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伊维菌素作为一种高效的抗寄生虫兽药,在畜禽业有着广泛的应用。但药物随着畜禽动物的代谢产物的排放而进入自然生态系统也成为逐渐显现的环境问题。由于药物具有在自然环境中难以快速降解和对水生枝角类高毒性的特点,因此流入天然水体的伊维菌素存在着影响水生态平衡的风险。为了比较全面评估药物对水生动物潜在的毒害作用,研究模拟天然河道环境,对药物在底质中的降解速率进行了测定,并选取7种占据不同生态位的水生生物作为试验对象,通过关于急性毒性的国家标准试验方法来初步评价药物对水生态系统的风险。结果显示伊维菌素在自然水体中降解缓慢,在泥水混合25℃恒温条件下,70d的降解率仅为28.3%。急性毒性试验结果显示伊维菌素对发光细菌(Photobacterium)并不表现出毒性,对淡水小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris)的96h EC50=19.80 mg/L,属中毒;而对其他实验生物则表现出了较高的毒性,伊维菌素对斑马鱼(Brachydanio rerio)、食蚊鱼(Gambusia affinis)和鲫鱼鱼苗(Carassius carassius)的96h LC50分别为40.48、34.81和13.79μg/L,对罗氏沼虾(Macrobrachium rosenbergii)的96h LC50=7.87μg/L,对大型溞(Daphniamagna)的24h LC50=4.81 ng/L,均属极高毒。因此残留在天然水体的伊维菌素对水生态中的生物有较大影响,对含伊维菌素的废弃物排放进行监控和科学管理非常必要。  相似文献   

药物在水产饲料中的应用现状及其生态效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在水产养殖过程中,因为功能和作用显著,药物在水产饲料中被广泛应用;但由于药物的残留、富集及其在环境中存在迁移和转化作用,药物的使用同时也给生态环境带来了一系列的问题。对当前水产饲料中不同种类药物的应用状况进行了概述,并着重对渔用药物的使用所导致的生态效应进行以下几个方面的总结和分析:养殖动物体内的药物代谢,药物在环境中的归趋,药物对水环境中水生生物、细菌耐药性及其最终对人的影响;阐明了药物在水产饲料中的应用与生态环境和人类健康有着十分密切的关系,对其进一步深入研究有重要的理论和实际意义。  相似文献   

重金属污染对鸟类的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
李峰  丁长青 《生态学报》2007,27(1):296-303
鸟类属于高等脊椎动物,是食物链中的高级消费者,由于生物富集作用,鸟类容易受到环境中污染物质的影响。鸟类羽毛和卵壳中的重金属浓度可以反映其所处环境中重金属的污染状况,因此可以用鸟类作为指示生物来监测环境中的重金属污染。对重金属污染的来源和特征进行了介绍,阐述了重金属污染对环境安全构成威胁的原因,分析了汞、铅、镉、砷、铜等几种重金属元素在鸟体内富集的特点及其对鸟类的危害。重金属污染物在不同生物体内的浓度存在差异,反映出它们通过食物链的生物富集和放大,对环境和鸟类的毒害作用有所增加。建议选择野生鹭类、麻雀和喜鹊等鸟类作为指示生物监测环境中的重金属污染。  相似文献   

农产品安全检测中生物传感器的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王弘  陈山  刘仲明 《生命的化学》2005,25(2):159-161
围绕农药和化肥残留、重金属污染、激素和兽药残留以及生物污染物等农产品安全性的主要指标.该对生物传感器在农产品安全检测领域中最新的发展动态进行了综述,并对其发展前景和存在问题进行了评述。  相似文献   

梁伟等采用一步自组装法制备粒径在20 nm左右、具有核-壳结构的聚乙二醇化磷脂(PEG-PE)胶束,药物装载后对胶束的粒径无明显影响,但显著提高了胶束的体内外稳定性,被装载的药物主要分布在胶束的核-壳界面处.研究表明药物的理化性质决定了其与载体之间的组装机制及体外药物释放的特性.在不影响细胞膜的完整性及通透性的情况下,PEG-PE胶束通过插膜提高了细胞膜的流动性,进而促进小分子药物的翻转过膜,增加药物的入胞量.与游离药物相比,装载化疗药的胶束可增强药物对肿瘤组织的渗透能力,显著抑制动物皮下移植瘤的生长,延长动物的生存时间.PEG-PE胶束还通过增加药物在淋巴组织中的分布,降低了动物转移模型中的淋巴转移,相应地减少了肿瘤的肺部转移.PEG-PE为美国食品药品管理局(FDA)批准的可用于人体的药物载体材料,具有良好的生物相容性与安全性.因此,PEG-PE胶束作为药物载体具有广阔的发展前景.  相似文献   

污染环境下单种群模型生存阈值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本论文研究了污染环境下毒素对单种群生存的影响。在环境容纳量较小的假设下建立了生物种群模型,在该模型中不但考虑了环境毒素浓度对生物个体生存的影响,还考虑了生物个体从食物链中吸收的毒素对其影响。通过研究得到种群一致持续生存和若平均持续生存的充分条件,同时得到种群持续生存依赖于模型参数和生物个体体内毒素净化率的某些充分条件.  相似文献   

南方山地人工草地群落结构组建及其与环境因子的关系   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
采用CCA排序技术,定量分离了刈割和放牧下环境、空间、生物和随机因素对亚热带山地人工草地群落结构组建的贡献,分析了不同管理制度下的群落.环境关系.放牧和刈割条件下,与环境因素有关的群落结构变化分别为27.4%、25.9%(其中环境因素独立作用分别为18.9%、19.8%),空间因素解释的变化分别为32.5%、24.2%,生物及随机因素造成的变化分别为48%、56%.说明放牧削弱了生物学过程(主要是物种相互作用和种子扩散)对群落结构组建的作用,增强了空间因素的影响.空间因素主要是通过与环境因素耦合(改变直接环境的空间分布)对群落结构组建起作用、刈割条件下,群落结构和物种多度沿环境变化呈梯度分布.放牧条件下,环境因素与群落、物种的关系比较复杂,不同干扰程度的群落小斑块向不同方向演替.  相似文献   

目的了解不同等级环境(屏障环境和普通环境)对实验大小鼠的一般生理表现和抗应激能力以及对药物反应的影响,初步判定严格的微生物控制是否影响实验动物的人类模型作用。方法将40只SPF级Wistar大鼠和200只SPF级BALB/c小鼠分别饲养于屏障环境和普通环境内,通过以下实验对比观察不同等级环境对实验大、小鼠及其应用的影响:每周测量动物的体重增长情况;饲养35d后,测定大鼠15项血液学指标、14项血液生化指标和9个脏器的相对重量;以抗缺氧实验和游泳实验判断对小鼠体质和抗应激能力的影响;以5.氟尿嘧啶急性毒性实验和戊巴比妥钠麻醉实验测试其对药物作用的异同。结果在5周观察期内,屏障环境饲养小鼠和大鼠的体重增长均明显快于普通环境的对照动物(P〈0.05);普通环境饲养大鼠的血液RBC、WBC、PCT、PLT、GOT、GGT、GPT、CK、TB值高于屏障环境大鼠(P〈0.05),而CHO、LDL-C和HDL-C值低于屏障环境大鼠(P〈0.05);不同微生物环境条件饲养小鼠的游泳耐力和抗缺氧实验结果接近,但是屏障环境组动物所获数据的变异较小;不同等级环境条件饲养小鼠的戊巴比妥钠麻醉反应和5-氟尿嘧啶中毒反应相似,而屏障环境组动物的麻醉维持时间较短,LD50较低,95%可信限狭窄。结论饲养于屏障环境和普通环境的实验大、小鼠在一般生理表现上出现部分差异,动物的抗应激能力和对药物的反应未发生显著变化;在屏障环境条件中,动物的药物反应更敏感、所获数据更稳定,因此,初步认为严格微生物控制条件下的SPF级动物可以作为生活在自然环境中的人类的模型动物。  相似文献   

生物扰动对沉积物中污染物环境行为的影响研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
生物扰动由于显著改变沉积物结构和性质,进而影响沉积物中污染物的环境行为。综述生物扰动对沉积物中氮、磷、重金属和疏水性有机污染物环境行为的影响。生物扰动促进这些污染物从沉积物向水体释放。生物扰动还对不同的污染物产生其它不同的影响。对于氮,生物扰动还影响其硝化与反硝化作用;对于磷,生物扰动不仅改变其化学形态,还提高有机磷降解。对于重金属,生物扰动还能改变其在沉积物中的分布及化学形态。对于疏水性有机污染物,生物扰动主要增强生物富集和代谢,以及提高生物降解。  相似文献   

抗生素在环境中的转归及其生态毒性   总被引:68,自引:2,他引:66  
王冉  刘铁铮  王恬 《生态学报》2006,26(1):265-270
抗生索被长期大量地用于人和动物的疾病治疗,并以亚治疗剂量添加于动物饲料长期用于动物疾病的预防和促进生长,大部分抗生紊不能完全被机体吸收,而有高达85%以上抗生素以原形或代谢物形式经由病人和畜禽粪尿排人环境,经不同途径对土壤和水体造成污染。最近研究显示在城市废水和表面水中检测到了抗生索的存在。但关于抗生素在环境中的分布、迁移和稳定性等的研究资料很少。环境中的抗生素会对环境生态系统包括细菌、水生生物、土壤生物和植物等产生危害,并产生大量耐药菌,对人类健康构成威胁。为评估抗生素在环境中潜在的危害,就抗生素在环境中的分布、转归及对环境和人的危害等方面进行综述,并对今后的研究方向作了探索。  相似文献   



Despite advances in the development of impact categories for ionising radiation, the focus on artificial radionuclides produced in the nuclear fuel cycle means that the potential impacts resulting from increased exposure to naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) are still only covered to a limited degree in life cycle assessment (LCA). Here, we present a potential framework for the inclusion of the exposure routes and impact pathways particular to NORM in LCA.


We assess the potential magnitude of enhanced NORM exposure, particularly in light of the potential use of NORM residues in building materials, and set out the potential exposure routes that may exist. We then assess the current state of the art, in terms of available fate, exposure and damage models, both within and outside of the LCA sphere. Finally, these exposure routes and modelling techniques are combined in order to lay out a potential framework for NORM assessment in LCA, both in terms of impact on humans and ecosystems.

Results and discussion

Increased exposure to NORM radionuclides can result either from their release to the environment or their proximity to humans as they reside in stockpiles, landfills or products. The exposure route via products is considered to be increasingly significant in light of current attempts to incorporate technologically enhanced NORMs (TENORM) including bauxite residue into building materials, by groups such as the ETN-MSCA REDMUD project. Impact assessment models for NORM exposure are therefore required to avoid potential burden shifting in the assessment of such TENORM products. Models describing the fate of environmental releases, the exhalation of radon from building products and the shielding effects on landfills/stockpiles are required to assess potential exposure. Subsequently, models relating exposure to radiation sources and the effective internal and external dose received by receptors are required. Finally, an assessment of the damage caused to the receptors is desirable.


A sufficient suite of currently existing and internationally recognised models exist that can, with varying degrees of modification, form the building blocks of a comprehensive NORM characterisation method for LCA. The challenge ahead lies in consolidating these models, from disparate fields, into a coherent and generally applicable method for the assessment of enhanced NORM exposure in LCA.

Background, aim, and scope  Traditional life cycle impact assessment methodologies have used aggregated characterization factors, neglecting spatial and temporal variations in regional impacts like photochemical oxidant formation. This increases the uncertainty of the LCA results and diminishes the ease of decision-making. This study compares four common impact assessment methods, CML2001, Eco-indicator 99, TRACI, and EDIP2003, on their underlying models, spatial and temporal resolution, and the level at which photochemical oxidant impacts are calculated. A new characterization model is proposed that incorporates spatial and temporal differentiation. Materials and methods  A photochemical air quality modeling system (CAMx-MM5-SMOKE) is used to simulate the process of formation, transformation, transport, and removal of photochemical pollutants. Monthly characterization factors for individual US states are calculated at three levels along the cause–effect chain, namely, fate level, human and ecosystem exposure level, and human effect level. Results and discussion  The results indicate that a spatial variability of one order of magnitude and a temporal variability of two orders of magnitude exist in both the fate level and human exposure and effect level characterization factors for NOx. The summer time characterization factors for NOx are higher than the winter time factors. However, for anthropogenic VOC, the summer time factors are lower than the winter time in almost half of the states. This is due to the higher emission rates of biogenic VOCs in the summer. The ecosystem exposure factors for NOx and VOC do not follow a regular pattern and show a spatial variation of about three orders of magnitude. They do not show strong correlation with the human exposure factors. Sensitivity analysis has shown that the effect of meteorology and emission inputs is limited to a factor of three, which is several times smaller than the variation seen in the factors. Conclusions  Uncertainties are introduced in the characterization of photochemical precursors due to a failure to consider the spatial and temporal variations. Seasonal variations in photochemical activity influence the characterization factors more than the location of emissions. The human and ecosystem exposures occur through different mechanisms, and impacts calculated at the fate level based only on ozone concentration are not a good indicator for ecosystem impacts. Recommendations and perspectives  Spatial and temporal differentiation account for fate and transport of the pollutant, and the exposure of and effect on the sensitive human population or ecosystem. Adequate resolution for seasonal and regional processes, like photochemical oxidant formation, is important to reduce the uncertainty in impact assessment and improve decision-making power. An emphasis on incorporating some form of spatial and temporal information within standard LCI databases and using adequately resolved characterization factors will greatly increase the fidelity of a standard LCA. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

徐磊  段林  陈威 《应用生态学报》2009,20(1):205-212
碳纳米材料具有广阔的应用前景,近年来已成为一大研究热点.工程碳纳米材料的大量生产和使用将不可避免地造成这些材料向环境中的释放,可能带来环境和生态风险.一方面,碳纳米材料本身具有环境毒性,另一方面碳纳米材料对环境中有毒有害污染物有较强的吸附性能,因此会影响污染物迁移转化等环境行为.目前,对碳纳米材料生态风险的研究主要集中于碳纳米材料对生物体可能的毒性,而对其自身环境行为以及影响污染物迁移归趋等方面的研究较少.本文简要概述了碳纳米材料的来源、暴露途径、环境行为以及对污染物迁移归趋的影响,阐述了这些研究对于评估碳纳米材料的环境和生态风险所具有的重要意义.  相似文献   

Background, aim, and scope  The Canadian life cycle impact assessment method LUCAS proposes a characterization of the impact categories aquatic acidification and photochemical ozone formation using a resolution scale based on 15 terrestrial ecozones. Each ecozone represents areas of the country which can be identified easily by general living (biotic) and nonliving (abiotic) characteristics. The three main purposes of this research are to improve the characterization models of both impact categories including regional exposure and effect factors, to investigate what is the best resolution scale between Canadian provinces or ecozones, and to analyze the extent of spatial variability. Materials and methods  A model framework accounting for variability in fate, exposure and effect factors has been elaborated. The same fate factor, based on Advanced Statistical Trajectory Regional Air Pollution matrices, applies to both impact categories. For the aquatic acidification impact category, the fate factor also accounts for the fraction of the deposition transferred to the aquatic ecosystem. The exposure factor for this impact category is considered to be 1 and the effect factor is based on the critical load exceedance, where the potential impacts are only considered in provinces or ecozones in which the critical load is exceeded. For the photochemical ozone formation impact category, the exposure factor is considered to be proportional to the population density in each province or ecozone, and the effect factor is represented by the chemical reactivity estimated with the maximum incremental reactivity model. The calculation of the new characterization factors using both a province-based and ecozone resolution scale was performed using a matrix which converts data from one resolution scale to another. Results  Results with the inclusion of the effect and the exposure factors show that the spatial variability between provinces remains within a factor of 10 and 5 for aquatic acidification and photochemical ozone formation, respectively. Discussion  Analysis of the results show that regionalization by province is preferable to regionalization by ecozone. It is more accurate in regard to atmospheric modeling and more representative of population distribution. However, averaging the fate factor and the population density over a whole province results in a serious limitation. Conclusions  The spatial variability of characterization factors between provinces is in the same order of magnitude as the overall range between chemicals for aquatic acidification while much smaller for photochemical ozone formation. Hence, at this stage of knowledge, province-based regionalization seems to be more relevant for the aquatic acidification impact category than for photochemical ozone formation. Recommendations and perspectives  Research must be pursued to integrate a better transport and deposition model with improved spatial capabilities and a successive modeling step properly describing the cause–effect chain up to the damage level, such as the biotic environment and the human population.  相似文献   



The USEtox model was developed in a scientific consensus process involving comparison of and harmonization between existing environmental multimedia fate models. USEtox quantitatively models the continuum from chemical emission to freshwater ecosystem toxicity via chemical-specific characterization factors (CFs) for Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA). This work provides understanding of the key mechanisms and chemical parameters influencing fate in the environment and impact on aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Abstract: Simple models are often used to assess the potential impact of acidifying and eutrophying substances released during the life cycle of products. As fate, background depositions, and ecosystem sensitivity are not included in these models, environmental life-cycle assessment of products (LCA) may produce incorrect results for these impact categories. This paper outlines the spatially explicit regional air pollution information and simulation model (RAINSLCA), which was developed for the calculation of acidification and terrestrial eutrophication potentials of ammonia (NH3) and nitrogen oxide (NOx) air emissions and acidification potentials for sulfur dioxide (SO2) air emissions for Europe and a number of European regions, taking fate,  相似文献   

Veterinary antibiotics in the aquatic and terrestrial environment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The fate of antibiotics in the environment, and especially antibiotics used in animal husbandry, is subject to recent studies and the issue of this review. The assumed quantity of antibiotics excreted by animal husbandry adds up to thousands of tonnes per year. Administered medicines, their metabolites or degradation products reach the terrestrial and aquatic environment by the application of manure or slurry to areas used agriculturally, or by pasture-reared animals excreting directly on the land, followed by surface run-off, driftage or leaching in deeper layers of the earth. The scientific interest in antimicrobially active compounds in manure and soil, but also in surface and ground water, has increased during the last decade. On the one side, scientific interest has focused on the behaviour of antibiotics and their fate in the environment, on the other hand, their impact on environmental and other bacteria has become an issue of research. Analytical methods have now been developed appropriately and studies using these new techniques provide accurate data on concentrations of antimicrobial compounds and their residues in different organic matters. Some antibiotics seem to persist a long time in the environment, especially in soil, while others degrade very fast. Not only the fate of these pharmaceuticals but their origin as well is an object of scientific interest. Besides human input via wastewater and other effluents, livestock production has been recognised as a source of contamination. One main concern with regard to the excessive use of antibiotics in livestock production is the potential promotion of resistance and the resulting disadvantages in the therapeutic use of antimicrobials. Since the beginning of antibiotic therapy, more and more resistant bacterial strains have been isolated from environmental sources showing one or multiple resistance. There have been several attempts to use antibiotic resistance patterns in different bacteria as indicators for various sources of faecal pollution. This review gives an overview of the available data on the present use of veterinary antibiotics in agriculture, on the occurrence of antibiotic compounds and resistant bacteria in soil and water and demonstrates the need for further studies.  相似文献   

During the past few years there has been a tremendous increase in sediment bioassay and toxicity testing and research. The increased activity has paralleled the development of regulatory interest and realization of the role of contaminated sediments in ecosystem degradation. Many critical issues which affect test responses, data interpretation, and extrapolation to in situ conditions, have not been adequately addressed or recognized by the scientific community. Some of these issues may significantly affect contaminant fate and effects and thereby affect the accuracy of data interpretations. Examples of these interferences are disruptive sample collection, extended sample storage, designs which alter exposure routes, improper spiking conditions and sediment dilution, and inadequate validation of laboratory responses against in situ conditions. Over-simplification of complex sediment interactions may lead to erroneous conclusions concerning the significance of moderate to low levels of contamination.  相似文献   

Kumblad  Linda  Kautsky  Ulrik 《Hydrobiologia》2004,514(1-3):185-196
Due to the long half-lives of many radionuclides, safety assessments of nuclear waste facilities often need to consider the potential fate of radionuclides discharged to the environment in the future. In this study we explored the environmental fate of a hypothetical 14C release from a nuclear waste repository to a Baltic Sea bay in 2000 years. This was accomplished by connecting spatially linked biomasses and metabolic rates from a carbon flow model of the ecosystem at the site today to predicted changes in geomorphology and water exchange regimes. The employed extrapolation method was selected as shoreline displacement due to land-rise and sea level changes is the main process that affects the development of the coastal ecosystem around the repository in the coming 10 000 years. The modelling results indicate that the ecosystem will go through changes in several ecosystem properties in the coming 2000-year period, e.g. a decreased rate of primary production and changed feeding preferences of the fish community. Also, a decreased total biomass is expected and an ecosystem change altering the balance between producers and consumers towards a dominance of benthic plants. The changes of the ecosystem structure and carbon dynamics will also influence the potential fate of future discharges of 14C. We estimated an up to 1000 times higher 14C concentrations in biota compared to today. However, due to radioactive decay and reduced total biomass in the receiving ecosystem, the proportion of accumulated radionuclides is expected to decrease. Although the modelling approach used in this study is associated with several sources of uncertainty, it provides a way to both qualitatively and quantitatively assess likely effects of future discharges of contaminants.  相似文献   

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