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Cannell [Journal of Archaeological Science 29:335-339, 2002] argued that sex-based differences among humans in terms of the mass of chosen throwing stones could be used to infer body mass and patterns of sexual dimorphism in early hominids from Olduvai and Koobi Fora by examining the mass distributions of unaltered stone tools at those sites. We examined this hypothesis in tufted capuchin monkeys using a comparative approach, by investigating the relationships among body mass, sex, stone weight preference, and accuracy in a throwing task. The subject sample consisted of nine monkeys trained to perform an aimed-throwing task in which a food reward could be obtained by throwing a stone into a bucket. We found that 1) the subjects showed a strong mean stone mass preference; 2) the females chose heavier stones than the males, in terms of absolute mean selected stone mass and selected stone mass relative to body mass; 3) subjects threw more accurately when they used stones of preferred mass vs. stones of nonpreferred mass; and 4) overall, the males were more accurate in the throwing task than the females. We conclude that capuchins are highly selective when choosing throwing stones, and that this confers an advantage for throwing accuracy. Our results indicate that the sexually dimorphic pattern in stone mass preference observed among humans does not generalize to Cebus apella. We suggest that researchers examining this pattern in humans in an attempt to explain early hominid patterns of dimorphism and behavior should take into account not only stone weight preference, but also its adaptive advantage.  相似文献   

We report here one observed and two potential cases of infanticide during a brief period of 1 month after a dominant male replacement in one group of black capuchin monkeys in Iguazú National Park, Argentina. We also compile infant disappearances and demographic data in seven groups followed from 1-14 years. Behavioral and molecular data showed that the probability that an infanticidal male would kill his own progeny is very low in this species. Females that lost infants less than 6 months old had shorter interbirth intervals than females whose infants survived (14.12 ± 5.32 months, n=17 vs. 20.42 ± 5.65 months, n=34). Females whose infants die shortly after takeovers mate with the presumed infanticidal male during the most fertile days of their subsequent estrous periods giving this male a high probability of siring the new progeny. We recorded 181 proceptive periods and 52 births from 18 adult females in two groups. Most proceptive periods were concentrated during a conception season, but there was an increase in sexual behavior after male takeovers. Seven females copulated while pregnant after the observed male takeover, an unusual behavior in this species in years of group stability. Of 24 infants born during takeover years, 62.5% did not survive the first year, whereas only 22.5% of 80 infants died in years without male replacements. We found a significant positive association between infant mortality and male takeovers, but not with food provisioning. The main cause of infant mortality in this population is associated with male takeovers. Our results suggest that infanticide can have an important effect on the behavior of this species, selecting for female behaviors that function to reduce infanticide risk.  相似文献   

Tufted capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) provide an extreme example of active female sexual solicitation of males. In spite of being targeted by females for sex, males may delay copulation for hours or days. Data were collected on the sexual interactions in one wild capuchin group at the Estação Biológica de Caratinga in Brazil from September 1996 to August 1997. All successful conceptions during this year occurred in the dry season, yet sexual behavior was observed during 9 months of the year. This study tested whether male sexual response to female proceptivity was seasonally‐mediated. Male consortship participation, solicitation of females, latency to copulation, and copulation frequency were compared between fertile and nonconceptive females. Seasonal patterns in copulation interference, mating style, and alternative mating strategies were also examined. Thirty‐two copulations were observed. The alpha male was solicited for significantly more consortship days per female, but his mating success, in terms of copulation frequency, did not differ from that of two other adult males in the group. In the dry season, when the females were fertile, the males showed increased contest competition for mates, a higher frequency of alternative mating strategies against copulation interference, and increased monitoring of the females' condition. However, contrary to expectations, the alpha male's latency to copulation was significantly longer in the fertile season than in the nonconceptive months, and no males were observed to mate more than one time per day, even at the conceptive peak. Male mating strategies were affected by both season and rank, and there was evidence for reproductive constraints on males throughout the year. Limited male ejaculatory capacity and male choice in the timing of copulations within female proceptive phases may both be important factors in driving the sexual dynamics of this species. Am. J. Primatol. 67:313–328, 2005. © 2005 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to examine aimed throwing of stones by tufted capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella). Three capuchins (two adults and one juvenile) threw stones at a stationary target located outside their home cages. The monkeys subsequently discriminated between stationary targets and threw stones at a moving target. Each subject exhibited a distinct manual and postural throwing preference. These results demonstrate that capuchins have throwing capabilities which are thought to have been associated with early hominid evolution.  相似文献   

Past studies of female primate reproduction have focused on regularly cycling females, and thus the reproductive characteristics of females in other reproductive states (e.g., pregnant, or lactating) have rarely been investigated. In this study, data were collected on estrous swellings and sexual and proceptive behavior in six female lion-tailed macaques during recovery from lactational amenorrhea for the first three to five postpregnancy cycles. For these females, the length of the first lactational recovery swelling cycle averaged 81 days, nearly three times the length of cycles exhibited by nonparturient, isosexually housed females Actual swelling durations were also nearly three times the length of those seen in nonlactating females, and occupied a larger proportion of the cycle For most females, cycle duration and sexual and proceptive behavior declined progressively over successive cycles. The alpha female in each group accounted for the majority of copulations in the first three cycles, and this effect was pronounced in the first cycle. Extended postpregnancy cycles in this species may be related to female reproductive competition and /or a tactic to attract extra-group males. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Proceptive behavior of female rhesus monkeys during follicular and luteal phases of the ovarian cycle was examined in laboratory tests with a tethered male partner. Cyclical changes in proceptive behavior were observed. In tests during the follicular phase of their cycles, females on the average approached and solicited the male at a higher rate, spent more time sitting within proximity of him, and less time at a maximum distance away from him than during tests in the luteal phase of their cycles. Additionally, in the follicular phase of their cycles, females exhibited an increase in proceptivity following the male's ejaculation. This latter finding was discussed in light of other observations demonstrating that male rhesus monkeys are capable of multiple ejaculations. When females were paired with a tethered, ovariectomized female as a partner, rather than an adult male, none of the cyclical changes in proceptive and sexual behavior were observed.  相似文献   

In many primate species, conspicuous behavioral and/or morphological changes are indicators of the fertile phase of the female cycle. However, several primate species, such as the white-faced capuchin, lack these cues. This is referred to as "concealed ovulation," and is argued to be a reproductive strategy that confuses paternity and lowers the risk of infanticide. We studied 10 adult female white-faced capuchins in Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica, from January to June 2002. We determined their ovarian cycling patterns by analyzing fecal ovarian hormones, and compared simultaneously collected behavioral data to determine which, if any, cues females use to signal their fertile phases. We found that four females cycled during the study period but ceased to cycle without becoming pregnant. We considered several explanations for the lack of conception during our study, including reproductive seasonality. We found that female C. capucinus showed only small increases in rates of affiliative/proceptive behaviors directed toward adult males during their periovulatory phases. The best indicator of cycle phase was a significant increase in male affiliative behaviors (e.g., following and grooming bouts) and sexual behaviors (e.g., copulations and courtship displays) directed toward females during the periovulatory phase compared to the nonovulatory phase. Our finding that females exhibit little proceptive behavior, but that copulations and male courtship are nonetheless concentrated in periovulatory phases suggests that even though females do not provide behavioral and morphological cues to ovulation, males are still able to detect it. Infanticide occurs with some frequency in these monkeys, and there is evidence for postconceptive mating as a female strategy to lower risk of infanticide via paternity confusion. However, despite this occurrence of nonconceptive mating and the absence of female cues to ovulation, truly concealed ovulation does not appear to be characteristic of this study population of white-faced capuchins.  相似文献   

In many primates species, female sexual attractivity is influenced by behavioral cues as well as by nonbehavioral cues (i.e., visual-morphological or chemical signals). Both kinds of cues are usually related to the ovarian cycle and female hormonal state. Female tufted capuchins (Cebus apella) lack any external morphological change in relation to the ovarian cycle and evidence of scent-marking behavior has never been reported. In addition, tufted capuchin males do not routinely investigate the female's body or urine. Instead, capuchin females are extremely active in sexually soliciting the male(s) and their courtship toward them involves a rich behavioral repertoire. In the present study we defined female tufted capuchin proceptivity and investigated its relationship with female reproductive state. Ovarian hormones were measured in urine and fecal samples from four captive females in order to (a) assess their reliability for monitoring female ovarian function and (b) provide information on the timing of the component cycle phases and in particular the periovulatory phase. Measurements of urinary and fecal progestin metabolites provided the best indicator of ovarian cyclicity and for timing of the periovulatory phase. Through a multivariate analysis of the behavioral data set we distinguished four behaviors (eyebrow raising with vocalization, touching-and-running, nuzzling and head cocking) which showed a marked cyclicity (21.3 days) that matched that of urinary progesterone (21.9 days). Data showed that each period of proceptive behaviors was 2.7 +/- 0.8 days long and the day of a defined luteal phase rise in urinary progesterone levels was markedly shifted toward the end of this period. Furthermore, the ejaculations observed always occurred within proceptive periods. The results clearly indicate that female behavior is a good indicator of the periovulatory phase and can enhance female attractivity.  相似文献   

We observed sexual behavior patterns in two captive groups of Cebus apella.We obtained data on intersexual solicitations and intersexual competition. The length of proceptivity cycles by females averaged 18.8 ± 1.2 days; this corresponds with published reports of physiological measures of ovulatory cycles. Females initiated sexual interactions with males significantly more than males initiated interactions with females, and female solicitations increased in frequency over the duration of displayed periods of proceptivity. In contrast, male solicitations of females were infrequent and did not change significantly throughout female proceptive phases. Each female solicited the same male throughout a given proceptive phase. We observed no evidence of male-male or female-female competition. Males seem to respond to female sexual behavior directed toward them, rather than initiating sexual interactions themselves. Even so, male sexual interactions with females followed only a small proportion of solicitations.  相似文献   

Most social mammal species exhibit male-biased dispersal. Sex bias in dispersal leads to a higher degree of relatedness among individuals of the philopatric sex, thus an atypical dispersal pattern might lead to deviations in the typical within-group kinship structure. Kinship, in turn, influences patterns of social interactions, as widely evident by kin-biased behaviors. We investigated the link between dispersal, relatedness structure, and sociopositive interactions established by adult females of black capuchin monkeys (Sapajus nigritus) living in a population that experiences female dispersal, an unusual pattern for capuchin monkeys. The study was conducted in Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho (PECB), within the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. We addressed dispersal and relatedness patterns by genotyping 20 adults of 3 groups across 9 microsatellite loci. We also sampled the monkeys’ behavior and compared spatial association frequencies and rates of grooming among same- and opposite-sex dyads. There was no difference between males and females in genetic parameters; both males and females show low coefficients of relatedness indicating that neither sex is consistently philopatric. The mean pairwise coefficient of relatedness for co-resident females was not higher than that for co-resident males. Compared to other populations of capuchin monkeys, female bond was weak, as evident by lower spatial association frequencies, reduced rates of grooming and lack of correlation between coefficients of relatedness and measures of dyadic sociopositive interactions. Our findings thus confirm that female dispersal is a habitual process in the capuchin population of PECB, and that, as expected, dispersal by females strongly influences the relatedness structure of the population as well as the affiliative relationships among female groupmates.  相似文献   

Members of the population of black-handed spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi) on Barro Colorado Island, Panama, use the leaves of three Rutaceae species in a behavior that resembles fur rubbing in the white faced capuchin (Cebus capucinus). This behavior has not been reported from other sites where Ateles has been studied. During more than 1,200 hours of observation, 30 episodes of this behavior were recorded ad libitum. Adult males engage in this behavior more than adult females. Season did not impact the frequency of the behavior. The behavior described here differs in many respects from that reported for Cebus capucinus, and does not fit the hypotheses that the behavior functions in repelling insects or other antiseptic purposes. It is proposed that fur rubbing in this group of spider monkeys is a modification of a behavior previously recorded in Ateles and may function in scent marking.  相似文献   

Extended sexual receptivity in primates is thought to facilitate paternity confusion, thus decreasing the risk of infanticide. However, females might also provide some indication of ovulation to attract preferred males during fertile periods. We examined female mate preferences across defined receptive periods (N = 59) in a group of wild Phayre's leaf monkeys (Trachypithecus phayrei crepusculus) at Phu Khieo Wildlife Sanctuary (February-September 2006; 2,603 contact hours). The group contained seven cycling adult females and three reproductively active males (one adult and two adolescents). We predicted that females would prefer the adult male during periovulatory (POP) receptive periods, but the adolescent males during nonperiovulatory (NPOP) and postconceptive (PC) periods. We collected focal and ad libitum data on sexual and agonistic behaviors to determine female preferences and male awareness of female fertility. We also determined the degree of mating overlap to assess if males were capable of monopolizing females. Our results indicate that females were more frequently proceptive and receptive toward the adult male during POP. By contrast, females were more proceptive and receptive toward one of the adolescent males during PC periods, but rarely interacted with the other adolescent. Patterns of attractivity and agonism across receptive periods suggested that the adult male could detect fertility, while the preferred adolescent could not. Finally, we found a high degree of overlap in total receptive period days, but a low degree of overlap in POP receptive days, suggesting that the adult male might have monopolized females, especially since he seemed to be aware of female fertility. Although these results suggest that females provide some information on ovulation, they also suggest that females attempt to confuse paternity, perhaps capitalizing on male differences in the ability to detect fertility.  相似文献   

Juvenile and adult females in two wild groups of wedge-capped capuchin monkeys (Cebus olivaceus) were observed nursing from other adult females. The context of the interactions varied with participants but always involved a higher-ranking female nursing from a lower-ranking female. This behavior appears to be an example of an exploitative interaction in which the suckling female benefits at the expense of the nursing female.  相似文献   

Chimpanzees have been the traditional referential models for investigating human evolution and stone tool use by hominins. We enlarge this comparative scenario by describing normative use of hammer stones and anvils in two wild groups of bearded capuchin monkeys (Cebus libidinosus) over one year. We found that most of the individuals habitually use stones and anvils to crack nuts and other encased food items. Further, we found that in adults (1) males use stone tools more frequently than females, (2) males crack high resistance nuts more frequently than females, (3) efficiency at opening a food by percussive tool use varies according to the resistance of the encased food, (4) heavier individuals are more efficient at cracking high resistant nuts than smaller individuals, and (5) to crack open encased foods, both sexes select hammer stones on the basis of material and weight. These findings confirm and extend previous experimental evidence concerning tool selectivity in wild capuchin monkeys ( [Visalberghi et?al., 2009b] and [Fragaszy et?al., 2010b]).Male capuchins use tools more frequently than females and body mass is the best predictor of efficiency, but the sexes do not differ in terms of efficiency. We argue that the contrasting pattern of sex differences in capuchins compared with chimpanzees, in which females use tools more frequently and more skillfully than males, may have arisen from the degree of sexual dimorphism in body size of the two species, which is larger in capuchins than in chimpanzees. Our findings show the importance of taking sex and body mass into account as separate variables to assess their role in tool use.  相似文献   

Ovariectomized adult rhesus monkeys were injected daily for 10 days with either 1 mg of dihydrotestosterone propionate (DHTP), 1 mg of testosterone propionate (TP), 10 μg of estradiol benzoate (EB), or 500 μg of estrone (El). On the 5th and 10th days of treatment, females received two 24-min behavioral tests with each of two adult males. All females received every hormonal treatment during the course of the study, with the order of treatments counterbalanced. Prior to the initiation of an hormonal treatment, each subject received two tests with no hormone treatment (NORX). Three behaviors related to female proceptivity were recorded. Treatment with DHTP had no influence on any aspect of proceptivity measured, in comparison to the NORX condition, whereas El or TP treatment augmented the frequencies of two of the proceptive behaviors and EB increased all three. The response of the male toward the female was influenced by the female's hormonal condition. Treatment with TP or DHTP did not increase the frequency of male contact or the mount rate in comparison to the NORX condition, whereas EB or El treatment did. In addition, DHTP was the only steroid which failed to increase the percentage of tests with intromission or ejaculation when compared to NORX. Female receptivity, as measured by acceptance or rejection of male contacts, was not different for the NORX-, TP-, EB-, or El-treated conditions. DHTP treatment, however, reduced female receptivity in comparison to all other conditions. Treatment with DHTP or TP resulted in an increase in the frequency of female yawning behavior, whereas neither estrogen treatment showed any effect on this behavior. The influences of TP on female proceptive and male sexual behavior were never duplicated or even approximated by treatment of females with the nonaromatizable DHTP. Nor was there any evidence that TP inhibited female receptivity below the level characteristic of NORX females, as was true for DHTP.  相似文献   

Alpha status may lead to physiological changes that enhance secondary sexual characteristics, which may serve as competitive signals to conspecific males, sexual signals to females, or possibly a combination of both. Here, we report measurements of secondary sexual characteristics in captive dominant and subordinate male tufted capuchin monkeys (Sapajus apella) with varying access to females. An adult male (who had previously been subordinate while housed with other males) was paired with an adult female. This male–female pair was introduced into a room that housed three other male–male pairs with stable hierarchy arrangements. We analyzed weight, body measurements, facial photographs, and hair cortisol before, during, and after introducing a female into the room. While there were no differences in weight or measurements between alphas and subordinates without physical access to the female prior to or during the female''s presence, we found that direct access to the female resulted in dramatic changes in facial appearance, body size, and testicular volume in the male who was paired with her. Overall, we found little evidence to suggest that alpha males advertise their status within all‐male groups via sexual secondary characteristics. However, direct physical access to females appears to trigger the development of such characteristics in alpha males. It remains of continued interest to identify the endocrine mechanisms responsible for the development, and possible loss, of secondary sexual characteristics.  相似文献   

Adult female gerbils in estrus, like other female rodents, tend to engage in proceptive displays toward conspecific males. The displays, which may be interspersed with the more usual female agonistic activity, if the males are strangers, are preceded by female olfactory investigation of those head areas in the male gerbil where Harderian letdown accumulates most densely. This study explored the possibility that the male Harderian glands are a source of olfactory signals which promote proceptive behavior but suppress female agonistic behavior. Female gerbils in estrus were found to display significantly less than normal rates of proceptive behavior toward Harderianectomized males. The proceptive activity which was observed appeared to be slowed, but the typical pattern was retained. Female aggression, however, was not affected by their estrous condition or by the Harderian state of the males. Possibly Harderian letdown in male gerbils may inform females as to the reproductive competence of the males.  相似文献   

Male agonistic displays may allow males to assess competitors, females to assess mates, or could be directed at cycling females to sexually coerce them. We analysed the display output of 26 male ursine colobus monkeys (Colobus vellerosus) in four groups over 13‐mo at the Boabeng‐Fiema Monkey Sanctuary, Ghana. Display indices (including three behaviours, loud calls, stiff‐legs, and jump‐displays) were calculated for males in each group. Males vary in their expression of these behaviours suggesting they are sexually selected signals. We investigated the target of displays and whether display indices varied in relation to male dominance rank, eviction of other males, copulation rate, and proceptive behaviours received from females, to assess the primary function of these behaviours. Male displays decreased in vigour over time and were targeted to other groups and males. High‐ranking males displayed more than low‐ranking males. Alpha male display indices correlated with the number of other males evicted from the group. Display rates were generally higher when cycling females were present in the group. However, neither male display index nor rank correlated with copulation rates. Alpha and non‐alpha males gave cycling females equal rates of sexual solicitations; likewise cycling females showed no difference in the rates of proceptive behaviours directed towards alpha and non‐alpha males. Females mated promiscuously and did not seem to base mating decisions on male display output, although data on female hormones is needed to determine if they mate with strongly displaying males more in the periovulatory period. The male–male competition hypothesis received the greatest support, with some support for the female mate choice hypothesis. Although behaviours that appeared sexually coercive were observed, the function of male displays did not seem to be sexual coercion. Displays were rarely directed at females and males that displayed more did not have greater mating success.  相似文献   

We observed sexual behavior patterns in two captive groups of Cebus apella.We obtained data on intersexual solicitations and intersexual competition. The length of proceptivity cycles by females averaged 18.8 ± 1.2 days; this corresponds with published reports of physiological measures of ovulatory cycles. Females initiated sexual interactions with males significantly more than males initiated interactions with females, and female solicitations increased in frequency over the duration of displayed periods of proceptivity. In contrast, male solicitations of females were infrequent and did not change significantly throughout female proceptive phases. Each female solicited the same male throughout a given proceptive phase. We observed no evidence of male-male or female-female competition. Males seem to respond to female sexual behavior directed toward them, rather than initiating sexual interactions themselves. Even so, male sexual interactions with females followed only a small proportion of solicitations.  相似文献   

Bearded capuchin monkeys crack nuts with naturally varying stone hammers, suggesting they may tune their grips and muscular forces to each stone. If so, they might use discrete actions on a stone before lifting and striking, and they would likely use these actions more frequently when the stone is larger and/or less familiar and/or when first initiating striking. We examined the behavior of (a) four monkeys (all proficient at cracking nuts) with two larger (1 kg) and two smaller (0.5 kg) stones, (b) 12 monkeys with one 1 kg stone, and (c) one monkey during its first 100 strikes with an initially unfamiliar 1 kg stone. Bearded capuchin monkeys used three discrete actions on the stone before striking, all more often with the larger stones than the smaller stones. We infer that the first discrete action (Spin) aided the monkey in determining where to grip the stone, the second (Flip) allowed it to position the stone on the anvil ergonomically before lifting it, and the third (Preparatory Lift) readied the monkey for the strenuous lifting action. The monkey that provided 100 strikes with one initially unfamiliar stone performed fewer Spins in later strikes but performed Flip and Preparatory Lift at consistent rates. The monkeys gripped the stone with both hands along the sides to lift it, but usually moved one or both hands to the top of the stone at the zenith of the lift for the downward strike. The findings highlight two new aspects of the capuchins’ nut‐cracking: (a) Anticipatory actions with the stone before striking, especially when the stone is larger or unfamiliar, and when initiating striking and (b) shifting grips on the stone during a strike. We invite researchers to investigate if other taxa use anticipatory actions and shift their grips during percussive activity.  相似文献   

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