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紫细菌是一类可以进行不放氧光合作用的原核微生物,可以利用光能产生ATP并为其生长代谢提供能量。其光系统由一系列色素及蛋白组成的复合体组成,并由一系列光合基因如puc、puf、bch和crt等编码。紫细菌光合相关基因的表达主要受到外界氧化还原信号及光照的影响,然而不同紫细菌光合基因表达调控机制具有明显的多样性。以球形红细菌与沼泽红假单胞菌为重点,介绍了近年来几种光合基因表达调控系统如Pps R/Crt J型调控蛋白、双组分磷酸化调控系统、CRP-FNR型调控蛋白等在紫细菌中的研究进展。通过系统深入分析这些调控通路在不同紫细菌中的特征及功能,发现不同菌株中类似调控通路通常具有相似功能,但又各具特点。旨为对进一步了解紫细菌光合基因表达调控机制并为其应用研究提供参考。  相似文献   

光合细菌的开发应用动态   总被引:29,自引:5,他引:24  
光合细菌由于其生理类群的多样性,碳、氮代谢途径和光合作用机制的独特性而受到人们的关注。多年来,光合细菌被作为研究光合作用以及生物固氮作用机理的重要材料。近一二十年中,对光合细菌的应用研究已获得了很大的进展。研究表明,光合细菌在农业、环保、医药等方面均有较高的应用价值。本文综合有关文献着重就光合细菌目前的开发应用动态作一概述。1光合细菌在养殖业中的应用光合细菌菌体为单细胞,无毒,营养丰富。细胞干物质中蛋白质含量高达60%以上,比目前生产的单细胞蛋白酵母的含量高。与牛奶、鸡蛋蛋白相比,其蛋白质氨基酸组…  相似文献   

紫色非硫光合细菌是兼性厌氧及兼性光合生长的细菌,利用这一可塑的生长特性,研究了光对Rhodopseudomonas capsulata的固氮酶合成的影响,结果表明:1.暗生长的无固氮活性的静止细胞一经照光其固氮酶即以高速率形成,一旦光照中断,固氮酶的合成也立即中止,氯霉素的抑制试验表明,这种光促诱导的固氮酶出现是酶蛋白的重新合成,而不是预先形成的系统在光下的激活。2.外源性电子供体如苹果酸、分子氢等对光促诱导的固氨酶合成有促进作用。3.固氮酶合成与细菌光合器的形成是彼此独立的,在黑暗中细菌光合膜可以形成,而固氮酶却不能形成。4.暗处好氧生长的光合细菌在同一光强下诱导固氮酶,细菌叶绿素含量高的菌体,其固氮酶合成的速率也高。5.固氮酶的诱导合成可被电子传递抑制剂或磷酸化解联剂完全抑制。基于上述结果,对光合细菌固氮酶的光促合成的可能机理作了讨论。  相似文献   

人们以光合细菌中的紫色非硫光合细菌如球形红细菌和荚膜红细菌等为模型,在阐明光合作用机制等方面取得了很多成果,但对于紫色非硫光合细菌中的沼泽红细菌报道较少。直到1988年Harwood等人发现沼泽红细菌可以利用多种芳香族化合物如木质素单体、苯甲酸和4—羟基苯甲酸等作为唯一碳源进行光照厌氧生长或好氧生长,使沼泽红细菌成为研究该类化合物降解机制的一个良好模型。近年来,沼泽红细菌降解苯甲酸的途径已基本搞清。目前,研究集中于两个方向,一是有关酶类的提纯及性质研究,二是有关基因的克隆。  相似文献   

感知外界环境并做出响应是生物体的基本特征,而感光是多数生物最重要的感知觉之一.生命体为此特化出了复杂的感光机制,不仅用于形成图像视觉,也帮助生物根据光环境调节相应的生理功能,如瞳孔光反射和生物节律的光授时.这些感光功能统称为非成像视觉功能,主要由一类新近发现的自感光视网膜神经节细胞所介导.自感光视网膜神经节细胞有别于传统的视锥视杆细胞,自发现以来,逐渐积累的研究证实了这类神经元投射到丰富的皮层下结构,并参与包括睡眠节律和情绪调节等多种生理功能.本文旨在回顾有关自感光视网膜神经节细胞光信号转导与皮层下环路的重要发现和最新进展,并针对领域的趋势和待解决问题进行展望.  相似文献   

氮代谢全局性转录调控蛋白GlnR广泛存在于革兰氏阳性细菌中。目前发现的GlnR既有MerR家族也有OmpR家族。针对可利用氮源的变化,GlnR可以抑制或激活氮代谢相关基因的表达。GlnR也参与到细菌磷酸代谢、抗生素合成和细菌毒性的调控。本文详细介绍了GlnR在不同细菌中的氮代谢调控模式,以及与其他代谢途径的联系。GlnR介导的代谢调控研究有助于人们深入了解细菌中心氮代谢,对研究氮代谢调控中的信号传导等具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

噬菌体是细菌的天敌,它利用宿主的细胞机制完成自身的复制。在感染过程中噬菌体基因组进入细菌细胞后立即产生调节或重新定向宿主特定功能的蛋白质(即抑菌蛋白),以逃避多种细菌的防御机制或改变宿主的分子代谢机制。研究发现,这些噬菌体编码的抑菌蛋白可抑制细菌分裂,干扰细菌遗传物质的复制、转录及降解,影响CRISPR介导的细菌免疫以及代谢。明确噬菌体编码的抑菌蛋白如何影响这些宿主的防御或分子代谢机制可以优化目前基于噬菌体的抗菌策略,找出控制细菌感染的新途径,为抑菌药物的发现和设计打开新的大门。本文就近年来发现的噬菌体编码的抑菌蛋白及其抑菌机制的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

在细菌中表达的叶绿体atpE基因产物ε亚基蛋白对不同方式激活的叶绿体AT-Pase均有抑制作用,而其抗血清则促进AT-Pase活力。E.coli中表达的ε亚基蛋白在光合磷酸化反应中对循环和非循环光合磷酸化都有促进作用,其抗血清对循环光合磷酸化有抑制作用,而对非循环光合磷酸化则起促进作用。  相似文献   

关于光合磷酸化的概念   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
最近 ,《植物生理学通讯》“教学园地”栏中刊载了宋占午先生[1] 的《植物生理学中几个概念之我见》一文 (下称《我见》)。文中有一节谈及非环式光合磷酸化及环式光合磷酸化 (非循环及循环光合磷酸化 )命名等问题。读后有些看法 ,现叙述如下 ,供读者阅读时参考。1 .光合磷酸化的发现和命名的由来   1 95 4年Arnon等[2 ,3] 发现在CO2 缺少时 ,离体叶绿体在光下能把ADP和Pi合成ATP。其反应式为 :ADP Pi 叶绿体 ,光 ATP。 ( 1 )同年 ,Frenkel等[4] 用光合细菌的游离细胞制剂做试验也发现了这种现象 ,从而发现…  相似文献   

金城 《微生物学通报》2010,37(12):1835-1835
<正>紫色光合细菌是不产氧光合细菌的一个重要分支,包括紫色非硫细菌和紫色硫细菌。其中紫色非硫细菌具有极其丰富的代谢模式,可进行光能异养、光能自养和化能异养生长,其代谢的多样性使得它们广泛存活于不同的生态系统中,如土壤、湖泊、海洋及底泥等[1-2]。沼泽红假单胞菌(Rhodopseudomonas palustris)是紫  相似文献   

Garcia-Gil  L. J.  Abella  C. A. 《Hydrobiologia》1992,243(1):87-94
The annual dynamics of the phototrophic bacterial populations developing in the anoxic layers has been monitored in three basins of the northern area of Lake Banyoles (Spain). Although two of the studied basins are meromictic and one is holomictic, chemical properties of the water are almost identical. Therefore, differences in both the spatial and temporal distribution, as well as in the composition of phototrophic bacterial communities, dominated by Chlorobium phaeobacteroides and Chromatium minus, are discussed on the basis of the structural and morphometric characteristics of each basin. Both species showed the same physiological adaptations to light intensity changes by modifying the carotenoid/bacteriochlorophyll ratio. Light reaching the oxic-anoxic boundary appears to be the most important factor controlling the growth of phototrophic bacteria in Lake Banyoles. The oxic-anoxic boundary becomes shallower as summer advances, until enough light is available for bacterial photosynthesis.  相似文献   

In all purification stages of a biological sewage treatment plant, phototrophic bacteria were detected by the method of viable cell counts. The predominant species identified belonged to the genus Rhodopseudomonas of purple nonsulfur bacteria. The number of phototrophic bacteria was highest in wastewater containing sludge. In activated sludge, an average of 10(5) viable cells/ml was found; the number depended upon concentration of sludge rather than on seasonal changes in light conditions in the course of a year. Bacteriochlorophyll a was extracted from activated sludge. Relative to the viable counts of phototrophic bacteria, the content of bacteriochlorophyll a was 5- to 10-fold higher than that of three representative pure cultures. By incubation of activated and digester sludge under different environmental conditions, it was shown that phototrophic bacteria can complete with other bacteria only under anaerobic conditions in the light.  相似文献   

Phototrophic purple and green bacteria in a sewage treatment plant.   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
In all purification stages of a biological sewage treatment plant, phototrophic bacteria were detected by the method of viable cell counts. The predominant species identified belonged to the genus Rhodopseudomonas of purple nonsulfur bacteria. The number of phototrophic bacteria was highest in wastewater containing sludge. In activated sludge, an average of 10(5) viable cells/ml was found; the number depended upon concentration of sludge rather than on seasonal changes in light conditions in the course of a year. Bacteriochlorophyll a was extracted from activated sludge. Relative to the viable counts of phototrophic bacteria, the content of bacteriochlorophyll a was 5- to 10-fold higher than that of three representative pure cultures. By incubation of activated and digester sludge under different environmental conditions, it was shown that phototrophic bacteria can complete with other bacteria only under anaerobic conditions in the light.  相似文献   

Light is a ubiquitous environmental signal that many organisms sense and respond to by modulating their physiological responses accordingly. While this is an expected response among phototrophic microorganisms, the ability of chemotrophic prokaryotes to sense and react to light has become a puzzling and novel issue in bacterial physiology, particularly among bacterial pathogens. In this work, we show that the opportunistic pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii senses and responds to blue light. Motility and formation of biofilms and pellicles were observed only when bacterial cells were incubated in darkness. In contrast, the killing of Candida albicans filaments was enhanced when they were cocultured with bacteria under light. These bacterial responses depend on the expression of the A. baumannii ATCC 17978 A1S_2225 gene, which codes for an 18.6-kDa protein that contains an N-terminal blue-light-sensing-using flavin (BLUF) domain and lacks a detectable output domain(s). Spectral analyses of the purified recombinant protein showed its ability to sense light by a red shift upon illumination. Therefore, the A1S_2225 gene, which is present in several members of the Acinetobacter genus, was named blue-light-sensing A (blsA). Interestingly, temperature plays a role in the ability of A. baumannii to sense and respond to light via the BlsA photoreceptor protein.  相似文献   

光合细菌在水处理和水生态修复领域应用前景广阔, 对其生理特性研究具有重要价值。从武汉东湖分离得到一株不产氧光合细菌PUF1, 通过对菌落形态、细胞超微结构、特征吸收光谱以及系统发育等分析, 初步确定为红假单胞菌属(Rhodopseudomonas sp.)紫色非硫光合细菌。PUF1细胞呈直的或稍弯曲的杆状, 长3.05—10.06 μm, 直径0.32—0.68 μm, 具有片层膜结构。PUF1培养物呈深紫红色, 主要色素为细菌叶绿素a (Bchl. a)和类胡萝卜素。初始pH 6.0—8.0, 光照强度500—3000 lx, 稳定期细菌生物量无显著差异, 但培养液pH>8.0会显著抑制PUF1最大光量子产量(Fv/Fm)。试验进一步研究了细菌不同生长阶段粗蛋白含量、ATP酶(ATPase)活性及Fv/Fm的变化规律。结果表明, PUF1不同生长阶段其蛋白含量有所差异, 以稳定期为最高(>60%), 而ATPase活性随培养时间的延长而逐渐降低。此外, PUF1光合作用与其生长状态也有一定的关系, 具体表现为细菌生长周期内Fv/Fm变化规律适用单峰高斯模型, 且以对数期Fv/Fm为最高。研究结果可为光合细菌生理生化特性研究提供重要的参考依据。  相似文献   

We examine what circumstances allow the coexistence of microorganisms following different nutritional strategies, using a mathematical model. This model incorporates four nutritional types commonly found in planktonic ecosystems: (1) heterotrophic bacteria that consume dissolved organic matter and are prey to some of the other organisms; (2) heterotrophic zooflagellates that depend entirely on bacterial prey; (3) phototrophic algae that depend only on light and inorganic nutrients, and (4) mixotrophs that photosynthesize, take up inorganic nutrients, and consume bacterial prey. Mixotrophs are characterized by a parameter representing proportional mixing of phototrophic and heterotrophic nutritional strategies. Varying this parameter, a range of mixotrophic strategies was examined in hypothetical habitats differing in supplies of light, dissolved organic carbon, and dissolved inorganic phosphorous. Mixotrophs expressing a wide range of mixotrophic strategies persisted in model habitats with low phosphorus supply, but only those with a strategy that is mostly autotrophic persisted with high nutrient supply, and then only when light supply was also high. Organisms representing all four nutritional strategies were predicted to coexist in habitats with high phosphorus and light supplies. Coexistence involves predation by zooflagellates and mixotrophs balancing the high competitive ability of bacteria for phosphorus, the partitioning of partially overlapping resources between all populations, and possibly nonequlibrium dynamics. In most habitats, the strategy predicted to maximize the abundance of mixotrophs is to be mostly photosynthetic and supplement nutritional needs by consuming bacteria.  相似文献   

Simultaneous measurements of photosynthesis (both oxygenic and anoxygenic) and N(inf2) fixation were conducted to discern the relationships between photosynthesis, N(inf2) fixation, and environmental factors potentially regulating these processes in microbial mats in a tropical hypersaline lagoon (Salt Pond, San Salvador Island, Bahamas). Major photoautotrophs included cyanobacteria, purple phototrophic bacteria, and diatoms. Chemosystematic photopigments were used as indicators of the relative abundance of mat phototrophs. Experimental manipulations consisted of light and dark incubations of intact mat samples exposed to the photosystem II inhibitor DCMU [3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea], a dissolved organic carbon source (D-glucose), and normal seawater (37(permil)). Photosynthetic rates were measured by both O(inf2) and (sup14)C methods, and nitrogenase activity (NA) was estimated by the acetylene reduction assay. Moderate reductions in salinity (from 74 to 37(permil)) had no measurable effect on photosynthesis, O(inf2) consumption, or NA. CO(inf2) fixation in DCMU-amended samples was (symbl)25% of that in the control (nonamended) samples and demonstrated photosynthetic activity by anoxygenic phototrophs. NA in DCMU-amended samples, which was consistently higher (by a factor of 2 to 3) than the other (light and dark) treatments, was also attributed to purple phototrophic bacteria. The ecological implication is that N(inf2) fixation by anoxygenic phototrophs (purple phototrophic bacteria and possibly cyanobacteria) may be regulated by the activity of oxygenic phototrophs (cyanobacteria and diatoms). Consortial interactions that enhance the physiological plasticity of the mat community may be a key for optimizing production, N(inf2) fixation, and persistence in these extreme environments.  相似文献   

Anaerobically digested sewage sludge with a variety of moisture content, namely 81%, 86%, 90% and 98%, were anaerobically cultured at 35 degrees C under light. Phototrophic bacteria grew in the 86% moisture sludge (bacteriochlorophyll a, 0.46 g/L), 90% sludge (bacteriochlorophyll a, 0.36 g/L) and 98% sludge (bacteriochlorophyll a, 0.04 g/L) with methane production. Phototrophic bacteria could not grow in the 81% moisture sludge (bacteriochlorophyll a 0.004 g/L). Phototrophic bacteria could assimilate about 46% of the extracellular ammonium in the 90% moisture sludge. Phototrophic bacteria utilized organic compounds competing with methanogens; therefore, methane yield from the 90% moisture sludge under the light conditions was lower than that under the dark conditions. Phototrophic bacteria could grow in anaerobically digested sludge with relatively low moisture content, and assimilated extracellular ammonium in the sludge. The quality of digested sludge with phototrophic bacterial biomass for fertilizer could be improved compared with that without phototrophic bacterial biomass.  相似文献   

Sediment samples collected from coastal lagoons on the French Mediterranean (Prévost Lagoon) and Atlantic coasts (Arcachon Bay and Certes fishponds) have been studied in order to determine the population densities and the species diversity of the different groups of anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria (purple sulfur bacteria, purple nonsulfur bacteria and green sulfur bacteria) present in these ecosystems. Several strains of each group were isolated in pure culture and characterized by their physiological properties. The occurrence of purple nonsulfur bacteria in organic rich sediments of the Arcachon Bay and the dominance of purple sulfur bacteria in the Prévost lagoon and Certes fishponds are discussed with respect to their community structure and abundance. The diversity differences of the phototrophic bacterial strains isolated from both environments are also discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of light quality (color) on the 14CO2 fixation rates of natural population of photosynthetic sulfur bacteria were tested. The phototrophic bacteria were collected from the sulfide containing waters of 3 stratified lakes. The populations sampled survive in environments where light intensities are very low. Not only are the light intensities low but, due to the light filtering characteristics of the lake water, the light is of specific color. It was determined that the spectral properties of the three lakes differed, hence the quality of light reaching the phototrophic bacteria in each lake differed. It was also observed that only green sulfur bacteria were present in the study lake which transmits mainly red light and both purple and green sulfur bacteria were present in the two study lakes which transmit predominantly green light. Enrichment cultures were set up with phototrophic bacteria from two of the lakes serving as the inocula. Enrichment culture studies and photosynthetic responses of the natural populations indicate that light quality is a major factor in determining the composition of phototrophic bacterial population in some lakes.Non-Common Abbreviations Bchl Bacteriochlorophyll - DPM Disintegrations per minute  相似文献   

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