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Low temperature at the booting stage is a serious abiotic stress in rice, and cold tolerance is a complex trait controlled by many quantitative trait loci (QTL). A QTL for cold tolerance at the booting stage in cold-tolerant near-isogenic rice line ZL1929-4 was analyzed. A total of 647 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers distributed across 12 chromosomes were used to survey for polymorphisms between ZL1929-4 and the cold-sensitive japonica cultivar Towada, and nine were polymorphic. Single marker analysis revealed that markers on chromosome 7 were associated with cold tolerance. By interval mapping using an F2 population from ZL1929-4 × Towada, a QTL for cold tolerance was detected on the long arm of chromosome 7. The QTL explained 9 and 21% of the phenotypic variances in the F2 and F3 generations, respectively. Recombinant plants were screened for two flanking markers, RM182 and RM1132, in an F2 population with 2,810 plants. Two-step substitution mapping suggested that the QTL was located in a 92-kb interval between markers RI02905 and RM21862. This interval was present in BAC clone AP003804. We designated the QTL as qCTB7 (quantitative trait locus for cold tolerance at the booting stage on chromosome 7), and identified 12 putative candidate genes.  相似文献   

Protein content (PC) is an important component of rice nutritional quality. In order to better understand the genetic basis of this trait and increase related breeding efficiency, 21 single chromosome segment substitution (SCSS) lines grown in four sites over two growing seasons (regarded as eight environments) were used to associate PC with particular chromosome segments. Segments from 15 chromosomes were found to contain quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for PC in at least one environment. These included segments from chromosome 3 and 8, in which QTLs for PC had not previously been identified. The segment of chromosome 8 in CSSL-48 had the largest positive effect across all environments. The interaction between substitution and environment was highly significant. Some substitutions had large effects in one environment, but no effect in another (i.e. CSSL-08 and CSSL-17), while some substitutions significantly increased PC in one environment but decreased it in another (i.e. CSSL-41 and CSSL-43). By biplot and clustering analysis, the eight environments were grouped into two contrasting environment types, that is, Hainan and Jiangsu. The segment of chromosome 8 in CSSL-48 had PC-enhancing QTLs in both of the environment types. The segments in CSSL-34 had QTLs which increase PC in the Jiangsu environment but have no effect in the Hainan environment. For enhancing PC, CSSL-48 could be explored in breeding for wide adaptation across all environments, while CSSL-12, CSSL-14, CSSL-17, CSSL-41 and CSSL-43, and that in CSSL-34 could be explored in breeding for specific adaptation to the Hainan and Jiangsu environments, respectively. Near isogenic lines are under development to validate the QTLs with large effects in a range of genetic backgrounds relevant to Jiangsu and Hainan breeding programs. Secondary mapping populations are also being developed for further localising the responsible QTLs in CSSL-14, CSSL-34 and CSSL-48.  相似文献   

A multivariate QTL detection was carried out on fatness and carcass composition traits on porcine chromosome 7 (SSC7). Single-trait QTLs have already been detected in the SLA region, and multivariate approaches have been used to exploit the correlations between the traits to obtain more information on their pattern: almost 500 measurements were recorded for backfat thickness (BFT1, BFT2), backfat weight (BFW) and leaf fat weight (LFW) but only about half that number for intramuscular fat content (IMF), affecting the detection. First, groups of traits were selected using a backward selection procedure: traits were selected based on their contribution to the linear combination of traits discriminating the putative QTL haplotypes. Three groups of traits could be distinguished based on successive discriminant analyses: external fat (BFT1, BFT2), internal fat (LFW, IMF) and BFW. At least four regions were distinguished, preferentially affecting one or the other group, with the SLA region always influencing all the traits. Meishan alleles decreased all trait values except IMF, confirming an opportunity for marker-assisted selection to improve meat quality with maintenance of carcass composition based on Meishan alleles.  相似文献   

Obesity is a rapidly growing threat to public health, driven by the increased occurrence of high caloric diets and sedentary lifestyles. Within this environment, genetic influences may largely determine inter-individual differences in obesity-related traits. To map genes involved in weight regulation, we performed a genome-wide linkage scan for body mass index (BMI), a reliable measure of total body fat, in 192 Dutch families including 315 twins and 210 siblings with data on BMI. Using variance components linkage analysis, regions with LOD-scores greater than 2 were observed on 6p25.1 (LOD-score, 2.13) and 7p21.1 (LOD-score, 2.40). LOD-scores higher than 1 were found on chromosomes 3, 13, 15 and 21. Of note, evidence for the putative quantitative trait locus for BMI on 7p was obtained previously from such diverse populations as Mexican-Americans, Asians and Nigerians, suggesting that the underlying genes may effect weight regulation in diverse environments. An obvious positional candidate in the 7p linkage region is the gene encoding neuropeptide Y (NPY) that controls satiety and food intake.  相似文献   

Prepulse inhibition (PPI) of acoustic startle is a genetically complex quantitative phenotype of considerable medical interest due to its impairment in psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia. To identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) involved in mouse PPI, we studied mouse chromosome substitution strains (CSS) that each carry a homologous chromosome pair from the A/J inbred strain on a host C57BL/6J inbred strain background. We determined that the chromosome 16 substitution strain has elevated PPI compared to C57BL/6J (P = 1.6 x 10(-11)), indicating that chromosome 16 carries one or more PPI genes. QTL mapping using 87 F(2) intercross progeny identified two significant chromosome 16 loci with LODs of 3.9 and 4.7 (significance threshold LOD is 2.3). The QTL were each highly significant independently and do not appear to interact. Sequence variation between B6 and A/J was used to identify strong candidate genes in the QTL regions, some of which have known neuronal functions. In conclusion, we used mouse CSS to rapidly and efficiently identify two significant QTL for PPI on mouse chromosome 16. The regions contain a limited number of strong biological candidate genes that are potential risk genes for psychiatric disorders in which patients have PPI impairments.  相似文献   

QTL detected for grain-filling rate in maize using a RIL population   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The grain-filling rate plays an important role in determining grain yield. To elucidate the genetic basis of the grain-filling rate, a set of 203 recombinant inbred lines was evaluated at two locations over 2 years. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) for grain-filling rate were detected using conditional and unconditional QTL analysis of genetic linkage maps comprising 217 SSR markers. The results showed that the grain-filling rate increased between 15 and 35 days after pollination, then decreased at the last two sampling times. Hybrids with high grain-filling rates determined the grain yield in those areas with a short growth season for maize. A total of 23 unconditional QTL for grain-filling rate were detected using the 100-kernel weight as the input data at different sampling stages. They were distributed on 10 chromosomes (except chromosome 9), and some QTL were detected at different sampling stages. In addition, nine conditional QTL were identified using the average increase in 100-kernel weight of per day between two sampling times, and six conditional QTL were detected simultaneously using the unconditional QTL mapping strategy. The QTL mapping results demonstrated that the grain-filling rate is controlled by a complex genetic mechanism, and the QTL detected at different sampling stages might be important contributors to grain yield in maize.  相似文献   

利用以栽培稻9311为受体、普通野生稻为供体的染色体单片段置换系CSSL182,检测到一个与粒宽相关的QTL。CSSL182与受体亲本9311粒型性状差异显著,且只在8号染色体有一个野生稻导入片段。构建CSSL182/9311的F2次级分离群体,将粒宽QTL初定位在8号染色体的标记RM447和RM264之间,贡献率达22.49,将该QTL命名为qGW8。随后进一步设计区间内多态性分子标记引物,检测F2群体的2000株分离个体以及F2:3群体交换单株,结合后代表型验证,最终将qGW8精细定位到8号染色体10kb区间内。该区间内含有3个候选基因,基因测序发现这3个基因在双亲之间均含有丰富的变异。对双亲籽粒颖壳细胞电镜扫描观察发现,CSSL182的颖壳细胞宽度比9311减少16.7%。这一结果表明qGW8中来自野生稻的等位基因通过改变颖壳细胞形状影响粒型。  相似文献   

Cicila GT  Garrett MR  Lee SJ  Liu J  Dene H  Rapp JP 《Genomics》2001,72(1):51-60
It was previously shown using Dahl salt-sensitive (S) and salt-resistant (R) rats that a blood pressure quantitative trait locus (QTL) was present on rat chromosome 7. In the present work, this QTL was localized to a region less than 0.54 cM in size on the linkage map using a series of congenic strains. This region was contained in a single yeast artificial chromosome that was 220 kb long. This small segment still contained the primary candidate locus Cyp11b1 (11beta-hydroxylase), but the adjacent candidate genes Cyp11b2 (aldosterone synthase) and Cyp11b3 were ruled out. It is concluded that 11beta-hydroxylase, through its known genetic variants altering the production of 18-hydroxy-11-deoxy corticosterone, is very likely to account for the blood pressure QTL on chromosome 7 in the Dahl rat model of hypertension. This QTL accounts for about 23 mm Hg under the condition of 2% NaCl diet for 24 days.  相似文献   

A residual heterozygous line(RHL)carrying a heterozygous segment between two SSR loci RM11 and RM134 on the rice chromosome 7 was selected from a set of recombinant inbred lines from the cross D50(javanica)/HB277(indica).The former parent produces much longer grains than the latter.Selfed progenies of this selection were analyzed genotypically(SSRs)and phenotypically(grain length).Grain length was discontinuously variable in the mapping populations,allowing for the placement of this QTL qGL7-2 within a~4.8 cM interval defined by RM351 and RM234.A set of new markers within this region were developed,which narrowed the QTL to a 278 kb region defined by the markers Indel1 and RM21945.This region contains 49 predicted genes.The results also suggest that the novel allele for grain length will be used for the application of marker assisted selection for the improvement of grain length.  相似文献   

Body mass (BM) is a classic polygenic trait that has been extensively investigated to determine the underlying genetic architecture. Many previous studies looking at the genetic basis of variation in BM in murine animal models by quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping have used crosses between two inbred lines. As a consequence it has not been possible to explore imprinting effects which have been shown to play an important role in the genetic basis of early growth with persistent effects throughout the growth curve. Here we use partially inbred mouse lines to identify QTL for mature BM by applying both Mendelian and Imprinting models. The analysis of an F2 population (n ≈ 500) identified a number of QTL at 14, 16, and 18 weeks explaining in total 31.5%, 34.4%, and 30.5% of total phenotypic variation, respectively. On Chromosome 8 a QTL of large effect (14% of the total phenotypic variance at 14 weeks) was found to be explained by paternal imprinting. Although Chromosome 8 has not been previously associated with imprinting effects, features of candidate genes within the QTL confidence interval (CpG islands and direct clustered repeats) support the hypothesis that Insulin receptor substrate 2 may be associated with imprinting, but as yet is unidentified as being so.  相似文献   

Chromosome segment substitution (CSS) lines have the potential for use in QTL fine mapping and map-based cloning. The standard t-test used in the idealized case that each CSS line has a single segment from the donor parent is not suitable for non-idealized CSS lines carrying several substituted segments from the donor parent. In this study, we present a likelihood ratio test based on stepwise regression (RSTEP-LRT) that can be used for QTL mapping in a population consisting of non-idealized CSS lines. Stepwise regression is used to select the most important segments for the trait of interest, and the likelihood ratio test is used to calculate the LOD score of each chromosome segment. This method is statistically equivalent to the standard t-test with idealized CSS lines. To further improve the power of QTL mapping, a method is proposed to decrease multicollinearity among markers (or chromosome segments). QTL mapping with an example CSS population in rice consisting of 65 non-idealized CSS lines and 82 chromosome segments indicated that a total of 18 segments on eight of the 12 rice chromosomes harboured QTLs affecting grain length under the LOD threshold of 2.5. Three major stable QTLs were detected in all eight environments. Some minor QTLs were not detected in all environments, but they could increase or decrease the grain length constantly. These minor genes are also useful in marker-assisted gene pyramiding.  相似文献   

Genome imprinting phenomena on mouse chromosome 7   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Heterozygotes for the reciprocal translocation T(7;15)9H were intercrossed, with albino (c) and underwhite (uw) as genetic markers, in order to study genetic complementation in mouse chromosome 7. Chromosome 15 is known to show normal complementation. Neither reciprocal cross in which one parent was c/c and the other wild type yielded albino progeny at birth although about 17% would be expected, but albino foetuses were recovered when the mother was c/c and father wild type. These products of maternal duplication/paternal deficiency for distal 7 were markedly retarded with small placentae. No albino foetuses were found when the father was c/c and mother wild type, which suggested earlier lethality. Equivalent crosses with uw (chromosome 15) as proximal marker gave normal underwhite progeny when the mother was uw/uw but small placentae, retardation and neonatal death of presumptive underwhites in the reciprocal cross. These abnormal newborn would have had a maternal duplication/paternal deficiency for proximal 7. These and other findings indicate that one region of defective complementation probably lies distal to the breakpoint of T(7;18)50H at 7E2-F2, while another is between the centromere and 7B3. Examination of man-mouse homologies suggests that the loci for three pathological human conditions (Beckwith-Weidemann syndrome, dystrophia myotonia and rhabdomyosarcoma) with differential parental transmission may be located in homologous regions to those affected by imprinting phenomena on mouse chromosome 7.  相似文献   

The whole genome scan for quantitative trait loci (QTLs) specifying peak bone mass was performed with the F2 intercrosses of SAMP6, an established murine model of senile osteoporosis, exhibiting a significantly lower peak bone mass, and SAMP2, exhibiting a higher peak bone mass. Cortical thickness index (CTI), a parameter of bone mass of femurs, was measured in 488 F2 progeny at 4 months of age, when the animals attained peak bone mass by microphotodensitometry. Genetic markers were typed at 90 loci spanning all chromosomes except the Y. By interval mapping of 246 male F2 mice, two loci were identified with significant linkage to peak bone mass, one on Chromosome (Chr) 11 and another on Chr 13, with a maximum lod score of 10.8 (22.2% of the total variance) and 5.8 (10.0%), respectively. Another locus on the X Chr was suggestive of a QTL associated oppositely with a low peak bone mass to the SAMP2 allele. This association was consistent with the distribution of peak bone mass in the F1 and F2. These findings should be useful to elucidate the genetics of osteoporosis. Received: 27 July 1998 / Accepted: 7 October 1998  相似文献   

One QTL affecting backfat thickness (BF), intramuscular fat content (IMF) and eye muscle area (MA) was previously localized on porcine chromosome 6 in an F2 cross between Iberian and Landrace pigs. This work was done to study the effect of two positional candidate genes on these traits: H-FABP and LEPR genes. The QTL mapping analysis was repeated with a regression method using genotypes for seven microsatellites and two PCR-RFLPs in the H-FABP and LEPR genes. H-FABP and LEPR genes were located at 85.4 and 107 cM respectively, by linkage analysis. The effects of the candidate gene polymorphisms were analyzed in two ways. When an animal model was fitted, both genes showed significant effects on fatness traits, the H-FABP polymorphism showed significant effects on IMF and MA, and the LEPR polymorphism on BF and IMF. But when the candidate gene effect was included in a QTL regression analysis these associations were not observed, suggesting that they must not be the causal mutations responsible for the effects found. Differences in the results of both analyses showed the inadequacy of the animal model approach for the evaluation of positional candidate genes in populations with linkage disequilibrium, when the probabilities of the parental origin of the QTL alleles are not included in the model.  相似文献   

To comprehensively investigate the genetic architecture of growth and obesity, we performed Bayesian analyses of multiple epistatic quantitative trait locus (QTL) models for body weights at five ages (12 days, 3, 6, 9 and 12 weeks) and body composition traits (weights of two fat pads and five organs) in mice produced from a cross of the F1 between M16i (selected for rapid growth rate) and CAST/Ei (wild-derived strain of small and lean mice) back to M16i. Bayesian model selection revealed a temporally regulated network of multiple QTL for body weight, involving both strong main effects and epistatic effects. No QTL had strong support for both early and late growth, although overlapping combinations of main and epistatic effects were observed at adjacent ages. Most main effects and epistatic interactions had an opposite effect on early and late growth. The contribution of epistasis was more pronounced for body weights at older ages. Body composition traits were also influenced by an interacting network of multiple QTLs. Several main and epistatic effects were shared by the body composition and body weight traits, suggesting that pleiotropy plays an important role in growth and obesity.  相似文献   

For detecting QTL in the whole swine genome, 1068 pigs from three F2 populations constructed by crossing European Wild boar and Pietrain (W×P), Meishan and Pietrain (M×P), and Wild Boar and Meishan (W × M) were genotyped for genetic markers evenly spaced at approximately 20 cM intervals. AQTL analysis was performed using a least-squares method. Here the results of the QTL analysis on the porcine chromosome 7 are presented. QTL for carcass composition (e.g. head weight, carcass length, backfat depth, abdominal fat and bacon meat) were mapped in the chromosomal region CYPA/CYPD-TNFB-S0102 in M×P and W×M, but not in W×P. The QTL explained 5.3%–27.2% of the F2 phenotypic variance in the two F2 populations. Most traits affected by the mapped QTL were related to carcass fatness. The mode of gene action of QTL was additive. Surprisingly, in contrast to the parental phenotype, the QTL alleles from fatty Meishan were associated with thinner backfat than Pietrain and Wild Boar alleles, suggesting that the genome of the fatty Meishan pig contains genes which can reduce fat content of carcass substantially.  相似文献   

Two independent mouse-human somatic cell hybrid clones contained different, de novo chromosome rearrangements involving the short arm of human chromosome 1. One hybrid clone contained a translocation between human chromosomes 1 and 7; the other clone contained a rearrangement product between human chromosomes 1 and 14. Analysis of these clones for expression of genes previously assigned to chromosome 7 and to the short arm of chromosome 1 provided evidence for localization of PGM--1 in segment 1p22.1 leads to 1p31.1, AK--2, ENO--1 and UMPK in region 1pter leads to 1p31.1, and GUS in region 7 pter leads to 7q22. The results have been used to examine the relationship between cytologic and genetic map distances on the short arm of chromosome 1.  相似文献   

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