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1. The magnitude of the protonmotive force in respiring bovine heart submitochondrial particles was estimated. The membrane-potential component was determined from the uptake of S14CN-ions, and the pH-gradient component from the uptake of [14C]methylamine. In each case a flow-dialysis technique was used to monitor uptake. 2. With NADH as substrate the membrane potential was approx. 145mV and the pH gradient was between 0 and 0.5 unit when the particles were suspended in a Pi/Tris reaction medium. The addition of the permeant NO3-ion decreased the membrane potential with a corresponding increase in the pH gradient. In a medium containing 200mM-sucrose, 50mM-KCl and Hepes as buffer, the total protonmotive force was 185mV, comprising a membrane potential of 90mV and a pH gradient of 1.6 units. Thus the protonmotive force was slightly larger in the high-osmolarity medium. 3. The phosphorylation potential (= deltaG0' + RT ln[ATP]/[ADP][Pi]) was approx. 43.1 kJ/mol (10.3kcal/mol) in all the reaction media tested. Comparison of this value with the protonmotive force indicates that more than 2 and up to 3 protons must be moved across the membrane for each molecule of ATP synthesized by a chemiosmotic mechanism. 4. Succinate generated both a protonmotive force and a phosphorylation potential that were of similar magnitude to those observed with NADH as substrate. 5. Although oxidation of NADH supports a rate of ATP synthesis that is approximately twice that observed with succinate, respiration with either of these substrates generated a very similar protonmotive force. Thus there seemed to be no strict relation between the size of the protonmotive force and the phosphorylation rate. 6. In the presence of antimycin and/or 2-n-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline N-oxide, ascorbate oxidation with either NNN'N'-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine or 2,3,5,6-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine as electron mediator generated a membrane potential of approx. 90mV, but no pH gradient was detected, even in the presence of NO3-. These data are discussed with reference to the proposal that cytochrome oxidase contains a proton pump.  相似文献   

Nonequilibrium sedimentation of membrane vesicles from Paracoccus denitrificans through Ficoll gradients results in a separation into two fractions. The fraction which pellets through dense Ficoll is uncoupled. The second fraction, retarded by dense Ficoll, shows both improved concentrative transport activity and greater uncoupler stimulation of respiration as compared to the original vesicle preparation.  相似文献   

An uncoupler-sensitive active transport of sulphate into membrane vesicles prepared from the plasma membrane of Paracoccus denitrificans (previously Micrococcus denitrificans) can be driven by respiration or by a trans-membrane pH gradient (alkaline inside) generated by the addition either of KCL ( in the presence of nigericin) or of NH4CL. Valinomycin does not substitute for nigericin. Respiration-driven transport is observed in right-side-out vesicles but not in inside-out vesicles, whereas transport driven by the addition of KCL (in the presence of nigericin) or of NH4CL is observed in both types of membrane vesicle. The active transport of sulphate into these vesicles is shown to be carrier-mediated by its sensitivity to thiol-group reagents. It is proposed that the sulphate carrier in the plasma membrane of P. denitrificans operates by a mechanism of electroneutral proton symport, and is capable of actively transporting sulphate in either direction across the plasma membrane, but that in whole cells respiration-driven proton expulsion drives the accumulative uptake of sulphate.  相似文献   

The relationship between the respiration rate and the magnitude of the electrochemical proton potential (delta mu H+) in rat liver mitochondria was investigated. (1) Under the active-state conditions, the action of inhibitors of either phosphorylation (oligomycin) or respiration (rotenone, malonate) on the respiration and delta mu H+ was measured. Both inhibitors diminished the respiration, whereas rotenone resulted in a decrease of delta mu H+, and oligomycin produced an increase of this potential. The effect of the inhibitors was much more pronounced on the respiration rate than on delta mu H+; for example, the excess of oligomycin produced a 90% inhibition of the respiration while delta mu H+ was changed only by 9%. (2) Under the resting-state conditions, small concentrations of the uncoupler stimulated the respiration while changing delta mu H+ to a relatively small extent. The uncoupler concentrations which doubled and tripled the respiration rate produced only 5 and 9% decrease of delta mu H+, respectively. (3) The present results enabled us to propose a model describing the interrelationship between respiration and delta mu H+.  相似文献   

The relationship between the respiration rate and the magnitude of the electrochemical proton potential (ΔμH+) in rat liver mitochondria was investigated. (1) Under the active-state conditions, the action of inhibitors of either phosphorylation (oligomycin) or respiration (rotenone, malonate) on the respiration and ΔμH+ was measured. Both inhibitors diminished the respiration, whereas rotenone resulted in a decrease of ΔμH+, and oligomycin produced an increase of this potential. The effect of the inhibitors was much more pronounced on the respiration rate than on ΔμH+; for example, the excess of oligomycin produced a 90% inhibition of the respiration while ΔμH+ was changed only by 9%. (2) Under the resting-state conditions, small concentrations of the uncoupler stimulated the respiration while changing ΔμH+ to a relatively small extent. The uncoupler concentrations which doubled and tripled the respiration rate produced only 5 and 9% decrease of ΔμH+, respectively. (3) The present results enabled us to propose a model describing the interrelationship between respiration and ΔμH+.  相似文献   

Membrane vesicles of Escherichia coli can be produced by 2 different methods: lysis of intact cells by passage through a French pressure cell or by osmotic rupturing of spheroplasts. The membrane of vesicles produced by the former method is everted relative to the orientation of the inner membrane in vivo. Using NADH, D-lactate, reduced phenazine methosulfate, or ATP these vesicles produce protonmotive forces, acid and positive inside, as determined using flow dialysis to measured the distribution of the weak base methylamine and the lipophilic anion thiocyanate. The vesicles accumulate calcium using the same energy sources, most likely by a calcium/proton antiport. Calcium accumulation, therefore, is presumably indicative of a proton gradient, acid inside. The latter type of vesicle, on the other hand, exhibits D-lactate-dependent proline transport but does not accumulate calcium with D-lactate as an energy source. NADH oxidation or ATP hydrolysis, however, will drive the transport of calcium but not proline in these vesicles. Oxidation of NADH or hydrolysis of ATP simultaneous with oxidation of D-lactate does not result in either calcium or proline transport. These results suggest that the vesicles are a patchwork or mosiac, in which certain enzyme complexes have an orientation opposite to that found in vivo, resulting in the formation of electrochemical proton gradients with an orientation opposite to that found in the intact cell. Other complexes retain their original orientation, making it possible to set up simultaneous proton fluxes in both directions, causing an apparent uncoupling of energy-linked processes. That the vesicles are capable of generating protonmotive forces of the opposite polarity was demonstrated by measurements of the distribution of acetate and methylamine (to measure the ΔpH) and thiocyanate (to measure the Δψ).  相似文献   

There exists considerable controversy regarding membrane topography in vesicles derived by osmotic lysis of spheroplasts of Gram-negative bacteria. It has been reported by others that bee venom can be used to quantitate the portion of a heterogeneous vesicle population with an inside-out orientation by determining the degree of loss of crypticity of NADH dehydrogenase activity. We have demonstrated that a major component of bee venom, melittin, causes an increase in the activity of several different respiratory enzymes in isolated membrane vesicles of Paracoccus denitrificans. The degree of stimulation produced by melittin is dependent upon (i) the nature of the respiratory substrates, (ii) the pH, (iii) the presence of Mg2+, (iv) the melittin: membrane protein ratio, and (v) the growth history of the cells from which the membrane vesicles were derived. Melittin-induced enhancement of TMPD:ascorbate and cytochrome c oxidase activities cannot be accounted for by increased accessibility of nonpermeant substrate to the interior of the vesicle. The stimulatory effect of melittin may rely in part on its ability to alter the proton permeability of the membrane thereby abolishing respiratory control. Collectively these observations call into question the usefulness of bee venom melittin in quantitative analyses of membrane topography. These results are consistent with the postulated existence of a homogeneous vesicle population in which the topography of the NADH dehydrogenase is different from that of the intact cell.  相似文献   

The light-driven primary proton pump bacteriorhodopsin has been incorporated in the cytoplasmic membrane of Streptococcus cremoris, in order to generate a protonmotive force across these membranes. This has been achieved by fusion of S. cremoris membrane vesicles with bacteriorhodopsin proteoliposomes. This fusion occurred when both preparations were mixed at low pH (less than 6.0), as shown by sucrose density gradient centrifugation and by dilution of fluorescent phospholipids incorporated into the bacteriorhodopsin proteoliposomes. Fusion was strongly enhanced by the presence of negatively charged phospholipids in the liposomal bilayer. When proteoliposomes were used that showed light-dependent proton uptake, the orientation of bacteriorhodopsin in the fused membranes was inside-out with respect to the in vivo orientation in Halobacterium halobium. Consequently, in the light a ΔΨ, interior positive and a ΔpH, interior acid were generated. This protonmotive force could drive calcium uptake in the fused membranes. The uptake increased hyperbolically with increasing light intensity and was abolished by bleaching of bacteriorhodopsin. Addition of the ionophore valinomycin stimulated calcium uptake and led to an increase of the ΔpH. Calcium uptake was strongly decreased in the dark and in the light in the presence of uncouplers, nigericin or both valinomycin and nigericin.  相似文献   

The membrane potential and pH gradient developed across the plasma membranes of whole cells of Staphylococcus aureus and spheroplasts of Escherichia coli were estimated. The distributions of potassium ions in the presence of valinomycin and the pH gradient across the membrane were determined from the changes in pK and pH observed in the external medium during transition from the energized respiring state to the de-engerized resting condition. The protonmotive force in respiring cells was estimated at 211 mV for S. aureus and 230 mV for E. coli at external pH values of approximately 6.5. The adequacy of these protonmotive forces as a driving force for substrate accumulation or adenosine 5'-triphosphate synthesis is discussed.  相似文献   

The and the Gp have been measured in whole cells ofMethylophilus methylotrophus during the oxidation of various respiratory chain substrates. The magnitude of the depended on the external pH and the composition of the assay medium, and varied from-109 to-165 mV. The relative contributions of the and the pH to the were found to vary with the external pH such that the internal pH remained constant; depending on the composition of the assay medium, this value was between 6.6 and 7.0. A Gp of approximately-46 kJ/mol was generated during the oxidation of methanol, and either the or pH alone was fully competent to drive ATP synthesis. Respiration and ATP synthesis were found to be poised far from equilibrium under the conditions of these experiments, and the value of the Gp was thus controlled kinetically. Comparison of the with the Gp yielded an H+/ATP quotient >2.6 g-ion H+/mol ATP.Abbreviations TMPD N,N,N,N-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine - FCCP carbonylcyanidep-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone - DMO 5,5-dimethyloxazolidine-2,4-dione - TPMP+ triphenylmethylphosphonium (iodide salt); Tween 20, polyoxyethylenesorbitan monolaurate - TPP+ tetraphenylphosphonium (bromide salt) - bulk phase transmembrane electrochemical potential difference of protons ( ) - pH bulk phase transmembrane pH difference (pHin-pHout) - bulk phase transmembrane electrical potential difference (in-out) - p true protonmotive force (incorporating both bulk phase and localised protons; )  相似文献   

Nitric oxide reductase of Paracoccus denitrificans was purified, with the use of 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]-2-hydroxy-1-propanesulfonate (CHAPSO) detergent, as membrane vesicles of apparent Mr = 2-3 x 10(6). Fifty percent of the protein was a peptide of Mr = 34,000. Further fractionation with sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) resulted in vesicles in which the peptide constituted 90-95% of the protein. This peptide, which is rich in Ala, Gly, Ser, Asx, and Glx, is considered to be the peptide of nitric oxide reductase. The CHAPSO- and SDS-fractionated preparations lost activity at 4 degrees C, pH 7.4, with half-times, respectively, of about 6 days and 4 h. Specific activities at 32 degrees C, pH 7.4, of about 0.33 mumol of NO x min-1 x mg-1 were realized after fractionation with CHAPSO in a phenazine methosulfate/ascorbate-based assay. The Km(NO) was less than or equal to 17 microM at pH 7.4. Rates decreased substantially below pH 5 and above pH 7.6. The preparations were free or almost free of cytochromes, exhibited otherwise no absorption bands in the visible region, contained no redox metals except for very small amounts of iron, were not inhibited by EDTA or some other common inhibitors of redox-metal enzymes, and were not observed to catalyze the reduction of nitrate, nitrite, or N2O. An absorption band at 274 nm in both the CHAPSO- and SDS-fractionated preparations was attributed to the presence of a solvent-soluble chromophore. N-Bromosuccinimide (NBS) inactivated the enzyme and bleached the chromophore both in the enzyme preparation and, after its purification, in 95% ethanol. NBS-inactivated enzyme could be reconstituted with purified chromophore, which alone seemed to have no nitric oxide reductase activity, but not with purified chromophore that had been reacted with NBS. Spectral changes interpretable as due to changes in redox state were not observed when enzyme was exposed to NO or certain reducing agents.  相似文献   

Adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP) synthesis energized by an artificially imposed protonmotive force (delta p) in adenosine 5'-diphosphate-loaded membrane vesicles of Escherichia coli was investigated. The protonmotive force is composed of an artificially imposed pH gradient (delta pH) or membrane potential (deltapsi), or both. A delta pH was established by a rapid alteration of the pH of the assay medium. A delta psi was created by the establishment of diffusion potential of K+ in the presence of valinomycin. The maximal amount of ATP synthesized was 0.4 to 0.5 nmol/mg of membrane protein when energized by a delta pH and 0.2 to 0.3 nmol/mg of membrane protein when a delta psi was imposed. Simultaneous imposition of both a delta pH and delta psi resulted in the formation of greater amounts of ATP (0.8 nmol/mg of membrane protein) than with either alone. The amount of ATP synthesized was roughly proportional to the magnitude of the artificially imposed delta p. Although p-chloromercuribenzoate, 2-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline-N-oxide, or NaCN each inhibits oxidation of D-lactate, and thus oxidative phosphorylation, none inhibited ATP synthesis driven by an artificially imposed delta p. Membrane vesicles prepared from uncA or uncB strains, which are defective in oxidative phosphorylation, likewise were unable to catalyze ATP synthesis when energy was supplied by an artificially imposed delta p.  相似文献   

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