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非人灵长类动物雌性携抱婴儿与婴儿吸乳偏好的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
灵长类雌性动物在携抱婴儿时会表现出一种方向偏好,同时,婴儿在吸乳时也会表现出方向偏好.相关研究表明,这两类偏好与灵长类大脑不对称性及其功能的进化有着极其紧密的联系.此方面的研究作为灵长类偏好行为研究的重要关注点之一,在国外已得到了较好的发展,在国内尚处于萌芽阶段.由于多种影响因素的存在,非人灵长类已有的研究结果间存在一定差异.  相似文献   

多雄多雌的灵长类社会群体中,性成熟的雄性和雌性形成临时性的配偶关系(Consortship)是极其显著特征,但这种关系对个体的交配和繁殖成功作用缺少深入研究。本研究以栖息于安徽黄山的短尾猴YA1群为研究对象,采用全事件取样法(All occurrences recording)、目标动物取样法(Focal animal sampling)以及行为取样法(Behavioral sampling method)记录个体间的社会行为、雄性的配偶数量和临时配偶关系的持续时间,对雄性短尾猴临时配偶关系的基本特征与适应策略进行了初步探讨。研究期间,雄性个体的顺位发生替换,在替换前后,处于高顺位的雄性个体始终拥有最多的配偶数量以及形成的临时配偶关系的持续时间最长,并且雄性个体的顺位与临时配偶关系呈正相关关系(顺位变化前:配偶数量:P = 0.010;持续时间:P = 0.014;顺位变化后:配偶数量:P = 0.032;持续时间:P = 0.035);雄性个体的年龄与临时配偶关系无显著相关性(配偶关系:P = 0.150;持续时间:P = 0.511);雄性个体在群体中生活的时间与临时配偶关系呈显著正相关(配偶数量:P = 0.034;持续时间:P = 0.023);雄性个体的社会关系与临时配偶关系呈显著正相关(顺位变化前:配偶数量,P = 0.013;持续时间,P = 0.001;顺位变化后:配偶数量,P < 0.001;持续时间,P = 0.003)。研究结果表明:雄性个体的顺位、在群体中生活时间以及社会关系对临时配偶的形成起主要作用,这为进一步阐明雄性行为策略与临时配偶关系提供新的科学依据。  相似文献   

灵长类动物社会中,个体间的社会关系是维系群体稳定的重要基础,也影响个体的寿命和繁殖成功。本研究以栖息于安徽黄山的短尾猴YA1群为对象,采用焦点动物取样法和行为取样法采集成年雌性个体在交配期(2015.9 - 2015.12)和非交配期(2016.3 - 2016.5)的社会行为,通过理毛和近距行为计算社会联系强度,探讨群体成员之间的社会关系及影响因素。结果表明:在交配期和非交配期,雌性短尾猴的社会联系强度无显著差异(t = 0.181,P = 0.857);亲缘关系和社会联系强度呈显著正相关(交配期:r = 0.534, P = 0.001; 非交配期:r = 0.469, P= 0.001);个体间的等级距离和社会联系强度呈显著负相关(交配期:r = -0.288, P= 0.014; 非交配期:r = -0.238, P= 0.048);年龄差异和社会联系强度无显著相关性(交配期:r = -0.176, P = 0.181; 非交配期:r = -0.192, P = 0.151)。本研究提示成年雌性短尾猴个体间会形成稳定的社会关系,亲缘关系和等级顺位是影响个体之间社会关系的重要因素。  相似文献   

采用新异物刺激的方式,建立马麝惊扰反应强度指数,通过马麝惊扰后的状态量化其胆量水平,对甘肃兴隆山麝场圈养马麝交配季节和非交配季节胆量(Boldness)进行行为学研究。结合泌香量和产仔量数据,分析胆量对麝香分泌、繁殖成效的效应;同时分析了圈区环境、性别、年龄与马麝胆量之间的关系,以及交配季节与非交配季节间胆量的相关性。结果表明:圈区环境对个体胆量无显著影响(交配季节P = 0.799;非交配季节P =0.152),性别对个体胆量也无显著影响(交配季节P = 0.144;非交配季节P = 0.733),而年龄对个体胆量存在显著影响(交配季节P = 0.012;非交配季节P =0.009),个体年龄越大,胆量越大;交配季节与非交配季节之间胆量呈显著正相关(r =0.592,P < 0.001),但并无明显差异(P =0.095);雄麝泌香量与非交配季节胆量之间存在显著负相关(r = - 0.607,P = 0.016),雌麝繁殖成效与交配季节胆量之间存在显著正相关(r =0.362,P = 0.045)。圈养马麝胆量个性受年龄因素的影响,并在交配季节与非交配季节之间存在一致性,非交配季节胆量更高的雄麝泌香量趋于更少,交配季节胆量更高的雌麝产仔数趋于更多。  相似文献   

通过非损伤性取样比如粪便样品监测野生动物受胁迫的水平已成为一个重要的手段,然而针对从野外采集的样品,其运输和贮存温度条件是否干扰分析结果,尚未有过报道。为评估不同贮存温度和天数对野生动物粪便样品中皮质醇浓度的影响,我们将大熊猫的新鲜粪便置于3 种模拟条件(0℃ 、10℃ 和22℃ ),并进行连续6 d的检测分析。结果表明,贮存天数对粪样中皮质醇浓度有显著影响(F 5,107 = 7.501,P = 0.001),但温度则无显著影响(F 2,107 = 1.094,P = 0.366)。粪样在0℃ 、10℃ 和22℃ 条件下贮存6 d,皮质醇浓度与贮存前的基准值之间均不存在显著差异(0℃ :F 6,41 = 1.274,P = 0.290;10℃ :F 6,41 = 2.027,P = 0.084;22℃ :F 6,41 =1.009, P = 0.434)。结果提示在室温条件下短期运输和贮存(不超过6 d),不会引起大熊猫粪便样品中皮质醇浓度的显著变化。该结果对于野外所采集的粪便样品运输和贮存具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

目的:探讨急性和慢性运动对2型糖尿病(T2DM)大鼠脂肪组织明磷脂酰肌醇3激酶(PI3K)/蛋白激酶B(AKT)/葡萄糖运载体4(GLUT4)信号通路的影响。方法:15月龄SD雄性大鼠52只随机分为正常对照组(n=13)和高脂组(n=39),分别喂养普通和高脂饲料。8周后,高脂组体重>正常对照组20%,注射小剂量STZ后,血糖>16.7 mmol/l,造模成功。将糖尿病模型组随机分为糖尿病对照组(DC,n=13),糖尿病慢性运动组(DCE,n=13),糖尿病急性运动组(DAE,n=13)。DCE组进行8周的游泳运动,DAE组进行一次性游泳运动。测定血脂,血糖和血清胰岛素,Western blot法测定脂肪PI3K、AKT和GLUT4蛋白含量。结果:糖尿病组体重、血脂、血糖、胰岛素显著高于正常对照组(P均<0.01);高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)水平降低(P<0.05),脂肪组织中PI3K、AKT和GLUT4蛋白表达下降(P均<0.01)。糖尿病慢性运动组体重、血脂、血糖、胰岛素均出现显著性下降(P均<0.01);HDL-C升高(P<0.05),脂肪PI3K、AKT和GLUT4蛋白表达上升(P<0.01)。糖尿病急性运动组血脂、血糖、胰岛素下降(P均<0.05);HDL-C升高(P<0.05),脂肪PI3K、AKT和GLUT4含量显著上升(P均<0.05)。结论:①高脂饮食结合小剂量STZ诱导的T2DM大鼠脂肪组织PI3K/AKT通路受损,降低了胰岛素的敏感性。②急性、慢性有氧运动,均可以通过PI3K/AKT通路,改善糖脂代谢紊乱,慢性运动略优于急性运动。  相似文献   

在2016年和2017年的5—8月,我们对川西马尔康麝场圈养林麝(Moschus berezovskii)的麝香分泌进行了行为与生理监测,对麝香分泌的各阶段进行了准确判定,记录了泌香启动、泌香盛期开始、泌香盛期终止及泌香结束的时间阶段及持续时间长,分析了林麝麝香分泌的时间阶段与体重和年龄等因素的关系。结果表明,马尔康麝场的雄性林麝平均泌香启动日在6月16日[(167.06±7.75)d,n=141],于6月17日进入泌香盛期[(168.52±7.67)d,n=141],6月21日[(172.17±7.26)d, n=138]泌香活动减弱,至6月25日[(176.27±8.11)d, n=131]泌香结束;雄麝体重与其泌香启动、泌香盛期停止及泌香结束时间呈显著负相关(rPS = -0.234,PPS =0.028;r VSF = -0.215,PVSF = 0.047;r SE = -0.229,PSE = 0.043),即雄麝的体重越大,其泌香越早;各年龄组间的平均泌香时长差异显著(F 17, 113 = 3.482, P = 0.003),其中2岁雄麝平均泌香时长最长[(13.07±2.08)d, n=20],显著高于3岁[(9.38±0.76)d, n=12, P = 0.042]和4岁[(7.80±1.60)d, n=5, P = 0.013]个体;马尔康林麝平均泌香量为(11.85g±0.96)g, (n=114),随泌香时长延长有增加趋势,但不显著(P = 0.854)。基于上述林麝雄体的泌香时间、泌香量与年龄和体重等因素间的关联,可对圈养的林麝个体间的泌香力、泌香量等进行区分和预判,作为圈养林麝驯养生产力优化的依据,并可为圈养林麝优质品系的选育提供参考。  相似文献   

为了解高原鼢鼠在越冬期的食物选择与营养成分之间的关系,采集了67 个高原鼢鼠的冬季粮仓及环境样方,分析高原鼢鼠对每一种植物的选择指数,将其分成3 种食物类型:喜食、可变和不喜食。通过测定每一种植物的粗蛋白、粗纤维、水溶性糖和粗灰分的含量,比较分析了营养成分含量在3 种食物类型间的差异,及其与各种植物选择指数的相关关系。结果显示,高原鼢鼠储存的食物种类多达67 种,本文选取含量较高且样本量大于5 的39 种植物(占粮仓和样方总生物量的99% 以上其中喜食12 种、可变16 种、不喜食11 种)进行分析。在3 种食物类型之间,粗蛋白、粗纤维和水溶性糖含量均有极显著差异(P < 0. 001),粗灰分含量则无明显差异(P = 0.800)。喜食和可变类型的粗蛋白和水溶性糖含量显著高于不喜食类型(P < 0.01);喜食和可变类型的粗纤维含量则显著低于不喜食类型(P < 0. 01);喜食和可变类型之间这3 个指标差异都不显著(P >0. 05)。Spearman 相关分析显示,粗蛋白(R = 0.547,P < 0.001)和水溶性糖(R = 0.617,P < 0. 001)含量与选择指数显著正相关,粗纤维与选择指数显著负相关(R = - 0. 707,P <0. 001),粗灰分与选择指数则无显著相关关系(R = 0.032,P =0. 846)。结果表明,高原鼢鼠总体上偏好粗蛋白和水溶性糖含量高、粗纤维含量低的植物,对无机盐的含量则不敏感。  相似文献   

以祁连山东段高寒草甸区栖息的鼢鼠(Eospalax spp.)为研究对象,通过分子系统学、形态学和栖息地特征调查相结合的方法对区域内鼢鼠的分类地位进行了研究。利用分子生物学技术,测定了线粒体D-loop 序列,构建了系统发育树并计算了鼢鼠间遗传距离。测量了鼢鼠头骨指标以及体貌形态特征,并调查了不同鼢鼠栖息地草地类型、优势种植物及土壤紧实度等。结果发现4 个采样地的鼢鼠属两个不同种,即甘肃鼢鼠(Eospalax cansus)和高原鼢鼠(Eospalax baileyi)。两种鼢鼠的遗传距离为0.147;眶间宽、听泡宽在两性间均差异显著(n=14,n=16,P < 0.05),颧宽在雄性间差异显著(n= 14,P < 0.05);甘肃鼢鼠尾部和后足有稀疏短毛,而高原鼢鼠则有密毛。甘肃鼢鼠主要栖息在海拔较低的高寒草甸区,其优势植物主要有矮嵩草(Kobresia humilis)、蕨麻(Potentilla anserina )、早熟禾(Poa annua);高原鼢鼠主要栖息在海拔较高的高寒灌丛草甸区,其优势植物主要有早熟禾(Poa annua)、金露梅(Potentilla fruticosa)、披碱草(Elymus dahuricus),但两者栖息地的土壤紧实度无差异(P >0.05)。本研究结果为同区域分布甘肃鼢鼠和高原鼢鼠的野外鉴别提供技术依据。  相似文献   

目的:观察人参皂苷Rg2对慢性坐骨神经损伤大鼠痛觉敏化、抑郁状态的影响。方法: 将50只 SD 大鼠随机分为 5组(n=10): 空白对照组(Normal+生理盐水腹腔注射)、假手术组(手术但不结扎+生理盐水腹腔注射) 、坐骨神经慢性压迫损伤(CCI)组(CCI +生理盐水腹腔注射) 、人参皂苷Rg2低剂量组(CCI+ Rg2 5 mg/kg腹腔注射)、人参皂苷Rg2高剂量组(CCI+ Rg2 10 mg/kg 腹腔注射)。CCI模型建立后,药物通过注射器进行腹腔内注射 5 ml/kg,每天1次,连续14 d。分别在术前1 d和术后 1、3、5、7、10、14 d测定大鼠的机械性缩足反射阈值(MWT)和热缩足潜伏期(TWL);术前1 d和术后第14日时检测明暗箱实验和强迫游泳试验。 结果:与假手术组比较,CCI组术后14 d机械痛阈值和热痛潜伏期明显缩短(P<0.01),明箱内停留时间明显缩短(P<0.01),穿梭次数明显减少(P<0.01),游泳潜伏期明显延长(P<0.01)。与CCI组比较,人参皂苷Rg2组术后14 d机械痛阈和热痛潜伏期明显增加(P<0.01),大鼠在明箱内时间明显延长(P<0.01),穿梭次数明显增多(P<0.01),且游泳潜伏期明显缩短(P<0.01)。结论:人参皂苷Rg2能抑制 CCI 大鼠的机械痛敏和热痛敏,同时改善其抑郁状态。  相似文献   

Although captive or free-ranging settings offer a more controlled environment for assessing non-human primate laterality, research on wild populations provides evidence of how laterality is affected by natural environmental conditions and, thus may yield potential insights into the evolution of laterality. This study of Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana) constitutes the first report on asymmetric patterns of early mother-infant interactions among Old World monkeys in the wild. It was found that neonate nipple preference and maternal cradling laterality are both evident on the individual level. Although there is no significant group-level preference direction, the group preference strength on both measures is evident. Moreover, neonate nipple preference is not significantly correlated with maternal cradling laterality on either LBI scores or the direction (LBI scores: r=0.174, p=0.632; direction: r=0.624, p=0.054). Taken together, it is possible to suggest that wild R. roxellana show independent orientation laterality from the first week of life.  相似文献   

Lateralized behavior is considered an observable phenotype of cerebral functional asymmetry and has been documented in many mammalian species. In the present study, we examined evidence of lateralization in neonatal nipple contact, maternal cradling, and the relationship between these two behaviors during the first 12 weeks of life in wild Taihangshan macaques (Macaca mulatta tcheliensis). The results showed that across our sample of nine mother–infant dyads: (1) Seven of nine neonates exhibited a significant left-side nipple preference during the first 12 weeks of life, whereas eight of nine mothers displayed a significant right-side cradling preference; (2) at the population level, there was a significant preference for left nipple contact by neonatal Taihangshan macaques and a significant right-hand maternal cradling preference; (3) at the population level, there was a nonsignificant negative correlation between neonatal nipple preference and maternal cradling bias; and (4) the strength of individual neonatal nipple preference and maternal cradling laterality were not correlated. We conclude that asymmetry in nipple contact of Taihangshan macaques occurs early in behavioral development. Given that infant Taihangshan macaques are able to nurse and cling unassisted to their mothers within a few days after birth, it appears that the infant rather than its mother is responsible for determining a nipple-side preference. Our results indicating a left-side nipple bias in 78% of wild neonatal Taihangshan macaques are most consistent with the heartbeat hypothesis.  相似文献   

Left-sided maternal cradling has been widely reported in human populations. In this paper, I review the evidence of laterality in maternal cradling and infant positional biases in non-human primates. The review revealed some evidence of population-left sided cradling in great apes but little consistency in bias was found among Old and New World monkeys. Very little data have been reported in prosimians. I further describe how asymmetries in either maternal cradling or infant positional biases may explain individual and species differences in hand preference.  相似文献   

We compared measures of laterality obtained by two observational sampling procedures (a 15-min focal-dyad sampling with continuous recording, and a scan and instantaneous sampling), using 10 mother-infant dyads of captive olive baboons. The two measures of lateral biases for maternal cradling, infant nipple preference, infant head position and maternal carrying, but not those for infant retrieval, were positively and significantly correlated. Our results clearly show that the two sampling procedures produce equally sensitive measures of lateral bias for both the maternal and the infant behaviours. They also provide evidence of asymmetries in mean bout length and therefore suggest that recording bouts is not necessarily the best measure of lateral bias. Taken together, these results show empirically that the scan and instantaneous sampling procedure does not lead to a lack of independence of data points, as previously assumed.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study presented here was to investigate the handedness and cradling preferences of a mother gorilla (Gorilla gorilla) from the Metro Toronto Zoo. The study also examined preferences for handedness for each member of the captive group. Observational data were collected using scan sampling at 60‐sec intervals. Handedness was determined with a coordinated bimanual tube test using peanut butter spread on the interior of a PVC tube. Our findings were largely consistent with the literature on laterality in African apes by documenting a left‐side cradling bias for one apparently ambidextrous captive gorilla mother. This bias was associated with a left head positioning preference by her infant. Although based on a single mother/infant pairing, this study indicates that cradling bias is not always determined by maternal handedness. Zoo Biol 27:420–426, 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We investigated laterality in nipple preference in 16 mother-infant dyads, 8 bonobos, and 8 chimpanzees via an event sampling procedure in infants 5–55 mo of age. Both bonobo and chimpanzee infants preferred the left nipple, and the results were stable over time. Maternal age, experience, and rearing history did not influence laterality in offspring nipple preferences. We discuss the results in the context of the role of early mother-infant interactions on the development of laterality in primates.  相似文献   

Women and girls tend to cradle infants and dolls on the left side of the body. Left-sided cradling is found in chimpanzees and gorillas, is cross-cultural and present in historical works of art, and is transmitted down the human maternal line. One explanation for the left-cradling tendency is that it facilitates the flow of affective information from the infant via the left ear and eye to the center for emotional decoding, that is, the right hemisphere of the mother. We show that the developmental stability of the ear, as measured by ear asymmetry, is negatively correlated with the left-sided cradling tendency. Left-cradling English women holding infants and Jamaican girls holding dolls had a strong tendency to show lower ear asymmetry than right cradlers, whereas no such relationship was found in boys nor for various measures of asymmetry of the hand, with the possible exception of the wrist in Jamaican girls. Degree of handedness, as measured by the Annett peg-moving test, did not predict cradling preference in the Jamaican children, and the relationship between ear asymmetry and cradling preference was independent of hand preference. Our results suggest that developmental instability of the ear (including the pinna, external auditory meatus, and middle ear) may interfere with the flow of affective information to the right hemisphere. Ear asymmetry also showed evidence of strong maternal but not paternal transmission. It is suggested that between-individual variation of in utero stress may explain patterns of maternal transmission of lateral cradling tendencies.  相似文献   

Previous studies on nonhuman primate maternal styles showed that variation in infant-directed behavior falls along two dimensions, traditionally labeled as protectiveness and rejection. We investigated maternal styles in rhesus (Macaca mulatta) and Japanese (M. fuscata) macaques living in analogous captive social groups, and correlated them with the levels of estrogen metabolites excreted in female feces during the perinatal period. We focally observed mother-infant pairs 3 hours per week during the first 12 weeks of infant life. We collected fecal samples twice a week from each mother, starting 4 weeks before delivery and ending 4 weeks after delivery. Three significant components were extracted by principal component analysis from 15 different infant directed behaviors, each reflecting a different aspect of mothering style: rejection is correlated with behavioral measures of maternal opposition to contact; protectiveness is correlated with maternal solicitude; and independence is correlated with time in contact, grooming and cradling. Levels of estrogen metabolites are significantly correlated to rejection but not to protectiveness or independence, indicating that, in nonhuman primates, individual endocrine changes related to maternal behavior might specifically affect the timing of contact interruption.  相似文献   

While 3-month-old infant rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) were awake and active in social interactions away from their mothers, body and nipple contacts with their mothers were nevertheless made from time to time. In each dyad the proportions of contacts made by the mother nearly equalled those broken by her, suggesting a meshed interaction in which each partner accepted most of the other's contact initiations and terminations. Passive prevention of nipple contact by a mother reduced the frequency of nipple contact by her infant in the first 5 s after the infant had made body contact. Passive prevention occurred after fewer than 1 in 6 body contacts initiated by infants, and--even without its occurrence--most infants were less ready to take the nipple after their own initiatives than after maternal initiatives. Once nipple contact had been made, the probability of breaking body contact was reduced. The role of maternal rejection both in the control of nipple contact in the short term and in determining (through its effect on the sucking pattern) whether the mother gives birth in the next birth season or later is discussed. We suggest that, by the age of 3 months, the infants had already learned when and how often nipple contact with their mothers would be acceptable during their awake and active periods, and we suggest that subsequent decreases in the frequency of nipple contact were partly the results of maternal rejections which were accepted by the infants.  相似文献   

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