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Silica deposition in Demosponges: spiculogenesis in Crambe crambe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Transmission electron-microscopy images coupled with dispersive X-ray analysis of the species Crambe crambe have provided information on the process of silica deposition in Demosponges. Sclerocytes (megasclerocytes) lie close to spicules or surround them at different stages of growth by means of long thin enveloping pseudopodia. Axial filaments occur free in the mesohyl, in close contact with sclerocytes, and are triangular in cross section, with an internal silicified core. The unit-type membrane surrounding the growing spicule coalesces with the plasmalemma. The axial filament of a growing spicule and that of a mature spicule contain 50%-70% Si and 30%-40% Si relative to that contained in the spicule wall, respectively. The extracellular space between the sclerocyte and the growing spicule contains 50%-65%. Mitochondria, vesicles and dense inclusions of sclerocytes exhibit less than 10%. The cytoplasm close to the growing spicule and that far from the growing spicule contain up to 50% and less than 10%, respectively. No Si has been detected in other parts of the sponge. The megascleres are formed extracellularly. Once the axial filament is extruded to the mesohyl, silicification is accomplished in an extracellular space formed by the enveloping pseudopodia of the sclerocyte. Si deposition starts at regularly distributed sites along the axial filament; this may be related to the highly hydroxylated zones of the silicatein-alpha protein. Si is concentrated in the cytoplasm of the sclerocyte close to the plasmalemma that surrounds the growing spicules. Orthosilicic acid seems to be pumped, both from the mesohyl to the sclerocyte and from the sclerocyte to the extracellular pocket containing the growing spicule, via the plasmalemma.  相似文献   

The marine sponges Dysidea avara and Chondrosia reniformis (globular forms) were cultured in the laboratory on a diet of viable Phaeodactylum tricornutum cells and dissolved nutrients (algae and fish powders). Our growth data were combined with literature data for Pseudosuberites andrewsi (a globular sponge) and for the encrusting sponges Oscarella lobularis, Hemimycale columella, and Crambe crambe. The suitability of three growth models—linear, exponential, and radial accretive—for describing the growth of globular and encrusting sponges was assessed. Radial accretive growth was determined to be the best model to describe growth of both encrusting and globular sponges. Average growth rates of 0.051 ± 0.016 and 0.019 ± 0.003 mm/day (calculated as the increase of the radius of the sponge per day) were obtained experimentally for D. avara and C. reniformis, respectively.  相似文献   

Using atomic force microscopy (AFM), the formation of nanosized silica structures on a substrate, catalyzed by the recombinant silicatein LoSilA1 from the marine sponge Latrunculia oparinae, was studied. It has been shown that at room temperature under neutral conditions, recombinant silicatein immobilized on a mica substrate causes the rapid polycondensation of tetrakis(2-hydroxyethyl) orthosilicate to form spherical particles. Thus, immobilized silicatein may acts as a catalyst in the preparation of ordered silica structures on various surfaces.  相似文献   

The rigid skeletal frameworks of two heliospongid genera from the Bethany Falls Limestone (Pennsylvanian) of Missouri provided suitable sites of attachment for other marine invertebrates in a quiet water environment. A cluster of three horn corals attached apically to one Heliospongia while it was upright. Other horn corals are in lateral contact with ?Coelocladiella fragments and may have attached to fallen specimens. The distribution of acrothoracic barnacle borings and membraniporiform bryozoans on ?Coelocladiella fragments suggest that the sponges were in an upright position when the epizoans lived. Calcareous worm tubes and shell scars of Derbyia are also associated with ?Coelocladiella. The sponges themselves became established on a soft carbonate mud bottom by growing on productacean shells and possibly fallen blades of calcareous algae. Irregularities in their form indicate that conditions were crowded on limited sites of attachment. The organisms in the assemblage are ecologically coherent and in situ. Ecological requirements of associated organisms and sponge morphologies indicate: (1) the energy of the environment was low to moderate, (2) the rate of deposition was slow and (3) the substrate was a soft carbonate mud.  相似文献   

The linkage relationships between eight different loci in Tetranychus pacificus are presented. It appears that from the 20 two-factor crosses studied, only two combinations show linkage. In 18 cases no linkage effects could be demonstrated, notwithstanding the considerable resolving power of recombinational analysis. Since T. pacificus has few chromosomes (n=3), the high recombination index is surprising and has to be explained by a high chiasmata-frequency.
Zusammenfassung Die Koppelungs-Verhältnisse zwischen 8 verschiedenen Genloci von Tetranychus pacificus McGregor werden dargestellt. Es scheint, daß von den 20 geprüften Zweifaktor-Kreuzungen nur 2 Kombinationen Koppelung aufweisen. In 18 Fällen konnten keine Koppelungs-Effekte nachgewiesen werden, ungeachtet der beträchtlichen Aussagekraft der Rekombinationsanalyse. Da T. pacificus nur wenige Chromosomen (n=3) besitzt, ist der hohe Rekombinationsgrad überraschend. Er kann nur durch eine hohe Chiasmata-Häufigkeit erklärt werden.

Reconciling the fossil record with molecular phylogenies to enhance the understanding of animal evolution is a challenging task, especially for taxa with a mostly poor fossil record, such as sponges (Porifera). ‘Lithistida’, a polyphyletic group of recent and fossil sponges, are an exception as they provide the richest fossil record among demosponges. Lithistids, currently encompassing 13 families, 41 genera and >300 recent species, are defined by the common possession of peculiar siliceous spicules (desmas) that characteristically form rigid articulated skeletons. Their phylogenetic relationships are to a large extent unresolved and there has been no (taxonomically) comprehensive analysis to formally reallocate lithistid taxa to their closest relatives. This study, based on the most comprehensive molecular and morphological investigation of ‘lithistid’ demosponges to date, corroborates some previous weakly-supported hypotheses, and provides novel insights into the evolutionary relationships of the previous ‘order Lithistida’. Based on molecular data (partial mtDNA CO1 and 28S rDNA sequences), we show that 8 out of 13 ‘Lithistida’ families belong to the order Astrophorida, whereas Scleritodermidae and Siphonidiidae form a separate monophyletic clade within Tetractinellida. Most lithistid astrophorids are dispersed between different clades of the Astrophorida and we propose to formally reallocate them, respectively. Corallistidae, Theonellidae and Phymatellidae are monophyletic, whereas the families Pleromidae and Scleritodermidae are polyphyletic. Family Desmanthidae is polyphyletic and groups within Halichondriidae – we formally propose a reallocation. The sister group relationship of the family Vetulinidae to Spongillida is confirmed and we propose here for the first time to include Vetulina into a new Order Sphaerocladina. Megascleres and microscleres possibly evolved and/or were lost several times independently in different ‘lithistid’ taxa, and microscleres might at least be four times more likely lost than megascleres. Desma spicules occasionally may have undergone secondary losses too. Our study provides a framework for further detailed investigations of this important demosponge group.  相似文献   

A wide range of sessile and sedentary marine invertebrates synthesize secondary metabolites that have potential as industrial antifoulants. These antifoulants tend to differ in structure, even between closely related species. Here, we determine if structurally divergent secondary metabolites produced within two sympatric haliclonid demosponges have similar effects on the larvae of a wide range of benthic competitors and potential fouling metazoans (ascidians, molluscs, bryozoans, polychaetes, and sponges). The sponges Haliclona sp. 628 and sp. 1031 synthesize the tetracyclic alkaloid, haliclonacyclamine A (HA), and the long chain alkyl amino alcohol, halaminol A (LA), respectively. Despite structural differences, HA and LA have identical effects on phylogenetically disparate ascidian larvae, inducing rapid larval settlement but preventing subsequent metamorphosis at precisely the same stage. HA and LA also have similar effects on sponge, polychaete, gastropod and bryozoan larvae, inhibiting both settlement and metamorphosis. Despite having identical roles in preventing fouling and colonisation, HA and LA differentially affect the physiology of cultured HeLa human cells, indicating they have different molecular targets. From these data, we infer that the secondary metabolites within marine sponges may emerge by varying evolutionary and biosynthetic trajectories that converge on specific ecological roles.  相似文献   

Using the previously determined complementary DNA Sequence of Crassostrea gigas amylase (Y08370), we designed several oligonucleotide primers and used them with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology to characterize oyster amylase gene sequences. Two genes encoding 2 different amylases were characterized and sequenced. The 2 genes are similarly organized with 8 exons and 7 introns. Intron insertions are found at the same location in the 2 genes. Sizes and nucleotide sequences are different for the different introns inside each gene and different for the corresponding introns in the 2 genes. Comparing the 2 genes, around 10% of the nucleotides are different along the exons, and comparing the 2 deduced protein sequences, a mean value of 10.4% of amino acids are changed. Genes A and B encode mature proteins of, respectively, 500 and 499 amino acids, which present 94% similarity. A microsatellite (TC37) that constitutes the largest part of intron 4 of gene A has been used as a polymorphic marker. A method consisting of a PCR step followed by EcoRI digestion of the obtained fragments was used to observe polymorphism in these 2 genes. Six and 4 alleles for genes A and B, respectively, have been sequenced, leading to a maximum of 2.9% base change. The 2 genes are ubiquitously expressed in the different digestive tissues with quantitative differences. Gene A is strongly expressed in the digestive gland and at a lower level in stomach, while gene B is preferentially expressed in the labial palps. The microsatellite repeat was used in the analysis of 4 populations of Crassostrea gigas from the French Atlantic coast. A high level of polymorphism observed with 30 different alleles of gene A inside the populations should allow their characterization using the mean value of the microsatellite allelic distribution. These populations showed a low level of differentiation (F st between 0 and 0.011); however, the population of Bonne Anse appeared to be distinguished from the other populations.  相似文献   

The siliceous spicules of sponges (Porifera) are synthesized by the enzyme silicatein. This protein and its gene have been identified so far in the Demospongiae, e.g., Tethya aurantium and Suberites domuncula. In the Hexactinellida, the second class of siliceous sponges, the mechanism of synthesis of the largest bio-silica structures on Earth remains obscure. Here, we describe the morphology of the spicules (diactines and stauractines) of the hexactinellid Crateromorpha meyeri. These spicules are composed of silica lamellae concentrically arranged around a central axial canal and contain proteinaceous sheaths (within the siliceous mantel) and proteinaceous axial filaments (within the axial canal). The major protein in the spicules is a 24-kDa protein that strongly reacts with anti-silicatein antibodies in Western blots. Its cDNA has been successfully cloned; the deduced hexactinellid silicatein comprises, in addition to the characteristic catalytic triad amino acids Ser-His-Asn and the "conventional" serine cluster, a "hexactinellid C. meyeri-specific" Ser cluster. We show that anti-silicatein antibodies react specifically with the proteinaceous matrix of the C. meyeri spicules. The characterization of silicatein at the genetic level should contribute to an understanding of the molecular/biochemical mechanism of spiculogenesis in Hexactinellida. These data also indicate that silicatein is an autapomorphic molecule common to both classes of siliceous sponges.  相似文献   

One crucial event during evolution to multicellularity was the development of either direct cell–cell contact or indirect interaction via extracellular matrix (ECM) molecules. The identification of those polypeptides provides conclusive data on the phylogenetic relationship of metazoan phyla and helps us to understand the position of the Metazoa among the other kingdoms. Recently it became evident that the ECM of sponges is amazingly complex; it is composed of fibrous molecules, e.g., collagen, and their corresponding receptors, which are highly similar to those existing in other metazoan phyla. While these data already support the view of monophyly of Metazoa, additional studies are required to understand whether these molecules, which are similar in their primary sequence, also have the same function throughout the metazoan kingdom. In the present study we identified the ligand for one of the autopomorphic characters of Metazoa, the single-transmembrane receptor protein with the receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) from G. cydonium, as an example: the putative mucus-like protein from G. cydonium. This protein was upregulated during autograft fusion in the homologous system with kinetics similar to those of the RTK. Additionally, a cDNA was isolated from S. domuncula whose deduced polypeptide displays a high sequence similarity to dermatopontin, an ECM molecule found exclusively in Metazoa. Furthermore, it is documented that expression of the fibrous ECM molecule collagen is regulated by the characteristic metazoan morphogens myotrophin and endothelial monocyte-activating polypeptide. These data indicate that the ECM of sponges is not an unstructured ground substance but provides the basis for integrated cell communication. Received: 26 October 2000 / Accepted: 1 February 2001  相似文献   

To understand the composition and structure of denitrifying communities in the oxygen-deficient zone off the Pacific coast of Mexico, the molecular diversity of nir genes from sediments obtained at four stations was examined by using a PCR-based cloning approach. A total of 50 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) for nirK and 82 OTUs for nirS were obtained from all samples. Forty-four of the nirS clones and 31 of the nirK clones were sequenced; the levels of similarity of the nirS clones were 52 to 92%, and the levels of similarity of the nirS clones were 50 to 99%. The percentages of overlapping OTUs between stations were 18 to 30% for nirS and 5 to 8% for nirK. Sequence analysis revealed that 26% of the nirS clones were related to the nirS genes of Alcaligenes faecalis (80 to 94% similar) and Pseudomonas stutzeri (80 to 99%), whereas 3 to 31% of the nirK clones were closely related to the nirK genes of Pseudomonas sp. strain G-179 (98 to 99%), Bradyrhizobium japonicum (91%), Blastobacter denitrificans (83%), and Alcaligenes xylosoxidans (96%). The rest of the clones, however, were less than 80% similar to nirS and nirK sequences available in sequence databases. The results of a principal-component analysis (PCA) based on the percentage of OTUs and biogeochemical data indicated that the nitrate concentration and oxygen have an effect on the denitrifying communities. The communities at the stations in oxygen-deficient zones were more similar than the communities at the stations in the oxygenated zone. The denitrifying communities were more similar at the stations that were closer together and had similar nitrate levels. Also, the results of PCA based on biogeochemical properties suggest that geographic location and biogeochemical conditions, especially the nitrate and oxygen levels, appear to be the key factors that control the structure of denitrifying communities.  相似文献   

The classical three-waves theory of American peopling through Beringia was based on a mixed anthropological and linguistic methodology. The use of mtDNA, Y chromosome and other DNA markers offers different results according to the different markers and methodologies chosen by different authors. At present, the peopling of Americas remains uncertain, regarding: time of population, number of peopling waves and place of peopling entrance among other related issues. In the present review, we have gathered most available HLA data already obtained about First Native American populations, which raise some doubts about the classical three waves of American peopling hypothesis. In summary, our conclusions are: 1) North West Canadian Athabaskans have had gene flow with: a) close neighboring populations, b) Amerindians, c) Pacific Islanders including East Australians and d) Siberians; 2) Beringia was probably not the only entrance of people to America: Pacific Ocean boat trips may have contributed to the HLA genetic American profile (or the opposite could also be true); 3) Amerindians entrance to America may have been different to that of Athabaskans and Eskimos and Amerindians may have been in their lands long before Athabaskans and Eskimos because they present and altogether different set of HLA-DRB1 allele frequencies; 4) Amerindians show very few "particular alleles", almost all are shared with other Amerindians, Athabaskans and Pacific Islanders, including East Australians and Siberians; 5) Our results do not support the three waves model of American peopling, but another model where the people entrance is not only Beringia, but also Pacific Coast. Reverse migration (America to Asia) is not discarded and different movements of people in either direction in different times are supported by the Athabaskan population admixture with Asian-Pacific population and with Amerindians, 6) HLA variability is more common than allele veriability in Amerindians. Finally, it is shown that gene genealogy analises should be completed with allele frequency analyses in population relatednes and migrations studies.  相似文献   

Dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) is mainly produced by marine phytoplankton but is released into the microbial food web and degraded by marine bacteria to dimethyl sulfide (DMS) and other products. To reveal the abundance and distribution of bacterial DMSP degradation genes and the corresponding bacterial communities in relation to DMS and DMSP concentrations in seawater, we collected surface seawater samples from DMS hot spot sites during a cruise across the Pacific Ocean. We analyzed the genes encoding DMSP lyase (dddP) and DMSP demethylase (dmdA), which are responsible for the transformation of DMSP to DMS and DMSP assimilation, respectively. The averaged abundance (±standard deviation) of these DMSP degradation genes relative to that of the 16S rRNA genes was 33% ± 12%. The abundances of these genes showed large spatial variations. dddP genes showed more variation in abundances than dmdA genes. Multidimensional analysis based on the abundances of DMSP degradation genes and environmental factors revealed that the distribution pattern of these genes was influenced by chlorophyll a concentrations and temperatures. dddP genes, dmdA subclade C/2 genes, and dmdA subclade D genes exhibited significant correlations with the marine Roseobacter clade, SAR11 subgroup Ib, and SAR11 subgroup Ia, respectively. SAR11 subgroups Ia and Ib, which possessed dmdA genes, were suggested to be the main potential DMSP consumers. The Roseobacter clade members possessing dddP genes in oligotrophic subtropical regions were possible DMS producers. These results suggest that DMSP degradation genes are abundant and widely distributed in the surface seawater and that the marine bacteria possessing these genes influence the degradation of DMSP and regulate the emissions of DMS in subtropical gyres of the Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

Genetic heterogeneity of denitrifying bacteria in sediment samples from Puget Sound and two sites on the Washington continental margin was studied by PCR approaches amplifying nirK and nirS genes. These structurally different but functionally equivalent single-copy genes coding for nitrite reductases, a key enzyme of the denitrification process, were used as a molecular marker for denitrifying bacteria. nirS sequences could be amplified from samples of both sampling sites, whereas nirK sequences were detected only in samples from the Washington margin. To assess the underlying nir gene structure, PCR products of both genes were cloned and screened by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). Rarefraction analysis revealed a high level of diversity especially for nirS clones from Puget Sound and a slightly lower level of diversity for nirK and nirS clones from the Washington margin. One group dominated within nirK clones, but no dominance and only a few redundant clones were seen between sediment samples for nirS clones in both habitats. Hybridization and sequencing confirmed that all but one of the 228 putative nirS clones were nirS with levels of nucleotide identities as low as 45.3%. Phylogenetic analysis grouped nirS clones into three distinct subclusters within the nirS gene tree which corresponded to the two habitats from which they were obtained. These sequences had little relationship to any strain with known nirS sequences or to isolates (mostly close relatives of Pseudomonas stutzeri) from the Washington margin sediment samples. nirK clones were more closely related to each other than were the nirS clones, with 78.6% and higher nucleotide identities; clones showing only weak hybridization signals were not related to known nirK sequences. All nirK clones were also grouped into a distinct cluster which could not be placed with any strain with known nirK sequences. These findings show a very high diversity of nir sequences within small samples and that these novel nir clusters, some very divergent from known sequences, are not known in cultivated denitrifiers.  相似文献   

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