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戈壁针茅(Stipa tianschanica var. gobica)草原主要分布于荒漠草原区的石质丘陵或石质山坡, 向东可以分布在典型草原区的石质丘陵或山地, 向西也可以分布在荒漠区的石质山坡上。该研究调查了中国戈壁针茅草原的主要植被类型, 通过对115个样地的样方数据分析, 量化描述了这一草原类型的主要植物群落特征。结果表明, 中国戈壁针茅草原共有维管植物272种, 隶属于38科127属; 其中裸子植物3种, 隶属于1科1属; 被子植物269种, 隶属于37科126属, 物种数大于等于10种的科为: 菊科、禾本科、豆科、蔷薇科、百合科、藜科、石竹科; 戈壁针茅草原植物区系的生活型谱以地面芽植物为主, 共178种植物, 占总种数的65.44%; 水分生态类型以旱生植物为主, 共120种, 占总种数的44.12%; 植物区系地理成分上以东古北极分布种和亚洲中部分布种(含其变型)最多, 分别为82种和80种, 占总种数的30.14%和29.41%; 盖度等级划分上以0.1%-1.0%的盖度最多, 共174种, 占总种数的63.97%; 恒有度等级划分上以I级(0-20%)的物种数最多, 共258种植物, 占所有植物种数的94.85%。基于群落调查数据, 按照群落-外貌分类原则, 将戈壁针茅群系划分为8个群丛组106个群丛。  相似文献   

戈壁针茅(Stipa tianschanica var. gobica)草原主要分布于荒漠草原区的石质丘陵或石质山坡, 向东可以分布在典型草原区的石质丘陵或山地, 向西也可以分布在荒漠区的石质山坡上。该研究调查了中国戈壁针茅草原的主要植被类型, 通过对115个样地的样方数据分析, 量化描述了这一草原类型的主要植物群落特征。结果表明, 中国戈壁针茅草原共有维管植物272种, 隶属于38科127属; 其中裸子植物3种, 隶属于1科1属; 被子植物269种, 隶属于37科126属, 物种数大于等于10种的科为: 菊科、禾本科、豆科、蔷薇科、百合科、藜科、石竹科; 戈壁针茅草原植物区系的生活型谱以地面芽植物为主, 共178种植物, 占总种数的65.44%; 水分生态类型以旱生植物为主, 共120种, 占总种数的44.12%; 植物区系地理成分上以东古北极分布种和亚洲中部分布种(含其变型)最多, 分别为82种和80种, 占总种数的30.14%和29.41%; 盖度等级划分上以0.1%-1.0%的盖度最多, 共174种, 占总种数的63.97%; 恒有度等级划分上以I级(0-20%)的物种数最多, 共258种植物, 占所有植物种数的94.85%。基于群落调查数据, 按照群落-外貌分类原则, 将戈壁针茅群系划分为8个群丛组106个群丛。  相似文献   

西北针茅(Stipa sareptana var. krylovii)群系是亚洲中部地区特有的典型草原之一, 也是生态适应性最广的草原类型, 向东可以在呼伦贝尔高原与草甸草原重叠分布, 向西可以在乌兰察布高原、天山等地区与荒漠草原形成复合分布, 向南可分布至黄土高原与暖温带草原镶嵌分布, 还可在青藏高原的东缘与高寒草原混生。该研究调查了中国西北针茅群系的主要植被类型, 通过对117个样地的调查数据分析, 量化描述了该群系的基本群落特征。结果表明, 中国西北针茅群系共有种子植物336种, 分属于36科131属, 物种数大于15的科有禾本科、菊科、豆科、蔷薇科、藜科和百合科; 物种存在度等级划分中, I级(0-20%)植物占比91.67%, 多为群落中的偶见种或稀有种, 最为常见的植物除西北针茅外, 也有糙隐子草(Cleistogenes squarrosa)、阿尔泰狗娃花(Heteropappus altaicus)、冰草(Agropyron cristatum)、 草(Koeleria cristata)、二裂委陵菜(Potentilla bifurca)、猪毛菜(Salsola collina)、细叶韭(Allium tenuissimum)和羊草(Leymus chinensis)等; 生活型组成上以地面芽植物最多, 占66.37%; 水分生态类型以旱生植物最多, 占61.19%; 区系地理成分以东古北极植物占优势, 占33.33%。基于群落学-生态学分类原则, 将西北针茅群系划分为6个群丛组, 45个群丛。  相似文献   

Aims Stoichiometric homeostasis is an important mechanism in maintaining ecosystem structure, function, and stability. The invasion of exotic species, Spartina alterniflora, has largely threatened the structure and function of native ecosystems in the Minjiang River estuarine wetland. However, how S. alterniflora invasion affect plant stoichiometric homeostasis is largely unknown. This could enhance our understanding on wetland ecosystem stability and expand the applications of ecological stoichiometry theory.
Methods Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) contents of plant organs and soils in the S. alterniflora, Cyperus malaccensis var. brevifolius, and S. alterniflora-C. malaccensis var. brevifolius mixture were measured, and the homeostatic index (H) was calculated according to the stoichiometric homeostasis theory.
Important findings Our results showed that the invasion of S. alterniflora significantly increased soil N:P ratio (p < 0.05), but did not affect soil N or P contents. The N and P contents of leaf and stem were the highest for S. alterniflora, and those of the stem were the highest for C. malaccensis var. brevifolius. At the ecosystem level, the average of homeostatic index (H) of N (HN, 25.31) was larger than those of P (HP, 10.33) and N:P (HN:P, 2.50). At the organ level, root HN was significantly larger than stem HN (p < 0.05) and sheath HN:P was greater than root HN:P (p < 0.05), while there was no significant difference for HP among root, stem, leaf, and sheath (p > 0.05). As for species, root HN of S. alterniflora was significantly larger than that of C. malaccensis var. brevifolius in the mixture community (p < 0.05). In the monoculture, stem HN:P of S. alterniflora was significantly higher than that of C. malaccensis var. brevifolius (p < 0.05). Furthermore, root HN, leaf HN and sheath HN of S. alterniflora in the mixed community was significantly larger than that of S. alterniflora in the monoculture (p < 0.05), suggesting that S. alterniflora invasions increased their stoichiometric homeostasis. Meanwhile, the stoichiometric homeostasis of invasive and native plants were influenced by multiple factors, such as nutrients, organs, vegetation, and invasion. However, larger homeostasis was found in S. alterniflora than in C. malaccensis var. brevifolius in some particular organs either in mixture or monoculture communities. Therefore, the successful invasion of S. alterniflora may result from higher homeostatic index than the native species, C. malaccensis var. brevifolius.  相似文献   

为探究典型草原植物长期共存的生理生态机制, 以典型草原的优势物种克氏针茅(Stipa krylovii)和冷蒿(Artemisia frigida)为材料, 采用基质培养方法, 通过比较不同供磷浓度对二者生物量、根系形态、质子分泌、酸性磷酸酶和有机酸分泌以及磷吸收利用效率的影响, 探讨克氏针茅和冷蒿对土壤磷缺乏的适应策略。研究结果表明: 冷蒿主要通过根系分泌酸性磷酸酶和酸化根际来适应低磷环境; 而克氏针茅主要是通过根系分泌有机酸(主要是苹果酸)来适应土壤磷缺乏。在低磷条件下, 克氏针茅和冷蒿的磷吸收效率没有显著差异, 但克氏针茅的磷利用效率显著高于冷蒿。随着供磷浓度增加, 二者的磷吸收速率增加, 磷利用效率降低。在生物量、地上部分性状以及根系生长方面, 克氏针茅和冷蒿对磷供给的响应都表现先增长后降低的趋势; 克氏针茅的生物量在外源供0.25 mmol·L-1磷时达到最大, 而冷蒿的生物量在外源供0.50 mmol·L-1磷时达到最大, 表明冷蒿对磷的生理需求高于克氏针茅。因此, 克氏针茅和冷蒿具备各自不同的适应土壤有效磷缺乏的生理策略, 这可能是它们在土壤贫瘠的温带典型草原长期共存的重要机制。  相似文献   

分析不同放牧强度下植物群落中物种的空间分布特征, 有助于阐明群落在放牧胁迫下的演替规律。该研究基于幂函数法则, 探讨了不同放牧强度下短花针茅(Stipa breviflora)荒漠草原群落植物的频率和空间异质性。结果表明: 不同放牧强度下物种空间分布与幂函数法则能很好地吻合; 不同物种空间异质性具有特异性, 随着放牧强度的增加, 提高群落空间异质性的物种分别由无芒隐子草(Cleistogenes songorica)、冷蒿(Artemisia frigida)、短花针茅、银灰旋花(Convolvulus ammannii)等多个物种逐渐转变为以无芒隐子草、短花针茅为主的少数物种, 同时, 物种空间异质性大于群落空间异质性的物种数逐渐减少。  相似文献   

极小种群野生植物是亟需保护、最为濒危的植物, 研究极小种群野生植物物种重要值和竞争格局对保护与恢复具有重要实践意义。本文通过野外群落调查, 研究了湖北省分布的7种极小种群野生植物大别山五针松(Pinus fenzeliana var. dabeshanensis)、水杉(Metasequoia glyptostroboides)、峨眉含笑(Michelia wilsonii)、小勾儿茶(Berchemiella wilsonii)、长果秤锤树(Sinojackia dolichocarpa)、黄梅秤锤树(S. huangmeiensis)和庙台槭(Acer miaotaiense)的重要值及改进后的Hegyi竞争指数。结果表明: 从重要值来看, 水杉、长果秤锤树在各自所属的群落中具有较高的重要值及较低的变异系数, 为群落中的优势种; 庙台槭和黄梅秤锤树重要值较高, 为群落中的亚优势种; 大别山五针松、峨眉含笑、小勾儿茶重要值较低, 为群落伴生种。从改进后的Hegyi竞争指数来看, 湖北省7种极小种群野生植物受到的竞争压力的来源和强度存在较大差异, 大别山五针松、峨眉含笑、小勾儿茶、黄梅秤锤树主要受到种间竞争, 而水杉、长果秤锤树、庙台槭主要受到种内竞争, 因此在制定保护措施前要充分考虑物种间的竞争情况, 才能采取更有针对性的保护措施。  相似文献   

南方红豆杉为国家Ⅰ级重点保护植物,山西省东南部为其自然分布最北界.本文调查了南方红豆杉在山西省的野生分布,对其进行了群落划分、物种多样性、结构特征和竞争特性的研究.结果表明: 山西省南方红豆杉主要形成南方红豆杉+鹅耳枥群落、南方红豆杉-荆条群落、南方红豆杉-海州常山群落和南方红豆杉+栓皮栎群落,集中分布于陵川县磨河和阳城县蟒河自然保护区,其他地区均为散生;群落垂直结构明显,南方红豆杉已进入主林层,混交林林冠层高8~10 m,纯林高5~6 m;群落间的总体物种多样性指数和均匀度指数存在显著差异.南方红豆杉植株矮小,平均高5.16 m,乔木层、演替层分别占43.4%和56.6%,更新层缺乏;胸径<16 cm的个体占67.6%,胸径32~40 cm的个体占4.0%,幼苗稀少,仅发现4株幼苗;大量的小径级个体虽可保证南方红豆杉在一定时间内维持稳定的种群结构,但幼苗缺失必将引起未来种群的衰退.山西省野生南方红豆杉分布相对集中,多数是小径级个体,导致其种内竞争激烈,种内竞争强度占61.8%;鹅耳枥和栓皮栎是研究地区的主要组成树种,对南方红豆杉造成的种间竞争压力最大.  相似文献   

放牧是草原的主要利用方式, 但对牧草造成了一定的生物胁迫。面对生存压力, 牧草会通过调节初级与次级代谢过程启动防御机制。该研究以内蒙古温带典型草原优势种植物为研究对象, 通过测定其在5个放牧水平下不同营养器官中的次级代谢产物及木质素等含量, 探讨大针茅(Stipa grandis)和羊草(Leymus chinensis)的各营养器官在防御机制中的角色及其碳氮权衡策略。结果表明: 面对放牧胁迫, 大针茅和羊草会产生大量的单宁、总黄酮、酚类以及生物碱等次级代谢产物, 并以叶片为主要的合成及储存器官。中度放牧使羊草的化学防御机制得到较充分的诱导及表达。但二者地上部分木质素含量并无显著增加, 因此, 二者在避牧性机制上更倾向于化学防御而非机械防御。由于羊草有更高的氮利用效率, 这使得羊草可以通过碳氮两种代谢途径进行防御, 但大针茅在生长初期并不能将氮高效地分配到化学防御中。大针茅和羊草在生长初期面对轻度放牧胁迫, 较多的资源仍然用于初级代谢, 增加了植物耐牧性。因此, 轻度放牧有利于提高牧草的碳氮资源利用效率、提高生态系统生产力及稳定性。  相似文献   

生境差异是影响植物群落及其物种多样性分布格局的重要因素。该研究基于370个荆条(Vitex negundo var. heterophylla)灌丛的野外调查样方, 结合多元回归树(MRT)、显著性分析、Pearson相关分析等技术手段, 分析了华北地区荆条灌丛及其物种多样性的空间分布格局。结果表明: 荆条灌丛的经纬度均跨越10°以上, 可分为高、中、低纬度分布区; 分布海拔则从117 m至1 248 m跨越了1 000 m以上, 也可分为高、中、低海拔分布区。所有分布区中荆条灌丛草本层的Shannon-Wiener指数、Simpson指数和均匀度指数均高于灌木层。灌木层物种多样性随着纬度的降低而降低, 随着海拔的升高而降低; 草本层相反, 物种多样性随着纬度降低而升高, 随着海拔升高而升高。灌木层和草本层的物种丰富度(Shannon-Wiener指数)与水、热、地形等环境因子显著相关, 其中灌木层物种多样性随着气温、坡位升高而显著减少, 随着降水的增加而显著增加;草本层则相反。  相似文献   

长芒草(Stipa bungeana)群系是欧亚大陆草原区东南部的主要针茅草原类型之一, 中国特有群系类型, 以黄土高原及其周边为集中分布区。由于农业开垦等人为活动, 其天然植被保存不多, 现有分布破碎化严重或处于不稳定的演替阶段。该文利用2013-2019年在全国范围内调查的108个样地的数据, 对长芒草群系的地理分布、物种组成、生态特征和群落分类做了详细的描述和研究。结果表明: 长芒草群系在陕北、宁南、陇东、陇中、晋北、阴山南部黄土丘陵和鄂尔多斯高原的分布较为集中, 通常发育在黄绵土或栗钙土上, 海拔高度在(1) 631-3 174 (4 098) m之间。108个样地内共记录到种子植物37科109属214种, 大多为偶见种或稀有种, 生活型组成以地面芽植物或多年生杂类草居多, 水分生态类型以旱生, 尤其是中旱生和典型旱生植物居多, 区系地理成分以东亚成分、东古北极成分和亚洲中部成分较多。群落的高度、盖度、生物量及物种丰富度变化幅度均较大, 这些与生境的湿润程度和干扰状况密切关联。长芒草群系划分为7个群丛组, 37个群丛。  相似文献   

氮利用效率是植物的关键功能性状, 同时紧密关联生态系统功能, 但是目前对氮利用效率的区域格局及影响因素仍然不清楚。该研究分析了内蒙古和青藏高原草原82个调查地点、139种植物叶片和根系的氮利用效率及其与环境因素、植物功能群之间的关系, 实验结果显示: 1)草甸草原植物叶片的氮利用效率为53 g·g -1, 显著大于高寒草甸(46 g·g -1)、荒漠草原(41 g·g -1)和典型草原(39 g·g -1)。高寒草甸根系氮利用效率为108 g·g -1, 显著高于其他生态系统。2)叶片氮利用效率比根系对温度更加敏感, 但随着干旱指数的增加, 两者均表现出显著的降低趋势。3)杂类草叶片和根系氮利用效率低于莎草科和禾本科植物, 豆科植物叶片和根系氮利用效率分别比非豆科植物低48%和60%。4)植物氮利用效率与土壤氮含量之间没有显著关系。总体上, 内蒙古和青藏高原草原植物叶片和根系氮利用效率的空间格局存在差异, 主要影响因素为植物功能群和干旱指数。本研究系统揭示内蒙古和青藏高原草原植物氮利用效率的空间格局及关键驱动因子, 有助于在全球变化背景下了解我国草地生产力维持机制, 同时为草原生态系统管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Aims The analysis of point patterns, which deals with data sets consisting of mapped locations of organisms in a study region, is especially important to plant ecological studies because the locations of plants can often be approximated as points. However, few studies used point pattern analysis with data collected by replicated sampling a principle procedure of acquiring data in ecological research. Therefore, we explore the applicability of point pattern analysis under conditions of replicated sampling in this studyMethodsThree replicated 5 m × 5 m plots of homogenous communities were established on a site with eight years of restoration in Nei Mongol steppe. In each plot, the locations of individuals in Leymus chinensis and Stipa grandis populations were mapped. O-Ring function was used to describe the population patterns and species association between L. chinensis and S. grandis for each plot as well as the integrative data of the three replicates.Important findings Population patterns and species associations differed among the three replicated plots. This illustrates that if point pattern analysis was applied to describe the population patterns and species associations only by using data from a single plot sampling, the results could be misleading. Whereas it would be more reliable to integrate the data of replicated plots in the point pattern analysis because in this way the resulting O-Ring function is a weighted average, where the weight is the number of points in the replicate i divided by the total number of points in all replicated plots.  相似文献   

入侵植物加拿大一枝黄花(Solidago canadensis)具有较强的钾(K)富集能力, 这可能和其对土壤微生物群落的改变有关。根际解钾菌能够将植物难以利用的矿物态钾转化为植物可以利用的可溶性钾, 而加拿大一枝黄花如何影响根际解钾菌多样性和解钾活性尚未明了。该研究以浙江省杭州湾湿地围垦区内自然生长的加拿大一枝黄花和其伴生本地植物白茅(Imperata cylindrica)为研究对象, 比较了加拿大一枝黄花和白茅体内及土壤中的钾含量水平, 钾供给水平对生物量积累的影响, 以及根际解钾菌的数量、多样性和解钾活性的差异。结果表明, 加拿大一枝黄花茎、叶中的钾含量均显著高于白茅, 分别是白茅的1.59和7.33倍; 加拿大一枝黄花和白茅的土壤全钾含量差异不显著, 速效钾含量在0-10 cm土层中差异显著、在10-20 cm土层中差异不显著。随着钾供应水平提高, 加拿大一枝黄花和白茅的生物量均显著增加。利用解钾培养基计数培养后发现, 加拿大一枝黄花根际解钾菌的数量是白茅的3.51倍。分离培养后将出现解钾圈的菌株进行鉴定, 利用解钾液体培养实验测定其解钾量, 发现从加拿大一枝黄花根际土中分离得到的15个解钾菌株中, 有9个具有高效解钾能力, 其处理液中K +含量较空白对照高出85.11%-192.54%, 其中菌株H2-20解钾能力最强, 解钾量为10.657 mg·L -1。加拿大一枝黄花根际解钾菌解钾作用显著高于白茅。经16S rDNA鉴定发现, 加拿大一枝黄花15个根际解钾菌株分属11个属, 其中有6个属已经被报道证实具有明显解钾能力。这些结果表明加拿大一枝黄花根际解钾菌数量较为丰富, 且大多具有较高解钾活性, 可能对其钾富集具有重要贡献。  相似文献   

Aims Plant roots play a critical role in the uptake of nutrients, and nitrogen (N) absorption is considered as the first step and a pivotal process in N metabolism of plants. Our objective was to better understand the absorption of two major inorganic N forms (NH4+ and NO3-) in subalpine coniferous forests under global warming Methods Experimental warming using infrared heater was applied to two dominant species in subalpine coniferous forests of Sichuan, China, Picea asperata and Abies fargesiivar. faxoniana. The non-invasive micromeasurement technology was used to investigate the effects of warming on the uptake rates of NH4+ and NO3- and the potential interactions between these two ions.Important findings Results showed that the maximal net root uptake of NH4+ and NO3-occurred at a distance of 17-18 mm and 17 mm from root tips, respectively for P. asperata. and at a distance of 11 mm and 11.5 mm from root tips respectively for A. fargesiivar. faxoniana. Experimental warming elevated the uptake rates of NH4+ and NO3- in both species, but the interactions between NH4+ and NO3- differed between the two species. While NO3- uptake was inhibited in the presence of NH4+ for both P. asperataand A. fargesiivar. faxoniana, net NH4+ uptake was promoted by NO3- supply only in P. asperata roots under experimental warming.  相似文献   

2014—2018年8月在内蒙古锡林郭勒盟毛登牧场大针茅典型草原,以围封为对照,设置2、5和8 cm 3个刈割留茬高度,研究刈割留茬高度对群落结构及稳定性的影响。结果表明: 群落中共出现15科23属27种植物;优势种为大针茅、知母、羊草及糙隐子草,累计相对重要值为76.1%。多年生杂类草15种,一、二年生植物5种,多年生丛生禾草和灌木半灌木植物各有3种,多年生根茎禾草有1种。大针茅等处于群落上层;知母、羊草等植物处于群落中层;糙隐子草、刺穗藜、猪毛菜等植物处于群落底层。刈割造成大针茅及多年生丛生禾草相对重要值降低,使得糙隐子草、刺穗藜、猪毛菜及一、二年生植物相对重要值增加。留茬2 cm降低羊草相对重要值,而留茬5、8 cm使其增加;留茬5 cm增加知母相对重要值,而留茬2、8 cm使其降低;留茬8 cm降低杂类草相对重要值,而留茬2、5 cm使其增加。物种及功能群多样性年度间差异显著。总体上,刈割对物种丰富度无显著影响,对其物种多样性影响较小,但对功能群多样性存在一定影响。表明在刈割过程中,群落各功能群存在一定的补偿作用,使得群落保持相对稳定。刈割使群落稳定性增加,留茬5和8 cm时群落稳定性较大;留茬5 cm时群落变异性较大,而留茬8 cm时最小。留茬8 cm时群落稳定性高且变异性小,能促进群落长期稳定。  相似文献   

Aims The shrublands of northern China have poor soil and nitrogen (N) deposition has greatly increased the local soil available N for decades. Shrub growth is one of important components of C sequestration in shrublands and litterfall acts as a vital link between plants and soil. Both are key factors in nutrient and energy cycling of terrestrial ecosystems, which greatly affected by nitrogen (N) addition (adding N fertilizer to the surface soil directly). However, the effects and significance of N addition on C sequestration and litterfall in shrublands remain unclear. Thus, a study was designed to investigate how N deposition and related treatments affected shrublands growth related to C sequestration and litterfall production of Vitex negundo var. heterophylla and Spiraea salicifolia in Mt. Dongling region of China.
Methods A N enrichment experiment has been conducted for V. negundo var. heterophylla and S. salicifolia shrublands in Mt. Dongling, Beijing, including four N addition treatment levels (control (N0, 0 kg N·hm-2·a-1), low N (N1, 20 kg N·hm-2·a-1), medium N (N2, 50 kg N·hm-2·a-1) and high N (N3, 100 kg N·hm-2·a-1)). Basal diameter and plant height of shrub were measured from 2012-2013 within all treatments, and allometric models for different species of shrub’s live branch, leaf and root biomass were developed based on independent variables of basal diameter and plant height, which will be used to calculate biomass increment of shrub layer. Litterfall (litterfall sometimes is named litter, referring to the collective name for all organic matter produced by the aboveground part of plants and returned to the surface, and mainly includes leaves, bark, dead twigs, flowers and fruits.) also was investigated from 2012-2013 within all treatments.
Important findings The results showed 1) mean basal diameter of shrubs in the V. negundo var. heterophylla and S. salicifolia shrublands were increased by 1.69%, 2.78%, 2.51%, 1.80% and 1.38%, 1.37%, 1.59%, 2.05% every year; 2) The height growth rate (the shrub height relative growth rate is defined with the percentage increase of plant height) of shrubs in the V. negundo var. heterophylla and S. salicifolia shrublands were 8.36%, 8.48%, 9.49%, 9.83% and 2.12%, 2.86%, 2.36%, 2.52% every year, respectively. Thee results indicated that N deposition stimulated growth of shrub layer both in V. negundo var. heterophylla and S. salicifolia shrublands, but did not reach statistical significance among all nitrogen treatments. The above-ground biomass increment of shrub layer in the V. negundo var. heterophylla and S. salicifolia shrublands were 0.19, 0.23, 0.14, 0.15 and 0.027, 0.025, 0.032, 0.041 t C·hm-2·a-1 respectively, which demonstrated that short-term N addition had no significant effects on the accumulation of C storage of the two shrublands. The litter production of the V. negundo var. heterophylla and S. salicifolia communities in 2013 were 135.7 and 129.6 g·m-2 under natural conditions, respectively. Nitrogen addition promoted annual production of total litterfall and different components of litterfall to a certain extent, but did not reach statistical significance among all nitrogen treatments. Above results indicated that short-term fertilization, together with extremely low soil moisture content and other related factors, lead to inefficient use of soil available nitrogen and slow response of shrublands to N addition treatments.  相似文献   

蒙古扁桃(Amygdalus mongolica)是中国珍稀濒危保护植物, 对植物区系进化、维持荒漠生态系统多样性与稳定性具有较高的学术价值和诊断意义。在宁夏境内设置14个样地, 利用样地调查法对蒙古扁桃群落组成进行了研究。结果表明: 蒙古扁桃群落记录到物种有74种, 隶属于28科53属; 生长型统计显示乔木2种, 灌木21种, 半灌木11种, 多年生草本36种, 一年生草本4种。依据TWINSPAN等级分类将14个蒙古扁桃样地划分为蒙古扁桃-草本荒漠、蒙古扁桃-半灌木荒漠2个群丛组和蒙古扁桃-戈壁针茅(Amygdalus mongolica - Stipa tianschanica var. gobica)、蒙古扁桃-猫头刺(Amygdalus mongolica - Oxytropis aciphylla)、蒙古扁桃-短花针茅(Amygdalus mongolica - Stipa breviflora)、蒙古扁桃-蓍状亚菊(Amygdalus mongolica - Ajania achilleoides)、蒙古扁桃-阿拉善披碱草(Amygdalus mongolica - Elymus alashanicus)、蒙古扁桃-蓍状亚菊+短花针茅(Amygdalus mongolica - Ajania achilleoides + Stipa breviflora) 6个群丛。该研究结果将为蒙古扁桃的保护和利用以及该群系植被志的编纂提供基础数据。  相似文献   

Warming responses of photosynthesis and its temperature dependence in two C3 grass (Agropyron cristatum, Stipa krylovii), one C4 grass (Pennisetum centrasiaticum), and two C3 forb (Artemisia capillaris, Potentilla acaulis) species in a temperate steppe of northern China were investigated in a field experiment. Experimental warming with infrared heater significantly increased daily mean assimilation rate (A) in P. centrasiaticum and A. capillaris by 30 and 43%, respectively, but had no effects on other three species. Seasonal mean A was 13, 15, and 19% higher in the warmed than control plants for P. centrasiaticum, A. capillaries, and S. krylovii, respectively. The mean assimilation rate in A. cristatum and P. acaulis was not impacted by experimental warming. All the five species showed photosynthetic acclimation to temperature. The optimum temperature for photosynthesis (Topt) and the assimilation rate at Topt in the five species increased by 0.33–0.78 °C and 4–27%, respectively, under experimental warming. Elevated temperature tended to increase the maximum rate of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) carboxylation (Vcmax) and the RuBP regeneration capacity (Jmax) in the C3 plants and carboxylation efficiency and the CO2-saturated photosynthetic rate in the C4 plant at higher leaf temperature, as well as the optimum temperatures for the four parameters. Our results indicated that photosynthetic responses to warming were species-specific and that most of the species in the temperate steppe of northern China could acclimate to a warmer environment. The changes in the temperature dependence of Vcmax and Jmax, as well as the balance of these two processes altered the temperature dependence of photosynthesis under climatic warming.  相似文献   

随着气候变暖, 高寒草原分布面积逐步增加, 高寒草原植物如何适应高寒干旱环境的研究还比较缺乏。该研究通过分析高寒草原优势种紫花针茅(Stipa purpurea)不同地理种群叶片解剖结构特征差异及其与气候因子的相关性, 阐明紫花针茅叶片适应高寒环境的策略, 为理解高寒植物对高寒干旱胁迫环境的适应机制提供科学依据。在青藏高原不同地理位置选择8个紫花针茅种群, 选择成熟健康叶片用卡诺氏固定液固定, 将固定好的叶片带回实验室进行石蜡切片和染色, 用显微镜观察叶片结构, 并用数码相机拍摄, 然后用软件Image-pro plus 6对叶片结构进行测量。结果显示: 紫花针茅叶片普遍具有较厚的角质层, 可减少水分散失和抵御较强的辐射; 不同地理种群紫花针茅叶片解剖结构在厚壁细胞厚度、叶片厚度、导管直径、主脉导管腔面积/主脉维管束面积和维管束面积/叶横切面积等特征上存在较大差异, 以适应不同区域的生境。Pearson相关性和聚类分析结果表明紫花针茅叶片解剖结构与气候因子密切相关; 主成分和冗余分析结果表明在干旱区域紫花针茅叶片解剖结构主要受到蒸发量的影响, 而在相对湿润区域紫花针茅叶片解剖结构主要受生长季降水量、湿润系数和年降水量/年蒸发量影响。综上所述, 紫花针茅通过增加厚壁细胞减少水分散失, 同时增加导管直径、主脉导管面积/主脉维管束面积和维管束面积/叶横切面积等输水组织面积适应高寒干旱气候。  相似文献   

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