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The bed bug, Cimex lectularius L., like other bed bug species, is difficult to visually locate because it is cryptic. Detector dogs are useful for locating bed bugs because they use olfaction rather than vision. Dogs were trained to detect the bed bug (as few as one adult male or female) and viable bed bug eggs (five, collected 5-6 d after feeding) by using a modified food and verbal reward system. Their efficacy was tested with bed bugs and viable bed bug eggs placed in vented polyvinyl chloride containers. Dogs were able to discriminate bed bugs from Camponotus floridanus Buckley, Blattella germanica (L.), and Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar), with a 97.5% positive indication rate (correct indication of bed bugs when present) and 0% false positives (incorrect indication of bed bugs when not present). Dogs also were able to discriminate live bed bugs and viable bed bug eggs from dead bed bugs, cast skins, and feces, with a 95% positive indication rate and a 3% false positive rate on bed bug feces. In a controlled experiment in hotel rooms, dogs were 98% accurate in locating live bed bugs. A pseudoscent prepared from pentane extraction of bed bugs was recognized by trained dogs as bed bug scent (100% indication). The pseudoscent could be used to facilitate detector dog training and quality assurance programs. If trained properly, dogs can be used effectively to locate live bed bugs and viable bed bug eggs.  相似文献   

Bed bugs are cited as exemplars of sexual conflict because mating can only occur via traumatic insemination. However, past antagonistic coevolution between the sexes does not necessarily preclude current female choice. Here, we investigate opportunities for precopulatory female choice in bed bugs. We examined whether females seek out mating opportunities when they gain the most benefit: when females are virgin and/or have recently fed. But, we found that female mating and feeding status had little effect on female attraction to males and male odor. To determine whether females approach male harborages (home crevices) to seek matings in nature, we investigated where matings occurred among unfamiliar pairs of bed bugs. We found that, despite female attraction to male odor, matings were most likely to take place in the female's harborage rather than the male's harborage. We also examined the effect of feeding on male and female ability to mate. Whereas previous research reported that engorgement impaired female ability to refuse matings, we found that male feeding status had a larger effect on the success of mating encounters than female feeding status. Fed males had poor mating success, suggesting that males may be faced with a trade‐off between mating and feeding.  相似文献   

A total of 54 bed bug‐infested sites (hotels, public accommodations, and residential premises) in Malaysia and Singapore was surveyed between July, 2005 and December, 2008. Only one species of bed bug was found, the tropical bed bug Cimex hemipterus (Fabricius). Bed bug infestations were common in hotels and public accommodations when compared to residential premises. The three most common locations of infestation within an infested premise were the bedding (31.1%), the headboard (30.3%), and cracks and crevices surrounding the baseboard, wall, or floor (23.5%). We speculate that the route of movement of bed bugs in hotels and public accommodations is more direct than in residential premises.  相似文献   

Male bed bugs pierce females through the body wall and inseminate directly into the body cavity. It has previously been shown that such traumatic insemination carries costs for females, and sexual conflict regarding the mode of insemination should thus propel male-female coevolution. Since males accumulate sexually antagonistic adaptations, females should evolve counter-adaptations that efficiently abate the costs to females of sexual interactions. Yet, unambiguous experimental evidence for female counter-adaptations is lacking. In bed bugs, the spermalege (a highly modified region of the abdomen where the male usually pierces the female) may represent a female counter-adaptation. We assess the female costs of traumatic insemination by varying the rate of insemination on the one hand, and the rate and mode of piercing trauma to females on the other. Our results show that female mating costs are not extreme-elevated mating rate shortened female lifespan but had no significant effect on lifetime egg production. More importantly, additional abdominal piercing in the spermalege had no effect on females whereas even a very low rate of such piercing outside the spermalege reduced female lifetime egg production by 50%. Thus, females are well counter-adapted to the intrusive mode of insemination exhibited by male bed bugs and the costs of elevated mating are comparable with those in other insects, as predicted by theory. We therefore demonstrate that the spermalege efficiently reduces the direct costs of piercing trauma to females, and hence provide experimental evidence for a female counter-adaptation to a sexually antagonistic male trait.  相似文献   

Transcriptomics of the bed bug (Cimex lectularius)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Males and females of the common bed bug, Cimex lectularius L. (Heteroptera: Cimicidae), have been shown to produce and respond to an aggregation pheromone. We tested whether juvenile C. lectularius also produce and respond to aggregation pheromone, and whether the pheromone is perceived by contact chemoreception. In dual‐choice laboratory experiments, juveniles, but not males or females, preferred juvenile‐exposed paper discs to control discs. Unlike juveniles, males and females preferred male‐exposed paper discs to control discs. Neither juveniles, males, nor females preferred female‐exposed discs to control discs. When test stimuli were inaccessible, C. lectularius failed to show any preference. Male‐ and juvenile‐specific contact pheromones may have contrasting functions of marking shelters as safe refugia for development and growth (juveniles) or mate encounter (adults), but result in the same phenomenon, the aggregation of conspecifics.  相似文献   

王磊  王常禄  许益镌  曾玲 《昆虫学报》2016,(9):1021-1032
由于DDT等现代杀虫剂的问世,臭虫在20世纪40-50年代以后在全球大部分地区尤其是发达国家和地区销声匿迹,但近10多年来臭虫在部分国家和地区重新出现.本文对其再猖獗原因、生物学和行为、饲养、抗药性、监测与防治策略进行了综述,旨在引起国人的重视,对今后臭虫的监测和防治起到抛砖引玉的作用.本文分析了近15年有关温带臭虫Cimex lectulariusL.和热带臭虫C.hemipterus(F.)的研究文献.臭虫再猖獗被认为是因为它对目前使用的杀虫剂例如拟除虫菊酯类等产生抗性以及频繁的地区及国际交往等因素造成的.简单、经济和大规模臭虫种群饲养方法——人工膜饲喂法的研发为我们开展臭虫生物学和生态学研究提供了便利.控制和根除臭虫目前仍较困难,采用害虫综合治理(integrated pest management,IPM)策略,包括臭虫知识宣传、主动监测、非化学防治方法(例如:经常洗涤床上用品、蒸汽熏蒸、热处理、使用床垫罩、在家具腿下放置臭虫拦截装置)、有选择使用杀虫剂以及定期监测及反复防治等措施,可达到很好的防控效果.在我国部分地区,臭虫发生也呈上升趋势,工人宿舍和火车车厢是常见的臭虫为害环境.有必要对我国臭虫发生现状及其抗药性进行调查与监测.还应借鉴国际先进技术,研制出我国适用的、有效的监测工具和防治方法,并根据我国具体国情制定出切实可行的防治标准.同时积极开展臭虫科普宣传,做到早发现、早防治,防止臭虫再猖獗和扩散.  相似文献   

Residual biopesticide treatments of Beauveria bassiana were tested against the bed bug Cimex lectularius. An oil formulation of conidia was applied to different substrates. Bed bugs were exposed for 1h, transferred to an unsprayed environment and monitored for mortality. Separate bioassays evaluated the effect of bed bug strain, sex, life stage, and exposure substrate on mortality. Rapid mortality was observed in all bioassays, with bed bugs exposed to treated jersey knit cotton dying most rapidly. A further assay demonstrated efficient autodissemination of conidia from exposed bed bugs to unexposed bed bugs within artificial harborages.  相似文献   

为了从氧代丙酸化合物中筛选出对白纹伊蚊Aedes albopictus具有良好引诱效果的化合物,采用陷阱诱捕法分别测定了丙酮酸(α-氧代丙酸)、3-甲氧基-2-甲基-3-氧代丙酸、3-(苄氧基)-3-氧代丙酸和3-氨基-3-氧代丙酸4种氧代丙酸化合物及丙酸对白纹伊蚊成虫的诱捕效果。结果表明,在供试的5种化合物中,α-氧代丙酸、3-甲氧基-2-甲基-3-氧代丙酸和3-(苄氧基)-3-氧代丙酸3种氧代丙酸化合物及丙酸的诱捕效果显著,同剂量的各化合物对白纹伊蚊的诱蚊效果依次是3-甲氧基-2-甲基-3-氧代丙酸>3-(苄氧基)-3-氧代丙酸>α-氧代丙酸=丙酸。相同质量α-氧代丙酸∶3-(苄氧基)-3-氧代丙酸=1∶1至1∶2的配方比,具有协同增效作用,平均累计诱捕量均显著优于单组分α-氧代丙酸、3-(苄氧基)-3-氧代丙酸和对照纯水(P<0.05)。其中最优配方比是α-氧代丙酸∶3-(苄氧基)-3-氧代丙酸=1∶2,平均累计诱捕量比单组分α-氧代丙酸增加45.45%,比单组分3-(苄氧基)-3-氧代丙酸增加32.33%和比对照纯水增加73.11%(P<0.05)。现场...  相似文献   

Bed bugs are hematophagous insects responsible for a re-emerging and challenging indoor pest in many countries. Bed bugs infestations may have health consequences including nuisance biting, cutaneous and systemic reactions. This resurgence can probably be attributed to factors such as increased international travel and development of resistance against insecticides. Resistance against pyrethroids has been reported several times from the USA and rarely in Europe. In France, very few data on bed bugs are available. The present study aimed to assess the infestation by bed bugs of a complex of two high-rise apartment buildings in the suburb of Paris and to evaluate their susceptibility to pyrethroid insecticides. We inspected for bed bugs 192 out of 198 apartments units (97%) and interviewed their residents. 76 (39.6%) apartments were infested. Among the 97 residents living in infested apartments, 53 (54.6%) reported bed bug bites. A total of 564 bed bugs were collected in the infested units. Bioassays showed that 54 out of 143 bed bugs were resistant to pyrethroids (37.8%; 95% confidence interval: 29.9-45.7%). DNA sequencing showed that all bed bugs tested (n = 124) had homozygous L925I kdr-like gene mutation. The level of pyrethroid resistance found indicates that this phenomenon was already established in the site and prompts the need to reevaluate the wide use of pyrethroids to control bed bugs.  相似文献   

Few studies have evaluated water loss and respiratory activity of insect eggs, particularly insects that are known to live within indoor environments. The present study quantifies water loss and respiratory activity for the eggs of a re‐emerging indoor pest of human environments Cimex lectularius (L.). Water loss is measured gravimetrically and calculated as a function of chorion permeability. For these studies, bed bug eggs are placed at 0% relative humidity and repeatedly weighed over 48 h. Temperature effects and bed bug strain differences on the standard metabolic rate (SMR) and respiratory quotient are measured using closed system respirometry. The SMR (; mL g?1 h?1) is measured for two field strain bed bugs and compared with a laboratory strain held at one temperature (25 °C). The standard metabolic rate is measured for Harlan (laboratory) strain bed bug eggs at six different temperatures (15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 39 °C). Total water loss is not significantly different between all three strains. However, water loss across the chorion (chorion permeability) is significantly different between the Harlan laboratory strain and the two field collected strains. Standard metabolic rates for Harlan (laboratory) strain bed bug eggs increase with temperatures from 15 to 35 °C but decline at 39 °C. Overall, the Harlan bed bug eggs have the largest standard metabolic rates (0.18 ± 0.05 mL g?1 h?1) compared with the Epic Center strain eggs (0.14 ± 0.03 mL g?1 h?1) and Richmond strain eggs (0.16 ± 0.04 mL g?1 h?1), although this difference is not significant.  相似文献   

【目的】针对害虫对不同波长光的趋性,筛选适合诱杀玉米-大豆带状田主要害虫的LED单波长杀虫灯,并探寻其应用模式,提高防虫效果,减少对天敌昆虫的影响。【方法】以复合波长LED杀虫灯为对照,调查13个单波长LED杀虫灯在玉米-大豆带状套作全生育期内诱杀的害虫种类和数量,并监测害虫发生动态。【结果】筛选获得385、389、395、403、407 nm 5个单波长LED杀虫灯,对套作田内桃蛀螟DichocrocispunctiferalisGuenée、斜纹夜蛾SpodopteralituraFabricius、暗黑鳃金龟Holotrichia parallela Motschulsky、小黄鳃金龟Metabolus flavescens Brenske和蝽科Pentatomidae害虫的诱杀效果较好,且与复合波长LED杀虫灯相比对天敌昆虫和中性昆虫的影响小。【结论】套作栽培下主要害虫的防治需结合害虫发生动态,适时使用5种杀虫灯,从而达到最大防控效果,这为合理利用LED单波长杀虫灯监测和防控玉米-大豆带状套作栽培主要害虫提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

Genetic differentiation may exist among sympatric populations of a species due to long‐term associations with alternative hosts (i.e. host‐associated differentiation). While host‐associated differentiation has been documented in several phytophagus insects, there are far fewer cases known in animal parasites. The bed bug, Cimex lectularius, a wingless insect, represents a potential model organism for elucidating the processes involved in host‐associated differentiation in animal parasites with relatively limited mobility. In conjunction with the expansion of modern humans from Africa into Eurasia, it has been speculated that bed bugs extended their host range from bats to humans in their shared cave domiciles throughout Eurasia. C. lectularius that associate with humans have a cosmopolitan distribution, whereas those associated with bats occur across Europe, often in human‐built structures. We assessed genetic structure and gene flow within and among populations collected in association with each host using mtDNA, microsatellite loci and knock‐down resistance gene variants. Both nuclear and mitochondrial data support a lack of significant contemporary gene flow between host‐specific populations. Within locations human‐associated bed bug populations exhibit limited genetic diversity and elevated levels of inbreeding, likely due to human‐mediated movement, infrequent additional introduction events per infestation, and pest control. In contrast, populations within bat roosts exhibit higher genetic diversity and lower levels of relatedness, suggesting populations are stable with temporal fluctuations due to host dispersal and bug mortality. In concert with previously published evidence of morphological and behavioural differentiation, the genetic data presented here suggest C. lectularius is currently undergoing lineage divergence through host association.  相似文献   

A large‐arena bioassay is used to examine sex differences in spatiotemporal patterns of bed bug Cimex lectularius L. behavioural responses to either a human host or CO2 gas. After release in the centre of the arena, 90% of newly‐fed bed bugs move to hiding places in the corners within 24 h. They require 3 days to settle down completely in the arena, with generally low activity levels and the absence of responses to human stimuli for 5 days. After 8–9 days, persistent responses can be recorded. Sex differences are observed, in which females are more active during establishment, respond faster after feeding, expose themselves more than males during the daytime, and respond more strongly to the host signal. The number of bed bugs that rest in harbourages is found to vary significantly according to light setting and sex. Both sexes stay inside harbourages more in daylight compared with night, and males hide more than females during the daytime but not during the night. The spatial distribution of the bed bugs is also found to change with the presence of CO2, and peak aggregation around the odour source is observed after 24 min. Both male and female bed bugs move from hiding places or the border of the arena toward the centre where CO2 is released. Peak responses are always highest during the night. Bed bug behaviour and behaviour‐regulating features are discussed in the context of control methods.  相似文献   

The preventive effect of vitamin A acid (13-cis-retinoic acid) on skin papillomas induced in rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) by the bite of bed bugs (Cimex lectularius) pre-irradiated with gamma rays was investigated. Painting the papillomas with an oily 13-cis-retinoic acid suspension twice a week in a dose of 25 mg/kg body weight leads to significant regression of these structures.  相似文献   

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