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外国鲸类学家,根据血清皋丸酮浓度变化研究了雄性宽吻海豚(Tursiops truncatus Montagu)和长吻原海豚(Stenella lonqirostris Gray)的生殖季节性1,2,并且提出了雄性宽吻海豚血清翠酮浓度与其精子密度之间互为反比关系3.    相似文献   

本文基于实验室筛选得到的13 对内含子标记,在鲸偶蹄目的15 个物种中进行有效扩增,并重建了这15
个物种的系统发育关系。结果表明,抹香鲸总科(Physeteroidea) 位于齿鲸亚目(Odontoceti)的基部,从而支
育问题。  相似文献   

一、前言海豚(Delphinus)又名江豚、江猪,是一种经济价值极高的大洋暖水性水生哺乳动物,隶属于脊椎动物门(Vertebrata)哺乳(?)(Mammalia)鲸目(Cetacea)海豚科(Delphinidae)。世界各地都有出产。我国的分布也很广,沿海各地及长江中下游均有丰富的蕴藏量;主要的有江豚(Neuphocacna phocaenoides)、真海脓(Dclphinusdelphis或Sotalia chinensis Osbeck)、白海豚(Delphinus  相似文献   

条纹原海豚mtDNA控制区序列变异分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
条纹原海豚( Stenella coeruleualba )是一种暖水性的小型鲸类,在50°N~40°S之间有分布,在其分布区内的许多水域,均受到渔业误捕或直接捕捞的影响(Jefferson et al .,1993).但由于缺乏该物种全面而系统的种群生物学知识,IUCN红皮目录将其保护生物学地位定为"不清楚"(Hilton-Taylor,2000),需要进一步开展保护生物学研究.  相似文献   

布氏鲸(Bryde’s whale)是广泛分布于温带和热带海域的一类中等体型须鲸,通常认为存在小布氏鲸(Balaenoptera edeni edeni)和布氏鲸(B. e. brydei)两个亚种。然而,有研究表明它们应该被划分为两个独立物种,即近岸小型布氏鲸(B. edeni)和远洋大型布氏鲸(B. brydei)。由于两者外部形态极其相似,并且存在同域分布现象,很难基于外观进行准确的物种鉴定。近年来,广西北部湾涠洲岛海域出现一个稳定的布氏鲸栖息种群,但目前尚不清楚属于哪种布氏鲸。研究采集了涠洲岛布氏鲸种群中两个体的粪便样品,从其中一份样品成功提取基因组DNA,并基于线粒体Cyt b和COΙ基因序列开展物种鉴定和遗传分析,鉴定结果为小布氏鲸。此外,还鉴定出涠洲岛海域同年死亡的一头须鲸也为小布氏鲸。据此推测涠洲岛水域栖息的布氏鲸种群可能是小布氏鲸。研究首次基于粪便样品,采用分子生物学技术,成功开展了活体布氏鲸的物种鉴定。这种基于非损伤采样的物种鉴定方法值得进一步优化并推广应用。  相似文献   

我国东海糙齿海豚   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
糙齿海豚(Steno bredanensis Lesson)是鲸目、齿鲸亚目、海豚科中较为原始种类。吻突狭长,吻突与额之间无明显界线,齿冠有褶纹,齿根宽扁,下颌骨联合较长,与淡水豚科种类及古代第三纪中新世古长吻海豚(Eurhinodelphis)甚为相似,惟第一、第二颈椎相愈合。分布于大西洋、印度洋、太平洋和地中海。通常生活在温暖的海域。过去太平洋区的爪哇海和夏威夷群岛海域曾有报道。日本小川鼎三1935年在该国静岡的鱼市场也曾采到  相似文献   

太平洋短吻海豚(Lanenorhynchus obliquidens Gill)是鲸目齿鲸亚目海豚科中一种较小的海豚。身体两侧各有一黑纹从口角至鰭肢基部并向后沿体侧延伸至肛门。背鳍后缘凹曲似镰状。齿式为(27~33)/(27~33)。多分布在北太平洋的日本海(包括日本北面、朝鲜东面及苏联远东区沿海)、日本南面近海和北美加利福尼亚至南美哥伦比亚等地区沿海。我国台湾及福建海域也有发现。1958年江苏东海海区曾捕获一头雌性海豚,体长1.98米。经过鉴定乃太平洋短吻海豚。所获标本保存在复旦大学生物系标本室。现就其骨骼描记如下:  相似文献   

在鲸类的演化历史中,由陆生动物转化成完全的水生动物的过程是一个由来已久的演化谜题。基干鲸类的多样性很高,化石记录也很完整。5个科一级的基干鲸类演化支系组成一个并系类群,包括:巴基鲸科(Pakicetidae)、游走鲸科(Ambulocetidae)、雷明顿鲸科(Remingtonocetidae)、原鲸科(Protocetidae)和龙王鲸科(Basilosauridae)。最基干的鲸类巴基鲸科动物可能是一种半水生动物,生活在接近淡水的环境中,代表了陆生偶蹄类向水生鲸类演化的初始一步。更为进步的游走鲸类具有更多适应于水生生活的特征,而且可能更加适应于海水环境。雷明顿鲸类的平衡觉器官和声音传导机制已经表现出向现代鲸类方向演化的趋势。基于稳定氧同位素分析的研究表明,雷明顿鲸类可能完全是海生的。原鲸类的多样性非常高,是鲸类中最先实现全球分布的类群。原鲸保留有发育良好的后肢,但是它们的髂骶关节很松甚至消失。龙王鲸类是鲸类冠类群的绝灭姊妹群。鲸类与其他哺乳动物的系统关系一直存在争议,分子生物学、古生物学和形态学证据都支持鲸类与偶蹄类的亲缘关系较近,但是流行的河马-鲸类亲缘假说尚缺乏坚实的古生物学和形态学数据支持。对石炭兽类和狶类开展详细的系统分析和研究,将有助于厘清河马-鲸类亲缘假说中的不确定关系。如果不使用分子数据来限定现代鲸类和偶蹄类的系统位置,仅使用古生物学和形态学数据的分析仍然支持传统的中兽-鲸类亲缘假说。  相似文献   

研究以草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)为实验对象, 运用厌氧培养的方法, 研究了饥饿状态下草鱼肠道黏膜固有微生物的类群及其在不同肠段的分布。实验结果显示草鱼前肠、中肠与后肠中细菌的数量分别是3.17×103、1.63×104和1.79×107 cfu/g。研究共分离到274株单菌落, 经16S rRNA鉴定, 分别属于拟杆菌属(Bacteroides spp.)、鲸杆菌属(Cetobacterium spp.)、梭形杆菌属(Fusobacterium spp.)、气单胞菌属(Aeromonas spp.)、希瓦氏菌属(Shewanella spp.)、芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus spp.)、泛菌属(Pantoea spp.)和柠檬酸杆菌属(Citrobacter spp.)8个种类, 其中专性厌氧细菌的数量占9.1%, 兼性厌氧细菌的数量占90.9%。进一步分析发现, 前肠中只分离到兼性厌氧细菌, 中肠与后肠专性厌氧细菌和兼性厌氧细菌都有分布。专性厌氧细菌Bacteroides paurosaccharolyticus和Bacteroides luti在中肠与后肠都有分布, 而Cetobacterium somerae和Fusobacterium ulcerans只在后肠有发现。兼性厌氧细菌是草鱼肠道黏膜的优势菌群, 其中嗜水气单胞菌Aeromonas hydrophila占73.7%。草鱼肠道不同部位固有厌氧微生物组成存在差异, 细菌数量也明显不同, 后肠中具有更高的细菌丰度和多样性。  相似文献   

物种分布模型目前被广泛应用于生物学、生态学和保护生物学的各个领域。该文以肯尼亚茜草科河骨木属(Afrocanthium)为例,利用最大熵模型(MaxEnt)模拟植物在当前气候情景下的潜在分布,并将这些分布图利用于正在编写的《肯尼亚植物志》中。结果显示,基于足够的原始标本记录,模型能够很好地模拟出每种植物的潜在分布区域。相比传统和新一代植物志仅提供标本信息点或是粗略分布图,《肯尼亚植物志》预采用的潜在分布图,将为志书使用者提供更加全面、实用的信息。  相似文献   

Distribution of cetaceans in the offshore Gulf of Mexico   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to comprehend better the distribution of Gulf of Mexico cetaceans, all available records of whales and dolphins in the offshore Gulf were assembled and analysed. This included sightings, strandings and captures of all species, except the Bottlenose Dolphin Tursiops truncatus , from all sources, except the recently completed GulfCet project. An attempt was made to confirm species identification for each of the records. A total of 1223 records was available for analysis. Twentyseven species of cetaceans have been confirmed to occur in the offshore Gulf of Mexico. All of the baleen whales, with the possible exception of the Bryde's Whale Balaenoptera edeni appear to be extralimital in the Gulf. The Sperm Whale Physeter macrocephalus is, by far, the most common great whale in this body of water. All previous records of Common Dolphins Delphinus spp. in the Gulf are rejected as either incorrect or unreliable, and there is currently no convincing evidence that dolphins of the genus Delphinus occur in the Gulf. The Atlantic Spotted Dolphin Stenella frontalis is the only species, other than the Bottlenose Dolphin, that regularly occurs over the continental shelf. The Pantropical Spotted Dolphin Stenella attenuata is the most common species of small cetacean in oceanic waters of the Gulf, but many other species also occur there in significant numbers.  相似文献   

A total of 1,715 km of boat-based surveys and 1,521 km of aircraft-based surveys was conducted from 1986–1989 to assess the distribution, relative abundance, and ecological relationships of cetaceans in the northern Gulf of California. Seven cetacean species were seen; in decreasing frequency of groups encountered they were: bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus ; vaquitas, Phocoena sinus ; common dolphins, Delphinus delphis ; fin whales, Balaenoptera physalus ; Bryde's whales, B. edeni ; gray whales, Eschrichtius robustus , and killer whales, Orcinus orca. Common dolphins were numerically dominant and bottlenose dolphins were seen most often. Bryde's whales and vaquitas had the smallest group sizes. In general, the odontocete cetaceans were separated spatially, whereas the distribution of Bryde's and fin whales overlapped considerably.  相似文献   

Nineteen species of cetaceans (families Balaenopteridae, Kogiidae, Physeteridae, Ziphiidae and Delphinidae) occur in the Costa Rican Pacific Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Based on data recorded from the EEZ by the Southwest Fisheries Service Center, Cascadia Research Collective, and CIMAR between 1979-2001, we mapped the distribution of 18 cetacean species. Our results suggest that the majority of the cetacean species use primarily oceanic waters, particularly those species within the families Balaenopteridae, Kogiidae. Physeteridae and Ziphiidae. Members of the family Delphinidae showed a wide variety of distribution patterns: seven species are widespread throughout the EEZ, four appear to be exclusively pelagic, and two are primarily coastal. Overall, three cetacean species appear to have populations concentrated in coastal waters: Stenella attenuata graffmani. Tursiops truncatus, and Megaptera novaeangliae. These three may be more susceptible to human activities due to the overlap of their ranges with fishery areas (tuna and artisanal fisheries), and an uncontrolled increase of touristic whale watching activities in several parts of their range. The distribution maps represent the first comprehensive representation of cetacean species that inhabit Costa Rican Pacific waters. They provide essential base-line information that may be used to initiate conservation and management efforts of the habitats where these animals reproduce and forage.  相似文献   

The Gulf of Mexico is a subtropical marginal sea of the western North Atlantic Ocean with a diverse cetacean community. Ship-based, line-transect abundance surveys were conducted in oceanic waters (>200 m deep) of the northern Gulf within U. S. waters (380,432 km2) during spring from 1996 to 1997 and from 1999 to 2001. Data from these five surveys were pooled and minimum abundance estimates were based on 12,162 km of effort and 512 sightings of at least 19 species. The most commonly sighted species (number of groups) were pantropical spotted dolphin, Stenella attenuata (164); sperm whale, Physeter macrocephalus (67); dwarf/pygmy sperm whale, Kogia simalbreviceps (58); Risso's dolphin, Grampus griseus (38); and bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus (24). The most abundant species (number of individuals; coefficient of variation) were S. attenuata (91,321; 0.16); Clymene dolphin, S. clymene (17,355; 0.65); spinner dolphin, S. longirostris (11,971; 0.71); and striped dolphin, S. coeruleoalba (6,505; 0.43). The only large whales sighted were P. macrocephalus (1,349; 0.23) and Bryde's whale, Balaenopteraedeni (40; 0.61). Abundances for other species or genera ranged from 95 to 2,388 animals. Cetaceans were sighted throughout the oceanic northern Gulf and, whereas many species were widely distributed, some had more regional distributions.  相似文献   

We determined the myoglobin (Mb) cDNA sequences of nine cetaceans, of which six are the first reports of Mb sequences: sei whale (Balaenoptera borealis), Bryde's whale (Balaenoptera edeni), pygmy sperm whale (Kogia breviceps), Stejneger's beaked whale (Mesoplodon stejnegeri), Longman's beaked whale (Indopacetus pacificus), and melon-headed whale (Peponocephala electra), and three confirm the previously determined chemical amino acid sequences: sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus), common minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) and pantropical spotted dolphin (Stenella attenuata). We found two types of Mb in the skeletal muscle of pantropical spotted dolphin: Mb I with the same amino acid sequence as that deposited in the protein database, and Mb II, which differs at two amino acid residues compared with Mb I. Using an alignment of the amino acid or cDNA sequences of cetacean Mb, we constructed a phylogenetic tree by the NJ method. Clustering of cetacean Mb amino acid and cDNA sequences essentially follows the classical taxonomy of cetaceans, suggesting that Mb sequence data is valid for classification of cetaceans at least to the family level.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the pattern of differentiation of cranial shape in three closely related delphinid cetacean species of the complex Delphinus-Stenella-Tursiops: Delphinus delphis, Stenella coeruleoalba and Tursiops truncatus. Dorsal and ventral aspects of the cranium were analysed using landmark-based geometric morphometric methods. While there was no evidence of sexual dimorphism for shape or size, multivariate statistical analyses showed that there were interspecific differences in skull morphology. Skull shape differences between the three studied species were related with cranial width and differences in the length of the rostrum relative to the cranial portion of the skull. D. delphis and S. coeruleoalba showed high cranial shape similarity, which is indicative of their evolutionary proximity when compared with T. truncatus. Phenetic clusters based on cranial shape similarities were found to be concordant with the molecular phylogenetic clades obtained from mitochondrial DNA genes. Geometric morphometric methods can thus be an exceptionally useful tool for the study of differentiation of delphinid cetacean species and therefore provide some insights into their evolutionary history.  相似文献   

Marine mammals have been subject to heavy anthropogenic pressure by direct killing and chemical pollution all over the world. Most studies of contamination and biomarker responses in marine mammals have been conducted using animals killed by hunting out of a total of 12 cetacean species studied, 45 of the specimens were obtained by sacrificing the animal; out of a total of eight pinniped species studied, 40 of the specimens were obtained by killing . The development of a series of non destructive techniques to evaluate biomarker responses and residue levels is recommended for the hazard assessment and conservation of endangered species of marine mammals. Here we review the current status of the non destructive biomarker approach in marine mammals, describing the biological materials available for non destructive tests in stranded brain, liver, blood, skin, subcutaneous blubber, muscle and fur and free ranging animals blood, skin biopsy, fur and faeces and the respective biomarker techniques mixed function oxidase activity and DNA damage in skin biopsy samples; porphyrins in faeces and fur; esterases, porphyrins, clinical biochemical parameter, vitamin A and micronuclei in blood samples . Residue analysis can be carried out in the various biological materials. We also report the results of applying this methodological approach to cetaceans minke whale Balaenoptera acutorostrata, fin whale-- Balaenoptera physalus, beluga whale-- Delphinapterus leucas, short finned pilot whale-- Globicephala macrorhynchus, harbour porpoise -- Phocoena phocoena, Rissos dolphin-- Risso s Grampus griseus, Dall s porpoise-- Phocoenoides dalli dalli, melon headed whale-- Peponocephala electra, bottlenose dolphin -- Tursiops truncatus, striped dolphin-- Stenella coeruleoalba, spinner dolphin-- Stenella longirostris, killer whale-- Orcinus orca and pinnipeds northern fur seal- Callorhinus ursinus, hooded seal-- Cystophora cristata, grey seal-- Halichoerus grypus, harbour seal-- Phoca vitulina, ringed seal-- Phoca hispida, harp seal-- Phoca groenlandica, ribbon seal-- Phoca fasciata, largha seal- Phoca largha, southern sea lion-- Otaria flavescens in field studies for prognostic and diagnostic purposes.  相似文献   

Marine mammals have been subject to heavy anthropogenic pressure by direct killing and chemical pollution all over the world. Most studies of contamination and biomarker responses in marine mammals have been conducted using animals killed by hunting out of a total of 12 cetacean species studied, 45 of the specimens were obtained by sacrificing the animal; out of a total of eight pinniped species studied, 40 of the specimens were obtained by killing. The development of a series of non destructive techniques to evaluate biomarker responses and residue levels is recommended for the hazard assessment and conservation of endangered species of marine mammals. Here we review the current status of the non destructive biomarker approach in marine mammals, describing the biological materials available for non destructive tests in stranded brain, liver, blood, skin, subcutaneous blubber, muscle and fur and free ranging animals blood, skin biopsy, fur and faeces and the respective biomarker techniques mixed function oxidase activity and DNA damage in skin biopsy samples; porphyrins in faeces and fur; esterases, porphyrins, clinical biochemical parameter, vitamin A and micronuclei in blood samples. Residue analysis can be carried out in the various biological materials. We also report the results of applying this methodological approach to cetaceans minke whale Balaenoptera acutorostrata, fin whale-- Balaenoptera physalus, beluga whale-- Delphinapterus leucas, short finned pilot whale-- Globicephala macrorhynchus, harbour porpoise -- Phocoena phocoena, Rissos dolphin-- Risso s Grampus griseus, Dall s porpoise-- Phocoenoides dalli dalli, melon headed whale-- Peponocephala electra, bottlenose dolphin -- Tursiops truncatus, striped dolphin-- Stenella coeruleoalba, spinner dolphin-- Stenella longirostris, killer whale-- Orcinus orca and pinnipeds northern fur seal- Callorhinus ursinus, hooded seal-- Cystophora cristata, grey seal-- Halichoerus grypus, harbour seal-- Phoca vitulina, ringed seal-- Phoca hispida, harp seal-- Phoca groenlandica, ribbon seal-- Phoca fasciata, largha seal- Phoca largha, southern sea lion-- Otaria flavescens in field studies for prognostic and diagnostic purposes.  相似文献   

The spatial and seasonal distribution of cetaceans and possible links with environmental conditions were studied at the Galician continental shelf. Data were collected between February–August 2001 and June–September 2003 during opportunistic surveys onboard fishing boats. Seven species of cetaceans were identified from 250 sightings of 6,846 individuals. The common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) was by far the most frequently sighted and the most widely distributed species. Spatiotemporal trends in cetacean distribution and abundance, and their relationships with environmental parameters (sea depth, SST and chlorophyll-a) were quantified using generalised additive models (GAMs). Results for all cetaceans were essentially the same as for common dolphins alone. Modelling results indicated that the number of common dolphin sightings per unit effort was higher further south. The number of individual common dolphins seen per sighting of this species (i.e. group size) was however higher in the north and west of the study area, higher later in the year and higher in 2001 than in 2003. In contrast, the number of common dolphin calves seen (per sighting of this species) was higher in the south. Models including environmental variables indicated larger common dolphin group sizes in deeper waters and at higher chlorophyll concentrations (i.e. in more productive areas). There was also a positive relationship between survey effort and group size, which is probably an artefact of the tendency of the survey platforms (fishing boats) to spend most time in areas of high fish abundance. Numbers of common dolphin calves per sighting were found to be higher in shallower waters. The results are consistent with common dolphins foraging mainly in deeper waters of the Galician continental shelf, while more southern inshore waters may represent a nursery area.  相似文献   

The Hauraki Gulf is a large, shallow embayment located north of Auckland City (36°51′S, 174°46′E), New Zealand. Bryde's whales (Balaenoptera edeni) are the most frequently observed balaenopterid in these waters. To assess the use of the Hauraki Gulf for this species, we examined the occurrence and distribution in relation to environmental parameters. Data were collected from a platform of opportunity during 674 daily surveys between March 2003 and February 2006. A total of 760 observations of Bryde's whales were recorded throughout the study period during 371 surveys. The number of Bryde's whales sighted/day was highest in winter, coinciding with the coolest median sea‐surface temperature (14.6°C). Bryde's whales were recorded throughout the Hauraki Gulf in water depths ranging from 12.1–59.8 m (mean = 42.3, SD = 5.1). Cow–calf pairs were most frequently observed during the austral autumn in water depths of 29.9–53.9 m (mean = 40.8, SD = 5.2). Data from this study suggest Bryde's whales in the Hauraki Gulf exhibit a mix of both “inshore” and “offshore” characteristics from the Bryde's whales examined off the coast of South Africa.  相似文献   

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