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Antibacterial activity of 272 Erwinia strains was studied. It was found that 182 or 66.9 per cent of the strains were capable of producing spontaneously antibacterial substances belonging to the class of bacteriocins; 125 bacteriocynogenic strains were divided into 25 groups on the basis of their antibacterial spectrum similarity; 57 bacteriocynogenic strains were not included into any of these groups because of their significant heterogenicity with respect to the feature studied. It was shown that most of the strains inhibited viability of the bacteria of both its own and other species. Investigation of the antagonistic activity of the Erwinia strains with broad antibacterial spectra with respect to E. coli indicative for colicins gave negative results. The study of the Erwinia strains sensitivity to the antibacterial effect of the bacteriocynogenic cultures showed that 210 out of 272 cultures were sensitive to separate bacteriocins.  相似文献   

Fifty-four cyanobacterial strains of the genus Nostoc from different habitats were screened for acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity. Water-methanolic extracts from freeze-dried biomasses were tested for inhibitory activity using Ellman's spectrophotometric method. Acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity higher than 90% was found in the crude extracts of Nostoc sp. str. Luke?ová 27/97 and Nostoc ellipsosporum Rabenh. str. Luke?ová 51/91. Extracts from Nostoc ellipsosporum str. Luke?ová 52/91 and Nostoc linckia f. muscorum (Ag.) Elenk. str. Gromov, 1988, CALU-980 inhibited AChE activity by 84.9% and 65.3% respectively. Moderate AChE inhibitory activity (29.1–37.5%) was found in extracts of Nostoc linckia Roth. str. Gromov, 1962/10, CALU-129, Nostoc muscorum Ag. str. Luke?ová 127/97, Nostoc sp. str. Lhotsky, CALU-327 and Nostoc sp. str. Gromov, CALU-998. Extracts from another seven strains showed weak anti-AChE activities.

The active component responsible for acetylcholinesterase inhibition was identified in a crude extract of Nostoc sp. str. Luke?ová 27/97 using HPLC and found to occur in one single peak.  相似文献   

Fifty-four cyanobacterial strains of the genus Nostoc from different habitats were screened for acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity. Water-methanolic extracts from freeze-dried biomasses were tested for inhibitory activity using Ellman's spectrophotometric method. Acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity higher than 90% was found in the crude extracts of Nostoc sp. str. Lukesova 27/97 and Nostoc ellipsosporum Rabenh. str. Lukesova 51/91. Extracts from Nostoc ellipsosporum str. Lukesova 52/91 and Nostoc linckia f. muscorum (Ag.) Elenk. str. Gromov, 1988, CALU-980 inhibited AChE activity by 84.9% and 65.3% respectively. Moderate AChE inhibitory activity (29.1-37.5%) was found in extracts of Nostoc linckia Roth. str. Gromov, 1962/10, CALU-129, Nostoc muscorum Ag. str. Lukesova 127/97, Nostoc sp. str. Lhotsky, CALU-327 and Nostoc sp. str. Gromov, CALU-998. Extracts from another seven strains showed weak anti-AChE activities. The active component responsible for acetylcholinesterase inhibition was identified in a crude extract of Nostoc sp. str. Lukesova 27/97 using HPLC and found to occur in one single peak.  相似文献   

Summary The nodulation and growth of faba bean plants (Vicia faba cultivar Giza 2) at 2 months' age were studied in pot trials using an alluvial clay soil (pH 7.9). Chlorides, carbonates and sulphates of Na+, K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ were added at 20 mEq/100 g soil and the tolerance ofRhizobium leguminosarum (biovar.viceae, Strain F-15) grown on pure culture medium, salinized with the same salts, was then tested. Salts were generally inhibitory towards plant and bacterium. Number and characteristics of plant root-nodules, dry weight of plants (shoots and roots), N content in plants and the bacterial colony count decreased. Chlorides were the most inhibitory in soil and carbonates the most in culture medium, whilst sulphates were the least inhibitory in either case. Na+ gave maximum inhibition, whereas Mg2+ was the least detrimental. Formation of effective nodules on roots of the plants grown in the salinized soil was very poor, butR. leguminosarum showed possible tolerance when grown on salinized culture medium.
Influence de la forme ionique des sels minéraux sur la croissance de la fève faba et de Rhizobium leguminosarum
Résumé La nodulation et la croissance des plants de fève faba (Vicia faba cultivar Giza 2) agés de 2 mois ont été étudiés dans des essais en pots en utilisant un sol argileux alluvial (pH 7.9). On a ajouté les chlorures, carbonates et sulfates de Na+, K+ et Mg2+ à la dose de 20 mEq par 100 g de sol. On a testé ensuite la tolérance deRhizobium leguminosarum (biovar.viceae, souche F-15), cultivé en milieu de culture pure, salinée avec les mêmes sels. Les sels sont d'une manière générale inhibiteurs vis à vis de la plante et de la bactérie. Le nombre et les caractéristiques des nodules radiculaires de la plante, le poids sec des plantes (pousses aériennes et racines), le contenu azoté dans les plantes et le nombre de colonies bactériennes décroissent. Les chlorures sont le plus inhibiteurs dans le sol et les carbonates le sont dans le milieu de culture tandis que les sulfates sont le moins inhibiteurs dans les deux cas. Na+ est le plus inhibiteur, tandis que Mg2+ est le moins nocif. La formation de nodules effectifs sur les racines de plants cultivés dans le sol saliné est très pauvre, maisR. leguminosarum démontre une tolérance possible lorsqu'il est précultivé dans un milieu de culture saliné.

A series of benzofuran-2-carboxamide-N-benzyl pyridinium halide derivatives (6a-o) are synthesized as new cholinesterase inhibitors. The synthetic pathway involves the reaction of salicylaldehyde derivatives and ethyl bromoacetate, followed by hydrolysis and amidation with 3- and 4-picolyl amine. Subsequently, N-((pyridin-4-yl) methyl) benzofuran-2-carboxamide and substituted N-((pyridin-3-yl) methyl) benzofuran-2-carboxamides reacts with benzyl halides to afford target compounds (6a-o). The chemical structures of all derivatives were confirmed by spectroscopic methods. The studies reveal that some of the synthesized compounds are potent butyrylcholinesterase inhibitors with IC50 values in the range of 0.054–2.7 µM. In addition, good inhibitory effects on Aβ self-aggregation are observed for 6h and 6k (33.1 and 46.4% at 100 µM, respectively).  相似文献   

Siderophore production in 382 Pseudomonas and related strains of mineral water origin were screened and the antimicrobial activities of 158 of these tested against nine target organisms of health significance. Presence of siderophores could be detected in 54·4% and the majority of strains tested (91·2%) inhibited at least one of the nine target strains. Staphylococcus, Escherichia coli and Aeromonas hydrophila were particularly sensitive. Addition of iron eliminated the inhibitory activity in 96·7% of cases ; the antagonistic effect should be largely determined by siderophore-mediated competition for iron. Most of the inhibitory strains produced siderophores, whereas the non-inhibitory strains did not. Few strains also produced bacteriocins showing activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Aer. hydrophila. Strains isolated from mineral water have a broad antibacterial potential.  相似文献   

1606 bacterial strains, belonging to Vibrio genus (189 V. cholerae 0 : 1; 1091 V. cholerae nongroup 0 : 1 and 205 V. halophilic strains) of different sources of isolation, were studied, concerning their hemagglutinating behaviour to 5 different animal red blood cells (human, bovine, chicken, African green monkey and guinea pig) in mannose/fucose presence/absence. The study aimed to establish the spectrum of their hemagglutinating activity as well as any possible correlation between the source of isolation, serogroup etc and the HA-type/subtype. Mannose/fucose sensitive as well as mannose/fucose resistant hemagglutinins were exhibited by the different tested strains. As unknown behaviour, a noticeable hemagglutination only in the carbohydrate presence was recorded. The HA-types and subtypes in 861 V. cholerae nongroup 0 : 1 tested strains are presented.  相似文献   

The influence of salts on the subunit structure and the kinetics of purified rat ornithine decarboxylase (L-ornithine carboxy-lyase, EC was examined. Salts were found to cause subunit dissociation of the enzyme, producing the monomeric form of molecular weight 55 000 in the presence of 0.25 M NaCl/10 mM sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.0): the molecular weight was estimated to be 150 000 in 10 mM and 250 000 in 1 mM sodium phosphate buffer. Inclusion of NaCl in kinetic assays of rat ornithine decarboxylase had little effect on maximal velocity. However, the Km value for L-ornithine was dramatically increased with increasing sodium chloride concentration: the presence of 0.25 M NaCl resulted in a 10-fold increase of the Km. Thus, the presence of salts caused dramatic changes both in the subunit structure and in the catalytic property of the enzyme, although a direct correlation between both the changes was not evidenced.  相似文献   

T. FUJISAWA AND M. MORI. 1996. The β-glucuronidase activity of intact cells of Escherichia coli and Clostridium perfringens was increased in the presence of bile salts. In contrast, bile salts had inhibitory effects on the activity of β-glucuronidase extracted from the lysed cells. These results suggest that the permeability of the bacterial cells is increased by the presence of bile salts, and that bile salts may significantly enhance bacterial β-glucuronidase activity in the intestinal tract.  相似文献   

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