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Social factors, such as the duration of territorial occupancy or of time paired with a mate can affect the rate at which individual birds sing. This study examined the influence of duration of pair-bond and territory occupancy as well as date on the rate of singing by male and female northern cardinals Cardinalis cardinalis . When differences in breeding status were controlled, female cardinals sang at higher rates earlier in the season. Females in newly formed pairs sang at significantly higher rates than those in pairs that had previously bred together. In contrast, male cardinals did not show significant variation in the rate of singing throughout the season. The song rates of males in newly formed and established pairs did not differ significantly. Song rates for males and females in mated pairs were not significantly correlated. This study suggests that social factors have a strong effect on the rate at which female cardinals sing. It is possible that increased intra-sexual aggression by females when they are establishing a new territory with a new mate leads to this higher level of song output. Once females have established a territory and acquired a mate, dear-enemy effects might diminish the need for acoustic territorial defence. Differences in the constraints of nesting or the attraction of extra-pair mates might explain the sexual differences in male and female singing behaviour.  相似文献   

Duetting is a collective behavior and might have multiple functions, including joint territory defense and mate guarding. An important step toward understanding the adaptive function of bird song is to determine if and how singing behavior varies seasonally. However, seasonal patterns for duetting species are different from the pattern described for species in which only the male sings, because song function may vary according to sex, singing role (initiator vs responder) and level of duet organization (individual vs pair). We investigated whether patterns of seasonal variation in duetting depends on these factors, which would suggest different interpretations of song function. We studied social pairs of a Neotropical bird species (rufous hornero Furnarius rufus) for seven consecutive months, recording vocal and territorial behaviors. Overall, partners coordinated 61% of their songs into duets and many song traits (song initiation rate, song output and duet rate) peaked in territorial contexts. Males engaged in territorial interactions with strangers more often, initiated more songs, and answered proportionately more of their partners’ songs than females. Male song initiation rate peaked during the pre‐ and post‐breeding stages, whereas females initiated more songs during the non‐breeding season. Both sexes answered partner songs faster and at higher rates during the pre‐breeding and female fertile stages. Partners duetted at a higher rate during the pre‐ and post‐breeding stages. Finally, song initiation rates and duet rate, but not song answering rates, correlated with frequency of territorial interactions with strangers. Although our findings indicate that song function may vary with sex, singing role and level of duet organization, our results suggest that in general duet functions to defend common territories and as a mutual mate guarding strategy in the rufous hornero.  相似文献   

The elaborate songs of male animals are thought to function in either territory defense (male–male communication) or mate attraction (male–female communication). In non‐territorial animals, male vocalizations are expected to function primarily in mate attraction, yet the reproductive consequences of male vocalizations in non‐territorial animals are poorly described. Here we explore the relationship between male song and male reproductive performance in a free‐living population of house finches, Carpodacus mexicanus, a non‐migratory, non‐territorial songbird. Based on recordings of 20 males, we analyzed three song features (song length, number of unique syllables per song, and song rate) and compared male song with two measures of within‐pair reproductive performance (nest initiation date and clutch size) and one measure of extra‐pair reproductive performance (whether males sired extra‐pair young). We demonstrate a positive association between male song and within‐pair reproductive performance; males that sang long songs initiated their first clutch significantly earlier and males that sang songs at a faster rate had larger clutches. Despite the fact that only one of our recorded males sired extra‐pair young in the nest of another male, this male's songs were the most elaborate for two of three song features measured, anecdotally suggesting that male song may play a role in both within‐pair and extra‐pair partner choice. These results suggest that male song is a sexually selected trait in non‐territorial house finches.  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial distribution of song was studied in a population of yellowhammers Emberiza citrinella. Song was most frequent during the breeding season, and within the breeding season during the fertile period of both first, second, and replacement clutches. Song activity peaked at sunrise and sunset. During the fertile period most singing took place in the central parts of the territory. Song post heights peaked during the fertile period, and more song posts lacked foliage at that time. Intrusions by male conspecifics peaked in the fertile period and in territories where males sang relatively little. Song activity and mate guarding were strongly positively correlated. Song volume was loud and song was thus apparently used in long-distance communication. These observations are in accordance with a male deterrence hypothesis, suggesting that males sing to deter neighbouring males from trespassing during the fertile period of their mate. A female attraction hypothesis, suggesting that males sing to attract neighbouring females and thereby obtain extra-pair copulations, and a female reproduction hypothesis, suggesting that males sing to start the female reproductive cycle, were partly supported by observations.  相似文献   

Paired male and female eastern whipbirds, Psophodes olivaceus,sing precisely coordinated, male-led duets. Four broad explanationshave been proposed for the function of duets: 1) cooperativeresource defense, 2) prevention of partner usurpation, 3) defenseof an individual's own position within the partnership, or 4)mate identification and localization. These 4 hypotheses makedifferent predictions about how male and female residents shouldrespond to simulated intrusion by other pairs or individuals.We compared the behavioral and vocal responses of 20 pairs ofeastern whipbirds to simulated territorial intrusions by: 1)a solitary singing male, 2) a solitary singing female, and 3)a duetting pair. Males and females did not coordinate theirapproach to the playback speaker and showed sex-specific responsesto playback. Males did not respond differently to duetting versussolo singing intruders. By contrast, females approached moreclosely during solo female song than during solo male song orduet playback. Females also produced specific vocalizationsonly in response to duet and solo female playback. Both sexesapproached the speaker more closely and quickly during playbackof same-sex solo songs than opposite-sex solo songs. Finally,females answered more of their mate's songs during simulatedintrusion by a lone female than during simulated intrusion bya lone male. Our results suggest that duets in this speciesprimarily function to allow females to defend their exclusiveposition in a partnership. Mate defense by females is unusualin birds but may be promoted in eastern whipbirds by a female-biasedsex ratio and the need for exclusive access to male care. Thus,duets result from independent and conflicting strategies ofmate and territory defense in males and females.  相似文献   

Reports of female song, once considered a rarity, have recently increased across a variety of avian taxa. Females of many species can be induced to produce male‐like song with exogenous testosterone, but observations of female song in free‐living birds remain limited by incomplete sampling of females. Here, we report three independent observations of female dark‐eyed juncos Junco hyemalis producing male‐like song early in the breeding season (i.e. post‐territory establishment, pre‐nesting) in a recently established non‐migratory, urban population. To elicit song, we presented 17 free‐living junco pairs with a live, caged female conspecific. Three unique females responded to our trials by diving at the intruding female, chasing their (male) mate, fanning their tail feathers, and singing a trilled song similar in structure to male long‐range (broadcast) song. We compared male and female songs quantitatively and found that the two sexes were statistically similar in many spectral and temporal characteristics, but female songs had significantly lower minimum and peak frequencies than males. This result is particularly surprising, as males in this urban population are known to sing at a significantly higher minimum frequency than males in a nearby montane population. Both the seasonal and social context in which these songs were observed suggest a potential function for female song in mate guarding and polygyny prevention, but more data are needed to test this hypothesis. Whether female song is common in all dark‐eyed juncos during the early breeding season or if it is restricted to this particular urban and non‐migratory population remains an important question for future research.  相似文献   

In the majority of songbird species, males have repertoires of multiple song types used for mate attraction and territory defence. The wood‐warblers (family Parulidae) are a diverse family of songbirds in which males of many migratory species use different song types or patterns of song delivery (known as ‘singing modes’) depending on context. The vocal behaviour of most tropical resident warblers remains undescribed, although these species differ ecologically and behaviourally from migratory species, and may therefore differ in their vocal behaviour. We test whether male Rufous‐capped Warblers Basileuterus rufifrons use distinct singing modes by examining song structure and context‐dependent variation in their songs. We recorded multiple song bouts from 50 male Warblers in a Costa Rican population over 3 years to describe seasonal, diel and annual variation in song structure and vocal behaviour. We found that Rufous‐capped Warbler songs are complex, with many syllable types shared both within and between males’ repertoires. Males varied their song output depending on context: they sang long songs at a high rate at dawn and during the breeding season, and shortened songs in the presence of a vocalizing female mate. Unlike many migratory species, Rufous‐capped Warblers do not appear to have different singing modes; they did not change the song variants used or the pattern of song delivery according to time of day, season or female vocal activity. Our research provides the first detailed vocal analysis of any Basileuterus warbler species, and enhances our understanding of the evolution of repertoire specialization in tropical resident songbirds.  相似文献   

Duets in breeding pairs may reflect a situation of conflict, whereby an individual answers its partner's song as a form of unilateral acoustic mate guarding or, alternatively, it may reflect cooperation, when individuals share in territory defense or safeguard the partnership. The degree of coordination between the sexes when responding to solo versus paired intruders may elucidate the function of songs in duets. We examined this issue in a study with rufous horneros (Furnarius rufus), a duetting, socially monogamous Neotropical species with low levels of extrapair paternity. We exposed social pairs during the nonbreeding season to playbacks of duets, male solos, female solos, and control heterospecific songs. Partners approached all conspecific stimuli together and responded by singing quickly, at higher rates and by coordinating ~80% of their songs into duets. For both sexes, most response variables (seven of nine) did not vary across conspecific treatments. These results suggest that partners duet and coordinate behaviors to cooperatively defend common territories. However, females spent more time in territorial vigilance, and partners were highly coordinated (correlated responses) in response to duets and female solos in comparison with male solos. This indicates that female intrusions (paired or solo) might be more threatening than male intrusions in the nonbreeding season, especially for territorial females, and that females are less cooperative with their partners in territory defense against male intruders.  相似文献   

The songs of 15 colour-marked, mated pairs of white-crowned sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys nuttalli) were recorded in a contact zone between the Presidio and San Francisco, California dialect regions. Males were recorded in the field and females were trapped after the breeding season and injected with testosterone to induce singing. The song of each member of a mated pair was classified using two different markers. It was found that most pairs did not match song types, and that the reproductive success of those that matched did not differ from those that did not match. Most of the territorial males sang the Presidio dialect, while most injected females sang the San Francisco dialect. The results fail to support a positive assortative mating hypothesis regarding the functional significance of learning dialects. It is suggested that the mismatching of songs could be due to sexual differences in the disposition to learn songs of neighbours at the breeding site.  相似文献   

Many animals defend territories against conspecific individuals using acoustic signals. In birds, male vocalizations are known to play a critical role in territory defence. Territorial acoustic signals in females have been poorly studied, perhaps because female song is uncommon in north‐temperate ecosystems. In this study, we compare male vs. female territorial singing behaviour in Neotropical rufous‐and‐white wrens Thryothorus rufalbus, a species where both sexes produce solo songs and often coordinate their songs in vocal duets. We recorded free‐living birds in Costa Rica using an eight‐microphone Acoustic Location System capable of passively triangulating the position of animals based on their vocalizations. We recorded 17 pairs of birds for 2–4 consecutive mornings and calculated the territory of each individual as a 95% fixed kernel estimate around their song posts. We compared territories calculated around male vs. female song posts, including separate analyses of solo vs. duet song posts. These spatial analyses of singing behaviour reveal that males and females use similarly sized territories with more than 60% overlap between breeding partners. Territories calculated based on solo vs. duet song posts were of similar size and similar degrees of overlap. Solos and duets were performed at similar distances from the nest for both sexes. Overall, male and female rufous‐and‐white wrens exhibit very similar spatial territorial singing behaviour, demonstrating congruent patterns of male and female territoriality.  相似文献   

The longnose filefish,Oxymonacanthus longirostris, usually lives in heterosexual pairs, the male and female swimming together and sharing the same territory. Pair territoriality in the species was examined in detail in relation to sexual differences in territorial defense activities. Rigorous pair territoriality was maintained only during the breeding season, although pairs used their home ranges exclusively to a certain extent, during the non-breeding season. The frequency of aggression against other conspecific pairs in the breeding season was higher than in the non-breeding season. Agonistic interactions appear to be over both mates and food resources, the strict pair territoriality in the breeding season possibly being due to mutual mate guarding. In intraspecific aggressive interactions, males usually led their partner females when attacking intruders. The feeding frequency of males was much lower than that of females in the breeding season. Mate removal experiments indicated that females could not defend their original territories solitarily and their feeding frequency decreased. Conversely, males could defend territories solitarily without a decrease in feeding frequency. These results suggest that males contribute most to the defense of the pair territory, with females benefiting from territorial pair-swimming with their partner males.  相似文献   

In male starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) courtship song plays a critical role in mate attraction. During the breeding season courtship song occurs prior to copulation and appears to reflect male sexual arousal. Outside the breeding season starlings sing, but song appears unrelated to reproduction. The aromatization of testosterone (T), likely within the medial preoptic nucleus (POM), is critical for the expression of male sexual arousal. The present study was performed to determine whether seasonal changes in the POM might relate to seasonal changes in courtship singing behavior in male starlings. T concentrations, the volume of the POM, and aromatase within the POM were examined both during and outside of the breeding season in male starlings. Song was also recorded at these times both with and without a female present. The POM was largest and contained dense aromatase immunostaining only during the spring breeding season, when T concentrations were highest and males responded to a female with an increase in courtship song. Outside the breeding season the volume of the POM was small, T concentrations were low, and males displayed no changes in song expression in response to female conspecifics. Song bout length was positively related to POM volume, and males sang longer songs in spring. Only males with nestboxes in spring responded to a female, and the POM tended to be larger in these males, suggesting that nestbox possession might influence neuroplasticity within the POM. Overall, the findings suggest that T-dependent plasticity and aromatase activity within the POM might regulate courtship singing in a wild songbird.  相似文献   

In male starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) courtship song plays a critical role in mate attraction. During the breeding season courtship song occurs prior to copulation and appears to reflect male sexual arousal. Outside the breeding season starlings sing, but song appears unrelated to reproduction. The aromatization of testosterone (T), likely within the medial preoptic nucleus (POM), is critical for the expression of male sexual arousal. The present study was performed to determine whether seasonal changes in the POM might relate to seasonal changes in courtship singing behavior in male starlings. T concentrations, the volume of the POM, and aromatase within the POM were examined both during and outside of the breeding season in male starlings. Song was also recorded at these times both with and without a female present. The POM was largest and contained dense aromatase immunostaining only during the spring breeding season, when T concentrations were highest and males responded to a female with an increase in courtship song. Outside the breeding season the volume of the POM was small, T concentrations were low, and males displayed no changes in song expression in response to female conspecifics. Song bout length was positively related to POM volume, and males sang longer songs in spring. Only males with nestboxes in spring responded to a female, and the POM tended to be larger in these males, suggesting that nestbox possession might influence neuroplasticity within the POM. Overall, the findings suggest that T-dependent plasticity and aromatase activity within the POM might regulate courtship singing in a wild songbird.  相似文献   

Formal models have shown that diel variation in female mate searching is likely to have profound influence on daily signalling routines of males. In studies on acoustic communication, the temporal patterns of the receivers'' signal evaluation should thus be taken into account when investigating the functions of signalling. In bird species in which diel patterns of signalling differ between males singing to defend a territory or to attract a mate, the diel patterns of mate and territory prospecting are suggested to depend on the sex of the prospector. We simulated newly arriving female nightingales (Luscinia megarhynchos) by translocating radio-tagged females to our study site. The mate-searching females prospected the area mostly at night, visiting several singing males. The timing of female prospecting corresponded to the period of the night when the singing activity of unpaired males was higher than that of paired males. In contrast to females, territory searching males have been shown to prospect territories almost exclusively during the dawn chorus. At dawn, both paired and unpaired males sang at high rates, suggesting that in contrast to nocturnal singing, dawn singing is important to announce territory occupancy to prospecting males. In the nightingale, the sex-specific timing of prospecting corresponded to the differential signalling routines of paired and unpaired males. The temporal patterns in the behaviour of signallers and receivers thus appear to be mutually adapted.  相似文献   

Costly signals can evolve under sexual selection, as only thosesignals that are difficult to produce and reflect the relativequality of individuals should be important in mate choice. Onesuch signal may be dawn singing behavior in birds. We assessedwhether the song output at dawn of breeding male black-cappedchickadees Parus atricapilhis honestly reflects quality, whererelative quality is assessed by relative dominance rank in winterflocks. Dawn choruses were recorded from 20 male chickadeesfrom 10 flocks during the fertile period of their mates in 1992,1994, and 1995. Dominance ranks of males were assessed by tabulatinginteractions at winter feeders from 1993 to 1995. A comparisonof the dawn singing behavior of the high-ranking and the low-rankingmales from each of the 10 flocks showed that high-ranking malesbegan singing earlier, sang longer, and sang at higher averageand maximum rates than low-ranking flockmates. Age of the maleshad less effect on song output at dawn than rank; older malestended to sing longer dawn choruses, but there was no differencein onset of singing, average song rate, or maximum song rateat dawn between hatch year and after-hatch year males. Our findingssuggest the dawn chorus can provide an accurate signal to femalesof the relative quality of their mate compared to neighboringmales  相似文献   

The variation in song rate during the breeding season was studied in two individually marked chaffinch Fringilla coelebs populations. We gathered data to investigate especially the recently presented mate-guarding hypothesis. The active singing has been supposed to function as a form of mate guarding during the female's fertile period by announcing the high status of the male and preventing extra-pair copulations by neighbouring males. There was no clear dawn chorus in the chaffinch, i.e. a peak in the song rate before sunrise. Male chaffinches continued to sing after mating, but the song rate dropped significantly. In contrast to the mate-guarding hypothesis the song rate was lower during the fertile period of the female than during pre-mating and incubation. Thus, the males do not announce the fertility status of their mates or their own quality and status by active singing. The song does not function as a form of mate guarding in the chaffinch. One function of the song of the chaffinch is mate attraction: singing activity was highest before pair formation in early spring and decreased after mating but increased again if the male lost his mate later in the breeding season.  相似文献   

To investigate the relative importance of paternity defences in the European robin we used behavioural observations, simulated intrusions and temporary male removal experiments. Given that paired males did not increase their mate attendance, copulation rate or territory size during the female's fertile period, the most frequently quoted paternity assurance strategies in birds were absent. However, males with fertile females sang and patrolled their territories more regularly, suggesting that territorial motivation and vigilance were elevated when the risk of cuckoldry was greatest. In addition, there was a significant effect of breeding period on response to simulated intrusions: residents approached and attacked freeze-dried mounts more readily in the fertile period. During 90-min removals of the pair male in the fertile period, neighbours trespassed more frequently relative to prefertile and fertile period controls and appeared to seek copulations with unattended females. When replaced on their territories, males immediately increased both song rate and patrolling rate in comparison with controls. We propose that male robins sing to signal their presence, and increase their territorial vigilance and aggression in the fertile period to protect paternity. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

The contribution of social factors to seasonal plasticity in singing behavior and forebrain nuclei controlling song, and their interplay with gonadal steroid hormones are still poorly understood. In many songbird species, testosterone (T) enhances singing behavior but elevated plasma T concentrations are not absolutely required for singing to occur. Singing is generally produced either to defend a territory or to attract a mate and it is therefore not surprising that singing rate can be influenced by the sex and behavior of the social partner. We investigated, based on two independent experiments, the effect of the presence of a male or female partner on the rate of song produced by male canaries. In the first experiment, song rate was measured in dyads composed of one male and one female (M‐F) or two males (M‐M). Birds were implanted with T‐filled Silastic capsules or with empty capsules as control. The number of complete song bouts produced by all males was recorded during 240 min on week 1, 2, 4, and 8 after implantation. On the day following each recording session, brains from approximately one‐fourth of the birds were collected and the volumes of the song control nuclei HVC and RA were measured. T increased the singing rate and volume of HVC and RA but these effects were affected by the social context. Singing rates were higher in the M‐M than in the M‐F dyads. Also, in the M‐M dyads a dominance‐subordination relationship soon became established and dominant males sang at higher rates than subordinates in T‐treated but not in control pairs. The differences in song production were not reflected in the size of the song control nuclei: HVC was larger in M‐F than in M‐M males and within the M‐M dyads, no difference in HVC or RA size could be detected between dominant and subordinate males. At the individual level, the song rate with was positively correlated with RA and to a lower degree HVC volume, but this relationship was observed only in M‐M dyads, specifically in dominant males. A second experiment, carried out with castrated males that were all treated with T and exposed either to another T‐treated castrate or to an estradiol‐implanted female, confirmed that song rate was higher in the M‐M than in the M‐F condition and that HVC volume was larger in heterosexual than in same‐sex dyads. The effects of T on singing rate and on the volume of the song control nuclei are thus modulated by the social environment, including the presence/absence of a potential mate and dominance status among males. 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol, 2006  相似文献   

Males of many songbird species have peaks of singing activity at dawn and dusk. Singing during those twilight periods can function in territory proclamation, and males are suggested to adjust song output to the level of intruder pressure. We used song playback during the breeding season to simulate intrusions into territories of male Winter Wrens (Troglodytes troglodytes) shortly after dawn. We then compared male singing behaviour during the dawn and dusk chorus before and 1 day after the simulated intrusion. One day after the playback, male Wrens increased their song output before sunrise, which confirms our results from a previous study on dawn singing in autumn territories. At dusk, on the evening following the playback, males slightly increased song output after sunset, but singing activity at dusk was generally very low. We found no significant changes of song output after sunrise, before sunset, and between 2 days of control without playback. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that dawn and dusk singing is important for territory defence in spring. Unlike in autumn, however, increased singing in spring at dawn and dusk could also serve to defend other resources such as fertile mates or to strengthen the pair bond after a territorial challenge. In comparison with the results on autumnal singing, male Wrens started singing earlier at dawn during the breeding season, and they generally sang more songs at dawn and immediately after playback. The increase in absolute numbers of songs sung in the morning after playback seemed greater in spring than in autumn; however, the proportional increase relative to overall song output was similar in both seasons.  相似文献   

Most seasonally breeding songbirds display dramatic seasonal fluctuations in plasma testosterone (T) levels and mate attraction behaviors, including song. However, males of some songbird species, such as the European starling (Sturnus vulgaris), continue to sing at high levels after the breeding season, when T levels are basal. In male starlings song during the breeding season functions mainly to attract mates, whereas song during the nonbreeding season appears unrelated to reproduction. This suggests that song produced in a context unrelated to female courtship, unlike song directed toward females, is not regulated by plasma T. In captive males housed in large outdoor aviaries we explored the relationship between plasma T and song produced during the breeding season within and outside a courtship context. This was achieved by determining the effects of castration and subsequent T treatment on song and mate attraction behaviors in both the presence and the absence of a female. Compared to intact males, castrated males did not show reduced song activity in the absence of a female for at least 6 months after the operation, strongly suggesting that the expression of noncourtship song is not regulated by plasma T. Likewise, we found that experimentally elevating T levels in castrated males did not affect noncourtship song rates. However, control castrated males receiving empty implants tended to show reduced noncourtship song rates after implantation. This may have been due to a suppressive effect caused by the presence of the T-implanted castrated males in the same aviary. In contrast, courtship singing was clearly controlled by plasma T: it was abolished by castration and restored by subsequent T replacement when males were housed both individually and in a group situation. High plasma levels of T also appeared necessary for the activation of three other behavioral traits critical for mate attraction, namely, nesthole occupancy, spending time (singing) in a nesthole, and carrying green nesting material into a nesthole.  相似文献   

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