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Parasites have been shown to impair the behaviour of their hosts, compromising the host's ability to exploit and compete for resources. We conducted two experiments to determine whether infestation with an ectoparasitic mite (Hannemania eltoni) was associated with changes in aggressive and foraging behaviour in the Ozark zigzag salamander, Plethodon angusticlavius. In a first experiment, male salamanders with high parasite loads were less aggressive overall than males with low parasite loads during territorial disputes. In addition, males with high parasite loads were more aggressive toward opponents with high parasite loads (symmetric contests) than toward opponents with low parasite loads (asymmetric contests). In contrast, males with low parasite loads did not adjust their level of aggression according to the parasite load of the opponent. In a second experiment, foraging behaviour of females was tested in response to ‘familiar’ (Drosophila) prey and ‘novel’ (termite) prey. Latency to first capture was significantly longer for parasitized than non‐parasitized females when tested with ‘familiar’ prey, but not for ‘novel’ prey. Our results suggest that parasite‐mediated effects may have profound influences on individual fitness in nature.  相似文献   

A field and laboratory study was performed to analyse the role of excrement deposited on the substrate in intraspecific communication of the Iberian rock-lizard (Lacerta monticola cyreni). In the field, lizards selected specific sites on rocks to deposit faecal pellets, probably in order to facilitate visual location of pellets by conspecifics. Differential tongue flick rates to chemicals presented on cotton swabs demonstrated that male lizards can detect and discriminate between self-produced scents from faecal pellets and those of other conspecific males. In a subsequent experiment, male lizards were tested in a chamber with two platforms containing a faecal pellet of other male on one side and a control artificial pellet on the opposite side. Males spent significantly less time on the side containing the faecal pellet, suggesting that the decision of where to stay may depend on the presence of faecal pellets. Smaller males moved less than larger males on the experimental side whereas on the control side body size did not influence the proportion of time moving. The ability to discriminate chemicals from faeces, and the effects of faecal pellets on lizard behaviour, suggests that faeces might act as composite signals (visual and chemical) in the intraspecific communication of this lizard.  相似文献   

Pheromones provide an important source of communication during social interactions of caudate amphibians. To further examine their use in territorial defense, we performed a laboratory experiment to test the hypothesis that non-courting female red-backed salamanders (Plethodon cinereus) deposit pheromones in or on fecal pellets, as males are known to do during territorial advertisement. Four conditions were tested: (1) a burrow marked with a female's own pellet vs. a burrow marked by a conspecific female's pellet, (2) own vs. unmarked burrows, (3) conspecific vs. unmarked burrows, and (4) paired unmarked burrows as a control. Females nose-tapped (for olfactory cues) their own and conspecific pellets about equally. However, they spent significantly more time in both threat and submissive behavior toward the conspecific pellets and spent significantly more time in their own marked burrows. We infer that female P. cinereus do deposit pheromones in or on fecal pellets and that these pellets may be used to advertise territories. The behavioral responses of females toward pellets of other females were more aggressive than those of males (in a previous study) toward pellets of other males.  相似文献   

The behavioral responses of sexually experienced male hamsters toward a pair of anesthetized conspecifics were investigated. Males spent significantly more time licking, sniffing, and mounting neonatally and adult castrated males than intact males. Adult castrated males receiving oil injections were preferred over castrates receiving exogenous testosterone propionate (TP). Ovariectomized females were preferred over intact males, adult castrated males, or spayed females receiving exogenous TP. It was concluded that the absence of an androgen-dependent factor(s) renders an animal more sexually attractive.  相似文献   

I examined the effects of the parasitic larval nematode, Eustrongylides ignotus, on male mate choice in the western mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis. I hypothesized that parasite presence influences male mate choice either directly (via reduction in male mating behavior due to presence of parasite in females) or indirectly (via reduction in male mating behavior due to reduced condition of infected females). Specifically, I tested the predictions that (1) males would mate preferentially with uninfected over infected females (scoring both mating attempts and association time with females); (2) parasitized females would be in poorer condition than non-parasitized females (measured as soluble fat stores); and (3) parasitized females would have reduced fecundity (measured as number of developing embryos). Males preferred to mate with non-parasitized over parasitized females, but showed no differences in association time between females. The nematode did not decrease female body condition, but did decrease female mass, and appeared to decrease female fecundity via reduction in broods (# embryos). Results support that parasites affect male mate choice in mosquitofish; however, the mechanisms used by males to differentiate between parasitized and non-parasitized females remain untested. This study provides the first empirical evidence of parasite affects on male mate choice in livebearing fishes, and suggest a potentially important role for parasite-mediated sexual selection in organisms that use coercive mating as the primary mechanism of obtaining mates.  相似文献   

We investigated the behavioral response of male Paruroctonus boreus to male and female pheromones of conspecifics. Adult male scorpions actively search for females during the mating season, but lack visual cues to direct their movement. Chemical cues (pheromones) are thought to be responsible for directing movement. In a series of laboratory experiments, in Y-mazes, males were exposed to areas that had contained males and females from the same population and areas that had contained conspecifics from different populations. Males spent significantly more time in areas that had contained females from the same population but did not show a preference for areas exposed to females from different populations. Males also significantly avoided areas exposed to males from the same population. Our results suggest that P. boreus has a sex-specific response to pheromones and that this response may be population-specific.  相似文献   

Sexual characters may reveal the quality of a potential mate, including the mate's level of infection with parasites. Females that prefer males with low levels of infection or no infection may benefit in several ways. Direct benefits may include avoidance of infection, acquistition of larger nuptial gifts or enhancement in fecundity due to differences in male fertility. Females may also benefit indirectly by producing offspring that are more resistant to infections. We measured female preference for odours produced by male grain beetles, Tenebrio molitor, that were either infected by a tapeworm, Hymenolepis diminuta, or uninfected. This parasite is not transmitted directly between conspecifics. Females were attracted to odours of all males, but they were less attracted to those from parasitized males. To the contrary, females were preferentially attracted to infected females. Males did not show any biased attraction to odours from infected and uninfected male beetles. Females that mated with highly infected males produced fewer offspring than females mated to uninfected males, indicating parasitic infection inflicts multiple costs to males. These results are consistent with models of parasite-mediated sexual selection. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Mate Choice in Experimentally Parasitized Rock Doves: Lousy Males Lose   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A recent model by Hamilton and Zuk (1982) suggests that exaggeratedsecondary sexual traits facilitate mate choice for genetic resistanceto parasites. The model predicts that individuals discriminateagainst parasitized mates by scrutinizing traits indicativeof parasite load. In the case of birds and their feather-feedinglice, for example, individuals might avoid parasitized matesbydetecting reduced plumage brightness, reduced courtship display,or increased grooming. I conducted a series of mate choice trialsin which female Rock Doves (Columba livia) were allowed to choosebetween "clean" males without lice and "lousy" males with experimentallyincreased loads. Clean males displayed significantly more oftenthan lousy males and females demonstrated a significant preferencefor clean males. Lousy males were subject to plumage damage;however, none of the damage was externally visible, and thetime spent grooming by clean and lousy males did not differsignificantly. Female louse loads, which were also manipulated,were not significantly related to female mating preferences.These results are consistent with the Hamilton-Zuk model. Theyare also consistent with a model of sexual selection for theavoidance of parasite transmission, which is discussed. Thegeneral relevance of lice and other ectoparasites to modelsof parasite-mediated sexual selection is reviewed.  相似文献   

The release of tephritid sex pheromones depends significantly on the age of the male, the social context (presence of conspecifics) and chemical context (host volatiles). In this study, the influence of host fruit and conspecific (males and females) on the emission of the pheromonal compound 2-methyl-6-vinylpyrazine (2,6 mvp) by Toxotrypana curvicauda (Gerstaecker) males was investigated under laboratory conditions. Males were divided into one control group (nonexposed to treatment) and five experimental groups were placed 1 hr before volatile collection with: 1) host fruit (unripe papaya), 2) two females, 3) two males, 4) host fruit plus two females, and 5) host fruit plus two males. The volatiles were sampled by means of solid phase microextraction and analyzed with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, with a focus on 2,6 mvp. Males emitted volatiles from the first day after adult emergence. The maximum peak and the temporal pattern of 2,6 mvp release were modified by the presence of host fruit and conspecific males or females. On day 5, males in the presence of fruit maintained a constant release of 2,6 mvp while the presence of conspecific caused a decrease of pheromone release. The release of 2,6 mvp was increased significantly in males exposed to both types of stimuli simultaneously. The stimuli (fruit and conspecifics) modified the release of 2,6 mvp, however the effect depended on male age.  相似文献   

Parasites have the potential to decrease reproductive output of hosts by competing for nutrients or forcing hosts to invest in immune function. Conversely, reproductive output may affect parasite loads if hosts allocate resources to reproduction such that allocation to immune function is compromised. Both hypotheses implicitly have a temporal component, so we sampled parasites both before and after egg laying to examine the relationship between reproductive output (indexed using a combined measure of clutch size, egg volume, and initiation date) and blood parasite loads of American kestrels (Falco sparverius). Parasite loads measured prior to egg laying had no adverse effects on subsequent reproductive output. Females that previously had large reproductive outputs subsequently had lower parasite intensities than those whose outputs were smaller, suggesting that females were capable of allocating energy to both forming clutches and reducing parasite loads. Because male kestrels provide most of their mate's energetic needs before, during, and after egg laying, mate choice by females may have consequences for their parasite loads. Females choosing high-quality mates may not only have increased reproductive output, but may also obtain sufficient resources from their mates to enable them to reduce their parasite burdens. Males whose mates had large reproductive outputs were more likely to subsequently be parasitized and have more intense infections. For individual males sampled both before and after egg laying, those whose mates had larger reproductive outputs were also more likely to become parasitized, or remain parasitized, between sampling periods. Increased parasite loads of males may be one mechanism by which the costs of reproduction are paid.  相似文献   

Parasite‐mediated models of sexual selection predict that females should avoid parasitized mates, thereby generating selection on male traits revealing health. The strength of this selection, however, may depend on the prevalence of parasitism among females if their infection status alters their mate preferences. We evaluated the effects of a socially transmitted parasite on male traits and female behaviour in spadefoot toads. Parasitized males were larger and in better condition than unparasitized males. Moreover, better condition males produced longer calls. Unparasitized females preferred longer calls indicative of good‐condition males that are more likely parasitized. By contrast, parasitized females as a group possessed no preference for call duration. Presumably because of reduced selection by these parasitized females, male mating success was not associated with any measured traits. Thus, when females are parasitized, sexual selection on condition‐dependent traits is potentially reduced.  相似文献   

Because of their effects on host reproductive behaviour, parasites are theoretically expected to create sometimes assortative mating among hosts, with heavily parasitized individuals pairing together and lightly parasitized ones pairing among themselves. We investigated the influence of protozoan gut parasites on the pairing pattern of the chrysomelid beetle Timarcha maritima. In the field, fecundity was negatively correlated with the parasite load of females, unpaired males were significantly more heavily infected than paired ones and, among pairs, males and females were matched for parasite load. Mate choice experiments in the laboratory showed that males have some ability to avoid heavily infected partners when given the choice between two females. Male competitiveness, measured as their mobility, was also negatively correlated with parasite load. These results indicate that parasite-related assortative pairing in this beetle could result from parasitized females being less fecund and parasitized males less competitive.  相似文献   

In the Azorean rock-pool blenny, sexually active males may adopt alternative reproductive tactics. In the present paper the relationship between the presence of satellite males and the reproductive success of nest-holders was investigated by comparing nests with and without an associated satellite male. Males with an associated satellite male suffered more conspecific intrusions but they did not display a higher frequency of attacks towards conspecifics. Nest-holder males were more aggressive towards other conspecifics than towards satellites and the tolerance of nest-holders towards satellites was inversely correlated with the time spent by the satellites in the breeding territory, which suggests control by the nest-holder male of the satellite investment in shared territorial defence. Nest-holders with an associated satellite male had higher condition factors and received more female visits and more spawnings. These results bear two possible interpretations. (1) Nest-holders benefit from the presence of a satellite male by increased attractiveness of their nests to females; satellite males are mutualists helping to defend the nest-owner's territory and to attract females, which is why they are tolerated. (2) Satellite males associate preferentially with more successful nest-holder males which have higher condition factors, and by doing so have more opportunities to achieve parasitic fertilizations. Only experiments will allow these two hypotheses to be distinguished.  相似文献   

Endoparasites detected in the black-bellied whistling duck (Dendrocygnaautumnalis) include one nasal mite, four nematodes, three trematodes, five cestodes, and two acanthocephalans. Each of these represents a new host record. Overall, 47% of the birds were parasitized with an average of 12 helminths per infected bird. Helminths were significantly more common in juveniles than in adults; more females than males were parasitized, but the difference was not statistically significant. No correlation existed between the parasite load and the physical condition of the host. Tissue damage in infected birds was minimal and limited to nematode cysts in the proventriculi. Parasite loads were light, apparently reflecting the food habits of the host.  相似文献   

Iguanid lizards are known for visual acuity and a diminished vomeronasal organ, which has led to mixed conclusions on whether iguanids use chemical cues. The collared lizard, Crotaphytus collaris, is a territorial iguanid that lives in open rocky habitats. Fecal pellets placed prominently on open rocky perches may provide an ideal mechanism for intraspecific chemical signaling. In order to determine whether collared lizards can discriminate between chemical stimuli found in conspecific fecal pellets, we collected 24 males and 25 females to analyze sex-specific behavioral responses via tongue-flicks and a newly observed behavior for the species, gular pumps, to cotton swabs containing water, cologne, chemical stimuli from conspecific male and female fecal pellets, and the lizard’s own fecal pellet. Both sexes were able to discriminate chemical stimuli from water via at least one behavior. Male collared lizards exhibited greater rates of response (tongue-flick and gular pumps) toward male fecal pellets when compared to the negative water control. Our results also suggest individuals may be able to discriminate between fecal pellets, as indicated by generally greater (but non-significant) counts of male tongue-flick responses to male fecal pellets when compared to their own. Collared lizard chemical discrimination appears to utilize tongue-flick and gular pump behaviors, possibly associated with distinct chemosensory modes (vomerolfaction and olfaction). Based on this study, we suggest that chemical signals may play a greater role in intraspecific communication than previously thought in this highly visual lizard.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1992,43(6):931-939
Chemical communication is widespread among plethodontid salamanders (Caudata: Plethodontidae), but little information exists on the role of odours in interspecific competition in general and among species in western North America in particular. The present study examined the potential of faecal odours for intra- and interspecific communication among sympatric plethodontids in two-choice tests in the laboratory. In experiment 1, Plethodon vehiculum and Aneides ferrus from Vancouver Island, B.C., Canada, were presented with two burrows marked with (1) a faecal pellet of male P. vehiculum versus a control clay pellet, and (2) a faecal pellet of male A. ferreus versus a control pellet. In experiment 2, responses of P. vehiculum, P. dunni and P. vandykei from Washington, U.S.A., were tested towards faecal pellets of conspecific males and females, and towards pellets of congeneric males. Both P. vehiculum and P. dunni distinguished odours of conspecific males and females, based on their behavioural responses towards faecal and control pellets. Only P. dunni, however, avoided burrows marked with faeces of conspecific individuals. In contrast, neither A. ferreus nor P. vandykei appeared to distinguish faecal odours of conspecific salamanders from control pellets. In tests with odours of heterospecific individuals, P. dunni and P. vehiculum distinguished odours of each other, and P. vandykei distinguished odours of P. vehiculum. The data from these two experiments suggest that P. dunni use faecal pellets as territorial markers both in intraspecific communication and in interspecific encounters with P. vehiculum.  相似文献   

Host susceptibility and patterns of infection are predicted to differ between males and females due to sex-based tradeoffs between the demands of reproduction and costly immune defenses. In this study, we examined immune defenses and the response to experimental infection by a protozoan parasite, Ophryocystis elektroscirrha, in male and female monarch butterflies, Danaus plexippus. We quantified two measures of immunity in late instar larvae: the concentration of circulating hemocytes and mid-gut phenoloxidase activity, and also quantified final parasite loads, body size, longevity, and wing melanism of adult butterflies. Results showed that females had greater average hemocyte counts than males in the absence of infection; males, but not females, showed an increased concentration of hemocytes in the presence of infection. However, higher hemocyte concentrations in larvae were not significantly correlated with lower adult parasite loads, and mid-gut phenoloxidase activity was not significantly associated with hemocyte counts or parasite treatments. Among unparasitized females, greater hemocyte concentrations were costly in terms of reduced body size, but for parasite-treated females, hemocyte concentrations and body size were positively associated. Across all monarchs, unparasitized butterflies showed greater wing melanism (darker forewings) than parasitized monarchs. Overall, this study provides support for differential costs of immune defenses in male and female monarch butterflies, and a negative association between parasite infection and monarch wing melanism.  相似文献   

Males of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (medfly), defend individual leaves of host and non-host trees as mating territories and attract females via production of a sex pheromone (a behavior termed ‘calling’). Males tend to aggregate within the tree canopy, and the present study examined the influence of (1) location and (2) resources on female visitation to male aggregations. Males were placed in screen-covered containers, which were suspended on field-caged trees at two locations selected to differ in only one of the following parameters: height above ground (low versus high), leaf density (sparse versus dense), distance to main trunk (canopy edge versus center), proximity to a food source (bird feces absent or present), and proximity to a host fruit (oranges absent or present). Females were released, and we periodically recorded the number of calling males in each of the test aggregations as well as the number of females sighted within 15 cm of each male aggregation. Male calling did not differ between treatments in any of the experiments. However, females were more frequently sighted near males calling (1) in dense foliage, (2) near the central trunk, (3) near bird feces, and (4) near oranges. In an additional experiment, we compared male settlement (in the absence of females) on leaves in the same sites used previously to determine the degree of congruence between the sexes in microhabitat use. Aside from the lack of center-edge effect, males displayed the same settlement patterns as females. In a final experiment, we found no effect of male calling on the distribution of other males: released males were sighted with equal frequency near cups containing mature, calling males and cups containing immature, non-calling males. Medfly lek behavior is discussed in light of these findings.  相似文献   

A life-history perspective on strategic mating effort in male scorpionflies   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
In species with high male mating effort, there is a trade-offbetween mating effort spent in a current mating and resourcesleft for future matings. Consequently, to maximize their reproductivesuccess, males have to invest strategically, saving resourcesin matings with low reproductive gain for future, more valuablematings. However, as males age, the expected future reproductivesuccess constantly declines. Thus, the importance of resource rationing may drastically change during a lifetime. Males ofthe scorpionfly Panorpa cognata offer females a costly nuptialgift before copulation, which functions as male mating effort.Resources for the production of these salivary masses are severelylimited for males in poor condition. We found that males investedmore in copulations with high-quality females than in copulationswith low-quality females. However, males ceased to discriminateas they became older. Old males, with a relative small numberof expected future matings, did not invest differentially incopulations with high- versus low-quality females. In copulationswith low-quality females, males invested more in late thanin initial matings, whereas in matings with high-quality females,time of mating had no influence on mating effort. These resultsimply that males adaptively change their resource allocationstrategy during the course of the season. Initial matings seemto be characterized by male prudence; in later matings, malesseem to adopt a more opportunistic mating strategy.  相似文献   

Parasite-mediated sexual selection is expected to favour the avoidance of matings with infected individuals. However, the extent to which the costs and benefits of discriminating against parasitized mates trade off may depend upon numerous factors. I investigated the effects of sex and infection status on choosiness in sex-role reversed deep-snouted pipefish (Syngnathus typhle L.) that were either artificially infected with the trematode parasite Cryptocotyle sp. or sham-infected. Sham-infected males were significantly more likely to associate with a sham-infected female rather than with a Cryptocotyle-infected female. Infected males failed to discriminate against infected potential partners. Males were choosier the larger they were relative to the females available for choice. Females were not discriminatory, regardless of their infection status. Given an inverse relation between female fecundity and parasite load, choosy unparasitized males may gain enhanced reproductive success from their choice decisions. In contrast, more heavily infected wild-caught males gave birth to slightly fewer, but not smaller offspring than did uninfected or lightly infected males, suggesting only a low direct premium on choosy females. The detrimental effects of parasitism on male choosiness, and the lack of female discrimination against infected males likely have profound repercussions on the strength of sexual selection acting on the two sexes and on the dynamics of host-parasite interactions in this system.  相似文献   

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