Zebrafish nrp2a is expressed in telencephalon, anterior pituitary, oculomotor and trochlear motor neurons, cells along the supra-optic and posterior commissures, hindbrain rhombomere 1, hindbrain neurons, cranial NCCs and sclerotome. Zebrafish nrp2b is expressed in telencephalon, thalamus, hypothalamus, epiphysis, cells along the anterior and posterior commissures, post-optic and supra-optic commissures and the olfactory axonal trajectory, hindbrain neurons, cranial NCCs, somites and spinal cord neurons.  相似文献   

We isolated a full-length cDNA clone for the zebrafish homologue of fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) 2. The deduced protein sequence is typical of vertebrate FGFRs in that it has three Ig-like domains in the extracellular region. The expression of fgfr2 is initiated during epiboly in the paraxial mesoderm. During early somitogenesis, fgfr2 expression was noted in the anterior neural plate as well as in newly formed somites. Whereas fgfr2 expression in somites is transient, it increases in the central nervous system (CNS), i.e. in the ventral telencephalon, anterior diencephalon, midbrain, and respective rhombomeres of the hindbrain, from the mid-somitogenesis stage. The dorsal telencephalon and the region around the midbrain-hindbrain boundary are devoid of fgfr2 expression. Essentially the same expression pattern is observed until 48 h post-fertilization in the CNS, although rhombomeric expression in the hindbrain is progressively confined to narrower stripes. After somitogenesis, fgfr2 expression was also observed in the lens, hypochord, endoderm, and fin mesenchyme. We compared the expression of the four fgfr genes (fgfr1-4) in the CNS of zebrafish embryos and show that fgfr1 is the only fgfr gene that is expressed in the dorsal telencephalon and isthmic region from which expression of fgfr2-4 is absent.  相似文献   

We isolated a full-length cDNA clone for the zebrafish homologue of fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) 2. The deduced protein sequence is typical of vertebrate FGFRs in that it has three Ig-like domains in the extracellular region. The expression of fgfr2 is initiated during epiboly in the paraxial mesoderm. During early somitogenesis, fgfr2 expression was noted in the anterior neural plate as well as in newly formed somites. Whereas fgfr2 expression in somites is transient, it increases in the central nervous system (CNS), i.e. in the ventral telencephalon, anterior diencephalon, midbrain, and respective rhombomeres of the hindbrain, from the mid-somitogenesis stage. The dorsal telencephalon and the region around the midbrain-hindbrain boundary are devoid of fgfr2 expression. Essentially the same expression pattern is observed until 48 h post-fertilization in the CNS, although rhombomeric expression in the hindbrain is progressively confined to narrower stripes. After somitogenesis, fgfr2 expression was also observed in the lens, hypochord, endoderm, and fin mesenchyme. We compared the expression of the four fgfr genes (fgfr1-4) in the CNS of zebrafish embryos and show that fgfr1 is the only fgfr gene that is expressed in the dorsal telencephalon and isthmic region from which expression of fgfr2-4 is absent.  相似文献   

Rbfox RNA-binding proteins are expressed in the adult mammalian brain and are required for proper brain development and function. Studies in mice and humans have implicated Rbfox1/RBFOX1 in autism, neuronal excitation and epilepsy, and Rbfox2/RBFOX2 in cerebellar development. The zebrafish has emerged as a prominent model system for brain study, possessing neuroanatomical conservation with mammals and an extensive capacity for adult neurogenesis and plasticity. In this study, we characterize Rbfox1l and Rbfox2 expression in the adult zebrafish brain. While Rbfox2 is expressed broadly, Rbfox1l is expressed in restricted populations of neurons in the dorsal telencephalon and cerebellum. In the dorsal telencephalon, Rbfox1l is expressed in a specific population of neurons spanning Dm and Dc regions. In the cerebellum, Rbfox1l and Rbfox2 are expressed in the Purkinje cell layer, reminiscent of Rbfox1 and Rbfox2 expression in the mammalian cerebellum. Our findings motivate future studies of Rbfox function in the zebrafish brain.  相似文献   

Three homologues of the Drosophilaregion-specific homeotic gene spalt (sal) have been isolated in zebrafish, sall1a, sall1b and sall3. Phylogenetic analysis of these genes against known salDNA sequences showed zebrafish sall1aand sall1b to be orthologous to other vertebrate sal-1 genes and zebrafish sall3to be orthologous to other vertebrate sal-3 genes, except Xenopus sall3. Phylogenetic reconstruction suggests that zebrafish sall1a and sall1bresulted from a gene duplication event occurring prior to the divergence of the ray-finned and lobe-finned fish lineages. Analysis of the expression pattern of the zebrafish sal genes shows that sall1a and sall3 share expression domains with both orthologous and non-orthologous vertebrate sal genes. Both are expressed in various regions of the CNS, including in primary motor neurons. Outside of the CNS, sall1a expression is observed in the otic vesicle (ear), heart and in a discrete region of the pronephric ducts. These analyses indicate that orthologies between zebrafish sal genes and other vertebrate sal genes do not imply equivalence of expression pattern and, therefore, that biological functions are not entirely conserved. However we suggest that, like other vertebrate sal genes, zebrafish sal genes have a role in neural development. Also, expression of zebrafish sall1a in the otic vesicle, heart sac and the pronephric ducts of zebrafish embryos is possibly consistent with some of the abnormalities seen in Sall1-deficient mice and in Townes-Brocks Syndrome, a human disorder which is caused by mutations in the human spalt gene SALL1.  相似文献   

We have identified zebrafish orthologues of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) and the ligand-binding component of its receptor GFRalpha1. We examined the mRNA expression pattern of these genes in the developing spinal cord primary motor neurons (PMN), kidney, and enteric nervous systems (ENS) and have identified areas of correlated expression of the ligand and the receptor that suggest functional significance. Many aspects of zebrafish GDNF expression appear conserved with those reported in mouse, rat, and avian systems. In the zebrafish PMN, GFRalpha1 is only expressed in the CaP motor neuron while GDNF is expressed in the ventral somitic muscle that it innervates. To test the functional significance of this correlated expression pattern, we ectopically overexpressed GDNF in somitic muscle during the period of motor axon outgrowth and found specific perturbations in the pattern of CaP axon growth. We also depleted GDNF protein in zebrafish embryos using morpholino antisense oligos and found that GDNF protein is critical for the development of the zebrafish ENS but appears dispensable for the development of the kidney and PMN.  相似文献   

The telencephalon is formed in the most anterior part of the central nervous system (CNS) and is organised into ventral subpallial and dorsal pallial domains. In mice, it has been demonstrated that Fgf signalling has an important role in induction and patterning of the telencephalon. However, the precise role of Fgf signalling is still unclear, owing to overlapping functions of Fgf family genes. To address this, we have examined, in zebrafish embryos, the activation of Ras/mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), one of the major downstream targets of Fgf signalling. Immunohistochemical analysis reveals that an extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), a vertebrate MAPK is activated in the anterior neural boundary (ANB) of the developing CNS at early segmentation stages. Experiments with Fgf inhibitors reveal that ERK activation at this stage is totally dependent on Fgf signalling. Interestingly, a substantial amount of ERK activation is observed in ace mutants in which fgf8 gene is mutated. We then examine the function of Fgf signalling in telencephalic development by use of several inhibitors to Fgf signalling cascade, including dominant-negative forms of Ras (Ras(N17)) and the Fgf receptor (Fgfr), and a chemical inhibitor of Fgfr, SU5402. In treated embryos, the induction of telencephalic territory normally proceeded but the development of the subpallial telencephalon was suppressed, indicating that Fgf signalling is required for the regionalisation within the telencephalon. Finally, antisense experiments with morpholino-modified oligonucleotides suggest that zebrafish fgf3, which is also expressed in the ANB, co-operates with fgf8 in subpallial development.  相似文献   

Rainbow trout possess three distinct mRNAs, each encoding a separate precursor: PPSS I, which contains a 14-amino acid sequence at its C-terminus (somatostatin-14) that is highly conserved among vertebrates, as well as two others, PPSS II' and PPSS II", both containing [Tyr(7), Gly(10)]-somatostatin-14 at their C-terminus. In this study, we used RNA template-specific PCR and in situ hybridization to determine the distribution and cellular localization of PPSS mRNAs in the brain and Brockmann body of rainbow trout. PPSS I, PPSS II' and PPSS II" were expressed in the Brockmann body and pituitary; the expression of PPSS mRNAs in the brain was region specific. PPSS I mRNA was expressed in the Brockmann body predominantly by cells other than those that expressed PPSS IIs; however, there were several instances where PPSS I and PPSS IIs were co-expressed within the same cell. Of the PPSS II-expressing cells, many were observed to express both PPSS II' and PPSS II" mRNA; however, some cells expressed only PPSS II' mRNA, while other cells expressed only PPSS II" mRNA. In the brain, PPSS I mRNA was expressed in the optic tectum (OT) and in many hypothalamic nuclei, including the nucleus rotundus (NR), nucleus anterioris hypothalami (NAH), nucleus anterior tuberis (NAT), nucleus lateral tuberis (NLT), as well as in the pituitary (adenohypophysis). PPSS II" mRNA was present in the same regions as PPSS I mRNA; however, PPSS II' mRNA was present primarily in OT, NAT, NLT and adenohypohysis. These results indicate that PPSS mRNAs are expressed differently by different cells, suggesting that cell-specific mechanisms are involved with the control of PPSS expression and that particular biological responses may be associated with a specific SS isoform.  相似文献   

Proper restriction of retinoid signaling by Cyp26s is essential for development of vertebrate embryos while inappropriate retinoid signaling can cause teratogenesis. Here, we report cloning and expression analysis of a novel cyp26 gene (cyp26d1) isolated from zebrafish. The predicted protein encoded by cyp26d1 consists of 554 amino acids. It exhibits 54% amino acid identity with human Cyp26C1, 50% with zebrafish Cyp26B1 and 38% with zebrafish Cyp26A1. Whole-mount in situ hybridization shows that cyp26d1 is first expressed in sphere stage, then disappears at 50% epiboly and resumes its expression at 75% epiboly. During segmentation period, cyp26d1 message is found at presumptive hindbrain. Double in situ hybridization with krox20 and cyp26d1 reveals that cyp26d1 is expressed in presumptive rhombomere 2-4 (r2-r4) at 2-somite stage. At 3-somite stage, cyp26d1 gene is expressed in r6 and pharyngeal arch (pa) one in addition to its expression at r2 and r4. At 6-somite stage, cyp26d1 message is present in continuous bands at r2-r6 and in pa1. This expression pattern is maintained from 10-somite stage through 21-somite stage except that the expression level is greatly reduced at r2 and r4. At 21-somite stage, cyp26d1 is also found in a group of cells in telencephalon and diencephalons. At 25-31h post-fertilization (hpf), the zebrafish cyp26d1 expression domain is extended to eyes, otic vesicles and midbrain in addition to its expression in hindbrain, telencephalon, diencephalons, and pharyngeal arches. At 35-48hpf, the expression of cyp26d1 is mainly restricted to otic vesicles, pharyngeal arches and pectoral fins and the expression level is greatly reduced.  相似文献   

Here, we report the results of molecular cloning and expression analyses of a non-clustered protocadherin (pcdh), pcdh18 in zebrafish embryos. The predicted zebrafish pcdh18 protein shows 6566% identity and 7879% homology with its mammalian and Xenopus counterparts. It has a Disabled-1 binding motif in its cytoplasmic domain, which is characteristic of pcdh18. Zebrafish embryos expressed pcdh18 by the early gastrula stage, 6 h post-fertilization (hpf), in their animal cap but not in the germ ring or the shield. pcdh18 was expressed in the neural tube and the central nervous system (CNS) from 12 hpf. Some populations of cells in the lateral neural tube and spinal cord of 1218 hpf embryos expressed pcdh18, but expression in these cells disappeared by 24 hpf. The hindbrain of embryos at 2456 hpf expressed pcdh18 in cells closely adjacent to the rostral and caudal rhombomeric boundaries in a thread-like pattern running in the dorsoventral direction. The pcdh18-positive cells were localized in the ventral part of the hindbrain at 24 hpf and in the dorsal part from 36 hpf. pcdh18 was also expressed in the telencephalon, diencephalon, tectum, upper rhombic lip, retina and otic vesicle. Expression in the CNS decreased markedly before hatching. Pharyngeal arch primordia, arches, jaws and gills expressed pcdh18, and the molecule was also expressed in some endodermal cells in late embryos.  相似文献   

Mammalian Nr2e1 (Tailless, Mtll or Tlx) and Nr2e3 (photoreceptor-specific nuclear receptor, Pnr) are highly related orphan nuclear receptors, that are expressed in eye and forebrain-derived structures. In this study, we analyzed the developmental expression patterns of zebrafish nr2e1 and nr2e3. RT-PCR analysis showed that nr2e1 and nr2e3 are both expressed during embryonic and post-embryonic development. To examine the spatial distribution of nr2e1 and nr2e3 during development whole-mount in situ hybridization was performed. At tailbud stage, initial nr2e1 expression was localized to the rostral brain rudiment anterior to pax2.1 and eng2 expression at the prospective midbrain-hindbrain boundary. During subsequent stages, nr2e1 became widely expressed in fore- and midbrain primordia, eye and olfactory placodes. At 24hpf, strong nr2e1 expression was detected in telencephalon, hypothalamus, dorsal thalamus, pretectum, midbrain tectum, and retina. At 2dpf, the initially widespread nr2e1 expression became more restricted to distinct regions within the fore- and midbrain and to the retinal ciliary margin, the germinal zone which gives rise to retina and presumptive iris. Expression of nr2e3 was exclusively found in the developing retina and epiphysis. In both structures, nr2e3 expression was found in photoreceptor cells. The developmental expression profile of zebrafish nr2e1 and nr2e3 is consistent with evolutionary conserved functions in eye and rostral brain structures.  相似文献   

Egr1 is a highly conserved zinc finger protein which plays important roles in many aspects of vertebrate development and in the adult. The cDNA coding for zebrafish Egr1 was obtained and its expression pattern was examined during zebrafish embryogenesis using whole-mount in situ hybridization. Egr1 mRNA is first detected in adaxial cells in the presomitic mesoderm between 11 and 20 h post-fertilization (hpf), spanning the 4-24 somite stages. Later, Egr1 expression is observed only in specific brain areas, starting at 21 hpf and subsequently increasing in distinct domains of the central nervous system, e.g. in the telencephalon, diencephalon and hypothalamus. Between 24 and 48 hpf, Egr1 is expressed in specific domains of the hypothalamus, mesencephalon, tegmentum, pharynx, retina, otic vesicle and heart.  相似文献   

masterblind (mbl) is a zebrafish mutation characterised by the absence or reduction in size of the telencephalon, optic vesicles and olfactory placodes. We show that inhibition of Gsk3beta in zebrafish embryos either by overexpression of dominant negative dn gsk3beta mRNA or by lithium treatment after the midblastula transition phenocopies mbl. The loss of anterior neural tissue in mbl and lithium-treated embryos is preceded by posteriorization of presumptive anterior neuroectoderm during gastrulation, which is evident from the anterior shift of marker genes Otx2 and Wnt1. Heterozygous mbl embryos showed increased sensitivity to inhibition of GSK3beta by lithium or dn Xgsk3beta that led to the loss of eyes. Overexpression of gsk3beta mRNA rescued eyes and the wild-type fgf8 expression of homozygous mbl embryos. emx1 that delineates the telencephalon is expanded and shifted ventroanteriorly in mbl embryos. In contrast to fgf8, the emx1 expression domain was not restored upon overexpression of gsk3beta mRNA. These experiments place mbl as an antagonist of the Wnt pathway in parallel or upstream of the complex consisting of Axin, APC and Gsk3beta that binds and phosphorylates beta-catenin, thereby destabilising it. mbl maps on LG 3 close to a candidate gene axin1. In mbl we detected a point mutation in the conserved minimal Gsk3beta-binding domain of axin1 leading to a leucine to glutamine substitution at position 399. Overexpression of wild-type axin1 mRNA rescued mbl completely, demonstrating that mutant axin1 is responsible for the mutant phenotype. Overexpression of mutant L399Q axin1 in wild-type embryos resulted in a dose-dependent dominant negative activity as demonstrated by the loss of telencephalon and eyes. We suggest that the function of Axin1/Mbl protein is to antagonise the Wnt signal and in doing so to establish and maintain the most anterior CNS. Our findings provide new insights into the mechanisms by which the Wnt pathway generates anteroposterior polarity of the neural plate.  相似文献   

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