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Plants growing in infertile environments are able to produce more biomass per unit of nutrient taken up than plants of fertile habitats, and also to minimize nutrients loss by resorbing them from senescing leaves. The leaf nutrient concentration variability of two co-existing riparian tree genera (Populus and Tamarix) along a flood inundation gradient was examined to infer nutrient limitation and to compare nutrient use strategies in the two genera. To that end, seasonal and spatial variability in leaf nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentration (i.e., % dry mass of N and P) were analyzed in 720 samples of leaves (2 tree genera × 3 seasons × 12 sites × 10 tree replicates). Both Populus and Tamarix showed strong seasonal variability in leaf N and P concentrations, with values decreasing throughout the growing season. However, while N:P atomic ratio remained seasonally constant in Populus (N:P = 33), Tamarix shifted from N:P = 29 in spring to N:P = 36 and 37 in summer and fall. %N, %P and N:P atomic ratios were also spatially variable, but leaf litter N and P concentration (i.e., nutrient resorption proficiency) and leaf litter N:P generally followed the local flood inundation gradient as shown by linear mixed effects models. In particular, nutrient resorption was usually less proficient (higher terminal nutrient concentrations) at higher flood durations (in gravel bars and natural levees), whereas N:P increased in the drier sites (floodplain terrace). At floodplain level, a P-limitation that is higher than N-limitation seems to characterize the plant nutrient circulation in the riparian ecosystem studied. Tamarix was slightly more proficient in P resorption than Populus. The study shows that leaf nutrient concentration (e.g., N and P) derived from nutrient availability is partly controlled by the flood inundation regime and can be used as an indicator of nutrient limitation in forested floodplains. Subtle differences between tree genera provide an additional, novel explanation for the recent expansion of Tamarix in many arid and semi-arid rivers with altered hydrogeomorphic regimes.  相似文献   

The potential for nutrient load (30, 100 and 350 g N m−2 per year) to alter plant performance under saline conditions (control, 4.5, 9 and 13 dS m−1) was examined in the sedge Bolboschoenus medianus. Relative growth rates (RGR) across nutrient loadings ranged from 30.2 to 41.8 mg g−1 per day in controls and were reduced to 20.9–28.5 mg g−1 per day by salinities of 13 dS m−1. Whilst higher nutrient loads generally increased RGR, the response was smaller at higher salinities. Responses to salinity and nutrient load were specific. Nutrient load increased the RGR via increases in the leaf area ratio (LAR). The LAR ranged from 1.9 to 2.1 m2 kg−1 across salinity treatments at 30 g N m−2 per year, and increased to 2.5–2.8 m2 kg−1 at 350 g N m−2 per year. Salinity reduced the RGR via a reduction in the net assimilation rate (NAR). The NAR in control plants ranged from 14.7 to 16 g m−2 per day across nutrient loadings and decreased to 11–12 g m−2 per day at 13 dS m−1. Carbon isotope discrimination of leaves decreased by 2–3‰ in response to 13 dS m−1 at the lower nutrient loadings. A prominent response of B. medianus to salinity was a change in biomass allocation from culms to tubers. In contrast, the response to nutrient load was characterised by a shift in biomass allocation from roots to leaves.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis, water relations, chlorophyll fluorescence, and leaf reflectance were used to evaluate stress due to freshwater and saltwater flooding in the evergreen coastal shrub, Myrica cerifera, under controlled conditions. M. cerifera forms large monospecific thickets that facilitate scaling up from leaf-level measurements to the landscape. Based on physiological responses, stress began by day 3 in flooded plants treated with 5, 10, and 15 g L−1 salinity, as seen by significant decreases in stomatal conductance and net photosynthesis relative to control plants. Decreases in physiological measurements occurred by day 9 in freshwater flooded plants. Visible signs of stress occurred by day 5 for plants treated with 15 g L−1, day 8 for flooded plants exposed to 10 g L−1, and day 10 for those treated with 5 g L−1 salinity. Significant differences in light-adapted fluorescence yield () were observed by day 3 in plants flooded with 5, 10, and 15 g L−1 salinity and day 6 in freshwater flooded plants. Non-photochemical quenching (ΦNPQ) increased with decreasing . In comparison, statistical differences in dark-adapted fluorescence yield (Fv/Fm) were observed by day 12 in plants flooded with 5, 10, and 15 g L−1 salinity, well after visible signs of stress were apparent. Fluorescence parameters were successful at detecting and distinguishing both freshwater and saltwater flooding stress. A positive, linear correlation (r2 = 0.80) was observed between and the physiological reflectance index (PRI). Xanthophyll-cycle dependent energy dissipation appears to be the underlying mechanism in protecting photosystem II from excess energy in saltwater flooded plants. was useful in detecting stress-induced changes in the photosystem before any visible signs of damage were evident at the leaf-level. This parameter may be linked to hyperspectral reflectance data for rapid detection of stress at the canopy-level.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationship between hummock height and depth of inundation in a permanently inundated wetland in south-eastern Australia. Our survey of 318 hummocks, in water ranging from 0 to 70 cm depth, revealed a significant positive linear relationship and strong correlation between hummock height and water depth (r2 = 0.53 and 0.79 for Melaleuca ericifolia and Phragmites australis hummocks respectively). We also investigated whether water regime affects the decomposition rate of litter on hummocks; specifically, whether constant inundation slows decomposition to an extent that would promote accumulation of litter and hummock-building. On the contrary, we found that constantly submerged M. ericifolia litter decomposed faster than dry litter, but at a similar rate to litter that experienced intermittent inundation (decay rates (k) 0.0015 d−1, 0.0010 d−1 and 0.0008 d−1 for submerged, intermittent and dry treatments respectively). Submerged P. australis litter also decomposed faster (k = 0.0024 d−1) than dry litter (k = 0.0011 d−1). We discuss the interaction of water regime and decomposition of organic material and implications for the maintenance of hummock and hollow topography.  相似文献   

为选择尾叶桉(Eucalyptus urophylla)优良无性系,以20个尾叶桉无性系为材料,采用2因素(水分、养分)3水平完全随机区组设计,对水肥胁迫半年后尾叶桉苗木生长和叶片性状变异进行分析和评估。结果表明,尾叶桉的叶尖角、叶长、叶宽、叶周长和叶面积在不同水肥处理下差异显著,表明水分和养分会影响叶片的大小。苗木生长和叶片性状间大多数呈显著或极显著正相关,少数呈显著负相关或一定的负相关性。13种性状可综合为4个主成分,其累计贡献率达98%,说明这些性状具有极强的代表性。除地径的水分×养分互作不显著外,生长性状在水分、养分及水分×养分互作上达显著和极显著的水平。无性系在树高、地径和冠幅上的方差分量为2.19~149.59,重复力为0.16~0.45。以20%入选率,采用基因型值筛选出4个优良无性系:LDUA10、ZQUA9、ZQUA8和LDUA24,他们的树高、地径和冠幅比对照分别高出5.0%、12.8%和14.5%,为后续骨干亲本选择及优良无性系推广提供依据。  相似文献   

韩文娇  白林利  李昌晓  崔振  燕江伟  秦红 《生态学报》2016,36(18):5712-5724
水淹和干旱是限制植物生长的两种主要环境因子。三峡库区消落带由于其特殊的地形条件和人工水文节律,呈现以年度为周期的“水淹-落干”交替变化的水文变动特征,在消落带生长的植物因此受到水淹和干旱交替胁迫的双重影响。为了探究库区蓄水对消落带植被干旱耐受性的影响,以当年生牛鞭草扦插苗为试验对象,设置对照组(CK)、表土水淹组(SF)、全淹组(TF)、对照-干旱组(CD)、表土水淹-干旱组(SFD)、全淹-干旱组(TFD)6个处理组,研究不同水分处理对牛鞭草光合特性的影响。结果表明:(1)水淹和干旱胁迫均对牛鞭草光合特性造成显著影响;(2)水淹胁迫阶段,与CK组相比,牛鞭草SF和TF组净光合速率、气孔限制值和水分利用效率显著下降,胞间CO_2浓度显著上升;(3)干旱胁迫阶段,牛鞭草CD和SFD组净光合速率、气孔导度、胞间CO_2浓度和蒸腾速率等光合参数显著低于CK组,TFD组净光合速率、气孔导度、胞间CO_2浓度和蒸腾速率等指标与CK组无显著差异;(4)复水阶段,各处理组净光合速率、气孔导度、胞间CO_2浓度和蒸腾速率等指标均与CK组无显著差异。研究表明,前期水淹并未增加牛鞭草对后期干旱胁迫的敏感性,牛鞭草对水淹和干旱胁迫均具有较好的耐受性,有助于牛鞭草对库区消落带生境变化的适应性。  相似文献   

Effects of soil flooding on photosynthesis and growth of Genipa americana L. seedlings, a neotropical fruit-tree species used in gallery forest restoration programs, were studied under glasshouse conditions. Despite the high survival rate and wide distribution in flood-prone habitats of the neotropics, previous studies demonstrated that growth of G. americana is reduced under soil flooding. Using leaf gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence measurements, we tested the hypothesis that stomatal limitation of photosynthesis is the main factor that reduces carbon uptake and growth rates of G. americana seedlings. Throughout a 63-day flooding period, the survival rates were 100%. The maximum values of the net photosynthetic rate (A) and stomatal conductance to water vapor (gs) of control seedlings were 9.86 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1 and 0.525 mol H2O m−2 s−1, respectively. The earliest effects of flooding were significant decreases in gs and A, development of hypertrophied lenticels and decrease in the dry weight of roots. A strong effect of the leaf-to-air vapor pressure deficit (LAVPD) on gs and A were observed that was enhanced under flooded conditions. Between 14 and 63 days after flooding, significant reductions in gs (31.7% of control) and A (52.9% of control) were observed followed by significant increments in non-photochemical quenching (qN) (187.5% of control). During the same period, there were no differences among treatments for the ratio between variable to initial fluorescence (Fv/F0), the maximum quantum efficiency of the photosystem II (Fv/Fm) and photochemical quenching (qP), indicating that there was no damage to the photosynthetic apparatus. Based on the results, we conclude that decreases in stomatal opening and stomatal limitation of photosynthesis, followed by decrease in individual leaf area are the main causes of reductions in carbon uptake and whole plant biomass of flooded seedlings.  相似文献   

Climate change will lead to more extreme precipitation and associated increase of flooding events of soils. This can turn these soils from a sink into a source of atmospheric methane. The latter will depend on the balance of microbial methane production and oxidation. In the present study, the structural and functional response of methane oxidizing microbial communities was investigated in a riparian flooding gradient. Four sites differing in flooding frequency were sampled and soil-physico-chemistry as well as methane oxidizing activities, numbers and community composition were assessed. Next to this, the active community members were determined by stable isotope probing of lipids. Methane consumption as well as population size distinctly increased with flooding frequency. All methane consumption parameters (activity, numbers, lipids) correlated with soil moisture, organic matter content, and conductivity. Methane oxidizing bacteria were present and activated quickly even in seldom flooded soils. However, the active species comprised only a few representatives belonging to the genera Methylobacter, Methylosarcina, and Methylocystis, the latter being active only in permanently or regularly flooded soils.This study demonstrates that soils exposed to irregular flooding harbor a very responsive methane oxidizing community that has the potential to mitigate methane produced in these soils. The number of active species is limited and dominated by one methane oxidizing lineage. Knowledge on the characteristics of these microbes is necessary to assess the effects of flooding of soils and subsequent methane cycling therein.  相似文献   

Synopsis High-speed cinematography and video using modified Schlieren optics and laser illumination helped elicit details of prey capture mechanisms used by Chromis viridis while feeding on calanoid copepods and Artemia. Chromis viridis is capable of a ram-jaw, low-suction feeding, as well as a typical suction feeding behavior described for other species of planktivores. By adjusting the degree of jaw protrusion and amount of suction used during a feeding strike, this fish can modulate its feeding strikes according to the prey type being encountered. The ram-jaw feeding mode enables C. viridis to capture highly evasive calanoid copepods within 6 to 10 msec. The use of specialized feeding behavior for evasive prey and the ability to vary feeding behavior are adaptations for feeding on evasive prey.  相似文献   

酸枣叶片结构可塑性对自然梯度干旱生境的适应特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱广龙  魏学智 《生态学报》2016,36(19):6178-6187
叶片是植物体暴露于环境中面积最大的器官,其最易感知环境变化而发生形态和结构上的改变。为探究植株叶片结构对不同生境的适应机理,研究以生长在烟台-石家庄-宁夏-新疆不同地域气候条件形成的自然梯度干旱环境中的酸枣为试验材料,应用植物显微技术研究酸枣叶片的结构的可塑性对不同自然梯度干旱环境的适应特征。结果表明:酸枣叶表皮着生有表皮毛,表皮细胞外覆有角质层与蜡质。叶肉为全栅型,栅栏组织发达,海绵组织退化,叶肉中有晶体及大量的分泌细胞。从烟台至新疆随生境梯度干旱加剧,酸枣叶片叶面积逐渐变小,叶片厚度依次增加,叶表皮角质层加厚,且上角质层厚度大于下角质层厚度;叶片上下表皮细胞长径及短径先增后降,栅栏组织总厚度和密度依次增大、层数减少,各层栅栏组织细胞的长径逐渐增加。叶脉薄壁细胞相对厚度逐渐减小,导管管径增大,晶体(草酸钙晶体)数增多。在梯度干旱环境中酸枣植株通过减小叶面积、提高栅栏组织密度、增加叶片及角质层厚度降低蒸腾作用,减少水分散失;通过增大导管管径提高水分利用率;通过增加晶体数量提高叶片机械性能,改变细胞的渗透势、提高吸水和保水能力。上述叶片结构的变化是酸枣植株长期对不同自然梯度干旱生境的适应特征。由此可知,叶片形态结构中叶面积、叶片厚度、角质层及叶肉组织(栅栏组织)随环境变化的可塑性较大。  相似文献   

黑木相思优良无性系叶片数量性状与生长评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为合理利用种质资源,对5年生黑木相思(Acacia melanoxylon)无性系试验林中9个优良无性系(F1、SR3、SR9、SR14、SR17、SR18、SR25、SR38、SR41)开展叶片和生长性状的遗传变异研究,采用模糊数学隶属函数值法进行综合评价。结果表明,9个无性系叶片在形态、结构、化学性状都存在显著差异,以形态性状变异系数最大,其中叶面积(LA)和叶宽(LW)可作为直观区别无性系的可靠指标。SR18、SR17和SR14号无性系的树高(H)和胸径(DBH)生长具有显著优势。相关性分析表明,LW与H,LW、LA、比叶面积(SLA)与DBH呈显著线性关系,而叶长(LL)、干物质量(LDMC)、C、N、P、C/N和N/P与H和DBH相关性弱。隶属函数综合评价排名前4位的是SR17、SR18、SR41、SR14,可作为直接生产和后续育种工作的有效资源加以应用。  相似文献   

Light determines macrophyte distribution, community composition and biomass in shallow lakes. Therefore, it is vital to determine the critical underwater light climate thresholds for macrophyte degradation and recovery. In this study, we first proposed a novel index, defined as the ratio of euphotic depth (Zeu) to water depth (WD), as a measure of the underwater light supply for macrophytes. The underwater light environment in Lake Taihu (a large, shallow, eutrophic lake) was then characterized based on this index (Zeu/WD) using field measurements collected from 2006 to 2013 (8 years × 4 seasons × 32 sites). The distribution of the macrophyte presence frequency (MPF, the number of investigations that identified macrophytes divided by the total number of investigations) was greater than 0.70 in Xukou Bay and East Lake Taihu over the 32 investigations, followed by the other sites distributed in East Lake Taihu. The proportion of macrophyte coverage increased with the increase in Zeu/WD. A significant relationship was observed between Zeu/WD and MPF for the 19 sites with macrophytes (r2 = 0.48, p < 0.001, n = 19). In the region with high nutrient concentrations and serious water pollution, better underwater light conditions are required for the growth of macrophytes. A Zeu/WD value of 0.80 can be regarded as the critical underwater light threshold for the growth of macrophytes in Lake Taihu. The region with Zeu/WD ranging between 0.57 and 0.80 was usually covered by sparse macrophytes; this region should be vital for macrophyte recovery and environmental management in Lake Taihu. The distribution of Zeu/WD was further obtained using MODIS satellite-derived Zeu from June to October in 2003 and 2013. Xukou Bay and Guangfu Bay in the southern part of Lake Taihu could be regarded as potentially crucial regions for the recovery of macrophytes from the perspective of underwater light and nutrient levels.  相似文献   

Earlier, we put forward a hypothesis on the role of the FOXO-dependent mechanism of stressresponse gene activation in radiation adaptive response and hormesis at the level of an entire organism [1]. To confirm this assumption, we analyzed the influence of γ-irradiation on the duration of larval development and imago lifespan in Drosophila strains with different FOXO function activity. We revealed that hormesis and adaptive response, manifested in the increased duration of larval development and lifespan after low-dose irradiation, were absent in homozygous strains for the FOXO hypomorphic allele in contrast to wild-type Canton-S strain and FOXO heterozygotes.  相似文献   

Although many emergent wetland plants may readily tolerate rapid changes in flooding and drying under freshwater conditions, their tolerance to dynamic water regimes may be compromised by salinity. Melaleuca-dominated woodlands occur naturally in Australia, south-east Asia and New Caledonia. Coastal wetlands dominated by Swamp paperbark (Melaleuca ericifolia) (Myrtaceae), native to south-east Australia, are commonly degraded as a consequence of altered water regime and salinity. This study simulates the release of M. ericifolia seeds from the aerial canopy under a range of water regime and salinity scenarios to determine conditions limiting sexual recruitment. Plant growth and survival were examined following seed release under two static water regimes (moist and flooded sediment) and two dynamic water regimes (simulated drawdown—“flooded-moist” and simulated re-flooding—“moist-flooded”). All water regimes, excluding the continuously flooded regime, were examined at three salinities: 0.1 dS m−1 (fresh), 8 dS m−1 and 16 dS m−1, over a 50-day period commencing 44 days after the seeds were sown. The flooded treatment was examined at 0.1 dS m−1 only, to confirm that flooding prohibits establishment of M. ericifolia. Seed and seedlings were positively buoyant and establishment was limited to moist soil. Flotation of seedlings in the flooded-moist treatment, however, did not inhibit subsequent establishment upon moist soil, even at the highest salinity of 16 dS m−1. Growth, but not survival, was reduced by salinities of 8 dS m−1 and 16 dS m−1 in the moist treatment. Flotation of seedlings in saline water in the flooded-moist treatment did not reduce growth or survival compared with fresh water. Survival of seedlings in the moist-flooded treatment was lower in the freshwater and 16 dS m−1 treatment compared with the moist treatment, but not at 8 dS m−1. These findings suggest that water regime influences establishment of young M. ericifolia plants more strongly than does salinity, at least up to ∼1/3 seawater and in the short term (<2 months). Seedlings are likely to establish during a drawdown where the soil is exposed at salinities of ≤16 dS m−1. In contrast, premature re-flooding of seedlings, even with fresh water, will compromise survival.  相似文献   

Although phosphate concentrations have been reduced, the rivers Meuse and Rhine are still polluted with sulphate, which most probably affects vegetation development in newly created riverine wetlands. The influence of flooding with river water rich in sulphate was tested on three soil types from floodplains of the river Meuse using flow-through and batch experiments. Soils were selected for contrasting concentrations of iron and organic matter and originated from a floating fen (iron-poor, organic), an alder carr (iron-rich, organic) and a clay pit (iron-rich, low in organic matter). Flooding induced mobilisation of phosphate. Sulphate only enhanced this effect in the alder carr soil, where sulphide and phosphate competed for binding to iron. Only in the floating fen soil did the addition of sulphate result in the formation of free sulphide, which reduced the growth of Glyceria maxima, serving as a phytometer. In addition, the floating soil started to sink, due to falling methane concentrations. In the different soil types methane production was hampered by the presence of more favourable electron acceptors such as sulphate in the water and Fe(III) in the soil. It was concluded that the effects of inundation with sulphate-polluted water strongly depend on the soil type: under iron-poor circumstances, free sulphide may accumulate, leading to phytotoxicity, while in soils rich in iron, sulphide toxicity is prevented, but phosphate availability may be increased. In addition, shortage of easily degradable organic matter can limit the formation of potential toxicants such as ammonium, iron and sulphide. Results are discussed in terms of their implications for nature management.  相似文献   

为了解乐昌含笑(Michelia chapensis)叶形态和生长性状的家系变异特征,对15个家系的叶形态性状和生长指标及其相关性进行了分析.结果表明,乐昌含笑叶片形态在家系间和家系内均存在显著差异,不同家系间以帽子峰家系叶形态的平均变异系数最大(23.55%),乐九5家系的最小(12.63%);不同叶形态性状间以干物...  相似文献   

M. Li  D. Yang  W. Li 《Photosynthetica》2007,45(2):222-228
The effects of soil flooding on gas exchange and photosystem 2 (PS2) activity were analyzed in leaves of Phragmites australis, Carex cinerascens, and Hemarthria altissima. Pronounced decrease in net photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance with flooding was found only in C. cinerascens. No significant changes in PS2 activity were observed in all three species which suggests that the photosynthetic apparatus was not damaged. Among the three species, H. altissima is better adapted to flooding than P. australis and C. cinerascens.  相似文献   

Himatanthus sucuuba is a tree species that occurs in Central Amazonian white water floodplains and in non-flooded uplands. The objective of this paper was to verify whether flooding causes differences in germination percentages, seedling mortality as well as alterations of leaf number and biomass increments, related to the habitat of origin of the seeds (várzea floodplain versus terra firme upland, in the following V and TF, respectively). To test this effect, seeds from populations of both habitats were collected, and germination percentages were calculated under different experimental conditions. One hundred seeds collected in three sites of the floodplain and one hundred seeds from three sites of the upland were placed in trays for germination in a greenhouse in the Amazon Research Institute (INPA) in Manaus, Brazil. Seedlings with a height of 7 cm were then subjected to a period of 120 days of flooding in tanks with three treatments: control, waterlogging (root system and the base of the stem), and complete submersion. Ground water from the INPA was used in the tanks and was changed at weekly intervals. Germination percentages were high in most treatments. Seedling mortality was significantly higher in seedlings originating from upland, reaching 100% in submerged seedlings. On the other hand, várzea-originated seedlings showed no mortality under waterlogging or submergence.

Height growth of waterlogged seedlings from floodplains exceeded that of the control. Submerged seedlings did not grow, independently of the origin, and those originating from uplands died after about 100 days. Number of leaves and leaf area were significantly lower under partial submersion than in the control, independently of the origin of the seeds. Under total submersion abscission of all leaves was verified 30 days after inundation for seedlings of both origins. In the V population, all seedlings survived the waterlogged period, whereas in the TF population, 30% of the seedlings died when subjected to waterlogging. With complete submergence, in the V population 30% of the seedlings had died after 120 days, in the TF population after 90 days mortality was 100%. The results show that germination, seedling growth and seedling survival in H. sucuuba differ among populations of floodplain and upland sites: V plants performed better than TF plants under waterlogging and under submersion. The results strongly indicate that ecotypic differentiation exists between these two populations of H. sucuuba individuals in the two habitat types, which may be enforced by a strong selective pressure due to the regular occurring flood pulse.  相似文献   

Autophagy: a barrier or an adaptive response to cancer   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Macroautophagy or autophagy is a degradative pathway terminating in the lysosomal compartment after the formation of a cytoplasmic vacuole that engulfs macromolecules and organelles. The recent discovery of the molecular controls of autophagy that are common to eukaryotic cells from yeast to human suggests that the role of autophagy in cell functioning is far beyond its nonselective degradative capacity. The involvement of proteins with properties of tumor suppressor and oncogenic properties at different steps of the pathway implies that autophagy must be considered in tumor progression. Autophagy as a stress response mechanism protects cancer cells from low nutrient supply or therapeutic insults. Autophagy is also involved in the elimination of cancer cells by triggering a non-apoptotic cell death program, suggesting a negative role in tumor development. These two aspects of autophagy will be discussed in this review.  相似文献   

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