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The toothless (tl) osteopetrotic mutation in the rat affects an osteoblast-derived factor that is required for normal osteoclast differentiation. Although the genetic locus remains unknown, the phenotypic impact of the tl mutation on multiple systems has been well characterized. Some of its actions are similar to tumornecrosis factor superfamily member 11(TNFSF11; also called TRANCE, RANKL, ODF and OPGL) null mice. TNFSF11 is a recently described member of the tumor necrosis factor superfamily which, when expressed by activated T cells, enhances the survival of antigen-presenting dendritic cells, and when expressed by osteoblasts, promotes the differentiation and activation of osteoclasts. The skeletal similarities between tl rats and TNFSF11(-/-) mice include 1) profound osteoclastopenia (TNFSF11-null mice, 0% and tl rats 0-1% of normal); 2) persistent, non-resolving osteopetrosis that results from 3) a defect not in the osteoclast lineage itself, but in an osteoblast-derived, osteoclastogenic signal; and 4) a severe chondrodysplasia of the growth plates of long bones not seen in other osteopetrotic mutations. The latter includes thickening of the growth plate with age, disorganization of chondrocyte columns, and disturbances of chondrocyte maturation. These striking similarities prompted us to undertake studies to rule in or out a TNFSF11 mutation in the tl rat. We looked for expression of TNFSF11 mRNA in tl long bones and found it to be over-expressed and of the correct size. We also tested TNFSF11 protein function in the tl rat. This was shown to be normal by flow cytometry experiments in which activated, spleen-derived T-cells from tl rats exhibited normal receptor binding competence, as measured by a recombinant receptor assay. We also found that tl rats develop histologically normal mesenteric and peripheral lymph nodes, which are absent from TNFSF11-null mice. Next, we found that injections of recombinant TNFSF11, which restores bone resorption in null mice, had no therapeutic effect in tl rats. Finally, gene mapping studies using co-segregation of polymorphic markers excluded the chromosomal region containing the TNFSF11 gene as harboring the mutation responsible for the tl phenotype. We conclude that, despite substantial phenotypic similarities to TNFSF11(-/-) mice, the tl rat mutation is not in the TNFSF11 locus, and that its identification must await the results of further studies.  相似文献   

Molecular Basis for the Cat-2 Null Phenotype in Maize   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

Mutations conferring synthetic lethality in combination with null mutations in CAP2, the gene encoding the β subunit of capping protein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, were obtained in a colony color assay. Monogenic inheritance was found for four mutations, which were attributed to three genetic loci. One mutation, sac6-69, is in the gene encoding fimbrin, another actin-binding protein, which was expected because null mutations in SAC6 and CAP2 are known to be synthetic-lethal. The other two loci were designated slc for synthetic lethality with cap2. These loci include the mutations slc1-66, slc1-87 and slc2-107. The slc mutations are semi-dominant, as shown by incomplete complementation in slc/SLC cap2/cap2 heterozygotes. The slc mutations and sac6-69 interact with each other, as shown by enhanced phenotypes in diheterozygotes. Moreover, the haploid slc2-107 sac6-69 double mutant is inviable. In a CAP2 background, the slc mutations lead to temperature and osmotic sensitivity. They alter the distribution of the actin cytoskeleton, including deficits in the presence of actin cables and the polarization of cortical actin patches. The slc mutations also lead to a pseudomycelial growth pattern. Together these results suggest that slc1 and slc2 encode components of the actin cytoskeleton in yeast and that the actin cytoskeleton can regulate the patterns of growth.  相似文献   

The uncoordinated, egg-laying-defective mutation, unc-93(e1500) III, of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans spontaneously reverts to a wild-type phenotype. We describe 102 spontaneous and mutagen-induced revertants that define three loci, two extragenic (sup-9 II and sup-10 X) and one intragenic. Genetic analysis suggests that e1500 is a rare visible allele that generates a toxic product and that intragenic reversion, resulting from the generation of null alleles of the unc-93 gene, eliminates the toxic product. We propose that the genetic properties of the unc-93 locus, including the spontaneous reversion of the e1500 mutation, indicate that unc-93 may be a member of a multigene family. The extragenic suppressors also appear to arise as the result of elimination of gene activity; these genes may encode regulatory functions or products that interact with the unc-93 gene product. Genes such as unc-93, sup-9 and sup-10 may be useful for genetic manipulations, including the generation of deficiencies and mutagen testing.  相似文献   

A temperature-sensitive respiration-deficient mutant of yeast lacks hemoproteins and accumulates coproporphyrin III when cultivated at elevated temperatures. Cells grown at 20 C respired normally and contained cytochromes a, b, and c. Cells grown at 35 C showed respiration-deficient mutant characters; they did not respire, lacked cytochromes, and accumulated coproporphyrin III. Addition of protoporphyrin IX or protohemin IX to the culture medium restored the respiratory activity of this mutant during growth at 35 C. The activities of various enzymes, including succinate-2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol (DCPIP), reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH(2))-DCPIP, succinate-cytochrome c, and NADH(2)-cytochrome c oxidoreductase, and cytochrome oxidase, and the cytochrome c content of cells cultured in various conditions were determined. Changes in the number and structure of mitochondria were associated with changes in respiratory activity.  相似文献   

The ability to entrain circadian rhythms to food availability is important for survival. Food-entrained circadian rhythms are characterized by increased locomotor activity in anticipation of food availability (food anticipatory activity). However, the molecular components and neural circuitry underlying the regulation of food anticipatory activity remain unclear. Here we show that serotonin2C receptor (5-HT2CR) null mutant mice subjected to a daytime restricted feeding schedule exhibit enhanced food anticipatory activity compared to wild-type littermates, without phenotypic differences in the impact of restricted feeding on food consumption, body weight loss, or blood glucose levels. Moreover, we show that the enhanced food anticipatory activity in 5-HT2CR null mutant mice develops independent of external light cues and persists during two days of total food deprivation, indicating that food anticipatory activity in 5-HT2CR null mutant mice reflects the locomotor output of a food-entrainable oscillator. Whereas restricted feeding induces c-fos expression to a similar extent in hypothalamic nuclei of wild-type and null mutant animals, it produces enhanced expression in the nucleus accumbens and other extrahypothalamic regions of null mutant mice relative to wild-type subjects. These data suggest that 5-HT2CRs gate food anticipatory activity through mechanisms involving extrahypothalamic neural pathways.  相似文献   

Genetic disruption of myostatin or its related signaling is known to cause strong protection against diet-induced metabolic disorders. The translational value of these prior findings, however, is dependent on whether such metabolically favorable phenotype can be reproduced when myostatin blockade begins at an adult age. Here, we reported that AAV-mediated delivery of a myostatin pro-peptide D76A mutant in adult mice attenuates the development of hepatic steatosis and arteriosclerosis, two common diet-induced metabolic diseases. A single dose of AAV-D76A in adult Ldlr null mice resulted in sustained expression of myostatin pro-peptide in the liver. Compared to vehicle-treated mice, D76A-treated mice gained similar amount of lean and fat mass when fed a high fat diet. However, D76A-treated mice displayed significantly reduced aortic lesions and liver fat, in association with a reduction in hepatic expression of lipogenic genes and improvement in liver insulin sensitivity. This suggests that muscle and fat may not be the primary targets of treatment under our experimental condition. In support to this argument, we show that myostatin directly up-regulated lipogenic genes and increased fat accumulation in cultured liver cells. We also show that both myostatin and its receptor were abundantly expressed in mouse aorta. Cultured aortic endothelial cells responded to myostatin with a reduction in eNOS phosphorylation and an increase in ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 expression. Conclusions: AAV-mediated expression of myostatin pro-peptide D76A mutant in adult Ldlr null mice sustained metabolic protection without remarkable impacts on body lean and fat mass. Further investigations are needed to determine whether direct impact of myostatin on liver and aortic endothelium may contribute to the related metabolic phenotypes.  相似文献   



In humans, mutations in the enzyme glycyl-tRNA synthetase (GARS) cause motor and sensory axon loss in the peripheral nervous system, and clinical phenotypes ranging from Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy to a severe infantile form of spinal muscular atrophy. GARS is ubiquitously expressed and may have functions in addition to its canonical role in protein synthesis through catalyzing the addition of glycine to cognate tRNAs.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We have recently described a new mouse model with a point mutation in the Gars gene resulting in a cysteine to arginine change at residue 201. Heterozygous GarsC201R/+ mice have locomotor and sensory deficits. In an investigation of genetic mutations that lead to death of motor and sensory neurons, we have crossed the GarsC201R/+ mice to two other mutants: the TgSOD1G93A model of human amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and the Legs at odd angles mouse (Dync1h1Loa) which has a defect in the heavy chain of the dynein complex. We found the Dync1h1Loa/+;GarsC201R/+ double heterozygous mice are more impaired than either parent, and this is may be an additive effect of both mutations. Surprisingly, the GarsC201R mutation significantly delayed disease onset in the SOD1G93A;GarsC201R/+ double heterozygous mutant mice and increased lifespan by 29% on the genetic background investigated.


These findings raise intriguing possibilities for the study of pathogenetic mechanisms in all three mouse mutant strains.  相似文献   

Methods of transgenesis in vertebrate animals in the laboratory involve the stable addition or selective substitution of defined genes into the germline. Although there is a continuous and remarkable development in transgenic technology-the quality of transgenes, gene-targeting vectors, and experimental approaches-the consequences for the phenotype induced by this kind of experimental mutation cannot be completely predicted. This is especially true for the majority of transgenic animals who are generated by pronuclear injection. Randomly integrated foreign DNA may increase the risk of disturbing normal physiological processes, resulting in discomfort possibly crucial to the animals' welfare. Only a careful and comprehensive phenotype and welfare assessment can determine (a) whether apparent and relevant changes of phenotype (genetic burdens) occur and (b) how to deal with them in terms of the 3Rs (replace, reduce, refine). Two structured forms, data record and characterization, have been developed and are proposed for a routine characterization and assessment of newly generated transgenic rodents. Data record form and characterization operate, respectively, at individual (health monitoring) and strain levels (representative sample of individual life histories).  相似文献   

Methods of transgenesis in vertebrate animals in the laboratory involve the stable addition or selective substitution of defined genes into the germline. Although there is a continuous and remarkable development in transgenic technology-the quality of transgenes, gene-targeting vectors, and experimental approaches-the consequences for the phenotype induced by this kind of experimental mutation cannot be completely predicted. This is especially true for the majority of transgenic animals who are generated by pronuclear injection. Randomly integrated foreign DNA may increase the risk of disturbing normal physiological processes, resulting in discomfort possibly crucial to the animals' welfare. Only a careful and comprehensive phenotype and welfare assessment can determine (a) whether apparent and relevant changes of phenotype (genetic burdens) occur and (b) how to deal with them in terms of the 3Rs (replace, reduce, refine). Two structured forms, data record and characterization, have been developed and are proposed for a routine characterization and assessment of newly generated transgenic rodents. Data record form and characterization operate, respectively, at individual (health monitoring) and strain levels (representative sample of individual life histories).  相似文献   

The mechanisms by which ethanol and inhaled anesthetics influence the nervous system are poorly understood. Here we describe the positional cloning and characterization of a new mouse mutation isolated in an N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU) forward mutagenesis screen for animals with enhanced locomotor activity. This allele, Lightweight (Lwt), disrupts the homolog of the Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) unc-79 gene. While Lwt/Lwt homozygotes are perinatal lethal, Lightweight heterozygotes are dramatically hypersensitive to acute ethanol exposure. Experiments in C. elegans demonstrate a conserved hypersensitivity to ethanol in unc-79 mutants and extend this observation to the related unc-80 mutant and nca-1;nca-2 double mutants. Lightweight heterozygotes also exhibit an altered response to the anesthetic isoflurane, reminiscent of unc-79 invertebrate mutant phenotypes. Consistent with our initial mapping results, Lightweight heterozygotes are mildly hyperactive when exposed to a novel environment and are smaller than wild-type animals. In addition, Lightweight heterozygotes exhibit increased food consumption yet have a leaner body composition. Interestingly, Lightweight heterozygotes voluntarily consume more ethanol than wild-type littermates. The acute hypersensitivity to and increased voluntary consumption of ethanol observed in Lightweight heterozygous mice in combination with the observed hypersensitivity to ethanol in C. elegans unc-79, unc-80, and nca-1;nca-2 double mutants suggests a novel conserved pathway that might influence alcohol-related behaviors in humans.  相似文献   

Replication of the genome of human papillomaviruses (HPV) is initiated by the recruitment of the viral E1 helicase to the origin of DNA replication by the viral E2 protein, which binds specifically to the origin. We determined, for HPV type 11 (HPV-11), that the C-terminal 296 amino acids of E1 are sufficient for interaction with the transactivation domain of E2 in the yeast two-hybrid system and in vitro. This region of E1 encompasses the ATP-binding domain. Here we have examined the role of this ATP-binding domain, and of ATP, on E2-dependent binding of E1 to the origin. Several amino acid substitutions in the phosphate-binding loop (P loop), which is implicated in binding the triphosphate moiety of ATP, abolished E2 binding, indicating that the structural integrity of this domain is essential for the interaction. The structural constraints imposed on the E1 P loop may differ between HPV-11 and bovine papillomavirus type 1 (BPV-1), since the P479S substitution that inactivates BPV-1 E1 is tolerated in the HPV-11 enzyme. Other substitutions in the E1 P loop, or in two other conserved motifs of the ATP-binding domain, were tolerated, indicating that ATP binding is not essential for interaction with E2. Nevertheless, ATP-Mg stimulated the E2-dependent binding of E1 to the origin in vitro. This stimulation was maximal at the physiological temperature (37 degrees C) and did not require ATP hydrolysis. In contrast, ATP-Mg did not stimulate the E2-dependent binding to the origin of an E1 protein containing only the C-terminal domain (353 to 649) or that of mutant E1 proteins with alterations in the DNA-binding domain. These results are discussed in light of a model in which the E1 ATP-binding domain is required for formation of the E2-binding surface and can, upon the binding of ATP, facilitate and/or stabilize the interaction of E1 with the origin.  相似文献   

Fibrillins are large extracellular macromolecules that polymerize to form the backbone structure of connective tissue microfibrils. Mutations in the gene for fibrillin-1 cause the Marfan syndrome, while mutations in the gene for fibrillin-2 cause Congenital Contractural Arachnodactyly. Both are autosomal dominant disorders, and both disorders affect musculoskeletal tissues. Here we show that Fbn2 null mice (on a 129/Sv background) are born with reduced muscle mass, abnormal muscle histology, and signs of activated BMP signaling in skeletal muscle. A delay in Myosin Heavy Chain 8, a perinatal myosin, was found in Fbn2 null forelimb muscle tissue, consistent with the notion that muscle defects underlie forelimb contractures in these mice. In addition, white fat accumulated in the forelimbs during the early postnatal period. Adult Fbn2 null mice are already known to demonstrate persistent muscle weakness. Here we measured elevated creatine kinase levels in adult Fbn2 null mice, indicating ongoing cycles of muscle injury. On a C57Bl/6 background, Fbn2 null mice showed severe defects in musculature, leading to neonatal death from respiratory failure. These new findings demonstrate that loss of fibrillin-2 results in phenotypes similar to those found in congenital muscular dystrophies and that FBN2 should be considered as a candidate gene for recessive congenital muscular dystrophy. Both in vivo and in vitro evidence associated muscle abnormalities and accumulation of white fat in Fbn2 null mice with abnormally activated BMP signaling. Genetic rescue of reduced muscle mass and accumulation of white fat in Fbn2 null mice was accomplished by deleting a single allele of Bmp7. In contrast to other reports that activated BMP signaling leads to muscle hypertrophy, our findings demonstrate the exquisite sensitivity of BMP signaling to the fibrillin-2 extracellular environment during early postnatal muscle development. New evidence presented here suggests that fibrillin-2 can sequester BMP complexes in a latent state.  相似文献   

Repetitive gametic selection for a higher frequency of the Adh1-Ssemilethal mutant allele of the alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) gene yielded viable homozygotes Adh1-SS. The plants varied in phenotype from weak mutant to nearly normal (restored). Phenotypically different plants were individually tested for combining ability. This parameter was high in plants with the mutant phenotype and tended to decrease, rather than further increase, in plants with a restored normal phenotype. The results are discussed in terms of viability restoration mechanisms in homozygotes for semilethal mutant alleles.  相似文献   

PPP1CC2, one of four isoforms of the ser/thr protein phosphatase PP1, is a mammalian-specific splice variant of the Ppp1cc gene, and the only isoform whose expression is confined almost completely to spermatogenic cells. Additionally, PPP1CC2 is the sole isoform found in mammalian spermatozoa. Although PPP1CC1, the other Ppp1cc product, is expressed in many tissues including testis, the only phenotype resulting from deletion of Ppp1cc gene is male infertility. To determine which of the products of Ppp1cc is essential for male fertility, we created two PPP1CC2 transgenes, eTg-G2 and pTg-G2, where Ppp1cc2 expression was driven by the putative endogenous promoter of Ppp1cc or by the testis specific human Pgk2 promoter, respectively. Our results demonstrate that the 2.6-kb genomic region directly upstream of the Ppp1cc structural gene can drive expression of Ppp1cc2, and recapitulate the wild-type tissue specificity of PPP1CC2 in transgenic mice. More importantly, we show that expression of PPP1CC2 alone, via either promoter, is able not only to restore normal spermatogenesis, but the fertility of Ppp1cc null mice as well, provided that transgenic PPP1CC2 expression in testis reaches at least a lower threshold level equivalent to approximately 50% of its expression by a Ppp1cc +/− male. We conclude that the endogenous Ppp1cc promoter normally functions in the testis to maintain a sufficient level of PPP1CC2 expression for normal spermatogenesis to occur, and that production of spermatozoa capable of fertilization in vivo can take place in the complete absence of PPP1CC1 expression.  相似文献   

In females of Df(1)v-L4/+(0/+) genotype, the presence of the wild-type allele ofsmall bristles (sbr) gene in a single dose has no significant effect on their fecundity, whereas a reduced dose of the temperature-sensitive allele sbr 10 (l(1)ts403) causes a strong sterilizing effect in females Df(1)v-L4/sbr 10 (0/sbr 10) at permissive temperature. We studied the contribution to this effects of the following factors: resorption of egg chambers, decreased oviposition, offspring death at the embryonic and larval stages, and reduced fecundity in females 0/sbr 10. Sterilizing effect of the mutant sbr 10 allele proved to be primarily caused by offspring lethality at the embryonic and first-instar larval stages. In 0/+ females, the majority of undeveloped eggs contained embryos that perished at the late developmental stages, whereas in females 0/sbr 10, at least 50% of undeveloped egg showed no visible signs of development or the embryo development was arrested at early stages of embryogenesis. The results obtained suggest insufficiency of the temperature-sensitive allele sbr 10 in haploid state to ensure the reproductive functions of Drosophila melanogaster females.  相似文献   

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