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Proflavine is a very powerful accelerator of saponin hemolysis of rabbit, human, and dog erythrocytes. Lysolecithin hemolysis, on the other hand, is inhibited. Dog erythrocytes in the presence of proflavine undergo marked changes in shape, finally becoming rods of about 13 µ in length. Rabbit and human erythrocytes are not altered in form under these conditions.  相似文献   

1. Sensitization confers upon the red cell the property of adsorbing complement from solution. The submicroscopic film of immune serum protein deposited upon the cell surface during sensitization, and completely analogous to the precipitate formed in a soluble antigen-antibody reaction (e.g., sheep serum vs. rabbit anti-sheep serum) acts as absorbent, the degree of sensitization (size of the film) determining the amount of complement "fixed" (adsorbed). 2. This adsorption of complement by the sensitized cell is an essential preliminary to hemolysis, and when inhibited, even large quantities of demonstrably active complement have no hemolytic action. The marked influence of electrolytes and of the hydrogen ion concentration upon hemolysis is due primarily to corresponding effects upon the fixation of complement by the sensitized cell. In the case of salts with monovalent cations, complement fixation (and hemolysis) is completely inhibited at any concentration < 0.02 M or > 0.35 M. Electrolytes with bivalent cations are much more inhibitory, and in low as concentration 0.07 M completely prevent fixation (and hemolysis). The optimal reaction for complement fixation (and hemolysis) is pH 6.5 to 8.0. In slightly more acid range both are inhibited. But at a reaction pH 5.3, and in the alkaline range, there is an irreversible inactivation of complement, complete at pH 4.8 and 8.8 respectively. It is perhaps more than a coincidence that complement fixation, and therefore, hemolysis, are prevented by just those factors which suppress the ionization of serum proteins, and lead to an increased aggregation state. Between a suspension of macroscopically visible particles of euglobulin in distilled water, and a solution is physiological saline, there is certainly a gradual transition, manifested at low electrolyte concentrations by the opacity of the solution. At pH 7.4, globulin would ionize as a Na-salt, an ionization inhibited as the isoelectric point (5.3) is approached, with a coincident greater tendency of the globulin to separate from solution. And the cataphoretic velocity of particles of globulin, as well as all the other properties which are a function of its ionization (viscosity, osmotic pressure, etc.), are suppressed by electrolytes, the degree of suppression being determined by the concentration and valence of the cation (on the alkaline side of the isoelectric point). The analogy with complement fixation is too complete to be dismissed as fortuitous. 3. The fact that the degree of complement "fixation" increases with the degree of sensitization explains one of the most puzzling phenomena in hemolysis,—that immune serum and complement are, to a certain extent, interchangeable, a decrease in either factor being compensated by an increase in the other (8), (20), (22). The explanation is evident from Figs. 1,2, and 3. The exact quantitative relationships involved will be developed in a later paper. With increasing sensitization there is an enormously more complete and more rapid fixation of complement, and correspondingly more rapid hemolysis, exactly the effect produced by increasing the quantity of complement instead of amboceptor (Fig. 3). All other variables being constant, the velocity of hemolysis is determined by the amount of complement adsorbed. With more amboceptor, a greater proportion is "fixed" by the cell; with more complement, a smaller proportion, but a larger absolute amount. The result is the same: more complement adsorbed, and a corresponding acceleration of hemolysis. If this mobilization of complement is the sole function of immuneserum (and there is as yet no reason to assume any other), then the accepted terminology, in which amboceptor, immune body, and hemolysin are used synonymously, is erroneous. The immune body would function only as an "amboceptor," mobilizing the effective hemolysin, complement, upon the surface of the cell. Nothing has been said of the multiple components into which complement may be split. A priori, it would be expected that the adsorption demonstrated is of the so called midpiece fraction.  相似文献   

A study has been made of the kinetics of lysis induced by various hemolytic agents. The course of bemolysis was followed by mixing lysin with washed human erythrocytes, removing samples from the mixture, and estimating colorimetrically the hemoglobin in the supernatant fluid of the centrifuged samples. Most of the curves (but not all of them, e.g. tyrocidine) obtained by plotting degree of hemolysis against time, were S-shaped. The initiation of lysis by streptolysin S'' was delayed, and in this property, streptolysin S'' was similar to Cl. septicum hemolysin. None of the other lysins studied exhibited a long latent period preceding lysis. The maximum rate of hemoglobin liberation was found, in the range of lysin concentrations studied, to be a linear function of concentration when theta toxin of Cl. welchii, pneumolysin, tetanolysin, or streptolysin S'' was the lytic agent. With comparable concentrations of saponin, sodium taurocholate, cetyl pyridinium chloride, tyrocidine, duponol C, lecithin-atrox venom mixture, or streptolysin O, the relation between rate and concentration was non-linear. The critical thermal increment associated with hemolysis was determined for systems containing pneumolysin, theta toxin, streptolysin S'', streptolysin O, tetanolysin, and saponin. The findings concerning the effect of concentration and temperature on the rate of hemolysis provide a basis for classifying hemolytic agents (Tables I and II). Hemolysis induced by Cl. septicum hemolysin was found to be preceded by two phases: a phase of alteration of the erythrocytes and a phase involving swelling. Antihemolytic serum inhibited the first but not the second phase while sucrose inhibited the second but not the first phase.  相似文献   

建立琼脂扩散溶血试验用以测定嗜水气单胞菌HEC毒素的溶血价,同时与分光光度法及微量溶试验进行比较,结果表明琼脂扩散溶血试验所测溶血价滴度要高于前两种方法,而且重复性好,结果易于判定。  相似文献   


1. The time-dilution curves are given for the hemolytic action of saponin, sodium taurocholate, and sodium oleate on nucleated chicken erythrocytes. 2. Saponin and sodium taurocholate cause hemolysis but leave the nuclei and ghosts in suspension, thereby making the end-point of hemolysis more arbitrary than the clear end-point for non-nucleated cell hemolysis. 3. The curves of hemolysis by saponin and taurocholate are shown to be of the same nature as are found in the hemolysis of non-nucleated cells. 4. Sodium oleate causes first hemolysis and then, in the stronger solutions, causes karyolysis. Two pairs of values for κ and c = ∞ are thus obtainable for the same reaction, one pair for the destruction of corpuscular membrane, the other pair for the destruction of the nucleus. 5. Viscosity changes are found in the lysin-cell system with strong concentrations of sodium taurocholate and sodium oleate. Time-viscosity curves are given for these changes. 6. Microscopically, the action of these lysins on the nucleated chicken red cell appears to be similar to their action on the non-nucleated erythrocytes.  相似文献   

1. The series of Ryvosh is obtained when hemolysis of the red cells of the animals concerned occurs with saponin as the lytic agent. 2. The series of Ryvosh is not obtained when R is taken as the resistance constant and sodium taurocholate is used to hemolyse the cells of the same animals. 3. The hemolysin sodium taurocholate has been found to differ from saponin in that the time-dilution curves are found to approach their respective asymptotes with different values of κ.  相似文献   

Additional experimental work on the subject of eosin hemolysis has been carried out. This indicates that red cells may be protected against the toxic action of eosin in sunlight by the presence of inorganic reducing agents. It is pointed out that a marked parallelism exists between the substances which react with the Folin and Denis reagent and the compounds which afford protection to red cells against the photodynamic action of eosin. The property which is possessed in common by all of the substances is that they are easily oxidized, and their ability to protect red cells lies in their power of reduction. The toxic action of eosin probably involves the oxidation of tyrosine and tryptophane which are contained in the protein molecules of the stroma.  相似文献   

The principal conclusion of this investigation is that the inhibitory effect of plasma or serum on hemolysis by saponin and lysins of the same type is similar in nature to the inhibitory effects of certain sugars and electrolytes, which again are similar to the acceleratory effects produced by indol, benzene, and other substances already studied. All these effects, both inhibitory and acceleratory, are the result of reactions between the inhibitors or accelerators and those components of the red cell membrane which are broken down by lysins. The inhibitory effect of plasma on saponin hemolysis has a number of properties in common with the inhibition produced by sugars and electrolytes and with accelerations in general. (a) The temperature coefficient is small and negative. (b) The extent of the inhibition depends on the type of red cell used in the hemolytic system. (c) The most satisfactory measure of the extent of the inhibition, the constant R, is a function of the concentration of lysin in the system, and (d) R is a linear function of the quantity of inhibitor present. It is also shown that the inhibitory effect of plasma, and serum is not entirely dependent on its protein content. The process underlying the phenomenon of lysis and its acceleration or inhibition seems to be one in which the lysin reacts with a component or components of the cell membrane in such a way as to break down its semipermeability to hemoglobin, and in which the accelerator or inhibitor also reacts with the same component in such a way as to increase or decrease the effectiveness of the lysin in producing breakdown. The membrane is considered as being an ultrastructure made up of small areas or spots of varying degrees of resistance to breakdown, the resistances being distributed according to a negatively skew type of frequency curve, and the process of lysis seems to begin with the least resistant spots breaking down first. These spots may be arranged in some regular spatial pattern, and the membrane has also to be regarded as possessing spots of varying rigidity of form. The accelerator or inhibitor changes the resistance of every reactive spot in the ultrastructure by a factor R, which suggests that acceleration and inhibition are results of some over-all effect, such as that of changing the extent to which lysin is concentrated at the surface or partitioned between the material of the membrane and the surrounding fluid. Some kind of combination between the accelerator or inhibitor and the material of the ultrastructure is presumably involved; at first the combination seems to be a loose one and partly reversible, but later some of the loose links are replaced by more permanent combinations involving the same types of bond as are broken down by the lysins themselves.  相似文献   

丙二醛溶血作用的机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 脂质过氧化产物丙二醛可引起溶血。本文用丙二醛处理红细胞,发现膜磷脂可与丙二醛交联形成荧光化合物;丙二醛又可使血红蛋白变性,产生一个棕色物质,经质谱及光谱特征鉴定为高铁卟啉,此物质可使红细胞破溶。  相似文献   

Serial section electron microscopy of hemolysing erythrocytes (fixed at 12 s after the onset of osmotic hemolysis) revealed long slits and holes in the membrane, extending to around 1 µm in length. Many but not all of the slits and holes (about 100–1000 Å wide) were confluent with one another. Ferritin and colloidal gold (added after fixation) only permeated those cells containing membrane defects. No such large holes or slits were seen in saponin-treated erythrocytes, and the membrane was highly invaginated, giving the ghost a scalloped outline. Freeze-etch electron microscopy of saponin-treated membranes revealed 40–50 Å-wide pits in the extracellular surface of the membrane. If these pits represent regions from which cholesterol was extracted, then cholesterol is uniformly distributed over the entire erythrocyte membrane.  相似文献   

By means of measurements from cinematograph films of the time taken for human red cells to lose hemoglobin while hemolyzing, it is shown that small concentrations of saponin bring about a relatively small permeability of the cell membrane to the pigment, whereas large concentrations so destroy the membrane that the theoretical time for loss of pigment through a completely permeable membrane (0.16 second) is very nearly attained. These results are in agreement with those obtained from electrical measurements, and the dependence of permeability on lysin concentration can be explained on the basis of what is known about the rate of transformation of lysin as it reacts with the cell envelope. When cells are hemolyzed by hypotonic solutions, on the other hand, the permeability of the membrane to pigment is nearly constant, irrespective of the tonicity used to bring about lysis.  相似文献   

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