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Mixed modes of reproduction, combining sexual processes with thelytokous parthenogenesis, occur in all major clades of social insects. In several species of termites, queens maximize their genetic input into nondispersing replacement queens through parthenogenesis, while maintaining genetically diverse sterile offspring and dispersing reproductives via sexual reproduction. This so‐called asexual queen succession (AQS) has multiple independent origins and its presumed advantages are diverse as well, ranging from multiplication of colony reproductive potential to extension of its lifespan beyond that of the foundress. However, how AQS shapes colony life cycles under natural conditions remains poorly known. The neotropical termite Silvestritermes minutus inhabits small but conspicuous nests, offering a unique opportunity to investigate the impact of AQS on life history. We report on its breeding system, life cycle and sex allocation using social structure census in 137 nests and genotyping of 12 colonies at 12 microsatellite loci. We show that colonies are established by an outbred pair of primary reproductives. In less than 2 years, the foundress is replaced by multiple neotenic queens, arising mostly through automixis with central fusion. Sterile castes, male and most (93%) female dispersers are produced sexually. Colony reproduction is usually restricted to a single dispersal of alates with unbiased sex ratio, taking place after 3 years. We conclude that S. minutus benefits from AQS to maximize colony growth rate and alate production within a very short life cycle rather than to extend colony lifespan. This highlights the versatile role of AQS in different cases of its polyphyletic origin.  相似文献   

Termite colonies are founded by a pair of primary reproductives. In many species, including subterranean termites (family Rhinotermitidae), the primary king and queen can be succeeded by neotenic reproductives that are produced from workers or nymphs within the colony. It is generally believed that these neotenics inbreed within the colony, sometimes for many generations. Here, we show that primary queens of the North American subterranean termite, Reticulitermes virginicus, are replaced by numerous parthenogenetically produced female neotenics. We collected functional female neotenics from five colonies of R. virginicus in North Carolina and Texas, USA. Genetic analysis at eight microsatellite loci showed that 91-100% of the neotenics present within a colony were homozygous at all loci, indicating that they were produced through automictic parthenogenesis with terminal fusion. In contrast, workers, soldiers and alates were almost exclusively sexually produced by mating between the female neotenics and a single king. This is the second termite species shown to undergo asexual queen succession, a system first described in the Japanese species, Reticulitermes speratus. Thus, the conditional use of sexual and asexual reproduction to produce members of different castes may be widespread within Reticulitermes and possibly other subterranean termites.  相似文献   

In social insect colonies, queen-produced pheromones have important functions in social regulation. These substances influence the behavior and physiology of colony members. A queen-produced volatile that inhibits differentiation of new neotenic reproductives was recently identified in the lower termite Reticulitermes speratus. However, there are no known queen-specific volatiles of this type in any other termite species. Here, we report volatile compounds emitted by live queens of the higher termite Nasutitermes takasagoensis. We used headspace gas chromatography mass spectroscopy (HS GC-MS) to analyze volatiles emitted by live primary queens, workers, soldiers, alates, and eggs collected in a Japanese subtropical forest. Among 14 detected compounds, 7 were soldier-specific, 1 was alate-specific, 1 was egg-specific, and 1 was queen-specific. The queen-specific volatile was phenylethanol, which is different than the compound identified in R. speratus. The identification of this queen-specific volatile is the first step in determining its functions in higher termite social regulation. Comparisons of queen pheromone substances regulating caste differentiation among various termite taxa will contribute to a better understanding of the evolution of social systems in termites.  相似文献   

Pearcy M  Hardy O  Aron S 《Heredity》2006,96(5):377-382
Thelytokous parthenogenesis, that is, the production of diploid daughters from unfertilized eggs, may involve various cytological mechanisms, each having a different impact on the genetic structure of populations. Here, we determined the cytological mechanism of thelytokous parthenogenesis and its impact on inbreeding in the ant Cataglyphis cursor, a species where queens use both sexual and asexual reproduction to produce, respectively, workers and new queens. It has been suggested that thelytokous parthenogenesis in C. cursor might have been selected for to face high queen mortality and, originally, to allow workers to replace the queen when she passes away. We first determined the mode of thelytokous parthenogenesis by comparing the rate of transition to homozygosity at four highly polymorphic loci to expectations under the different modes of parthenogenesis. Our data show that thelytoky is achieved through automictic parthenogenesis with central fusion. We then estimated the proportion of colonies headed by worker-produced queens in a natural population. We designed a model linking the observed homozygosity in queens to the proportion of queens produced by workers, based on the assumption that (i) parthenogenesis is automictic with central fusion and (ii) queen lineage is asexually produced, resulting in an increase of the inbreeding over generations, whereas workers are sexually produced and therefore not inbred. Our results indicate that more than 60% of the colonies should be headed by a worker-produced queen, suggesting that queen's lifespan is low in this species.  相似文献   

In social insects, the caste systems are based on reproductive division of labor; queens specialize in reproduction and workers primarily maintain the colony. Recently, a volatile pheromone containing n-butyl-n-butyrate and 2-methyl-1-butanol was identified as a termite queen pheromone that inhibits the differentiation of female neotenic reproductives (secondary queens). Although this volatile inhibitory pheromone regulates caste differentiation directly, the method by which it reaches members without direct contact with the queen in large colonies is not well understood. Therefore, additional mechanisms of indirect communication must exist, such as worker-mediated queen signal transport. We found that workers exposed to female reproductives did not mediate queens’ inhibitory signal in a termite Reticulitermes speratus. The experiment assessed worker transfer from direct to indirect contact groups and determined that the differentiation of new female reproductives in the indirect contact groups was not influenced by the direct contact groups, whereas direct contact with functional female reproductives and artificial queen pheromone did suppress neotenic differentiation. This suggests that worker transfer of the queen signal is unlikely and that for colony-wide inhibition direct contact by the majority of infertile members with reproductives or eggs, which emit the same volatiles as female reproductives, is necessary within a certain time interval.  相似文献   

Drywood termites of the family Kalotermitidae present a very flexible developmental pattern, in which pseudergates are totipotent and may become reproductives. In this study, three colonies of Cryptotermes brevis headed by neotenic reproductives were used: (i) colony A, with a primary king and a neotenic queen; (ii) colony B, with a primary queen and a neotenic king; and (iii) colony C, with neotenic king and queen. The primary king from colony A and the neotenic king from colony B presented well‐developed reproductive systems, with conspicuous testicular lobes and cysts containing spermatozoa also observed in the seminal vesicles. The neotenic queen of colony A and the primary queen of colony B had ovaries with several oocytes in early developmental stages with some of them already vitellogenic and terminal, which suggests egg‐laying activity. Both of these queens presented the spermathecae lumen filled with spermatozoa. The queen of colony C had vitellogenic oocytes; however, the oocytes were not terminal and the lumen of spermathecae was devoid of spermatozoa and secretions. The seminal vesicles of colony C neotenic king have no spermatozoa. This king displayed a previtellogenic oocyte among its testicular lobes, which suggested that this individual was an intersex.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the potential of the termites Armitermes euamignathus Silvestri: 1901 and Embiratermes festivellus (Silvestri, 1901) (Isoptera, Termitidae, Nasutitermitinae) to produce neotenics experimentally. Three nests of the mound-building termite A. euamignathus, from the Brazilian cerrado, had their primary queens removed in August 1994. After 12 months, only one mound survived; it had a normal appearance. In this healthy, orphaned colony we found the primary king, six physogastric nymphoid female replacement reproductives, two ergatoid female replacement reproductives, 46 nymphs, several presoldiers, soldiers, workers, larvae and many eggs. These data show that neotenics in A. euamignathus may originate from both workers and nymphs, but nymphoids are produced in larger numbers. The biometric study of nymphs and nymphoids suggests that these brachypterous neotenics were derived from third instar nymphs after a single moult or from four instar nymphs after a reduction of wing bud length. A piece of an E. festivellus nest with some third instar nymphs, soldiers and workers was kept under laboratory conditions. After 12 months, the whole experimental subcolony was examined and appeared to contain two pigmented nymphoid females, two pigmented nymphoid males, only one larva, seven nymphs of the same instar, 148 workers, five soldiers and many eggs. These results also indicate the capacity of the termite E. festivellus to produce nymphoid neotenics. These neotenic females were laying eggs, but they were not physogastric after a year, unlike some nymphoids of the same species collected from natural colonies.  相似文献   

The little fire ant, Wasmannia auropunctata, displays a peculiar breeding system polymorphism. Classical haplo-diploid sexual reproduction between reproductive individuals occurs in some populations, whereas, in others, queens and males reproduce clonally. Workers are produced sexually and are sterile in both clonal and sexual populations. The evolutionary fate of the clonal lineages depends strongly on the underlying mechanisms allowing reproductive individuals to transmit their genomes to subsequent generations. We used several queen-offspring data sets to estimate the rate of transition from heterozygosity to homozygosity associated with recombination events at 33 microsatellite loci in thelytokous parthenogenetic queen lineages and compared these rates with theoretical expectations under various parthenogenesis mechanisms. We then used sexually produced worker families to define linkage groups for these 33 loci and to compare meiotic recombination rates in sexual and parthenogenetic queens. Our results demonstrate that queens from clonal populations reproduce by automictic parthenogenesis with central fusion. These same parthenogenetic queens produce normally segregating meiotic oocytes for workers, which display much lower rates of recombination (by a factor of 45) than workers produced by sexual queens. These low recombination rates also concern the parthenogenetic production of queen offspring, as indicated by the very low rates of transition from heterozygosity to homozygosity observed (from 0% to 2.8%). We suggest that the combination of automixis with central fusion and a major decrease in recombination rates allows clonal queens to benefit from thelytoky while avoiding the potential inbreeding depression resulting from the loss of heterozygosity during automixis. In sterile workers, the strong decrease of recombination rates may also facilitate the conservation over time of some coadapted allelic interactions within chromosomes that might confer an adaptive advantage in habitats disturbed by human activity, where clonal populations of W. auropunctata are mostly found.  相似文献   

In social insects, resource allocation is a key factor that influences colony survival and growth. Optimal allocation to queens and brood is essential for maximum colony productivity, requiring colony members to have information on the total reproductive power in colonies. However, the mechanisms regulating egg production relative to the current labour force for brood care remain poorly known. Recently, a volatile chemical was identified as a termite queen pheromone that inhibits the differentiation of new neotenic reproductives (secondary reproductives developed from nymphs or workers) in Reticulitermes speratus. The same volatile chemical is also emitted by eggs. This queen pheromone would therefore be expected to act as an honest message of the reproductive power about queens. In this study, we examined how the queen pheromone influences the reproductive rate of queens in R. speratus. We compared the number of eggs produced by each queen between groups with and without exposure to artificial queen pheromone. Exposure to the pheromone resulted in a significant decrease in egg production in both single-queen and multiple-queen groups. This is the first report supporting the role of queen pheromones as a signal regulating colony-level egg production, using synthetically derived compounds in a termite.  相似文献   

Investment in soldier production in eusocial lineages involves a trade‐off between maintenance costs and defense benefits. Termites are eusocial insects that live in colonies organized into three castes: primary reproductives, soldiers, and workers or pseudergates. Neotermes chilensis (Blanchard) (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae) is a one‐piece nesting termite that nests and forages in a single piece of wood. Two scenarios may be of importance in a defense context of one‐piece nesting termites: during swarms, when colonies may be invaded by winged termites (alates) in search of a place to found a new colony, and when colonies of conspecifics are present within the same substrate. It was hypothesized that the ratio of soldiers to non‐soldiers would be higher at the onset of the swarming period and in substrates bearing more than one termite colony. A method based on X‐ray computed tomography (CT) was developed to study gallery connectivity in colonies of N. chilensis and caste composition within colonies. Computed tomography allowed the digital reconstruction of the galleries within the substrate, even when they belonged to different colonies, and was effective in distinguishing termites from substrate, and soldiers from reproductives and pseudergates. Using CT, the ratio of soldiers to non‐soldiers was shown to be highest in colonies within multicolonial scapes (i.e., neighboring colonies were present in the same substrate) during the swarming season, thus supporting our initial hypotheses. These results constitute a unique example of induced defenses arising from intraspecific interactions in termites.  相似文献   

Colonies of the termite Nasutitermes corniger often contain multiple reproductive queens and kings. We used double-strand conformation polymorphism (DSCP) analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) to determine the probable origins of co-occurring reproductives. Colonies differed in queen and king number, in the number of nests containing reproductives, and in the genetic relationships among reproductives. Most of the 44 colonies contained a single pair of maternally unrelated reproductives. In the two single-nest colonies with a pair of queens, the two queens differed in mtDNA haplotype, suggesting nest-founding by unrelated queens. In the seven single-nest colonies with larger numbers of reproductives (11–49), all reproductives shared the same haplotype, a pattern consistent with replacement of a single pair by several offspring. As predicted by theory, the number of coexisting queens was greater for replacement reproductives than for co-foundresses. Several complex colonies contained multiple queens of two or more haplotypes distributed among several interconnected nests. This indicates that several matrilines can persist within a colony through one or more generations of budding and replacement, a hypothesis confirmed by orphaning experiments. The various modes of termite colony formation rival the diversity seen in ant species and demonstrate the remarkable convergence of behaviours between the two groups.  相似文献   

刘明花  张小晶  薛薇  陈娇玲  刘鹤  吴佳  苏晓红 《昆虫学报》2014,57(11):1328-1334
摘要: 【目的】为了探讨圆唇散白蚁Reticulitermes labralis补充生殖蚁对巢群稳定和发展的作用。【方法】对野外巢群进行调查研究, 及对婚飞成虫通过雌雄配对与补充生殖蚁隔离巢群进行人工饲养的对比研究。【结果】在野外巢群只发现1对原始蚁王蚁后, 而补充生殖蚁的数量最多可达到689头/巢。圆唇散白蚁有3种类型的补充生殖蚁, 即由工蚁转化来的无翅型补充生殖蚁、若蚁转化来的翅芽型补充生殖蚁和末龄若蚁羽化来的拟成虫型补充生殖蚁。实验室条件下婚飞配对群体和隔离群体建群1个月后的存活率分别为64%和96%。建巢初期婚飞配对群体的子代数目增长缓慢, 2个月时的群体数量为6.3±1.54, 10个月时的群体数量也仅为8.4±1.47; 而隔离建群补充生殖蚁2个月时的群体数量为52.4±6.44, 10个月时的群体数量为164.3±20.85, 都高于婚飞配对群体。 此外, 野外巢群的补充蚁后跟原始蚁后一样都具有发达的卵巢。【结论】在圆唇散白蚁中补充生殖蚁是白蚁巢群主要的繁殖力量, 也是建立新巢群的重要繁殖品级。  相似文献   

This is the first report on the annual egg production patterns in mature termite colonies in the field. Data on the seasonal patterns of egg production in field colonies are very important for understanding the annual colony growth schedule, resource allocation, and population dynamics of the termites. However, collecting the eggs from a sufficient number of colonies is extremely difficult in Reticulitermes termites because their multiple-site nesting makes it difficult to find the reproductive center of the colonies. Here, we first show the seasonal pattern of egg production in the subterranean termite Reticulitermes speratus by collecting the reproductive center of ten colonies each month from April through October. We had to destructively examine dozens of nests to find eggs from enough field colonies each month. Mature field colonies began to produce eggs in late May, soon after the swarming season, and the egg production rate (EPR) reached its maximum in early July. The eggs hatched until late October. The EPR was significantly correlated with the average monthly temperature. Additional investigation of the egg distributions in the nests showed that most eggs were kept around the royal cell, which contained the reproductives. The largest colony had 109 supplemental queens and 94,023 eggs, suggesting that each queen produced an average of 24.7 eggs per day, based on the known mean hatching period of an inseminated egg of 34.95±0.12 (SE) days.  相似文献   

Newly molted female neotenic reproductives of the dampwood termite Zootermopsis angusticollis Hagen were allowed to mature in the presence of a neotenic male, a fixed number of larval helpers, and varying numbers of sibling neotenic queens to assess the impact of secondary polygyny to the individual and colony. Under monogyne conditions, neotenics developed more ovarioles per ovary and had higher individual fecundities after 60 d compared with females under polygyne conditions. Queens in groups of three females were able to gain more body mass than those in groups of five. Although the division of resources provided by helpers reduced individual female development and fecundity under polygyne conditions, it resulted in an overall increase in colony fecundity. In addition, neotenic females in polygynous colonies did not differ significantly in reproductive competence. There was no evidence that neotenics were attacked or injured by other reproductives or larval helpers, suggesting little if any reproductive competition among sibling queens. The physiological responses of neotenics to the increasing queen/worker ratio may have the benefit of enhancing the colony growth at the cost of the fecundity of individual queens.  相似文献   

Aldrich BT  Kambhampati S 《Heredity》2007,99(4):443-451
Understanding the origin and maintenance of eusociality in termites has proved problematic, in part, due to a lack of knowledge concerning the variability and evolutionary changes in termite breeding structure. One way to address this is to compare the population genetics of a broad range of termite species. However, few studies have investigated the population genetics of basal termite taxa. We used 12 polymorphic microsatellite loci to characterize and compare the colony genetic structure of 18 colonies of two basal termite subspecies, Zootermopsis nevadensis nevadensis and Zootermopsis nevadensis nuttingi. The average relatedness (r) among individuals within a colony was high (0.59) and similar to values reported for other termite species. Average relatedness between colony founders was lower (0.21) suggesting the alates outbreed. Genotypes of workers and soldiers in 4 out of the 18 colonies were consistent with reproduction by a single pair of primary reproductives and the remaining colonies were inferred to have been derived from more than two reproductives. Eleven colonies with three or more reproductives were consistent with replacement reproductives (neotenics) and the remaining three colonies included genetic contribution from three or more primary reproductives. Comparisons between the subspecies revealed significant differences in breeding structure, specifically in the number and types of reproductives (that is, primaries or neotenics). Furthermore, we observed a larger proportion of colonies with greater than three primary reproductives compared to more derived termite lineages. Thus, our results suggest that breeding structure can vary significantly among termite taxa.  相似文献   

Biological traits and colony structure are difficult to analyze in subterranean termites owing to their cryptic lifestyle and their often elusive breeding system. However, the use of molecular markers in a population genetics framework allows the investigation of such aspects. We present here the colony genetic structures of 12 samples collected along the Italian peninsula of two Reticulitermes species (the native R. lucifugus and the introduced R. urbis) analyzed through nuclear microsatellite markers. Reproductive strategies and colony breeding systems differ between the two species. Secondary reproductives of R. lucifugus, collected in three colonies, are all females; genotyping comparisons between these females and their nest mate workers clearly indicate the presence of asexual queen succession (AQS) events in this species, as observed in the Japanese R. speratus and in the North-American R. virginicus. Two other R. lucifugus colonies have a mixed family genetic pattern, possibly as the result of colony fusion events: accordingly, relatedness estimates indicate the presence of genetically unrelated workers. On the contrary, all R. urbis colonies have a genetic structure compatible with the presence of multiple secondary reproductives, as expected on the basis of previous analyses. Moreover, neotenics’ sex ratio is balanced and their heterozygosity is comparable to that of nest mate workers, suggesting that AQS is lacking in this taxon. The differences observed in such biological traits between the two species are discussed in the light of their invasive potential.  相似文献   

Desert ants of the genus Cataglyphis evolved a remarkable diversity in their reproductive strategies. In Cataglyphis species where social organisation was described so far, colonies are headed by one or multiple queens, queens being singly or multiply mated, and workers and/or queens possess the ability to reproduce asexually via thelytokous parthenogenesis. Here, we investigate the social organisation of C. bombycina (group bombycinus) and C. theryi (group albicans) using highly polymorphic microsatellite markers. Our results show that both species are characterized by monogynous colonies and multiply mated queens, supporting the idea that polyandry is an ancestral trait of the genus. No evidence for parthenogenetic reproduction by queens was found. One distinctive feature of the species C. bombycina among the genus is the presence of a morphologically distinct soldier caste, with highly developed scythe blades jaws. In the only colony where a significant number of soldiers have been sampled, the distribution of patrilines is fundamentally different between the soldier and the worker caste. This result suggests a genetic contribution to worker caste determination in this species, and certainly awaits further investigation.  相似文献   

Eusocial insects are characterized by a well-developed division of labour among castes. Although the successful division of labour should stem from behavioural differentiation depending on caste identity, caste-specific intrinsic behavioural characteristics might be masked by social interactions within colonies. The present study explores caste-specific intrinsic locomotive activities of termites by quantifying them in isolation. We track individual movement trajectories of the damp-wood termite Hodotermopsis sjostedti over 30 min and extract individual locomotion parameters. Multivariate statistical analyses reveal significant differences among castes: soldiers move more actively than workers and neotenic reproductives. The morphometric data of test individuals indicate that locomotor activities reflected caste identity more strongly compared with quantitative morphological variations among individuals. We find that the different locomotor activities of soldiers compared with those of neotenics and workers probably reflect their physiological differentiation. The present study provides a basis for a deeper understanding of the roles of individual locomotor activities in social behaviours.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2020,23(4):853-862
Termites are major pests of houses and buildings, and also living plants such as agricultural crops, trees in forests, urban areas and gardens. However, in Japan, the basic ecology of termites nesting in living trees is not fully understood. In this study, we observed 255 colonies (nests) of the drywood termite Neotermes sugioi, collected in the field on Okinawa Island, and reported the frequency composition of the reproductive castes, the size of wood with termite gallery, the population size of colonies, and the relative position of the reproductive and non-reproductive castes within nests. Most colonies were headed by a primary queen and a primary king. However, colonies headed only by primary queens, primary kings, or neotenic kings, each accounted for approximately 5% of the colonies. A colony size of 1,000– 4,000 individuals (2058.2 ± 1695.0 [mean ± SD]) was common and the average length of colony branches was less than 100 cm. Queens and kings were found in the same or nearby nest areas, and more predominantly in the central or root side of nest wood areas. The termites may experience colony fragmentation and reproductive loss as a consequence of typhoons. Incipient colonies (i.e., colonies at an early stage of development) were found on 11.3% of branches of Leucaena leucocephala that did not show any obvious signs of infestation. In future research, it will be necessary to update the list of trees damaged by this termite species, compare the damage by tree species, and evaluate the economic impact.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Wood-dwelling termites are characterized by an extremely high and unique developmental flexibility that allows workers, which are immatures, to explore all caste options. The endocrine signatures underlying this flexibility are only vaguely understood. We determined juvenile hormone (JH) and ecdysteroid hemolymph titers during postembryonic development and in terminal instars of the drywood termite Cryptotermes secundus using field and laboratory colonies. Postembryonic development is characterized by a drop in JH titers at the transition from larval (individuals without wing buds) to nymphal (individuals with wing buds) instars. JH titers were low in winged sexuals and reproducing primary reproductives (<200 pg/μl) but were by an order of magnitude higher in neotenic replacement reproductives. The unique regressive molts of termites seem to be characterized by elevated JH titers, compared with progressive or stationary molts. Ecdysteroid titers were generally low in nymphal instars and in primary reproductives (<50 pg/μl). It was only during the third and fourth nymphal instars and in winged sexuals where some individuals showed elevated ecdysteroid titers. These results are the most comprehensive endocrinological data set available for any lower termite, with the potential to serve as baseline for understanding the extreme developmental flexibility underlying the evolution of social life in termites.  相似文献   

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