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Neurons of cranial sensory ganglia are derived from the neural crest and ectodermal placodes, but the mechanisms that control the relative contributions of each are not understood. Crest cells of the second branchial arch generate few facial ganglion neurons and no vestibuloacoustic ganglion neurons, but crest cells in other branchial arches generate many sensory neurons. Here we report that the facial ganglia of Hoxa2 mutant mice contain a large population of crest-derived neurons, suggesting that Hoxa2 normally represses the neurogenic potential of second arch crest cells. This may represent an anterior transformation of second arch neural crest cells toward a fate resembling that of first arch neural crest cells, which normally do not express Hoxa2 or any other Hox gene. We additionally found that overexpressing Hoxa2 in cultures of P19 embryonal carcinoma cells reduced the frequency of spontaneous neuronal differentiation, but only in the presence of cotransfected Pbx and Meis Hox cofactors. Finally, expression of Hoxa2 and the cofactors in chick neural crest cells populating the trigeminal ganglion also reduced the frequency of neurogenesis in the intact embryo. These data suggest an unanticipated role for Hox genes in controlling the neurogenic potential of at least some cranial neural crest cells.  相似文献   

During development of the vertebrate hindbrain, Hox genes play multiple roles in the segmental processes that regulate anteroposterior (AP) patterning. Paralogous Hox genes, such as Hoxa3, Hoxb3 and Hoxd3, generally have very similar patterns of expression, and gene targeting experiments have shown that members of paralogy group 3 can functionally compensate for each other. Hence, distinct functions for individual members of this family may primarily depend upon differences in their expression domains. The earliest domains of expression of the Hoxa3 and Hoxb3 genes in hindbrain rhombomeric (r) segments are transiently regulated by kreisler, a conserved Maf b-Zip protein, but the mechanisms that maintain expression in later stages are unknown. In this study, we have compared the segmental expression and regulation of Hoxa3 and Hoxb3 in mouse and chick embryos to investigate how they are controlled after initial activation. We found that the patterns of Hoxa3 and Hoxb3 expression in r5 and r6 in later stages during mouse and chick hindbrain development were differentially regulated. Hoxa3 expression was maintained in r5 and r6, while Hoxb3 was downregulated. Regulatory comparisons of cis-elements from the chick and mouse Hoxa3 locus in both transgenic mouse and chick embryos have identified a conserved enhancer that mediates the late phase of Hoxa3 expression through a conserved auto/cross-regulatory loop. This block of similarity is also present in the human and horn shark loci, and contains two bipartite Hox/Pbx-binding sites that are necessary for its in vivo activity in the hindbrain. These HOX/PBC sites are positioned near a conserved kreisler-binding site (KrA) that is involved in activating early expression in r5 and r6, but their activity is independent of kreisler. This work demonstrates that separate elements are involved in initiating and maintaining Hoxa3 expression during hindbrain segmentation, and that it is regulated in a manner different from Hoxb3 in later stages. Together, these findings add further strength to the emerging importance of positive auto- and cross-regulatory interactions between Hox genes as a general mechanism for maintaining their correct spatial patterns in the vertebrate nervous system.  相似文献   

During animal development, Hox genes are expressed in characteristic, spatially restricted patterns and specify regional identities along the anterior-posterior (A-P) axis. Polycomb group (PcG) proteins in Drosophila repress Hox expression and maintain the expression patterns during development. Mice deficient for homologues of the Drosophila PcG genes, such as M33, bmi1, mel18, rae28 and eed, show altered Hox expression patterns. In this study, we examined the time course of Hoxb3 expression during late gastrulation and early segmentation of rae28-deficient mice. Hoxb3 was expressed ectopically in pharyngeal arch and hindbrain from embryonic day (E) 9.5 and 10.5, respectively. The anterior boundary of ectopic expression in the hindbrain extended gradually in the rostral direction as development proceeded from E10.5 to E12.5. Expression of kreisler and Krox20, which function as positive regulators of Hoxb3 expression, was not affected in rae28-deficient embryos. Analysis of a neural crest marker, p75, in rae28-deficient mice revealed that the neural crest cells begin to ectopically express Hoxb3 after leaving the hindbrain. Our results suggest that rae28 is not required for the establishment but maintenance of Hoxb3 expression.  相似文献   

Diencephalic, mesencephalic and metencephalic neural crest cells are skeletogenic and derive from neural folds that do not express Hox genes. In order to examine the influence of Hox gene expression on skull morphogenesis, expression of Hoxa2, Hoxa3 and Hoxb4 in conjunction with that of the green fluorescent protein has been selectively targeted to the Hox-negative neural folds of the avian embryo prior to the onset of crest cell emigration. Hoxa2 expression precludes the development of the entire facial skeleton. Transgenic Hoxa2 embryos such as those from which the Hox-negative domain of the cephalic neural crest has been removed have no upper or lower jaws and no frontonasal structures. Embryos subjected to the forced expression of Hoxa3 and Hoxb4 show severe defects in the facial skeleton but not a complete absence of facial cartilage. Hoxa3 prevents the formation of the skeleton derived from the first branchial arch, but allows the development (albeit reduced) of the nasal septum. Hoxb4, by contrast, hampers the formation of the nasal bud-derived skeleton, while allowing that of a proximal (but not distal) segment of the lower jaw. The combined effect of Hoxa3 and Hoxb4 prevents the formation of facial skeletal structures, comparable with Hoxa2. None of these genes impairs the formation of neural derivatives of the crest. These results suggest that over the course of evolution, the absence of Hox gene expression in the anterior part of the chordate embryo was crucial in the vertebrate phylum for the development of a face, jaws and brain case, and, hence, also for that of the forebrain.  相似文献   

The structures of the face in vertebrates are largely derived from neural crest. There is some evidence to suggest that the form of the facial pattern is determined by the crest, and that it is specified before migration as to the structures that is is able to form. The neural crest is able to control the form of surrounding, non-neural crest tissues by an instructive interaction. Some of this cranial crest is derived from a region of the hindbrain that expresses Hox 2 homeobox genes in an overlapping and segment-restricted pattern. We have found that neurogenic and mesenchymal neural crest expresses Hox 2 genes from its point of origin beside the neural plate, during migration and after migration has ceased and that rhombomeres 3 and 5 do not have any expressing neural crest beside them. Each branchial arch expresses a different combination or code of Hox genes in a segment-restricted way. The surface ectoderm over the arches initially does not express Hox genes, and later adopts an expression pattern that reflects that of neural crest that has come to underlie it. We suggest that initially the neural plate and neural crest are spatially specified, while the surface ectoderm is unpatterned. Subsequently some positional information could be transferred to the surface ectoderm as a result of an interaction with the neural crest. Given that the role of the homologous genes in insects is position specification, and that neural crest is imprinted before migration, we suggest that Hox 2 genes are providing part of this positional information to the neural crest and hence are involved in patterning the structures of the branchial arches.  相似文献   

Loss of Twist function in the cranial mesenchyme of the mouse embryo causes failure of closure of the cephalic neural tube and malformation of the branchial arches. In the Twist(-/-) embryo, the expression of molecular markers that signify dorsal forebrain tissues is either absent or reduced, but those associated with ventral tissues display expanded domains of expression. Dorsoventral organization of the mid- and hindbrain and the anterior-posterior pattern of the neural tube are not affected. In the Twist(-/-) embryo, neural crest cells stray from the subectodermal migratory path and the late-migrating subpopulation invades the cell-free zone separating streams of cells going to the first and second branchial arches. Cell transplantation studies reveal that Twist activity is required in the cranial mesenchyme for directing the migration of the neural crest cells, as well as in the neural crest cells within the first branchial arch to achieve correct localization. Twist is also required for the proper differentiation of the first arch tissues into bone, muscle, and teeth.  相似文献   

Hoxb13 mutations cause overgrowth of caudal spinal cord and tail vertebrae   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
To address the expression and function of Hoxb13, the 5' most Hox gene in the HoxB cluster, we have generated mice with loss-of-function and beta-galactosidase reporter insertion alleles of this gene. Mice homozygous for Hoxb13 loss-of-function mutations show overgrowth in all major structures derived from the tail bud, including the developing secondary neural tube (SNT), the caudal spinal ganglia, and the caudal vertebrae. Using the beta-galactosidase reporter allele of Hoxb13, also a loss-of-function allele, we found that the expression patterns of Hoxb13 in the developing spinal cord and caudal mesoderm are closely associated with overgrowth phenotypes in the tails of homozygous mutant animals. These phenotypes can be explained by the observed increased cell proliferation and decreased levels of apoptosis within the tail of homozygous mutant mice. This analysis of Hoxb13 function suggests that this 5' Hox gene may act as an inhibitor of neuronal cell proliferation, an activator of apoptotic pathways in the SNT, and as a general repressor of growth in the caudal vertebrae.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid synthesis and hindbrain patterning in the mouse embryo   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Targeted disruption of the murine retinaldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (Raldh2) gene precludes embryonic retinoic acid (RA) synthesis, leading to midgestational lethality (Niederreither, K., Subbarayan, V., Dolle, P. and Chambon, P. (1999). Nature Genet. 21, 444-448). We describe here the effects of this RA deficiency on the development of the hindbrain and associated neural crest. Morphological segmentation is impaired throughout the hindbrain of Raldh2-/- embryos, but its caudal portion becomes preferentially reduced in size during development. Specification of the midbrain region and of the rostralmost rhombomeres is apparently normal in the absence of RA synthesis. In contrast, marked alterations are seen throughout the caudal hindbrain of mutant embryos. Instead of being expressed in two alternate rhombomeres (r3 and r5), Krox20 is expressed in a single broad domain, correlating with an abnormal expansion of the r2-r3 marker Meis2. Instead of forming a defined r4, Hoxb1- and Wnt8A-expressing cells are scattered throughout the caudal hindbrain, whereas r5/r8 markers such as kreisler or group 3/4 Hox genes are undetectable or markedly downregulated. Lack of alternate Eph receptor gene expression could explain the failure to establish rhombomere boundaries. Increased apoptosis and altered migratory pathways of the posterior rhombencephalic neural crest cells are associated with impaired branchial arch morphogenesis in mutant embryos. We conclude that RA produced by the embryo is required to generate posterior cell fates in the developing mouse hindbrain, its absence leading to an abnormal r3 (and, to a lesser extent, r4) identity of the caudal hindbrain cells.  相似文献   

The Hoxa2 gene is an important component of regulatory events during hindbrain segmentation and head development in vertebrates. In this study we have used sequenced comparisons of the Hoxa2 locus from 12 vertebrate species in combination with detailed regulatory analyses in mouse and chicken embryos to characterize the mechanistic basis for the regulation of Hoxa2 in rhombomere (r) 4. A highly conserved region in the Hoxa2 intron functions as an r4 enhancer. In vitro binding studies demonstrate that within the conserved region three bipartite Hox/Pbx binding sites (PH1-PH3) in combination with a single binding site for Pbx-Prep/Meis (PM) heterodimers co-operate to regulate enhancer activity in r4. Mutational analysis reveals that these sites are required for activity of the enhancer, suggesting that the r4 enhancer from Hoxa2 functions in vivo as a Hox-response module in combination with the Hox cofactors, Pbx and Prep/Meis. Furthermore, this r4 enhancer is capable of mediating a response to ectopic HOXB1 expression in the hindbrain. These findings reveal that Hoxa2 is a target gene of Hoxb1 and permit us to develop a gene regulatory network for r4, whereby Hoxa2, along with Hoxb1, Hoxb2 and Hoxa1, is integrated into a series of auto- and cross-regulatory loops between Hox genes. These data highlight the important role played by direct cross-talk between Hox genes in regulating hindbrain patterning.  相似文献   

Cranial neural crest cells are a pluripotent population of cells derived from the neural tube that migrate into the branchial arches to generate the distinctive bone, connective tissue and peripheral nervous system components characteristic of the vertebrate head. The highly conserved segmental organisation of the vertebrate hindbrain plays an important role in patterning the pathways of neural crest cell migration and in generating the distinct or separate streams of crest cells that form unique structures in each arch. We have used focal injections of DiI into the developing mouse hindbrain in combination with in vitro whole embryo culture to map the patterns of cranial neural crest cell migration into the developing branchial arches. Our results show that mouse hindbrain-derived neural crest cells migrate in three segregated streams adjacent to the even-numbered rhombomeres into the branchial arches, and each stream contains contributions of cells from three rhombomeres in a pattern very similar to that observed in the chick embryo. There are clear neural crest-free zones adjacent to r3 and r5. Furthermore, using grafting and lineage-tracing techniques in cultured mouse embryos to investigate the differential ability of odd and even-numbered segments to generate neural crest cells, we find that odd and even segments have an intrinsic ability to produce equivalent numbers of neural crest cells. This implies that inter-rhombomeric signalling is less important than combinatorial interactions between the hindbrain and the adjacent arch environment in specific regions, in the process of restricting the generation and migration of neural crest cells. This creates crest-free territories and suggests that tissue interactions established during development and patterning of the branchial arches may set up signals that the neural plate is primed to interpret during the progressive events leading to the delamination and migration of neural crest cells. Using interspecies grafting experiments between mouse and chick embryos, we have shown that this process forms part of a conserved mechanism for generating neural crest-free zones and contributing to the separation of migrating crest populations with distinct Hox expression during vertebrate head development.  相似文献   

We have isolated an amphioxus T-box gene that is orthologous to the two vertebrate genes, Tbx1 and Tbx10, and examined its expression pattern during embryonic and early larval development. AmphiTbx1/10 is first expressed in branchial arch endoderm and mesoderm of developing neurulae, and in a bilateral, segmented pattern in the ventral half of newly formed somites. Branchial expression is restricted to the first three branchial arches, and disappears completely by 4 days post fertilization. Ventral somitic expression is restricted to the first 10–12 somites, and is not observed in early larvae except in the most ventral mesoderm of the first three branchial arches. No expression can be detected by 4 days post fertilization. Integrating functional, phylogenetic and expression data from amphioxus and a variety of vertebrate model organisms, we have reconstructed the early evolutionary history of the Tbx1/10 subfamily of genes within the chordate lineage. We conclude that Tbx1/10-mediated branchial arch endoderm and mesoderm patterning functions predated the origin of neural crest, and that ventral somite specification functions predated the origin of vertebrate sclerotome, but that Tbx1 was later co-opted during the evolution of developmental programs regulating branchial neural crest and sclerotome migration.Edited by M. Akam  相似文献   

Expression of the Caenorhabditis elegans Hox gene lin-39 begins in the embryo and continues in multiple larval cells, including the P cell lineages that generate ventral cord neurons (VCNs) and vulval precursor cells (VPCs). lin-39 is regulated by several factors and by Wnt and Ras signaling pathways; however, no cis-acting sites mediating lin-39 regulation have been identified. Here, we describe three elements controlling lin-39 expression: a 338-bp upstream fragment that directs embryonic expression in P5-P8 and their descendants in the larva, a 247-bp intronic region sufficient for VCN expression, and a 1.3-kb upstream cis-regulatory module that drives expression in the VPC P6.p in a Ras-dependent manner. Three trans-acting factors regulate expression via the 1.3-kb element. A single binding site for the ETS factor LIN-1 mediates repression in VPCs other than P6.p; however, loss of LIN-1 decreases expression in P6.p. Therefore, LIN-1 acts both negatively and positively on lin-39 in different VPCs. The Forkhead domain protein LIN-31 also acts positively on lin-39 in P6.p via this module. Finally, LIN-39 itself binds to this element, suggesting that LIN-39 autoregulates its expression in P6.p. Therefore, we have begun to unravel the cis-acting sites regulating lin-39 Hox gene expression and have shown that lin-39 is a direct target of the Ras pathway acting via LIN-1 and LIN-31.  相似文献   

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