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中国淡水双壳类特有种的地理分布   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过查阅有关文献整理得出,中国淡水双壳类特有种计有58种,隶属于双壳纲(Bivalvia)2科17属,其中主要是蚌科(Unionidae)的种类(16属57种)。我国淡水双壳类特有种的组成和区系成分,以东洋界华中区的种类占绝对优势,仅有少数种类渗透到古北界;特有种在我国16个省有分布,但主要集中分布于江西、湖南、安徽、浙江、江苏五省。双壳类特有种的形成和保存可能与我国古地理环境及其生活的水域环境有关。  相似文献   

于2005年9月~12月对湘江株洲江段的软体动物进行了系统的调查.经分类鉴定,计有软体动物8科20属44种,其中腹足纲5科10属22种,双壳纲3科10属22种.腹足纲以田螺科为主,双壳纲以蚌科为主.其区系成分,东洋界与古北界相互渗透,但以东洋界华中区的种类优势明显.沿江城镇适量生活污水排入江中,可以适当增加软体动物的种类和数量;大量生活污水和工业废水未经处理排入江中,使其种类和数量显著减少.株洲航电枢纽建成蓄水,对库区的软体动物冲击较大,由于水位抬高,环境骤变,其种类和种群数量明显减少,尤其是双壳类.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖是我国第一大淡水湖,孕育着丰富的我国淡水双壳类特有种(共17属58种),其中蚌科占67%,达13属39种[1],资源开发潜力巨大.Labieniec[2]、Goff[3]、蔡华芳[4]等对淡水蚌的研究集中于DNA生物制剂或蛋白饲料的开发利用.而国内对淡水蚌的研究多见于三角帆蚌(Hyfiopsis cum-mingii)、褶纹冠蚌(Cristaria plicata)等少量几种珠母贝的育珠研究[4].  相似文献   

这里介绍的是10种我国常见的经济淡水双壳类,分别隶属于软体动物门Mollusca,瓣鳃纲Lamellibra-nchia中的贻贝科Mytilidae、珍珠蚌科Margaritanidae、蚌科Unionidae、蚬科Corbiculidae、球蚬科Sphaerii-dae。  相似文献   

&#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &# 《水生生物学报》2014,38(1):19-26
研究以正式发表的淡水软体动物文献和部分未发表野外调查数据为基础资料,分析了长江流域淡水软体动物物种多样性及分布格局。长江流域已报道的软体动物有296种,隶属17科62属,其中有197种是中国特有种。田螺科、肋蜷科、盖螺科、椎实螺科和蚌科是长江流域软体动物的主要组成部分,这5科种类数之和达249种,占总数的84.1%。从总体上低海拔地区的软体动物物种数高于高海拔地区,而高海拔地区特有种所占的比例却高于低海拔地区。支流和湖泊的种类数接近,分别为202种和210种,远高于长江干流(31种)。各水系软体动物的种类数、特有种数及特有种比例明显不同,洞庭湖水系和鄱阳湖水系的多样性最高。聚类分析表明,长江流域软体动物的分布基本反映了流域内的地势特点,形成了高原、中低海拔山地和低海拔平原的分布格局。不同类群的物种其分布格局也不相同,田螺科和椎实螺科的分布范围较广,肋蜷科和盖螺科种类分布范围狭窄,多数种类仅存在于单个水系,蚌科种类分布最为集中,以鄱阳湖和洞庭湖的种类最为丰富,种类数分别为58种和45种。研究表明,金沙江下游(云贵高原湖泊)、鄱阳湖和洞庭湖软体动物物种多样性丰富,建议将其列为我国淡水软体动物急需关注和保护的热点地区。    相似文献   

喻晓  张修峰  刘正文 《生态科学》2012,31(3):301-305
底栖藻类和浮游藻类之间的竞争关系对浅水生态系统的结构、功能具有重要的影响,双壳类可通过滤食控制浮游藻类,从而改变底栖藻类与浮游藻类之间的竞争结果。论文通过比较放养背角无齿蚌(Anodonta woodiana)(蚌处理组)与不放养背角无齿蚌(对照组)系统中底栖藻类、浮游藻类的生物量和优势种等的变化,研究了滤食性双壳类对底栖藻类和浮游藻类间竞争的影响。结果表明,背角无齿蚌可显著降低浮游藻类生物量,提高水体透明度和沉积物表面光照条件,从而显著提高底栖藻类的生物量;背角无齿蚌也改变了浮游藻类的优势种,使优势种由蓝藻转变成硅藻。因此,滤食性双壳类有利于促进浅水生态系统从混水态向清水态转变,本研究结果对富营养化浅水湖泊修复与管理具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

长江中下游流域是我国淡水贝类多样性最为集中的地区,然而由于人类活动的影响,淡水贝类已成为高度濒危的类群。为有效保护淡水贝类的多样性,我们于2003年6月-2005年5月对长江中下游流域13个水体软体动物的多样性及分布进行了调查。共采集到软体动物69种(中国特有种42种),隶属于腹足类9科14属29种和瓣鳃类5科17属40种。其中,蚌科和田螺科是种类数最多的两个科,分别占总种类数的50.7%和14.5%。不同类型湖泊软体动物种类数的差别较大。通江湖泊所占种类数相对丰富,尤其是适应流水的种类,如河螺属、短沟蜷属及蚌科的种类。大型通江湖泊鄱阳湖和洞庭湖软体动物的种类数和特有种数分别66种和40种,分别占总种类数和总特有种数的95.7%和95.2%。阻隔水体所占种类数相对较少,种类数为4-19种。与历史资料相比,长江中下游湖泊软体动物的种类数和特有种数均减少50%左右,且多数种类的分布范围也明显缩小。造成贝类资源衰退的可能原因主要是江湖阻隔所引起的整个江湖复合系统栖息地和水文情势的改变,其他的人为活动如过度捕捞、围垦及废污水的过度排放等也可能是其中的重要原因。  相似文献   

长江流域淡水软体动物物种多样性及其分布格局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究以正式发表的淡水软体动物文献和部分未发表野外调查数据为基础资料,分析了长江流域淡水软体动物物种多样性及分布格局。长江流域已报道的软体动物有296种,隶属17科62属,其中有197种是中国特有种。田螺科、肋蜷科、盖螺科、椎实螺科和蚌科是长江流域软体动物的主要组成部分,这5科种类数之和达249种,占总数的84.1%。从总体上低海拔地区的软体动物物种数高于高海拔地区,而高海拔地区特有种所占的比例却高于低海拔地区。支流和湖泊的种类数接近,分别为202种和210种,远高于长江干流(31种)。各水系软体动物的种类数、特有种数及特有种比例明显不同,洞庭湖水系和鄱阳湖水系的多样性最高。聚类分析表明,长江流域软体动物的分布基本反映了流域内的地势特点,形成了高原、中低海拔山地和低海拔平原的分布格局。不同类群的物种其分布格局也不相同,田螺科和椎实螺科的分布范围较广,肋蜷科和盖螺科种类分布范围狭窄,多数种类仅存在于单个水系,蚌科种类分布最为集中,以鄱阳湖和洞庭湖的种类最为丰富,种类数分别为58种和45种。研究表明,金沙江下游(云贵高原湖泊)、鄱阳湖和洞庭湖软体动物物种多样性丰富,建议将其列为我国淡水软体动物急需关注和保护的热点地区。  相似文献   

太湖及其周围水域的双壳类   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
太湖是我国五大湖泊之一,位于长江三角洲的西南缘,在北纬30°55′42″—31°31′50″,东经119°53′45″—120°36′15″之间。地跨江、浙两省,全湖面积为2,250平方公里,沿岸线全长393.3公里,湖底平坦,水深终年在1.5米以上。湖面立阔,自然条件优越,河港纵横,水系密布,水生生物种类多,数量丰富,为我国重要淡水渔业基地之一。软体动物双壳类资源亦相当丰富,而耳早为我国人民广泛利用,如:丽蚌、扭蚌、楔蚌、裂脊蚌、三角帆蚌及褶纹冠蚌是制做钮扣、珠核及贝雕的原料,沿湖建有钮扣厂和工艺厂,生产的商品远销国  相似文献   

福建沿海的蚶   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
蚶科(Arcidae)分布于我国沿海各地,是双壳类软体动物中经济价值较大的一科,其中有些种类是养殖和捕捞的对象,还有的种类也可发展为养殖的品种。 关于福建沿海蚶的种类,我们曾作过初步的报道。本文着重介绍福建沿海蚶的种类、生态和利用概况,并对最近整理出的种类加以补充。  相似文献   

The checklist of Acanthocephala, Hirudinea, and Bivalvia parasitizing agnathans and fishes in the Volga River basin is presented. Hosts and areas of distribution are indicated for each parasites species. The checklist includes 10 species of acanthocephalans, 7 species of leeches, and 9 species of Bivalvia (at the glochidium stage) from 45 fish species. None of the given parasite species is alien for the Volga River basin.  相似文献   

Parasites of the three-spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus (L.), and the nine-spined stickleback, Pungitius pungitius (L.), from brackish and freshwater habitats in Poland are listed. The following list was compiled from published records and own long-term studies. Parasites are listed alphabetically in meaningful groups of parasites with notes about their location on the host and distribution in Poland with references. A total of 51 species (taxa) of parasites were recorded on G. aculeatus (3 Apicomplexa, 1 Microsporidia, 3 Peritrichia, 1 Myxozoa, 7 Digenea, 2 Monogenea, 10 Cestoda, 10 Nematoda, 7 Acanthocephala, 3 Copepoda, 1 Branchiura, 2 Hirudinea, 1 Bivalvia) and 16 parasites on P. pungitius (1 Apicomplexa, 1 Microsporidia, 2 Peritrichia, 4 Digenea, 1 Monogenea, 2 Cestoda, 2 Nematoda, 1 Copepoda, 1 Branchiura, 1 Bivalvia).  相似文献   

A report and an updated list with comments on the species of freshwater molluscs of Argentina which covers an area of 2 777 815 km2 is presented. Distributions of Gastropoda and Bivalvia families, endemic, exotic, invasive as well as entities of sanitary importance are also studied and recommendations on their conservation are provided. Molluscs related to the Del Plata Basin have been thoroughly studied in comparison to others areas of the country. This fauna exhibits relatively the biggest specific richness and keeps its affinity with the fauna of other regions of the basin in areas of Paraguay and Brasil. The 4 500 records of molluscs considered in this paper arise from the study of the collections of Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia", Buenos Aires; Museo de La Plata, La Plata and Fundación "Miguel Lillo", Tucumán. These institutions keep very important collections of molluscs in southern South America. Field information has recently been obtained and localities cited by other authors are also included in the data base. Until today, 166 species have been described, 101 belonging to 10 families of Gastropoda and 65 to 7 of Bivalvia. Families with highest specific richness are Lithoglyphidae (22) and Sphaeriidae (25), respectively. The number of endemic species (those present only in Argentina) by family is: Gastropoda: Ampullariidae (1), Cochliopidae (10), Lithoglyphidae (11), Thiariidae (3), Chilinidae (11), Lymnaeidae (2) and Physidae (2?); Bivalvia: Hyriidae (1?); Etheriidae (1?) and Sphaeriidae (10). Families with a distribution that comprise almost the whole country are: the Sphaeriidae and the gastropods Cochliopidae, Chilinidae and Lymnaeidae. Families Erodonidae and Solecurtidae (Bivalvia) were registered in mixohaline environments from Buenos Aires province. Gastropod families Thiaridae and Glacidorbiidae show a very restricted distribution. The rest of the families are present mainly in the center and north of the country. Species of sanitary interest are the propagators of: schistosomiasis -Biomphalaria peregrina, B. straminea y B. tenagophila, Planorbidae-, fasciolasis -Lymnaea viatrix and L. columnella, Lymnaeidae- and dermatitis -Chilina gibbosa and C. fluminea, Chilinidae. Invasive species are: Corbicula fluminea (Corbiculidae) and Limnoperna fortunei (Mytilidae). The construction of new areas for the protection and conservation of the high risk endemic species of freshwater molluscs is a priority. It is necessary to give special attention to the species of the patagonic mountain range and of the mesopotamic area of the Del Plata Basin.  相似文献   

简述措勤地区双壳类的地层分布及组合特征,描述双壳类化石20属20种,其中有6新种。非海相双壳类(Isodomella,Costocyrena)的发现具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The results of a parasitological study of the burbot Lota Iota L. inhabiting the Kola region are presented. 51 species of parasite were found on burbot in 16 waterbodies belonging to the White Sea and Barents Sea basins (Muxosporea - 7, Suctoria - 1, Peritricha - 6, Monogenea - 1, Cestoda - 6, Trematoda - 13, Nematoda - 6, Acanthocephala - 5, Hirudinea - 3, Bivalvia - 1 and Crustacea - 2 species). Data on the infestation of burbot by different parasite species and their prevalence in investigated waterbodies were obtained.  相似文献   

Notes on the reproduction of high-Antarctic molluscs from the Weddell Sea   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Summary The reproductive modes of 66 molluscan species from the Weddell Sea, Antarctica were investigated either by rearing of specimens in aquaria (Neomeniomorpha [Solenogastres], Polyplacophora and Gastropoda) or by studies of the larval shell (Bivalvia). The results show that not all marine invertebrates living in cold water environments produce large eggs, provide postspawning parental care or lack planktonic larvae (Thorson's rule), nor that brooding behaviour is always associated with small adult size. Several lecithotrophic (Solenogastres, Polyplacophora) and meroplanktonic, planktotrophic larvae (Gastropoda) were observed in aquaria. Investigations of the larval shell morphology indicate a planktotrophic or lecithotrophic larval stage in 27 Bivalvia species. With exception of two species of meroplanktonic gastropod larvae no developmental stages of benthic molluscs were ever found in plankton hauls in the Weddell Sea. This indicates that most larvae may live demersally. Brooding occurred in 1 Monoplacophora and 17 Bivalvia species. Intracapsular metamorphosis with very long embryonic development was observed in 15 Gastropoda species.  相似文献   


The survey of molluscan fauna of Ashtamudi estuary of the southwest coast of India recorded the presence of 119 species classified under 3 classes (Polyplacophora, Gastropoda and Bivalvia), 57 families and 96 genera. The species diversity was dominated by the Gastropoda (69 species), followed by the Bivalvia (49 species) and the Polyplacophora (1 species). The report includes four species recorded for the first time from India: Desmaulus edgarianus (Melvill, 1898), Pilosabia trigona (Gmelin, 1791), Nassarius javanus (Schepman, 1891) and Jorunna labialis (Eliot, 1908). The true diversity of the mangrove region was as good as that of a community with 31.380 (=?31) equally common species; the respective values for the bar mouth and lake regions were 15.516 and 8.997, respectively, indicating that the molluscan species assemblage of the mangrove was the most diverse and of the lake, the least. True β-diversity across this gradient registered 1.792, which means that though there were three communities, they were equivalent to only 1.792 (=?2) effective communities, i.e., the three actual communities were as different from each other as 2 with equal weights and no species in common.


What can 18S rDNA do for bivalve phylogeny?   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Molecular characteristics, especially 18S rDNA sequences, may be of great value for the study of bivalve evolution and its numerous morphological convergencies once the reliability of these data can be evaluated. The analysis of 11 published complete molluscan sequences and two new ones,Arca noae andAtrina pectinata, reveals considerable differences in relative substitution rates. The gastropod and eulamellibranch species have the fastest and Atrina species have the slowest rates. Two methods are used to assess the information contents of the dataset in addition to bootstrap analysis, spectral analysis, and the “pattern of resolved nodes” technique. Tree reconstructions by parsimony, neighbor-joining, and maximum-likelihood differ in regard to the position of the eulamellibranch family Mactridae and ofCrassostrea. Although there is a signal for the monophyly of Bivalvia, Mactridae cluster with Gastropoda in most runs, rendering Bivalvia diphyletic. The position ofCrassostrea was extremely variable, probably due to the high substitution rate of this species.Atrina roots deeper thanArca in all trees, although a corresponding signal in spectral analysis is absent. Phylogenetic signals among the three pectinid species are low but sufficient to resolve the branching pattern. The tree inferred from the 18S rDNA and from morphological data has Bivalvia monophyletic with a basal polytomy of Mactridae,Crassostrea, and the remaining Pteriomorphia, whereArca branches off before Atrina and the Pectinidae.Argopecten is sister group to the other two pectinids; 18S sequence data will have great impact on our understanding of bivalve phylogeny, but only when more sequences of similar substitution rates are available. Correspondence to: G. Steiner  相似文献   

洞庭湖孕育和维持了较高和独特的软体动物多样性。尽管有关该湖软体动物的调查较多, 但多分散于各文献中。本文结合文献调研和现场调查(2013-2018年), 系统评估了南洞庭湖区软体动物物种多样性, 解析驱动群落格局演变的关键因子, 并提出合理的保护对策。共记录2纲5目14科33属87种(腹足纲41种, 双壳纲46种), 其中本调查记录54种, 隶属于2纲5目12科31属, 包括腹足纲22种, 双壳纲32种。评估结果显示处于近危和受威胁等级物种21种, 包括腹足纲4种和双壳纲17种。调查区域软体动物平均密度和生物量分别为173.1 ind./m 2和279.3 g/m 2。优势种为河蚬(Corbicula fluminea)、大沼螺(Parafossarulus eximius)、铜锈环棱螺(Bellamya aeruginosa)、卵河螺(Rivularia ovum)。基于距离的冗余分析(distance-based redundancy analysis, dbRDA)结果显示, 局域环境因子(底质类型、水深、pH、总溶解固体和总磷)制约软体动物的群落变异。另外, 区域内的人类活动(如商业采砂、建坝和沿岸土地利用、过度捕捞和非法电捕等)亦深刻影响软体动物的生存。这些人类干扰已导致软体动物物种多样性显著下降, 可能造成一些特有物种的局域性灭绝。为了恢复和保护软体动物物种多样性和资源, 应采取一系列对策, 包括管控合法的挖沙业和取缔非法挖沙业、禁止过度捕捞和非法电捕、维持水文的自然节律、恢复沿岸自然湖滨带和控制点源和面源污染物排入等。我们呼吁尽快在南洞庭湖区建立软体动物国家级自然保护区, 以保护该湖区(可能是整个洞庭湖)残存的软体动物物种多样性和特有性。  相似文献   

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