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 Foliage and wood parameters of branches of 12-year-old loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) trees were characterized after 21 months of exposure to fertilizer, irrigation and elevated CO2 treatments. Branches of loblolly pine trees were enclosed in plastic chambers and exposed to ambient, ambient +175 and ambient +350 umol mol–1 CO2 concentrations. Measurements of foliage and wood at the fascicle, flush and branch levels were made at the end of the 21 month study period. The +350 CO2 treatment did not significantly increase fascicle radius or length but did increase the number of fascicles on the first flush. Fertilization significantly increased fascicle radius and length, while irrigation significantly increased number of fascicles and flush length of first flush. The +350 CO2 treatment also significantly increased flush length of the first flush. Significant interaction of fertilization and irrigation with CO2 was observed for fascicle length. Significant interactions of fertilization and irrigation were also observed for flush length, number of fascicles and fascicle length. Observed increases in fascicle radius, fascicle length, number of fascicles and flush length may have been responsible for the significantly higher flush leaf area observed for the all three treatments. Also, a combination of fertilization and irrigation increased leaf area by 82% compared to that in the control when averaged across CO2 treatments. At the branch level +350 CO2 treatment significantly increased shoot length but not the number of flushes on the branch. In general with the exception of bark density and total number of needle scales, neither fertilization nor irrigation had any significant effect on other branch level parameters. Results from this study indicate that with ‘global change’ an increase in CO2 alone may increase leaf area via an increase in flush length and number of fascicles. Combining increases in CO2 with fertilization and irrigation could greatly enhance leaf area which when coupled to observed increases in net photosynthesis as a result of elevated CO2 could greatly increase productivity of loblolly pine trees. Received: 22 August 1996 / Accepted: 5 March 1997  相似文献   

We measured CO2 efflux from intact root/rhizosphere systems of 155 day old loblolly (Pinus taeda L.) and ponderosa (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws.) pine seedlings in order to study the effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on the below-ground carbon balance of coniferous tree seedlings. Seedlings were grown in sterilized sand culture, watered daily with either 1, 3.5 or 7 mt M NH 4 + , and maintained in an atmosphere of either 35 or 70 Pa CO2. Carbon dioxide efflux (mol CO2 plant–1 s–1) from the root/rhizosphere system of both species significantly increased when seedlings were grown in elevated CO2, primarily due to large increases in root mass. Specific CO2 efflux (mol CO2 g root–1 s–1) responded to CO2 only under conditions of adequate soil nitrogen availability (3.5 mt M). Under these conditions, CO2 efflux rates from loblolly pine increased 70% from 0.0089 to 0.0151 mol g–1 s–1 with elevated CO2 while ponderosa pine responded with a 59% decrease, from 0.0187 to 0.0077 mol g–1 s–1. Although below ground CO2 efflux from seedlings grown in either sub-optimal (1 mt M) or supra-optimal (7 mt M) nitrogen availability did not respond to CO2, there was a significant nitrogen treatment effect. Seedlings grown in supra-optimal soil nitrogen had significantly increased specific CO2 efflux rates, and significantly lower total biomass compared to either of the other two nitrogen treatments. These results indicate that carbon losses from the root/rhizosphere systems are responsive to environmental resource availability, that the magnitude and direction of these responses are species dependent, and may lead to significantly different effects on whole plant carbon balance of these two forest tree species.  相似文献   

The NOx input terrestrial ecosystems are increasing significantly induced by human activities, yet the understanding of the responses of carbon cycle to nitrogen deposition is still poor. The northern temperate forest ecosystems have seen the greatest changes in nitrogen inputs from atmosphere. It is necessary for us to understand how the carbon cycle would change under the nitrogen addition in temperate forests, as an important carbon sink. In this study, we present a biogeochemical process model, CEVSA2, and use this model to elucidate the key processes that may strongly influence the carbon budget response to anthropogenic nitrogen addition. The CEVSA2 model has included the effect of nitrogen on photosynthesis, carbon allocation, soil organic matter decomposition, etc. Our simulations show nitrogen addition stimulates the photosynthesis, net carbon sequestration, carbon accumulation in vegetation and soil, by contrary, the low level of nitrogen addition decreases the heterotrophical and total respiration. The long-term chronic nitrogen addition experiments show that the low and high level nitrogen addition would reduce the carbon sequestration and accumulation. The model failed to simulate the effect of nitrogen addition on plant mortality, the de-coupling of nitrogen and photosynthesis when nitrogen saturates. In addition, the responses of soil respiration to nitrogen deposition involve so many complex biochemical processes; however, we have little knowledge about them. Sequentially, there is large uncertainty of model simulation on the effect of nitrogen deposition on soil respiration. With increasing rates of anthropogenic nitrogen deposition, there is a strong need to understand links between nitrogen inputs and carbon cycle.  相似文献   

The response of trees to rising atmospheric CO2 concentration ([CO2]) is of concern to forest ecologists and global carbon modellers and is the focus of an increasing body of research work. I review studies published up to May 1994, and several unpublished works, which reported at least one of the following: net CO2 assimilation (A), stomatal conductance (gs), leaf dark respiration (Rd) leaf nitrogen or specific leaf area (SLA) in woody plants grown at <400 μmol mol?1 CO2 or at 600–800 μmol mol?1 CO2. The resulting data from 41 species were categorized according to growth conditions (unstressed versus stressed), length of CO2 exposure, pot size and exposure facility [growth chamber (GC), greenhouse (GH), or open-top chamber (OTC)] and interpreted using meta-analytic methods. Overall, A showed a large and significant increase at elevated [CO2] but length of CO2 exposure and the exposure facility were important modifiers of this response. Plants exposed for < 50 d had a significantly greater response, and those from GCs had a significantly lower response than plants from longer exposures or from OTC studies. Negative acclimation of A was significant and general among stressed plants, but in unstressed plants was influenced by length of CO2 exposure, the exposure facility and/or pot size. Growth at elevated [CO2] resulted in moderate reductions in gs in unstressed plants, but there was no significant effect of CO2 on gs in stressed plants. Leaf dark respiration (mass or area basis) was reduced strongly by growth at high [CO2] > while leaf N was reduced only when expressed on a mass basis. This review is the first meta-analysis of elevated CO2 studies and provides statistical confirmation of several general responses of trees to elevated [CO2]. It also highlights important areas of continued uncertainty in our understanding of these responses.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that changes in plant growth resulting from atmospheric CO2 and O3 enrichment would alter the flow of C through soil food webs and that this effect would vary with tree species. To test this idea, we traced the course of C through the soil microbial community using soils from the free-air CO2 and O3 enrichment site in Rhinelander, Wisconsin. We added either 13C-labeled cellobiose or 13C-labeled N-acetylglucosamine to soils collected beneath ecologically distinct temperate trees exposed for 3 years to factorial CO2 (ambient and 200 µl l-1 above ambient) and O3 (ambient and 20 µl l-1 above ambient) treatments. For both labeled substrates, recovery of 13C in microbial respiration increased beneath plants grown under elevated CO2 by 29% compared to ambient; elevated O3 eliminated this effect. Production of 13C-CO2 from soils beneath aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) and aspen-birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.) was greater than that beneath aspen-maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.). Phospholipid fatty acid analyses (13C-PLFAs) indicated that the microbial community beneath plants exposed to elevated CO2 metabolized more 13C-cellobiose, compared to the microbial community beneath plants exposed to the ambient condition. Recovery of 13C in PLFAs was an order of magnitude greater for N-acetylglucosamine-amended soil compared to cellobiose-amended soil, indicating that substrate type influenced microbial metabolism and soil C cycling. We found that elevated CO2 increased fungal activity and microbial metabolism of cellobiose, and that microbial processes under early-successional aspen and birch species were more strongly affected by CO2 and O3 enrichment than those under late-successional maple.  相似文献   

In vivo nitrate reductase (EC activity was measured in seedlings of Scots pine ( Pinus sylvestris L.) inoculated with Cenococcum geophilum (Sow.) Ferd. & Winge, Paxillus involutus (Batsch:Fr) Fr, Piloderma croceum Erikss, & Hjortst, and Suillus variegatus (Fr.) O. Kuntze. The activity was higher in the mycorrhizal pine roots than was previously found in the fungus symbiont alone, but lower than in the roots of nonmycorrhizal pine seedlings. The differences observed in a previous study between the fungal species under pure culture conditions were not found in the present work for mycorrhiza synthezised with the same fungal species. An increase in the nitrate concentration of the nutrient solution increased the proportion of the nitrate reductase activity in the needles. The mycorrhizal root tips had higher nitrate reductase activity than nonmycorrhizal root tips in the same root system.  相似文献   

Exposure of the leaf canopy of corn seedlings (Zea mays L.) to atmospheric CO2 levels ranging from 100 to 800 μl/l decreased nitrate accumulation and nitrate reductase activity. Plants pretreated with CO2 in the dark and maintained in an atmosphere containing 100 μl/l CO2 accumulated 7-fold more nitrate and had 2-fold more nitrate reductase activity than plants exposed to 600 μl/l CO2, after 5 hours of illumination. Induction of nitrate reductase activity in leaves of intact corn seedlings was related to nitrate content. Changes in soluble protein were related to in vitro nitrate reductase activity suggesting that in vitro nitrate reductase activity was a measure of in situ nitrate reduction. In longer experiments, levels of nitrate reductase and accumulation of reduced N supported the concept that less nitrate was being absorbed, translocated, and assimilated when CO2 was high. Plants exposed to increasing CO2 levels for 3 to 4 hours in the light had increased concentrations of malate and decreased concentrations of nitrate in the leaf tissue. Malate and nitrate concentrations in the leaf tissue of seven of eight corn genotypes grown under comparable and normal (300 μl/l CO2) environments, were negatively correlated. Exposure of roots to increasing concentrations of potassium carbonate with or without potassium sulfate caused a progressive increase in malate concentrations in the roots. When these roots were subsequently transferred to a nitrate medium, the accumulation of nitrate was inversely related to the initial malate concentrations. These data suggest that the concentration of malate in the tissue seem to be related to the accumulation of nitrate.  相似文献   

Different but partially overlapping hypotheses have been developed to predict the allocation of phenolics in elevated atmospheric CO(2). The carbon-nutrient balance hypothesis predicts increased allocation to phenolics due to reduced relative availability of nitrogen. The growth-differentiation balance hypothesis states that allocation will depend on source and sink strength, while the protein competition model predicts that allocation will remain unchanged. We grew Poa annua at two CO(2) concentrations in soils of three different nutrient levels. Although plant-tissue nitrogen levels were reduced in high CO(2) and photosynthetic rate increased, phenolic concentration and biomass allocation remained unchanged. We discuss these data in the context of the three models' predictions of phenolic allocation in conditions of elevated CO(2).  相似文献   

Measurements of sap flow, crown structure, and microclimate were used to estimate the transpiration of individual 30-year-old Pinus sylvestris L. trees grown in elevated temperature and CO2. The trees were enclosed in closed-top chambers and exposed either to current ambient conditions (CON), or elevated CO2 (+350 micromol mol(-1); EC), or elevated temperature (+2 to +6 degrees C; ET) or a combination of EC and ET (ECT) since 1996, and the measurements were made from 1999 to 2001. EC significantly increased annual sap flow per tree (Ft.m) by 14% in 1999, but reduced it by 13% in 2000 and 16% in 2001. The CO2-induced increase in Ft.m in 1999 was due to a large increase in foliage area of trees, which more than compensated for a small decrease in crown conductance (Gc). The CO2-induced decreases in Ft.m in 2000 and 2001 resulted from a pronounced decline in Gc, which was much greater than the increase in foliage area. The CO2-induced increase in sensitivity of Gc at high vapour pressure deficit (VPD) did not alter the general response of sap flow to CO2 enrichment, but it did affect the diurnal courses of sap flow on some days during the main growing season (days 150-240). ET increased Ft.m by 53%, 45%, and 57% in 1999, 2000, and 2001, respectively, attributable to the combined effects of greater foliage area and maximum crown conductance, lower stomatal sensitivity to high VPD, and higher transpiration demand relative to the control treatments. There was no significant interaction between CO2 and temperature on sap flow, because ECT entailed approximately similar patterns of sap flow to ET, suggesting that the temperature played a dominate role in the case of ECT under boreal climate conditions.  相似文献   

13NO3 influx into the roots and in vivo nitrate reductase activity (NRA) in the roots and leaves have been measured in trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) and lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl.) seedlings after exposure to either 0·1 or 1·5 mol m–3 NO3 for varying periods up to 20 d. Both NO3 influx and NRA were inducible in these species and, in trembling aspen, peak induction of nitrate influx and NRA were achieved within 12 h, compared to 2–4 d for influx and 4–12 d for NRA in lodgepole pine. In trembling aspen, ≈ 30% of the total 13N absorbed during a 10 min influx period followed by 2 min of desorption was translocated to the shoot. In lodgepole pine, by contrast, translocation of 13N to the shoot was undetectable during the same time period. Root NRA as well as NO3 influx from 0·1 mol m–3 NO3 were substantially higher in trembling aspen than in lodgepole pine at all stages of NO3 exposure, i.e. during the uninduced, the peak induction, and steady-state stages. In order to examine whether the lower rates of NO3 influx and NRA were related to proportionately fewer young (unsuberized) roots in lodgepole pine, we determined these parameters in young and old (suberized) roots of this species separately. Induction of influx and NRA were initially greater in young roots but at steady-state there were only minor differences between the young and the old roots. However, even the elevated initial rates in the young roots of lodgepole pine were substantially lower than those of aspen. In pine, influx at 1·5 mol m–3 NO3 was ~ 6-fold higher than at 0·1 mol m–3 NO3 and appeared to be mostly via a constitutive system. By contrast, in aspen, steady-state influxes at 0·1 and 1·5 mol m–3 were not significantly different, being similar to the rate attained by pine at only the higher [NO3]. In aspen, leaf NRA was ~ 2-fold higher than that of roots. In lodgepole pine NRA of the needles was below the detection limit. These results show that trembling aspen seedlings are better adapted for NO3 acquisition and utilization than lodgepole pine seedlings.  相似文献   

Responses of trees to elevated carbon dioxide and climate change   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The enhancement in photosynthesis at elevated concentration of carbon dioxide level than the ambient level existing in the atmosphere is widely known. However, many of the earlier studies were based on instantaneous responses of plants grown in pots. The availability of field chambers for growing trees, and long-term exposure studies of tree species to elevated carbon dioxide, has changed much of our views on carbon dioxide acting as a fertiliser. Several tree species showed acclimation or even down-regulation of photosynthetic responses while a few of them showed higher photosynthesis and better growth responses. Whether elevated levels of carbon dioxide can serve as a fertilizer in a changed climate scenario still remains an unresolved question. Forest-Air-Carbon dioxide-Enrichment (FACE) sites monitored at several locations have shown lately, that the acclimation or down regulation as reported in chamber studies is not as wide-spread as originally thought. FACE studies predict that there could be an increase of 23–28% productivity of trees at least till 2050. However, the increase in global temperature could also lead to increased respiration, and limitation of minerals in the soil could lead to reduced responses in growth. Elevated carbon dioxide induces partial closure of leaf stomata, which could lead to reduced transpiration and more economical use of water by the trees. Even if the carbon dioxide acts as a fertilizer, the responses are more pronounced only in young trees. And if there are variations in species responses to growth due to elevated carbon dioxide, only some species are going to dominate the natural vegetation. This will have serious implications on the biodiversity and the structure of the ecosystems. This paper reviews the research done on trees using elevated CO2 and tries to draw conclusions based on different methods used for the study. It also discusses the possible functional variations in some tree species due to climate change.  相似文献   

Loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) seedlings were grown in competition with native weeds using soil and seed bank collected from recently chopped and burned areas near Appomattox, Virginia. One-year-old seedlings were planted and weeds allowed to germinate from the native seed bank while being exposed to CO(2) (ambient and elevated - approximately 700 ppm) and water (water stressed and well watered) treatments for approximately one growing season in a greenhouse. Elevated CO(2) did not influence total weed biomass; however, C(3) weed community development was favored over C(4) weed community development in elevated CO(2) regardless of water availability. This suggests that weed community composition may shift toward C(3) plants in a future elevated CO(2) atmosphere. Pine growth was significantly greater in the well watered and elevated CO(2) treatments compared to the water stressed and ambient treatments, respectively, even though they were competing with native herbaceous weeds for resources. There was a significant water and CO(2) interaction for pine root:shoot ratio. Under elevated CO(2), root:shoot ratio was significantly greater in the water stressed treatment than the well watered treatment. In contrast, there was no significant difference in the root:shoot ratio under the ambient CO(2) treatment for either water treatment. These results suggest that loblolly pine seedlings will respond favorably in an elevated CO(2) atmosphere, even under dry conditions and competing with herbaceous weeds.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic nitrogen (N) deposition is increasing rapidly in tropical regions, adding N to ecosystems that often have high background N availability. Tropical forests play an important role in the global carbon (C) cycle, yet the effects of N deposition on C cycling in these ecosystems are poorly understood. We used a field N-fertilization experiment in lower and upper elevation tropical rain forests in Puerto Rico to explore the responses of above- and belowground C pools to N addition. As expected, tree stem growth and litterfall productivity did not respond to N fertilization in either of these N-rich forests, indicating a lack of N limitation to net primary productivity (NPP). In contrast, soil C concentrations increased significantly with N fertilization in both forests, leading to larger C stocks in fertilized plots. However, different soil C pools responded to N fertilization differently. Labile (low density) soil C fractions and live fine roots declined with fertilization, while mineral-associated soil C increased in both forests. Decreased soil CO2 fluxes in fertilized plots were correlated with smaller labile soil C pools in the lower elevation forest (R2 = 0.65, p < 0.05), and with lower live fine root biomass in the upper elevation forest (R2 = 0.90, p < 0.05). Our results indicate that soil C storage is sensitive to N deposition in tropical forests, even where plant productivity is not N-limited. The mineral-associated soil C pool has the potential to respond relatively quickly to N additions, and can drive increases in bulk soil C stocks in tropical forests.  相似文献   

Three young northern temperate forest communities in the north‐central United States were exposed to factorial combinations of elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) and tropospheric ozone (O3) for 11 years. Here, we report results from an extensive sampling of plant biomass and soil conducted at the conclusion of the experiment that enabled us to estimate ecosystem carbon (C) content and cumulative net primary productivity (NPP). Elevated CO2 enhanced ecosystem C content by 11%, whereas elevated O3 decreased ecosystem C content by 9%. There was little variation in treatment effects on C content across communities and no meaningful interactions between CO2 and O3. Treatment effects on ecosystem C content resulted primarily from changes in the near‐surface mineral soil and tree C, particularly differences in woody tissues. Excluding the mineral soil, cumulative NPP was a strong predictor of ecosystem C content (r2 = 0.96). Elevated CO2 enhanced cumulative NPP by 39%, a consequence of a 28% increase in canopy nitrogen (N) content (g N m?2) and a 28% increase in N productivity (NPP/canopy N). In contrast, elevated O3 lowered NPP by 10% because of a 21% decrease in canopy N, but did not impact N productivity. Consequently, as the marginal impact of canopy N on NPP (?NPP/?N) decreased through time with further canopy development, the O3 effect on NPP dissipated. Within the mineral soil, there was less C in the top 0.1 m of soil under elevated O3 and less soil C from 0.1 to 0.2 m in depth under elevated CO2. Overall, these results suggest that elevated CO2 may create a sustained increase in NPP, whereas the long‐term effect of elevated O3 on NPP will be smaller than expected. However, changes in soil C are not well‐understood and limit our ability to predict changes in ecosystem C content.  相似文献   

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