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During mouse gastrulation, the primitive streak is formed on the posterior side of the embryo. Cells migrate out of the primitive streak to form the future mesoderm and endoderm. Fate mapping studies revealed a group of cell migrate through the proximal end of the primitive streak and give rise to the extraembryonic mesoderm tissues such as the yolk sac blood islands and allantois. However, it is not clear whether the formation of a morphological primitive streak is required for the development of these extraembryonic mesodermal tissues. Loss of the Cripto gene in mice dramatically reduces, but does not completely abolish, Nodal activity leading to the absence of a morphological primitive streak. However, embryonic erythrocytes are still formed and assembled into the blood islands. In addition, Cripto mutant embryos form allantoic buds. However, Drap1 mutant embryos have excessive Nodal activity in the epiblast cells before gastrulation and form an expanded primitive streak, but no yolk sac blood islands or allantoic bud formation. Lefty2 embryos also have elevated levels of Nodal activity in the primitive streak during gastrulation, and undergo normal blood island and allantois formation. We therefore speculate that low level of Nodal activity disrupts the formation of morphological primitive streak on the posterior side, but still allows the formation of primitive streak cells on the proximal side, which give rise to the extraembryonic mesodermal tissues formation. Excessive Nodal activity in the epiblast at pre‐gastrulation stage, but not in the primitive streak cells during gastrulation, disrupts extraembryonic mesoderm development.  相似文献   

Anterior-posterior axis specification in the mouse requires signalling from a specialised extra-embryonic tissue called the anterior visceral endoderm (AVE). AVE precursors are induced at the distal tip of the embryo and move to the prospective anterior. Embryological and genetic analysis has demonstrated that the AVE is required for anterior patterning and for correctly positioning the site of primitive streak formation by inhibiting Nodal activity. We have carried out a genetic ablation of the Hex-expressing cells of the AVE (Hex-AVE) by knocking the Diphtheria toxin subunit A into the Hex locus in an inducible manner. Using this model we have identified that, in addition to its requirement in the anterior of the embryo, the Hex-AVE sub-population has a novel role between 5.5 and 6.5dpc in patterning the primitive streak. Embryos lacking the Hex-AVE display delayed initiation of primitive streak formation and miss-patterning of the anterior primitive streak. We demonstrate that in the absence of the Hex-AVE the restriction of Bmp2 expression to the proximal visceral endoderm is also defective and expression of Wnt3 and Nodal is not correctly restricted to the posterior epiblast. These results, coupled with the observation that reducing Nodal signalling in Hex-AVE ablated embryos increases the frequency of phenotypes observed, suggests that these primitive streak patterning defects are due to defective Nodal signalling. Together, our experiments demonstrate that the AVE is not only required for anterior patterning, but also that specific sub-populations of this tissue are required to pattern the posterior of the embryo.  相似文献   

Genetic and biochemical data have identified Smad4 as a key intracellular effector of the transforming growth factor beta (TGFbeta superfamily of secreted ligands. In mouse, Smad4-null embryos do not gastrulate, a phenotype consistent with loss of other TGFbeta-related signaling components. Chimeric analysis reveals a primary requirement for Smad4 in the extra-embryonic lineages; however, within the embryo proper, characterization of the specific roles of Smad4 during gastrulation and lineage specification remains limited. We have employed a Smad4 conditional allele to specifically inactivate the Smad4 gene in the early mouse epiblast. Loss of Smad4 in this tissue results in a profound failure to pattern derivatives of the anterior primitive streak, such as prechordal plate, node, notochord and definitive endoderm. In contrast to these focal defects, many well-characterized TGFbeta- and Bmp-regulated processes involved in mesoderm formation and patterning are surprisingly unaffected. Mutant embryos form abundant extra-embryonic mesoderm, including allantois, a rudimentary heart and middle primitive streak derivatives such as somites and lateral plate mesoderm. Thus, loss of Smad4 in the epiblast results not in global developmental abnormalities but instead in restricted patterning defects. These results suggest that Smad4 potentiates a subset of TGFbeta-related signals during early embryonic development, but is dispensable for others.  相似文献   

The anterior visceral endoderm plays a pivotal role in establishing anterior-posterior polarity of the mouse embryo, but the molecular nature of the signals required remains to be determined. Here, we demonstrate that Cerberus-like(-/-);Lefty1(-/-) compound mutants can develop a primitive streak ectopically in the embryo. This defect is not rescued in chimeras containing wild-type embryonic, and Cerberus-like(-/-);Lefty1(-/-) extraembryonic, cells but is rescued in Cerberus-like(-/-); Lefty1(-/-) embryos after removal of one copy of the Nodal gene. Our findings provide support for a model whereby Cerberus-like and Lefty1 in the anterior visceral endoderm restrict primitive streak formation to the posterior end of mouse embryos by antagonizing Nodal signaling. Both antagonists are also required for proper patterning of the primitive streak.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signaling has been shown to play critical roles in vertebrate segmentation and elongation of the embryonic axis. Neither the exact roles of FGF signaling, nor the identity of the FGF ligands involved in these processes, has been conclusively determined. Fgf8 is required for cell migration away from the primitive streak when gastrulation initiates, but previous studies have shown that drastically reducing the level of FGF8 later in gastrulation has no apparent effect on somitogenesis or elongation of the embryo. In this study, we demonstrate that loss of both Fgf8 and Fgf4 expression during late gastrulation resulted in a dramatic skeletal phenotype. Thoracic vertebrae and ribs had abnormal morphology, lumbar and sacral vertebrae were malformed or completely absent, and no tail vertebrae were present. The expression of Wnt3a in the tail and the amount of nascent mesoderm expressing Brachyury were both severely reduced. Expression of genes in the NOTCH signaling pathway involved in segmentation was significantly affected, and somite formation ceased after the production of about 15-20 somites. Defects seen in the mutants appear to result from a failure to produce sufficient paraxial mesoderm, rather than a failure of mesoderm precursors to migrate away from the primitive streak. Although the epiblast prematurely decreases in size, we did not detect evidence of a change in the proliferation rate of cells in the tail region or excessive apoptosis of epiblast or mesoderm cells. We propose that FGF4 and FGF8 are required to maintain a population of progenitor cells in the epiblast that generates mesoderm and contributes to the stem cell population that is incorporated in the tailbud and required for axial elongation of the mouse embryo after gastrulation.  相似文献   

The establishment of anteroposterior (AP) polarity in the early mouse epiblast is crucial for the initiation of gastrulation and the subsequent formation of the embryonic (head to tail) axis. The localization of anterior and posterior determining genes to the appropriate region of the embryo is a dynamic process that underlies this early polarity. Several studies indicate that morphological and molecular markers which define the early AP axis are first aligned along the short axis of the elliptical egg cylinder. Subsequently, just prior to the time of primitive streak formation, a conformational change in the embryo realigns these markers with the long axis. We demonstrate that embryos lacking the signaling factor Wnt3 exhibit defects in this axial realignment. In addition, chimeric analyses and conditional removal of Wnt3 activity reveal that Wnt3 expression in the epiblast is required for induction of the primitive streak and mesoderm whereas activity in the posterior visceral endoderm is dispensable.  相似文献   

The type II activin receptors, ActRIIA and ActRIIB, have been shown to play critical roles in axial patterning and organ development in mice. To investigate whether their function is required for mesoderm formation and gastrulation as implicated in Xenopus studies, we generated mice carrying both receptor mutations by interbreeding the ActRIIA and ActRIIB knockout mutants. We found that embryos homozygous for both receptor mutations were growth arrested at the egg cylinder stage and did not form mesoderm. Further analyses revealed that ActRIIA(-/-)ActRIIB(+/-) and about 15% of the ActRIIA(-/-) embryos failed to form an elongated primitive streak, resulting in severe disruption of mesoderm formation in the embryo proper. Interestingly, we observed similar gastrulation defects in ActRIIA(-/-)nodal(+/-) double mutants, which, if they developed beyond the gastrulation stage, displayed rostral head defects and cyclopia. These results provide genetic evidence that type II activin receptors are required for egg cylinder growth, primitive streak formation, and rostral head development in mice.  相似文献   

Genetic and embryological experiments have demonstrated an essential role for the visceral endoderm in the formation of the forebrain; however, the precise molecular and cellular mechanisms of this requirement are poorly understood. We have performed lineage tracing in combination with molecular marker studies to follow morphogenetic movements and cell fates before and during gastrulation in embryos mutant for the homeobox gene Otx2. Our results show, first, that Otx2 is not required for proliferation of the visceral endoderm, but is essential for anteriorly directed morphogenetic movement. Second, molecules that are normally expressed in the anterior visceral endoderm, such as Lefty1 and Mdkk1, are not expressed in Otx2 mutants. These secreted proteins have been reported to antagonise, respectively, the activities of Nodal and Wnt signals, which have a role in regulating primitive streak formation. The visceral endoderm defects of the Otx2 mutants are associated with abnormal expression of primitive streak markers in the epiblast, suggesting that anterior epiblast cells acquire primitive streak characteristics. Taken together, our data support a model whereby Otx2 functions in the anterior visceral endoderm to influence the ability of the adjacent epiblast cells to differentiate into anterior neurectoderm, indirectly, by preventing them from coming under the influence of posterior signals that regulate primitive streak formation.  相似文献   

Gastrulation in higher vertebrate species classically commences with the generation of mesoderm cells in the primitive streak by epithelio-mesenchymal transformation of epiblast cells. However, the primitive streak also marks, with its longitudinal orientation in the posterior part of the conceptus, the anterior-posterior (or head-tail) axis of the embryo. Results obtained in chick and mouse suggest that signals secreted by the hypoblast (or visceral endoderm), the extraembryonic tissue covering the epiblast ventrally, antagonise the mesoderm induction cascade in the anterior part of the epiblast and thereby restrict streak development to the posterior pole (and possibly initiate head development anteriorly). In this paper we took advantage of the disc-shape morphology of the rabbit gastrula for defining the expression compartments of the signalling molecules Cerberus and Dickkopf at pre-gastrulation and early gastrulation stages in a mammal other than the mouse. The two molecules are expressed in novel expression compartments in a complementary fashion both in the hypoblast and in the emerging primitive streak. In loss-of-function experiments, carried out in a New-type culturing system, hypoblast was removed prior to culture at defined stages before and at the beginning of gastrulation. The epiblast shows a stage-dependent and topographically restricted susceptibility to express Brachyury, a T-box gene pivotal for mesoderm formation, and to transform into (histologically proven) mesoderm. These results confirm for the mammalian embryo that the anterior-posterior axis of the conceptus is formed first as a molecular prepattern in the hypoblast and then irrevocably fixed, under the control of signals secreted from the hypoblast, by epithelio-mesenchymal transformation (primitive streak formation) in the epiblast.Edited by D. Tautz  相似文献   

Lrp5 and Lrp6 redundantly control skeletal development in the mouse embryo   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The role of Wnt signaling in osteoblastogenesis in the embryo remains to be fully established. Although β-catenin, a multifunctional protein also mediating canonical Wnt signaling, is indispensable for embryonic osteoblast differentiation, the roles of the key Wnt co-receptors Lrp5 and Lrp6 are unclear. Indeed, global deletion of either Lrp5 or Lrp6 did not overtly affect osteoblast differentiation in the mouse embryo. Here, we generated mice lacking both receptors specifically in the embryonic mesenchyme and observed an absence of osteoblasts in the embryo. In addition, the double-deficient embryos developed supernumerary cartilage elements in the zeugopod, revealing an important role for mesenchymal Lrp5/6 signaling in limb patterning. Importantly, the phenotypes of the Lrp5/6 mutant closely resembled those of the β-catenin-deficient embryos. These phenotypes are likely independent of any effect on the adherens junction, as deletion of α-catenin, another component of the complex, did not cause similar defects. Thus, Lrp5 and 6 redundantly control embryonic skeletal development, likely through β-catenin signaling.  相似文献   

The ubiquitously expressed Polycomb Group protein Yin-Yang1 (YY1) is believed to regulate gene expression through direct binding to DNA elements found in promoters or enhancers of target loci. Additionally, YY1 contains diverse domains that enable a plethora of protein-protein interactions, including association with the Oct4/Sox2 pluripotency complex and Polycomb Group silencing complexes. To elucidate the in vivo role of YY1 during gastrulation, we generated embryos with an epiblast specific deletion of Yy1. Yy1 conditional knockout (cKO) embryos initiate gastrulation, but both primitive streak formation and ingression through the streak is severely impaired. These streak descendants fail to repress E-Cadherin and are unable to undergo an appropriate epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT). Intriguingly, overexpression of Nodal and concomitant reduction of Lefty2 are observed in Yy1 cKO embryos, suggesting that YY1 is normally required for proper Nodal regulation during gastrulation. Furthermore, definitive endoderm is specified but fails to properly integrate into the outer layer. Although anterior neuroectoderm is specified, mesoderm production is severely restricted. We show that YY1 directly binds to the Lefty2 locus in E7.5 embryos and that pharmacological inhibition of Nodal signaling partially restores mesoderm production in Yy1 cKO mutant embryos. Our results reveal critical requirements for YY1 during several important developmental processes, including EMT and regulation of Nodal signaling. These results are the first to elucidate the diverse role of YY1 during gastrulation in vivo.  相似文献   

The heart is the first organ to function during vertebrate development and cardiac progenitors, are among the first cell lineages to be established from mesoderm cells emerging from the primitive streak during gastrulation. Cardiac progenitors have been mapped in the epiblast of pre-streak embryos. In the early chick gastrula they are located in the mid-primitive streak, from which they enter the mesoderm bilaterally. However, migration routes of cardiac progenitors have never been directly observed within the embryo and the factor(s) controlling their movement are not known. Furthermore, it is not understood how signals controlling cell movement are integrated with those that determine cell fate. Long-term video microscopy combined with GFP labelling and image processing enabled us to observe the movement patterns of prospective cardiac cells in whole embryos in real time. Embryo manipulations and the analysis of explants suggest that Wnt3a plays a crucial role in guiding these cells through a RhoA dependent mechanism involving negative chemotaxis. Wnt3a is expressed at high levels in the amniote primitive streak and ectopic signalling activity caused wider movement trajectories resulting in cardia bifida, which was rescued by dominant-negative Wnt3a. Our studies revealed Wnt3a-RhoA mediated chemo-repulsion as a novel mechanism guiding cardiac progenitors. This activity can act at long-range and does not interfere with cardiac cell fate specification.  相似文献   



FGF signalling regulates numerous aspects of early embryo development. During gastrulation in amniotes, epiblast cells undergo an epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) in the primitive streak to form the mesoderm and endoderm. In mice lacking FGFR1, epiblast cells in the primitive streak fail to downregulate E-cadherin and undergo EMT, and cell migration is inhibited. This study investigated how FGF signalling regulates cell movement and gene expression in the primitive streak of chicken embryos.  相似文献   

Recent genetic and embryological experiments have demonstrated that head formation in the mouse embryo is dependent on signals provided by two organising centers during gastrulation, the anterior visceral endoderm (AVE) and the anterior primitive streak (also called the Early Gastrula Organiser, EGO). However the molecular nature of the signals triggering anterior neural formation from the epiblast is not clearly understood. The analysis of mouse mutants has allowed the identification of some of the molecular players involved in the process of head formation. In this review, we describe different mutant embryos in which impairment of visceral endoderm function leads to similar defects in antero-posterior axis specification. These phenotypes are consistent with a role of the AVE in protecting anterior embryonic regions from signals that promote posterior development. We propose that a genetic cascade in the AVE, involving HNF3beta, Lim1, Otx2, Smad2 and ActRIB, leads to the production of secreted TGFbeta antagonists that protect the anterior epiblast region from Nodal signalling.  相似文献   

Expression of Fgf4 during early development of the chick embryo.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The vertebrate Fgf8 gene produces multiple protein isoforms by alternative splicing. Two evolutionarily conserved spliceforms, Fgf8a and Fgf8b, exhibit distinct bioactivities, with Fgf8b having a more potent inductive activity due to higher affinity for Fgf receptors. To investigate the in vivo requirement for Fgf8b, we created a splice-site mutation abolishing Fgf8b expression in mice. Analysis of this mutant has uncovered a novel function of Fgf8 signaling before the onset of gastrulation. We show that the loss of Fgf8b disrupts the induction of the brachyury gene in the pregastrular embryo and, in addition, disrupts the proper alignment of the anteroposterior axis with the shape of the embryo and the uterine axes at embryonic day (E) 6.5. Importantly, Fgf8-null embryos display the same phenotype as Fgf8b-deficient embryos at E6.5, demonstrating that signaling by Fgf8b is specifically required for development of the pregastrular embryo. By contrast, during gastrulation, Fgf8a can partially compensate for the loss of Fgf8b in mesoderm specification. We show that an increased level of Fgf8a expression, which leads to Fgf4 expression in the primitive streak, can also promote mesoderm migration in the absence of Fgf8b. Therefore, different Fgf signals may have distinct requirements for the morphogenesis and gene regulation before and during gastrulation. Importantly, our findings implicate Fgf8 in the morphogenetic process that establishes the defined relationship between the axes of the embryo and the uterus at the beginning of gastrulation, a perplexing phenomenon discovered two decades ago.  相似文献   

在果蝇、斑马鱼、鸡等三胚层动物胚胎早期发育的原肠胚期,原条两侧的上胚层细胞进入原条经历上皮-间充质转化(EMT),迁移进入囊胚腔,形成松散的中胚层细胞,位于原条不同部位的细胞其迁移路线和分化命运不同,如前部原条细胞贡献于体节和心脏等,而后部原条细胞则迁移至胚外形成血岛。为了研究细胞的迁移途径及分化命运是否会随着细胞所处不同部位微环境的改变而改变,利用传统的移植技术,将宿主鸡胚原条前部的一部分细胞用GFP阳性的相同时期鸡胚原条组织替换,培养一段时间后,用荧光体视显微镜追踪GFP阳性细胞的迁移途径。结果发现,从供体原条后部移植到宿主原条前部的细胞遵循原条前部细胞迁移的路线,反之亦然;原位杂交结果显示移植后的GFP阳性细胞分化为所处部位的细胞类型。上述结果表明:鸡胚原肠胚期原条细胞迁移和分化的命运决定于细胞所处的微环境或者说局部基因表达的时空性。  相似文献   

Although FGF signaling plays an integral role in the migration and patterning of mesoderm at gastrulation, the mechanism and downstream targets of FGF activity have remained elusive. Here, we demonstrate that FGFR1 orchestrates the epithelial to mesenchymal transition and morphogenesis of mesoderm at the primitive streak by controlling Snail and E-cadherin expression. Furthermore, we show that FGFR1 functions in mesoderm cell fate specification by positively regulating Brachyury and Tbx6 expression. Finally, we provide evidence that the attenuation of Wnt3a signaling observed in Fgfr1 -/- embryos can be rescued by lowering E-cadherin levels. We propose that modulation of cytoplasmic beta-catenin levels, associated with FGF-induced downregulation of E-cadherin, provides a molecular link between FGF and Wnt signaling pathways at the streak.  相似文献   

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