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We hypothesize that aggregations of animals are likely to attract pathogenic micro-organisms and that this is especially the case for semisocial and eusocial insects where selection ultimately led to group sizes in the thousands or even millions, attracting the epithet 'superorganism'. Here, we analyse antimicrobial strength, per individual, in eight thrips species (Insecta: Thysanoptera) that present increasing innate group sizes and show that species with the largest group size (100-700) had the strongest antimicrobials, those with smaller groups (10-80) had lower antimicrobial activity, while solitary species showed none. Species with large innate group sizes showed strong antimicrobial activity while the semisocial species showed no activity until group size increased sufficiently to make activity detectable. The eusocial species behaved in a similar way, with detectable activity appearing once group size exceeded 120. These analyses show that antimicrobial strength is determined by innate group size. This suggests that the evolution of sociality that, by definition, increases group size, may have had particular requirements for defences against microbial pathogens. Thus, increase in group size, accompanied by increased antibiotic strength, may have been a critical factor determining the 'point of no return', early in the evolution of social insects, beyond which the evolution of social anatomical and morphological traits was irreversible. Our data suggest that traits that increase group size in general are accompanied by increased antimicrobial strength and that this was critical for transitions from solitary to social and eusocial organization.  相似文献   

The social insect soldier is perhaps the most widely known caste, because it often exhibits spectacular weapons, such as highly enlarged jaws or reinforced appendages, which are used to defend the colony against enemies ranging in size from wasps to anteaters. We examined the function of the enlarged forelimbs of soldiers (both male and female) of the eusocial, gall-inhabiting insect Kladothrips intermedius, and discovered that they have little impact on their ability to repel the specialized invading thrips Koptothrips species. While the efficacy of the enlarged forelimb appears equivocal, we show that soldiers secrete strong antifungal compounds capable of controlling the specialized insect fungal pathogen, Cordyceps bassiana. Our data suggest that these thrips soldiers have evolved in response to selection by both macro- and micro-organisms. While it is unknown whether specialized fungal pathogens have been major selective agents in the evolution of the soldier caste in general, they were probably present when sociality first evolved and may have been the primordial enemies of social insects.  相似文献   

Evidence for the antiquity and importance of microbial pathogens as selective agents is found in the proliferation of antimicrobial defences throughout the animal kingdom. Social insects, typified by crowding and often by low genetic variation, have high probabilities of disease transmission and eusocial Hymenoptera may be particularly vulnerable because of haplodiploidy. Mechanisms they employ to reduce the risk of disease include antimicrobial secretions which are particularly important primary barriers to infection. However, until now, whether or not there is selection for stronger antimicrobial secretions when the risk of disease increases because of sociality has not been tested. Here, we present evidence that the production of progressively stronger antimicrobial compounds was critical to the evolution of sociality in bees. We found that increases in group size and genetic relatedness were strongly correlated with increasing antimicrobial strength. The antimicrobials of even the most primitive semi-social species were an order of magnitude stronger that those of solitary species, suggesting a point of no return, beyond which disease control was essential. Our results suggest that selection by microbial pathogens was critical to the evolution of sociality and required the production of strong, front-line antimicrobial defences.  相似文献   

Evidence from insects and vertebrates suggests that cooperation may have enabled species to expand their niches, becoming ecological generalists and dominating the ecosystems in which they occur. Consistent with this idea, eusocial species of sponge‐dwelling Synalpheus shrimps from Belize are ecological generalists with a broader host breadth and higher abundance than non‐eusocial species. We evaluate whether sociality promotes ecological generalism (social conquest hypothesis) or whether ecological generalism facilitates the transition to sociality (social transition hypothesis) in 38 Synalpheus shrimp species. We find that sociality evolves primarily from host generalists, and almost exclusively so for transitions to eusociality. Additionally, sponge volume is more important for explaining social transitions towards communal breeding than to eusociality, suggesting that different ecological factors may influence the independent evolutionary origins of sociality in Synalpheus shrimps. Ultimately, our results are consistent with the social transition hypothesis and the idea that ecological generalism facilitates the transition to sociality.  相似文献   

Changes in the relative size of brain regions are often dependent on experience and environmental stimulation, which includes an animal''s social environment. Some studies suggest that social interactions are cognitively demanding, and have examined predictions that the evolution of sociality led to the evolution of larger brains. Previous studies have compared species with different social organizations or different groups within obligately social species. Here, we report the first intraspecific study to examine how social experience shapes brain volume using a species with facultatively eusocial or solitary behaviour, the sweat bee Megalopta genalis. Serial histological sections were used to reconstruct and measure the volume of brain areas of bees behaving as social reproductives, social workers, solitary reproductives or 1-day-old bees that are undifferentiated with respect to the social phenotype. Social reproductives showed increased development of the mushroom body (an area of the insect brain associated with sensory integration and learning) relative to social workers and solitary reproductives. The gross neuroanatomy of young bees is developmentally similar to the advanced eusocial species previously studied, despite vast differences in colony size and social organization. Our results suggest that the transition from solitary to social behaviour is associated with modified brain development, and that maintaining dominance, rather than sociality per se, leads to increased mushroom body development, even in the smallest social groups possible (i.e. groups with two bees). Such results suggest that capabilities to navigate the complexities of social life may be a factor shaping brain evolution in some social insects, as for some vertebrates.  相似文献   

A substantial body of research on eusocial insects seen in the last decades has gone hand-in-hand with the development of social evolution theory. In contrast, little attention has been given to the non-eusocial insect species that nevertheless exhibit a rich spectrum of social behaviours, thus effectively skewing our vision of insect sociality. Recent studies on the behaviour, ecology and genetic of “gregarious” cockroaches (Blattodea) have revealed a diversity of social structures and group dynamics unique among insects, providing an important comparative model for the broader understanding of insect social evolution. Here, we present an overview of the social biology of the domiciliary cockroaches (ca. 25 species adapted to human habitats) based on research on two model species, Blattella germanica and Periplaneta americana. We discuss the evolution of these domiciliary cockroaches, considering them in the context of “social herds” within the insect sociality framework.  相似文献   

The evolution of reproductive division of labour and social life in social insects has lead to the emergence of several life‐history traits and adaptations typical of larger organisms: social insect colonies can reach masses of several kilograms, they start reproducing only when they are several years old, and can live for decades. These features and the monopolization of reproduction by only one or few individuals in a colony should affect molecular evolution by reducing the effective population size. We tested this prediction by analysing genome‐wide patterns of coding sequence polymorphism and divergence in eusocial vs. noneusocial insects based on newly generated RNA‐seq data. We report very low amounts of genetic polymorphism and an elevated ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous changes – a marker of the effective population size – in four distinct species of eusocial insects, which were more similar to vertebrates than to solitary insects regarding molecular evolutionary processes. Moreover, the ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous substitutions was positively correlated with the level of social complexity across ant species. These results are fully consistent with the hypothesis of a reduced effective population size and an increased genetic load in eusocial insects, indicating that the evolution of social life has important consequences at both the genomic and population levels.  相似文献   

Laboratory behavioral experiments were conducted with two solitary, halictine bee species, in the genus Lasioglossum, to examine the nature of behavioral interactions between non-nestmate females. The experimental design of this study was identical to previous work on both a communal (Kukuk 1992) and a eusocial Lasioglossum species (Breed et al. 1978), thereby providing data for comparison of female-female interactions in species within a single, very large genus that exhibit different sociality. Both solitary species exhibited low levels of aggressive behavior yet nearly all females were reproductively active, as determined by subsequent dissections. Neither ovarian width nor size was associated with aggression in either species. Interspecific comparisons reveal large differences in cooperation and aggression among the four congeneric species. The communal species exhibits significantly more cooperative and less aggressive behavior than all other species suggesting that communal social behavior in Lasioglossum is not phenetically intermediate between the behavior of solitary and eusocial species.  相似文献   

The importance of predation and burrow digging in explainingthe evolution of sociality is generally unclear. We focusedon New World hystricognath rodents to evaluate three key predictionsof the predation hypothesis. First, large-bodied surface-dwellingspecies will be more vulnerable because they are more detectable;thus sociality should be associated with body size. Second,surface-dwelling, diurnal species would be more vulnerable topredators than nocturnal species; thus sociality should be associatedwith the evolution of diurnality. Third, species living in openhabitats will be more vulnerable; thus sociality should evolvein species living in open habitats. Regarding the importanceof burrows, we tested if species that dig burrows can benefitfrom communal labor; thus, sociality should be associated withburrow digging. All traits had significant phylogenetic signal,thus comparative analyses should explicitly address this. Ina comparative analysis on independent contrasts we found thatsociality was correlated with body size (larger species weremore social), diurnality (diurnal species were more social),and burrowing (burrowing species were more social), but we foundno effect of overhead plant cover of habitat on sociality inhystricognath rodents. Somewhat different results were foundwhen we analyzed the raw data. Taken together, our results providesupport for a link between predation risk, burrow digging, andsociality in this group.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism is typically a result of strong sexual selection on male traits used in male–male competition and subsequent female choice. However, in social species where reproduction is monopolized by one or a few individuals in a group, selection on secondary sexual characteristics may be strong in both sexes. Indeed, sexual dimorphism is reduced in many cooperatively breeding vertebrates and eusocial insects with totipotent workers, presumably because of increased selection on female traits. Here, we examined the relationship between sexual dimorphism and sociality in eight species of Synalpheus snapping shrimps that vary in social structure and degree of reproductive skew. In species where reproduction was shared more equitably, most members of both sexes were physiologically capable of breeding. However, in species where reproduction was monopolized by a single individual, a large proportion of females—but not males—were reproductively inactive, suggesting stronger reproductive suppression and conflict among females. Moreover, as skew increased across species, proportional size of the major chela—the primary antagonistic weapon in snapping shrimps—increased among females and sexual dimorphism in major chela size declined. Thus, as reproductive skew increases among Synalpheus, female–female competition over reproduction appears to increase, resulting in decreased sexual dimorphism in weapon size.  相似文献   

The negative cross-talk between induced plant defences against pathogens and arthropod herbivores is exploited by vectors of plant pathogens: a plant challenged by pathogens reduces investment in defences that would otherwise be elicited by herbivores. This negative cross-talk may also be exploited by non-vector herbivores which elicit similar anti-herbivore defences in the plant. We studied how damage by the thrips Frankliniella occidentalis and/or infection with Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) affect the performance of a non-vector arthropod: the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae, a parenchym feeder just like F. occidentalis. Juvenile survival of spider mites on plants inoculated with TSWV by thrips was higher than on control and on thrips-damaged plants. However, thrips damage did not reduce spider-mite survival as compared to the control, suggesting that the positive effect of TSWV on spider-mite survival is independent of anti-thrips defence. Developmental and oviposition rates were enhanced on plants inoculated with TSWV by thrips and on plants with thrips damage. Therefore, spider mites benefit from TSWV-infection of pepper plants, but also from the response of plants to thrips damage. We suggest that the positive effects of TSWV on this non-vector species cannot be explained exclusively by cross-talk between anti-herbivore and anti-pathogen plant defences.  相似文献   

The evolution of group living requires that individuals limit the inherent risks of parasite infection. To this end, group living insects have developed a unique capability of mounting collective anti-parasite defences, such as allogrooming and corpse removal from the nest. Over the last 20 years, this phenomenon (called social immunity) was mostly studied in eusocial insects, with results emphasizing its importance in derived social systems. However, the role of social immunity in the early evolution of group living remains unclear. Here, I investigate this topic by first presenting the definitions of social immunity and discussing their applications across social systems. I then provide an up-to-date appraisal of the collective and individual mechanisms of social immunity described in eusocial insects and show that they have counterparts in non-eusocial species and even solitary species. Finally, I review evidence demonstrating that the increased risks of parasite infection in group living species may both decrease and increase the level of personal immunity, and discuss how the expression of social immunity could drive these opposite effects. By highlighting similarities and differences of social immunity across social systems, this review emphasizes the potential importance of this phenomenon in the early evolution of the multiple forms of group living in insects.  相似文献   

Behavioral shifts can initiate morphological evolution by pushing lineages into new adaptive zones. This has primarily been examined in ecological behaviors, such as foraging, but social behaviors may also alter morphology. Swallows and martins (Hirundinidae) are aerial insectivores that exhibit a range of social behaviors, from solitary to colonial breeding and foraging. Using a well‐resolved phylogenetic tree, a database of social behaviors, and morphological measurements, we ask how shifts from solitary to social breeding and foraging have affected morphological evolution in the Hirundinidae. Using a threshold model of discrete state evolution, we find that shifts in both breeding and foraging social behavior are common across the phylogeny of swallows. Solitary swallows have highly variable morphology, while social swallows show much less absolute variance in all morphological traits. Metrics of convergence based on both the trajectory of social lineages through morphospace and the overall morphological distance between social species scaled by their phylogenetic distance indicate strong convergence in social swallows, especially socially foraging swallows. Smaller physical traits generally observed in social species suggest that social species benefit from a distinctive flight style, likely increasing maneuverability and foraging success and reducing in‐flight collisions within large flocks. These results highlight the importance of sociality in species evolution, a link that had previously been examined only in eusocial insects and primates.  相似文献   

Regulatory pathways in solitary species provide the raw materials for the evolution of sociality. Therefore, comparing the mechanisms that mediate reproductive plasticity in social species and their solitary ancestors can provide insight into the evolutionary origin of sociality. In many solitary insects, the effect of juvenile hormone (JH) on fertility is mediated through the fat body; individuals in good physical condition show a stronger fertility response to JH than individuals in poor physical condition. Here, we test whether a similar, condition-dependent JH response mediates fertility in workers of the primitively eusocial Polistes dominulus wasps. We test how body weight, JH, and adult nutrition influence worker ovarian development. Both JH-treatment and adult nutrition dramatically increased ovarian development. Body weight also influenced ovarian development, as large workers developed more eggs than smaller workers. Body weight and fat are strongly linked in P. dominulus workers, so these results suggest that the fat-dependent JH responsiveness common in solitary insects is conserved in social wasps. The simple, ancestral relationship between reproductive investment and physical condition may facilitate cooperation by allowing workers to adaptively allocate energy into reproduction based on their probability of successfully becoming a queen.  相似文献   

Division of labour is central to the ecological success of eusocial insects, yet the evolutionary factors driving increases in complexity in division of labour are little known. The size–complexity hypothesis proposes that, as larger colonies evolve, both non-reproductive and reproductive division of labour become more complex as workers and queens act to maximize inclusive fitness. Using a statistically robust phylogenetic comparative analysis of social and environmental traits of species within the ant tribe Attini, we show that colony size is positively related to both non-reproductive (worker size variation) and reproductive (queen–worker dimorphism) division of labour. The results also suggested that colony size acts on non-reproductive and reproductive division of labour in different ways. Environmental factors, including measures of variation in temperature and precipitation, had no significant effects on any division of labour measure or colony size. Overall, these results support the size–complexity hypothesis for the evolution of social complexity and division of labour in eusocial insects. Determining the evolutionary drivers of colony size may help contribute to our understanding of the evolution of social complexity.  相似文献   

The molecular clock does not tick at a uniform rate in all taxa but may be influenced by species characteristics. Eusocial species (those with reproductive division of labor) have been predicted to have faster rates of molecular evolution than their nonsocial relatives because of greatly reduced effective population size; if most individuals in a population are nonreproductive and only one or few queens produce all the offspring, then eusocial animals could have much lower effective population sizes than their solitary relatives, which should increase the rate of substitution of "nearly neutral" mutations. An earlier study reported faster rates in eusocial honeybees and vespid wasps but failed to correct for phylogenetic nonindependence or to distinguish between potential causes of rate variation. Because sociality has evolved independently in many different lineages, it is possible to conduct a more wide-ranging study to test the generality of the relationship. We have conducted a comparative analysis of 25 phylogenetically independent pairs of social lineages and their nonsocial relatives, including bees, wasps, ants, termites, shrimps, and mole rats, using a range of available DNA sequences (mitochondrial and nuclear DNA coding for proteins and RNAs, and nontranslated sequences). By including a wide range of social taxa, we were able to test whether there is a general influence of sociality on rates of molecular evolution and to test specific predictions of the hypothesis: (1) that social species have faster rates because they have reduced effective population sizes; (2) that mitochondrial genes would show a greater effect of sociality than nuclear genes; and (3) that rates of molecular evolution should be correlated with the degree of sociality. We find no consistent pattern in rates of molecular evolution between social and nonsocial lineages and no evidence that mitochondrial genes show faster rates in social taxa. However, we show that the most highly eusocial Hymenoptera do have faster rates than their nonsocial relatives. We also find that social parasites (that utilize the workers from related species to produce their own offspring) have faster rates than their social relatives, which is consistent with an effect of lower effective population size on rate of molecular evolution. Our results illustrate the importance of allowing for phylogenetic nonindependence when conducting investigations of determinants of variation in rate of molecular evolution.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the occurrence, distribution and diversity of pathogens of insects and arachnids (entomopathogens) in the Arctic is very limited. Climate change is expected to affect Arctic terrestrial arthropod communities and therefore also host–pathogen interactions, given that entomopathogens are present. We conducted a survey of fungal entomopathogens in soil samples collected at four localities in Greenland; two at low Arctic sites (Ritenbenk and Disko Island) and two at sites in the high Arctic (Zackenberg and Danmarkshavn). Fungi were isolated from soil samples using larvae of the insect species Galleria mellonella (Lepidoptera) and Tenebrio molitor (Coleoptera) as baits providing evidence that the fungal isolates were indeed entomopathogenic. Five fungal species (Ascomycota; Hypocreales) were found: Isaria fumosorosea Wize, Isaria farinosa (Holmsk.) Fr., Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill., Beauveria pseudobassiana Rehner and Humber and Tolypocladium inflatum W. Gams (syn.?=?T. niveum). I. farinosa was found at all four localities, while I. fumosorosea was detected in single samples at each of three localities including both high Arctic sites. Only the locality on Disko Island revealed B. bassiana, whereas B. pseudobassiana was isolated at the three other sites. T. inflatum was only found on Disko Island and only isolated with T. molitor as a bait insect. The results document that fungal entomopathogens are widely distributed in the soil environment in Greenland. Entomopathogens should therefore be included in future studies of arthropod ecology in the Arctic.  相似文献   

《Fungal biology》2019,123(12):905-912
The diversity of the fungal community associated with adults of Dryocosmus kuriphilus following emergence was examined using HTS analysis. Ascomycota dominated the fungal core-biome community. The functional guilds of the 90 taxa forming the core-biome were assessed, demonstrating three main groups: saprotrophs, plant pathogens and entomopathogens. Twenty-nine OTUs out of 90 were resolved to species level identifying 26 different fungal species. Among these species, many were cosmopolitan or previously recorded in Europe. Ten taxa were previously recorded on chestnut, including some recognized plant pathogens associated with foliage and green tissues such as Epicoccum nigrum, Gnomoniopsis castanea, Colletotrichum acutatum, Stromatoseptoria castaneicola, Ramularia endophylla. Beauveria bassiana; within the core microbiome, Fusarium larvarum represented the most abundant entomopathogenic species. Some of these species are known to impact directly or indirectly the vitality of the insects in the galls. The chestnut blight pathogen, Cryphonectria parasitica, was never found associated with D. kuriphilus. Based on the present study, an active role for D. kuriphilus as a vector of chestnut fungal endophyte/pathogens cannot be demonstrated but neither ruled out.  相似文献   

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