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Primordial germ cells (PGCs) generate gametes, the only cells that can transmit genetic information to the next generation. A previous report demonstrated that a fusion construct of green fluorescent protein (gfp) and zebrafish nos 1 3UTR mRNA could be used to label PGCs in a number of fish species. Here, we sought to exploit this labeling strategy to isolate teleost PGCs by flow cytometry (FCM), and to use these isolated PGCs to examine germ cell migration to the gonadal region. In zebrafish, medaka and goldfish, the PGCs were labeled by injecting the gfp-nos1 3UTR mRNA into 1- 4 cell embryos. When the embryos had developed to the somitogenesis or later stages, they were enzymatically disaggregated and GFP positive cells isolated using FCM. PGCs in the different species clustered in the same segments of the FCM scatter diagrams for total embryonic cells produced by plotting the forward scatter intensity against GFP intensity. In situ hybridization showed that the sorted zebrafish cells expressed vasa RNA in their cytoplasm, suggesting that they were PGCs. When the migration ability of the sorted cells from zebrafish was examined in an in vivo transplantation experiment, approximately 30% moved to the gonadal region of host embryos. These observations demonstrate that PGCs can be isolated without use of transgenic fishes and that the isolated PGCs retain the ability to migrate. Our data indicate that this technique will be of value for isolating PGCs from a range of fish species.  相似文献   

The data presented here illustrates the additional information that can be gained on single cell biological effects by using a method of damage estimation based on single cells. The experiments involving primarily free radical damage carried out using H2O2 and the radioprotectors cysteamine and WR 1065, both revealed data that could not have been obtained from a macroscopic study of free radical-DNA chemistry and analysis of reaction products. This serves to emphasise the difficulty in extrapolating both free radical based and other chemical reactions to effects seen in living systems.  相似文献   

An improved dual-laser flow cytometric system for quantitative analysis and sorting of mammalian cells has been developed using a low-power argon and high-power krypton laser as illumination sources, thus permitting the excitation of fluorescent dyes having absorption regions ranging from the ultraviolet to infrared. Cells stained in liquid suspension with fluorescent dyes enter a flow chamber where they intersect two spatially separated laser beams. Separate pairs of quartz beam-shaping optics focus each beam onto the cell stream. Electro-optical sensors measure fluorescence and light scatter signals from cells that are processed electronically and displayed as frequency distribution histograms. Cells also can be electronically separated and microscopically identified. The ease and versatility of operation designed into this system represent a marked technological improvement for dual-laser excited flow systems. Details of this instrument are described along with illustrative examples of cells stained with mithramycin and rhodamine and analyzed for DNA content, total protein, and nuclear and cytoplasmic diameter.  相似文献   

Detection of DNA strand breaks in single cells using flow cytometry   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A preliminary method is reported of alkaline unwinding of DNA within single cells and quantitation of the single-stranded and double-stranded DNA with the fluorescent probe acridine orange. A suspension of alkali-treated cells is obtained and analysed by flow cytometry. An increase in the amount of single-stranded DNA is taken as an indication of strand breaks. An advantage of this method is that a large number of cells can be individually analysed for DNA strand breaks. A measurement of DNA content is also obtained, making it possible to discriminate between cells in various parts of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Sensitive detection of RNAs in single cells by flow cytometry.   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
A rapid and sensitive fluorescent in situ hybridization method has been developed to probe RNA contents of individual cells by flow cytometry. Fixed cells in suspension were hybridized with 5' end-fluorophore-labeled oligodeoxynucleotides complementary to defined regions of the RNA of interest and analyzed by flow cytometry. With this method, we monitored combinations of histone H4 mRNA, 18S rRNA and 28S rRNA levels in synchronized HeLa S3 cells by multicolor analysis. A fluorescence signal equivalent to 1800 copies of histone H4 mRNA per cell was detected with signal-to-background ratio of 5.4. If non-specific binding of the fluorophore-labeled probe can be reduced, as few as 100 copies of mRNA of the size of H4 could be detected in individual cells by flow cytometry.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study describes a three laser flow cytometer, reagents, and software used to simultaneously evaluate nine distinct fluorescent parameters on one cell sample. We compare the quality of data obtained with (1) full software compensation and (2) the use of partial spectral compensation of selected pairs of parameters in analog hardware, in combination with final software compensation. An application characterizing low frequency murine B cell subpopulations is given. METHODS: The fluorochromes used are: fluorescein (FITC), phycoerythrin (PE), Cy5PE and Cy7PE, excited at 488 nm by an argon laser; Texas Red (TR), allophycocyanin (APC), and Cy7APC excited at 595 nm by a pumped dye laser; and cascade blue (CB) and cascade yellow (CY) excited at 407 nm by a violet-enhanced krypton laser. Custom additions to commercial electronics and an extended optical bench allow the measurement of these nine parameters plus forward and side scatter light signals. RESULTS: We find the use of partial analog compensation reduces the variation in the background staining levels introduced by the compensation process. Novel B cell populations with frequencies below 1% are characterized. CONCLUSIONS: Nine color flow cytometry is capable of providing measurements with high information content. The choice of reagent-dye combinations and the ability to compensate in multi-parameter measurement space are crucial to obtaining satisfactory results.  相似文献   

Antibodies coupled to 7-aminocoumarin (AMCA) emit a bright blue fluorescence under ultraviolet (UV) excitation and are therefore ideal for three-color immunofluorescence (IF) with fluorescein (FITC) and phycoerythrin (PE) labeled reagents; however, due to the different absorption spectra, the use of these fluorophores for multicolor flow-cytometric analysis requires a double light excitation source (e.g., two-laser system). We report a strategy which uses a single argon-ion laser to simultaneously excite AMCA, FITC, and PE, thus allowing the flow cytometric analysis of three immunological parameters. When the UV-visible argon-ion laser is fitted with an appropriate set of mirrors, the 35.1-363.8 nm (UV) and 488 nm wavelengths (accounting for 80 mW and 520 mW, respectively) are simultaneously generated; these lines can then be exactly focused on the same observation point by an achromatic cylindrical lens. A number of comparative analysis were performed with this instrumental set up to verify the sensitivity of AMCA IF and its possible application for multicolor immunophenotypic evaluation of blood cell subsets. When AMCA- and FITC-labeled antimouse Ig antibodies were assessed for their ability to detect limiting amounts of mouse monoclonal antibody bound to cells, the former was less sensitive than the latter. A number of factors, including differences in excitation energy (80 mW for AMCA and 520 mw for FITC) and extinction coefficients (1.9 x 10(4) for AMCA and 6 x 10(4) for FITC) could explain this result.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Three enzymes in single cells were assayed dynamically by flow cytometry using four fluorogenic substrates. Acid phosphatase was determined with 7-bromo-3-hydroxy-2-naphtho-o-anisidine (naphthol AS-BI) phosphate and 4-methylumbelliferone (MU) phosphate, neutral esterase with fluorescein diacetate, and lactic dehydrogenase with NAD-sodium lactate. Fluorescence measurements obtained with the flow cytometer were converted into relative specific enzyme activities for single cells with molar fluorescence coefficients determined with a spectrofluorometer. Specific activities obtained from spectrofluorometric data were compared with activities calculated from flow cytometeric data. Flow cytometric assays gave lower specific single cell activities for 4-methylumbelliferone phosphate hydrolysis and for lactic dehydrogenase than did similar assays by standard spectrofluorometry. Product diffusion may be the greatest cause for this discrepancy.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Violet laser diodes have become common and reliable laser sources for benchtop flow cytometers. While these lasers are very useful for a variety of violet and some ultraviolet-excited fluorochromes (e.g., DAPI), they do not efficiently excite most UV-stimulated probes. In this study, the next generation of InGaN near-UV laser diodes (NUVLDs) emitting in the 370-375-nm range have been evaluated as laser sources for cuvette-based flow cytometers. METHODS: Several NUVLDs, ranging in wavelength from 370 to 374 nm and in power level from 1.5 to 10 mW, were mounted on a BD Biosciences LSR II and evaluated for their ability to excite cells labeled with the UV DNA binding dye DAPI, several UV phenotyping fluorochromes (including Alexa Fluor 350, Marina Blue, and quantum dots), and the fluorescent calcium chelator indo-1. RESULTS: NUVLDs at the 8-10-mW power range gave detection sensitivity levels comparable to more powerful solid-state and ion laser sources, using low-fluorescence microsphere beads as measurement standards. NUVLDs at all tested power levels allowed extremely high-resolution DAPI cell cycle analysis, and sources in the 8-10-mW power range excited Alexa Fluor 350, Marina Blue, and a variety of quantum dots at virtually the same signal-to-noise ratios as more powerful UV sources. CONCLUSIONS: These evaluations indicate that near-UV laser diodes installed on a cuvette-based flow cytometer performed nearly as well as more powerful solid-state UV lasers on the same instrumentation, and comparably to more powerful ion lasers on a jet-in-air system, and. Despite their limited power, integration of these small and inexpensive lasers into benchtop flow cytometers should allow the use of flow cytometric applications requiring UV excitation on a wide variety of instruments.  相似文献   

Flow cytometers based on optical sensing utilize external light sources and fluorescent dyes to measure one or more specific components or properties of individual cells or subcellular particles in liquid suspension. To provide for independent excitation of two dyes used in double staining experiments we have constructed a high resolution flow cytometer that uses two laser beams to provide two wavelengths of excitation. These beams are separated spatially so that cells flow through them sequentially, with a time separation of about 20 musec. Since the dyes are excited sequentially their emission occurs at different times and their emission spectra may overlap without causing any difficulty in analysis. We have developed new light collection optics that permit up to four measurements to be made on each cell. This approach greatly increases the number of dye combinations that can be used in flow cytometry, thus removing a significant limitation of single illumination instruments.  相似文献   

Gene expression is one key mechanism to regulate cell growth and differentiation. It is usually determined by Northern blotting or RT-PCR. However, studies with primary cell cultures are frequently hampered due to contaminating cells such as fibroblasts. We have developed a method to isolate intact full-size mRNA from sorted cells. In many cell types, e.g. cardiac myocytes, cell sorting without prior fixation revealed complete RNA breakdown. Based on a murine fibroblast cell line (AKR-2B), ethanol and formaldehyde at various concentrations and pre-treatment with ribonuclease inactivating DEPC were compared with each other. Fixation with 75% ice-cold DEPC–pre-treated ethanol for 5 min yielded mostly intact RNA. In contrast, antibody staining prior to sorting required 15 min fixation. Addition of RNAse-free BSA (0.5%) and 2 mM CaCl2 optimised the cell recovery ratio and thus a better RNA yield (60% compared to control) after sorting than former studies. Northern blotting and RT-PCR show the intact mRNA species β-actin. Furthermore, dependent on the cellular PCNA content, we have demonstrated the cell cycle dependent cdk2 and cyclin A expression. This fast and reliable method allows to isolate intact full-size mRNA species appropriate for Northern blotting and RT-PCR to monitor gene expression.  相似文献   

The study of the role of apoptosis in thymocyte development has been hampered by the lack of a means of directly immunophenotyping cells undergoing the early phase of apoptosis. This restriction has been overcome by single laser flow cytometry in which apoptosis is detected by Ethidium Bromide (EBr) staining and cell phenotype by binding of FITC-labelled antibody. The initial phase of apoptosis is observed as a cell population that stains faintly with EBr preceding the characteristically bright EBr-staining normally associated with cell death. Here we directly demonstrate using single laser flow cytometry that CD4+ CD8+ CD3low/CD3intermediate thymocytes undergo apoptosis in vitro in response to glucocorticoid treatment.  相似文献   

A TV type vidicon detector was interfaced to a flow cytometer (FCM) to obtain spectra of fluorophores in cells during flow. The normal operations of the FCM are undisturbed. A spectrograph spreads 320 nm of the fluorophore fluorescence emission across the 500 channels of the detector. Spectra of fluorescamine (a surface labeling agent) and of propidium iodide (a nuclear stain) were obtained from Balb 3T3 cells, and the chlorophyll and phycobilin peaks were resolved from flowing blue-green algae in the FCM. Under typical flow conditions, operation of the vidicon in the continuous mode gives for these fluorophores a S/N of several hundred to one in approximately 3 sec. The vidicon was also gated to obtain spectra of single cells and of cells in selected portions of the cell cycle. For example, the spectrum of fluorescamine was obtained from cells in the G1 phase of the growth cycle by using as a gate trigger the FCM discriminator output derived from the propidium iodide signal.  相似文献   

In flow cytometry cell autofluorescence often interferes with efforts to measure low levels of bound fluorescent antibody. We have developed a way to correct for autofluorescence on a cell-by-cell basis. This results in improved estimates of real staining and better separation of the fluorescence histograms of stained and non-stained cells. Using a single laser, two-color fluorescence measurement system and two-color compensation electronics, autofluorescence and one fluorescent reagent are measured (rather than two fluorescent reagents). With fluorescein-conjugated antibodies the signal in the 515 to 555 nm range (green fluorescence) includes both fluorescein emission and part of the cellular autofluorescence. In the cases we have investigated, autofluorescence collected at wavelengths above 580 nm ("red") is well correlated with the green autofluorescence of the cells. A fraction of this red fluorescence is subtracted from the green fluorescence to produce an adjusted fluorescein output on which unstained cells have zero average signal. Use of this method facilitates the selection of rare cells transfected with surface antigen genes. Culture conditions affect the level of autofluorescence and the balance between red and green autofluorescence. When applied with fluorescein-conjugated reagents, the technique is compatible with the use of propidium iodide for live/dead cell discrimination.  相似文献   

Different genetic stains of avian RNA tumor virus (ATV) were labeled with the fluorescent membrane probe R-18 (rhodamine conjugated to a hydrocarbon chain) and cellular receptors for virus infection were analyzed on a rapid, single-cell basis by a multiparameter cell sorter. Chicken cells genetically susceptible to various R-18 ATV were found to adsorb much more virus, as measured by increased fluorescent binding, than did genetically resistant chicken cells. Virus binding to receptor sites could be saturated with increased concentrations of labeled virus. This binding could be altered by removal of the polycation, polybrene, indicating the important influence of electrostatic forces. Correlated time measurements of virus binding to single cells were taken with these fluorescence measurements allowing for a minute-to-minute study of the kinetics of viral adsorption to resistant and susceptible cells. The ratio of fluorescence (proportional to the number of virions bound per cell) to light scatter (proportional to cell surface area) on a cell-to-cell basis was analyzed to examine the heterogeneity in fluorescent virion bound per unit cell surface area within a given cell type. With these calculations, it was found that a large amount, but not all, of observed fluorescence heterogeneity merely reflects differences in cell surface areas. However, there are significant differences in viral receptor site densities within this supposedly homogeneous population of cells. This study represents a successful application of fluorescent membrane probes and flow cytometry to the study of cellular responses to viral infection at the single-cell level. Sine large numbers of cells can be examined rapidly, small subpopulations of live virally susceptible or resistant cells can be cloned by multiparameter cell sorting.  相似文献   

There is increasing interest in the isolation of adult microglia to study their functions at a morphological and molecular level during normal and neuroinflammatory conditions. Microglia have important roles in brain homeostasis, and in disease states they exert neuroprotective or neurodegenerative functions. To assay expression profiles or functions of microglia, we have developed a method to isolate microglial cells and infiltrating leukocytes from adult mouse brain. This protocol uses a digestion cocktail containing collagenase and dispase, and it involves separation over discontinuous percoll gradients. Isolated cells can be used for RNA analysis, including RNase protection analysis (RPA), quantitative RT-PCR, high-density microarray, proteomic or flow cytometric characterization of cell surface markers or adoptive transfer. Cell isolation can be completed in less than 4 h.  相似文献   

We developed a new method for isolating viable type II cells from fractionated and unfractionated lung cell suspensions by flow cytometry using acridine orange (AO). Fischer-344 rat lungs were dispersed into single-cell suspensions by a technique that yields a high number of cells (4-5 X 10(8) cells/lung, congruent to 85% viable), congruent to 11% of which are type II cells. Elutriated fractions from the lung cell preparation and parent, unfractionated cell suspensions were incubated with 1.0-0.02 micrograms/ml AO and analyzed by flow cytometry. Parameters analyzed included axial light loss (ALL) and red fluorescence (RF). Based on their unique RF, attributable to AO staining of type II cell lamellar bodies, and their ALL characteristics, type II pneumocytes were sorted from elutriated fractions to greater than 95% purity. Using the same approach, type II pneumocytes were sorted from unfractionated lung cell suspensions at greater than or equal to 85% purity. The viabilities of the type II alveolar epithelial cells isolated by this method range from 85% to 95%, and the ultrastructural features of the sorted cells were unaltered by AO labeling or sorting.  相似文献   

Summary The purpose of this study was to determine simply and accurately ploidy levels as estimated by changes in nuclear DNA content of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) plants regenerated from microspore-derived embryos. Using flow cytometry, the nuclear DNA content of green (83) and albino (222) plants derived using anther culture of ‘Bobwhite’ and ‘Pavon 76’, and of their reciprocal F1 hydrids was estimated. The average DNA concent of the Bobwhite and Pavon 76 standards was 32.46 and 31.28 per nucleus, respectively. Microspore-derived haploid (3X), doubled-haploid (6X), nanoploid (9X), and dodecaploid (12X) plants contained on average 15.44, 30.56, 45.57, and 60.27 pg of DNA, respectively, at a ratio of 1∶1.98∶2.99∶3.90. The frequency of haploids (43.6%) was similar to that of doubled haploids (43.0%), and much larger than the frequency of endopolyploids [nanoploid (1.3%) and dodecaploid (1.0%)] and various aneuploids (11.1%). In terms of genetic stability, green plants had less chromosomal variation than albino plants. The procedure is suitable for rapid determination of the ploidy levels of wheat microspore-derived plants. The knowledge about DNA content or genome size of plants obtained here provides useful information to plant breeders and geneticists interested in using anther culture. Formerly of the Department of Agronomy, University of Nebraska, Lincoln. NE 68583-0915. Formerly of the Center for Biotechnology, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 68588.  相似文献   

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