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Prostatic steroid-binding protein, whose expression is stimulated by androgens, consists of two subunits, one containing the polypeptides C1 and C3 and the other containing the polypeptides C2 and C3. We have isolated and sequenced cDNA clones specific for C3 mRNA and used them to isolate and characterize genomic clones for two C3 genes. Both genes are 3.2 kilobases with identical exon/intron arrangements, which is similar to the organization of the C1 and C2 genes, suggesting that they may have arisen by duplications of an ancestral gene. Finally, homologous human genes have not been detected.  相似文献   

We investigated the expression profiles and genomic organisation of the ABA‐responsive genes encoding protein phosphatases 2C (PP2C, group A members) in Brassica oleracea to better understand their functional and genetic relations. Gene expression profiling of drought responsive genes in B. oleracea and Arabidopsis thaliana revealed significant differences in the gene expression pattern of a key regulator of ABA signalling—ABI1 PP2C. This finding prompted us to study genetic relations within the PP2Cs group A in the Brassica species. Twenty homologous B. oleracea sequences were identified and characterised as putative PP2C group A members. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the B. oleracea homologues were closely related to the particular members of the A. thaliana PP2C. The genetic analysis corroborated the presence of two to three gene copies in B. oleracea in comparison to the nine unique PP2C genes in the A. thaliana genome. Gene expression analyses showed significant differences in PP2C gene expression pattern in B. oleracea. Our results indicate that PP2C‐based drought stress signalling in B. oleracea has evolved distinctly. Different reactions of particular B. oleracea PP2C genes to drought stress and ABA treatment indicate low conservation of gene expression patterns and functional divergence between B. oleracea and A. thaliana homologous genes.  相似文献   

Rat prostatic cytosol contains a high concentration of a prostatic binding protein with peculiar steroid-binding properties. Indeed, in spite of a relatively low affinity, charcoal adsorption can be used for its measurement. Furthermore, the binding is not specific for particular steroids and increases very strongly after delipidation. In delipidated cytosol the concentration of the binding site is 3.1 micronmol/g protein and the apparent affinity for pregenolone 1.7 X 10(6) M-1. The high concentration of prostatic binding protein in prostatic fluid shows that this substance is secreted by the prostate. Prostatic binding protein has the following physicochemical characteristics: it is precipitated by ammonium sulfate between 50 and 70% saturation; the elution position from a Sephadex G-100 column corresponds to a molecular weight of 51000; it sediments in sucrose density gradients at 3.7 S and is eluted from DEAE-cellulose columns at about 0.25 M KCl. On polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis the binding activity coincides with the major cytosolic protein band. This band has the same mobility as serum albumin in 7% gels, but a higher mobility in more concentrated gels.  相似文献   

Alzamora R  Harvey BJ 《Steroids》2008,73(9-10):885-888
The non-genomic action of steroid hormones regulates a wide variety of cellular responses including regulation of ion transport, cell proliferation, migration, death and differentiation. In order to achieve such plethora of effects steroid hormones utilize nearly all known signal transduction pathways. One of the key signalling molecules regulating the non-genomic action of steroid hormones is protein kinase C (PKC). It is thought that rapid action of steroids hormones results from the activation of plasma membrane receptors; however, their molecular identity remains elusive. In recent years, an increasing number of studies have pointed at the selective binding and activation of specific PKC isoforms by steroid hormones. This has led to the hypothesis that PKC could act as a receptor as well as a transducer of the non-genomic effects of these hormones. In this review we summarize the current knowledge of the direct binding and activation of PKC by steroid hormones.  相似文献   

Rat prostatic binding protein genes C1, C2, and C3 were mapped on rat chromosome 5 by in situ hybridization on rat peripheral blood chromosome preparations using three different cDNA probes. Of the grains detected, 15.9%, 25.2%, and 19.6%, respectively, mapped to chromosome 5. For each probe, the label was predominantly located on 5q31, but for C2 and C3 an additional site on 5q21 was found. The results suggest that three genes coding for the different polypeptide chains of rat prostatic binding protein map to the same chromosome and presumably to the same chromosome band.  相似文献   

E Casali  P H Petra  J B Ross 《Biochemistry》1990,29(40):9334-9343
The relationship between steroid binding and protein subunit interactions of rabbit sex steroid binding protein (rSBP) has been studied by steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy. The high-affinity (Ka approximately 10(8) M-1 at 4 degrees C), fluorescent estrogen d-1,3,5(10),6,8-estrapentaene-3,17 beta-diol [dihydroequilenin (DHE)] was used as a fluorescent probe of the steroid-binding site. Perturbation of the binding site with guanidinium chloride (Gdm.Cl) was monitored by changes in the steady-state fluorescence anisotropy of DHE as well as by changes in fluorescence quenching of DHE with acrylamide. The results of acrylamide quenching at 11 degrees C show that, while between 0 and 1 M Gdm.Cl the steroid-binding site is completely shielded from bulk solvent, there is decreased DHE binding. To study the subunit-subunit interactions, rSBP was covalently labeled with dansyl chloride in the presence of saturating 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which yielded a dansyl-conjugated protein that retained full steroid-binding activity. The protein subunit perturbation was monitored by changes in the steady-state fluorescence anisotropy of the dansyl group. At 11 degrees C, the dansyl anisotropy perturbation, reflecting changes in global and segmental motions of the dimer protein, occurs at concentrations of Gdm.Cl above 1 M. The Gdm.Cl titration in the presence of steroids with equilibrium association constants less than 10(8) M-1 shows a plateau near 3 M Gdm.Cl at 11 degrees C; at this Gdm.Cl concentration, no DHE is bound. No plateau is observed at 21 degrees C. At higher Gdm.Cl concentrations, the dansyl fluorescence anisotropy decreases further and shows no steroid dependence. Recovery of steroid-binding activity (assayed by saturation binding with [3H]DHT), under renaturation conditions, is dependent on both steroid concentration and affinity. Both unlabeled and dansyl-labeled protein recovery the same amount of activity, and according to fluorescence anisotropy, dansyl-labeled rSBP re-forms a dimer upon dilution below 1 M or removal of Gdm.Cl. From the steroid requirement for recovery of steroid-binding activity, it appears that a conformational template is required for the dimeric protein to re-form a steroid-binding site with native-like properties.  相似文献   

The regulatory domain of conventional protein kinase C (PKC) contains two membrane-targeting modules, the C2 domain that is responsible for Ca2+-dependent membrane binding of protein, and the C1 domain composed of two cysteine-rich zinc fingers (C1a and C1b) that bind diacylglycerols and phorbol esters. To understand the individual roles and the interplay of the C1 and C2 domains in the membrane binding and activation of PKC, we functionally expressed isolated C1 and C2 domains of PKC-alpha and measured their vesicle binding and monolayer penetration. Results indicate that the C2 domain of PKC-alpha is responsible for the initial Ca2+- and phosphatidylserine-dependent electrostatic membrane binding of PKC-alpha, whereas the C1 domain is involved in subsequent membrane penetration and diacylglycerol binding, which eventually lead to enzyme activation. To determine the roles of individual zinc fingers in the C1 domain, we also mutated hydrophobic residues in the C1a (Trp58 and Phe60) and C1b (Tyr123 and Leu125) domains of the native PKC-alpha molecule and measured the effects of mutations on vesicle binding, enzyme activity and monolayer penetration. Results show that the hydrophobic residues in the C1a domain are essential for the membrane penetration and activation of PKC-alpha, whereas those in the C1b domain are not directly involved in these processes. Based on these results in conjunction with our previous structure-function studies of the C2 domain (Medkova, M., and Cho, W. (1998) J. Biol. Chem. 273, 17544-17552), we propose a mechanism for the in vitro membrane binding and activation of conventional PKC that accounts for the temporal and spatial sequences of PKC activation.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that the photoactive 4-azasteroid, [1,2 3H]N-4(benzylbenzoyl)-3-oxo-4-aza-4-methyl-5alpha-androst an-17beta-carboxamide is an effective probe of rat steroid 5alpha-reductase (isozyme-1) (5alphaR-1). In the current investigation, PEG-fractionated (6.5%) detergent-solubilized preparations containing 5alphaR-1 activity were ultraviolet (UV)-photolyzed with [3H]-4MABP and subsequently purified by 8.75% preparative sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The fractions corresponding to the radioactive peak following the dye front were analyzed by 10% sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and showed the presence of a single, labeled, 26 KDa protein band, the apparent molecular weight of 5alphaR-1. TCA precipitation of the labeled fractions, followed by long-term digestion of the TCA pellet with chymotrypsin and high-performance liquid chromatography analysis, indicated that the majority of the radioactivity eluted with a peak retention time of 55-56 min. Rechromatography of this fraction using a modified gradient (elution 54-55 min), followed by sequence analysis, yielded a single N-terminal tetrapeptide with the sequence, -L-E-G-F-, corresponding to residues 15-18 of the 5alphaR-1 sequence. Site-directed mutagenesis studies indicated that mutant F18L showed an approximately 12-fold increase in the Km for testosterone, whereas the Km for reduced nicotinomide adenine dinucleotide phosphate remained virtually unaltered.  相似文献   

The sex steroid binding protein from human pregnancy serum was purified to homogeneity by affinity chromatography and preparative polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The selective adsorbants were prepared by coupling [3H]-5alpha-dihydrotestosterone 17beta-hemisuccinate to 3,3'-diaminodipropylamine-agarose, poly(Lys-DLAla)-agarose, and albumin-agarose. The most effective adsorbant purifying for the binding protein was 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone 17beta-hemisuccinyl-3,3'-diaminodipropylamine-agarose. A preparative procedure with 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone 17beta-hemisuccinyl-3,3'-diaminodipropylamine-agarose yielded active material which was further purified by preparative polyacrylamide electrophoresis at pH 9.5. Homogeneity was shown by analytical disc gel electrophoresis at three different pH units. A single radioactive band corresponding to the stained band was shown by incubating with [1,2-3H]-5alpha-dihydrotestosterone prior to electrophoresis. The radioactive peak corresponding to the pure sex steroid binding protein could not be detected when a 100-fold excess of 17beta-estradiol was present in the incubation prior to electrophoresis demonstrating the specific sex steroid binding properties of this protein. The migration of this peak was identical with that obtained when diluted serum was electrophoresed under the same conditions in the presence of [1,2-3H]-5alpha-dihydrotestosterone indicating that no significant changes in the molecular characteristics of the binding protein occurred during the purification procedure. The presence of carbohydrate in the pure protein was shown by the periodic acid-Schiff reagent procedure. Selective adsorbants containing 17beta-estradiol linked at the 3 position were ineffective in retaining sex steroid binding protein activity.  相似文献   

Using 32P-labeled DNA complementary to mouse submaxillary gland renin mRNA, we probed mRNA gel blots from mouse testis and kidney tissues. Poly(A)-RNA from testis contained a hybridizable RNA species which was blotted onto nitrocellulose paper. The molecular size of testicular renin mRNA (approximately 1600 nucleotides in length) was not significantly different from tht of kidney renin mRNA. Densitometric scan revealed that the content of renin mRNA in mouse testis was approximately 5-fold lower than that in mouse kidney. These results support the proposal that mouse testicular cells synthesize renin.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature, pH, divalent cations, 2-mercaptoethanol (Et-SH), N-ethylmaleimide (NEM), and phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF) on the dihydrotestosterone (DHT) binding to sex steroid binding protein from Bufo arenarum (baSBP) were examined. The temperature curve indicated that the binding remained stable up to 50 degrees C and the pH curve showed maximum binding between pH 7 and 9. The incubations of baSBP with divalent cations, NEM and Et-SH demonstrated that baSBP require disulfides and sulfhydryl groups for steroid binding or to maintain an adequate protein conformation. On the other hand, PMSF had no effect on the binding, consequently, serine residues appear not to be involved in DHT binding to baSBP. These results indicate that baSBP has a behavior resembling that of human SBP.  相似文献   

Hyaluronan: polysaccharide chaos to protein organisation.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Molecular dynamics simulations of hyaluronan have revealed the inherent flexibility of this glycosaminoglycan in solution. Crystal structures of hyaluronan-digesting enzymes have provided the first direct insights into the molecular basis of hyaluronan-protein interactions. Various studies on hyaluronan-binding proteins suggest there is considerable diversity in their mode of interaction with hyaluronan, which might result in many different bound conformations of the polysaccharide.  相似文献   

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