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Many taxa use conspicuous colouration to attract mates, signal chemical defences (aposematism) or for thermoregulation. Conspicuousness is a key feature of aposematic signals, and experimental evidence suggests that predators avoid conspicuous prey more readily when they exhibit larger body size and/or pattern elements. Aposematic prey species may therefore evolve a larger body size due to predatory selection pressures, or alternatively, larger prey species may be more likely to evolve aposematic colouration. Therefore, a positive correlation between conspicuousness and body size should exist. Here, we investigated whether there was a phylogenetic correlation between the conspicuousness of animal patterns and body size using an intriguing, understudied model system to examine questions on the evolution of animal signals, namely nudibranchs (opisthobranch molluscs). We also used new ways to compare animal patterns quantitatively with their background habitat in terms of intensity variance and spatial frequency power spectra. In studies of aposematism, conspicuousness is usually quantified using the spectral contrast of animal colour patches against its background; however, other components of visual signals, such as pattern, luminance and spectral sensitivities of potential observers, are largely ignored. Contrary to our prediction, we found that the conspicuousness of body patterns in over 70 nudibranch species decreased as body size increased, indicating that crypsis was not limited to a smaller body size. Therefore, alternative selective pressures on body size and development of colour patterns, other than those inflicted by visual hunting predators, may act more strongly on the evolution of aposematism in nudibranch molluscs.  相似文献   

1. Body size is positively correlated with fecundity in various animals, but the factors that counterbalance the resulting selection pressure towards large size are difficult to establish. Positively size-dependent predation risk has been proposed as a selective factor potentially capable of balancing the fecundity advantage of large size.
2. To construct optimality models of insect body size, realistic estimates of size-dependent predation rates are necessary. Moreover, prey traits such as colouration should be considered, as they may substantially alter the relationship between body size and mortality risk.
3. To quantify mortality patterns, we conducted field experiments in which we exposed cryptic and conspicuous artificial larvae of different sizes to bird predators, and recorded the incidence of bird attacks.
4. The average daily mortality rate was estimated to vary between 4% and 10%. In both cryptic and conspicuous larvae, predation risk increased with prey size, but the increase tended to be steeper in the conspicuous group. No main effect of colour type was found. All the quantitative relationships were reasonably consistent across replicates.
5. Our results suggest that the size dependence of mortality risk in insect prey is primarily determined by the probability of being detected by a predator rather than by a size-dependent warning effect associated with conspicuous colouration. Our results therefore imply that warningly coloured insects do not necessarily benefit more than the cryptic species from large body size, as has been previously suggested.  相似文献   

Aposematic, or warning, signals are generally interspecific in form: one species advertises noxiousness to a predator or parasite species. In a study of the pipevine swallowtail butterfly (Battus philenor), we show that a pattern of colouration in the caterpillars that is considered to be aposematic in the context of attack by natural enemies also deters oviposition by conspecific females. In field and laboratory assays, females avoided oviposition on plants bearing live conspecific larvae. Females avoided oviposition on plants bearing artificially constructed models identical to larvae in shape, size and colour pattern. Finally, oviposition on plants harbouring a model bearing the larval colour pattern was reduced relative to plants bearing a leaf-green model, suggesting that the larval colour pattern was essential for avoidance. We discuss how intraspecific and interspecific processes might interact in the evolution of an aposematic signal.  相似文献   

The coexistence of both aposematic and cryptic morphs as different anti-predator strategies within a species seems to be an unusual phenomenon in nature. The strawberry poison frog, Oophaga pumilio, shows an astonishing colour diversity among populations in western Panama. In this study we selected a red and a green colour morph from two Panamanian islands (Isla Solarte and Isla Colón) for behavioural observations and measurements of conspicuousness. We found that red frogs were more visible to both conspecific frogs and potential predators than green frogs. Interestingly the difference in conspicuousness was most pronounced at the substrate that males used as principal calling places. Red males were more active and spent more time foraging than green males, which spent more time hidden. The association between conspicuousness of colouration and behaviour results in a more aposematic and a more cryptic anti-predator strategy. This is the first study which links differences in conspicuousness between animals on their natural backgrounds to differences in foraging as well as anti-predator behaviour and discusses the results in light of previous findings of toxicity analyses and potential costs and benefits of aposematism. To this end, our study adds a novel perspective for explaining extreme colour diversity between populations within an initially aposematic species.  相似文献   

Protective colouration in animals includes camouflage (i.e., crypsis), that decreases the risk of detection, and conspicuous colouration, which is often used in combination with chemical defences to deter predators from attacking. Experiments have shown that the efficacy of conspicuous colouration increases with increasing size of pattern elements and larger body size. Prey species that have acquired avoidance inducing colouration therefore may be exposed to selection for larger body size, and such colouration may more easily evolve in large than in small prey species. Here we test for a difference in body size between species with different colouration modes and perform a comparative analysis based on phylogenetically independent contrasts to examine if evolutionary shifts in colour pattern have been associated with evolutionary changes in body size, using data for 578 species of moths. Larval body size did not differ between species with signalling and non-signalling larvae, and results from the comparative analysis suggest that these two traits have not evolved in parallel. The lack of association between evolutionary changes in colouration and body size may reflect a confounding influence of lifestyle, because evolutionary shifts from solitary to group-living larvae were associated with decreased larval body length and adult wing span. Because evolutionary changes in larval body size were associated with evolutionary changes in adult wing span the predicted association between colouration and size may have been confounded also by conflicting selection on body size in larvae and adults.  相似文献   

Aposematic animals advertise their unprofitability to potential predators with conspicuous coloration, occasionally in combination with other life-history traits. Theory posits that selection on functionally interrelated aposematic characters promotes the unidirectional evolution of these characters, resulting in an increase or decrease in the effectiveness of the signal. To test whether this prediction applies on a microevolutionary scale, the intra- and interpopulational variations in aposematic coloration, behaviour (which enhances the effectiveness of the coloration) and body size of newts, Cynops pyrrhogaster (Urodela: Salamandridae), were investigated. A parallel geographical mosaic of variation in aposematic coloration and behaviour among populations, independent of body size, was found. Newts on islands displayed more conspicuous aposematic traits than those on the mainland, both morphologically and behaviourally. There was no significant relationship between variation in coloration and behaviour within populations. Male newts displayed more conspicuous coloration than females. Surveys of potential predators suggest that variable natural selection at a local scale, such as predation pressure, may primarily be responsible for the microevolution of variable aposematic traits in newts.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 97 , 613–622.  相似文献   

The idea that an aposematic prey combines crypsis at a distance with conspicuousness close up was tested in an experiment using human subjects. We estimated detectability of the aposematic larva of the swallowtail butterfly, Papilio machaon, in two habitats, by presenting, on a touch screen, photographs taken at four different distances and measuring the time elapsed to discovery. The detectability of larvae in these images was compared with images that were manipulated, using existing colours either to increase or decrease conspicuousness. Detection time increased with distance for all colourations. However, at the closest distance, detection time was longer for the larvae manipulated to be more cryptic than for the natural and more conspicuous forms. This indicates that the natural colouration is not maximally cryptic at a short distance. Further, smaller increments in distance were needed to increase detection time for the natural than for the conspicuous larva. This indicates that the natural colouration is not maximally conspicuous at longer distances. Taken together, we present the first empirical support for the idea that some colour patterns may combine warning colouration at a close range with crypsis at a longer range. The implications of this result for the evolution of aposematism are discussed.  相似文献   

1. Aposematism is a widely used antipredator strategy in which an organism possesses both warning coloration and unprofitable characters. Theoretical evidence suggests that aposematic colour should develop when high opportunity costs imposed by crypsis force an organism to engage in conspicuous behaviours. Hence, it is expected that ontogenetic colour change (OCC) in larval insects should include aposematism when foraging needs compel behavioural modifications that preclude a continued state of crypsis. 2. To test this idea, I first investigated whether OCC in caterpillars of the panic moth Saucrobotys futilalis was indicative of a switch from cryptic to aposematic coloration. I then examined the context of panic moth OCC as it related to foraging patterns and behavioural conspicuousness. 3. Early Saucrobotys instars are a cryptic green, but later instars become progressively more orange and develop black spots. Early instar larvae forage cryptically on the inner parenchyma of silked-together host plant leaves to avoid predation, but are rapidly forced to engage in conspicuous foraging behaviours as they outgrow the resources afforded by their shelters. Both coloration and behaviour reach maximal conspicuousness in final instar larvae. 4. As predicted, OCC encompassed a change from crypsis to aposematism in Saucrobotys. Aposematic function was demonstrated by changes in both antipredator behaviour patterns and effectiveness of predator deterrence in early and late instars. Moreover, increased opportunity costs of crypsis and behavioural conspicuousness coincided with the onset of aposematic coloration. 5. This pattern of OCC suggests that aposematic coloration in Saucrobotys develops as a response to constraints imposed by crypsis. Moreover, my study illustrates the importance of the study of ontogenetic patterns in determining how behaviour, morphology, and predator responses interact to influence the initial evolution of phenomena such as aposematism.  相似文献   

The colour polymorphic isopod Idotea baltica inhabits the brown alga Fucus vesiculosus which is often colonised by the white epizoite Electra crustulenta (Bryozoa). In an experiment the predation risk for the different colour morphs of I. baltica was highly dependent on background colouration. Morph frequencies and Electra density varied substantially among 10 collecting sites but correlated poorly with each other, suggesting that local selection for cryptic colouration may be counteracted by gene flow. Indeed, estimates based on four polymorphic allozymes suggested rate of gene flow to be high. These results support the hypothesis that locally varying selection for cryptic colouration counteracted by gene flow contributes to the maintenance of colour polymorphism in I. baltica. The visual differences between the microhabitats and the differential microhabitat use between males and females seem to result in different patterns of selection on males and females for cryptic colouration. Also this is likely to play an important role for the polymorphism.  相似文献   

Protective coloration is a well-known predator avoidance strategy in prey species. Aposematic species often display a contrasting color pattern consisting of dark spots of different shapes and sizes on a bright background coloration. Both elements, background color and spots are expected to serve different purposes. While the ecological function of the bright coloration has been addressed in many studies, the question of whether the interaction with differently sized spots influences predator behavior has received less attention by researchers. In a lowland rain forest in Costa Rica we used 2700 clay models that imitated the polytypic strawberry poison frog (Oophaga pumilio) as a proxy for an aposematic prey species. We manipulated the dorsal color pattern by using a local and a non-local aposematic and a non-local cryptic background color and combined them with black spots increasing in size (none, small, medium, large). The major objective was to test if spot size alters the survival rate of differently colored models. Background coloration and spot size were significant predictors of being attacked. However, the interaction between both effects was not. During five trials predators avoided the non-local aposematic color morph and did not discriminate between local aposematic and non-local cryptic models. Spot size and attack rate were negatively linear correlated which suggests that predator selection promotes the evolution of dark spots. We further conclude that spot size matters in a contrasting color pattern and plays an important role in predator avoidance.  相似文献   

Persistent colour polymorphisms can result from natural and/or sexual selection, and may occur in males, females, or both sexes. Contrary to conspicuous patterns frequently observed in courtship colouration, differences in cryptic colouration are not always perceived by the human sensory system. In sexually dimorphic sailfin silversides fishes, males show conspicuous colour polymorphisms whereas females appear monomorphic and cryptic. We measured the spectral composition of body, fin and peduncle colouration in male and female Telmatherina antoniae ‘small’, a sailfin silverside species endemic to ancient Lake Matano, and found evidence for a colour polymorphism in both sexes. The three colour morphs distinguished by spectral data correspond to those commonly reported for males, and are also present in the visually (to a human eye) cryptic females. Females show hue value patterns similar to those present in males, but differ from males substantially in chroma and brightness. This is, to the best of our knowledge, the first example of a cryptic colour polymorphism in fishes; however, its significance for the mating system remains unknown. The present finding highlights the need for incorporating female spectral data into analyses of colour patterns, and suggests that colour analyses should include cryptic sexes.  相似文献   

Body colouration is of high evolutionary relevance for most animals. Several competing hypotheses exist regarding the evolutionary reasons for animal colouration ranging from predator avoidance and sexual advertisement to neutral selection. Among these hypotheses, biophysical principles suggest the thermoregulatory importance of dark colouration which in turn strongly depends on species body size. This body size – darkness trade‐off is based on sound theoretical background conceptualized in the thermal melanism hypothesis and is confirmed by numerous case studies for individual species. However, evidence for the general relevance of this trade‐off on large spatial and taxonomic scale is still missing. Here we specifically focus on this body size – colouration trade‐off for a hyper‐diverse and cosmopolitan group of insects, namely ground beetles. We combined colour information with trait data and distributional as well as bioclimatic attributes for more than 1000 carabid species from the entire Western Palearctic. We quantified species‐specific body colouration from high‐quality, standardised digital photographs using the Munsell colour system. We detect a strong increase of colour darkness with body size from small to medium‐sized carabids up to a body size threshold of 15 mm which is consistent with the thermal melanism hypothesis. However, body size showed no effect above this threshold and colour darkness remained constantly high which is in accordance with previous ideas about the size‐dependency of thermoregulative control mechanisms (size dependence hypothesis). By demonstrating a strong tendency towards darkness with increasing body size, we illustrate the inter‐specific relevance of body colouration for this cosmopolitan group of ectotherms on a continental scale. The putative thermoregulative trade‐off between body size and melanism seems to be of significant importance for carabids on a broad spatial scale and may be a general but still underestimated phenomenon for ectotherms in general, although other mechanistic drivers cannot be completely neglected.  相似文献   

Snakes elicit a higher level of fear than other vertebrate animals, yet specific cues responsible for fear of snakes are equivocal. The bright colouration hypothesis suggests that fear responses to snakes are triggered by aposematic colouration, not by snakes per se. We investigated the role of aposematic colouration in fear of snakes in a sample of 10- to 15-year-old Slovak children. Both aposematically and cryptically coloured snakes presented as both colour and black-and-white pictures received higher perceived fear scores than other vertebrates. This suggests that aposematic colouration does not play a crucial role in eliciting fear of snakes. Our results support the snake detection theory suggesting that the human visual system has been influenced by long coexistence between predatory snakes and mammals. As a result, humans have evolved an attentional bias ultimately focused on the correct and rapid detection of these threats.  相似文献   

The diversity of aposematic signals is one of the most difficult phenomena for understanding the evolution of such signals because aposematic animals are most effectively protected when they are common. Theoretical and experimental studies predict that a combination of local selection pressures could maintain variation in aposematic signals. However, the application of this hypothesis to large-scale geographic variation in aposematic signals, other than mimicry systems, is yet to be tested empirically. I investigated geographic variation in morphological and behavioural aposematic signals of the newts, Cynops pyrrhogaster, and in predation pressures on them in populations ranging over 800 km of latitude. Field experiments demonstrated that local differences in predation pressures explain well the island-mainland variation in the aposematic colouration and behaviour of newts. Furthermore, I found a latitudinal gradient in aposematic colouration but not in behaviour, independent of predation pressures. The results suggested that island-mainland variation in aposematic signals resulting from local differences in predation pressures might also be shaped by several factors, such as temperature, body size variation, and genetic differences, and such factors might act on each aposematic trait differently.  相似文献   

Aposematic signal variation is a paradox: predators are better at learning and retaining the association between conspicuousness and unprofitability when signal variation is low. Movement patterns and variable colour patterns are linked in non-aposematic species: striped patterns generate illusions of altered speed and direction when moving linearly, affecting predators'' tracking ability; blotched patterns benefit instead from unpredictable pauses and random movement. We tested whether the extensive colour-pattern variation in an aposematic frog is linked to movement, and found that individuals moving directionally and faster have more elongated patterns than individuals moving randomly and slowly. This may help explain the paradox of polymorphic aposematism: variable warning signals may reduce protection, but predator defence might still be effective if specific behaviours are tuned to specific signals. The interacting effects of behavioural and morphological traits may be a key to the evolution of warning signals.  相似文献   

Differentiation among closely related prey species may result from differing adaptations to heterogeneous environments. Many studies have focused on competition for shared resources as a major factor promoting differentiation, with considerably less attention focused on interacting effects of abiotic factors and predator–prey relationships. To further investigate the effects of interacting selective factors on the outcomes of mortality and survival in aquatic prey, we conducted interrelated laboratory studies examining the effects of water colour and plant density on predator-induced mortality in four dytiscid species (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) that varied in body size (total body length), and body colouration pattern. Body size was more strongly phylogenetically conserved than colouration pattern, and larger body size generally resulted in decreased predator-induced mortality rates. In contrast, the effectiveness of body colouration patterns in decreasing prey mortality risk depended on water colour and prey body size. In clear water, small and patterned dytiscids had mortality rates equal to medium-sized plain beetles, thereby compensating for differences in mortality risk due to body size differences. Under dark water conditions, small dytiscids experienced higher mortality rates compared to medium-sized dytiscids; however, the effectiveness of colouration patterns in medium-sized beetles decreased to the point that it became detrimental to survival, revealing antagonistic selection. We suggest that colouration patterns are not ubiquitous in prey species and cospecialization in larger size and presence of colouration patterns does not generally result in higher prey survival, because the effectiveness of the two antipredator defences may be restricted to certain phenotype × environment combinations. Our results illustrate how interactions between prey phenotype and variable environmental conditions among habitats dominated by the same predator can lead to adaptive trade-offs, which can increase the number of possible outcomes of predator mediated selection.  相似文献   

Identifying general patterns of adaptive coloration in animals can help to elucidate the evolutionary processes that generate them. We examined the evolution of colour patterns in Australian agamid lizards, a morphologically and ecologically diverse group that relies primarily on visual communication. We tested whether certain types of colour (yellow–reds and black) were likely to be used as sexual signals, as indicated by their association with indices of sexual selection, namely, sexual dichromatism and sexual dimorphism in body size and head shape. We then tested whether sexually dichromatic colours are associated with specific patterns (uniform, mottled, striped, blotched, reticulated) or ecological variables such as habitat openness, arboreality, and substrate type. The presence of yellow–red on lateral and ventral body regions and black on ventral body regions was significantly more common in males than females. Lateral yellow–red in males was associated with the total extent of sexual dichromatism and size dimorphism, whereas ventral yellow–red was associated with sexual dichromatism. Both lateral and ventral yellow–red were associated with uniform patterning, suggesting that sexual signals in male agamid lizards may often comprise uniform patches or flushes of yellow–red. Although ventral black coloration was more prevalent on males (i.e. strongly sexually dichromatic), it was not associated with indices of sexual selection, suggesting that, in agamid lizards, yellow–red coloration is more likely to be sexually selected than black. Sexually dichromatic coloration was not strongly associated with any of the ecological variables measured. We found some associations, however, between female dorsal patterns and ecological variables, suggesting that female patterns are influenced by natural selection. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109 , 101–112.  相似文献   

The evolution of animal life strategies is among the main themes of current evolutionary biology. Checkered beetles, soft‐winged flower beetles and their allies (superfamily Cleroidea), exhibit well‐known aposematic colour patterns, particularly in the family Cleridae, which participate in mimicry complexes mostly with unpalatable beetles, ants and velvet ants representing a Müllerian–Batesian continuum. Many cleroids also exhibit attenuated hardening of cuticular layers resulting in a soft‐bodied appearance. Here, a molecular phylogenetic analysis of the entire Cleroidea was performed using sequences of two nuclear and two mitochondrial loci of ~4 kb total length. Inferred phylogenies were used to reconstruct ancestral colour patterns and involvement in mimicry complexes. The hypothesis of a soft‐bodied ancestor of Cleridae and allies was tested. The phylogenetic analyses corroborated the expanded Cleroidea concept including Byturidae and Biphyllidae formerly classified as Cucujoidea. Character state optimization showed cryptic coloration was the ancestral state in Cleroidea, from which aposematic coloration originated several times in distant cleroid lineages. Within Cleridae, mimicry also arose from an ancestor that was cryptic, and multiple lineages that mimicked unpalatable beetles (Chrysomelidae, Meloidae, Lycidae) and stinging Hymenoptera evolved. Aposematic coloration was acquired in all major clerid lineages including Thanerocleridae, which are either the sister group of Chaetosomatidae or Cleridae. These findings suggest that mimetic traits in the clerid clade evolved at various times, possibly soon after the origin of soft‐bodiedness. The adaptive value of aposematism in cleroids is likely to be enhanced in soft‐bodied species, as this trait provides limited means of protection against predators, and therefore may promote the acquisition of aposematic and mimetic coloration in various ecological situations.  相似文献   

Ang  Hing P.  Newman  Leslie J. 《Hydrobiologia》1998,383(1-3):29-33
Many species of tropical and subtropical pseudocerotid flatworms are noted for their brilliant colour patterns and conspicuous behaviour and are suitable candidates for the investigation of aposematic colouration. This study gives the first experimental evidence of aposematic colouration in pseudocerotid flatworms. Coloured and uncoloured agar models of flatworms were used to determine whether a fish predator, the moon wrasse Thalassoma lunare, could learn to avoid colourful flatworms on the basis of their colour pattern. The results showed that uncoloured models were more significantly attacked than coloured models (1% significance) and that there was no significant difference between attacks made to live flatworms and their respective models. These results clearly indicate the operation of aposematism in brightly coloured flatworms and demonstrate the operation of mimicry as the agar models were essentially non-living mimics of the flatworms. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Larger signal size is known to facilitate the learning process of predators to warning signals. Further, smaller objects are generally harder to detect than large, which suggests that smaller sized prey are less likely to benefit from an aposematic strategy compared to crypsis. However, whether body size changes in concert with shifts between crypsis and aposematism in natural populations, remains largely unexplored. I tested whether body size was larger in visually conspicuous population than in cryptic populations among recently diverged populations of the Strawberry Poison frog, Oophaga pumilio. By analysing spectral reflectance and body size data from individuals from 18 discrete populations I found a larger mean body size in conspicuous populations, which was confirmed by an analysis of a subset of 12 populations accounting for phylogenetic history. This shows that the loss of conspicuous colour likely co-evolved repeatedly with a decrease in body size. Thus, selection on body size may influence evolutionary shifts between aposematism and crypsis and vice versa.  相似文献   

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