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Many biochemical reactions are confined to interfaces, such as membranes or cell walls. Despite their importance, no canonical rate laws describing the kinetics of surface-active enzymes exist. Combining the approach chosen by Michaelis and Menten 100 years ago with concepts from surface chemical physics, we here present an approach to derive generic rate laws of enzymatic processes at surfaces. We illustrate this by a simple reversible conversion on a surface to stress key differences to the classical case in solution. The available area function, a concept from surface physics which enters the rate law, covers different models of adsorption and presents a unifying perspective on saturation effects and competition between enzymes. A remarkable implication is the direct dependence of the rate of a given enzyme on all other enzymatic species able to bind at the surface. The generic approach highlights general principles of the kinetics of surface-active enzymes and allows to build consistent mathematical models of more complex pathways involving reactions at interfaces.  相似文献   

Biosynthetic networks link to growth and reproduction processes through template-directed synthesis of macromolecules such as polynucleotides and polypeptides. No rate equation exists that captures this link in a way that it can effectively be incorporated into a single computational model of the overall process. This paper describes the derivation of such a generic steady-state rate equation for catalysed, template-directed polymerisation reactions with varying monomer stoichiometry and varying chain length. The derivation is based on a classical Michaelis–Menten mechanism with template binding and an arbitrary number of chain elongation steps that produce a polymer composed of an arbitrary number of monomer types. The rate equation only requires the identity of the first dimer in the polymer sequence; for the remainder only the monomer composition needs be known. Further simplification of a term in the denominator yielded an equation requiring no positional information at all, only the monomer composition of the polymer; this equation still gave an excellent estimate of the reaction rate provided that either the monomer concentrations are at least half-saturating, or the polymer is very long.  相似文献   

Models of adaptive radiation through intraspecific competition have attracted mounting attention. Here we show how extending such models in a simple manner, by including a quantitative trait under weak directional selection, naturally leads to rich macroevolutionary patterns involving recurrent adaptive radiations and extinctions. Extensive tests demonstrate the robustness of this finding to a wide range of variations in model assumptions. In particular, recurrent adaptive radiations and extinctions readily unfold both for asexual and for sexual populations. Since the mechanisms driving the investigated processes of endogenous diversification result from generic geometric features of the underlying fitness landscapes--frequency-dependent disruptive selection in one trait and weak directional selection in another--the reported phenomena can be expected to occur in a wide variety of eco-evolutionary settings.  相似文献   

Many developmental systems are organised via the action of graded distributions of morphogens. In the Drosophila wing disc, for example, recent experimental evidence has shown that graded expression of the morphogen Dpp controls cell proliferation and hence disc growth. Our goal is to explore a simple model for regulation of wing growth via the Dpp gradient: we use a system of reaction-diffusion equations to model the dynamics of Dpp and its receptor Tkv, with advection arising as a result of the flow generated by cell proliferation. We analyse the model both numerically and analytically, showing that uniform domain growth across the disc produces an exponentially growing wing disc.  相似文献   

Current models put forward that the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is efficiently internalized via clathrin-coated pits only in response to ligand-induced activation of its intrinsic tyrosine kinase and is subsequently directed into a lysosomal-proteasomal degradation pathway by mechanisms that include receptor tyrosine phosphorylation and ubiquitylation. Herein, we report a novel mechanism of EGFR internalization that does not require ligand binding, receptor kinase activity, or ubiquitylation and does not direct the receptor into a degradative pathway. Inhibition of basal protein kinase A (PKA) activity by H89 and the cell-permeable substrate peptide Myr-PKI induced internalization of 40-60% unoccupied, inactive EGFR, and its accumulation into early endosomes without affecting endocytosis of transferrin and mu-opioid receptors. This effect was abrogated by interfering with clathrin function. Thus, the predominant distribution of inactive EGFR at the plasma membrane is not simply by default but involves a PKA-dependent restrictive condition resulting in receptor avoidance of endocytosis until it is stimulated by ligand. Furthermore, PKA inhibition may contribute to ligand-induced EGFR endocytosis because epidermal growth factor inhibited 26% of PKA basal activity. On the other hand, H89 did not alter ligand-induced internalization of EGFR but doubled its half-time of down-regulation by retarding its segregation into degradative compartments, seemingly due to a delay in the receptor tyrosine phosphorylation and ubiquitylation. Our results reveal that PKA basal activity controls EGFR function at two levels: 1) residence time of inactive EGFR at the cell surface by a process of "endocytic evasion," modulating the accessibility of receptors to stimuli; and 2) sorting events leading to the down-regulation pathway of ligand-activated EGFR, determining the length of its intracellular signaling. They add a new dimension to the fine-tuning of EGFR function in response to cellular demands and cross talk with other signaling receptors.  相似文献   

We have recently demonstrated that Cys-254 of the 73-kDa A subunit of the clathrin-coated vesicle (H+)-ATPase is responsible for sensitivity of the enzyme to sulfhydryl reagents (Feng, Y., and Forgac, M. (1992) J. Biol. Chem. 267, 5817-5822). In the present study we observe that for the purified enzyme, disulfide bond formation causes inactivation of proton transport which is reversed by dithiothreitol (DTT). DTT also restores activity of the oxidized enzyme following treatment with N-ethylmaleimide (NEM). These results indicate that disulfide bond formation between the NEM-reactive cysteine (Cys-254) and a closely proximal cysteine residue leads to inactivation of the (H+)-ATPase. To test whether sulfhydryl-disulfide bond interchange may play a role in regulating vacuolar acidification in vivo, we have determined what fraction of the (H+)-ATPase is disulfide-bonded in native clathrin-coated vesicles. Vesicles were isolated under conditions that prevent any change in the oxidation state of the sulfhydryl groups. NEM treatment of vesicles causes nearly complete loss of activity while subsequent treatment with DTT restores 50% of the activity of the fully reduced vesicles. By contrast, treatment of fully reduced vesicles with NEM leads to inactivation which is not reversed by DTT. These results indicate that a significant fraction of the clathrin-coated vesicle (H+)-ATPase exists in an inactive, disulfide-bonded state and suggest that sulfhydryl-disulfide bond interconversion may play a role in controlling vacuolar (H+)-ATPase (V-ATPase) activity in vivo.  相似文献   

While systemic steroid hormones are known to regulate reproductive behaviour, the actual mechanisms of steroidal regulation remain largely unknown. Steroidogenic enzyme activity can rapidly modulate social behaviour by influencing neurosteroid production. In fish, the enzyme 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (11β-HSD) synthesizes 11-ketotestosterone (KT, a potent teleost androgen) and deactivates cortisol (the primary teleost glucocorticoid), and both of these steroid hormones can regulate behaviour. Here, we investigated the role of neurosteroidogenesis in regulating parenting in a haremic bidirectionally hermaphroditic fish, Lythrypnus dalli, where males provide all requisite parental care. Using an in vitro assay, we found that an 11β-HSD inhibitor, carbenoxolone (CBX), reduced brain and testicular KT synthesis by 90% or more. We modulated neurosteroid levels in parenting males via intracerebroventricular injection of CBX. Within only 20 min, CBX transiently eliminated parenting behaviour, but not other social behaviour, suggesting an enzymatic mechanism for rapid neurosteroidal regulation of parenting. Consistent with our proposed mechanism, elevating KT levels rescued parenting when paired with CBX, while cortisol alone did not affect parenting. Females paired with the experimental males opportunistically consumed unattended eggs, which reduced male reproductive success by 15%, but some females also exhibited parenting behaviour and these females had elevated brain KT. Brain KT levels appear to regulate the expression of parenting behaviour as a result of changes in neural 11β-HSD activity.  相似文献   

Some epithelial cells are polarized along an axis orthogonal to their apical-basal axes. Recent studies in Drosophila lead to the view that three classes of signaling molecules govern the planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway. The first class, or module, functions across whole tissues, providing directional information to individual cells. The second module, apparently shared by all planar polarized tissues, and related to the canonical Wnt signaling pathway, interprets the directional signal to produce subcellular asymmetries. The third modules are tissue specific, acting to translate subcellular asymmetry into the appropriate morphological manifestations in the different cell types.  相似文献   

The western terrestrial garter snake (Thamnophis elegans) varies significantly in individual growth rates and life-history traits (maturation, reproduction, and survival) among adjacent populations in nature. This study focuses on assessing the genetic and environmental components of the substantial among-population variation in growth rates. Litters of neonates from nine populations inhabiting either mountain meadow or lakeshore habitat were reared for one year in a common-garden experiment with two temperature treatments. Diet, frequency of feeding, light exposure, and daytime temperatures were identical for all individuals. The two different nighttime temperatures (20 degrees C and 25 degrees C) were chosen to mirror field differences in nighttime thermoregulatory constraints for mountain-meadow and lakeshore snakes, respectively. Temperature and source habitat interacted to affect first-year growth rate. Neonates from meadow dams grew fastest in the cooler treatment, whereas those from lakeshore dams grew fastest in the warmer treatment. The observation that naive neonates, which were gestated and raised under identical conditions, grew fastest in environments characteristic of their natal population is evidence both that there are genetic differences among populations for growth and that these differences reflect adaptation to local habitats at a very small geographic scale. In addition, significant directional selection for large birthweight was measured for neonates from all populations. These results are considered in the context of population colonization history, migration and selection, and competing models for growth rate variation.  相似文献   

Growth cones are highly motile structures at the end of neuronal processes, capable of receiving multiple types of guidance cues and transducing them into directed axonal growth. Thus, to guide the axon toward the appropriate target cell, the growth cone carries out different functions: it acts as a sensor, signal transducer, and motility device. An increasing number of molecular components that mediate axon guidance have been characterized over the past years. The vast majority of these molecules include proteins that act as guidance cues and their respective receptors. In addition, more and more signaling and cytoskeleton-associated proteins have been localized to the growth cone. Furthermore, it has become evident that growth cone motility and guidance depends on a dynamic cytoskeleton that is regulated by incoming guidance information. Current and future research in the growth cone field will be focussed on how different guidance cues transmit their signals to the cytoskeleton and change its dynamic properties to affect the rate and direction of growth cone movement. In this review, we discuss recent evidence that cell adhesion molecules can regulate growth cone motility and guidance by a mechanism of substrate-cytoskeletal coupling.  相似文献   

Monitoring and control of production processes for biopharmaceuticals have become standard requirements to support consistency and quality. In this paper, a constant specific growth rate in fed-batch cultivation of Bordetella pertussis is achieved by a newly designed specific growth rate controller. The performance of standard control methods is limited because of the time-varying characteristics due to the exponentially increasing biomass and volume. To cope with the changing dynamics, a stable model reference adaptive controller is designed which adapts the controller settings as volume and biomass increase. An important asset of the design is that dissolved oxygen is the only required online measurement. An original design without considering the dissolved oxygen dynamics resulted experimentally in oscillatory behaviour. Hence, in contrast to common believes, it is essential to include dissolved oxygen dynamics. The robustness of this novel design was tested in simulation. The validity of the design was confirmed by laboratory experiments for small-scale production of B. pertussis. The controller was able to regulate the specific growth rate at the desired set point, even during a long fed-batch cultivation time with exponentially increasing demands for substrates and oxygen.  相似文献   

The evaluation of a generic simplified bi-substrate enzyme kinetic equation, whose derivation is based on the assumption of equilibrium binding of substrates and products in random order, is described. This equation is much simpler than the mechanistic (ordered and ping-pong) models, in that it contains fewer parameters (that is, no K(i) values for the substrates and products). The generic equation fits data from both the ordered and the ping-pong models well over a wide range of substrate and product concentrations. In the cases where the fit is not perfect, an improved fit can be obtained by considering the rate equation for only a single set of product concentrations. Due to its relative simplicity in comparison to the mechanistic models, this equation will be useful for modelling bi-substrate reactions in computational systems biology.  相似文献   

章誉兴  吴宏  于黎 《遗传》2021,(2):118-133
哺乳动物类群呈现出的丰富毛色是引人注目的一种生物现象,是研究和理解哺乳动物适应性进化的理想模型之一。哺乳动物的毛色多态在躲避天敌、捕食、求偶及抵御紫外线等方面都具有重要作用。哺乳动物毛发的色素化过程由体内黑色素的数量、质量和分布状况所决定。黑色素的形成过程复杂,包括黑素细胞的分化、成熟,黑素体等细胞器的形态发生及黑色素在黑素细胞中的合成代谢和转运等过程;而在细胞色素化的每个阶段/时相都伴随着一些重要功能基因的参与,并通过基因之间的相互作用形成了黑色素生物代谢的复杂调控网络,进而形成不同的毛色有助于哺乳动物适应不同生存环境。对哺乳动物不同毛色形成机制的探究一直以来都是遗传学及进化生物学的重要研究领域和聚焦热点。本文综述了哺乳动物毛色色素化过程的主要分子机制以及毛色适应性进化的遗传基础,以期为哺乳动物毛色多态及其适应性进化的分子机制研究提供参考。  相似文献   

We propose a protein interaction network for the regulation of DNA synthesis and mitosis that emphasizes the universality of the regulatory system among eukaryotic cells. The idiosyncrasies of cell cycle regulation in particular organisms can be attributed, we claim, to specific settings of rate constants in the dynamic network of chemical reactions. The values of these rate constants are determined ultimately by the genetic makeup of an organism. To support these claims, we convert the reaction mechanism into a set of governing kinetic equations and provide parameter values (specific to budding yeast, fission yeast, frog eggs, and mammalian cells) that account for many curious features of cell cycle regulation in these organisms. Using one-parameter bifurcation diagrams, we show how overall cell growth drives progression through the cell cycle, how cell-size homeostasis can be achieved by two different strategies, and how mutations remodel bifurcation diagrams and create unusual cell-division phenotypes. The relation between gene dosage and phenotype can be summarized compactly in two-parameter bifurcation diagrams. Our approach provides a theoretical framework in which to understand both the universality and particularity of cell cycle regulation, and to construct, in modular fashion, increasingly complex models of the networks controlling cell growth and division.  相似文献   

An improved BrdU-Hoechst flow assay was applied to cell kinetic studies of human lymphocyte cultures during a 24-96 hr interval after PHA stimulation. The assay shows that the duration of the initial lag phase and the proportions of noncycling cells increase as a function of donor age, whereas the rates of transition from each cell cycle compartment to the next decrease. Cell cycle arrest occurs in the first S and G2 phase after stimulation of lymphocytes from a 75-year-old donor but not from younger donors. The data are consistent with several models of cell cycle kinetics, so long as these models are modified to include a fraction of noncycling cells in each cell cycle compartment.  相似文献   

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