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金丝猴躯干骨及四肢骨的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellanae Milne-Edwards)仅产我国,是闻名世界的稀有珍贵动物之一。有关金丝猴形态学的研究,国外由于材料之难得而研究甚少,Hill(1966)的《灵长类的比较解剖学和分类学》专著中对金丝猴属亦仅在分类和分布上作了简述;即使国内,以往亦多偏重于外部形态及生态生物学的观察研究,而对其内部系统解剖方面亦报道不多。近年来,我们进行了金丝猴的一些系统解剖工作,本文仅将在研究其躯干骨和四肢骨的基础上,同时与黑叶猴(Presbytis francoisi Pousa-rgues)和猕猴(Macaca mulatta Zimmermann)进行对比,以期阐明其结构特点和与后二者的差异,为丰富其系统形态学的内容积累资料,亦为进一步探讨其分类地位提供依据。  相似文献   

金丝猴是我国特产的珍贵稀有动物。有关金丝猴的研究,一般多侧重于生态生物学方面,对器官系统的研究较少。金丝猴生殖系统的研究尚未见报道。本文对2只雌性成体金丝猴的生殖器官进行了解剖和组织学观察,现将结果报道如下:材料和方法对两例死于胃肠道疾病(1号标本)和肺部疾患(Ⅱ号标本)的雌性成体金丝猴以10%福马林液作桡动脉灌注,腹腔补注,整体浸泡于10%福马林液中,解剖观察内生殖器的形态、位置、毗邻关系及血管分布,进行描述。取出生殖器官进行测量、摄影。然后分别切取卵巢、输卵管、子宫、阴道等务器官组织小块,其大小约为1.0×0.4厘米,…  相似文献   

本书为我国三种金丝猴的比较解剖学专著,也是国内外对此三种动物的系统解剖的首次记载。在对我国特有的滇金丝猴、川金丝猴和黔金丝猴作系统解剖、功能形态和部分器官组织的显微形态研究的基础上,对三种金丝猴之间和金丝猴属与其它灵长类之间的形态学差异作了比较。本书重点侧重于比较形态学,从形态学角度探讨三种金丝猴的分类地位和系统演化关系。附有插图和图版  相似文献   

滇金丝猴(Rhinopithecus bieti)属于世界珍稀灵长类动物,对它的研究报道仅限于分类地位(彭鸿绶等,1962;彭燕章等,1985;陈服官等,1981)、形态解剖(陈宜峰,1981;彭燕章等,1983;张耀平等,1983)、地理分布及生活习性(李致祥等,1981;木文伟等,1982)等。其分布、数量以及进化地位、生态学等方面的资料甚少。1985年笔者在白马雪山自然保护区对滇金丝猴的数量、分布及种群结构进行了观察。  相似文献   

金丝猴的牙齿   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
牙齿对古生物、古人类研究是十分重要的。牙齿也是动物分类学所依据的重要特征之一,它所提供的亲缘证据和来自其他方面的材料多是相吻合的。在讨论和评价现生灵长类时,牙齿同样是不可缺少的材料之一。就目前所知,已发表的金丝猴(Rhinopithecus)牙齿的研究资料较少。Hooiier(1952)和Swindler(1976)对川金丝猴的牙齿只作了一个简单的记录和扼要的形态描述。至于滇金丝猴和黔金丝猴牙齿的研究纯属空白。为此,有必要对这三个类群牙齿的形态结构作一个简要的比较观察,试图找出它们之间和属间的异同点,为今后的综合性探讨提供基本材料。  相似文献   

金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellanae M.-E)这一我国的珍贵动物,自1870年法国人Milne-Edwards订名以来,直到解放前均只有分类上的描述。解放后,对其生活习性及地理分布(刘诗峰,1959;宋志明、罗志腾,1959;郑永烈,1959;赵肯堂,1959;郑荣梁,1960)以及种群结构(胡锦矗,1980)等方面均作过不少很有价值的观察报道。本文是在前人工作的基础上,对金丝猴几个行为生态在观察研究的同时,并对其形成这些行为的原因作一初步分析。  相似文献   

滇金丝猴幼仔的生长发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
滇金丝猴(Rhinopithecusbieti)早在1871年就已被人们发现,但由于生活在人烟稀少的高山峡谷之中,时隔近百年无人研究,对其生物学了解甚少。近年来在系统解剖、生态行为、数量分布方面进行了较系统的研究(李致祥,1981;白寿昌,1987,...  相似文献   

大熊猫是我国特产的珍贵稀有动物,为了保护和利用这类动物,在对其生态生物学方面的观察研究已有较为详细的报道(胡锦矗)等,而对其生长发育方面的研究则甚少,似乎也不够广泛,刊斯特(Lyster)对大熊猫的乳腺作过解剖生理学方面的研究报道。甲状腺解剖至今未见报道。 甲状腺是动物体内一种重要的内分泌腺,其组织结构决定着它的功能,甲状腺的功能活动则直接影响动物的生长发育。对甲状腺的形态结构进行研究,为进一步研究其生理功能提  相似文献   

高山植物对其环境的生理生态适应性研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高山林线植物(林木和草本)由于生长环境特殊而形成其独特的适应环境的生理生态特性.该文对近年来国内外有关高山植物、特别是林线林木在形态解剖结构、光合作用、养分利用和碳水化合物及抗氧化系统等方面对高山环境的生理生态适应性的研究进展进行综述,指出了林线树种生理生态适应性研究方面的不足,并提出了今后高山林线树种生理生态需要研究的方向,以期为研究气候变化下高山林线植物的应对策略和适应机制提供参考.  相似文献   

滇金丝猴的行为谱及PAE编码系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2012年6月到2013年3月,在云南白马雪山国家级自然保护区响古箐区域,依据以"姿势-动作-环境"(Posture-act-environment,PAE)为轴心、以行为生态功能为依据的PAE编码系统,对滇金丝猴的行为进行分类和系统编码并构建PAE行为谱。分辨并记录了滇金丝猴的14种姿势、82种动作及143种行为,描述了各种行为的相对发生频次与性别、年龄的关系。与川金丝猴相比,滇金丝猴的行为有些不同,这可能与两者生活环境的差异有关。  相似文献   

We conducted an interspecific comparison of skulls from two closely related but differently sized mustelid species, Mustela itatsi and M. sibirica (Mammalia, Carnivora, Mustelidae); a sexual comparison within the latter species showed remarkable size dimorphism. We clarified several differences in skull proportion related to size using allometric analyses and qualitative comparisons. Allometric analysis revealed that the skulls of male M. itatsi (the smaller species) have a relatively long palate; a slender viscerocranium and postorbital constriction; a broad, short, and low neurocranium; small carnassials; and a short mandible with a thin body and small ramus compared to the skulls of male M. sibirica (the larger species). Similar results were obtained when male M. itatsi were compared to female M. sibirica, although the male M. itatsi had a broader viscerocranium than female M. sibirica. A sexual comparison in M. sibirica revealed a larger skull size among the males with a relatively wide viscerocranium; wide postorbital constriction; a slender, long, and high neurocranium; short and wide auditory bullae; short carnassials; and a long and high mandible compared to females. Qualitative comparisons revealed changes in a few characters depending on skull size or with respect to some cranial components in each species. The interspecific differences observed were clearly larger than the intraspecific differences for three qualitative characters. The allometric and qualitative differences detected between these species suggest that each species is not simply the dwarf and/or giant morph of the other, and complicated differences were clarified.  相似文献   

Dental variation in the Chinese golden monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana) is here evaluated by univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analyses. Allometric analyses indicate that canines and P3s are positively, but other dimensions negatively scaled to mandible and maxilla, and to body size. With the exception of the mesiodistal dimensions of I1 and M3, and the buccolingual dimension of P4, mandibular dental variables show similar scaling relative to body size. Analysis of residuals shows that males have significantly larger canine, P3 and buccolingual dimensions of the postcanine teeth (M2 and M3) than females. A significant difference in shape between the sexes is found in the buccolingual dimension of the upper teeth, but not in the mandible. Unlike the situation in some other species, female golden monkeys do not exhibit relatively larger postcanine teeth than males. In fact, the reverse is true, expecially for M2s and M3s. The fact that most of the dental variables show low negative allometry to body size might be related a cold environment that has led to the development of larger body size with reduced energy loss. When the raw data are examined by Discriminant Function Analysis the sexes are clearly distinguishable.  相似文献   

Ontogenetic instability was studied in four rodent species (Ellobius talpinus, Microtus arvalis, M. rossiaemeridionalis, Mus musculus). It was measured by fluctuating asymmetry (FA) of 21 craniometric characters. Each species was represented by two populations differing in average level of chromosomic instability and in degree of anthropogenic influence. Relation between FA and individual age was observed in none of the studied species. The level of cranial structure FA in rodents is probably formed during embryogeny or early postnatal ontogeny and is not changing significantly during the further development. The studied species showed distinct differences in the degree of ontogenetic instability of the axial skull, but not of the mandible. No connection was found between craniometric character FA and technogenic stress. The differences of cranial FA level among the studied species of rodents agree with their systematic position and the sequence of their evolutionary divergence.  相似文献   

A human skull with mandible from the Ngada District on the island of Flores, Indonesia, is described in order to contribute to the knowledge of variation in cranial architecture, which is important in interpretations of evolutionary cerebralisation. The skull was excavated in 1924 and sent to the National Museum in Copenhagen. The “Copenhagen Flores” (CF) male skull is radiocarbon-dated and of modern age. The cranium is small, but larger than e.g. Liang Bua skull (LB1) in every measurement. The (CT-scan based) cranial capacity of 1258 ml is normal for modern humans, but somewhat lower than values from the middle or upper Palaeolithics. The metric cranial data analysed in FORDISC, characterize the skull as a male Vietnamese rather than a Chinese or White individual. Tooth morphology shows the sundadont pattern and tooth size corresponds to that of teeth from Bali, Java and Malayan Orang Asli. Remarkable are the marked asymmetries in the dentition with rotation of an upper premolar and congenital absence of a third molar. In these respects the CF skull is similar to dentitions belonging to the pygmoid villagers of Rampasasa, a village not far from the Liang Bua cave, and to LB1.  相似文献   

中国第一个完整的锯齿龙头骨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王军有  伊剑  刘俊 《古生物学报》2019,58(2):216-221
中国已经命名了7种锯齿龙,但是没有一个有完整的头骨。本文描述一个产自鄂尔多斯盆地孙家沟组的新材料,包括一个近于完整头骨及关连的下颌。根据下列特征将其归入埃尔金龙科(Elginiidae):头骨的膜质骨突起形成长而尖的角,面颊上装饰有显著的锥型角,上颞骨角从头骨一角向侧后方伸出,副基蝶骨细长且腹面中间有凹沟,案骨加大并在中间相互接触,使后顶骨不参与形成头骨边缘。该标本与矮小三川龙(Sanchuansaurus pygmaeus)有下列共同特征:鼻孔后的上颌骨前背支有小的突起,上颌齿齿冠扇形,9—11个齿尖;但是有以下特征区别于后者:眶下神经两个外开口距离更近且更接近上颌骨腹缘,齿冠不重叠,只有14个牙槽。与柳林黄河龙(Huanghesaurus)共有以下特征:下颌腹缘直、光滑,隅骨突位于后缘,下颌齿有中脊,17个齿尖;不过其下颌前部厚度比后部大。新标本表明三川龙和黄河龙关系接近,两者都应可能属于埃尔金龙科。根据新标本建立一个新种并暂时归入石千峰龙属,即完整石千峰龙(Shitienfenia completus);但是目前不能排除这个标本属于二叠石千峰龙的可能性。  相似文献   

The cranial osteology of the aquatic reptile Mesosaurus tenuidens is redescribed on the basis of new and previously examined materials from the Lower Permian of both southern Africa and South America. Mesosaurus is distinguished from other mesosaurs in exhibiting an absolutely larger skull and possessing relatively longer marginal teeth. The teeth gradually angle outwards as one progresses anteriorly in the tooth row and become conspicuously procumbent at the tip of the snout. The suggestion that mesosaurs used their conspicuous dental apparatus as a straining device for filter feeding is based upon erroneous reconstruction of a high number of teeth in this mesosaur. Reinterpretation of the morphology and the organization of the marginal teeth of Mesosaurus suggests that they were used to capture individually small, nektonic prey. General morphological aspects of the skull support the idea that Mesosaurus was an aquatic predator and that the skull was well adapted for feeding in an aqueous environment. The anatomical review permits critical reappraisal of several cranial characters that have appeared in recent phylogenetic analyses of early amniotes. Emendation of problematic characters and reanalysis of amniote phylogeny using a slightly modified data matrix from the literature strengthens the hypothesis that mesosaurs form a clade with millerettids, procolophonoids and pareiasaurs within Reptilia.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 146 , 345–368.  相似文献   

黑叶猴和菲氏叶猴颅骨的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

中国现代灵长类的分布、现状与保护   总被引:16,自引:4,他引:12  
本文对中国现生灵长类类群分布和现状作了较全面的总结;对现存的种群数量进行了初步估价;并就保护和存在的问题与展望提出了概括性评述。所得结果系据作者自1975年以来的实际考察和国内外有关文献记载。  相似文献   

The morphological relationships between the cranium and basihyal of red howler monkeys (Alouatta seniculus) were analyzed based on measurements of 36 cranial and 3 basihyal dimensions and observations of the female specimen in spirits. In this study, 115 crania from 111 red howler monkeys and 4 mantled howler monkeys (Alouatta palliata) were used. The analyses from the standpoints of the correlation coefficients, principal component analysis, discriminant function analysis, age changes and sex differences were performed and the following results were obtained: (1) The cranial measurements closely related to the basihyal measurements were mandibular length, occipital breadth, facial length, ramus height, cranial base length, bigonial breadth and pr-i length. (2) Age changes for the mandibular measurements in males of red howler monkeys were remarkable, and, in particular, the development of the gonion toward posterior and lateral directions were characteristic. (3) The largest sex differences were found in the mandibular measurements of red howler monkeys among the Anthropoidea of seven genera compared. (4) The existence of a “cline” in the cranial measurements of the red howler monkey was recognized. (5) The inter-species differences in the crania between the red howler monkey and mantled howler monkey are obvious, metrically and non-metrically. Based on the results mentioned above, the morphological relationships between the mandible and basihyal in the red howler monkey are discussed.  相似文献   

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