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Effects of altered dietary zinc on levels of zinc, copper, magnesium, and calcium in organ and peripheral tissues were studied. When rats fed a zinc-deficient diet (1.3 μg Zn/g) for 28 d were compared with rats fed a control diet (37.5 μg Zn/g), levels of zinc were slightly lower in plasma, hair, and skin and 50% lower in femur and pancreas, whereas the levels of copper were higher in all tissue except plasma. Magnesium levels were higher than controls in the heart and lower in the spleen, whereas the calcium levels were lower in plasma, lung, spleen, kidney, and skin and strikingly higher in brain, hair, and femur. When rats fed a zinc-supplemented diet (1.0 mg Zn/g) were compared to the same conrols, levels of zinc in these were higher in all organs and peripheral tissues studied, except heart, lung, and liver; copper levels were higher in liver, kidney, and spleen; magnesium levels were significantly higher in the spleen, but were little affected in other tissues, although calcium levels were higher in pancreas, spleen, kidney, and skin and lower in plasma and hair. These data indicate that overall copper organ and peripheral tissue levels are affected inversely, and zinc and calcium levels directly, by zinc nutriture.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have shown that zinc nutrition influences the growth of several types of tumor. However, the influence of zinc nutrition on mammary tumorigenesis is not known. To study the effects of dietary zinc intake on N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU)-induced mammary tumorigenesis, female Sprague-Dawley rats were fed an egg-white-based diet providing 3 (Z3), 12 (Z12), or 31 (Z31) mg zinc/kg diet ad libitum. In addition, two pair-fed controls, PFZ12 and PFZ31, were also included. Fourteen weeks after MNU injection, cumulative tumor incidence and total number of tumors were lower in Z3 rats than in Z12 and Z31 rats. Cumulative tumor incidence and total number of tumors were lower in Z3 rats than in PFZ12 rats, but were the same as in PFZ31 rats. Cumulative tumor incidence and total number of tumors were also lower in pair-fed controls than in their corresponding ad libitum controls, but were the same between the ad libitum controls. Overall, the results showed that the effect of marginal zinc deficiency on MNU-induced mammary tumorigenesis in rats was primarily the result of a reduced feed intake associated with marginal zinc deficiency rather than zinc per se.  相似文献   

The effect of dietary zinc deficiency (imposed at weaning) on the hematological profile of the male rat was studied. Lack of dietary zinc resulted in elevated numbers of erythrocytes and segmented neutrophils and decreased reticulocyte number. The hematocrit of zinc-deficient rats was significantly elevated after the first week. The mean lifespan of erythrocytes from zinc-deficient rats (tested in adult control rats) was not significantly altered from that of controls. The lack of dietary zinc did not cause a major change in the erythrocyte density (age) distribution.  相似文献   

The effect of calcium supplementation on absorption and retention of cadmium in the suckling period was evaluated in Wistar rat pups of both sexes. Animals were maintained in the litters with the mother rats and supplemented with 1%, 3% or 6% calcium (as CaHPO4×2H2O) in cow's milk by artificial feeding from day of birth 6 through 14. All rats were exposed to cadmium (as CdCl2×H2O) either orally or parenterally. Oral cadmium dose of 0.5 mg/kg body weight a day was administered through nine-day period of calcium supplementation and parenteral cadmium dose was injected subcutaneously in a single dose of 0.5 mg Cd/kg body weight prior to calcium supplementation. On experimental day 10 (at the age of pups of 15 days) all animals were killed and the liver, kidneys, brain and carcass (body without organs and skin) were removed for element analyses. Cadmium and essential elements calcium, zinc and iron were analysed in the tissues by atomic absorption spectrometry. Results showed that after oral exposure cadmium concentrations in all calcium-supplemented groups were significantly decreased in the organs and carcass and that the effect was dose-related. No such effect of calcium was found after parenteral cadmium exposure. Calcium supplementation per se significantly increased calcium concentration in the carcass and had no effect on iron in organs and zinc in carcass. It was concluded that calcium supplementation during the suckling period could be an efficient way of reducing oral cadmium absorption and retention without affecting tissue essential trace element concentrations.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to assess dietary zinc effects on femur weight and mineral content in growing rats. For this purpose, 70 weanling Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into four groups. Each group was subject to a diet containing 2 (BZ), 5 (DZ), 10 (MZ), and 30 (CZ) ppm zinc. The calcium and magnesium content in all diets was 5 g/kg and 507 mg/kg, respectively. The animals were kept on this regime for 28 d and then sacrificed and their femurs were removed for analysis using atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The weights of the BZ and DZ groups were significantly different from the MZ and CZ groups (38.5±10.5, 89.9±13.7, 118.6±13.6 and 134±19.9 g, p<0.01) respectively. There were no differences between the MZ and CZ groups. Femur weight also varied with dietary zinc, as it was significantly different among all groups (BZ, 265±49 mg; DZ, 380±40 mg; MZ, 452±54 mg; CZ, 735±66 mg; p<0.01). The femur zinc content varied with diets, following a different pattern than the above parameters. Femur zinc from the BZ group (51.5±5.4 ppm) was significantly different from the MZ and CZ groups (115.9±14.2 and 175.0±13.5 ppm, respectively), whereas the DZ group (62.5±11.3 ppm) did not differ from the other three groups. The femur content of calcium (BZ, 83.2±9.8 mg/g; DZ, 88.0±9.2 mg/g; MZ, 90.2±13.6 mg/g; CZ, 83.1±14.7 mg/g) and magnesium (BZ, 1.82±0.13 mg/g; DZ, 1.98±0.09 mg/g; MZ, 1.93±14 mg/g; CZ, 1.83±0.19 mg/g) were not significantly different among the groups, nor was the calcium-magnesium ratio. These results suggest that although dietary zinc deficiency retards growth and causes bone fragility, bone deposition of calcium and magnesium and its ratio are not affected.  相似文献   

Sprague-Dawley rats were kept at 28 degrees C from 21 to 517 days age and fed one of the two following diets: a semi-purified diet containing 502 p.p.m. of Mg (control) or the same diet containing only 120 p.p.m. (mg/kg) (low-Mg). The chronic suboptimal intake of Mg by rats fed the low-Mg diet did not result in overt signs of Mg deficiency even when Mg levels were greatly reduced in carcass, plasma, and tibia, but it significantly decreased bone strength. It is suggested that Mg deficiency in man could be a factor in the weakening of bone, commonly observed in old age, even when there are no visible signs of Mg deficiency. Studies of the human situation would be of interest.  相似文献   

Effect of dietary energy intake on tubular reabsorption of urea in sheep   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The aim of the experiment was to determine the effect of dietary energy intake on renal urea excretion in sheep with different nitrogen intakes. The control sheep, with a high nitrogen and energy intake, were given a daily feed dose of 21.18 g N and 15.2 MJ digestible energy (DE). The two experimental groups, with an equal, low nitrogen intake, were given diets with a different energy content. The high energy diet contained 3.63 g N and 14.18 MJ DE, the low energy diet 3.4 g N and 6.44 MJ DE. After nine weeks' adaptation to the diets, renal functions were measured by a standard clearance technique. It was found that, under stable urine flow conditions, both groups given the low nitrogen diet had a significantly lower glomerular filtration rate, fractional urea excretion and total urea excretion. A reciprocal comparison of these two groups showed that fractional urea excretion by the sheep with a high energy intake was significantly lower than in the group with a low energy intake. There were no differences in the glomerular filtration rate. A raised dietary energy intake in the presence of a low nitrogen intake caused marked natriuresis and kaliuresis. The results indicate that a raised dietary energy intake can be a significant factor in potentiating the renal effect of urea retention in sheep with a low nitrogen intake.  相似文献   

An effect of cimetidine on parathyroid glands functioning in healthy subjects was evaluated. Serum calcium, phosphate, and magnesium concentrations together with renal excretion++ of these ions in healthy subjects as well as cAMP excretion++ in selected individuals were determined before and following intravenous administration of cimetidine (Altratmet Lek Ljublijana) in total dose of 500 mg (50 mg injected rapidly as a bolus following with 450 mg in an intravenous infusion during 60 minutes). No significant changes in serum calcium, phosphates, and magnesium concentrations were noted. Renal clearance of calcium and magnesium remained unchanged whereas renal phosphate excretion++ increased from 10.69 +/- 4.9 mL/min to 15.1 +/- 5.41 mL/min (p less than 0.02). Excretion++ of 3.5 cAMP increased from 2.65 +/- 2.19 nM/min to 5.16 +/- 2.0 nM/min (p less than 05). The obtained results do not exclude stimulating effect of intravenous cimetidine on parathyroid glands. Cimetidine given intravenously in the bleeding gastric or duodenal ulcers in the course of the primary hyperparathyroidism+ may decrease serum phosphate levels due to increased exretion of this ion with the urine.  相似文献   

Omega‐3 (ω3) and ‐6 (ω6) polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) are essential for all aquatic animals, but their dietary availability can be highly heterogeneous in space and time. The way consumers retain PUFA across such heterogeneous feeding conditions remains poorly understood. In a series of feeding experiments, we investigated how retention efficiencies (i.e. amount in consumer biomass/amount ingested) of PUFA and bulk carbon responded to heterogeneous PUFA intake in Daphnia magna. Heterogeneous PUFA intake was achieved by exposing D. magna to algal diets of different PUFA content and composition for specific time periods. The retention efficiency of carbon did not change among dietary treatments. At shorter exposure to PUFA‐rich diet, retention efficiencies of most PUFA were 2–3 times higher than that of bulk carbon, clearly indicating PUFA bioaccumulation in D. magna. Increasing exposure to PUFA‐rich diet caused exponential decrease of retention efficiencies for most PUFA. However, D. magna receiving more PUFA were richer in these compounds despite lower retention efficiency. Eicosapentaenoic (20:5ω3) and arachidonic acid (20:4ω6) and their precursors were always supplied in the same proportions (3.6:1), but the 20:5ω3/20:4ω6 ratio in D. magna (an important measure of nutritional quality for consumers) increased with exposure time to these PUFA from 2.2:1 to 3.8:1, thus eventually matching the diet. Our results suggest that D. magna is an efficient gatherer, accumulator, and repository of PUFA under low/fragmented dietary availability. However, at higher availabilities, PUFA are not always bioaccumulated in D. magna. Hence, the efficiency of PUFA transfer by daphnids in food webs may depend on temporal PUFA availability and its range of variation. Finally, we show that heterogeneity in PUFA intake may also affect higher trophic levels by influencing nutritionally critical PUFA ratios of zooplankton.  相似文献   

Ninety-six crossbred growing pigs were used to evaluate the effects of fluoride levels on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and the retention of minerals in tissues. Four dietary treatments were formulated by supplementing fluorine (as NaF) to a corn-soybean basal diet (39.75 mg/kg F) to provide the following added fluorine levels: 0, 50 100, and 150 mg/kg fluorine. The results showed pigs of the 100 and 150 mg/kg fluorine-added groups had decreased average daily gain (ADG) and increased feed gain ratio (F/G) compared to the control (p<0.05). Apparent digestibility of protein and calcium in 100 and 150 mg/kg fluorinetreated groups was significantly lower than that of the control (p<0.05). On the other hand, iron, copper, zinc, and manganese levels in most tissues of the 100 and 150 mg/kg fluorine groups were markedly changed compared to the control (p<0.05). However, growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and mineral concentrations in all tissues of pigs were not significantly affected by the addition of 50 mg/kg fluorine (p>0.05). Thus, this study suggested that excess fluoride levels could decrease growth performance and change the retention of iron, copper, zinc, and manganese in pigs.  相似文献   

To test the influence of calcium (Ca) on aluminum (Al) absorption, Ca was withheld from or added (1 mM) to the perfusate of thein situ rat gut. The rats had been maintained on Purina Rat Chow. Ca addition significantly decreased (to 70%) the rate of Al disappearance from the gut and decreased (to 55%) the area under the curve of Al appearance in portal blood. To test the influence of Ca deficiency on Al absorption, rats were maintained on a low-Ca (0.008%) or a Careplete (0.5%) diet for 1–4 wk. Thein situ gut was prepared, and a perfusate containing approximately 1 μM Ca was used. The rate of Al disappearance from the gut of low-Ca diet rats was significantly faster than from the gut of rats maintained on the Ca-replete diet, averaging 156% of the latter. Al appearance in portal blood was significantly greater (averaging 38%) in rats maintained on the low-Ca diet than in controls. To determine if Ca deficiency influences Al tissue distribution independent of gastrointestinal Al absorption, rats maintained on a low-Ca or a Ca-replete diet received 20 ip Al injections over 1 mo. Rats eating the low-Ca diet demonstrated enhanced tissue Al accumulation in all tissues studied, except for muscle and cerebral cortex. These results demonstrate enhanced Al absorption and tissue retention in the presence of reduced intestinal Ca concentration and reduced Ca intake.  相似文献   

The nucleotide diadenosine tetraphosphate has been suggested to function as a signal molecule for the initiation of DNA replication. Previous studies have indicated that diadenosine tetraphosphate is synthesized by certain aminoacyl tRNA synthetases and that diversion of AMP from the amino acid-enzyme complex to ATP to form diadenosine tetraphosphate is facilitated by zinc ions. The growth retardation of zinc-deficient rats is associated with specific reduction in DNA replication and also with a potentially growth-limiting decrease in food intake. The possibility has been investigated that in zinc-deficient rats, lack of Zn(2+) restricts diadenosine tetraphosphate synthesis, resulting in a failure to synthesize DNA and in a reduction in growth. The results indicate that the depressed growth potential caused by the reduction in food intake associated with the deficiency was sufficient to lower diadenosine tetraphosphate concentrations significantly in the liver and spleen. However, there was no indication of a specific effect of zinc deficiency on diadenosine tetraphosphate values.  相似文献   

The effects of simultaneous changes of calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, and zinc concentrations were evaluated in normal human T and B lymphocytes, cultured in cation-depleted media. Optimal concentrations for thymidine incorporation (TI) in both cell populations were Fe and Zn 15 μM and Cu 5 μM; for t cells Ca 2 mM and Mg 4 mM; for B cells Ca 4 mM and Mg 6 mM. TI decreased with increasing molarity of cations and the decrease was particularly apparent with Cu. Minimal amounts of Ca and Mg (0.5 mM) were necessary for growth, even in presence of optimal concentrations of Fe, Cu, and Zn. Fe and Cu showed synergistic stimulatory effects at low concentrations and synergistic inhibitory effects at high concentrations. Antagonism between Fe and Zn, Cu and Zn, and Ca and Zn was also demonstrated. CD4/CD8 increased with PHA stimulation in presence of Zn, and decreased with ConA stimulation in presence of Zn or Fe. The results demonstrate: (1) the relationship and interdependence of Fe, Cu, and Zn concentrations in modulating the growth of normal lymphocytes; (2) the stimulatory effects of Fe on B cells and Zn on CD8 positive cells; (3) the inhibitory effect of Cu at concentrations lower than those of Fe and Zn; (4) the requirement of Ca and Mg in certain concentration and ratio for the action of the other cations; and (5) the Ca and Mg requirement for the growth of B cells higher than T cells.  相似文献   

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