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Miyashita O  Onuchic JN  Okamura MY 《Biochemistry》2003,42(40):11651-11660
Electrostatic interactions are important for protein-protein association. In this study, we examined the electrostatic interactions between two proteins, cytochrome c(2) (cyt c(2)) and the reaction center (RC) from the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides, that function in intermolecular electron transfer in photosynthesis. Electrostatic contributions to the binding energy for the cyt c(2)-RC complex were calculated using continuum electrostatic methods based on the recent cocrystal structure [Axelrod, H. L., et al. (2002) J. Mol. Biol. 319, 501-515]. Calculated changes in binding energy due to mutations of charged interface residues agreed with experimental results for a protein dielectric constant epsilon(in) of 10. However, the electrostatic contribution to the binding energy for the complex was close to zero due to unfavorable desolvation energies that compensate for the favorable Coulomb attraction. The electrostatic energy calculated as a function of displacement of the cyt c(2) from the bound position showed a shallow minimum at a position near but displaced from the cocrystal configuration. These results show that although electrostatic steering is present, other short-range interactions must be present to contribute to the binding energy and to determine the structure of the complex. Calculations made to model the experimental data on association rates indicate a solvent-separated transition state for binding in which the cyt c(2) is displaced approximately 8 A above its position in the bound complex. These results are consistent with a two-step model for protein association: electrostatic docking of the cyt c(2) followed by desolvation to form short-range van der Waals contacts for rapid electron transfer.  相似文献   

The structure of the photosynthetic reaction center (RC) from Rhodobacter sphaeroides was determined at 3.1-A resolution by the molecular replacement method, using the Rhodopseudomonas viridis RC as the search structure. Atomic coordinates were refined with the difference Fourier method and restrained least-squares refinement techniques to a current R factor of 22%. The tertiary structure of the RC complex is stabilized by hydrophobic interactions between the L and M chains, by interactions of the pigments with each other and with the L and M chains, by residues from the L and M chains that coordinate to the Fe2+, by salt bridges that are formed between the L and M chains and the H chain, and possibly by electrostatic forces between the ends of helices. The conserved residues at the N-termini of the L and M chains were identified as recognition sites for the H chain.  相似文献   

The bacterial reaction center (RC) has become a reference model in the study of the diverse interactions of quinones with electron transfer complexes. In these studies, the RC functionality was probed through flash-induced absorption changes where the state of the primary donor is probed by means of a continuous measuring beam and the electron transfer is triggered by a short intense light pulse. The single-beam set-up implies the use as reference of the transmittance measured before the light pulse. Implicit in the analysis of these data is the assumption that the measuring beam does not elicit the protein photochemistry. At variance, measuring beam is actinic in nature at almost all the suitable wavelengths. In this contribution, the analytical modelling of the time evolution of neutral and charge-separated RCs has been performed. The ability of measuring light to elicit RC photochemistry induces a first order growth of the charge-separated state up to a steady state that depends on the light intensity and on the occupation of the secondary quinone (Q(B)) site. Then the laser pulse pumps all the RCs in the charge-separated state. The following charge recombination is still affected by the measuring beam. Actually, the kinetics of charge recombination measured in RC preparation with the Q(B) site partially occupied are two-exponential. The rate constant of both fast and slow phases depends linearly on the intensity of the measuring beam while their relative weights depend not only on the fractions of RC with the Q(B) site occupied but also on the measuring light intensity itself.  相似文献   

Paddock ML  Weber KH  Chang C  Okamura MY 《Biochemistry》2005,44(28):9619-9625
The cation-pi interaction between positively charged and aromatic groups is a common feature of many proteins and protein complexes. The structure of the complex between cytochrome c(2) (cyt c(2)) and the photosynthetic reaction center (RC) from Rhodobacter sphaeroides exhibits a cation-pi complex formed between Arg-C32 on cyt c(2) and Tyr-M295 on the RC [Axelrod, H. L., et al. (2002) J. Mol. Biol. 319, 501-515]. The importance of the cation-pi interaction for binding and electron transfer was studied by mutating Tyr-M295 and Arg-C32. The first- and second-order rates for electron transfer were not affected by mutating Tyr-M295 to Ala, indicating that the cation-pi complex does not greatly affect the association process or structure of the state active in electron transfer. The dissociation constant K(D) showed a greater increase when Try-M295 was replaced with nonaromatic Ala (3-fold) as opposed to aromatic Phe (1.2-fold), which is characteristic of a cation-pi interaction. Replacement of Arg-C32 with Ala increased K(D) (80-fold) largely due to removal of electrostatic interactions with negatively charged residues on the RC. Replacement with Lys increased K(D) (6-fold), indicating that Lys does not form a cation-pi complex. This specificity for Arg may be due to a solvation effect. Double mutant analysis indicates an interaction energy between Tyr-M295 and Arg-C32 of approximately -24 meV (-0.6 kcal/mol). This energy is surprisingly small considering the widespread occurrence of cation-pi complexes and may be due to the tradeoff between the favorable cation-pi binding energy and the unfavorable desolvation energy needed to bury Arg-C32 in the short-range contact region between the two proteins.  相似文献   

Gerencsér L  Laczkó G  Maróti P 《Biochemistry》1999,38(51):16866-16875
To understand the details of rate limitation of turnover of the photosynthetic reaction center, photooxidation of horse heart cytochrome c by reaction center from Rhodobacter spheroides in detergent dispersion has been examined by intense continuous illumination under a wide variety of conditions of cytochrome concentration, ionic strength, viscosity, temperature, light intensity, and pH. The observed steady-state turnover rate of the cytochrome was not light intensity limited. In accordance with recent findings [Larson, J. W., Wells, T. A., and Wraight, C. A. (1998) Biophys. J. 74 (2), A76], the turnover rate increased with increasing bulk ionic strength in the range of 0-40 mM NaCl from 1000 up to 2300 s(-)(1) and then decreased at high ionic strength under conditions of excess cytochrome and ubiquinone and a photochemical rate constant of 4500 s(-)(1). Furthermore, we found the following: (i) The contribution of donor (cytochrome c) and acceptor (ubiquinone) sides as well as the binding of reduced and the release of oxidized cytochrome c could be separated in the observed kinetics. At neutral and acidic pH (when the proton transfer is not rate limiting) and at low or moderate ionic strength, the turnover rate of the reaction center was limited primarily by the low release rate of the photooxidized cytochrome c (product inhibition). At high ionic strength, however, the binding rate of the reduced cytochrome c decreased dramatically and became the bottleneck. The observed activation energy of the steady-state turnover rate reflected the changes in limiting mechanisms: 1.5 kcal/mol at 4 mM and 5.7 kcal/mol at 100 mM ionic strength. A similar distinction was observed in the viscosity dependence of the turnover rate: the decrease was steep (eta(-)(1)) at 40 and 100 mM ionic strengths and moderate (eta(-)(0.2)) under low-salt (4 mM) conditions. (ii) The rate of quinone exchange at the acceptor side with excess ubiquinone-30 or ubiquinone-50 was higher than the cytochrome exchange at the donor side and did not limit the observed rate of cytochrome turnover. (iii) Multivalent cations exerted effects not only through ionic strength (screening) but also by direct interaction with surface charge groups (ion-pair production). Heavy metal ion Cd(2+) bound to the RC with apparent dissociation constant of 14 microM. (iv) A two-state model of collisional interaction between reaction center and cytochrome c together with simple electrostatic considerations in the calculation of rate constants was generally sufficient to describe the kinetics of photooxidation of dimer and cytochrome c. (v) The pH dependence of cytochrome turnover rate indicated that the steady-state turnover rate of the cytochrome under high light conditions was not determined by the isoelectric point of the reaction center (pI = 6. 1) but by the carboxyl residues near the docking site.  相似文献   

The temperature-induced denaturation of the photosynthetic reaction center from Rhodobacter sphaeroides has been studied through the changes that occur in the absorption spectrum of the bound chromophores on heating. At elevated temperatures, the characteristic absorbance bands of the bacteriochlorins bound to the polypeptides within the reaction center are lost, and are replaced by features typical of unbound bacteriochlorophyll and bacteriopheophytin. The kinetics of the spectral changes cannot be explained by a direct conversion from the functional to the denatured form of the protein, and require the presence of at least one intermediate. Possible mechanisms for the transformation via an intermediate are examined using a global analysis of the kinetic data, and the most likely mechanism is shown to involve a reversible transformation between the native state and an off-pathway intermediate, coupled to an irreversible transformation to the denatured state. The activation energies for the transformations between the three components are calculated from the effect of temperature on the individual rate constants, and the likely structural changes of the protein during the temperature-induced transformation are discussed.  相似文献   

The electrostatic interactions governing binding and electron transfer from cytochrome c(2) (cyt c(2)) to the reaction center (RC) from the photosynthetic bacteria Rhodobacter sphaeroides were studied by using site-directed mutagenesis to change the charges of residues on the RC surface. Charge-reversing mutations (acid --> Lys) decreased the binding affinity for cyt c(2). Dissociation constants, K(D) (0.3--250 microM), were largest for mutations of Asp M184 and nearby acid residues, identifying the main region for electrostatic interaction with cyt c(2). The second-order rate constants, k(2) (1--17 x 10(8) M(-1) s(-1)), increased with increasing binding affinity (log k(2) vs log 1/K(D) had a slope of approximately 0.4), indicating a transition state structurally related to the final complex. In contrast, first-order electron transfer rates, k(e), for the bound cyt did not change significantly (<3-fold), indicating that electron tunneling pathways were unchanged by mutation. Charge-neutralizing mutations (acid --> amide) showed changes in binding free energies of approximately 1/2 the free energy changes due to the corresponding charge-reversing mutations, suggesting that the charges in the docked complex remain well solvated. Charge-enhancing mutations (amide --> acid) produced free energy changes of the same magnitude (but opposite sign) as changes due to the charge-neutralizing mutations in the same region, indicating a diffuse electrostatic potential due to cyt c(2). A two-domain model is proposed, consisting of an electrostatic docking domain with charged surfaces separated by a water layer and a hydrophobic tunneling domain with atomic contacts that provide an efficient pathway for electron transfer.  相似文献   

Tehrani A  Prince RC  Beatty JT 《Biochemistry》2003,42(30):8919-8928
Purple bacterial photosynthetic reaction center (RC) H proteins comprise three cellular domains: an 11 amino acid N-terminal sequence on the periplasmic side of the inner membrane; a single transmembrane alpha-helix; and a large C-terminal, globular cytoplasmic domain. We studied the roles of these domains in Rhodobacter sphaeroides RC function and assembly, using a mutagenesis approach that included domain swapping with Blastochloris viridis RC H segments and a periplasmic domain deletion. All mutations that affected photosynthesis reduced the amount of the RC complex. The RC H periplasmic domain is shown to be involved in the accumulation of the RC H protein in the cell membrane, while the transmembrane domain has an additional role in RC complex assembly, perhaps through interactions with RC M. The RC H cytoplasmic domain also functions in RC complex assembly. There is a correlation between the amounts of membrane-associated RC H and RC L, whereas RC M is found in the cell membrane independently of RC H and RC L. Furthermore, substantial amounts of RC M and RC L are found in the soluble fraction of cells only when RC H is present in the membrane. We suggest that RC M provides a nucleus for RC complex assembly, and that a RC H/M/L assemblage results in a cytoplasmic pool of soluble RC M and RC L proteins to provide precursors for maximal production of the RC complex.  相似文献   

This study describes the use of brominated phospholipids to distinguish between lipid and detergent binding sites on the surface of a typical alpha-helical membrane protein. Reaction centers isolated from Rhodobacter sphaeroides were cocrystallized with added brominated phospholipids. X-ray structural analysis of these crystals has revealed the presence of two lipid binding sites from the characteristic strong X-ray scattering from the bromine atoms. These results demonstrate the usefulness of this approach to mapping lipid binding sites at the surface of membrane proteins.  相似文献   

The ureas and phenolics are two major classes of herbicides that act on Photosystem II (PSII) and are normally inactive in the photosynthetic reaction centers of purple bacteria. However, the triazine-resistant mutant T4 from Rhodopseudomonas (Rps.) viridis, which has the tyrosine residue at position 222 on the L subunit substituted for phenylalanine (TyrL222Phe), is sensitive to both ureas and phenolics. Since for the first time structural data on urea binding are available, T4 is a particularly interesting model for the herbicide-binding site of PSII.  相似文献   

The interaction of metal ions with isolated photosynthetic reaction centers (RCs) from the purple bacteria Rhodobacter sphaeroides, Rhodobacter capsulatus, and Rhodopseudomonas viridis has been investigated with transient optical and magnetic resonance techniques. In RCs from all species, the electrochromic response of the bacteriopheophytin cofactors associated with Q(A)(-)Q(B) --> Q(A)Q(B)(-) electron transfer is slowed in the presence of Cu(2+). This slowing is similar to the metal ion effect observed for RCs from Rb. sphaeroides where Zn(2+) was bound to a specific site on the surface of the RC [Utschig et al. (1998) Biochemistry 37, 8278]. The coordination environments of the Cu(2+) sites were probed with electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy, providing the first direct spectroscopic evidence for the existence of a second metal site in RCs from Rb. capsulatus and Rps. viridis. In the dark, RCs with Cu(2+) bound to the surface exhibit axially symmetric EPR spectra. Electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) spectral results indicate multiple weakly hyperfine coupled (14)N nuclei in close proximity to Cu(2+). These ESEEM spectra resemble those observed for Cu(2+) RCs from Rb. sphaeroides [Utschig et al. (2000) Biochemistry 39, 2961] and indicate that two or more histidines ligate the Cu(2+) at the surface site in each RC. Thus, RCs from Rb. sphaeroides, Rb. capsulatus, and Rps. viridis each have a structurally analogous Cu(2+) binding site that is involved in modulating the Q(A)(-)Q(B) --> Q(A)Q(B)(-) electron-transfer process. Inspection of the Rps. viridis crystal structure reveals four potential histidine ligands from three different subunits (M16, H178, H72, and L211) located beneath the Q(B) binding pocket. The location of these histidines is surprisingly similar to the grouping of four histidine residues (H68, H126, H128, and L211) observed in the Rb. sphaeroides RC crystal structure. Further elucidation of these Cu(2+) sites will provide a means to investigate localized proton entry into the RCs of Rb. capsulatus and Rps. viridis as well as locate a site of protein motions coupled with electron transfer.  相似文献   

In the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides, a water soluble cytochrome c2 (cyt c2) is the electron donor to the reaction center (RC), the membrane-bound pigment-protein complex that is the site of the primary light-induced electron transfer. To determine the interactions important for docking and electron transfer within the transiently bound complex of the two proteins, RC and cyt c2 were co-crystallized in two monoclinic crystal forms. Cyt c2 reduces the photo-oxidized RC donor (D+), a bacteriochlorophyll dimer, in the co-crystals in approximately 0.9 micros, which is the same time as measured in solution. This provides strong evidence that the structure of the complex in the region of electron transfer is the same in the crystal and in solution. X-ray diffraction data were collected from co-crystals to a maximum resolution of 2.40 A and refined to an R-factor of 22% (R(free)=26%). The structure shows the cyt c2 to be positioned at the center of the periplasmic surface of the RC, with the heme edge located above the bacteriochlorophyll dimer. The distance between the closest atoms of the two cofactors is 8.4 A. The side-chain of Tyr L162 makes van der Waals contacts with both cofactors along the shortest intermolecular electron transfer pathway. The binding interface can be divided into two domains: (i) A short-range interaction domain that includes Tyr L162, and groups exhibiting non-polar interactions, hydrogen bonding, and a cation-pi interaction. This domain contributes to the strength and specificity of cyt c2 binding. (ii) A long-range, electrostatic interaction domain that contains solvated complementary charges on the RC and cyt c2. This domain, in addition to contributing to the binding, may help steer the unbound proteins toward the right conformation.  相似文献   

Electron-transfer reactions and triplet decay rates have been studied at pressures up to 300 MPa. In reaction centers from Rhodobacter sphaeroides R-26, high pressure hastened the electron transfers from both the primary and secondary quinones (QA and QB) to the primary electron donor bacteriochlorophyll, P. Motion of QA between two sites, one nearer to P and the other nearer to QB, could account for these pressure effects. In reaction centers from Rhodopseudomonas viridis, charge recombination was slowed by high pressure. Decay rates were also studied for the triplet state, PR. In Rb. sphaeroides R-26 with QA reduced with Na2S2O4, the decay was hastened by pressure. This could be explained if PR decays through a charge-transfer triplet state, or if the decay kinetics of PR are sensitive to the distance between P and QA. In Rps. viridis reaction centers, and in Rb. sphaeroides reaction centers that were depleted of QA, the lifetime of PR was not altered by pressure.  相似文献   

Abresch  E.C.  Paddock  M.L.  Stowell  M.H.B.  McPhillips  T.M.  Axelrod  H.L.  Soltis  S.M.  Rees  D.C.  Okamura  M.Y.  Feher  G. 《Photosynthesis research》1998,55(2-3):119-125
Structural features that have important implications for the fundamental process of transmembrane proton transfer are examined in the recently published high resolution atomic structures of the reaction center (RC) from Rhodobacter sphaeroides in the dark adapted state (DQAQB) and the charged separated state (D+QAQB ); the latter is the active state for proton transfer to the semiquinone. The structures have been determined at 2.2 Å and 2.6 Å resolution, respectively, as reported by Stowell et al. (1997) [Science 276: 812–816]. Three possible proton transfer pathways (P1, P2, P3) consisting of water molecules and/or protonatable residues were identified which connect the QB binding region with the cytoplasmic exposed surface at Asp H224 & Asp M240 (P1), Tyr M3 (P2) and Asp M17 (P3). All three represent possible pathways for proton transfer into the RC. P1 contains an uninterrupted chain of water molecules. This path could, in addition, facilitate the exchange of quinone for quinol during the photocycle by allowing water to move into and out of the binding pocket. Located near these pathways is a cluster of electrostatically interacting acid residues (Asp-L213, Glu-H173, Asp-M17, Asp H124, Asp-L210 and Asp H170) each being within 4.5 Å of a neighboring carboxylic acid or a bridging water molecule. This cluster could serve as an internal proton reservoir facilitating fast protonation of QB that could occur at a rate greater than that attainable by proton uptake from solution.  相似文献   

Picosecond transient circular dichroism spectra are reported for the primary intermediates in the photocycle of reaction centers isolated from Rhodobacter sphaeroides. The time-resolved circular dichroism spectra of the two electron transfer intermediates (BChl2) +BPh-LQA and (BChl2) +BPhLQ-A reveal a large, nonconservative, and fairly stationary CD band at 800 nm. These results suggests that mechanisms other than exciton interactions need to be included in order to explain the optical activity of this biological system.  相似文献   

An orthorhombic crystal form (P2(1)2(1)2(1)) of the reaction center from the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides R-26 has been characterized. The crystals were grown from polyethylene glycol; the unit cell dimensions are a = 142.2 A, b = 139.6 A, and c = 78.7 A; and they contain one reaction center in each crystallographic asymmetric unit. The crystals diffract to at least 3.0 A resolution, and are suitable for detailed structural studies.  相似文献   

Time-resolved fluorescence of chromatophores isolated from strains of Rhodobacter sphaeroides containing light harvesting complex I (LHI) and reaction center (RC) (no light harvesting complex II) was measured at several temperatures between 295 K and 10 K. Measurements were performed to investigate energy trapping from LHI to the RC in RC mutants that have a P/P(+) midpoint potential either above or below wild-type (WT). Six different strains were investigated: WT + LHI, four mutants with altered RC P/P(+) midpoint potentials, and an LHI-only strain. In the mutants with the highest P/P(+) midpoint potentials, the electron transfer rate decreases significantly, and at low temperatures it is possible to directly observe energy transfer from LHI to the RC by detecting the fluorescence kinetics from both complexes. In all mutants, fluorescence kinetics are multiexponential. To explain this, RC + LHI fluorescence kinetics were analyzed using target analysis in which specific kinetic models were compared. The kinetics at all temperatures can be well described with a model which accounts for the energy transfer between LHI and the RC and also includes the relaxation of the charge separated state P(+)H(A)(-), created in the RC as a result of the primary charge separation.  相似文献   

The mechanism of the primary electron transfer (ET) process in the photosynthetic reaction center (PRC) of Rhodobacter sphaeroides has been studied with quantum chemistry method of ab initio density functional theory (DFT) (B3LYP/6-31G) based on the optimized X-ray crystallographic structure. The calculation was carried out on different structural levels. The electronic structure of pigment molecules was first studied, and then the influence of the neighboring protein was taken into account at three approximation levels: (a) the surrounding proteins were treated as a homogeneous medium with a uniform dielectric constant (SCRF); (b) both the influence of axial coordination of His to the special pair P and ABChl as, and the hydrogen bonds between related residues and P and also BPhas were included; and (c) the influence of the electronic structure of the protein subunit chains as a whole was studied. The results suggest that: (1) according to the composition of the HOMO and LUMO of P, there might be a charge-separated state of (BChlL +BChlM ) for the excited state of P; (2) to treat the protein surroundings as a homogeneous medium is not sufficient. Different interactions between pigment molecules and related residues play different roles in the ET process; (3) the axial coordination of His to P raises the E LUMO of P greatly, and it is very important for the ET process to occur in the PRC of wild-type bacterium; the axial coordination of His to ABChl as also raises their E LUMO significantly; (4) the hydrogen-bonds between amino acid residues and P and also BPh as depress the E LUMO of the pigment molecules to some extent, which makes the E LUMO of P lower than those of ABChlas, and the E LUMO of BPh a L lower than that of BPh a M. Consequently, the ET process from P to BPh a L does not, according to our calculation model, occur via ABChl a L. The possibility of the ET pathway from P to BPh a L via ABChl a L was discussed; (5) the frontier orbitals of protein subunit chains L and M are localized at the random coil area and the α–helix areas, respectively. Results mentioned above support the fact that the ET process proceeds in favourable circumstances along the branch L. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In order to define the interaction domain on Rhodobacter sphaeroides cytochrome c2 for the photosynthetic reaction center, positively charged lysine amino groups on cytochrome c2 were modified to form negatively charged (carboxydinitrophenyl)- (CDNP-) lysines. The reaction mixture was separated into several different fractions by ion-exchange chromatography on (carboxymethyl)cellulose. Tryptic digests of these fractions were analyzed by reverse-phase peptide mapping to determine the lysines that had been modified. Fraction A was found to consist of a mixture of singly labeled derivatives modified at lysine-35, -88, -95, -97, and -105 and several other unidentified lysines comprising 32% of the total. Although it was not possible to resolve these derivatives, all of the identified lysines are located on the front surface of cytochrome c2 near the heme crevice. The second-order rate constant for the reaction of native cytochrome c2 with reaction centers was 2.0 X 10(8) M-1 s-1, while that for fraction A was 20-fold less, 1.0 X 10(7) M-1 s-1. This suggests that lysines surrounding the heme crevice of cytochrome c2 are involved in electrostatic interactions with carboxylate groups at the binding site of the reaction center. The reaction rates of horse heart cytochrome c derivatives modified at single lysine amino groups with trifluoroacetyl or trifluoromethylphenylcarbamoyl were also measured. Modification of lysine-8, -13, -27, -72, -79, and -87 surrounding the heme crevice significantly lowered the rate of reaction, while modification of lysines in other regions had no effect. This indicates that the reaction of horse heart cytochrome c with the reaction center also involves the heme crevice domain.  相似文献   

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