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依托深圳生物产业优势,对深圳生物产业STS课程资源和高中生物学教材进行系统开发整合。同时根据STS课程资源的利用途径不同,探索利用本地生物产业STS课程资源进行高中生物学体验式教学的3种模式:参观调查式、情境导入式、实验模拟式。  相似文献   

课程资源的开发和利用是保证新课程实施的基本条件。课程资源是课程设计与实施不可缺少的基本要素,教科书不应该也不可能成为惟一的课程资源。课程资源对学生的发展具有独到的价值,与传统教科书相比是丰富的、大量的、具有开放性的,并以其具体形象激发起学生的兴趣。生物课程资源是非常丰富的,所以学校和生物教师要充分认识开发和利用各种课程资源对生物课程的实施所起到的重要作用,教师必须对新课程的教学资源及其开发与利用有一个较为全面的认识。只有这样,才能全面开展好新形势下的生物教学,促进教师专业化的发展。  相似文献   

生物学课堂教学效率与生物学课程资源的开发和利用有着十分密切的关系。由于生物学科教学对直观性和实验性的要求很高,所以在某种程度上生物课程资源的开发和利用将影响生物学科课堂教学效率的提高。随着课程改革的不断推进,城市初中生物学科教学的课程资源越来越丰富。教学条件和教学手段正朝着越来越现代化发展。  相似文献   

开发新的课程资源,是深化课程改革、提高教学效益以达成课程目标的重要途径。因地制宜地开发和利用校本课程资源能极大地激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的创新思维,提高学生发现问题、解决问题的能力,进而培养学生探究问题的科学态度。以本校生物学校本课程之农作物栽培活动为载体,尝试培养学生的实践技能、注重与现实生活的联系;启发学生拓宽搜集资料的渠道,正确筛选处理资料信息并设计实验。  相似文献   

金小英 《生物学通报》2005,40(11):50-51
校本课程开发,是指学校依据国家的教育方针和教育目标,依据学校自身的办学理念,在对学生需求分析的基础上,基于社区和学校的课程资源,由学校教师自主进行的课程开发。校本课程开发既有在国家规定的一定的课时范围内进行的开发,也有对学校课程(包括国家课程和地方课程)全部或部分地进行不同程度和层次的开发。根据生物学课程改革的理念和要求,本着以学生发展为中心,促进学生积极主动地学习,关注生物学知识的应用,全面提高学生的科学素质,倡导自主、合作、探究的学习方式等课程开发理念和我国的农业生产实际,笔者在高中生物学教学中开展了《在希望的田野》校本课程开发与实践。  相似文献   

以培养学生的创新精神和实践能力为核心,以开发、整合和利用多种课程资源为重点,构建课堂课程教学、研究性课程教学、选修课课程教学和综合实践活动课教学的功能性学校生物学课程体系模式。以“学会学习”为中心的课堂教学模式,以激励学生自主学习、主动探究和体验的研究性学习,以兴趣培养、特长培养的选修课学习,以旨在对课堂课程、研究性学习课程和选修课课程进一步整合的综合实践活动课,分年级、分内容的多种课程资源并举的实施途径,重在过程、创新性评价的方式,实现新课程标准要求的培养学生创新精神和实践能力的目标。  相似文献   

在课程改革的背景下,高中生物教材引入大量的有关生物技术的内容和实验。由于课时紧张,受各学校实验室条件、季节、课时等因素影响,有高考中生物实验占的比重比较大,除了高考还有实验考察。实验是生物课程的重要组成部分。实践出真知,生物学本身是以实验为基础的基础课程,很多现象和结论都需要通过实验来发现。而且实验是提高生物教学质量的重要环节,可以向学生提供直观感性的认识,培养学生的基本技能和观察、分析综合运用生物学知识的能力,也可以激发学生学习生物的兴趣。高中实验主要集中在必修一,主要以生化实验为主。根据各学校的实际情况,教师可以在教学实践中加以改进和创新,使之更适合本校师生的实验活动,以确保和提高高中生物实验的可行性、准确性和实效性,同时也有利于培养师生的科学创新精神和实践能力。  相似文献   

蛋白质组信息学   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
生物信息学已经成为当代生物学和医药学的组成部分,用于巨量生物信息资源的收集、存储、处理、搜索、利用、共享、服务、研究和开发。它常由数据库、计算机网络和应用软件三大部分组成。在基因组计划中它已经发挥了不可取代的作用,而在蛋白质组计划中也日益成为强力的支...  相似文献   

镉的生物毒性及其防治策略   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
黄宝圣 《生物学通报》2005,40(11):26-28
镉在工农业生产、国民经济和军事等领域具有广泛的用途。然而镉资源的开发和利用,会导致镉毒对大气、水体、土壤严重污染,直接或间接地危害到人类的身心健康,威胁着人类的生存与发展。密切关注镉的生物毒性及其在人类生命代谢活动中的作用机制,有计划地保护、开发和利用各种镉资源,及时治理各种镉毒污染物和注意科学饮食是最有效的镉毒防治策略。  相似文献   

紙浆和粘土制作生物模型的方法,王行同志曾在生物学通报1958年6月号介紹过,我校生物組同志們,为了积极贯彻省专署会議精神,在学校党支部和教研組同志們的有力支持下,建立了生物模型制造厂。經过半年来的实践証明,利用废紙紙浆,以及就地利用粘土,自制生物教学模型是有发展前途的。既符合供  相似文献   

The inquiry-based approach is an important component of secondary school biology curricula. However, we found that common Australian texts included little coverage of controlled experimentation in ecological practical work. The logistical and ethical difficulties in designing suitable ecological practicals may be a factor in these observations, as well as a perception that investigations of the complex interrelationships in ecology require scientific approaches other than experimentation. We argue that because controlled experiments are used extensively by professional ecologists to solve both theoretical and applied problems, experimentation should be a key component of secondary school ecology curricula. We suggest five teaching principles to guide secondary school biology teachers in providing a more realistic view of the possibilities and limitations of ecological experimentation. We also review ways in which computer simulations and microcosm experiments can be used to overcome logistical and ethical problems and allow students to design and implement ecological experiments. Whether based in the classroom or the field, the use of experimental approaches in secondary school ecology curricula illustrates ecological concepts, reinforces principles of experimental design and highlights the value of the inquiry-based approach in biological education.  相似文献   

Over the last few decades, the nature of life sciences research has changed enormously, generating a need for a workforce with a variety of computational skills such as those required to store, manage, and analyse the large biological datasets produced by next-generation sequencing. Those with such expertise are increasingly in demand for employment in both research and industry. Despite this, bioinformatics education has failed to keep pace with advances in research. At secondary school level, computing is often taught in isolation from other sciences, and its importance in biological research is not fully realised, leaving pupils unprepared for the computational component of Higher Education and, subsequently, research in the life sciences. The 4273pi Bioinformatics at School project (https://4273pi.org) aims to address this issue by designing and delivering curriculum-linked, hands-on bioinformatics workshops for secondary school biology pupils, with an emphasis on equitable access. So far, we have reached over 180 schools across Scotland through visits or teacher events, and our open education resources are used internationally. Here, we describe our project, our aims and motivations, and the practical lessons we have learned from implementing a successful bioinformatics education project over the last 5 years.  相似文献   

The do-it-yourself biology (DIYbio) community is emerging as a movement that fosters open access to resources permitting modern molecular biology, and synthetic biology among others. It promises in particular to be a source of cheaper and simpler solutions for environmental monitoring, personal diagnostic and the use of biomaterials. The successful growth of a global community of DIYbio practitioners will depend largely on enabling safe access to state-of-the-art molecular biology tools and resources. In this paper we analyze the rise of DIYbio, its community, its material resources and its applications. We look at the current projects developed for the international genetically engineered machine competition in order to get a sense of what amateur biologists can potentially create in their community laboratories over the coming years. We also show why and how the DIYbio community, in the context of a global governance development, is putting in place a safety/ethical framework for guarantying the pursuit of its activity. And finally we argue that the global spread of DIY biology potentially reconfigures and opens up access to biological information and laboratory equipment and that, therefore, it can foster new practices and transversal collaborations between professional scientists and amateurs.  相似文献   

Fluorescent nanoparticles (FNPs) have been widely used in chemistry and medicine for decades, but their employment in biology is relatively recent. Past reviews on FNPs have focused on chemical, physical or medical uses, making the extrapolation to biological applications difficult. In biology, FNPs have largely been used for biosensing and molecular tracking. However, concerns over toxicity in early types of FNPs, such as cadmium-containing quantum dots (QDs), may have prevented wide adoption. Recent developments, especially in non-Cd-containing FNPs, have alleviated toxicity problems, facilitating the use of FNPs for addressing ecological, physiological and molecule-level processes in biological research. Standardised protocols from synthesis to application and interdisciplinary approaches are critical for establishing FNPs in the biologists’ tool kit. Here, we present an introduction to FNPs, summarise their use in biological applications, and discuss technical issues such as data reliability and biocompatibility. We assess whether biological research can benefit from FNPs and suggest ways in which FNPs can be applied to answer questions in biology. We conclude that FNPs have a great potential for studying various biological processes, especially tracking, sensing and imaging in physiology and ecology.  相似文献   

The mathematics in school biology is investigated by means of an analysis of the questions in examination papers set over a period of time in biological subjects by the University of London Examinations Board. Throughout, the incidence of questions requiring mathematics changes but remains low, while the range of mathematics topics called upon remains both restricted and unchanging. However, the various biological examination subjects differ markedly with respect both to the changes in the incidence of such questions and to the range and frequency with which the topics are used.

Certain difficulties associated with the mathematics of school biology are identified, and biology teachers are encouraged to discuss these with their colleagues who teach mathematics.  相似文献   

Recent advances in cell biology, fluorescent probe chemistry, miniaturization and automation have allowed the use of mammalian cells in a variety of medical and industrial applications. Here we describe the generation of cell-based biosensors, engineered to optically report specific biological activity. Cellular biosensors are comprised of living cells and can be used in various applications, including screening chemical libraries for drug discovery and environmental sensing. Panels of biosensors may also be useful for elucidating the function of novel genes. Here we describe two examples of the construction and use of engineered cell lines as biosensors for drug discovery.  相似文献   

DNA合成是生命科学领域的共性支撑技术和合成生物学的关键使能技术。以合成生物学为基础的工业生物技术持续快速发展,迫切需要更加便捷、经济、安全的DNA来源以满足其日益增长的大规模DNA合成需求。工业化DNA合成在通量、成本、速度等方面的优势日益凸显,有力推动了工业生物技术研发效率的提升和研发成本的下降。但是现有技术在生产过程中还存在着使用大量有机试剂、资源浪费等问题。随着DNA合成规模的持续快速提升,有毒化学品危害、成本负担、环境负担等问题日益突出。本文结合我们的工作实践,对工业生物技术中DNA合成需求、合成策略以及可持续发展面临的问题和解决方案研究进展进行探讨。  相似文献   

中国鸢尾属观赏植物资源的研究与利用   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
对中国鸢尾属现赏植物资源的研究与利用的情况进行了总体概述。并从三个方面提出了目前和今后一段时期对该属现赏植物资源研究与利用的思考。加快现有野生植物资源丰富、优良的绿化地被类鸢尾的立接利用;系统收集和保存野生资源,建立野生活植物资源圃,并对其资源进行包括DNA分子标记研究手段在内的遗传多样性、遗传特性以及亲缘关系等系统、全面的研究,建立相关数据库和技术档案;充分有效地利用优良植物(基因)资源,运用现代生物技术手段进行种质改良——遗传育种与基因工程的研究。  相似文献   

Gene regulatory network (GRN) modelling has gained increasing attention in the past decade. Many computational modelling techniques have been proposed to facilitate the inference and analysis of GRN. However, there is often confusion about the aim of GRN modelling, and how a gene network model can be fully utilised as a tool for systems biology. The aim of the present article is to provide an overview of this rapidly expanding subject. In particular, we review some fundamental concepts of systems biology and discuss the role of network modelling in understanding complex biological systems. Several commonly used network modelling paradigms are surveyed with emphasis on their practical use in systems biology research.  相似文献   

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