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Imaging phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate dynamics in living plant cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Polyphosphoinositides represent a minor group of phospholipids, accounting for less than 1% of the total. Despite their low abundance, these molecules have been implicated in various signalling and membrane trafficking events. Phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PtdIns4 P ) is the most abundant polyphosphoinositide. 32Pi-labelling studies have shown that the turnover of PtdIns4 P is rapid, but little is known about where in the cell or plant this occurs. Here, we describe the use of a lipid biosensor that monitors PtdIns4 P dynamics in living plant cells. The biosensor consists of a fusion between a fluorescent protein and a lipid-binding domain that specifically binds PtdIns4 P , i.e. the pleckstrin homology domain of the human protein phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate adaptor protein-1 (FAPP1). YFP–PHFAPP1 was expressed in four plant systems: transiently in cowpea protoplasts, and stably in tobacco BY-2 cells, Medicago truncatula roots and Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings. All systems allowed YFP–PHFAPP1 expression without detrimental effects. Two distinct fluorescence patterns were observed: labelling of motile punctate structures and the plasma membrane. Co-expression studies with organelle markers revealed strong co-labelling with the Golgi marker STtmd–CFP, but not with the endocytic/pre-vacuolar marker GFP–AtRABF2b. Co-expression with the Ptdins3 P biosensor YFP–2 × FYVE revealed totally different localization patterns. During cell division, YFP–PHFAPP1 showed strong labelling of the cell plate, but PtdIns3 P was completely absent from the newly formed cell membrane. In root hairs of M. truncatula and A. thaliana , a clear PtdIns4 P gradient was apparent in the plasma membrane, with the highest concentration in the tip. This only occurred in growing root hairs, indicating a role for PtdIns4 P in tip growth.  相似文献   

In mammals, a family of four lipid binding proteins has been previously defined that includes two lipopolysaccharide binding proteins and two lipid transfer proteins. The first member of this family to have its three-dimensional structure determined is bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein (BPI). Using both the sequence and structure of BPI, along with recently developed sequence-sequence and sequence-structure similarity search methods, we have identified 13 distant members of the family in a diverse set of eukaryotes, including rat, chicken, Caenorhabditis elegans, and Biomphalaria galbrata. Although the sequence similarity between these 13 new members and any of the 4 original members of the BPI family is well below the "twilight zone," their high sequence-structure compatibility with BPI indicates they are likely to share its fold. These findings broaden the BPI family to include a member found in retina and brain, and suggest that a primitive member may have contained only one of the two similar domains of BPI.  相似文献   

Among the structural phospholipids that form the bulk of eukaryotic cell membranes, phosphatidylinositol (PtdIns) is unique in that it also serves as the common precursor for low‐abundance regulatory lipids, collectively referred to as polyphosphoinositides (PPIn). The metabolic turnover of PPIn species has received immense attention because of the essential functions of these lipids as universal regulators of membrane biology and their dysregulation in numerous human pathologies. The diverse functions of PPIn lipids occur, in part, by orchestrating the spatial organization and conformational dynamics of peripheral or integral membrane proteins within defined subcellular compartments. The emerging role of stable contact sites between adjacent membranes as specialized platforms for the coordinate control of ion exchange, cytoskeletal dynamics, and lipid transport has also revealed important new roles for PPIn species. In this review, we highlight the importance of membrane contact sites formed between the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and plasma membrane (PM) for the integrated regulation of PPIn metabolism within the PM. Special emphasis will be placed on non‐vesicular lipid transport during control of the PtdIns biosynthetic cycle as well as toward balancing the turnover of the signaling PPIn species that define PM identity.  相似文献   

Lipid transport proteins at membrane contact sites, where two organelles are closely apposed, play key roles in trafficking lipids between cellular compartments while distinct membrane compositions for each organelle are maintained. Understanding the mechanisms underlying non‐vesicular lipid trafficking requires characterization of the lipid transporters residing at contact sites. Here, we show that the mammalian proteins in the lipid transfer proteins anchored at a membrane contact site (LAM) family, called GRAMD1a‐c, transfer sterols with similar efficiency as the yeast orthologues, which have known roles in sterol transport. Moreover, we have determined the structure of a lipid transfer domain of the yeast LAM protein Ysp2p, both in its apo‐bound and sterol‐bound forms, at 2.0 Å resolution. It folds into a truncated version of the steroidogenic acute regulatory protein‐related lipid transfer (StART) domain, resembling a lidded cup in overall shape. Ergosterol binds within the cup, with its 3‐hydroxy group interacting with protein indirectly via a water network at the cup bottom. This ligand binding mode likely is conserved for the other LAM proteins and for StART domains transferring sterols.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations have been used to characterise the binding of the fatty acid ligand palmitate in the barley lipid transfer protein 1 (LTP) internal cavity. Two different palmitate binding modes (1 and 2), with similar protein–ligand interaction energies, have been identified using a variety of simulation strategies. These strategies include applying experimental protein–ligand atom–atom distance restraints during the simulation, or protonating the palmitate ligand, or using the vacuum GROMOS 54B7 force‐field parameter set for the ligand during the initial stages of the simulations. In both the binding modes identified the palmitate carboxylate head group hydrogen bonds with main chain amide groups in helix A, residues 4 to 19, of the protein. In binding mode 1 the hydrogen bonds are to Lys 11, Cys 13, and Leu 14 and in binding mode 2 to Thr 15, Tyr 16, Val 17, Ser 24 and also to the OH of Thr 15. In both cases palmitate binding exploits irregularity of the intrahelical hydrogen‐bonding pattern in helix A of barley LTP due to the presence of Pro 12. Simulations of two variants of barley LTP, namely the single mutant Pro12Val and the double mutant Pro12Val Pro70Val, show that Pro 12 is required for persistent palmitate binding in the LTP cavity. Overall, the work identifies key MD simulation approaches for characterizing the details of protein–ligand interactions in complexes where NMR data provide insufficient restraints.  相似文献   

Lipid transfer particle (LTP) is a high-molecular-weight, very high-density lipoprotein known to catalyze the transfer of lipids between a variety of lipoproteins, including both insects and vertebrates. Studying the biosynthesis and regulation pathways of LTP in detail has not been possible due to a lack of information regarding the apoproteins. Here, we sequenced the cDNA and deduced amino acid sequences for three apoproteins of LTP from the silkworm (Bombyx mori). The three subunit proteins of the LTP are coded by two genes, apoLTP-II/I and apoLTP-III. ApoLTP-I and apoLTP-II are predicted to be generated by posttranslational cleavage of the precursor protein, apoLTP-II/I. Clusters of amphipathic secondary structure within apoLTP-II/I are similar to Homo sapiens apolipoprotein B (apoB) and insect lipophorins. The apoLTP-II/I gene is a novel member of the apoB/large lipid transfer protein gene family. ApoLTP-III has a putative conserved juvenile hormone-binding protein superfamily domain. Expression of apoLTP-II/I and apoLTP-III genes was synchronized and both genes were primarily expressed in the fat body at the stage corresponding to increased lipid transport needs. We are now in a position to study in detail the physiological role of LTP and its biosynthesis and assembly.  相似文献   

Nonspecific lipid transfer proteins (nsLTPs) facilitate the transfer of phospholipids, glycolipids, fatty acids and steroids between membranes, with wide-ranging binding affinities. Three crystal structures of rice nsLTP1 from Oryza sativa, complexed with myristic (MYR), palmitic (PAL) or stearic acid (STE) were determined. The overall structures of the rice nsLTP1 complexes belong to the four-helix bundle folding with a long C-terminal loop. The nsLTP1-MYR and the nsLTP1-STE complexes bind a single fatty acid while the nsLTP1-PAL complex binds two molecules of fatty acids. The C-terminal loop region is elastic in order to accommodate a diverse range of lipid molecules. The lipid molecules interact with the nsLTP1-binding cavity mainly with hydrophobic interactions. Significant conformational changes were observed in the binding cavity and the C-terminal loop of the rice nsLTP1 upon lipid binding.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol (PtdIns) synthase is a key enzyme in the phospholipid pathway and catalyses the formation of PtdIns. PtdIns is not only a structural component of cell membranes, but also the precursor of the phospholipid signal molecules that regulate plant response to environment stresses. Here, we obtained transgenic maize constitutively overexpressing or underexpressing PIS from maize (ZmPIS) under the control of a maize ubiquitin promoter. Transgenic plants were confirmed by PCR, Southern blotting analysis and real‐time RT‐PCR assay. The electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (ESI‐MS/MS)‐based lipid profiling analysis showed that, under drought stress conditions, the overexpression of ZmPIS in maize resulted in significantly elevated levels of most phospholipids and galactolipids in leaves compared with those in wild type (WT). At the same time, the expression of some genes involved in the phospholipid metabolism pathway and the abscisic acid (ABA) biosynthesis pathway including ZmPLC, ZmPLD, ZmDGK1, ZmDGK3, ZmPIP5K9, ZmABA1, ZmNCED, ZmAAO1, ZmAAO2 and ZmSCA1 was markedly up‐regulated in the overexpression lines after drought stress. Consistent with these results, the drought stress tolerance of the ZmPIS sense transgenic plants was enhanced significantly at the pre‐flowering stages compared with WT maize plants. These results imply that ZmPIS regulates the plant response to drought stress through altering membrane lipid composition and increasing ABA synthesis in maize.  相似文献   

The structure of a nonspecific lipid transfer protein from barley (ns-LTPbarley) in complex with palmitate has been determined by NMR spectroscopy. The structure has been compared to the structure of ns-LTPbarley in the absence of palmitate, to the structure of ns-LTPbarley in complex with palmitoyl coenzyme A, to the structure of ns-LTPmaize in its free form, and to the maize protein complexed with palmitate. Binding of palmitate only affects the structure of ns-LTPbarley moderately in contrast to the binding of palmitoyl coenzyme A, which leads to a considerable expansion of the protein. The modes of binding palmitate to the maize and barley protein are different. Although in neither case there are major conformational changes in the protein, the orientation of the palmitate in the two proteins is exactly opposite.  相似文献   

Lipids are essential for many biological processes and crucial in the pathogenesis of several diseases. Intracellular lipid-binding proteins (iLBPs) provide mobile hydrophobic binding sites that allow hydrophobic or amphipathic lipid molecules to penetrate into and across aqueous layers. Thus iLBPs mediate the lipid transport within the cell and participate to a spectrum of tissue-specific pathways involved in lipid homeostasis. Structural studies have shown that iLBPs' binding sites are inaccessible from the bulk, implying that substrate binding should involve a conformational change able to produce a ligand entry portal. Many studies have been reported in the last two decades on iLBPs indicating that their dynamics play a pivotal role in regulating ligand binding and targeted release. The ensemble of reported data has not been reviewed until today. This review is thus intended to summarize and possibly generalize the results up to now described, providing a picture which could help to identify the missing notions necessary to improve our understanding of the role of dynamics in iLBPs' molecular recognition. Such notions would clarify the chemistry of lipid binding to iLBPs and set the basis for the development of new drugs.  相似文献   

《Journal of lipid research》2017,58(12):2255-2263
Cholesterol, an essential component in biological membranes, is highly unevenly distributed within the cell, with most localized in the plasma membrane while only a small fraction is found in the endoplasmic reticulum, where it is synthesized. Cellular membranes differ in lipid composition and protein content, and these differences can exist across their leaflets too. This thermodynamic landscape that cellular membranes impose on cholesterol is expected to modulate its transport. To uncover the role the membrane environment has on cholesterol inter- and intra-membrane movement, we used time-resolved small angle neutron scattering to study the passive movement of cholesterol between and within membranes with varying degrees of saturation content. We found that cholesterol moves systematically slower as the degree of saturation in the membranes increases, from a palmitoyl oleyl phosphotidylcholine membrane, which is unsaturated, to a dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) membrane, which is fully saturated. Additionally, we found that the energetic barrier to move cholesterol in these phosphatidylcholine membranes is independent of their relative lipid composition and remains constant for both flip-flop and exchange at ∼100 kJ/mol. Further, by replacing DPPC with the saturated lipid palmitoylsphingomyelin, an abundant saturated lipid of the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane, we found the rates decreased by a factor of two. This finding is in stark contrast with recent molecular dynamic simulations that predict a dramatic slow-down of seven orders of magnitude for cholesterol flipping in membranes with a similar phosphocholine and SM lipid composition.  相似文献   

Cellular retinaldehyde-binding protein (CRALBP) is an essential protein in the human visual cycle without a known three-dimensional structure. Previous studies associate retinal pathologies to specific mutations in the CRALBP protein. Here we use homology modeling and molecular dynamics methods to investigate the structural mechanisms by which CRALBP functions in the visual cycle. We have constructed two conformations of CRALBP representing two states in the process of ligand association and dissociation. Notably, our homology models map the pathology-associated mutations either directly in or adjacent to the putative ligand-binding cavity. Furthermore, six novel residues have been identified to be crucial for the hinge movement of the lipid-exchange loop in CRALBP. We conclude that the binding and release of retinoid involve large conformational changes in the lipid-exchange loop at the entrance of the ligand-binding cavity.  相似文献   

Cheng CS  Chen MN  Lai YT  Chen T  Lin KF  Liu YJ  Lyu PC 《Proteins》2008,70(3):695-706
Plant nonspecific lipid transfer protein 2 (nsLTP2) is a small (7 kDa) protein that binds lipid-like ligands. An inner hydrophobic cavity surrounded by alpha-helices is the defining structural feature of nsLTP2. Although nsLTP2 structures have been reported earlier, the detailed mechanisms of ligand binding and lipid transfer remain unclear. In this study, we used site-directed mutagenesis to determine the role of various hydrophobic residues (L8, I15, F36, F39, Y45, Y48, and V49) in the structure, stability, ligand binding, and lipid transfer activity of rice nsLTP2. Three single mutations (L8A, F36A, and V49A) drastically alter the native tertiary structure and perturb ligand binding and lipid transfer activity. Therefore, these three residues are structurally important. The Y45A mutant, however, retains a native-like structure but has decreased lipid binding affinity and lipid transfer activity, implying that this aromatic residue is critical for these biological functions. The mutants, I15A and Y48A, exhibit quite different ligand binding affinities. Y48 is involved in planar sterol binding but not linear lysophospholipid association. As for I15A, it had the highest dehydroergosterol binding affinity in spite of the lower lipid binding and transfer abilities. Our results suggest that the long alkyl side chain of I15 would restrict the flexibility of loop I (G13-A19) for sterol entry. Finally, F39A can markedly increase the exposed hydrophobic surface to maintain its transfer efficiency despite reduced ligand binding affinity. These findings suggest that the residues forming the hydrophobic cavity play various important roles in the structure and function of rice nsLTP2.  相似文献   

Members of the family of intracellular lipid binding proteins (iLBPs) have been implicated in cytoplasmic transport of lipophilic ligands, such as long-chain fatty acids and retinoids. iLBPs are low molecular mass proteins (14–16 kDa) sharing a common structural fold. The iLBP family likely arose through duplication and diversification of an ancestral iLBP gene. Phylogenetic analysis undertaken in the present study indicates that the ancestral iLBP gene arose after divergence of animals from fungi and plants. The first gene duplication was dated around 930 millions of years ago, and subsequent duplications in the succeeding 550 millions of years gave rise to the 16 iLBP types currently recognized in vertebrates. Four clusters of proteins, each binding a characteristic range of ligands, are evident from the phylogenetic tree. Evolution of different binding properties probably allowed cytoplasmic trafficking of distinct ligands. It is speculated that recruitment of an iLBP during evolution of animals enabled the mitochondrial oxidation of long-chain fatty acids.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional solution structure of maize nonspecific lipid transfer protein (nsLTP) obtained by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is compared to the X-ray structure. Although both structures are very similar, some local structural differences are observed in the first and the fourth helices and in several side-chain conformations. These discrepancies arise partly from intermolecular contacts in the crystal lattice. The main characteristic of nsLTP structures is the presence of an internal hydrophobic cavity whose volume was found to vary from 237 to 513 Å3 without major variations in the 15 solution structures. Comparison of crystal and NMR structures shows the existence of another small hollow at the periphery of the protein containing a water molecule in the X-ray structure, which could play an important structural role. A model of the complexed form of maize nsLTP by α-lysopalmitoylphosphatidylcholine was built by docking the lipid inside the protein cavity of the NMR structure. The main structural feature is a hydrogen bond found also in the X-ray structure of the complex maize nsLTP/palmitate between the hydroxyl of Tyr81 and the carbonyl of the lipid. Comparison of 12 primary sequences of nsLTPs emphasizes that all residues delineating the cavities calculated on solution and X-ray structures are conserved, which suggests that this large cavity is a common feature of all compared plant nsLTPs. Furthermore several conserved basic residues seem to be involved in the stabilization of the protein architecture. Proteins 31:160–171, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) assays and membrane binding determinations were performed using three phosphatidylinositol transfer proteins, including the yeast Sec14 and two mammalian proteins PITPα and PITPβ. These proteins were able to specifically bind the fluorescent phosphatidylcholine analogue NBD-PC ((2-(12-(7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazol-4-yl)amino)dodecanoyl-1-hexadecanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine)) and to transfer it to small unilamellar vesicles (SUVs). Rate constants for transfer to vesicles comprising 100% PC were slower for all proteins than when increasing percentages of phosphatidylinositol were incorporated into the same SUVs. The rates of ligand transfer by Sec14 were insensitive to the inclusion of equimolar amounts of another anionic phospholipid phosphatidylserine (PS), but the rates of ligand transfer by both mammalian PITPs were strikingly enhanced by the inclusion of phosphatidic acid (PA) in the receptor SUV. Binding of Sec14 to immobilized bilayers was substantial, while that of PITPα and PITPβ was 3–7 times weaker than Sec14 depending on phospholipid composition. When small proportions of the phosphoinositide PI(4)P were included in receptor SUVs (either with PI or not), Sec14 showed substantially increased rates of NBD-PC pick-up, whereas the PITPs were unaffected. The data are supportive of a role for PITPβ as functional PI transfer protein in vivo, but that Sec14 likely has a more elaborate function.  相似文献   

Cells produce two cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) isoforms, full-length and a shorter variant produced by alternative splicing. Blocking synthesis of both isoforms disrupts lipid metabolism and storage. To further define the role of CETP in cellular lipid metabolism, we stably overexpressed full-length CETP in SW872 cells. These CETP+ cells had several-fold higher intracellular CETP and accumulated 50% less TG due to a 26% decrease in TG synthesis and 2.5-fold higher TG turnover rate. Reduced TG synthesis was due to decreased fatty acid uptake and impaired conversion of diglyceride to TG even though diacylglycerol acyltransferase activity was normal. Sterol-regulatory element binding protein 1 mRNA levels were normal, and although PPARγ expression was reduced, the expression of several of its target genes including adipocyte triglyceride lipase, FASN, and APOE was normal. CETP+ cells contained smaller lipid droplets, consistent with their higher levels of perilipin protein family (PLIN) 3 compared with PLIN1 and PLIN2. Intracellular CETP was mostly associated with the endoplasmic reticulum, although CETP near lipid droplets poorly colocalized with this membrane. A small pool of CETP resided in the cytoplasm, and a subfraction coisolated with lipid droplets. These data show that overexpression of full-length CETP disrupts lipid homeostasis resulting in the formation of smaller, more metabolically active lipid droplets.  相似文献   

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