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A cell line designated HTLS was established from the retroperitoneal liposarcoma. The HTLS line showed stable proliferation without interruption for 2 years and subcultivated over 35 times. The cells were elongated fibrous and spindle in shape, and neoplastic and pleomorphic features. The multinucleated giant cells with fine cytoplasm were seen. The cells proliferated slowly and the population doubling time was about 90 hours. The chromosome number showed a wide distribution of aneuploidy, the mode was hyperdiploid range (51-52), and many marker chromosomes were observed. The cells were transplantable into the submucosa of immunesuppressed hamster's cheek pouch and produced liposarcoma, while were not transplantable into subcutis of nude mice  相似文献   

Two human malignant mesothelioma cell lines, which we designated "epithelial mesothelioma cells" and "fibrous mesothelioma cells", were established from the pleural fluid containing malignant mesothelial cells of a 72-year-old Japanese man. These cell lines were separated by the colonial techniques from the initiation of the primary cultures and grew well without interruption for 12 years. They were characterized as producing hyaluronic acid. These cell lines displayed different biological characteristics, including morphology, heterotransplantability and genetics using with BAC array CGH. The epithelial mesothelioma cells were epithelial in shape and transplantable into the subcutis of nude mice, while the cells of the fibrous mesothelioma line were fibroblast-like and transplantable into the submucosa of Hamster's cheek pouches but not into the subcutis of nude mice. The mesotheliomas are classified into three types: epithelial mesothelioma, fibrous mesothelioma and mixed type. The gene copy number losses observed on 9p21.3, 9p21.2, 9p21.1, among others may be a major mechanism of malignant mesothelioma carcinogenesis. We considered and supported the combination theory for the histogenesis of malignant mesothelioma.  相似文献   

We succeeded in primary culture of 3 in 4 cases of glioblastomas. The long-term passage cultures were not done from the primary cultures of original tumor, but glioblastoma cell line (HUBT-n) was established from a xenograft of nude mouse. This line grew well without interruption for 4 years and was subcultivated over 120 times. The cells were spindle like or round in shape and neoplastic and pleomorphic features contained glial fibrillar acid protein (GFAP) and S-100 protein and grew multilayering without contact inhibition. A bough-shaped long projection was noted from a small cell. One of the characteristics of the HUBT-n cells was existence of well developed intermediate filaments in their cytoplasm. The cells proliferated rapidly, and the population doubling time was about 32 hours. The chromosome number showed a narrow distribution of diploid range. Abnormal constitution was observed in all cells by G-band karyotyping. The culture cells were easily transplanted into the subcutis of nude mouse and produced the tumor resembling the original tumor.  相似文献   

A cell line designated "HIBSPP" was established from a human malignant choroids plexus papilloma of 29-year-old Japanese woman. This line grew well without interruption for 3 years and was subcultivated over 70 times. The cells were spindle, oval, and polygonal in shape, and neoplastic and pleomorphic features, a jigsaw puzzle-like arrangement, multilayering and forming papillary structures without contact inhibition. The cells proliferated slowly, and the population doubling time was about 69 hours. The chromosome number showed a wide distribution of aneuploidy. The mode was in the hypotetraploid range, and many marker chromosomes were observed. The culture cells were easily transplanted into the subcutis of nude mice and produced the tumor resembling the original tumor.  相似文献   

Human gestational choriocarcinoma cell line (HOCC) was established from the mouse graft of choriocarcinoma. The HOCC cells were spindle or polygonal in shape and multi-nucleated giant cells, showing neoplastic and pleomorphic features. The cell proliferated stably, and the population doubling time was about 32 hours. The chromosome numbers showed a wide distribution of aneuploidy, the mode was in hypertriploid range and the marker chromosomes were recognized in the several generations. Heterotransplantation was easy, and subcutaneous transplantation of 1 X 10(7) cells in nude mouse formed a tumor composed of choriocarcinoma. It is most noteworthy characteristic of the cell line that it produced human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in an in vitro culture system and in vivo in nude mice.  相似文献   

We investigated the optimal culture conditions for Cryptosporidium muris in a human stomach adenocarcinoma (AGS) cell line by determining the effects of medium pH and of selected supplements on the development of C. muris. The optimum pH of the culture medium required for the development of C. muris was determined to be 6.6. The number of parasites significantly increased during cultivation for 72 hr (p < 0.05) at this level. On the other hand, numbers decreased linearly after 24 hr of incubation at pH 7.5. When cultured in different concentrations of serum, C. muris in media containing 5% FBS induced 4-7 times more parasites than in 1% or 10% serum. Of the six medium supplements examined, only 1 mM pyruvate enhanced the number of C. muris in vitro. Transmission electron microscopic observation showed the developmental stages of C. muris in the cytoplasm of the cells, not in an extracytoplasmic location. The growth of C. muris in AGS cells provides a means of investigating its biological characteristics and of testing its response to therapeutic agents. However, a more optimized culture system is needed for the recovery of oocysts on a large scale in vitro.  相似文献   

Summary A new cell line, SS78, was established from a primary renal cell carcinoma of a Caucasian male. The tissue was dispersed with collagenase, and viable cells were separated by flotation on a Ficoll-Hypaque gradient. In culture, the SS78 cells retained a distinct epithelial morphology, and no fibroblastlike cells were seen. The cultured cells were aneuploid with a modal chromosome number of 80 and had several marker chromosomes. Inoculation of the cultured cells into athymic nude mice caused tumors at the sites of inoculation. This research was supported in part by Grants CA 15972 and CA 14930 from the National Cancer Institute through the National Bladder Cancer Project and by the Medical Research Service of the Veterans Administration.  相似文献   

Human uterine cervical malignant lymphoma (B-cell type) was cultured and the cell line (HIUML) was newly established. The HIUML cells were round in shape and had a tendency to make floating clusters. The cells had a smooth surface or protrusion on the margin of the cytoplasm, and proliferate in floatation. The population doubling time was about 32 hours and 42 or more passages were successfully observed in two years. The HIUML cells were not transplantable into nude mice but were successfully done in the cheek pouch of hamster with formation of malignant lymphoma. Epstein-Barr virus was detected in the HIUML cells.  相似文献   

Summary A new renal cell carcinoma (RCC) cell line (KRC/Y) has been established from a surgical specimen of a 41-yr-old Japanese female patient with RCC composed of both clear cells and granular cells. This cell line has been maintained for more than 15 mo. through 45 passages with a stable growth, KRC/Y cells have clear or eosinophilic polygonal cytoplasm and round to oval nuclei with one or two nucleoli, and proliferate in a pavementlike cell arrangement with a lack of contanct inhibition. By electron microscopy, these cells contain abundant fat droplets and glycogen granules or well-developed organells or both, which were also observed in the original tumor. The doubling time of these cells at the 15th passage was 73 h. The chromosome number was from 37 to 45 with a hypodiploid modal number of 42. Tumorigenicity was identified by tumor formation after subcutaneous injections of KRC/Y cells in nude mice, which showed close resemblance to the original tumor by light and electron microscope observations. This study was supported in part by Sarah Cousin Fund, Boston, MA.  相似文献   

We present a new cell line, EJ established from an invasive endometrioid adenocarcinoma of the uterine corpus in a 56-year-old patient. The cells show rapid growth in culture with a doubling time of 16 h and high migration activity. Monolayer-cultured cells were polygonal in shape showing a tendency to pile up without contact inhibition. Subcutaneous transplantation of the EJ cells into nude mice formed solid tumors that were histologically diagnosed as adenocarcinoma, whereas no metastasis was observed. Cultured EJ cells produced tissue polypeptide antigen (IPA). Genetic and molecular analyses revealed high telomerase activity but not estrogen receptor alpha expression. Using the DNA sequencing technique, we have screened EJ cells for p53 mutation in exon 5 to 8 but no mutation of p53 was observed. This cell line appears to represent the development of a more malignant clone with divergent receptor function and growth behavior, and provides us with an interesting new tool for the study of tumorigenesis in the human endometrium.  相似文献   

A cell line designated HOTHC was established from an anaplastic carcinoma (giant cell type) of the thyroid gland of 80-year-old woman. The HOTHC line grew rapidly in multilayer without contact inhibition, and more than 120 serial passages were made within 27 months. The cells were spindle or polygonal in shape and revealed neoplastic and pleomorphic features. These cells were characterized as containing coloid droplets and poorly developed rough-endoplasmic reticulum in the cytoplasm. Doubling time was about 24 hours and plating efficiency was about 70%. The karyotype exhibits hyperploidy and marker chromosomes, and the modal chromosome number ranged between 77-90. The HOTHC cells were transplanted into the subcutis of BALB/c nude mice and produced anaplatic carcinomas (giant cell type) resembling the original tumor. The HOTHC cells produced colony stimulating factor (CSF) and caused granulocytosis in the mice.  相似文献   

Summary An established insect cell line (AC20) from the leafhopperAgallia constricta has been adapted to a mammalian cell culture medium based on the formulation of two commercially available media. The cell population doubling time of the adapted line in this medium is approximately 45 hr at 30°C. This research was supported in part by National Science Foundation Grant GB29277X.  相似文献   

Summary A cell line derived from a human ovarian carcinosarcoma was established in tissue culture and in nude mice. Two sublines, LDF and HDF, separated by discontinuous density centrifugation were also established from the parent line JoN. The cloning efficiency of the JoN line was 21%. Morphologic features of adenocarcinoma cells characteristic of the parent JoN cells were retained in the sublines and clones; all lines showed the same karyotype and DNA content (pseudodiploid and pseudotetraploid). Keratin, as demonstrated immunohistochemically, was strongly expressed in the parent line JoN and the xenograft tumor, but not at all in the LDF sublines and only moderately in the HDF sublines. Vimentin, however, was expressed in neither the parent line JoN nor the xenograft tumor, but was present in both sublines. Transglutaminase and plasminogen activator activity was high in the parent line JoN. Neither, sublines nor clones showed the same high enzyme activity as the parent line. It is concluded that this human tumor line JoN is comprised of epithelial cells, capable of multidirectional differentiation.  相似文献   

Summary A human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line (FOCUS—Friendship of China and United States) was derived from a patient with primary hepatocellular carcinoma. This cell line has been in continuous culture over an 18-mo period. The morphological and ultrastructural features of FOCUS are consistent with its neoplastic hepatocellular orgin. FOCUS cells contain aspartate aminotransferase and glucose-6-phosphatase activity. In addition, α1-antitrypsin, fibrinogen, alpha fetoprotein, and carcinoembryonic antigens were detectble in the cytoplasm of the cultured cells by immunochemical staining techniques. The karyotype of the FOCUS cell is human in origin and it contains human DNA sequences as detected by molecular hybridization analysis. The FOCUS cells do not show evidence of density-dependent inhibition of growth under confluent conditions. Repeated growth curves over an 18-mo period were identical, revealing a doubling time of 42 to 48 h. The malignant potential of FOCUS cells was further demonstrated by their ability to lead to gross tumor formation after subcutaneous infection into nude mice. From one of the solid tumors grown in nude mice, recultured cell lines have been established and found to have properties identical to the original FOCUS cell line. This FOCUS cell line represents an additional model for further investigation of tumor specific antigens and the relationship between hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatocellular carcinoma. Preliminary molecular characterization has indicated the existence of integrated HBV sequences within the FOCUS genome.  相似文献   

Cell lines are very useful for clinical and basic research. The establishment of uterine malignant tumor cell lines with unusual histology is especially important. We describe the establishment and characterization of a new human endometrial stromal sarcoma cell line of the uterus. The cell line OMC-9 was established from a tumor mass in the uterine body of a 55-year-old woman. Characteristics of the cell line studied include morphology, chromosome analysis, heterotransplantation, tumor markers and chemosensitivity. This cell line has grown well for 196 months and has been subcultured more than 50 times. Monolayer cultured cells are polygonal in shape, appear to be spindle-shaped or multipolar and have a tendency to pile up without contact inhibition. The cells exhibit a human karyotype with a modal chromosomal number in the diploid range. The cells were able to be transplanted into the subcutis of nude mice and produced tumors resembling the original tumor. OMC-9 cells produced tissue polypeptide antigen. Both CD10, a sensitive and diagnostically useful marker of endometrial stromal neoplasms, and vimentin were identified immunohistochemically in the original tumor and the heterotransplanted tumor. The cells were sensitive to actinomycin D, doxorubicin, carboplatin, cisplatin and etoposide, drugs used commonly in the treatment of gynecologic cancer. Only three reports of uterine endometrial stromal sarcoma cell lines have thus far been reported in the literature. OMC-9 is the first endometrial stromal sarcoma cell line in which CD10 expression and chemosensitivity have been identified.  相似文献   

This work presents data on the carbohydrate and amino acid metabolism of a lymphoblastoid cell line producing an IgG1 antibody. In static culture, it was observed that lactate levels were significantly lowered when the cells were cultured on galactose as a carbon source. The use of carbohydrate substitution may be useful in lowering lactate levels, if it is established that this component is toxic to the cells. In addition, carbohydrate substitution may be used to modify glycosylation patterns and hence pharmacokinetic properties of glycoproteins.The amino acids glutamine and tryptophan were shown to be limiting in batch culture on this medium (DR, a 1:1 mixture of DMEM and RPMI, with 4mM glutamine). Amino acids produced included alanine, proline and glutamate. Serine was consumed to exhaustion, which was followed by a depletion of extracellular glycine. Amino acid metabolism, specific antibody productivity and specific growth rate were shown to be functions of the inoculation density in stirred flask culture. The results have implications for the design of media for both low and high density antibody manufacture by these cell lines.  相似文献   

昆虫细胞系在许多领域得到广泛的应用。以家蝇Musca domestica L.卵(胚胎)为材料,用含20%胎牛血清的M3培养基培养,原代培养35d左右形成单层,每7d传代1次,连续传代60代次。细胞群体倍增时间为44h,染色体2n=12,可在液氮及4℃冰箱中保存复苏,命名为MDEC-07114。  相似文献   

The malignant schwannoma cell line (HKMS) was established from the subcutaneous tumor of Axilla region of a 48-year-old Japanese woman. The HKMS line has the following biological properties. 1. The HKMS cells were spindle in shape and showed neoplastic and pleomorphic features. The monolayer sheet of HKMS cells showed the resemble cell-arrangement with that of the original tumor tissue. 2. The cells showed a stable growth and the serial passages were successively carried out 150 times within 3 years. Their population doubling time is about 40 hours. 3. The chromosome number varied widely, and the modal number was stable at the 78-80. The marker chromosomes were present. 4. The cells were transplanted into the subcutis of nude mice and produced the malignant schwannoma.  相似文献   

A cell line designated "HMMME" was established from the pleural fluids of a malignant mesothelioma patient. This line grew well without interruption for 12 years and was subcultured over 200 times. The cells were spindle and roundish in shape and displayed a monolayer sheet in an epithelial pavement cell arrangement. They were neoplastic, had pleomorphic features, and easily formed multilayering without contact inhibition. The cell cytoplasm was strongly positive against anti-vimentin, anti-calretinin and anti-pan-keratin, but negative against anti-BerEP4. The cells proliferated rapidly, and the population doubling time was about 42 hours. Their chromosome number showed a wide distribution of aneuploidy with a mode in the diploid range; many marker chromosomes were observed. The cultured cells were easily transplanted into the subcutaneous of nude mice and produced a tumor classified as a malignant mesothelioma.  相似文献   

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