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Bouin-fixed tissues from non-diabetic adult human pancreata display an argyrophil reaction mainly in the periphery of the islets with the silver technique of Sevier-Munger. The nature of these argyrophil cells was examined after restaining by an indirect immunocytochemical method using antibodies against insulin, glucagon, somatostatin and pancreatic polypeptide. After this procedure the argyrophil cells were identified as glucagon (A-) cells and pancreatic polypeptide (PP-) cells, although the latter exhibited a weaker reaction. The insulin (B-) cells and somatostatin (D-) cells were unreactive. The results show that the Seiver-Munger stain is of equal value to the Grimelius silver nitrate stain in adult human pancreatic islets after fixation in Bouin's fluid.  相似文献   

Summary The endocrine cells in the pancreas of five human fetuses with gestational ages of 18–20 weeks were examined by light and electron microscopy with special regard to argyrophil reactions. B-cells and typical A and D-cells were easily identified electron microscopically on the basis of their typical secretory granules. In the Grimelius argyrophil silver stain, a concentration of silver grains over the less electron dense peripheral mantle of the A-cell secretory granules was observed by electron microscopy. In the Hellerström and Hellman modification of the argyrophil Davenport alcoholic silver stain, silver grains were concentrated over the internal structures of the D-cell secretory granules. With this stain an accumulation of silver grains was also seen at the surface of the A-cell secretory granules. The argyrophil reaction of the A-granules was less pronounced than in the D-cells. In addition to B-cells and A- and D-cells, two other types of endocrine cell were observed by electron microscopy. These cells were argyrophil with the silver impregnation method of Grimelius. The electron microscopic findings at least partly explain the frequent overlapping between the two staining methods observed at the light microscope level.This study was supported by the Swedish Medical Research Council (Project No. 102)  相似文献   

Summary The endocrine pancreas of the grey kangaroo,Macropus fuliginosus, was investigated by means of immunocytochemistry using the PAP method on the same section at the light- and electron-microscopic levels. Semithin plastic sections were stained individually with primary antibodies for insulin, glucagon, somatostatin and pancreatic polypeptide (PP), and then photographed. Sections were osmicated, re-embedded in BEEM capsules, and ultrathin sections made and examined. The same labelled cells as in the semithin sections were localised in the thin sections, photographs taken and the morphology of secretory granules studied. The insulin cells were pleomorphic; their secretory granules displayed an electron-dense core surrounded by an empty halo. The glucagon cells possessed granules with an electron-dense core usually surrounded by a halo of less dense granular material. Somatostatin cells had larger, less dense secretory granules. The PP cells showed small, dense secretory granules. In order for an ultrastructural study to be considered reliable for the definite identification of endocrine cell types, it is essential that it be corroborted by correlated immunocytochemical data at the light-and electron-microscopic levels.  相似文献   

Dor Y  Melton DA 《Cell》2008,132(2):183-184
Using a unique injury model of the pancreas in mouse, Xu et al. (2008) now reveal the involvement of neurogenin3, a marker for embryonic-type endocrine progenitor cells, in the formation of new insulin-producing beta cells. These neurogenin3-positive facultative endocrine progenitor cells in the adult pancreas may be of potential value for treating diabetes.  相似文献   

The distribution and frequency of gastro-entero-pancreatic (GEP) endocrine cells were studied in vampire bats by immunocytochemistry. Moderate numbers of somatostatin- and a few 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)- and glucagon-immunoreactive cells were seen in the fundic cecum of the stomach. Numerous gastrin- and moderate numbers of somatostatin- and 5-HT-immunoreactive cells were found in the pyloric region. Moderate numbers of 5-HT-, somatostatin-, and gastrin-immunoreactive cells also were found in BRUNNER's glands. In addition to the above-mentioned 4 immunoreactive cell types, cells immunoreactive for glicentin, secretin, cholecystokinin (CCK), gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP), and neurotensin were found in the intestine. Numerous insulin-, moderate numbers of somatostatin- and glucagon-, and a few 5-HT-immunoreactive cells were detected in the pancreatic islets with lesser numbers scattered within the exocrine pancreas. Motilin- and pancreatic polypeptide-immunoreactive cells were not observed in this study.  相似文献   

Ghrelin is an endocrine peptide that has been identified in gastric oxyntic glands and that induces growth hormone secretion in the pituitary gland. This growth hormone secretagogue is expressed in many tissues such as stomach, pituitary gland, thyroid, testis, placenta and pancreas. Initial studies of ghrelin focused on its role as a circulating orexigenic signal. However, ghrelin has also been found to be involved in the modulation of glucose homeostasis. Although a number of studies have reported ghrelin expression in developing pancreas, the location of ghrelin-immunoreactive cells in adult pancreas (epsilon cells) remains controversial. In this study, we have analysed the distribution of pancreatic epsilon cells in adult human and rat islets by immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridisation. In humans, our immunohistochemical analysis has shown that ghrelin is expressed in glucagon-secreting cells, whereas in rats, it is present in insulin-secreting cells. Similar observations have been revealed by in situ hybridisation.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNA) are small non-coding RNAs that inhibit gene expression through binding to complementary messenger RNA sequences. miRNAs have been predicted to target genes important for pancreas development, proper endocrine cell function and metabolism. We previously described that miRNA-7 (miR-7) was the most abundant and differentially expressed islet miRNA, with 200-fold higher expression in mature human islets than in acinar tissue. Here we have analyzed the temporal and spatial expression of miR-7 in human fetal pancreas from 8 to 22 weeks of gestational age (wga). Human fetal (8–22 wga) and adult pancreases were processed for immunohistochemistry, in situ hybridization, and quantitative RT-PCR of miRNA and mRNA. miR-7 was expressed in the human developing pancreas from around 9 wga and reached its maximum expression levels between 14 and 18 wga, coinciding with the exponential increase of the pancreatic endocrine hormones. Throughout development miR-7 expression was preferentially localized to endocrine cells and its expression persisted in the adult pancreas. The present study provides a detailed analysis of the spatiotemporal expression of miR-7 in developing human pancreas. The specific localization of miR-7 expression to fetal and adult endocrine cells indicates a potential role for miR-7 in endocrine cell differentiation and/or function. Future functional studies of a potential role for miR-7 function in islet cell differentiation and physiology are likely to identify novel targets for the treatment of diabetes and will lead to the development of improved protocols for generating insulin-producing cells for cell replacement therapy.  相似文献   

Summary Immunocytochemical application of the antimuscarinic acetylcholine receptor antibody M35 to pancreas tissue revealed the target areas for the parasympathetic nervous system. Immunoreactivity in the endocrine pancreas was much higher than that in the exocrine part. Moreover, the endocrine cells at the periphery of the islets of Langerhans displayed the highest level of immunoreactivity. Based on these findings in the mantle of the islets, two types of islets have been distinguished: type-I islets with intensely stained mantle cells, and type-II islets with a much lower concentration of these cells. On average, type-I islets were larger (244.8 m±6.1 SEM) than type-II islets (121.5 m±3.8 SEM). M35-immunoreactivity was present on the majority of D cells, which were characterized by their immunoreactivity to somatostatin [of 446 D cells 356 (79.8%) were M35-immunopositive]. However, only a small proportion of the intensely stained mantle cells belonged to the D cell population. Therefore, it is concluded that the majority of the intensely stained mantle cells represent glucagon-secreting A and/or pancreatic polypeptide-secreting F cells. The intensity of M35-immunoreactivity at the periphery and central core of the islets paralleled the density of cholinergic innervation, suggesting a positive correlation between the intensity of cholinergic transmission and the number of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors at the target structures. The present study further revealed some striking parallels for the muscarinic acetylcholine receptor characteristics between the (endocrine) pancreas and the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) is present in small quantities in the rat adult pancreas. As hypothyroidism increases dramatically the pancreatic content of this peptide, this model was used to localize TRH in the gland by immunocytochemistry. Immunocytochemical staining of semithin (0.5–1.0 μm) and thin (golden) sections was performed as well as antibody and method controls to check the specificity of the immunoperoxidase staining. At the light microscope level, a very faint TRH-like immunoreactivity was apparent in the pancreas of normal untreated animals. In hypothyroid rats, a strong TRH immunostaining was observed in the central portion of the islets of Langerhans. On the contrary, in previously hypothyroid rats made euthyroid, no TRH-like immunoreactivity was found. Serial sections alternately labelled with TRH and insulin antisera revealed the simultaneous occurrence of both immunoreactivities. In addition, the TRH immunoreactive cells were distinct from glucagon- or somatostatin-containing cells. At the electron microscope level, immunoreactive TRH was found over the secretory granules of insulin-containing cells. Hypothyroid animals offer therefore a suitable model for the study of TRH in the pancreas.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigated types of pancreatic endocrine cells and its respective peptides in the Brazilian sparrow species using immunocytochemistry. The use of polyclonal specific antisera for somatostatin, glucagon, avian pancreatic polypeptide (APP), YY polypeptide (PYY) and insulin, revealed a diversified distribution in the pancreas. All these types of immunoreactive cells were observed in the pancreas with different amounts. Insulin-Immunoreactive cells to (B cells) were most numerous, preferably occupying the central place in the pancreatic islets. Somatostatin, PPA, PYY and glucagon immunoreactive cells occurred in a lower frequency in the periphery of pancreatic islets.  相似文献   

The regional distribution and frequency of pancreatic endocrine cells in the red-bellied frog, Bombina orientalis, were studied by the immunohistochemical peroxidase anti-peroxidase (PAP) method using five types of specific mammalian antisera to insulin, glucagon, somatostatin, bovine pancreatic polypeptide (PP) and secretin. The frequency was calculated as the mean number of each endocrine cell type/1,000 total cells (including exocrine and endocrine cells) using an automated image analysis process. The percentage of each immunoreactive (IR) cell species to the total IR cell population was also calculated. In the pancreas of the red-bellied frog, all five endocrine cell types were demonstrated. Insulin IR cells were located in the pancreas as single cells or islet-like clusters. The latter were localized in central regions. The insulin-IR cells showed a frequency of 65.40 plus/minus 14.56/1,000 cells. Glucagon IR cells were also detected as single cells or as clusters but in the case of clusters, two distributional patterns were detected - a central core type and a marginally distributed type. They showed an abundance of 32.70 plus/minus 7.32/1,000 cells. Somatostatin-IR cells were dispersed throughout the pancreatic parenchyma as single cells, three to four cells, or clusters. The clusters were located in the marginal regions. The somatostatin-IR cell frequency was 19.40 plus/minus 6.52/1000 cells. PP-IR cells were randomly distributed throughout the pancreatic parenchyma as single cells with a frequency of 14.70 plus/minus 4.92/1,000 cells. Secretin-IR cells were demonstrated as clusters or as single cells, and as clusters they occupied the central regions. They showed a frequency of 39.60 plus/minus 10.36/1,000 cells. This is the first report of the presence of secretin-IR cells in amphibian pancreatic endocrine cells. Overall, there were 37.20 plus/minus 6.84% insulin-, 21.90 plus/minus 5.55% glucagon-, 11.60 plus/minus 4.33% somatostatin-, 8.60 plus/minus 2.72% PP- and 23.40 plus/minus 4.45% secretin-IR cells.  相似文献   

Polyhormonal aspect of the endocrine cells of the human fetal pancreas   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Histological studies were performed on 30 pancreases obtained from normal human fetuses aged between the 9th and 38th week. For immunocytochemistry, the avidin-biotin-peroxidase method was used to identify and colocalise insulin, glucagon, somatostatin, pancreatic polypeptide and proliferating cell nuclear antigen. In the 9th week, cells containing all investigated peptides were present. During the fetal period, two populations of endocrine cells have been distinguished, Langerhans islets and freely dispersed cells. The free cells were polyhormonal, containing insulin, glucagon, somatostatin and pancreatic polypeptide, and were localised in the walls of pancreatic ducts throughout the whole gland. During the development of the islets we have observed four stages: (1) the scattered polyhormonal cell stage (9th–10th week), (2) the immature polyhormonal islet stage (11th–15th week), (3) the insulin monohormonal core islet stage (16th–29th week), in which zonular and mantle islets are observed, and (4) the polymorphic islet stage (from the 30th week onwards), which is characterised by the presence of monohormonal cells expressing glucagon or somatostatin. Bigeminal and polar islets also appeared during this last stage. The islets consisted of an insulin core surrounded by a thick (in the part developing from the dorsal primordium) or thin rim (part of the pancreas concerned with the ventral primordium) of intermingled mono- or dihormonal glucagon-positive or somatostatin-positive cells. The most externally located polyhormonal cells exhibited a reaction for glucagon, somatostatin and pancreatic polypeptide. Apart from the above-mentioned types of islets, all arrangements observed in earlier stages were present. Proliferating cell nuclear antigen-positive cells (single in the large islets and more numerous in the smaller ones) were predominantly observed in the outermost layer. Taken together our data indicate that, during the human prenatal development of the islet, endocrine cells are able to synthesise several different hormones. Maturation of these cells involved or depended on a change from a polyhormonal to a monohormonal state and is concerned with decreasing proliferative capacity. This supports the concept of a common precursor stem cell for the hormone-producing cells of the fetal human pancreas. Accepted: 1 June 1999  相似文献   

Summary Cathepsins B and H are representative cysteine proteinases localized to lysosomes of a variety of mammalian cells. Previous studies indicated the presence of these enzymes also in secretory granules of endocrine cells. Therefore, the human endocrine pancreas and human insulinomas were investigated by light microscopical immunohistochemistry on serial semithin plastic sections immunostained sequentially for cathepsins B or H and pancreatic hormones. Out of the four established endocrine cell types, insulin (B-) and glucagon (A-) cells showed immunoreactivities for these cathepsins. Cathepsin B immunoreactivities showed a dot-like appearance in A- and B-cells and in insulinoma cells. Immunoreactivities for cathepsin H additionally were found in cell parts containing secretory granules of B-cells and insulinoma cells. By single and double immunoelectron microscopy the dot-like immunoreactivities for cathepsin B were identified as immunoreactive lysosomes of A- and B-cells and insulinoma cells. In addition, some of the secretory granules of A- and B-cells showed cathepsin B immunoreactivities. Cathepsin H immunoreactivities showed an other pattern: they were found regularly in the secretory granules of A- and B-cells and insulinoma cells, and in lysosomes of A-cells. These findings suggest that cathepsins B and H in lysosomes of A- and/or B-cells are involved in the degradation of lysosomal constituents. In secretory granules of these cells, these cystine proteinases may participate in the processing of the corresponding hormones from their precursor proteins.  相似文献   

Human islet-derived precursor cells (hIPCs) and human pancreatic ductal carcinoma (PANC-1) cells can be induced to form aggregates that subsequently differentiate into hormone-expressing islet-like cell aggregates (ICAs). We show that challenge of hIPCs or PANC-1 cells with thrombin or trypsin resulted in stimulation of signaling via the inositol-tris-phosphate second messenger pathway leading to rapid, transient increases in cytosolic calcium ion concentration in the majority of the cells. Because we found that hIPCs, PANC-1 cells, human fetal pancreas, and human adult islets express two protease-activated receptors (PARs), PAR-1 and PAR-2, we tested whether the effects of thrombin and trypsin were mediated, at least in part, by these receptors. Peptide agonists that are relatively specific for PAR-1 (SFLLRN-amide) or PAR-2 (SLIGRL-amide) stimulated increases in inositol phosphates and cytosolic calcium ion concentration, and increased the phosphorylation of Rho, a small G-protein associated with cytoskeletal changes affecting cellular morphology and migration. Most importantly, we show that these agonists increased the rate of hIPC aggregation leading to the formation of more viable, smaller ICAs. Our data show that thrombin and trypsin accelerate aggregation, an early stage of hIPC differentiation in vitro, and imply that pancreatic trypsin and thrombin may be involved in islet development in vivo.  相似文献   

Cathepsins B and H are representative cysteine proteinases localized to lysosomes of a variety of mammalian cells. Previous studies indicated the presence of these enzymes also in secretory granules of endocrine cells. Therefore, the human endocrine pancreas and human insulinomas were investigated by light microscopical immunohistochemistry on serial semithin plastic sections immunostained sequentially for cathepsins B or H and pancreatic hormones. Out of the four established endocrine cell types, insulin (B-) and glucagon (A-) cells showed immunoreactivities for these cathepsins. Cathepsin B immunoreactivities showed a dot-like appearance in A- and B-cells and in insulinoma cells. Immunoreactivities for cathepsin H additionally were found in cell parts containing secretory granules of B-cells and insulinoma cells. By single and double immunoelectron microscopy the dot-like immunoreactivities for cathepsin B were identified as immunoreactive lysosomes of A- and B-cells and insulinoma cells. In addition, some of the secretory granules of A- and B-cells showed cathepsin B immunoreactivities. Cathepsin H immunoreactivities showed an other pattern: they were found regularly in the secretory granules of A- and B-cells and insulinoma cells, and in lysosomes of A-cells. These findings suggest that cathepsins B and H in lysosomes of A- and/or B-cells are involved in the degradation of lysosomal constituents. In secretory granules of these cells, these cysteine proteinases may participate in the processing of the corresponding hormones from their precursor proteins.  相似文献   

Immunocytochemical localization of elastase 1 in human pancreas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
By light and electron microscopic immunocytochemistry the distribution is described of human pancreatic elastase 1 (E1) during ontogenesis, in adults, in cases of acute and chronic panceatitis, acute pancreatic ischaemia as well as pancreatic tumours. E1-positive cells were first detected in ductal sprouts in the 14th gestational week. Complete acini expressing E1 could be found from the 17th to the 20th week of gestation onwards. Scattered distinct E1-positive epithelia could be found in the ducts of fetal and adult pancreas. By immunoelectron microscopy, E1 was localized in rough endoplasmic reticulum, condensing vacuoles, zymogen granules of acinar epithelia and in acinar lumina. E1 appeared to be distributed homogeneously in zymogen granules. As specific markers of acinar cells, both monoclonal antibodies under study identified heterotopic pancreatic acini in peribiliar glands of the liver and also helped to visualize different damage patterns in pancreatitis. The acinar epithelia surrounding acute lipolytic necroses initially reacted more intensely with the E1-antibodies than undamaged pancreatic tissue. In acute ischaemia, acinar cells which are dissociated from intercalated ducts lost their immunocytochemical reactivity for E1. Pancreatic parenchyma involved in advanced acute pancreatitis as well as in chronic inflammation was detected only weakly by both E1-antibodies. However, atrophic lobules in post-inflammatory scars were stained more intensely by the E1-antibodies than normal parenchyma. Pancreatic tumours (adenomas, adenocarcinomas, solid-cystic tumours and islet cell tumours) were not labelled by these antibodies.  相似文献   

A new method for demonstrating argyrophil cells of the pancreas and intestinal tract using a combined silver and reducing solution in sections of formaldehyde fixed tissue is described. Impregnating sections in a 60 C water bath, the procedure takes about 25 min. A microwave version that takes about 5 min is also given. Results are similar to those obtained with the Grimelius method for argyrophil cells.  相似文献   

Symopsis We have been able to demonstrate 5-hydroxytryptamine in the enterochromaffin cells of the mammalian gastrointestinal tract, using a highly specific antiserum. Conventional histochemical techniques for identifying amines as cell markers can thus be replaced by more reliable and sensitive immunocytochemical methods. This has been facilitated by the use ofp-benzoquinone as fixative which has been shown to preserve the localization and antigenicity of amines, as well as peptides.  相似文献   

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