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In mouse, lefty genes play critical roles in the left-right (L-R) axis determination pathway. Here, we characterize the Xenopus lefty-related factor antivin (Xatv). Xatv expression is first observed in the marginal zone early during gastrulation, later becoming restricted to axial tissues. During tailbud stages, axial expression resolves to the neural tube floorplate, hypochord, and (transiently) the notochord anlage, and is joined by dynamic expression in the left lateral plate mesoderm (LPM) and left dorsal endoderm. An emerging paradigm in embryonic patterning is that secreted antagonists regulate the activity of intercellular signaling factors, thereby modulating cell fate specification. Xatv expression is rapidly induced by dorsoanterior-type mesoderm inducers such as activin or Xnr2. Xatv is not an inducer itself, but antagonizes both Xnr2 and activin. Together with its expression pattern, this suggests that Xatv functions during gastrulation in a negative feedback loop with Xnrs to affect the amount and/or character of mesoderm induced. Our data also provide insights into the way that lefty/nodal signals interact in the initiation of differential L-R morphogenesis. Right-sided misexpression of Xnr1 (endogenously expressed in the left LPM) induces bilateral Xatv expression. Left-sided Xatv overexpression suppresses Xnr1/XPitx2 expression in the left LPM, and leads to severely disturbed visceral asymmetry, suggesting that active 'left' signals are critical for L-R axis determination in frog embryos. We propose that the induction of lefty/Xatv in the left LPM by nodal/Xnr1 provides an efficient self-regulating mechanism to downregulate nodal/Xnr1 expression and ensure a transient 'left' signal within the embryo.  相似文献   

In vertebrates, left-right (LR) axis specification is determined by a ciliated structure in the posterior region of the embryo. Fluid flow in this ciliated structure is responsible for the induction of unilateral left-sided Nodal activity in the lateral plate mesoderm, which in turn regulates organ laterality. Bmp signalling activity has been implied in repressing Nodal expression on the right side, however its mechanism of action has been controversial. In a forward genetic screen for mutations that affect LR patterning, we identified the zebrafish linkspoot (lin) mutant, characterized by cardiac laterality and mild dorsoventral patterning defects. Mapping of the lin mutation revealed an inactivating missense mutation in the Bmp receptor 1aa (bmpr1aa) gene. Embryos with a mutation in lin/bmpr1aa and a novel mutation in its paralogue, bmpr1ab, displayed a variety of dorsoventral and LR patterning defects with increasing severity corresponding with a decrease in bmpr1a dosage. In Bmpr1a-deficient embryos we observed bilateral expression of the Nodal-related gene, spaw, coupled with reduced expression of the Nodal-antagonist lefty1 in the midline. Using genetic models to induce or repress Bmp activity in combination with Nodal inhibition or activation, we found that Bmp and Nodal regulate lefty1 expression in the midline independently of each other. Furthermore, we observed that the regulation of lefty1 by Bmp signalling is required for its observed downregulation of Nodal activity in the LPM providing a novel explanation for this phenomenon. From these results we propose a two-step model in which Bmp regulates LR patterning. Prior to the onset of nodal flow and Nodal activation, Bmp is required to induce lefty1 expression in the midline. When nodal flow has been established and Nodal activity is apparent, both Nodal and Bmp independently are required for lefty1 expression to assure unilateral Nodal activation and correct LR patterning.  相似文献   

Early patterning of vertebrate embryos involves the generation of asymmetric signals across the left-right (L-R) axis that position and are required for the proper function of internal organs. This patterning is directed by a conserved nodal/lefty signaling cascade on the left side of the embryo, thought to be asymmetrically directed by ciliary beating that generates a leftward fluid flow in the mammalian node and in Kupffer's vesicle (KV), the related structure in zebrafish. Following morpholino knockdown of Cx43.4, asymmetric gene expression and global organ distribution are randomized, consistent with the expression of Cx43.4 in KV. Randomization is recapitulated in mosaic embryos in which Cx43.4 is depleted preferentially in KV cells, showing that Cx43.4 is specifically required in KV for proper L-R axis formation. The mechanistic basis for the laterality anomalies in Cx43.4-deficient embryos is a primary morphogenesis defect during lumen formation in KV. Additionally, the role of Cx43.4 appears to be conserved given that its ortholog, human Cx45, is able to functionally compensate for zebrafish Cx43.4 during L-R patterning. This is the first report linking connexin function in the ciliated, node-like cells of KV with normal L-R axis development.  相似文献   

Hashimoto H  Uji S  Kurokawa T  Washio Y  Suzuki T 《Gene》2007,387(1-2):126-132
The lefty gene encodes a member of the TGF-beta superfamily that regulates L-R axis formation during embryogenesis via antagonistic activity against Nodal, another TGF-beta superfamily member. Both mouse and zebrafish have two lefty genes, lefty1 and lefty2. Interestingly, the expression domains of mouse and zebrafish lefty are different from one another. At present, the orthology and functional diversity of the mouse and zebrafish lefty genes are not clear. Here, we report that flounder and two fugu species, Takifugu and Tetraodon, have a single lefty gene in their genomes. In addition, we provide evidence that the mouse lefty genes were duplicated on a single chromosome but the zebrafish lefty genes arose from a whole-genome duplication that occurred early in the divergence of ray-finned fishes. These independent origins likely explain the difference in the expression domains of the mouse and zebrafish lefty gene pairs. Furthermore, we found that the duplication corresponding to the zebrafish lefty2 gene was lost from the fugu genome, suggesting that loss of lefty2 in the fugu/flounder lineage occurred after its divergence from the zebrafish lineage. During L-R patterning, the single lefty gene of flounder covers two expression domains, the left side of the dorsal diencephalon and the left LPM, which are regulated separately by lefty1 and lefty2 in zebrafish. We infer that the lefty genes of the ray-finned fishes and mammals underwent independent gene duplication events that resulted in independent regulation of lefty expression.  相似文献   

Smad5 is essential for left-right asymmetry in mice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Left-right (L-R) asymmetry of the vertebrate body plan is established from an originally morphologically symmetric embryo. Recent studies have implicated several TGF-beta family signaling proteins (i.e., nodal, lefty-1, lefty-2, activin receptor type IIB, and Smad2) in L-R axis determination in the mouse. However, the genetic pathways underlying L-R patterning are still unclear. Smad5 is a downstream component in the TGF-beta family signaling cascade, and lack of Smad5 results in embryonic lethality between E9.5 and E11.5. In this report, we demonstrate that Smad5 mutant embryos have defects in heart looping and embryonic turning which are the first signs of L-R asymmetry in mice. To gain more insights into the molecular basis of the laterality defects in the Smad5-deficient embryos, we examined the expression of lefty-1, lefty-2, nodal, and Pitx2 since the asymmetric expression of these genes always closely correlates with the direction of heart looping and embryonic turning. In the absence of Smad5, lefty-1 was expressed at very low or undetectable levels, while nodal, lefty-2, and Pitx2 were expressed bilaterally. These data suggest that Smad5 is upstream of lefty-1, nodal, and lefty-2, and as a consequence also of Pitx2, and Smad5 is essential for L-R axis determination.  相似文献   

Establishment of left-right (L-R) asymmetry is fundamental to vertebrate development. Several genes involved in L-R asymmetry have been described. In the Xenopus embryo, Vg1/activin signals are implicated upstream of asymmetric nodal related 1 (Xnr1) and Pitx2 expression in L-R patterning. We report here that Zic3 carries the left-sided signal from the initial activin-like signal to determinative factors such as Pitx2. Overexpression of Zic3 on the right side of the embryo altered the orientation of heart and gut looping, concomitant with disturbed laterality of expression of Xnr1 and Pitx2, both of which are normally expressed in the left lateral plate mesoderm. The results indicate that Zic3 participates in the left-sided signaling upstream of Xnr1 and Pitx2. At early gastrula, Zic3 was expressed not only in presumptive neuroectoderm but also in mesoderm. Correspondingly, overexpression of Zic3 was effective in the L-R specification at the early gastrula stage, as revealed by a hormone-inducible Zic3 construct. The Zic3 expression in the mesoderm is induced by activin (beta) or Vg1, which are also involved in the left-sided signal in L-R specification. These findings suggest that an activin-like signal is a potent upstream activator of Zic3 that establishes the L-R axis. Furthermore, overexpression of the zinc-finger domain of Zic3 on the right side is sufficient to disturb the L-R axis, while overexpression of the N-terminal domain on the left side affects the laterality. These results suggest that Zic3 has at least two functionally important domains that play different roles and provide a molecular basis for human heterotaxy, which is an L-R pattern anomaly caused by a mutation in human ZIC3.  相似文献   

The Brachyury gene has a critical role in the formation of posterior mesoderm and notochord in vertebrate development. A recent study showed that Brachyury is also responsible for the formation of the left-right (L-R) axis in mouse and zebrafish. However, the role of Brachyury in L-R axis specification is still elusive. Here, it is demonstrated that Brachyury is involved in L-R specification of the Xenopus laevis embryo and regulates expression of Zic3, which controls the L-R specification process. Overexpression of Xenopus Brachyury (Xbra) and dominant-negative type Xbra (Xbra-EnR) altered the orientation of heart and gut looping, concomitant with disturbed laterality of nodal-related 1 (Xnr1) and Pitx2 expression, both of which are normally expressed in the left lateral plate mesoderm. Furthermore, activation of inducible type Xbra (Xbra-GR) induces Zic3 expression within 20 min. These results suggest that a role of Brachyury in L-R specification may be the direct regulation of Zic3 expression.  相似文献   

Mammalian lefty and zebrafish antivin, highly related to lefty, are shown to be expressed asymmetrically and involved in the specification of the left body side of early embryos. We isolated a chick homologue of the antivin/lefty1 cDNA and studied its expression pattern during early chick development. We found that antivin/lefty1 is expressed asymmetrically on the left side of the prospective floorplate, notochord and lateral plate mesoderm of the chick embryo.  相似文献   

The embryonic midline is crucial for the development of embryonic pattern including bilateral symmetry and left-right asymmetry. In zebrafish, lefty1 (lft1) and lefty2 (lft2) have distinct midline expression domains along the anteroposterior axis that overlap with the expression patterns of the nodal-related genes cyclops and squint. Altered expression patterns of lft1 and lft2 in zebrafish mutants that affect midline development suggests different upstream pathways regulate each expression domain. Ectopic expression analysis demonstrates that a balance of lefty and cyclops signaling is required for normal mesendoderm patterning and goosecoid, no tail and pitx2 expression. In late somite-stage embryos, lft1 and lft2 are expressed asymmetrically in the left diencephalon and left lateral plate respectively, suggesting an additional role in laterality development. A model is proposed by which the vertebrate midline, and thus bilateral symmetry, is established and maintained by antagonistic interactions among co-expressed members of the lefty and nodal subfamilies of TGF-beta signaling molecules.  相似文献   

In Xenopus, multiple nodal-related genes are expressed in the organizer region. Among them, only Xenopus nodal related-1 (Xnr-1) is expressed unilaterally in the left lateral plate mesoderm (LPM) at late neurula-early tailbud stage. To elucidate the essential role of Xnr-1 for left-right specification, loss of function experiments using antisense morpholino oligonucleotides (MOs) targeting three different regions of Xnr-1 were performed. Left-side injection of Xnr-1 MO suppresses the left-side specific genes such as Xnr-1, Xenopus antivin (lefty) and Xenopus pitx2 and randomizes cardiac and visceral left-right orientation. In contrast, paraxial bilateral expression of Xnr-1 along the posterior notochord is not affected by the Xnr-1 MO. In embryos injected with the Xnr-1 MO, morphology of dorsal axial structures is normal and dorsal expression of sonic hedgehog and TGF-beta5 is not changed. Right-side injection of Nodal protein, or polyethyleneimine-based gene transfer of Xnr-1 mRNA in the right LPM induces Xnr-1 and pitx2 in the same side and fully (more than 90%) reverses situs of the internal organs. Left-side injection of Nodal protein restores normal left-right orientation in the embryos that were injected with Xnr-1 MO into the left blastomere and would cause randomization of the left-right axis without the Nodal injection. Taken together, unilateral expression of Xnr-1 in the left LPM directs the orientation of the left-right axis by driving the left-specific gene cascade. Knockdown of Xnr-1 function by the MOs suggests that Xnr-1 is indispensable only for the left-right orientation and dispensable for other embryonic axes probably owing to the redundancy in the function of multiple Xnrs.  相似文献   

In recent years, genes that show left-right (L-R) asymmetric expression patterns have been identified one after another in vertebrate gastrula-neurula embryos. However, we still have little information about when the irreversible L-R specification is established in vertebrate embryos. In this report, we show that almost 100% of the embryos develop to be L-R-inverted larvae after microinjection of activin molecules into the right lateral hypodermic space of Xenopus neurula embryos. After right-side injection of 10-250 pg activin protein, both early neurulae just after gastrulation movement (stage 13-14) and late neurulae just before neural tube closure (stage 17-18) showed almost 100% reversal of the heart and gut L-R axes. At higher doses of activin, more than 90% of the L-R-inverted embryos showed L-R reversal of both heart and gut. The survival ratio of the right-injected 4-day embryos was 90% on average. In the left-injected embryos, the occurrence of L-R inversion was less than 2% as observed in normal untreated siblings (1.7%). When the same amount of activin (1-50 pg) was microinjected into both sides of neurula embryos, the incidence of L-R inversion was reduced to 58%. The injection of activin along the dorsal midline in the trunk region also randomized the visceral L-R axis. Injection of activin into the right side changed normal left-handed expression of Xnr-1 to right-handed or bilateral expression. In contrast, left-handed expression of Pitx2 was switched to the right side by right activin injection. This is the first report of a method that achieves complete inversion of the visceral L-R axis by treatment of embryos at the neurula stage. Activin not only acts on the neurulae to cancel the original L-R specification up to the late neurula stage, but also rebuilds a new L-R axis whose left side coincides with the injection side. It is suggested that the left and right halves of neurulae have equal potential for L-R differentiation.  相似文献   

Determination of the left-right (L-R) axis was shown recently to implicate several genes, among which TGFbeta-related molecules such as Activin betaB, lefty1 and 2 and Nodal. We show here that Bmp4 and its signal transduction pathway partners BMPR IA and Smad1 are transiently expressed on the right side of Hensen's node, when L-R polarity is being established. Moreover, Smad1 is expressed asymmetrically in the nascent notochord. These observations suggest a role for a BMP4-dependent autocrine or paracrine mechanism during early L-R determination.  相似文献   

The embryonic midline in vertebrates has been implicated in left-right development, but the mechanisms by which it regulates left-right asymmetric gene expression and organ morphogenesis are unknown. Zebrafish embryos have three domains of left-right asymmetric gene expression that are useful predictors of organ situs. cyclops (nodal), lefty1 and pitx2 are expressed in the left diencephalon; cyclops, lefty2 and pitx2 are expressed in the left heart field; and cyclops and pitx2 are expressed in the left gut primordium. Distinct alterations of these expression patterns in zebrafish midline mutants identify four phenotypic classes that have different degrees of discordance among the brain, heart and gut. These classes help identify two midline domains and several genetic pathways that regulate left-right development. A cyclops-dependent midline domain, associated with the prechordal plate, regulates brain asymmetry but is dispensable for normal heart and gut left-right development. A second midline domain, associated with the anterior notochord, is dependent on no tail, floating head and momo function and is essential for restricting asymmetric gene expression to the left side. Mutants in spadetail or chordino give discordant gene expression among the brain, heart and gut. one-eyed pinhead and schmalspur are necessary for asymmetric gene expression and may mediate signaling from midline domains to lateral tissues. The different phenotypic classes help clarify the apparent disparity of mechanisms proposed to explain left-right development in different vertebrates.  相似文献   

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